• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 10,706 Views, 581 Comments

Shy and Aggressive - Johng117

Fluttershy finds herself in one of the most unlikely of situations. She meets the top delinquent of Ponyville High. Not only that, he is also a freak to society.

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Chapter 3: Considering Something New

Junior sat down in the lunch room in silence. He bore bandages over his face. Some of his cuts had already developed into scabs. Under his sweater, he had patches on his chest and shoulder. His mother had insisted that he remained home for the day, but he refused as always.

"Wow. They really roughed you up," said Rodan from across the table. Junior snorted.

"Tis' a couple flesh wounds," replied Junior. "Besides, the other guys are in worse shape than I am,"

"No crap. The entire thing went viral," said Rodan as held up his phone. He showed a video that depicted Junior slamming the condor on the ground as he savagely beaten him to the ground. Junior smiled.

"Hey, they got my good side on here," said Junior.

"And your badass side! Dude, you were like a gladiator!" said Rodan. Junior gave him a deadpanned stare.

"I was being sarcastic. This video of me is just more fuel for those damn activists to use against Transmutants," said Junior. Rodan sighed in response.

"Dude, you really gotta take the fun out of everything, don't you?"

"For your information, that wasn't fun. My scratches still sting and I had to worry about keeping that pink haired girl alive," said Junior.

"Hey, you got be the knight in shining armor of one of the most beautiful girls in school! You know how many guys would kill for that position?”

"They wouldn't be able to. Their asses would've been bird food to those buzzards," scoffed Junior. Rodan looked at him in offense.

"Hey! Cool it with the disdain for bird folks man! I'm right here!" said Rodan. Junior rolled his eyes.

"Rodan, you're not even a bird based Transmutant. You're based on some kind of pterodactyl, which are flying reptiles!"

"Well excuse me for wanting to find some kinship with other fliers. Not many like me are out there," said Rodan with a scowl.

"There aren't any like me in the world besides my dad! He's gone and I'm the only one left. You don't hear me bitching about it," said Junior.

"Yeah, you have a point," said Rodan as he propped his head on the table. He then turned and noticed Fluttershy approaching from behind Junior. She bore a bandage over her forehead.

"Um... E-Excuse me," called Fluttershy. Junior's ears perked as he heard the familiar soft voice. He turned and found Fluttershy holding her lunch tray.

"Oh. Hey, Butterfly," said Junior.

"It's Fluttershy," said Fluttershy with a raised brow.

"I'm kidding. I remember your name. So what's up?" asked Junior.

"Oh. I just wanted to see how you were doing," said Fluttershy.

"I'm alright. You?" asked Junior. Fluttershy merely smiled.

"I'm fine, thanks to you," said Fluttershy. Junior felt his heart skip a beat at the girl's gracious smile. He nearly jumped out of his seat.

'Oh. I think her cuteness almost gave me a heart attack,' thought Junior as he looked away.

"It was no problem," said Junior. Rodan snorted.

"That's not what you said a minute ago," said Rodan. Junior shot him a glare.

"Urusai!" spat Junior.

"Never! I'm speaking truth! Why are you lying?" asked Rodan. Fluttershy cleared her throat as she attempted to keep the conflict from escalating.

"Even if it was a problem, I'm grateful. I wish I knew what to do to repay you," said Fluttershy.

"Uh..." junior was interrupted as Rodan tapped the table.

"Dude, ask her to give you a kiss!" said Rodan with a grin. Junior's eyes widened while Fluttershy blushed furiously.

"What?!" exclaimed Junior, drawing the attention of multiple students. Junior chuckled in embarrassment as all eyes focused on him. He turned to face Rodan with a sharp glare.

"What? If I was the one that saved her, I'd be satisfied with a kiss. Hell, a kiss on the cheek would be awesome from her!" said Rodan.

"But I don't-" Junior stooped as Fluttershy lowered her tray onto the table as she avoided eye contact with him.

"If you want... I can give you a kiss on the cheek if that will be enough," said Fluttershy as she brushed a few strands of hair away from her eye. Junior gulped nervously as Fluttershy came closer to him. Rodan held his phone out as he record.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present footage of the hero receiving his reward from the dame!" said Rodan. Junior turned his head and noticed stares from a few other students. Fluttershy came closer as her flushing cheeks became more visible. The Transmutant abruptly shot out of his seat and stumbled away from the table. Fluttershy looked on in surprise.

"No thanks! Gotta go!" said Junior as he briskly walked out of the cafeteria. Fluttershy took on a hurt expression.

"Ah don't feel bad. He's obviously shy," said Rodan with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, but I actually wanted to join him for lunch today. Now I ruined it," said Fluttershy in disappointment.

"It was mostly my fault. Sorry. Tell ya what. I have gym with him. I'll just let him know that want to hang out with him," said Rodan. Fluttershy smiled in response.

"Thank you... Um,"

"Rodan Shou. Just call me Rodan," said Rodan as he held out his arm. Fluttershy shook his hand, but then noticed an I.D. code tattooed to his wrist. It read, 'S-057'.

"Huh. You don't hide your I.D. code like the other Transmutants here," said Fluttershy.

"Hmm?" Rodan looked at his wrist.

"Oh! Sorry, that was rude of me to bring up," said Fluttershy with a frown.

"S'OK. I'm not ashamed of being who I am, so I proudly show this off. There's no point since people are quick to find out which student is a Transmutant. I guess they hide it out of sight to feel normal," said Rodan.

"That's brave of you," said Fluttershy.

"Hmm. You're nicer than you look," said Rodan. Fluttershy smiled bashfully.

"Thank you," said Fluttershy. Rodan sighed as he stood up with his empty tray.

"Well, I gotta go. See ya around," said Rodan.

"See you later," said Fluttershy. Rodan grinned to himself.

'I freaking talked to one of the hottest girls in school! This is awesome!' thought Rodan.

Fluttershy made her way over to a table where her friends were sitting. She sat down with them with a look of disappointment.

"What happened?" asked Pinkie.

"He left before I could ask him to join us," said Fluttershy. Rarity sighed.

"I don't see why you would want to spend time with that ruffian," said Rarity.

"Yeah. It's not like you to be open to someone of his character," said Twilight in confusion.

"He saved my life. I think there's more to his character than we think," said Fluttershy.

Rodan yelped as he was slammed against a locker in the boys' locker room. Junior held Rodan's arm against his back while he held his own hand against the back of his head. Rodan's cheek was pressed against the cold metal door of the locker.

"That hurts you know!" said Rodan as he slapped his free hand against the wall frantically.

"Shut up!" said Junior. The locker room was filled with a few other students. Most of which were Transmutants.

