• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,715 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

  • ...

77 - And the Verdict is...

The Head Librarian's head sunk as the last dregs of the spell escaped her. Paul looked ready to approach her, but Fast held up a hoof. In a harsh whisper, she warned him, "Leave her be. She's done when she says she is."

Paul crossed his arms and grunted softly with mounting impatience. Watching a wizard weave a spell for what felt like forever was not his idea of a good time.

Tree softly bobbed her head in tune to some song that only existed in her head, eyes focused far beyond the wizard and her labors. She seemed to be content waiting.

Fast, on the other hoof, had her eyes directly on the crown and the pony that held it, almost trembling with anticipation.

The priest/librarian looked up at them. "The crown knows what brows it must rest upon. The Champions must unify and between their hooves and talons, peace may yet be found. The time for an empress has passed." She set the crown down softly. "Do you know who the 'Champions' are?"

"I..." Before Fast could get further, Under Score stepped in, cutting her off.

"Fast, you know."

"I do?" Fast raised a brow.

Under smiled his wrinkled lips. "It irks me as much as you, but now is not the time to be coy. We've never shied from an adventure before, side-by-side."

Fast rose to her wobbling legs. "Are you serious?"

Under reached out a hoof towards her. "Surely taming this country can't be worse than some of the scraps we've been in."

Fast barked out a laugh at that, reaching out and touching hooves. "This isn't an adventure, you old fool. This is madness."

Under shrugged softly. "Madness is our trade. Perhaps we can learn something from it."

Tree tilted her head at the both of them. "Are you two the Champions then? Radical..."

Under shook his head. "There are others."

"What?" Fast recoiled. "Wait..." She clopped a hoof on the ground. "Don't tell me I'm the only one to not notice she was ensnared by The Author's hands!"

Paul lifted his shoulders. "Well, alright, so what's next? Round up all these ponies?"

"Not all are ponies." Under shook his head. "The Author created all the species of Everglow. It should hardly be a surprise that she would recruit from a wide variety of us." He returned his look to Fast Shadow. "Take heart. I'm fairly certain most are as clueless as once you were, and perhaps that is kinder, but our hoof has been forced."

She advanced on him. "Why do you already know?"

He lifted his shoulders. "This has been a trying time. Things are not as they should be. I saw you walk off, death in your eyes, only to return with hope rekindled and youth intact. Whatever prevented me from seeing before is not there, and may not return until we have done our task."

Tabitha stepped up beside Under. "So, what are we waiting for?" She stepped past him and snatched the crown, only to place it on Under Score's head without waiting. "Let's gather up these friends of yours."

Under shuddered softly, eyes going unfocused a moment before he grunted. "So eager to strip even the hope of shirking this weighty task?" He turned towards her. "You are going to be a most troublesome student."

Tabitha blinked, then clapped her hands together. "You'll teach me?!"

Under smiled a little. "Of course I will, as best I can. I'm no sorcerer, but I know where to look, and I understand magic well enough to pass some wisdom. Will you have this old stallion as a mentor?"

She dropped to her knees and hugged him tightly around the neck. "Of course I will! Thank you." She kissed either of his cheeks, then rose up to her own hooves. "When do we get going?"

Paul waved at Tabitha. "For once, we're in complete agreement. Enough waiting around. Let's gather up all these 'Champions' and be done with it already."

The librarian slid from her chair and began slowly hobbling her way on aged legs towards Under Score. "There is one thing left undone, before you begin your next step. Two who have more than played their parts, who have seen you reach this far. They have their own story to return to."

Tree perked curiously even as Maud just walked in.

"And there they are. The crown, if you would?" She held out a shaking hoof, for Under to tip his head forward, allowing the crown to fall onto it. She approached Tree with the crown. "The answers you need will come to you, but you must focus on them exclusively."

Tree took a mild step away. "I'm not totally sure..."

Maud cut her off. "I thought you wanted another chance to wear the crown?"

"I do, but focusing on, you know, one thing. That's beyond comprehension with it on." She glanced around the room nervously. "Will I still look like this too?"

