• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 10,706 Views, 581 Comments

Shy and Aggressive - Johng117

Fluttershy finds herself in one of the most unlikely of situations. She meets the top delinquent of Ponyville High. Not only that, he is also a freak to society.

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Chapter 35: Gassy

It was the late evening. Fluttershy was lying down in her bed, resting peacefully beneath her covers. She was wrapped in the comfort of warmth and away from the cold temperature from outside. As she slept, she heard rattling, causing her to wake up with a start. Fluttershy found the source of the sound, which came from her rabbit's cage. The rabbit was nibbling on the bars.
"Oh Angel," said Fluttershy with a sigh relief, holding her hand against her chest. Suddenly, she heard the sound of crashing, causing the girl to yelp in fright. She hid under her blanket as a metallic clanging came from outside. Fluttershy cautiously made her way over to her window with her blanket over her like a cloak. She peered through the curtains of her window, finding a male figure hunched over a fallen trash can, which made her whimper in fright. She then saw the figure stumble into the light of a lamppost in the neighborhood, revealing it to be Junior in his pajamas. Her eyes widened in shock and she quickly rushed back and grabbed her sweater that hung on the chair by her desktop. Fluttershy quickly slipped on her boots and stumbled out of her room and down her home's hall. As she made it outside, Junior was breathing heavily as he appeared to be struggling to keep his balance. Junior was also giving off throaty grunts as he swayed in place. Fluttershy bore a look of worry. She began to make her way over to the Transmutant.
"Gojira? What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. As she came closer, she could see that patches of her friend's skin were covered in rough charcoal grey scales. The Transmutant ominously looked her way as he locked eyes with Fluttershy. His irises covered most of the white of his eyes, and his pupils were constricted. Fluttershy slightly backed away with a look of nervousness at Junior's appearance and how he just stared at her. She could see his teeth sharp were like a predator's, and that black claws were growing from his fingertips.
"Gojira?" called Fluttershy cautiously. Junior merely snarled at her, causing the girl to yelp in fright. The Transmutant turned and ran off to the street, leaving Fluttershy alone.
"Gojira!" called Fluttershy as she ran after him. Her friend was definitely not himself. In fact, he was behaving the same way that he did when he went missing; he was devoid of any rational human thought. If that was the case, she couldn't let him go off alone, or it will be a major disaster. Fluttershy chased Junior through the neighborhood in the dark night. She was falling behind the Transmutant that sprinted down the road with his bare feet. Fluttershy called out to him, but her voice fell on deaf ears. She followed him out of their neighborhood and towards the park. Junior continued to grunt as he was slightly hunched over, with his claws drawn as he sniffed the air. He abruptly moved from one spot to another while slamming his hands onto the grass. Fluttershy cautiously made her way over to Junior's position as he pawed at the ground as he crouched to the ground.
"Gojira?" called Fluttershy. Junior quickly whipped his head around and snarled at her and then went back to pawing at the ground. Curious, the girl flanked the Transmutant, wondering what he was up to. Soon enough, she found at him pawing at a hole in the ground. It wasn't made by him, and she recognized it to be a gopher hole. Junior growled as he crinkled his nose and salivated. Fluttershy bore a look of alarm.
"Gojira, no!" said Fluttershy. Junior merely glared at her with a snarl.
"No! Leave the gopher alone! We have to go home!" said Fluttershy in a scolding tone. However, Junior didn't back down like how a dog would with an owner. Instead, he merely stood up to his full height as he puffed his chest out to make himself appear larger than he already was.
"Rarrgh!" Junior gave a cross between a human shout and an animalistic roar. His vocals were already in the process of changing and he was already acting hostile to someone he normally wouldn't. This began to worry Fluttershy even more.
"Don't take that tone with me, mister! It's passed your bedtime! Now you march home!" said Fluttershy. Junior merely grunted as he slightly crouched down. Suddenly, he lunged for Fluttershy, who yelped in fright. She soon found herself pinned down to the ground by the Transmutant, who stood over her with reptilian eyes. Junior breathed heavily as his skin continued to darken and harden. Fluttershy bore a fearful look as he bared his teeth at her and she trembled beneath him as her eyes watered. Junior kept his eyes hardened as his claws dug into the dirt by the girl's shoulders, but his eyes softened as Fluttershy lightly sobbed with fear.
"Goji... Please, don't hurt me. I'm your friend. I just want you to come home with me..." whimpered Fluttershy as she kept her eyes shut. Her trembling figure was completely visible to the Transmutant as her frightened whimpers filled his hearing, triggering bells in his mind. He stood up and backed away from her slightly, but kept his eyes hard.
"Wha..." Fluttershy looked at him as she slightly raised herself up. Surprisingly, the Transmutant was still as stone as he remained in place. She began to slightly stand to her feet, but Junior merely growled at her as he stepped closer. Fluttershy immediately dropped to the ground in fright. Junior then began to relax, but he still appeared tense. Fluttershy was pondering what he could be doing, but then a thought came to her mind. She slightly raised herself up, but Junior tensed further as he bared his teeth. Fluttershy lowered herself back down again, finding the Transmutant slightly relaxing.
It was then that she realized that the Transmutant was trying to get her to submit to him. He wanted to let her know that he was the bigger creature that didn't want to waste his time with fighting her. So, Fluttershy took the best course of action with her familiarity with animal behaviors and placed her hands on the ground as she remained on her knees. She then bowed her head as she took calm breaths, as a sign of acknowledgement of Junior's mood and a sign of her submission. Junior relaxed his muscles as he stopped bearing his teeth, grunting in response as he stepped closer. Fluttershy then carefully rolled on her side as she looked at the Transmutant with soft eyes that stung from her previous tears. Junior crouched down lower to her as he brought his face close to hers, sniffing her hair. Fluttershy slightly shrunk as he did this, fearful of what will happen next. The Transmutant gave a soft grunt as he stood up and walked away. Fluttershy slightly stood up as she found the Transmutant crouching by the gopher hole again.
Fluttershy cautiously stood up to her feet as she made her way over to his side. Junior looked her way with furrowed brows, but Fluttershy immediately stopped. The Transmutant turned his attention back to the gopher hole, while Fluttershy carefully walked over to him. As she was just a couple of feet away, the Transmutant didn't so much acknowledge her presence. She then took a seat on her knees, making herself appear smaller than she already was compared to him. The two sat together in silence, while Junior kept his eyes on the gopher hole.
"I don't think you can get him," said Fluttershy in a small tone as she wiped her eyes of remnants of tears. Junior merely blew air from his nostrils in response as he pawed at the ground with his scaly hands and black claws. Fluttershy sighed.
"This is bad. I was hoping this wouldn't happen again, but it has. If only I could do more to stop this from happening to you," said Fluttershy as she cast her eyes down to the ground. Junior glanced at her and then looked back at the ground. Fluttershy looked his way and slightly smiled.
"You at least... Understand me, right?" asked Fluttershy. Junior looked her way with a neutral expression.
"Maybe... Just a little bit?" asked Fluttershy with a hopeful expression. Junior made a throaty grunt as he went back to pawing at the ground. Fluttershy sighed in disappointment.