"Hey, take it easy!" said a Transmutant.

"Rodan, I should break your arm for pulling that shit!" said Junior with a snarl.

"No, don't do that! Come on, man! All I did was recommended a reward to you! It's not like I suggested her doing something indecent!" said Rodan.

"I didn't ask for any recommendation, you jackass!" said Junior as he released Rodan and slapped him in the back of the head.

"What's this about?" asked a Transmutant as he placed on his gym shirt.

"He's embarrassed because I told Fluttershy that she should give him a kiss for saving her last night," said Rodan as he rubbed his head.

"Oh. So sad," said the Transmutant while the rest nodded in agreement. Junior sent them a look of annoyance.

"Do I need to start bashing skulls?" asked Junior. The other Transmutants gulped nervously as they briskly walked away. Junior shook his head and slammed his locker shut as his adjusted the collar of his gym shirt. Rodan winced as he rotated his arm. The two made their way out of the locker room and outside and down the hall.

"Hey, Gojira. You know, that girl wanted to hang out with you at lunch," said Rodan. Junior responded only with a glance.

"And?" asked Junior.

"She was disappointed that you left. She wants to hang out at lunch with you tomorrow," said Rodan.

"Hmm. I don't think so," said Junior with a neutral expression. Rodan scoffed.

"Wow. You gonna shoot down a girl's request like that? You're cold," said Rodan.

"I like to have my lunches alone. Besides, she's only being nice to me because I saved her life," said Junior. The two made their way into the gymnasium, where several other students were in gym clothes.

"I take it you speak from experience," said Rodan with a raised brow.

"Eh. Half of it. Exclude the rescuing part," said Junior as he and Rodan made their way over to where their classmates were assembled. The gym room was filled with four separate classes of students, along with four P.E. teachers. Sometimes during the week, the classes will come together for an activity that was required to be done in order to receive credit. Often times, students also just arrive here just for roll call.

"Hey, are we doing weights today?" asked Junior.

"Nah. Teach is having us play dodgeball today instead," said Rodan. A student sighed in annoyance.

"Lame," said the male student. The students waited as their teachers did roll call. After that was done, the other classes left the gym room and followed their teachers to do whatever gym class that they had joined. Junior's and Rodan's class remained in the gymnasium.

"Alright maggots! Today we're going to be playing the sport that teaches men and women the discipline of acting and reacting in a heated situation!" said the P.E. teacher. He was a tall and muscular man that bore a light scar over his brow. He spoke with an authoritative tone in his voice that no student dared to challenge.

"Now, Applejack and Rodan will be choosing members for their team today!" said the teacher. Rodan grinned.

"Yes sir, Mr. Agony," said Applejack as she made her way by the teacher's side. Rodan eagerly did the same as he analyzed the group.

"To determine who chooses first, one of you must tap the ball before the other," said Agony as he held up a red rubber ball. Rodan and Applejack locked their eyes on the ball as their tensed their muscles. The class watched in silence.

"Ready. Get set. Go!" shouted Agony. Applejack and Rodan both slapped their hands on the ball, but Rodan was the first to make contact.

"Alright, choose your first teammate, Shou," said Agony. Rodan smirked as he pointed to Junior.

"I call dibs on Goji being on my team," said Rodan. All of the students groaned in response.

"Seriously?! Damn it!" said a male student.

"Why not leave him for AJ's team? It would be fairer that way since you're already fast!" said another male student. Rodan looked to Applejack.

"Well, if you want, you can have him and I can choose someone else," said Rodan.

"Rodan, don't give into the cries of whiners. Life's not fair," said Junior.

"Well said, Takeshi," said Agony with a nod.

"Nah. You picked him first, so you go ahead and keep him. It might get a little interesting," said Applejack with a smirk.

"Ooh. I like it when a girl is tough," said Rodan with a wink. Applejack rolled her eyes in response.

"Eh. Let's not get carried away, lover boy," said Applejack as she turned to face the other students.

"Flash, you're with me sugar cube," said Applejack. Flash Sentry made his way over to Applejack's side while Junior made his way at Rodan's side.

"Thunderlane! Over here, homie!" said Rodan.

As the two continued to call on their classmates, they soon had even teams. Both teams had two Transmutants while the rest were ordinary humans. This was a common thing done among the students that participated in physical activities, where they will evenly divide Transmutants to make things fairer. The students took their positions behind the dividing line that held the rubber balls. They all crouched as they prepared to strike.

"Game!" shouted Agony. The students all made a break for the balls. Rodan grabbed a ball and retreated back. Junior managed to snatch a ball from an opponent and quickly threw the ball at his chest.

"Out!" said Agony. The student groaned in annoyance as he walked towards the bleachers. Junior turned and found Applejack and Flash throwing balls at him. The Transmutant dropped onto the ground, avoiding the balls. His eyes widened as he saw three balls hurling towards him. Junior immediately rolled along the ground, avoiding the balls. The students were locked in throwing rubber balls across the court. Cries of pain filled the air as the students were struck by the balls. Rodan was running along his team's side of the court while tossing balls to the other side. Flash managed to catch a ball, but was struck in the forehead by Junior's ball. He grunted as he fell back on the ground from the force.

"Oh boy," said Junior. Flash groaned as he rose himself up and rubbed his forehead. Applejack knelt beside him with a look of worry.

"You alright?" asked Applejack. Flash stopped rubbing his head.

"That depends. Am I still handsome?" asked Flash as he turned to face Applejack. The blonde bore a blank expression as she stared at him. She then snorted as a chuckle escaped her throat. Junior snorted as well while Rodan laughed as he took his seat on the bleachers.

"Hey! Get a look at his head! Goji freaking imprinted the ball on it!" said Rodan as he nudged a classmate. Flash cupped his forehead in embarrassment as the other students laughed at the serial number mark that was imprinted backwards onto his skin. He then shot Junior a glare as the Transmutant chuckled to himself.

"Sorry. I guess I don't know my own strength," said Junior with a sneer. Flash scoffed in response.

"Do me a favor guys and hit him hard," said Flash as he made his way to the bleachers with a scowl.

"He's the only one left. It shouldn't be hard," said Applejack as she popped her shoulders.

"Sentry, there's no need to get butt hurt. If you'd like, I can imprint your name onto your face. Just lend me your guitar with your initials drilled onto it!" said Junior. Rodan and the other Transmutants erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Burn!" said a Transmutant.

"It's funny because he would do it, too!" said Rodan. Junior smirked as he saw Flash send him a glare. Normally, Junior wouldn't resort to humiliating another person. But given that this was someone he was annoyed by, he didn't care. His eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait, I'm the last one?" asked Junior. He turned and found his opponents rearing their arms back.

