• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 10,706 Views, 581 Comments

Shy and Aggressive - Johng117

Fluttershy finds herself in one of the most unlikely of situations. She meets the top delinquent of Ponyville High. Not only that, he is also a freak to society.

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Chapter 72: Destroy All Monsters

Fluttershy screamed in horror. Before her, the iguana hybrid was lunging for her. Before it could reach her, a rock was flung at its head. It turned and found Junior picking up rubble and throwing it at the beast.

The iguana began to charge towards Junior, screeching. It was about to reach him but was met with a hail of rocks. It roared as it turned, finding Mosura and Twilight to be standing, rocks levitating around them. The two forced their arms forward, sending the rocks flying towards the hybrid. The creature grunted and began to scurry away from the area, burrowing underground and fleeing the area.

"This is getting out of hand!" said Twilight as the group rejoined.

"That thing chased us all around. How are we supposed to find Eliza in this state?" asked Mosura. A pained wail filled the air. Junior's eyes widened.

"Wait... that sound..." Junior looked to Rodan.

"That has to be her!" said Rodan. The group followed Rodan as he ran on ahead. Aria began to run alongside Junior.

"Hey, you sure this is gonna work?" asked Aria.

"It has to," answered Junior.

As the group moved on through the town, a couple of choppers roared as they flew overhead. It seemed that more and more military personnel were arriving to the area. Junior stopped as took notice of jagged plates to be rising from behind some distant buildings.

"Dad," said Junior in alarm as Senior trampled in the distance with a serpentine abomination coiled around him.

Junior suddenly felt his arm tugged at he found Fluttershy yanking on his arm.

"Come on!" said Fluttershy. Junior took one last look towards his father as he battled the mysterious creature. As they were about to take off, Junior caught sight of Sunset Shimmer running down a street corner. She bore a look of relief and waved at the two.

"Guys, wait! The others are here!" called Junior. The Dazzlings, Twilight and Mosura stopped and joined them as Sunset arrived with the remaining Main 7 and Erika. As the group joined up, a distant explosion filled the air, startling the teens.

"Any luck?" asked Sunset, regaining her composure.

"None so far," answered Junior as he looked around, seeing explosive flashes in the distance.

"Goji, we're thinking that it's best to find shelter. Things are getting out of hand," said Sunset.

"I'm with her. I didn't sign up for monsters!" said Aria as an ominous howl filled the air.

"But what about Eliza?" asked Fluttershy.

"What about us?! We've almost been eaten by giant lizards here!" said Adagio in exasperation. Mosura looked to Junior with a frown.

"We won't be able to find her at this rate," said Mosura. Junior sighed as he scratched his head, looking around. As much as he wanted to save Eliza, he knew that their quest was putting them in danger.

"Look, maybe..." Junior turned but paused. His blood ran cold.

"Where's Rodan?" asked Junior anxiously. The rest of the teens looked around in confusion.

"Rodan? Darling!" called Rarity.

"Where did that idiot go?" asked Aria. The group recoiled as they heard a feminine scream. They found a woman to be sprinting their way. Behind her were two humanoid reptilians. The woman tripped and fell to the ground, scurrying away as the two hybrids stalked towards her, snarling. Before one of them could lunge for the woman, she disappeared as a rainbow streak passed in her place.

Rainbow suddenly appeared, sparking as she carried the woman on her back as she rejoined the group.

"Those aren't aliens, right? Because they remind me of that conspiracy theory where lizard men turn into people," said Rainbow.

"They kinda look like..." Twilight glanced at Junior's reptilian arm. The boy noticed her glance and quickly hid his arm behind his back. Junior began to tense as he stared at the two hybrids, who staggered over. Something about them was familiar. The more bulky hybrid flared his nostrils while the other snarled.

"Those things killed my friends!" cried the civilian woman as Rainbow set her down. The teens backed away as the bulky hybrid beat its chest, its sight falling on Junior. While girls felt themselves threatened, Junior could almost sense that it was him being called out. Call it primal instinct, as Junior would state. He couldn't explain it, but it felt like he was being challenged.

Suddenly, a horse hybrid appeared, trotting up to the side of the humanoids. Its grinding teeth were replaced by sharp teeth, as holes made up its ears in the sides of its head. Its long tail swayed as it pawed its clawed hooves onto the street, grinding up asphalt.

"I'm now afraid of horses," deadpanned Aria.