The librarian looked Tree over. "What's wrong with you?"

Fast gestured over Tree, then Maud. "Ponies of her world look more like this, in terms of proportion."

The librarian looked between them fastidiously. "You should recover, returned to your natural environment. It may require some time, but if ponies are not meant to be the way you are, you will adjust." She lifted the crown. "Will you accept?"

Maud nudged Tree gently. "I want to see my family."

Tree let out a soft sigh before she nodded, reaching for the crown and placing it on her own head. The rush of insight came to her, terrible and overwhelming. She knew all too much. It was a rush, and almost giddy as it filled her, but trying to find one specific piece of information through it all was hard. She tried to focus her usually soft and relaxed mind, prying through the roar of information to find what she wanted.

Fluttershy appeared in her mind's eye, worried and sad. She was wondering where her animal-loving friend had vanished to. She wanted to help. She couldn't. Tree reached for her, and the noise fell away from all sides. There was nothing but Fluttershy, the sad yellow pegasus.

The crown fell from her head as if a gust carried it away, but her eyes were only for Fluttershy, and she barely registered that it happened. She reached and reached, only for Maud to suddenly shove under her and lift her up. Maud was running beneath her as the noise began to close in on them rapidly.

Their manes and tails whipped about furiously as Maud ran with all the speed her training had allowed her, trying to beat the collapse of whatever place they were in.

It did collapse, crashing down upon them and plunging them into darkness.

Tree fluttered her eyes open. A voice was calling her, and a hoof was on her cheek. Fluttershy was smiling down at her, tears running freely down her snout. "Tree Hugger! Please be alright! Oh, I'm so glad to see you!"

Tree slowly rolled up to her belly from being sprawled on her side. "Flutters?"

"Tree!" She hugged Tree fiercely around the neck. "Where have you been?!"

Maud walked quietly for the door. "Thanks for the help with the tree. Stop by the farm to get paid." She nudged the door open, only for her tail to be caught in teeth. She looked over her shoulder to see Tree had caught her tail before she could go. "Yes?"

Tree shook her head quickly. "You're not just going to go, just like that? Like nothing happened, sister?"

Maud pointed at Tree a silent moment, then her hoof fell. "Want to come with me? I can introduce you to the family."

Tree smiled with relief. "I would like that very much." She turned to Fluttershy, then back at Maud. "Can I introduce you to a friend first?"

Maud tilted her head. "Hello Fluttershy."

"Oh, um, hello Maud." Fluttershy waved softly.

Tree blinked. "Oh right, you two met before. I totally forgot." She clopped herself in the head, then paused, looking at her hoof. "Oh, all normal... It's like we were never there..."

"Possibly." Talons landed on her head as Bright Feathers claimed his rightful spot. "Possibly not."

"Bright!" Tree smiled with relief. "You clever bird. Oh! You're going to love Fluttershy. She knows how to treat birds right, clever or not."

They had made it. Their trip to Everglow left changes in them, but they were growths. They had left their marks on Everglow, and helped it reach the path that could find healing, in time. The Champions of Everglow would have to martial themselves for an adventure that couldn't be simply defeated by a sword or a spell.

Would they succeed? That would be another story. One thing could be certain, they wouldn't do it, success or not, alone.

Author be praised.

Author's Note:

So, endings. I probably botched that, or not? Probably. I'm not so good at endings. Feel free to tell me your opinions, good or bad, below.

Comments ( 50 )

I hate to see it end, but Maud and Tree Hugger had to go home sooner or later, because rocks. :pinkiesad2:

It make require - It may require

rush if insight - rush of insight

registered it happened - registered that it happened -or- registered it happening

Their mane - Their manes

going go - going to go


The ending came on a bit abruptly, but in retrospect this was as good a spot to wind down the story of Maud and Tree as one could hope for.

It was a fun adventure, and there are so many new avenues that could be explored. But that is another story, and shall be told another time. Author willing. :twilightsmile:

I don't think the typos wanted the story to end either.