"Think fast, partner!" said Applejack as she and the other students threw the balls. Junior grabbed a ball that was at his feet and deflected the other balls while running.

'Rodan, you piece of shit!' thought Junior, annoyed that his teammate failed to be by his side. Junior grabbed another ball at his side and then threw the first ball. It bounced on the ground and was scooped up by a student's hand. As he was distracted, Junior threw the second hall at his head, knocking him to the ground. He then ducked under a ball that was thrown by Applejack and then caught the ball of another student. As that student was out, Junior threw the ball at one of two remaining opponents, striking him the leg as he attempted to flee. Junior grunted as he dodged the spheres that were thrown by Applejack, his last opponent. He grabbed two balls and ran up the court, throwing one ball. Applejack deflected the ball with one of her own and then threw it towards Junior's legs. The Transmutant hopped over the ball and then threw the ball down on Applejack, who threw her remaining ball as well. The two balls collided in the air and were blown back. Junior and Applejack both retreated from each other on the court and went back to scooping up the red spheres and threw them at each other. The crowd cheered at this intense game between human and Transmutant.

"Go Goji! You can do it, man!" said Rodan.

"Go AJ!" cried a human.

"Yeah, show that freak not to mess with us humans!" said Flash. Junior's eyes widened as he heard those words.

"Kick that freak's ass!" cried another student. Junior's mind was not focused in the game. Rather, it was the words of the humans that he was focused on his continued to dodge the balls.

"Go Applejack! Human power!" said a student. Rodan and the other Transmutants looked at the students with glares.

"Whoa. Why do you need to go racial, man?" asked Rodan.

"Everyone knows that Transmutants aren't a race!" said another student with a laugh. Junior furrowed his brows in response as he deflected a ball and threw his own. Applejack slid under it and shot back up with no sign of exhaustion.

"Says who?" demanded another Transmutant.

"Please! You guys are closer to animals than humans," said the same student. Junior's eyes widened in response.

"Wow. That's the most atrocious thing I've ever heard," said Rodan in disgust.

"Not as atrocious as attending the same school as you guys," said Flash. Junior growled in response as his movements became quicker as he dodged the spheres sent by Applejack. He picked up a ball and blocked the other balls.

"No, I think the fact that some people are marrying and having kids with those things is more atrocious," laughed another student.

Junior's eyes dilated as his irises became reptilian, limiting the white of his eyes. Normally he did his best to ignore the scorn of humans, but he couldn’t ignore the slander anymore. Perhaps it was because he never heard anyone put him and other Transmutants at the same level as animals, which is degrading in itself, but what really boiled his blood was shaming people that married and had children with Transmutants. They were shaming his mother for not just marrying his father, but for giving birth to him. He didn't take insults to either of his parents lightly.

Junior grunted as he reared his arm back as he locked sights on Applejack. He threw the red ball with as much strength that he could muster, lost in anger. Applejack stopped and prepared to catch the ball. It whizzed through the air and collided with her belly. Applejack's eyes widened as she felt the force in her gut, knocking the wind out of her. Applejack was forced back and fell to the ground as she held the ball. The ball fell out of her arms as she clutched her stomach and began to wheeze. The other students looked on in shock at what they had witnessed. Junior panted as his eyes glared at Applejack's prone figure. He lost his glare as Applejack coughed furiously as she struggled to breathe. Suddenly, the human students rushed over to her side.

"Oh shit! AJ, you alright?!" exclaimed a student. Agony got behind Applejack and raised her. He held her arms up in the air as Applejack struggled to breathe.

"Just breathe with me! It's gonna be alright!" said Agony. Junior's stomach turned. He began to make his way over to the blonde.

"Shit. Applejack, I-" Junior was interrupted as three students, including Flash stood in his path.

"Dude, stay away from her!" said a student with green hair.

"Yeah man! What's wrong with you?" demanded Flash. Junior slightly stepped back.

"No. No, it was an accident. I didn't mean to-" Junior attempted to step pass the other students but Flash shoved him back.

"Yeah right!" said Flash.

"Sentry, let me through! I-"

"You've done enough," said a red haired student. Junior hardened his eyes in response. He noticed Applejack slowly beginning to regain her breathing. He then felt a hand placed on his shoulder. He turned and found Rodan looking at him. Rodan shook his head in response. Junior sighed in annoyance.

"You know what? Whatever," said Junior as he forced Rodan's hand off of his shoulder and walked away. The humans looked at Junior with a glare. Rodan sighed as he followed Junior as he left the gymnasium.

"Goji! Wait up!" called Rodan as he followed Junior.

"That... It was an accident!" growled Junior as he walked towards the water fountain and drank from it.

"Goji, dude relax!" said Rodan. Junior raised himself up as he wiped his lips.

"Those fucking assholes! I should've threw the ball at one of them instead!" snarled Junior. He groaned in frustration as he leaned against the wall.

"Wow. I never thought I'd see you freak out over hitting someone," said Rodan. Junior sent him a glare.

"I didn't- It was an accident! And I'm not freaking out!" said Junior. Rodan rolled his eyes.

"Based on what I saw earlier, that's a lie," deadpanned Rodan. Junior growled in response.

"Just go away! I'm not in the mood," said Junior.

"Alright. Just take it easy man. Don't stay out here for too long or you'll get in trouble," said Rodan as he made his way back into the gymnasium. Junior slid down against the wall and rubbed his fore head.

"I can't believe this," muttered Junior.


The school bell rung, signaling the end to sixth period. Junior remained seated at his desk as he ran a hand through his hair. He sluggishly rose out of his seat with his backpack and left the classroom. His stomach felt tight, threatening to implode in on itself as he thought back to what had happened earlier. Students moved out of his path as he came down the hall. Junior was lost in his stressed thoughts that he failed to notice that he was currently reaching for a door handle. He stopped as he snapped back into reality, looking at the sign that was on the door. Junior had wandered over to the nurse's office. The Transmutant pulled his hand away from the door handle with a sigh. He leaned closer to the door and peaked through the vertical and rectangular window. Inside, he found a couple students that appeared to have been injured during their day. He continued to search and found Applejack sitting on a bed with her hand on her belly. She winced as the school nurse touched her abdomen. Around Applejack were the rest of the Main Six, who looked on in worry. Junior sighed heavily as he shook his head.

"It's probably best that I leave now," said Junior to himself. He moved away from the door, leaving the girls be. Unbeknownst to him, Fluttershy had caught sight of him from the corner of her eye.

"Good news, nothing is broken. But, that ball did hit you pretty hard and you’re bruising up badly. I recommend taking it easy. Get some rest and maybe place some ice on it," said the nurse as she removed her hand. Applejack sighed in relief.

