• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,714 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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14 - A City Surrounded

Tree Hugger rode along with the others. She leaned in close with her riding horse with obvious discomfort, but the effects of the smoke seemed to have left her, and the humans, with the news becoming clear to them.

Flint drew close to Fast Shadow's side. "Do you have a plan for this?"

Fast raised an ear at Flint. "From the sound of it, you might. Let's hear it."

Flint waved a hand forward. "Depends partially on how bad it is. If they're settling for a full siege, and not trying to swarm the city, it's just a matter of getting past them. Prices'll be damn high though, I reckon."

Fast sucked air through her teeth in a loud click. "That's why we're moving quickly. We need to see. If I were a more religious mare, I'd say someone up there doesn't want me having an easy time of things."

Maud nudged closer to them. "We have to get in, so we will." No plan was proposed or method was suggested, simply confidence that it would be done was given.

Tree smiled a little. "That's right, sister of stone. We'll handle this, one way or the other." She suddenly sat up in her saddle. "The trees are singing."

Fast looked irritated a moment before hope dawned. "What are they singing, Druid Hugger?"

Tree tilted her head. "They say they accept me, like one of the creatures of the land, and will hide me as one of them, if I just ask nicely. Far out..."

Paul seemed to try to parse that, jumbling around in his mind. "What does that mean, Tree?"

Tree made a drowsy sway of a hoof. "It means I can be a radical little bird, flying free in the air."

Fast flashed a bright smile. "Great. You may become very important. If we need to get into the city, becoming something small and boring will be the easiest way to get someone in there to get a message to the defenders. How about something that tunnels?"

Tree blinked slowly. "Like a mole?"

Fast nodded with an urgent gesture. "Precisely like that."

Tree seemed to consider that. "I never swam with stones before. That sounds pretty wicked."

Maud looked over the horizon. "I've swum with rocks before."

Tree giggled softly. "I have no doubts you have, and you were probably faster than I'll be."

The city came into view as they topped a hill. It was built differently than the Equestrians were used to seeing. Sort of like one of their own major metropolitans, but where they had constructs of steel, brick, and glass in theirs, every major building in the town was clearly hewn of huge slabs of stone. Surrounding the city was no wall, as one might expect from a city in such a full siege action, but instead a hovering field of floating rock segments that could perhaps be assembled into a wall, if they weren't slowly rotating around the city. Even in the distance, they could see something on those walls, glowing brightly despite the daylight.

The attacking force was also clearly visible, surrounding the city from all sides in a carpet of aggression. A low chorus of grinding gears reached them as a salvo of trebuchets unleashed flaming salvos on the city, but their payload never reached their target. Splashing across a previously unseen field of force, it erupted into multi-colored sparkles of light as they washed impotently. The city had defenses, and they had not yet been breached by the attackers, despite their efforts.

Paul whistled softly. "I never saw so many people in one place before. How many do ya figure? Maybe a million? Ten million!?"

Fast shook her head. "You're far too high."

"What? I'm all better now."

Fast rolled her eyes. "Not that manner of high. I would hazard a guess at a hundred thousand at the most, and that's quite a number. Whoever wants the city, desires it quite direly."

Maud's eyes were higher than most, gazing at the rotating field of glowing stone. "Granite shouldn't do that."

Flint rolled a hand. "You think? It's magic. The whole city's got a reputation fer it. If you ain't a spell weaver yerself, yer workin' for someone what is one. That's what I hear, anyway. Never visited Greegate before."

The floating segments of stone suddenly slammed together, forming one large symbol that hovered balefully before the attacking army. Fast tilted her head. "By the gods, what--" Her question was answered before she could finish as the intensity of the light grew and washed out over a line of the attackers, setting men and their encampment ablaze in a straight beam from the city outwards. The very power of the elemental force used was audible as a crashing wave of heat and fire, despite the city still being a mile away.

Paul hiked a thumb at the carnage. "And that's why you don't attack a city of damn wizards! Do we have to go that way?"

Fast glanced sideways at Paul. "If you know another settlement we could resupply at, you should have said so yesterday, but I'm still listening." No answer came and she snorted softly. "Very well, then this is our destination. Let us assume the city is wielding magic in every way they can. They may notice you, Tree. You cannot simply fly in or tunnel with impunity."

Tree Hugger frowned slightly before she smiled. "I just have to get past those gnarly men, then I can make friends. We'll be fine."

Fast frowned. "I'd prefer a method that doesn't risk you being lit up by a few spellcasters with a name to earn and an easy target."