"These things... They're coordinating," said Twilight in shock as a couple of hybrid dogs appeared, their jaws covered in blood.

"These things must killed so many innocent people," said Rarity, trembling at the sight of the hybrids.

"Look, maybe I can draw them away. You guys can make a break for it and I'll meet ya to safety," said Rainbow as her body began to spark.

"No!" said Twilight. This drew everyone's attention, while Twilight stood with a firm expression.

"We can't keep running. The military are already having a hard time keeping these things back. While so many people are getting killed," said Twilight, finding that the humanoids were grunting, pounding their chests, as the dogs barked and the horse gave a hellish neigh.

"I'm scared as the next person. Heck, I'm terrified. But this is what Amber's been training us for. I think this is our time to use our abilities for a noble cause," said Twilight. Rainbow smirked as she began to loosen herself up as her body sparked.

"I can get behind that!" said Rainbow. Sunset nodded in agreement.

"You're right. Now's not the time to be a cowered," said Sunset as her hands began to glow cyan. Aria grimaced as she looked at the hybrids ahead.

"Well, since we're banding together..." Aria tensed.

"For our home!" said Rarity as she projected a shield over her arm. Junior looked to Fluttershy, who nodded to him.

"For our families!" said Applejack as she popped her knuckles.

"For... Shoot I can't think of anything cool to say," said Sonata in disappointment. Suddenly, the hybrids made a mad dash towards the group. Junior quickly ushered Fluttershy back while the teens began to disperse to make space in the street. Junior narrowed his eyes as the hybrid continued on.

"TAKESHI!!" The bulky hybrid roared as it approached.

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed the girls in shock as the two hybrids made their way towards Junior. They were so fast that they covered the distance between them in a mere few couple of seconds.

"Figures," said Junior with a scoff. He was met with the bulky hybrid's arm. Diesel snarled as he knocked the boy back, while Hutch quickly passed him and slammed his fists against Junior's chest, slamming him into the street.

"Gojira!" cried Fluttershy in horror.

"You're... Fault," grunted Hutch as he spoke in growls and deep grunts. Junior panted as he lied on his back in pain.

"Wha..." Junior grunted as Diesel picked him up and raised him up into the air.

"YOUR FAULT!!" Diesel roared angrily.

Diesel was suddenly struck in the back by Applejack. He grunted as he staggered, dropping Junior to the ground. The boy coughed as he held his aching sides, while Mosura and Fluttershy quickly knelt to his side.

Applejack began to send punches against the hybrid, who grunted from each blow. However, he caught the girl's fist and threw her across the street. Applejack grunted in pain as she rolled along the road. Rainbow Dash zipped towards Hutch, striking him in the chest, then zipping behind him and hit his back with a kick. Hutch snarled as he swiped his claws at her but missed as Rainbow dashed backwards in a short burst. However, she failed to notice Diesel behind her. The bulky mutated Olympian backhanded her, sending her flying.

Meanwhile, the rest of the mutants joined the fight, charging to the humans. Sunset and Twilight took point and began to fire off magic bolts at the horse, whose scales deflected their magic blasts. As the dog hybrids approached, the Dazzlings stood together. Adagio took a breath and vocalized. Her voice was amplified, piercing the air and distorting the air with sound wave rings. The dogs whimpered as they stopped. They quickly retreated from the girls as Adagio smirked.

"They're not so tough!" said Adagio. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. From the street emerged the serpent. The beast shrieked as it stood tall. The teens looked on in shock as its cries filled the heavens.

"Adagio, please shut the fuck up," deadpanned Aria.

Rodan was panting as he ran. He hadn't taken up notice that his friends were long behind him. He couldn't stall now, not when he knew that he heard Eliza. On his run, he stopped as he caught sight of a large Millenian mutation. He froze as he saw it picking at a dead soldier.

"Eliza?" called Rodan. The creature stopped and turned his way. The creature growled as it tensed. Its eyes narrowed into a glare.

"It's you, right? Eliza? It's me, Rodan," called Rodan, his tone weak. He began to cautiously approach, while the mutation snarled as it seemed to be stepping back. It slammed its fist onto the ground and shrieked, causing the boy to recoil.

"Eliza, I know you're in there!" cried Rodan. The mutation gave a soft trill as it tilted its head.

"That's right. It's me," said Rodan, cracking a sad smile.

"Kid! Get back!" called a masculine voice. Rodan turned and found a group of soldiers armed with rockets to be making their way over to them.