"Maybe only when you feel like it," said Fluttershy. Junior then opened his mouth wide as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He let out a yawn like a dog. Fluttershy smiled in amusement as she leaned against Junior's shoulder. The Transmutant slightly stiffened and looked at her with a raised brow and a titled head.
"It's late, Goji. Maybe in the morning, I'll make you something delicious to eat," said Fluttershy. Junior merely grunted as he looked back at the gopher hole. Fluttershy then stood up as she took Junior's hand, who bore a look of annoyance as he was stood up.
"Come on. Let's go home," said Fluttershy as she began to walk the Transmutant away from the hole. However, Junior kept looking back at it.
During the evening, Aria was sitting down on the sofa of her home. Her eyes were staring at the television downstairs in the living room of her aunt's house. Currently, everyone had gone to bed. However, Aria was a night owl compared to her sisters and aunt. She would tend to be late playing video games, surfing the internet or just watch television. Tonight, was no different. Aria surfed through the channels as she lied on the couch, searching for whatever would be interesting to watch. Adagio emerged from downstairs in her short pajama bottoms and shirt, yawning as she went into the cupboard and fished out a cup.
"You're up late," said Aria as she changed channels.
"Mm. I couldn't sleep. My stomach hurts from that chili," said Adagio with a grimace as she popped a tablet of tums into her mouth. She then took a seat beside Aria, who kept changing channels. Aria then came across a channel called, ‘Pop News’. This was channel dedicated to basically the news of pop culture from upcoming films, down to the lives of famous individuals.
"Oh! Leave it here!" said Adagio. Aria sighed as she stopped flipping through channels as she found an image of herself and her sisters on stage during a concert.
"The Dazzlings are currently undergoing a break after their latest tour. The Dazzlings are expected to make a return soon, but their manager claims that this break may last through the next couple of years," said a woman's voice.
"Their manager had stated, 'the plan is to let the girls return to normal life to continue education. However, we have plans to bring them in to the studio to occasionally record new songs for their next album'."
The image transitioned to a small group of people seated around each other in a news room-like setting.
"So, what do you guys think about this?" asked the woman that read the quote.
"I think it's a fabulous idea. These girls are spending their free time wisely and their manager seems willing to work around their schedule. It is useful to have an education at the ready in case you want a change in pace of careers," said another woman.
"Hold on, who says that they would change their career? As far as I can tell, they aren't going anywhere any time soon," said a man.
"Now, it's just a thought. I mean, you can only go so far as a young pop star, who’ll eventually fade out to the back of people's minds. Not to mention that these are still young girls, who may eventually develop other interests, or may even just be tired of this life," said second woman. Adagio bore a grimace as she heard this. She then glanced at her sister, who held her arms crossed as she bore a scowl for having to sit through this show.
"Heh. Lucky us if that's the case," said Aria as she leaned back in her seat. Adagio gave a small sigh in response. To no longer be relevant to the minds of others in pop culture. This was an idea that made Adagio's stomach turn. And with Aria's response to the claim that young pop bands tend to not last very long filled Adagio with more discomfort. Surely her sister didn't actually feel that way, at least that’s what Adagio hoped.
Adagio stood up from the couch and was about to leave until she noticed the open blinds in the corner of her eye. She sighed in annoyance.
"Guys, keep the blinds closed at night. I don't want anyone to see my bed head," said Adagio as she made her way over to the curtains. As she was about to close the blinds, she noticed a dark van parked outside of their home. A look of discomfort was plastered on her face.
"A-Aria," called Adagio in a nervous tone. Aria glanced at her in confusion as Adagio stepped away from the window.
"S-Someone's on the lawn!" said Adagio with a look of fright. Aria sighed as she got up to see what her sister was freaking out about. She saw two individuals kneeling on their lawn, looking as though they were digging into the ground with hand held shovels. Aria glared in response, especially when she saw that they bore Purist patches on their jackets. She made her way over to the closet in the living room and drew out a metal baseball bat. She moved passed Adagio, who looked fearful, and opened the front door, drawing the attention of the Purists.
"Hey! Get the fuck off our lawn or else I'll bludgeon you before we call the cops!" shouted Aria as she waved the bat. The Purists quickly shot up to their feet as they snatched a bag that was by them off the ground. They ran to their van, which then took off with a screech. Aria scoffed as she went back inside.
"W-Who was it?" asked Adagio in a nervous tone.
"Eh. Just some Purist assholes vandalizing the lawn," replied Aria as she put the bat away. Adagio had a somewhat look of relief, but her expression was still that of worry.
"What the heck were Purists doing out there?" asked Adagio.
"No clue. But they're gone now," said Aria as she changed the channel to the television.
Bullets whizzed across a room, striking targets at the far end. A row of people pointed their pistols and rifles at the targets as they fired shots. The loud gun fire that echoed in the room was limited by the head phones over their ears. Adrian was one of these shooters as she fired a pistol multiple times. Impact was watching her from behind as she fired. After expending her shots, she took the time to analyze her hits. All were in the near center of the chest area of the human silhouette target. She sighed as she removed her goggles and placed her pistol away. Soon, she found herself walking along side Impact down a hall.
"Your aim has gotten better since the last time that I saw you," said Impact with a smile. Adrian smirked.
"Yeah. Bet I'm still leagues better than you are as well," said Adrian. Impact rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, sweetheart. I still outrank you," said Impact.
"Enough of the 'sweetheart'!" said Adrian in annoyance. Impact merely chuckled in response. Adrian sighed.
"So, what's going on down in Ponyville?" asked Adrian in curiosity.
"We're finally getting things started there. We have enough assets to help and a plan. We just need to wait before we can get started," said Impact. Adrian nodded.
"Damn. I'd kill to join you guys," said Adrian.
"You will eventually, Adrian. Just keep learning how to use that flight suit and you'll be joining me and Stinger in no time," said Impact with a reassuring nod. He then bore furrowed brows as he kept his eyes forward.
"This time, those freaks will get the message," said Impact.
The blood curdling cries filled the air. The smell of smoke burned Onyx's throat as he panted, peeking over a building corner. His hands firmly held his M-16 Assault Rifle as his brows dripped with sweat.
"Move up soldier! We have to reach Zeta Squad if we want to take back Solgell!" said an older man in an Equestrian military uniform. Onyx looked back at the C.O. hesitantly.
"Sir, we're outmatched! The Transmutants have their inhibitor packs removed!" said Onyx.
"You do as ordered, private Onyx! Let's move up men!" shouted the commanding officer. Onyx's platoon ran passed him with their weapons drawn through the war-torn streets. Ash fell upon the soldiers as they went on with their mission. Onyx trailed behind, his breathing quick as ominous roars echoed in the air. Suddenly, a figure appeared from nowhere, crashing through the soldiers. Onyx stopped as his fellow soldiers were taken down with ease, leaving almost no time for them to retaliate. Onyx raised his rifle and began to fire, catching one of the figures in the back. Abruptly, the figure turned to reveal himself as Gojira Takeshi.