6890658 We ended as we began, buried in typos! Fixed. I do hope you enjoyed this story, ending included.

Oh, I definitely enjoyed the tale!

Even the typo hunting.

The typos do seem to lay in wait until things start getting exciting, then they attack in force. :derpytongue2:

It's a shame that this story didn't get anymore likes than it has. I for one greatly enjoy your tales of Everglow, and look forward to the next adventure. Perhaps Octavia and Vinyl Scratch next time? Whoever or whatever, can't wait.

The challenge ends, the book is closed, the floor is swept.

The story continues.

2pi|~2pi, such is the zen of tao.



Yeah, your endings need work.

The big problem here is that there is a resolution with no climax. Like... the last big event was... that there were some random encounters alongside the army.

Also it sorta came out of nowhere.

And there are also dangling plot threads, but that's not a really big deal because the main plot of why Tree Hugger and Maud are there was resolved, and everything else is basically "someone else's story Maud and Tree Hugger were parts of."

... I know you wing these things, but... if you want to step up your endings... you need to make a plan.

Maybe not a complicated plan, maybe just a ballpark plan that includes a big climax but... something.

6890932 I could argue them, but that'd make me a liar. Practice practice practice, they say.

Well you did it again. You ended another story in the middle. It's not a bad conclusion, but it's so terribly abrupt. Nobody even got to say goodbye.

The worst part is that what's coming up next in Everglow is certain to be an exciting and glorious quest. But now that the Equestrians have gone home, that story can't be posted here. :fluttercry:

I don't want to be a downer, so I will repeat that this is a great story, and I enjoyed every chapter. Your characters are engaging, your action is exciting and your world is lush and detailed. Just...endings, man. RadicalDishonesty is right, you need to plan a little, no matter how intuitive you are.

Under shook his head. "There are others."

So he DID know! That old son-of-a-gun.

It was a rush, and almost giddy as it filled her

It filled her with a giddy rush

The Champions of Everglow would have to martial themselves for an adventure that couldn't be simply defeated by a sword or a spell.

Who are these mysterious "Champions"? Read more about them here.

I fear for the fate of the ponies if one of the badguys gets officially added to Everglow Champions...

6891597 You'll be happy to know she didn't win either step of the polls. Nope, same pony, both times. I tried to be fair, but nope... people like zebras.

6891659 Oh, I wasn't referring to her specifically. There were several villains on the list.

Zebras are good, you didn't have a zebra yet.

Its sad to see it end, but we couldn't keep them away from there home for ever. Do hope to see more storys where this one left off. As it sounds like it could be one epic tale.

Didnt see who was the new added champion was or it not been said yet.

And the Verdict is...into my favorites it goes!

yaa :yay: i have finally cought up
oh , wait that means i have to stop reading :fluttershysad:
i enjoyed reading them and hope for more , not counting the one you didn't finish
(sorry but if the author quits on a story then its not worth starting) which is sad because it looked like it would have been good
as a long time gamer Thank you for creating ponyfinder

7017696 Glad you're enjoying Ponyfinder. Do you play it?

7017707 yup :yay: im in a pathfinder group with more then a few bronies in the group so we included your works in the world
even if i havent read it your diamond/silver story inspired me to come up with a character that looks like a blank flank filly

7018178 Heh, do you play in the Ponyfinder world, or MLP?

7018187 is more of a pathfinder/mlp hybrid , we use the fate system for our mlp game

oh , was wondering , are you matching your righting style to the game system or do you have a group playing out the story?
is lil hard to tell :derpytongue2:

7018285 a response suitable for a GM or an author , why am i not surprised :trollestia:

I just finished Everglow so I poked around to see if there's any more like it, and I find one with best pony? And it's 150,000 words long? Heck yeah! :raritystarry:

7415581 I loved this story!

The thing about endings is that people want closure. It's great that all is well and that they made it home, but we'd like to see more. We didn't get a goodbye scene from the Everglow party. We got a little bit of an "Oh hi, you're okay." from Flutters, but I know that I would have liked to see the Pie reunion too. For all the times Maud spent missing Pinkie, it would have been nice to actually witness the homecoming.