"Get away from that thing! It's already killed several of our men!" said the soldier. The Millenian hardened its expression and snarled as it backed away.

"No! Stay back!" shouted Rodan as he got in between the soldiers and mutation.

"Don't be crazy, son! Get out of there!" said the soldier.

"Rodan, get out of there!" a familiar voice called. Rodan noticed that among the soldiers was Inoue. She herself was armed with a rifle as a couple others, while the rest held rocket launchers. It was here that Rodan realized that these were the same soldiers that went after Eliza in the first place.

"I won't let you kill her!" said Rodan as he held his arms out.

"Rodan, that's not Eliza anymore! She's gone!" cried Inoue.

"Move out of the way! Unless you want to be blown to bits too!" said another soldier.

"No, she's still in there! She's not attacking! I can reason with her!" said Rodan, growing more desperate. His skin began to grow irritated and his body began to ache. This couldn't have been happening at a worse time.

"Orders?" asked a soldier. The C.O. kept a stoic expression as Rodan stood his ground. He even noticed how the alien seemed to be standing back, while showing signs of aggression, was not making an attempt to strike first.

"No one fires. I'm not risking a civilian getting blown up," said the C.O. Rodan turned to face Eliza, who was breathing heavily.

"Liza, I'm not gonna let them hurt you. We can get you help. Goji has the cure and you can go back to normal," said Rodan, slowly approaching. Eliza visibly appeared tense, but did not strike. Inoue tensed up as she bit her lip. The soldiers were itching to light the abomination up, but Rodan's interference held them back.

"And when you become human, we'll go home. You can move in with me. We can go to the arcade again. We can do a lot of things together," said Rodan as he stepped closer. Eliza looked to be relaxing a bit, though still tense. The boy was stepping closer. Eliza felt a familiar warmth. It was something that she felt that she had long since forgotten.

"Please, come with me. I love you, Eliza," said Rodan, his eyes welling up with tears. Eliza's eyes softened. She began to lean close to Rodan, her growls softened. Rodan was reaching for her. As Eliza was about to rest her head upon his hand, Eliza's sight took notice of a dark reptilian beast standing upright, its dorsal plates sticking out from its back. It gave a loud shriek from the distance. In almost an instant, Eliza's eyes hardened. What she was feeling moments ago was quickly replaced with hunger. Hunger that needed to be satisfied. Eliza shrieked as she back handed Rodan, sending him flying towards a car.

"No!" cried Inoue.

"Open fire!" ordered the C.O. Inoue and a couple of soldiers fired off their rifles, while the others prepared their rocket launchers. Eliza roared as she charged towards the humans. A soldier managed to fire his rocket, blasting off a chunk off of Eliza's side. She shrieked in pain but continued running towards the humans. They began to disperse while Eliza struggled to move.

Inoue turned to where Rodan was smacked to, finding him lying near the car on the ground. Inoue turned and found Eliza distracted. The young woman began to rush down the street, attempting to reach the boy. However, she took notice of a soldier armed with a rocket launcher, crying out as he stumbled back with his weapon, with the alien closing in on him. As he raised his weapon to fire, Eliza smacked him aside. The rocket was launched, missing the alien but headed for none other than the car that Rodan was near.

"Rodan!!" cried Inoue as she the rocket exploded against the car. She shielded her face as the car exploded. Flames roared as they blinded the air and the boy was out of sight in an instant. Inoue lowered her arms and stared in horror. She slumped her shoulders as she dropped to her knees.

"No..." Inoue stared, tearing up. She turned and found the Millenian beginning to slaughter the remaining members of the squad. The C.O. fired off his rifle in defiance as he lied on the ground, with the mutation standing over him. Inoue watched as the alien slammed her fist on him, silencing the man. They were dead. They were all dead. Inoue was overcome with despair that she didn't have the will to fight. She didn't even have the will to run. All she could do was cry. Eliza wailed to the air as her wounds regenerated.

Inoue heard the sound of a growl. She turned and found a dark figure rising from the wreckage and flames. Her eyes were wide as a winged reptile emerged, covered in flames. It was here that she realized what, or rather who, she was looking at.

Rodan gave a bird like shriek as he rose up from the flames, spreading his wings. The gaps in his scales suddenly began to ignite with light that was like fire. His blood began to heat up, emerging as a magma-like substance that emerged from the gaps of his scales and the bottom end of the membranes of his wings. Rodan turned and found Eliza turning his way, snarling. Rodan's red-orange eyes locked onto her, and his throat was filled with growls. He shrieked as he began to flap his wings, taking off into the air.