The Transmutant suddenly morphed into a great reptilian beast, standing at a great height. Gojira gave a screeching roar in fury as he was fired upon by the remaining soldiers. He proceeded to stomp the humans and strike them with his long tail. The soldiers cried out as they were slaughtered by the unstoppable monster. Onyx quickly dropped his rifle and fled from the battle. However, he could still hear the cries of his platoon along with Gojira's horrific roars. Onyx tripped, resulting in him to crawl towards rubble to hide as his heart raced. He could still hear the cries of the dying soldiers as their fruitless attempt to kill the beast was met with swift retaliation. Then, silence. Onyx panted as he remained under the rubble, hearing heavy footsteps coming his way. He saw the clawed tree trunk-like feet of Gojira stomping in the street as Onyx remained hidden beneath rubble. Gojira roared as more gunfire came his way, and the beating of helicopter wings. The frantic dialogue from soldiers filled Onyx's hearing, but it sounded as if it were on a radio. Multiple channels of soldiers shouting filled his ears.
"I need a medic over here!" Onyx panted as his vision became clouded as he heard more gunfire.
"Hostile has been sighted! Choppers are engaging!"
"We're being crushed down here! We're low on ammo!"
"Mantises on my tail! I can't shake them!" Onyx found himself in darkness as he heard the frantic dialogue that he heard.
"Watch your fucking left!"
"WHERE ARE MY REINFORCEMENTS?!" the last cry echoed out in Onyx's mind. He opened his eyes wide, finding a metal ceiling above. He blinked briefly as he quickly raised himself up, finding himself in a small room on a cot. His heart raced as his brows had sweat on them. Onyx sighed as he lowered his head, the nightmare that he had was still plaguing his mind. His job as a soldier was to serve the citizens and his country, no matter the cost. However, his platoon was taken out easily when he was deployed on Solgell. He was the sole survivor, but he did not rejoin the fight after Gojira had spared his life. Instead, he fled and hid in the city as the war went on, just as his nightmare reminded him. All he did was listen to the COMs as his brothers in arms perished to Gojira and the Revolutionaries. Such shame and regret welled up in this aging man as he held a hand against his face.
Later, Director Onyx was present in the medical wing of MONARCH Headquarters. He sat before a woman with her eyes filled with regret as she looked at a file in her hands.
"How have you been feeling, Director?" asked the doctor.
"Restless. But I'll manage. What is the result of my examination?" asked Onyx.
"Sir, I regret to inform you that... You've been diagnosed with cancer," said the doctor. Onyx's eyes slightly widened in response.
"It doesn't look too good. You may not have long," said the doctor as she placed the file in front of Onyx, who took it and began to read it over.
"Ironic. All of my military career, and it’s an illness that does me in," said Onyx as he placed the file back down on the desk.
"I'm sorry sir. But we can begin treatment. If we-"
"No. No, treatment. It doesn't really help since chemotherapy and other radiation treatments causes more problems. I'm going to live with this for whatever time I have left," said Onyx as he stood up with furrowed brows, leaving the doctor's office. The Director made his way down the medical wing's hall with a firm expression. This new revelation was alarming and signaled just how little time Onyx had left to make things right. So, he wasn't going to wallow in misery. He was going to do as much as he can to eliminate any Transmutant terrorist threat, including Gojira Takeshi.
It was the early morning. Junior breathed softly as he felt himself wrapped in warmth. He was in such a comfortable state, yet he felt restrained. Not wanting to bother with waking up from this blissful sleep, the Transmutant merely kept his eyes closed as he shifted in bed. He brought his arm up forward as if to bring his blanket closer, but he pulled in a larger figure. He heard a gasp, while taking in a pleasant smell. He heard a heart beating quickly, along with quick panting. Growing annoyed by these sounds, Junior opened his eyes to find the source. He suddenly found teal eyes staring at him, wide with alarm. Junior's eyes shot wide as well as he recognized the face that was just inches in front of his own. It was Fluttershy.
"Uh... Good morning," said Fluttershy in a small tone. Her face was flushed completely as her breathing was slightly panting from the anxiety that she felt from having the boy's arm around her as she was just inches from his face in bed. Her chest was against Junior's, pressing against it as the Transmutant had pulled her close in his sleep. Junior flushed furiously at the realization of the situation. He yelped as he quickly pulled his arm away from the girl and backed away from her, falling on the ground. Fluttershy stood up in alarm, quickly shooting up to her feet and rushing to Junior's side.
"Are you alright?" asked Fluttershy.
"Wha- Where am I?! Why was I-" Junior was silenced as Fluttershy quickly placed a hand over his mouth as she shushed him.
"You're in my bedroom. Be quiet, or else my mother will find us," whispered Fluttershy. She rather her mother not get the wrong idea of a boy sleeping in bed with her own daughter.
"Why the hell am I in your room?!" whispered Junior.
"You were... You were having an episode again. Remember that time in the Everfree?" asked Fluttershy. Junior's eyes widened.
"D-Did I hurt anyone?" asked Junior with worry. Fluttershy shook her head.
"No. You didn't even completely change. All you had done was run the streets and gone to the park," said Fluttershy in reassurance. Junior bore a look of confusion.
"The park? What was I doing there?" asked Junior.
"I'm not entirely sure. But I think you were looking for food. You were pawing at a gopher hole," said Fluttershy.
"Oh. Is that right?" asked Junior. He then stared down at the ground. Fluttershy noticed his troubled expression. She scooted close to him.
"I promise, you didn't hurt anyone. I managed to get you to come home. I couldn't get you inside of your house since I didn't want to disturb your mother. So, I decided to sneak you into my room," said Fluttershy as she looked down at the ground as she held her hands in her lap. Truth be told, she could have just knocked on Miwa's door anyway to let her know what happened, but she worried about leaving Junior on his own while he was still in that state. She hoped that he would turn back if she kept him with her. Though he had ended up making himself comfortable on her bed, and she was tired herself. She would be lying if she didn't fantasied the idea of being that close to the Transmutant, enveloped in each other's warmth as his arm wrapped over her belly with her back facing him. She then immediately shook off the thought, with her cheeks red hot. She shouldn't be having such fantasies with her friend! Though she couldn't help herself, especially when it was far from a fantasy.
"Oh. Thank you. I owe ya," said Junior. Fluttershy nodded. She then smiled as she tossed her pillow at the Transmutant.
"You’re welcome. Now get going, or else mother will be furious," said Fluttershy as she pointed at the window. Junior chuckled in response as he stood up.
"Wouldn't want that to happen. I'll see you at class," said Junior as he made his way to the window and slid it open. He looked around, finding the early morning sky, and the area to be clear. The Transmutant hopped out of the window and made a break for his home. Fluttershy slid her window closed, with her heart fluttering. She took a long sigh as she lowered her head.
Later that morning, Junior and Fluttershy were walking alongside each other down the side walk, on their way to school. The two were silent, mostly out of awkwardness from sharing the same bed together. Both tried to ignore it, but they found it impossible to forget such a thing had occurred. The two had later come across the park where the entire incident from the previous night began. Fluttershy pointed to the area near a tree.
"Over there was where you were digging for a gopher. You never found one," said Fluttershy. Junior stopped as he looked to where Fluttershy had pointed. The girl stopped as she noticed Junior in place.
"Goji?" called Fluttershy.
"I don't smell any gophers," said Junior. Fluttershy bore a look of confusion.
"But you..." Fluttershy stopped as Junior began to make his way over to the park.