"Thank ya kindly, nurse," said Applejack as she took her shirt from Rarity and placed it back on.

"Do you need any help getting back home?" asked Twilight.

"Nah. I'll manage. But thanks, sugar cube," said Applejack as she got off the bed and slipped her boots back on. Twilight sighed in response. She knew full well that Applejack was going to decline due to preferring to be independent as humanly possible. However, Twilight refused to take no as an answer.

"AJ, I insist that at least one of us help you get home," said Twilight. Applejack scowled in response. She then sighed.

"Fine. Just one of ya'll. Don't ask to carry my bag, cause I can carry it myself," said Applejack as she sluggishly stood up, gently placing a hand on her sore abdomen.

"Deal," said Twilight with a nod. Fluttershy walked towards the door of the nurse's office and peeked her head outside. She caught sight of Junior walking down the hall towards the lockers on the far end of the hall.

"Man, when I get my hands on Gojira..." Rainbow growled as she popped her knuckles.

"Dead girl walking!" said Pinkie. Rarity nudged her arm in response with a look of disapproval.

"Dash, it was an accident. There ain't no need to be starting a fight," said Applejack.

"Oh, he started this fight! Where is that punk anyway?" asked Rainbow.

"He probably went home already," said Twilight with a shrug.

"Nu-uh. He's not getting off scott-free this time! I'm gonna find that jerk," said Rainbow as she stomped towards the door. Fluttershy went stiff in response as she noticed Junior turning back around the corner. She immediately closed the door and stood in front of it, blocking Rainbow's path. The rainbow haired girl looked at her in confusion.

"Flutters, what are you doing?" asked Rainbow.

"Um... Nothing," said Fluttershy with a nervous expression. Rainbow gave her a deadpanned stare.

"Ah huh. Sooo, would you mind stepping aside so I can find Gojira and drag his butt here to apologize?" asked Rainbow.

"No! No, you can't do that!" said Fluttershy in a frantic manner. The girls recoiled in response.

"Why not?" asked Rainbow.

"Er... B-Because, I can... I'll bring him! Yes, that's it!" said Fluttershy. Rainbow snorted in response.

"Wait, wait. You're volunteering to bring him here?" asked Rainbow.

"Fluttershy, you really don't have to do that. Neither do you, Rainbow Dash!" said Applejack as she looked at Rainbow with a stern expression.

"I don't mind! Really! Besides, I think it'd be best if you didn't since you might provoke him," said Fluttershy. She then looked away from Rainbow with a nervous expression.

"No offense, Dashie," said Fluttershy. Rainbow scowled in response. She rolled her eyes in response.

"Fine. But take Pinkie with you," said Rainbow.

"Huh?" Pinkie tilted her head in confusion.

"Wait, why Pinkie Pie?" asked Twilight. Rainbow smirked as she brought Pinkie to her side.

"Tell him that Pinkie will sing to him throughout the entire week if he doesn't apologize. Besides, he still owes Pinkie an apology," said Rainbow. Pinkie pulled away.

"No, I don't want to sing to him if he doesn't want me to. I just wanted to cheer him up because I thought he was down," said Pinkie with a light frown.

"Pinkie, come on!" said Rainbow in exasperation.

"Buuut, I think I can go with Fluttershy," said Pinkie. She then made her way over to Fluttershy's position and ushered her to the door. The two had left the room, leaving the rest of the Main Six inside of the nurse's office.

"Why...Why would Fluttershy volunteer?" asked Rainbow in confusion.

"Dash, I keep telling you to let it go. Heck, I don't even hold a grudge over him with what happened," said Applejack as she sluggishly began to walk to the door.

"Wait, you're not going to wait and see if she brings him here?" asked Rainbow.

"Obviously he ain't gonna come. Besides, I rather go home right now," said Applejack as she opened the door. Twilight began to follow Applejack.

"Then let's get you there," said Twilight as she stood close to Applejack. Rainbow scowled in response while Rarity stood by in an awkward silence.

"I still think it's a bad idea to provoke him, despite bringing up his wrongdoings to his face," said Rarity. Rainbow sighed in annoyance.

Junior stood by out in front of the school beside the Wondercolt statue. He held his cellphone against his ear as he listened to a call.

"Hey, Goji. Listen, do you think you can do me a favor?" asked Blaire over the other line. Junior mentally sighed. He was looking forward to crashing on the couch and resting after his day, but that would have to wait.

"What's up?" asked Junior.

"My husband is going to be getting home late and I have a shift right now. Do you think you can watch Cynthia for me? Your mom is going to bring her over to your place before she heads on to work," said Blaire.

"Oh. Yeah, absolutely. I can do that," said Junior with a nod.

"Good! Thanks a lot, Goji!" said Blaire.

"Yeah. Sure thing, Blaire," said Junior. After he hung up his phone, he sighed. He walked away from school grounds in silence as he was lost in thought.

'Hmm. I wonder what I should do for her so she doesn't get bored. Does she like T.V.? Ah. I probably should order some pizza for dinner,' thought Junior as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He found at least five dollars in his wallet.

"I swear that I had more cash on me," said Junior. He shook his head as he placed his wallet back into his pocket. As Junior made his way over passed a bush, he heard rustling. He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned to face the bush. He tilted his head in curiosity as the bush rustled again. He slowly took a few steps closer to the bush as he sniffed the air.

'That smell. It smells like... sweets?' thought Junior as he peeked over the bush. Nothing was there.

"Huh," said Junior as he backed away from the bush. He scratched his head as he looked at the bush. He crouched near it and reached inside of the large bush. His hand brushed against a soft, round shape. His eyes widened as he heard a giggle come from the bush. He pulled back his hand immediately with a bewildered expression. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie emerged from the bush as she rubbed a hand on her cheek.

"Your hand is warm," said Pinkie.

"What the- You?!" exclaimed Junior. Pinkie reached down at the bush and pulled out Fluttershy.

"And Fluttershy!" said Pinkie. Fluttershy smiled in embarrassment as she waved.

"He-Hello, Gojira," said Fluttershy. Junior scowled in response. He then sighed heavily.

"Why are you stalking me?" asked Junior.

"Rainbow Dash wants you to apologize to Applejack for hurting her with the dodge ball," said Pinkie.

"I don't think so," said Junior as he turned and walked away. He gasped as he found Pinkie suddenly blocking his path. He turned his head back and then back forward.

"How did- You know what? I don't care," said Junior, not wanting to question the girl's ability to appear in front of him.

"Why don't you want to apologize to Applejack? It was an accident, right?" asked Pinkie. Junior looked away.