Inoue grunted as she shielded her face from the gust of wind he made as well as the passing sparks. Rodan left behind a trail of ember and smoke as he soared towards Eliza. He raised his legs and caught her shoulders. Rodan squawked as he began to flap in place to keep himself airborne, while clawing at her hide. The Transmutant even began to peck at her head, which Eliza responded with pained cries. She grabbed Rodan by the ankle and then swung him to the ground. Rodan grunted as he shook off his disorientation, standing up to his feet. He growled as he hunched over while spreading his wings, as though he were a vulture. Eliza roared as she charged towards Rodan, while the winged reptile took off into the air, quickly dropping onto her and tackled her to the ground.

Rodan began to snap his beak at Eliza's neck, tearing at her hide. Eliza struggled as she attempted to snap her jaws back at him but Rodan locked his talons around her head and pinned her to the ground. His feet holding her down by her chest and head, the Transmutant began to maul at her neck. Eliza struggled as she began to gurgle. Inoue stared as Rodan savagely picked apart her flesh, exposing bone. Eliza began to go limp, letting out a long breath as her eyes rolled back.

Rodan stepped off of the mutant Millenian. He panted as his scales burned. He took notice of her flesh around her neck beginning to regenerate. Muscle and veins slowly reformed. Rodan recoiled as Eliza let out a gasp and began to wheeze. Rodan gave a loud shriek as he began to maul at her again. Inoue watched, trembling at the sight. While to most this seemed like a common hunt of a predator finishing off its prey. But in reality, she knew what she was watching.

As Rodan picked off more of Eliza's hide and muscle, he started to grunt. He knew that she was just going to keep healing and coming back. That only left one option. Rodan began to grunt as he hunched over. His stomach burned as he gagged. Rodan began to vomit onto Eliza. However, his bile glowed like magma, burning the asphalt as it touched the ground. The substance began to eat away at her flesh, killing the cells on impact. Rodan continued to vomit all over her body, not sparing anything. Inoue watched as Eliza was burned away, engulfed in magma bile. Soon, she was nothing but a charred carcass, hardening into rock as the magma cooled. Rodan bowed his head as his eyes shed tears, which sizzled and evaporated from the heat he gave off. He craned his neck back and gave a sorrowful cry that echoed throughout the area.

Junior grunted as he was slammed against a building wall. Hutch began to punch his face multiple times. Every blow caused severe bruises to build on Junior's face, even knocking out some teeth. Mosura suddenly appeared and locked her arm around his neck. Hutch staggered back, snarling as he grabbed Mosura by her shoulder. He threw her over his shoulder and onto the ground. Mosura cried out in pain and was met with a stomp to her chest. She began to tear up and wheeze from the pain.

Before Hutch could stomp on her again, Junior tackled him to the ground. As Junior had him pinned, he began to slam his head on the ground several times. Diesel suddenly appeared from behind Junior and grabbed him by his head.

"Crush you!" shouted Diesel, pulling Junior off of Hutch. He locked both of his massive hands on Junior's head. Junior began to cry out in agony as Diesel began to crush his skull. Diesel grunted as he felt something pierce his back. He looked down and found a thorn stick out from his abdomen. He turned and found Erika behind him, with her arm morphed into vines and a large thorn protruding at the end. Hutch grunted as he released Junior, who collapsed onto the ground. He panted as he found Mosura lying next to him, holding her chest as she panted.

Junior's sight fell on the Main 7 and the Dazzlings. They were up against the other hybrids. The Dazzlings were vocalizing in harmony, sending their sonic waves against the massive serpent that had arrrived. That thing was proving a greater challenge compared to the others. Sunset and Twilight fired off magic beams at the beast to help keep it at bay, while Pinkie Pie threw debris and created explosions against it, but did little to no damage. Even Rarity was sending forth her crystal projections against the serpent's hide.

Junior turned back to find Mosura reaching out for him, trembling. He saw the girl mutter something, but failed to hear her due to her disorientation. Before Junior could ask what she said, he felt himself dragged away. Mosura cried out to him as Hutch dragged him away, while Diesel slammed Erika onto the ground like a rag doll.