"Wait, Goji!" called Fluttershy as she ran after the Transmutant. The two had come across where the hole was present, with Junior kneeling by it.
"There's something in here. I can smell it. And it's no animal," said Junior as he began to dig through the dirt. Fluttershy looked at her cell phone with an anxious look.
"Gojira, we have to go. School will be starting soon," said Fluttershy in urgency.
"Hold on. Something's here," said Junior as he dug deeper. He then found a metallic case as he dug. Junior continued to dig, revealing a box sized object that was buried. As he lifted the box, he found metal canisters on the sides, with fuses connected to them. And on the center of this metallic box was a clock, which was in the process of counting down. Fluttershy's eyes widened.
"I-Is that a bomb?!" exclaimed Fluttershy in fright. Junior noticed a familiar symbol on the bomb, which bore a mark of a white skull with a red double helix in the center.
"Oh no," said Junior in realization. His eyes widened as he noticed the clock. It was just seconds away from exploding. The Transmutant quickly stood up and threw the bomb high into the air with his great strength, away from himself and Fluttershy. He then brought Fluttershy close and knelt down with her as he buried her head into his chest. The bomb exploded, but not in a dramatic sort of way that one would see in most action films. Rather, it was a small explosion that erupted with a torrent of yellow gas. The gas spread through the air, being carried off by the wind. Junior released Fluttershy.
"Wha-What was that doing in a park?!" cried Fluttershy. Junior quickly ran off with Fluttershy calling after him as she followed him. Junior was felt with anxiety for what this could mean. He was familiar with Battra and Xenjira talking about a plot that the Purists had for Ponyville, but he never expected to have found something out about it. Junior soon came back to his neighborhood, with Fluttershy trailing behind. Junior's eyes widened with horror.
"Holy shit. I can smell it. It's everywhere," said Junior. Fluttershy looked around in confusion, but noticed that some lawns in their neighborhood appeared to bear patches of just dirt, while the rest was grass. Then, she had a horrifying realization at what Junior was on about.
"No. There's more?!" exclaimed Fluttershy as she found patches of dirt on each lawn. Suddenly, multiple explosions occurred, startling the two. Dirt erupted into the air from the patches of the dirt, as yellow gas shot out of the earth, spreading through the neighborhood. The two stared in shock as the gas spread. Doors from the homes in the neighborhood swung open as people frantically left their homes. They were lost in chaos, trying to figure out what the source of the explosions were and what was this gas. Then, Fluttershy's eyes widened.
"Our mothers!" cried Fluttershy as she looked at Junior with dread. The Transmutant's stomach tightened in response. The two broke off into a sprint down the neighborhood as the gas began to spread, while people began to flee from their homes. Soon, Junior and Fluttershy parted ways as they both went for their respected homes.
Angirasu walked alongside Rodan. The red haired Transmutant bore a smirk as he nudged Angirasu.
"So how was your date with Sonata?" asked Rodan.
"Date? It wasn't a date. She just asked me to hang out," said Angirasu with a raised brow. Rodan scoffed.
"Dude, when a girl invites you, with no one else, to hang out with her, it's a date! Tell me, what did you two do?" asked Rodan.
"We had lunch at this nice restaurant and we saw a movie," said Angirasu.
"It was a date! Besides, don't you notice how awkward she acts around you?" asked Rodan. Angirasu rolled his eyes.
"You're looking too much into it, Rodan. She's obviously just shy around other people," said Angirasu dismissively.
"Aang, I pity you," said Rodan with a sigh of disappointment while Angirasu looked at him in annoyance. As the two rounded a corner, they found the Dazzlings making their way down from another sidewalk from a separate neighborhood.
"Morning boys~!" greeted Adagio with a wave. The Transmutants met up with the sisters.
"Sup, ladies," said Rodan as he bounced his eyebrows at Aria.
"Ugh." Aria scoffed in annoyance as she looked away. Adagio merely snickered at her little sister's reaction. She was tempted to take Rodan under her wing to teach him in her arts of flirting. She bet that with her teachings, Rodan could rouse some more amusing reactions out of her sister.
"Hi, Angirasu," greeted Sonata with a shy wave. Angirasu merely responded with a friendly smile and nod.
"So, where's Mr. Takeshi?" asked Adagio as she looked around.
"Ah. He's in another neighborhood. We should be meeting up with him at the school entrance if we keep moving," said Angirasu. They then heard distant explosions, causing the teens to whip their head to the source. They found yellow gas rising into the air from a couple neighborhoods over.
"What in the hell?" Aria stared at the mist with wide eyes.
"Oh shit! That's Gojira's neighborhood!" said Rodan in alarm as he ran to the source that the smoke was rising.
"Rodan!" called Angirasu. He then groaned in annoyance as he ran after Rodan. The Dazzlings quickly looked at each other and then began to run after the Transmutants.
Twilight was walking alongside Rarity and Applejack to school. The three soon found themselves meeting up with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie just around the street corner. The girls greeted each other happily. However, the sound of multiple explosions filled the hearing of the girls, startling them. Rarity gasped in shock as she pointed to the side.
"Look!" cried Rarity. The rest of the girls looked to where she was pointing, finding a yellow mist moving through the air.
"What in tarnation is that?!" exclaimed Applejack.
"It's some kind of gas," said Twilight with wide eyes. Rainbow gasped.
"That's Fluttershy's neighborhood!" cried Rainbow in alarm. She began to sprint down the road.
"Rainbow Dash, wait!" called Pinkie.
"Come on, ya'll! There could be some trouble!" said Applejack as she began to run after Rainbow. The rest of the girls followed in suit.
Junior broke down the door to his home, finding the gas to have entered his home. Junior held his arm over his mouth, his eyes stung and his nose and throat burned from the gas that was in his home.
"Mom!" called Junior as he navigated through his home. He found his mother coughing furiously in the kitchen as she was shrouded in the gas. Junior quickly made his way over to her and began to escort her out of the house. The two made their way several feet away from the house, just far enough from the gas. Miwa coughed furiously as she sat on the ground.
"Mom, you OK?" asked Junior worriedly as he held his mother's shoulders. Miwa nodded.
"Yeah. I think so," coughed Miwa. Junior stood up.
"I need to go check on Fluttershy. You wait here!" said Junior as he ran towards his neighbor's home. He entered the home that had its door wide open. Gas had completely covered this home, bothering Junior's senses even further. He pressed on as he called his friend's name. He then gasped as he found Fluttershy and Posie passed out on the ground. Junior quickly knelt down and brought Posie over his shoulder, as he held Fluttershy by his side. Junior then emerged from the gas filled house with his neighbors.
"Fluttershy!" cried a familiar voice. Junior noticed Twilight Sparkle and her friends rushing down the sidewalk.
Junior quickly made his way further away from the house with the Posie and Fluttershy in his arms. He lowered the two onto the ground, as they coughed furiously after regaining consciousness. Junior sighed in relief as he kneeled beside Fluttershy as Twilight and the others came.
"You OK?" asked Junior in worry.
"Yeah. Thank you," coughed Fluttershy as Junior helped her to her feet.
"Gojira!" called Rodan as he, Angirasu and the Dazzlings arrived. Junior looked around the neighborhood, finding the gas spreading as a few residents exit their homes as they coughed from the gas.