Tree hopped down from her horse and stretched out slowly. "Just give me a chance. I'll do it. If it works, I'll come back with totally rad news." She reared up on hind legs and spread her fore hooves wide as she suddenly shrank down, becoming a raven. Large for a bird, but small for a pony. She gave a soft caw, then began flapping towards the city.

Maud watched her go, then looked towards Fast. "Will she be alright?"

Fast heaved a sigh. "Let us pray she will be."

Flying swiftly, Tree Hugger soared over the encampment. She saw she was not the only raven present, or were they crows? She couldn't be entirely sure of the difference, but where the attackers were struck down, other birds made timid attempts at an easy meal. All the better for her, or so she gathered. She was hardly noteworthy as she sailed over them towards the city.

Being closer, she could see the great floating stone pieces were each covered in countless arcane-looking runes from top to bottom. Even approaching them felt like getting near to an oven, roaring with arcane fury instead of a cheery flame for cooking. Looking down, she could see the people that made up the attackers came in a few varieties of human. Some looked like Paul or Flint, while others were even larger, and a little shaggier, and others were considerably smaller. Humans came in a wide variety of forms, or so Tree Hugger determined. But they didn't have winged varieties, or horned ones. Ponies still won out.

Tree saw the line ending beneath her, where the siege didn't attempt to come closer. Was that a sign? She decided to accept it as one and came down to land where there were fewer people and hopping forward in several little jumps with her little avian talons.

A voice rang out in her head, loud and deafening despite having no physical volume, ~A brave one, aren't you? Eager to make an example of yourself for your fellows?~

Tree spread her wings with a surprised squawk. ~No, wait, man. I'm just trying to get some food for my horses. We had the totally gnarly timing of showing up while you were being attacked and everything.~

The angry presence shifted in her mind, becoming calculating. ~Speak you the truth? Of course you do. As if I couldn't see through such simple deceptions. You want to come in here? You can prove yourself useful, druid. Find their leader, and report his position to me, and you'll be supplied in gratitude. A simple deal, is it not?~

Tree tilted her black-feathered head at the voice, which seemed to come from everywhere at once. ~What does he look like? This is totally far out, man.~

~Focus on the matter at hand. If I knew his exact appearance, I would not require you. Find him, report, be rewarded, or don't, and do not return. You will find my patience is short, and my anger swift.~

~Are you certain he's a he? What if they're a she?~

~I care not! Go!~ The voice seemed like thunder in Tree Hugger's mind and she took off back towards the attacking camp.

She looked over all the humans, trying to figure out a reasonable way to identify who their leader could be. Perhaps the larger tents? She flew for the largest one she could find and landed on top of it, hopping to one of the holes in the top and peeking in. No, it was a place to eat. The smell of food both appetizing and foul wafted at her and sent her flying.

Another raven (or was it a crow?) sailed past her. "You're going to wrong way."

Tree Hugger tilted her head. "Wrong way for what?" She wheeled to keep the other bird in view, and ended up following him. "Where are we going?" They spoke in caws and calls, but they could understand each other clearly.

The other raven landed lightly in the fire scorched part of the field. "All the good food is here, sister."

Tree landed beside him and looked around a moment before turning her gaze back on him. "Wait, you could help me! Please, have you seen the, uh, big tall scary things paying a lot of attention to one specific big tall scary thing?"

The raven looked curious a moment, then nodded. "Maybe. What do I get in trade?"

Tree spread her wings. "I'll show you where radical berries grow that will fill you up! They are better than these." She waved at the bodies. "Please. I have to know quickly."

"What's your hurry?" He took off at a leisurely flap. "You're a strange one, miss. I'll show you, even if you probably have nothing. You're cute."

Was she? Tree followed after her fellow bird as she wondered what made a bird cute or not. They soared a quarter of the way around the city before approaching a modest looking tent. He gestured with a wing. "Here. Every biped that comes close leaves looking scared. Biggest, baddest biped must live here. In charge, yes? Bet they're tasty..." He winged in a turn. "Good luck!"

"Thanks, man!" she called out as the raven vanished, without even asking about the berries she promised. She landed near the tent and hopped closer, peeking in under the flap into the dim interior. Inside was a figure lit by a smoldering brazier. She was leaning over a map or something, and looking quite intent about it. It was definitely a she. It wasn't hard to pinpoint a she human, most of the time.

Tree suddenly knew pain as she was sent flying away from the flap. Another human had just come up and punted her while she was peeping. He didn't move to finish the attack, he just rushed inside past her. "Damn birds..."

She quickly shook the dizziness from herself and rose back on her wings. She was fairly certain the human inside was at least a leader, if not the leader. She hoped it would be good enough to win entry to the city.

Author's Note:

Tree Hugger goes solo! We repeat, Hippy gone rogue! What could possibly go wrong?

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