"You're... Fault," said Hutch. Junior found himself lost in those words. Over and over, they played in his mind. His fault. It was his fault. All of it was his fault. As Junior found himself lied onto his back, he found Hutch standing over him. He snarled as he glared at the boy. Junior's heart raced, but he could not muster the strength to move. His face was swollen, and his body ached terribly that it hurt to shift ever slightly. Junior's eyes fell on Mosura, who was convulsing on the ground, giving an ear piercing scream. The mutations had their attention drawn to her.

Mosura cried out as her body grew and she tore through her clothes. Her bones shifted and changed. Her bones became external as her organs were moved in unnatural places and ways. Her head shape changed to that of an insect as her eyes bulged out of her skull, becoming insectoid. Her body was covered in fuzz as her lower half was covered in a hard carapace, almost like a wasp's. Her legs grew long like a mantis's and became serrated. Two extra fore limbs grew, but were shorter compared to her longer limbs. Antennae sprouted from her head, and her back sprouted great wings, bearing colorful patterns. Her larger forewings bore red-orange patterns near the tip that were like eyes. The base of her wings began to give off a blue bio-luminescence that matched her eyes.

Mosura shrieked as she folded her wings and lunged towards Hutch. The Olympian staggered back as the moth got in his space. Mosura hissed, her sideways insectoid mouth open, revealing small teeth-like protrusions inside her mouth. She used her shorter limbs to bring Junior close to herself, under her armored belly. Hutch snarled as the moth stood on her longer limbs as she raised her shorter limbs, showing off their mantis-like appendages. Her fuzz erected as did her antennae, as though she were alert and ready to strike. Hutch stepped forward, but Mosura swiftly lunged for him and swiped her appendages at him. Hutch shrieked as he was given deep gashes from her strikes. Hutch wailed as he fell to the ground. Mosura turned and found Diesel throwing Erika aside, who lied in pain as her body was covered in bruises and scratches.

Mosura screeched as she lunged for Diesel, who narrowly avoided her strike. He ran past her and grabbed Hutch, tossing him over his shoulder. Mosura turned and found Junior lying on the ground in pain. Mosura gave a soft chirp as she carefully made her way over to him. She began to nuzzle him and run her antennae over him. She immediately turned as she heard a scream. She found the Main 7 and Dazzlings beginning to get overwhelmed by the hybrids. Mosura chirped as she took off into the air, flying towards the serpent. Before it could lunge for the girls, she slashed her appendages at its neck. The serpent cried out in pain and turned its attention to Mosura. The Transmutant was fluttering overhead, keeping her distance. The serpent's back began to light up as a low whirring hum filled the air. Mosura's insect eyes took notice of the light. She couldn't explain it, but her senses were screaming at her to fly avoid danger. Acting on instinct, Mosura banked to the side, narrowly dodging the serpent's atomic breath as it lit up the night.

"That thing blows fire?!" exclaimed Rainbow.

As the atomic breath died down, Mosura began to dive for the serpent. She raised her abdomen, where a stinger emerged. The Transmutant latched onto the serpent's head and thrust her abdomen against its neck, penetrating it with her stinger. The serpent gurgled as venom began to course through its veins. As Mosura fluttered off, the hybrid collapsed onto the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Mosura descended back onto the street. Gust of wind was blown from her great wings. She shrieked at the remaining hybrids, who all began to flee. The teens stared as Mosura chirped, rubbing her face against her short limbs, causing her fuzz to puff up.

"Mosura..." said Fluttershy in awe. This Transmutant had changed into an insect that she had never seen before. She was like a mix of a mantis, with the sleek aggressive form of a wasp, yet the beauty of a moth.

"Gojira!" cried Erika. Everyone turned and found Erika kneeling with Junior. The boy was sitting up against a wall, panting and looking to be in great pain. The teens began to rush over, while Mosura began to follow.

"He's not looking too good," said Aria.

"Gojira?" Adagio called worriedly. Junior sat and stared off blankly, while in his pained state. His mind was elsewhere, still stuck on the hybrid's words. There was no doubt about it. They were those super soldiers. They had changed just like Erika; just like Eliza . It was all because of his DNA.

"Sugarcube, can ya walk?" asked Applejack.

"I think so." Junior managed to speak. He shakily stood up to his feet. He felt himself wobbling. Fluttershy quickly stood by his side, holding him up.

"I've got you!" said Fluttershy, grunting from the weight on her shoulders.