Don't take it too harshly, I've read and enjoyed all of your Ponyfinder fics. But as others have said, the endings are very abrupt. They have a big adventure and make friends, but then all of the sudden they find a way back so it's time to go and it's over.

Anyway, I think that's it.
Good times. Keep writing!

Is Roots of Stone connected to your other Everglow stories, such as A Dangerous Twilight and The Apple Falls Far From The Tree?


either showing she can do some cantrip or playing with the idea of bloodline powers : what sort of bloodline powers the pony bloodline does have ? The capacity to get a cutie mark ? Or in her case, earth pony strength ? Affinity with earth/nature, like stability ?

You could have shown she had an strangely good green thumb or a "special talent" even if you don't want to show her cutie mark ^^

Cool story anyway. I'm ready to read your whole series. I didn't know about ponyfinder, and i love pathfinder. It would be very cool if you knew of a forum where i can finds rules and online play by post.

P.S : I just finish the story. I'm okay with the idea of the fact that Maud and Tree story is finished, they have accomplished their story, especially maud who wanted to go home ASAP. But it feels a little rushed. Worse, there is no sense of closure, i want to know what happen to Fast and co after that. Do you intent to continue the story of the champions of everglow in a sequel ? Maybe with the help of another equestrian ? Maybe via cameo in another of your story ?

Maybe. That is a valid request for patrons to make, should they so wish.

Patrons ? What do you mean ?

7919634 Here you will find that answer!

So question is there a continuation of swift Shadow's story/quest somewhere?

Kool, oh hay question is there an official Deer race in ponyfinder, if so what book?

Ruminant in forgotten past.

Yay thanks I'll pick up a copy soon, need then for a campaign.

Comment posted by David Silver deleted May 26th, 2018

I suppose not. Maybe a Spirit Shaman, but i don't think you're likely to find any of those in Everglow either.


Okay, that ending was abrupt. They kinda just "there's no place like home"'d it.

Did it not fit the plot?

I suppose that I was just left wanting more. That's all, i guess.

There are more everglow shenanigans.

I'll read those too, but for their quest to just... drop like that...

What!? Tree Hugger didn't profess her undying love for Fluttershy!? :trollestia: I suppose the teasing that she got was just that, teasing not foreshadowing. I'm kinda disappointed that Tabitha dropped her princessly commands when using her magic, but I understand that other people were complaining about it. I loved the interactions between the characters and how Maud started to open herself to Tree. With the Tree x Fluttershy ship not going anywhere the Tree x Maud still has hope. :rainbowlaugh:

One thing that this story brought up was that Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds is definitely still in continuity with some ambiguity about what happened. So far all we know is that Fast abandoned the quest before it finished, with implications that she left during a fight so her enemies would be distracted so she could escape. The other members of the party; Pinkie, Gneech, and Blue weren't mentioned at all. Geez, how terrible would it have been if Fast remembered that she also abandoned Pinkie also and told everyone. I don't think any force in either Everglow or Equestria would be able to stay Maud's wrath. :twilightoops: Then again in Chapter 17 Fluttershy said that Pinkie was worried about Maud so it sounds like she was able to get out just fine. Who knows, maybe they succeeded on their mission, but the results of it were buried in history.

Well now I suppose it's off to read The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset. Sunset Shimmer is my favorite character so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you with her and Sci-Twi. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Nov 14th, 2020

If you don't reply in the same chapter of a comment, the person you reply to does not get a notification.

Comment posted by albedoequals1 deleted May 30th, 2021

If you don't reply in the same chapter, they will get no notification.

To be fair, wizard and warlock are synonymous with each other. It's in the definition of the word.



a man who practices witchcraft; a wizard or sorcerer.

synonyms: sorcerer, wizard, male witch, (black) magician, diviner, occultist, enchanter, necromancer, spellcaster, thaumaturge, pishogue, magus, mage

Fast barked out a laugh at that, reaching out and touching hooves. "This isn't an adventure, you old fool. This is madness."

Madness? No, no. But neither is it Sparta.

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