"It's not like you'd believe me," said Junior.

"Sure I would! I bet it was!" said Pinkie. She then laughed as she poked Junior's chest.

"I bet under that heart made of rock is actually a soft, squishy muscle!" said Pinkie. Junior rolled his eyes.

"Oh stop. You'll make me puke," said Junior as he walked passed Pinkie. Fluttershy sighed as she joined Junior's side. The Transmutant glanced at her as the two continued to walk with Pinkie in pursuit.

"Got something to say?" asked Junior. Fluttershy shook her head.

"No, not really," said Fluttershy. Junior faced forward with a scowl.

"Good. Because I'm not going back there," said Junior.

"It's OK. I know you actually feel bad," said Fluttershy. Junior scoffed.

"No you don't. You don't know a thing about me," said Junior. Fluttershy glanced at him in response.

"I caught you peeking inside of the nurse's room," said Fluttershy. Junior's slightly widened. He turned his head away as he scowled. Pinkie grinned in response.

"Aha! I knew you cared!" said Pinkie.

"I don't. I was just making sure I didn't break anything inside of her so I wouldn't have to worry about being forced to pay for any hospital bills," said Junior. Pinkie giggled as she slapped Junior's shoulder.

"Suuuure! Big softy," said Pinkie. Junior sent her a glare.

"Pity is not a part of being soft. Drop it," said Junior. He then looked at Fluttershy in annoyance.

"See what you did?" asked Junior. The timid girl flinched in response.

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know that Applejack doesn't hold any hard feelings about it," said Fluttershy.

"Hmph. That's crap," said Junior. Fluttershy lightly frowned in response.

"Why would you think that?" asked Fluttershy.

"Either you're lying about it, or she is. Who the hell is gonna be that forgiving over someone hurting another during a game of dodge ball?" asked Junior.

"Gojira, I wouldn't lie about something like that. And Applejack is certainly no liar. She's one of the most honest people that I know," said Fluttershy.

"Sure," said Junior with a roll of his eyes. As the three continued on with their walk through a neighborhood, Junior sighed.

"Are you two seriously going to follow me home?" asked Junior.

"Technically, I live in the same neighborhood as you, remember?" replied Fluttershy.

"Oh, right," said Junior. He then looked at Pinkie.

"What about you?" asked Junior.

"Dashie wanted me to go with Fluttershy since she wanted me to threaten you with song!" said Pinkie. Junior's eyes hardened.

"You better not," said Junior.

"No! No! No, I'm not going to!" said Pinkie frantically with a look of panic.

"Good," said Junior as he turned back forward. Pinkie suddenly leaped towards Junior and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Gah! What are you doing?!" exclaimed Junior.

"I'm giving you an apology hug!" said Pinkie as she squeezed the Transmutant tightly. Fluttershy looked on in alarm as Junior's face turned blue.

"Pinkie! You're suffocating him!" cried Fluttershy. Pinkie immediately released Junior as he dropped to his knees. He deeply inhaled as his original skin color returned while he coughed furiously.

"Wha-What the hell?!" demanded Junior.

"Sorry!" said Pinkie with a nervous smile. Junior growled as he rubbed his neck and stood up.

"Apology hug? Apology for what?" asked Junior.

"For annoying you with my singing when you asked me not to. I just wanted to cheer you up because I thought you were upset," said Pinkie with a frown. Junior sighed.

"Next time, use your words instead," said Junior as he departed to his home. Pinkie gasped as she walked at his side.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" asked Pinkie with a grin. Junior grimaced in response. He looked away in annoyance.

"Yeah, sure," said Junior. Pinkie squealed in delight.

"Yay! We're gonna be the best of friends!" cried Pinkie. Junior's eyes widened in response.

"F-Friends? Hey, let's not get carried away here," said Junior. Fluttershy raised a brow at his response while Pinkie nodded.

"Oooh. I see that you're shy about being friends with girls, huh? That's cute!" said Pinkie with a giggle.

"Ha! No, it has nothing to do with that," said Junior.

"Aw. It's OK, Goji. I bet that you're the kind of bad boy that gets all the ladies!" said Pinkie with a wink.

"It's Gojira. And it’s the opposite of that," said Junior. He then scoffed. "Like I care. I have a motto."

"Ooh! Can we hear it? Can we? Can we?" asked Pinkie with an eager expression.

"My motto is that being liked is grossly overrated. The desire to seek affection from others and their acceptance is nothing more but a pathetic sense of worth that people are bound to for their shitty life," said Junior. He then smirked. "Personally, I have no need for the acceptance of others. I'm happy just the way that I am."

"Wow. You're like a constant downer, huh?" asked Pinkie. Junior scowled in response. He then shrugged.

"I guess. But the point is, I don't care," said Junior.


Miwa sat down on her sofa while she watched an eight year old girl sit next to her with a book in her hand. She bore brunette hair with gold highlights and hazel eyes.

"Cynthia, do you need any help with your homework?" asked Miwa. The child shook her head in response.

"No thank you, Ma'am. I just need to read this book. I'm actually almost done!" said Cynthia. She spoke with an excited tone as she read through her book.

"That's good, sweet heart. Anyway, Junior should be coming home any minute now. You two can spend some time together until your mother comes to pick you up," said Miwa. Cynthia sighed in response. Miwa raised a brow at this.

"What's wrong?" asked Miwa.

"Gojira seems mean," said Cynthia.

"Oh, dear. I know he might seem mean, but he can be nice. Tell you what, if he's mean to you, just tell me," said Miwa with a wink. Cynthia nodded in response.

"OK," said Cynthia. The sound of the door being unlocked reached their ears, prompting the two to turn and to find it opening.

"Oh, he's home!" said Miwa. She stood up from her seat and found Junior standing in the door way with two other girls with him.

"Hey, mom," greeted Junior in a dry tone. Miwa stood with a blank stare as she looked at the girls. She recognized one of them to be Fluttershy.

"Hello, Mrs. Takeshi," greeted Fluttershy with a wave.

"Oh. Hello," greeted Miwa with a blank expression. Junior sighed as he stepped in the house, along with Pinkie and Fluttershy. Miwa smirked at her son as she eyed the two young girls.

"Why Junior, I never knew that you were getting popular with girls," said Miwa in Neighponese. Junior scowled in response.

"No, they just wanna harass me," replied Junior as he passed his mother. He then knelt beside Cynthia with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Cynthia. How's it going?" asked Junior. Cynthia briefly looked away as she shyly rubbed her arm.

"Good," replied Cynthia. Junior nodded in response.