"Goji, what's that?" asked Pinkie, pointing at Junior's leg. The boy looked down and found his thigh to be damp. His eyes widened.

"No. No, no, no, no!" Junior pulled away from Fluttershy and began to dig into his pocket. He drew out broken glass. It was now that he felt the sting from broken glass.

"No! Goddamit, no!" yelled Junior, startling the girls. Fluttershy gasped in realization.

"Oh no," said Fluttershy. Junior held his head as he gritted his teeth.

"Oh God, this can't be fucking happening! Fuck!" shouted Junior.

"What's wrong?!" asked Rarity incredulously.

"The fucking serum is gone! It’s just a stain on my jeans now! It was Eliza's chance at becoming normal and I fucked it up!" said Junior as he punched a wall. He held his head as gritted his teeth. Fluttershy reached out for him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What am I gonna tell Rodan?" muttered Junior. As the teens were silent, with frowns on their faces, Mosura's antennae shot up. She gave a low growl-like sound as she looked down the street.

"Mosura?" called Fluttershy. The teens turned to where she was looking, finding the street to break open. A large mutant Millenian emerged, bellowing. The teens looked on in horror, finding this mutation to be huge. It was almost twenty feet in height. It snarled as it turned to the paralyzed boa hybrid. It unhinged its jaws as pink tendrils shot out and wrapped around the serpent. The creature gave panicked cries as it was devoured. Slowly, the alien chomped and swallowed up bits of the hybrid. As it consumed the creature, the alien grew in size, and grew more jagged back plates. Its hands grew bigger, and its arms stronger. It hunched over more to support its mass and weight.

"How is that thing getting bigger?!" asked Sonata.

"The aliens are trying to evolve by consuming anything with my DNA. The snake is a hefty boost!" said Junior as the teens backed away. As the alien finished consuming the boa, it had grown to be fifty feet in height. It was truly an 'Abomination'.

The mutant wailed as its jaw locked back into place. The teens began to flee from the area, while Mosura took to the air.

"Goji, come on!" cried Fluttershy. Junior pulled away as his irises grew reptilian. Fluttershy was attempting to reach for him but recoiled as Junior dropped to his knees, his body morphing.

"Fluttershy, get back!" cried Sunset. The sound of wails filled the air. The girls turned and found an armored quadruped to be charging down the street. The creature roared as the alien stepped through a small building. The teens backed away in shock. Then, they took notice of a jeep pulling up. Aiko emerged from the jeep, her eyes wide as they fell on Abomination.

"Holy shit!" said Aiko.

"Mrs. Riku?!" exclaimed Fluttershy.

"Looks like Hell's broken loose when I left," said Aiko.

"Is that..." Adagio looked to Aiko as she pointed to the quadruped.

"My son," said Aiko with a nod.

The humans watched as Junior emerged in his beastly form. He roared at Abomination, who found Mosura hovering near him, while Angirasu and Junior stalked towards him. The abomination could sense the sustenance that Junior could provide, driving him mad with hunger. These beasts were no match for him. However, he noticed a winged figure approaching, leaving a trail of smoke and fire.

"Rodan!" cried Rainbow.

"We better get out of here!" said Twilight. The humans began to run as Junior began to charge towards the alien. Abomination bellowed as he charged as well, slamming into the Transmutant and caused him to stumble back.

The girls fled the area as the beasts clashed. Angirasu swung his spikey clubbed tail against the side of Abomination, drawing blood. Rodan flew over the alien and slashed his talons from his feet over his hunch. Mosura shrieked as she zipped by and slashed at Abomination's neck. The creature stumbled, while Junior charged his atomic breath. He shot it forth, blasting off Abomination's shoulder. The alien wailed in pain as its wound smoked.

Abomination stumbled as a low whirring sound came from it. Its neck began to flash yellow. Its shoulder began to heal and revealed a chamber that opened up, glowing. The chamber spewed a beam of yellow energy. The beam struck Junior, sending him flying back. The Transmutant shrieked as he was blown back and landed on his back. He groaned as his chest smoked.

Abomination roared as he slammed his fists onto the ground, causing tremors as the street cracked. Angirasu snarled as he charged forward. As he approached, he curled himself into a ball. His armored and spike covered carapace dug into the asphalt as he tumbled forward. He rammed in between the legs of the alien, causing it to screech in pain as the spikes dug through it.