"What the hell happened?!" exclaimed Adagio as Applejack and Rarity tended to Miwa and Posie.
"Purists. They set gas bombs in the neighborhood. They were buried in everyone's front lawn," said Junior with hard eyes.
"I saw their mark on one of the bombs in the park," said Junior. Aria's eyes widened in response.
"Oh shit. We caught two Purists digging in our lawn last night!" said Aria.
"But what could they be trying to accomplish?" asked Rarity with wide eyes.
"Junior," called Miwa, prompting her son to look her way.
"There could be more of our neighbors trapped in their homes like we were. We have to-" Miwa coughed. Junior reluctantly looked at the neighborhood, finding some homes with their doors still closed. It was likely that there were still residents inside of them. It would be wrong to leave them, but he couldn't leave his mother during this chaos.
"Someone stay with them," said Junior as he began to run to the nearest house.
"Not it!" said Rodan as he ran after Junior along with Angirasu.
"I'll look after Mrs. Takeshi and your mother, Fluttershy," said Rarity. Fluttershy knelt beside her.
"I'll stay too," said Fluttershy as she held her mother's hand.
"Come on ya'll! We got a neighborhood to save!" said Applejack as she brought her scarf up to her mouth and nose. She and the rest of the Mane Six and the Dazzlings ran to the houses in the neighborhood. They broke through the doors of the houses, searching high and low for anyone who may have been trapped. The teens emerged from the few houses they were able to reach with the residents that were trapped inside. Even Pinkie emerged from the house of Fluttershy with a rabbit cage and Angel. Fluttershy sighed in relief as her rabbit was brought out safely. Meanwhile, Junior was assisting a woman out of her home as he looked around.
"Gah!" Junior cried out in pain as he felt something pierce him in the shoulder. He found an arrow sticking out of his shoulder, as the woman he helped gave a panicked cry. Junior turned to where he thought the shot could have come from. He found a figure hidden in the clouds of gas, looking as though he was holding something. Junior heard a click as the figure raised the object. The Transmutant's eyes widened as he heard a second click. An arrow suddenly came whizzing towards Junior's direction, but it didn't strike him. He heard a grunt as the arrow passed him. Junior turned and found the woman limp in his arms as an arrow was in her chest.
"Oh God!" said Junior as he gently lowered the woman to the ground as she shook in pain. The Transmutant panicked, not sure what to do for this woman. He then turned as he found the figure emerging from the smoke, wearing a gas mask as he carried a cross bow with a machete hanging at his side. He bore a tattoo on his shaved head, which was that of a white skull with a red double helix.
"Damn. The mask makes it hard to see. Least I got one Transmutant anyway," said the Purist as he reloaded his crossbow. Junior quickly looked at the woman, who bore an ID code tattoo on her wrist. Junior growled as he looked towards the attacker.
"You bastard!" shouted Junior as he charged towards the Purist. The archer quickly raised his crossbow and fired at the Transmutant, who caught another arrow in his shoulder. Junior kept going as he came close to the Purist, who drew his machete. Junior swung a fist and knocked the Purist back, who quickly got up to his feet.
"I was hoping one of you freaks would be a fighter!" said the Purist with a chuckle.
Meanwhile, Angirasu was helping Sonata usher out a family that was trapped in a house. Suddenly, streams of flames emerged from the yellow smoke, startling the group. Angirasu caught sight of a man dressed in dark clothes with a black skull-like mask as he carried tanks on his back. His black leather jacket flowed in the wind. He held a flamethrower that sprayed flames towards a neighboring house that bore closed doors. Sonata gasped in shock as she saw the flames engulf the front of the house in seconds.
"There could be people in there still!" cried Sonata. Angirasu began to step away from the group.
"Sonata, get them to safety!" said Angirasu as he picked up a rock that was in the family's garden. He then rushed towards the pyromaniac, who whipped around to point his flamethrower. Angirasu threw the stone at his head, causing him to duck. Before he could stand to fire, Angirasu grabbed the flame thrower and held it up, just before a stream of flames came from the muzzle and scorched the air above.
"I'll scorch you and your race, Transmutant dog!" growled the Purist as he fought over the flamethrower with Angirasu. The Transmutant grunted as he forced his knee against the man's gut and proceeded to yank on the flamethrower. However, the Purist kept his grip.
Meanwhile, Rodan stopped in alarm as he found Junior and Angirasu fighting against men that had emerged from the smoke. Applejack ran to his side with a look of shock.
"Are those-"
"Purists!" said Rodan, interrupting Applejack. Miwa's eyes widen in horror as she witnessed the confrontation. She shot up to her feet as she drew out a small pistol from under her coat. She aimed at the Purist that was swinging his machete at her son. She fired two shots, both of which caught the Purist in the shoulder. Everyone nearby looked on in shock, while Junior took the opportunity to slug his enemy in the head, knocking him unconscious.
"Damn Mrs. Takeshi! I never knew that you were packing!" said Rodan with a grin.
"I am the mother of a Transmutant, Rodan," said Miwa. She turned to aim at the man that was in a struggle with Angirasu, but didn't pull the trigger when she saw the tank on the man's back. Shooting him would likely cause the tank to explode, killing him and Angirasu.
"Damn!" said Miwa. As residents that were saved from their homes fled, the sound of booms filled the air, startling everyone in the area. Miwa suddenly grunted as a force struck her and knocked her off her feet.
"Mrs. Takeshi!" cried Rarity as she ran to her side. Miwa panted as she held her side in pain. Junior's eyes were wide as he saw what happened to his mother. He then turned and found Rodan and Applejack being knocked off their feet as another boom filled the air. Junior looked ahead and found a sphere of space distorted hurling towards him as a boom filled his hearing. Junior quickly dropped to the ground and felt the air above him being forced back. He looked back and found that a bush was shredded and the window of a nearby house broken. He then looked forward and found three more Purists wearing gas masks that were painted like skulls. They bore bulky guns that bore dishes at the muzzles. The Purists spread out in the street, aiming their guns at the Transmutants and their human compatriots.
"Use lethal force only if you have to on the humans! Don't let these freaks get away from this neighborhood!" shouted a Purist as he aimed his weapon at Junior while turning up the dial on his gun. The weapon hummed as lights on the dish glowed brighter. Junior shot up to his feet but was met with a blast from the gun. The power of the weapon knocked Junior off his feet, causing him to fly towards the side of the building. He slammed into the wall, feeling pain in his body that the blast from the weapon had caused along with the force of crashing into the wall. Junior fell to his knees as he coughed. The second Purist fired his weapon at the teens, mothers, and some civilians that were still in the neighborhood, knocking them back.
Meanwhile, one of the Purists approached the site where Angirasu and the Purist with the flamethrower battled. The pyro Purist caught sight of his ally and quickly drew a knife hidden at his hip. With one hand still on the flamethrower, he swung his knife at Angirasu’s chest, causing him to cry out in pain. Before the pyro Purist could slash at his throat Angirasu quickly backed away but then kicked the man in the gut, causing him to lose his grip on the flamethrower. Angirasu was about to destroy the weapon that was connected to the gas tank on the Purist's back, when he was suddenly knocked off his feet by the blast from the other Purist's gun. The Transmutant flew through the air and rolled along the lawn. The Purist kept approaching as he fired another blast, forcing the Transmutant across the lawn.