"That's good. Um... I haven't had the chance to think of anything fun that we could do while you're here for the day. But we'll think of something, alright?" asked Junior. Cynthia nodded in response. She then looked at Fluttershy and Pinkie in curiosity.

"Gojira, are they your girlfriends?" asked Cynthia. Junior and Fluttershy stared at the girl incredulously while Pinkie giggled in response.

"No! No, they're..." Junior turned his attention on the two girls as he searched for an appropriate answer.

"You can say we are your girlfriends if you would like to look cool in front of her," said Pinkie with a smile.

"I don't think so," said Junior with a deadpanned stare.

"Um... We go to the same school that he does. I'm Fluttershy, and this is Pinkie Pie," said Fluttershy. Pinkie merely waved with a grin on her face.

"Oooh. OK," said Cynthia with a nod.

"Now that we've gotten introductions out of the way, you can go home now," said Junior as he pointed to the door. However, he felt his ear tugged at by his mother, prompting the Transmutant to yelp in pain.

"Junior, I think it's rather rude to shoo away guests. Especially your schoolmates," said Miwa as she tugged at Junior's ear. Fluttershy watched worriedly as Junior gritted his teeth as he attempted to fight off the pain. Underneath Miwa's smile, she sensed a tense atmosphere radiating over the pair. Junior chuckled nervously through his pain.

"On second thought, why don't you stay for a while?" asked Junior with a forced smile.

"Are you sure that it's alright Mrs. Takeshi? We wouldn't want to impose," said Fluttershy as she rubbed her arm.

"Absolutely! We don't get many visitors here, so it'd be nice," said Miwa with a warm smile.


"You heard the lady, she doesn't mind!" said Pinkie as she patted Fluttershy's back. She then made her way over to Cynthia's side with an eager expression.

"If you're looking for fun, then I'm your gal! Fun is my middle name!" said Pinkie. Fluttershy raised a brow in confusion.

"I thought your middle name was Dianne," said Fluttershy.

"Meh. Fun should be my middle name," said Pinkie with a shrug. Cynthia chuckled in response.

"OK. But I have to finish my homework first," said Cynthia.

"Oh! Junior, do you have homework as well?" asked Miwa. Junior nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, I have to finish an essay," said Junior.

"Alright, I want that finished before I have to leave for work," said Miwa.

"Got it," said Junior as he took his back pack and made his way into the kitchen.

"Oh goodness! We should finish any homework that we have as well," said Fluttershy.

"Sooo boring!" said Pinkie in disappointment.

"Think of it this way, dear. The faster you get on your homework and finish it, the more free time that you have," said Miwa. Pinkie hummed in thought.

"I like the way you think, Mrs. T," said Pinkie.

"I never was a fan of homework myself when I was in school. The thought of having more time for myself after finishing work motivated me," said Miwa.


The youngsters all had their faces buried in their books as they worked to finish their work. Pinkie and Fluttershy were going over a section in their history books as they wondered how to answer a certain question on their work sheet. Cynthia read her assigned reading book in silence, nearing the end. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Junior sat at the kitchen table with his essay in front of himself. He scratched his head as he carefully analyzed his work for spelling and grammatical errors. He even was careful to make sure that his paragraphs were on topic and that the narrative flowed well. He briefly stopped and looked at his phone's clock and found it to be 4:39 in the evening. He sighed as he went back to analyzing his work. The Transmutant suddenly heard footsteps approaching. He raised his head and found his mother approaching him.

"How're you doing?" asked Miwa.

"Fine. I'm just about finished," said Junior. Miwa nodded in approval. Although her son had a record of getting into trouble, she was happy to know that he was dedicated to his school work. That was enough to show promise in his future. Miwa made her way over to Junior's side and wrapped her arms around him. She briefly nuzzled his head and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"My handsome and smart boy," said Miwa. Junior groaned in response.

"Ma, now?" asked Junior. He would rather that the two girls in the other room not witness his mother smother him. He'd rather be seen as a jerk and delinquent rather than a momma's boy. He cringed as he thought of the mocking that he would suffer.

"Hey, I'm your mother so I'm allowed," said Miwa as she pinched Junior's cheek. She then gave him a coy smile.

"I am also allowed to embarrass you in front of your girlfriends," said Miwa. Junior sighed in annoyance.

"They're not my girlfriends! I barely even know them!" said Junior in a whisper. Miwa lightly laughed in response. She then leaned her head against Junior's shoulder.

"Still, they seem like nice girls. It wouldn't hurt you to get to know them. Especially the girl that lives in our neighborhood," said Miwa.

"Mom, come on. Why do you keep trying to get me to make friends?" asked Junior in annoyance. Miwa lightly frowned in response.

"Junior, I just want you to be able socialize with others. I'm not always going to be around. I want to make sure that you can turn to people who care about you when you're in need. I want my son to be happy, not angry," said Miwa. Junior sighed as he leaned his head against his mother's head.

"Principle Celestia was telling me about that. I... I never knew you were worried this much about me not having friends," said Junior. Miwa chuckled.

"Of course I am, silly boy," said Miwa. She then released Junior and patted his shoulder.

"I gotta get to work. You be good to these girls while they're here, alright?" asked Miwa.

"Sure, mom," replied Junior. Miwa planted a kiss on his cheek and winked at him.

"Go get 'em tiger," said Miwa.

"Mom!" groaned Junior. Miwa giggled at her son's flustered as she left the kitchen. She came over to the sofa where Cynthia lied and patted her on the shoulder.

"Alright girls, I have to get going. Cynthia, be sure to behave with Junior," said Miwa. Cynthia nodded in response.

"OK," said Cynthia. Miwa turned to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"I left some money on the counter. You kids can go ahead and order pizza if you get hungry," said Miwa. She then leaned closer to Fluttershy with a smile.

"I hope you'll continue to show kindness to my son. He's a little shy, but he's capable of warming up to people," said Miwa. Fluttershy smiled in response.

"Sure," said Fluttershy. Miwa made her way towards the door and left the house.

"See you later!" said Miwa as she closed the door. Pinkie scooted closer to Fluttershy and leaned next to her.

"It's hard to believe that someone as nice as her can be the mom of someone as mean as Goji," whispered Pinkie. Fluttershy gave a small giggle in response. She did wondered how both mother and son were complete opposites. Though, she was curious to know a bit more about the Transmutant.

"Well, I've finished my work. Would you girls like some water?" asked Fluttershy.

"I do," said Cynthia.

"I'm good," said Pinkie as she tried to figure out the answers to the last couple of questions for her homework. Fluttershy nodded as she left the living room and her way into the kitchen. The girl cleared her throat as she approached Junior, who seemed to have been looking over a pink sheet of paper.

"Um... Gojira?" called Fluttershy.

"Yeah?" answered Junior as he tore his eyes away from the paper.

"Do you mind telling me where the cups for water are? I mean, that is if you want to," said Fluttershy.

"Top cabinet on your right," said Junior as he pointed behind Fluttershy.

"Thank you," said Fluttershy as she made her way to the cabinet. As she opened it, she found glass cups high on the top of cabinet. She slumped her shoulders as she saw the distance that the cups were in. She stood on her toes as she reached for the cups. Fluttershy grunted as she failed to reach the cups.

"Oh, shoot I forgot to turn the dishwasher on for the other cups to wash. Hold on," said Junior as he made his way out of his seat and made his way to Fluttershy's side. He reached for one of the cups and handed it to Fluttershy.

"Umm... Could you grab one more for Cynthia?" asked Fluttershy. Junior nodded in response as he reached back up to grab the cup.

"Sorry. Normally there are cups on the lower half of the cabinet as well," said Junior as he handed the girl the other cup.

"It's OK. Thank you," said Fluttershy.

"No problem, Shy," said Junior. Fluttershy's eyes slightly widened in surprise. Junior immediately looked away.

"Ah. Sorry, was that not OK? I thought a nickname for you would save time when saying your name. I can stop if you want," said Junior as he sat back at the kitchen table.

Fluttershy bashfully smiled at the nickname. Normally, some of her closest friends, like Rainbow Dash, called her Flutters. She never heard anyone use the last half of her name as a nickname, yet she thought it sounded cute.

"I... I don't mind if you call me that," said Fluttershy. Junior cleared his throat as he looked away.

"A-Alright," said Junior. Fluttershy made her way over to the water dispenser on the refrigerator but noticed what sort of paper that Junior had. She recognized it as an application sheet for a specific club. She hummed to herself as she analyzed Junior, who bore a look of conflict. Fluttershy took a seat at the table at Junior's side as she looked at him curiously.

"Are you thinking of joining a club?" asked Fluttershy. Junior sighed as he scratched his head.

"I guess. Normally I wouldn't because I find clubs to be pointless. But I think I'm having second thoughts," said Junior.

"May I ask what sort of club that application is for?" asked Fluttershy. Junior grimaced as he thought about the name.

"The...Friendship Club," muttered Junior in embarrassment. Fluttershy's eyes brightened up in response.

"Oh! I'm a member of that club!" cried Fluttershy. The Transmutant before her raised a brow.

"Yeah? Well... Would you mind telling me what exactly you guys do in this club?" asked Junior. Fluttershy smiled brightly.

"Our club is about friendship, as its name states. We use the club to socialize with each other, we have some fun activities, and we even go on trips together! Oh, we also volunteer to do community service work and help around campus!" said Fluttershy. Her tone was filled with pride and joy as she fondly spoke of the club.

"Wow. You seem really into it," said Junior. Fluttershy nodded in response.

"Oh, yes! It's a great experience! Anyone is welcome!" said Fluttershy. Junior looked at her in reluctance.

"Anyone? Really?" asked Junior.

"That's right!" said Fluttershy. Junior looked down at the application paper with a light frown.

"I find that hard to believe," said Junior. Fluttershy lost her smile as she saw Junior's downcast eyes. He merely sat in silence as he stared at the paper.

"Umm... Gojira, I'd-" Fluttershy was interrupted as Junior stood from his seat.

"You hungry? I can start ordering that pizza now," said Junior as he immediately changed the subject and pulled out his cell phone.

"Uh..." Fluttershy stopped as Junior quickly dialed and placed the phone against his ear.

"Could you girls discuss what kind you want?" asked Junior.

"Oh. OK," replied Fluttershy. She began to leave the kitchen and glanced back at the Transmutant. Fluttershy felt her heart tugged at when she looked into Junior's downcast eyes. In them, she saw something that contradicted what he had told her and Pinkie earlier.


Pinkie and Cynthia laughed as they sat on the sofa together with video game controllers in their hands. Fluttershy sat by and watched as the two played a game that involved racing with a cast of fun and happy go lucky characters driving small cars. The two raced along with other characters, picking items such as bombs and banana peels to use against each other. Junior took the paper plate that had traces of pizza grease away from them as he proceeded to take them to the kitchen to be thrown away.

"Aw! You made me lose my turtle shell item!" said Cynthia. Pinkie laughed as her character drove passed Cynthia's.

"I'm heading for the final lap!" said Pinkie. She then yelped as she missed a turn on the race track and drove off a cliff.

"Oh, darn it!" cried Pinkie as her character was forced to re spawn back on course, where the rest of the characters managed to pass her.

"Eat my dust!" laughed Cynthia as her character passed Pinkie's.

"Oh yeah?" said Pinkie with a smirk. As the two competitively played the game, Junior looked at the application sheet again as it sat on the table. He picked up the paper and made his way over to the trash. As Junior was about to throw away the sheet but stopped. The Transmutant looked at the sheet again as he read it over, describing activities in small detail and the club's purpose. At the last line he found the words, "Friendship is Magic".

"Ugh. That is so cheesy," said Junior. He then turned his head glanced at Fluttershy, who congratulated Cynthia for winning the game. Junior turned back to the application sheet and sighed. He then made his way over to the table and grabbed his pen.

"Hmph. Let's see if everyone truly is welcome in your little club," said Junior under his breath. He couldn't care less about being accepted into this club let alone participate in it, but he wanted to take this opportunity to prove Rodan wrong. He was going to prove that Fluttershy and anyone who tries to get friendly with him is only doing for the sake of appearances.

As Junior filled in the required information, he placed the form back into his back pack.

"Maybe when this doesn't work, mom will finally understand that it just can't work," said Junior. He then thought back to what his mother had told him about lacking friends. Junior made a mental note to at least try to socialize with his peers for her.

"Goooojjjiiii~," called Pinkie. Junior turned around and found Pinkie and Cynthia standing in the kitchen with grins.

"What?" asked Junior in reluctance. He did not trust the grin that was plastered over the hyperactive girl's face. Cynthia rushed to Junior's side and grabbed his hand.

"Come play with us! We're going to play twister now!" said Cynthia.

"We don't have twister," said Junior as he was tugged out of the kitchen. Pinkie giggled in response.

"You don't, but I do!" said Pinkie as she reached into puffy pink hair and pulled out a box that contained the twister game inside.

"What the- Wait, why do you have a game of twister stuffed in your hair? How does that even work?!" asked Junior.

"I always have a game at the ready just in case! I sometimes mix it up though once every other day with different games," said Pinkie. Cynthia tugged at Junior's arm.

"Gojira, let's play!" said Cynthia.