"I'm going to enjoy this, you fucker," growled the Purist as he turned up the dial on the gun. As the pyro stood up to his feet, he growled as he picked up his flamethrower. As he was about to aim it at Angirasu, a gunshot filled the air and he felt something strike him in the back, causing him to stumble. He turned and found Miwa standing with her pistol that smoked, aimed right at him. The Purist looked at his back and found flaming gas spewing out of a hole.
"Oh, son of bitch," said the pyro Purist as his shoulders slumped. Suddenly, his entire tank exploded, engulfing him in flames. The Purist cried in agony as he dropped to the ground and rolled about in a futile attempt to put himself out. This caught the attention of the one of the three Purists that bore the bulky guns.
"You bitch!" shouted the Purist as he aimed at Miwa. Before the woman could aim her pistol at the Purist, the gun's blast knocked her off her feet. Her gun fell out of her hand and skidded across the ground. As Miwa scrambled for it, the Purist shot her again.
"No!" shouted Junior as he attempted to run to his mother, but the Purist that had engaged him fired his weapon at him again. This time, the Purist fired multiple times, slamming Junior into the well with great force. The constant heavy force and the multiple collisions with the wall of the house caused great pain in Junior.
Rodan rushed in towards the Purist attacking Miwa, along with Applejack, Aria, Rainbow Dash, Adagio, and Twilight. But each of them were blown off their feet as well by the Purist by his gun. He then turned up the dial as he aimed at Miwa.
"Leave her alone!" shouted Rarity as she stood in front of Miwa, who staggered up to her feet. The Purist scoffed in annoyance as he turned the dial up again on his gun. Though the teen was visibly trembling in place, she wasn't going to let this man harm her friends or this innocent woman anymore.
"Fine, you can join her!" said the Purist. Rarity's eyes widened in horror as the gun was aimed at her and Miwa.
"Get out of here!" cried Miwa.
"Rarity!" cried the main six in unison. Junior growled as he helplessly watched as his mother and Rarity were about to meet their demise. As the Purist pulled the trigger, Rarity raised her hands over face as she clenched her eyes shut.
"No!!" screamed Rarity. A bright white light flashed, blinding everyone in the area. However, from the perspective of the Purist that aimed at Rarity, he could have sworn that a diamond shaped object had appeared in front of the girl. He was blown back by the mysterious force as the light blinded all in the area. As the Purist fell back in pain, everyone had regained their vision. Rarity's eyes widened in surprise as she found the Purist down on the ground.
"What on earth?" Rarity inquired.
Meanwhile, the Purist that engaged Angirasu continued to fire his weapon at the Transmutant. He fired multiple times, creating a world of pain for Angirasu. He slammed into a wall with his back colliding with it several times. The force made his bones rattle and the muscles all over him burn and ache. Debris made by the blasts of the gun fell all around him.
"You're a tough one. Maybe a little more juice will do the trick," said the Purist as he turned the dial. However, he was struck in the back. He turned and found Sonata rearing back with a heavy wooden plank in her hands. Before she could hit the Purist again, she was hit in the gut by the butt of the gun. She cried out in pain as she fell back. Aria and Adagio whipped their heads around as they heard their sister's cry. Aria's eyes widened as she saw Sonata clutching her belly in pain as the Purist chuckled. Aria hardened her eyes.
"You fucker!" shouted Aria as she shot up to her feet and ran towards the Purist. However, she stopped as the Purist looked her way and aimed his weapon at Sonata, who whimpered on the ground.
"That's it. Stay there like a good girl or 'ponytail' gets it," said the Purist. Angirasu growled bestially as he raised his head. His irises covered most of the white of his eyes and his pupils dilated. He shot up to his feet as he felt his muscles harden. He felt heavy, but he found a surge of adrenaline coursing through him that gave him the strength to carry himself. Angirasu yelled as he charged towards the Purist, who turned in time to see him coming.
"Stay away from my friends!!" roared Angirasu as he swung his fist. The Purist quickly fired his weapon, causing Angirasu to stumble back, but he kept his feet on the ground. Then several more blasts came at him, causing him to drop to the ground and fly across the lawn.
"Angirasu..." Sonata cried weakly.
The Purist in the middle of the road that had been knocked out by the light groaned as he stood up.
"I'm done bullshitting! Kill them all!" shouted the Purist as he raised his gun at full power. Before he could fire, he went still as stone as a whizzing sound filled the air. The teens looked on in confusion but then gasped as they saw him drop to the ground, with blood pouring from a hole in his mask. Suddenly, the Purist that was attacking Angirasu dropped to the ground.
"What the fu-" the Purist attacking Junior was interrupted as a figure dressed in blood red armor burst through a nearby fence with a pistol drawn. The Purist aimed at the figure but his gun was shot by him. The weapon sparked and as he fired, the weapon merely exploded in his hands.
"Agh!!" cried the Purist in agony as his hands were burned. The armored figure charged towards him and jabbed his knife into his shoulder and forced him onto the ground.
"Clear!" said the figure. From a roof top of a house further away, a woman dressed in black stood up with a sniper rifle in her hands and dropped down to the ground. She quickly made her way over to a scene where the Transmutants, teens and mothers were present. Junior panted in pain as he watched the armored figure cuff the Purist that had been attacking him. He then noticed the MONARCH insignia on the figure's armored shoulder.
"Where the hell you guys been?" asked Junior in pain. The figure looked his way.
"Hey, we got here as soon as we could, kid. You're lucky we were nearby," said the soldier as he helped the teen up to his feet.
"Got a couple of arrows in your shoulder," said the soldier. Junior bore a deadpanned stare.
"No shit," said Junior. Meanwhile, the sniper placed a finger to her ear as she approached the civilians.
"This is Private Inoue, requesting a medical evac and reinforcements," said Inoue.
"Copy that, Private. Be there shortly," said a man on her COM. Inoue made her way over to help Applejack to her feet along with the rest of the teens.
"Anyone hurt?" asked Inoue.
"I think some people were hurt when those Purists had those weird guns," answered Fluttershy as she pointed to a gun on the ground. Inoue looked at it and her eyes widened in shock.
"Koizumi!" called Inoue.
"I'm busy!" said the armored man in annoyance as he held a medical kit out as Junior held down a towel over a woman's bleeding chest. The teens stared in horror, while even noting the dead bodies of the Purists with them. Their faces pale from seeing the dead in the streets. The sound of sirens filled the air as Junior kept pressure on the woman's wound.
"Come on, don't fucking die on us!" said Junior as he gritted his teeth.
Inoue went to inspect Sonata, who was surrounded by Adagio and Aria. Aria held Sonata close as her expression was hard and her eyes stung. Angirasu panted as he knelt on the ground.
"Angirasu?" called Sonata in worry. Inoue's eyes widened as she found Angirasu looking her way, with reptilian eyes and his neck bearing rough patches of brownish grey scales. Inoue cautiously reached into her side and drew out pistol. Angirasu growled as he stood up but Inoue quickly took aim and fired a tranquilizer dart into his neck.
"What are you doing?!" cried Sonata in alarm. Angirasu grunted in pain as he pulled the dart out of his neck. He then groaned as he fell to the ground, losing consciousness.
"Angirasu!" cried Sonata as she ran to the Transmutant's side, drawing everyone's attention.
"What the hell, lady?!" demanded Rodan. Inoue lifted Angirasu's lower half of his jacket and shirt, finding a spot on the lower base of his back to have darkened a bit.
"Shit," said Inoue, while Sonata stared in shock.
Later that morning, nearing noon, those who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the Purist attack were taken to the hospital by MONARCH authorities. As of now, police and a couple of soldiers of MONARCH were standing guard. Sonata sat in a chair with a sore belly as she looked over to a room that was guarded by a couple of soldiers in dark armor. With her were Aria and Adagio in their seats. She turned and found Inoue strolling down the hall.
"Um... Excuse me, miss!" called Sonata, recognizing the soldier. Inoue looked her way and began to approach.
"Yeah?" answered Inoue.
"What's going to happen to my friend? The one you shot," said Sonata as her eyes slightly narrowed. Adagio placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Easy, Sonata," said Adagio.
"Your friend is going to be fine. I only tranquilized him because he was showing signs of aggression that concerned me," said Inoue as she looked at the room to the side.
"His inhibitor chip was damaged, likely during that incident with the Purists. He's being prepped for surgery to have it removed," said Inoue.
"But isn't it against the law for Transmutants to have their chips removed?" asked Adagio.
"There are exceptions. If a chip is damaged by unintentional means, the subject is not held accountable, but will be watched. Can't have folks like him running around unchecked," said Inoue. Sonata slightly narrowed her eyes. The way Inoue spoke about Angirasu irked her, as if she were referring to some dog.
"Believe it or not, he's not the first or only Transmutant to have had their inhibitor chip damaged," said Inoue.
"Is it alright if we see him?" asked Adagio. Inoue hummed as she looked to the door.
"Well, he isn't due for surgery until a little later, and he isn't a terrorist. I'll see what I can do," said Inoue as she walked away.
Meanwhile, Junior was present in a room with a few others of his neighbors that were hurt during the Purist attack. Much to his relief, Junior had heard that the Transmutant that was shot in the chest by an arrow was going to pull through. Now, Junior was getting his shoulder treated by Nurse Red Heart. He winced as the nurse sewed up his shoulder. Meanwhile, Miwa had her hands wrapped up and her cheak bandaged.
"There you go. Just don't mess with your bandages. If you tear your stitches, it’s your fault," said Redheart.
"Got it," said Junior as he slipped his shirt on. As the nurse that had attended to Miwa left, she scooted closer to her son.
"You alright, sweetie?" asked Miwa in worry. Junior nodded.
"Yeah. But that's something I should be asking you," said Junior. Miwa smiled.
"I'm fine. I wasn't the one who was shot by arrows," said Miwa. Rodan rolled his eyes as he took a seat by the two.
"How useless is that? I mean, don't take this the wrong way when I say this, but he should've had a gun," said Rodan with a chuckle.
"I'm glad he didn't," said Miwa with a grimace.
"Speaking of guns, you were hardcore! The way you popped two rounds in that guy's shoulder without hitting Goji! I doubt I could even aim with one of those things! And how you shot that guy with the flamethrower's tank!" said Rodan with a grin. Junior shot him a glare.
"That's enough! Let's not bring that up!" said Junior. He didn't want to remind his mother that she had indeed took a man's life by causing his tank rupture, burning him to a crisp. He wasn't one to condemn her for this, since she had saved his own life and Angirasu's. But he didn't want her to think he was glorifying her.
"It's fine, Junior. I did what I was willing to do to protect you and your friends," said Miwa with a small smile. Junior cracked a small smile back. Miwa ruffled his hair as she stood up.
"I'm going to check with Blaire. Are you sure that you're OK with going to school?" asked Miwa in concern. She was shocked how her son was willing to attend school, even after what had happened.
"If I don't, I'll miss a test," said Junior as he placed his sweater on and stood up.
"I'm from Los Pegasus, Mrs. T. I had to go to school, even after some nasty stuff happened in our neighborhood. I think Goji will be fine. He's tough," said Rodan as he nudged Junior's shoulder. The Transmutant yelped.
"Careful!" growled Junior. Rodan retracted his arm with a sheepish smile. Miwa nodded as she planted a kiss on her son's cheek.
"OK. Be safe," said Miwa as she reluctantly left her son. Junior waved to her, while Rodan bore an amused smile.
"What?" asked Junior in confusion.
"You're such a mamma's boy," said Rodan with a chuckle. Junior scoffed in response as he walked away.
"Screw you," said Junior with a roll of his eyes. Rodan chuckled as he followed his friend out of the room.
"So, do you think Aang will be alright?" asked Rodan with a slight look of concern.
"I hope so. I heard from one of the soldiers that his inhibitor chip was damaged during that shit show," said Junior. Rodan's eyes widened in response.
"You don't think they'll put him in the vault, do you?" asked Rodan, his concern turned to worry.
"I hope not. Sonata and the others are waiting outside his room while he is prepared for surgery. The only reason why I haven't been locked up because I've kept quiet about this and I haven't caused trouble that would draw MONARCH's attention," said Junior with sigh. "I don't know how Angirasu's situation will play out."
"Still though, I can't believe those Purists involved a whole neighborhood just to get to some Transmutants. They even ended up hurting humans in the process," said Rodan.
"They are terrorists, Rodan. To them, they were just a casualty of war. They kill anyone who gets in their way. Something that the media doesn't seem to portray a whole lot," said Junior with a hard expression.
As Junior and Rodan walked down the hospital hall, they stopped after they rounded a corner. Before them, they found Twilight standing in the middle of the hall looking at a wall. She noticed Junior and Rodan at the corner of her eye, prompting her to turn her attention to them. Junior's expression slightly soured while Rodan tensed. Twilight approached them with a sigh as she looked away, holding her arm. She stopped just a few feet away from Junior, still avoiding eye contact.
"How's your shoulder?" asked Twilight.
"Fine," answered Junior in a dry tone. The two were locked in an awkward silence. Twilight sighed as she continued to avoid Junior's gaze.
"Thank you," said Twilight in reluctance.
"Huh?" Junior raised a brow.
"Thank you for saving Fluttershy and her mother from their home during that chaos," said Twilight with a sigh, not wanting to be in the Transmutant's presence any longer, due to how her view of him remained unchanged.
"Oh. Sure. Thanks for standing up for my mother. Thank Rarity for me, especially," said Junior as he held his hands in his pockets.
"Sure. See you at school," said Twilight as she turned and proceeded to walk away. Rodan sighed in disappointment.
"Don't start. Obviously, the feeling is mutual with her," said Junior in annoyance.
Meanwhile, Angirasu was lying in a hospital bed in a locked room. Outside, he was aware that there were a couple of soldiers standing guard. Though he was concerned after learning of the damage done to his inhibitor chip and how it would affect him, he remained calm. However, he would be lying to say if he wasn't the least bit nervous. The Transmutant heard a click to the door, turning to find Inoue, Sonata, Adagio and Aria entering his room.