"Eh. I don't know," said Junior.

"Please? Pretty please?" asked Cynthia as she gave him puppy dog eyes. Junior looked away to avoid being sucked into the girl's cuteness. However, he failed to keep eyes away and was forced to look at her again. However, this time Pinkie was on her knees putting on the same pleading eyes. Junior looked at her in annoyance and sighed.

"OK, I'll play," said Junior.

Junior strained as he attempted to reach under Pinkie Pie on the twister mat. His right hand was placed on the green spot that was under Pinkie.

"Got it. Go ahead and spin," said Junior. Pinkie spun the arrow that was beside her.

"Right foot, yellow!" said Pinkie. Fluttershy strained as she stretched her right leg to her side.

"You alright?" asked Junior.

"Not... Really," grunted Fluttershy.

"Just don't think about the strain," said Junior as he moved his leg and placed his foot on a yellow spot.

"OK. I won't think about it," muttered Fluttershy as she relaxed her muscles. Cynthia grunted as she stretched her leg to place her foot on a spot across the mat. However, her foot grazed against Fluttershy's toes. The timid girl giggled as her toes were tickled, causing her to jerk in place. Her elbow poked Pinkie in a sensitive part of Pinkie's rib, making her laugh.

"That tickles!" cried Pinkie. Her muscles loosened to the point where she was unable to hold herself up. As a result, she fell over and knocked over Fluttershy.

"Ah!" yelped Fluttershy as she tumbled against Junior. The three collapsed onto the ground in a pile.

"Ow," said Junior with a scowl.

"I win! Man, that was a great game of twenty rounds of twister!" said Cynthia.

"Never again. Please?" pleaded Junior. He sighed as he slumped his head on the ground.

"What should we do now?" asked Cynthia.

"Let's watch a movie!" said Pinkie.

"That sounds nice," said Fluttershy as she raised herself off of Junior's back.

"Goji, do you have any good movies? Ones appropriate for Cynthia? Nothing naughty," said Pinkie.

"I don't think I like what you're implying," said Junior as he raised himself up with a scowl.

"I heard those rumors mister! No one likes a peeping tom!" said Pinkie. Junior's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?!" said Junior with a furious expression.

"What's a peeping tom?" asked Cynthia.

"Oh! Look at what you're teaching her!" said Junior in annoyance.

"I just want to make sure you don't put on any nasty DVDs!" said Pinkie in disapproval.

"I wasn't even peeping! I was hiding from you when you were stalking me in song! Those two just happened to have been in the place that I chose to hide in!" retorted Junior.

"Um... I believe you. I've accidentally walked in on Lyra and Bon Bon too, during lunch," said Fluttershy as she twiddled her thumbs with flushing cheeks.

"Thank you! See?" asked Junior. He then moved passed her and over towards the television set.

"You girls like animated films by Pixar?" asked Junior as he pulled out a few DVD cases.

"Ooh! Do you have the one where the fish is looking for his son? I love that one!" said Pinkie.

"Me too!" said Cynthia. Junior turned as he held up a case, showing the DVD case.

"Right here," said Junior.

Junior sat down in silence as he watched the film that he had put on. The movie was currently at the scene where a young clown fish was making a daring escape from the dentist's office. The Transmutant glanced to the side and found the girls to have fallen asleep on the sofa. Pinkie lied on the right arm rest with Cynthia leaning against her shoulder while Fluttershy lied on the left arm rest. Junior sighed as he looked at his phone and found a text from his mother.

"Everything alright?" the text read. Junior typed in a reply and placed his phone away. The doorbell rang, prompting Junior to look towards the door. He raised himself up and answered it. Blaire stood on the porch.

"Hey, good evening Gojira," greeted Blaire with a smile.

"Evening?" asked Junior. He then looked to the sky and found the sun to be setting, allowing stars to become visible. He had lost track of time.

"Oh. Right, hey Blaire," said Junior with a yawn.

"Is Cynthia ready to go?" asked Blaire.

"I'll find out. She's asleep," said Junior as he led Blaire into the house. Blaire's eyes widened as she found two other girls sleeping on Junior's couch.

"Don't ask. They followed me home and wouldn't leave," said Junior in annoyance. Blaire smirked.

"You lady killer," said Blaire. Junior rolled his eyes. Blaire knelt beside Cynthia and shook her shoulder.

"Cynthia, wake up sweetheart," said Blaire in a soft tone. Cynthia crinkled her brows as she stirred. She raised herself up and yawned.

"Oh. Hey, mom," said Cynthia in a drowsy tone. Blaire smiled.

"You had fun today?" asked Blaire.

"Yep. Gojira even played with us," said Cynthia as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yeah? Well, I'll have to ask him to look after you when I need him to more often," said Blaire as she looked at Junior with a smile. The Transmutant rubbed the side of his head in response.

"Sure. She's a good kid," said Junior with a smile.

"Well, let's get you home," said Blaire as she took Cynthia's back pack and led her daughter out the door. Junior walked the two out and stood at the doorway. Cynthia smiled brightly as she waved at Junior.

"Bye Gojira! Tell Pinkie and Fluttershy that I had fun with them!" said Cynthia. Junior lightly smiled as he waved.

"Sure. See you around," said Junior. As he watched Blaire and Cynthia leave in a dark grey car, he headed back into the house. Junior found the girls to still be sleeping soundly. Junior sighed as he turned off the movie.

"Should I wake them up now or later?" asked Junior. He made his way over to Fluttershy and was about to shake her but stopped as she mumbled in her sleep.

"Eh. I'll leave them be for now," said Junior as he pulled his hand away. The Transmutant made his way back to the chair recliner and lied back on it. He yawned as he felt his eyes flutter close.

"Junior..." whispered a soft voice. Junior shot his eyes open and found his mother kneeling next to him with a smile.

"Hey, sleepy head," said Miwa. Junior yawned as he raised the recliner up.

"Mm. Hey, mom," said Junior.

"Those girls just went home. They wanted to tell you goodbye but you were asleep," said Miwa.

"Yeah well, they took all of my energy today," said Junior as he stretched. Miwa lightly laughed as she ruffled Junior's hair.

"Go to bed. Love you," said Miwa.

"Love you too," said Junior as he sluggishly made his way upstairs and into his bedroom. It was large, allowing enough walking space. At the front was a desktop computer and on the desk was a lamp. By Junior's bed there was a dresser that held his clothes. A closet was in the corner of his room. The Transmutant sighed as he changed into his pajamas and lied himself onto his bed. Junior turned to his dresser and found a picture of himself with his mother and his father, whom he inherited most of his appearance from. Junior sighed as he turned away from the family photo and waited to fall back to sleep

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