"How ya feeling?" asked Inoue.
"Drowsy," answered Angirasu as he stretched.
"Sorry about the tranquilizer. You must understand that you were displaying some animalistic behavior when I found you. Regulations state that a non-known terrorist Transmutant must be rendered unconscious to prevent a transformation. That's what I was afraid of," said Inoue. Angirasu rubbed his head with a wince.
"I don't remember much before you came. I don't even remember seeing you. Just that... What happened to the Purists?" asked Angirasu.
"Three of them are dead, and two have been apprehended. Don't worry," said Inoue with a smile.
"Oh. That's..." Angirasu searched for the right word, though he was afraid to rustle any jimmies.
"It's a relief, what it is," said Adagio in a blunt manner.
"We'll take care of the rest from here. You have three minutes alone before you have to be taken for surgery," said Inoue as she left the room and closed the door. Angirasu sighed, but yelped in surprise as Sonata held him tightly. He heard her giving small weeps as she held him, prompting Angirasu to rub her back in comfort. Adagio watched with a small smile as she approached Angirasu's bedside.
"You just might be able to walk free without problems with MONARCH after this, Aang," said Adagio.
"Maybe. But my inhibitor chip is meant to keep me from changing. In fact, it has several different purposes that are meant to protect others. I'm more worried about that," said Angirasu with a light frown. Adagio placed a hand on his shoulder a she gave him a warm smile.
"Hey, don't sweat it. You got your friends to have your back. And I'm not just referring to Goji and the others," said Adagio with a wink. It wasn't a flirtatious wink that Adagio tended to do with others. Instead, it was a friendly gesture to put him at ease. Angirasu smiled in response.
"Thank you," said Angirasu. Adagio looked at her phone with a sigh.
"Oh boy. We gotta get to school. Sorry to leave you here," said Adagio.
"No problem. Take care," said Angirasu. Sonata gave him a hug as she wiped her eyes.
"I'll visit you when I can, OK?" said Sonata as she was about to leave with Adagio.
"Sure, I look forward to it," said Angirasu with a nod. Sonata lightly flushed as she waved good bye to him. As Adagio and Sonata left the room, Aria was about to follow them out. She stopped as she looked down at the ground with a sigh. She then cleared her throat as she turned to face Angirasu, much to his surprise. She had been silent this whole time that he wasn't expecting her to be ready to speak.
"Hey. Thanks for saving Sonata. That idiot can get herself into a lot of trouble without us," said Aria as she rubbed her arm.
"Oh. No problem, Aria. It was my pleasure," said Angirasu. Aria sighed.
"Yeah. And you seem to tolerate her a lot," said Aria as she glanced at the Transmutant.
"Well, I like her. Sure, Sonata is quirky, but I kinda like that," said Angirasu with a small chuckle. Aria looked away as she let out a small chuckle.
"Yeah. Sonata has always been the oddest one out of any of us. She was a bit coddled compared to the rest us. I always found her childishness and her antics a pain growing up," said Adagio. She bit her lip as she held her arm. Her eyes stung, prompting her to blink her eyes a few times in a span of a millisecond. Her little sister truly was a pain.
"But I guess because of that... We always treated her like the baby sister. Adagio was more nurturing but at times strict with her, and I was the middle child that got annoyed by the youngest and got into a fight with her over petty shit. But I try to be a decent big sister. It really pisses me off when someone tries to mess with her," said Aria with a small laugh. Her eyes began to water, much to Angirasu's surprise. A small sob nearly escaped from Aria's mouth as she tried to wipe her eyes.
"Sorry," said Aria with a sniffle. She then wiped her eyes as she faced Angirasu as she regained her composure.
"Thank you for saving Sonata's skin. It means a lot to me," said Aria. She then sent Angirasu a glare as she raised a fist.
"But if you tell anyone about this talk here, you'll be staying in this hospital a lot longer!" said Aria in a threatening manner. Angirasu gave a forced chuckle.
"Not a word," said Angirasu. Aria gave him a satisfied smile as she nodded in approval.
"Good. Take care," said Aria as she walked out of the room and closed the door. She then made her way down the hall, where she found Adagio and Sonata waiting around the corner.
"Where have you been?" asked Adagio.
"Bathroom. Come on, we're late for school," said Aria as she walked ahead. Sonata and Adagio merely looked at each other and shrugged.
Meanwhile in the Transmutant Guardian Lair...
Gojira Senior was currently standing by Manda as they discussed the upkeep of their base. Manda was bringing up complaints from some of the members about it getting chilly at night. Senior took note of the problem and proposed to come up with solutions to handle it for the coming winter. As they did this, Baragon came rushing through the lair with a frantic look.
"Boss!" called Baragon.
"Hold that thought," said Senior as he spoke to Manda, who nodded in response. He then turned to find Baragon stopping in front of him.
"What is it?" asked Senior.
"I was in town and heard that there was a Purist attack!" said Baragon. Manda, Senior and a couple of nearby Transmutants bore looks of alarm.
"What?!" exclaimed Senior and Manda in unison.
"That's not all! Apparently, the attack took place in the neighborhood of your family!" said Baragon. Senior's eyes widened even further. His expression hardened as he clenched his fists. His bones popped as his fists clenched.
"Are they safe?" asked Senior in a low tone.
"I heard that the residents were taken to the hospital. They survived, but were hurt during the attack," answered Baragon. Senior growled.
"I want members to scout the town for any more trouble. If you find these Purist terrorists, you know what to do," said Senior.
"But there are MONARCH soldiers deployed at the moment," interjected Baragon.
"Then be discreet! I will not tolerate an attack on my family or any other innocent individual!" said Senior in an enraged tone, causing Baragon to flinch in response.
"Got it. I'll round up some volunteers," said Baragon as he left Senior.
"Manda, stay with the rest and guard the lair," said Senior as he made his way over to the other side of the cave.
"But Alpha!" called Manda. Senior sent her a glare.
"That is an order, Manda!" said Senior. Manda shrunk back. She then nodded in reluctance.
"Yes sir," said Manda in a small tone. Senior then turned and found Xenjira looking his way, with a look of interest.
"Xenjira, care to accompany us?" asked Senior. Xenjira smirked.
"Whatever for?" asked Xenjira.
"Because you know where these Purists swarm, like the vermin they are. I need your eyes," said Xenjira as he made his way over to a crate and opened it. Inside, he found a jacket, with tactical military armor. And sitting above that was a helmet, reminiscent to a samurai's. Senior took out the helmet with hard eyes.
"If they want war, we'll give them war," said Senior. Xenjira merely grinned in response. His father was finally talking his language.
As they Guardians that volunteered for this mission left, Amber and the other fairies watched worriedly. The news of there being an attack on Junior's neighborhood frightened her. She hoped that he and Miwa were alright, along with the others. She was especially concerned with Senior retaliating against this attack in such a manner. She only hoped that they can remain discreet. Amber then gasped as she heard rattling. She and the other fairies turned to find the Ark sitting in the darkest corner of the cave, softly glowing. They quickly flew towards it and found the artifact's top beginning to slightly flop up, revealing a white light.
"The Ark," said one of the fairies.
"I fear that what we're keeping a secret no longer wishes to be kept a secret," said Amber.

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