From behind, Rodan swooped in and slammed his feet against the alien's back, causing it to wail and fall over. The creature cried out in agony as it found itself lying on the spike ball of a Transmutant that had slammed into him prior. Abomination stood up, bleeding from his punctured wounds, but picked Angirasu up. The Transmutant unfurled himself from his ball shape and began to thrash. The larger creature threw him several blocks down the street, leading him to crash into a building. Angirasu groaned as debris fell over him.

Meanwhile, the remaining teens and Aiko found themselves at quite a distance from the battle. They watched as Angirasu emerged from the rubble, snarling as he galloped back to the battle.

"Alright, clear out of here, ladies!" said Aiko, checking the clip to her handgun.

"But what about- Oh no!" Pinkie yelped in alarm as she pointed down the street away from the battle. From the street corner, the iguana was clawing at the entrance of store building, while a couple of civilians were seen fleeing the scene. However, they were pursued a couple of salmon hybrids.

"OK, on second thought, I'll join you. Not that way, though!" said Aiko. Adagio looked at her incredulously.

"Wait, you were going to have us go off on our own?!" asked Adagio.

"You going off on your own, I have no problem with," Aiko muttered to herself. She then noticed Rainbow running down the street to the hybrids.

"Hey, get back here!" called Aiko in alarm.

"Look at me! Fresh cut of meat right here!" called Rainbow, flexing at the hybrids. The iguana ignored her while the salmon turned their attention to the girl, who remained in place. Behind her they found more prey exposed.

The fish snarled as they began to scurry towards Rainbow like lizards. They were quickly covering the distance as their developed fins and short back legs carried them. Rainbow sparked as she dashed between the hybrids, standing behind them. She blew a raspberry at them, prompting one of the beasts to turn to pursue while the other focused on the rest of the girls.

"What in the-" Aiko bore a shocked look, while Pinkie Pie grabbed a couple bits of asphalt. She hurled the stones, which exploded next to the closer fish hybrid on impact. The creature shrieked with a start, while Twilight and Sunset fired off magic bolts. Rainbow Dash sprinted towards the other fish, sending a swift punch against its muzzle as she zipped by. The creature barked in pain from the quick blow and stinging sparks that came with it. Rainbow did a couple of more passes, causing the fish to whimper as it retreated. The other hybrid followed as magic sparks and explosions chased it off.

The iguana took notice of the fleeing hybrids and snarled. Twilight and Sunset began to send their magic bolts while Pinkie continued to pick up debris to throw. Aiko merely stared in shock at what she was witnessing. This must have been what that bug was talking about.

"Keep your distance! Applejack, go around the back and get the people trapped out of there!" said Twilight. AJ nodded and took off running. She slipped between two buildings and made her way around the back. She could hear the enraged and pained wails from the iguana. Applejack slammed into the back of the target building, finding several civilians huddled in a corner. They turned to the blonde in shock as the dust settled.

"C'mon y'all! Time's a wastin'! said Applejack. The civilians began to quickly make their way through the breach passed AJ. The girl gasped as she heard a distant explosion. Her eyes widened as a large Millenian, the size of a tank, came stomping down the street. The civilians screamed in alarm as it approached, flanked by smaller aliens. The aliens found themselves bombarded by explosions. However, a rocket soared over head, crashing into another nearby building.

"Tarnation!" exclaimed Applejack, turning to find the aliens approaching as well as military ordinance while down the street further down behind them were Junior and the others taking on a much larger alien mutation. They were getting boxed in.

"Alright, stay close!" said Applejack as she began to lead the civilians further from the building they were trapped in. She found that the girls had managed to get the iguana to retreat underground. However, there was still trouble from the aliens and military.

"Twi, you got a plan?!" called Applejack. Twilight began to analyze the situation. Her mind quickly processed their surroundings. She then turned to Rarity.

"How big can you project?" asked Twilight. Rarity raised a brow and noticed the huddled civilians.

"I think I can manage," said Rarity with a nod.

"Good! We're going around the military and aliens! Everyone just stay close and keep moving while Rarity provides cover!" said Twilight. Soon, the girls, Aiko and the civilians were all grouped close together. Rarity was in the front, projecting a dome shield over them that hovered inches off the ground.

"Move in an orderly fashion!" said Aiko. The group began to navigate to the next street, away from the path of the military and aliens. Things were going well so far. However, a jeep was suddenly tossed into the air, crashing into the street just inches from the group. Civilians cried in panic, bumping into each other out instinct to scramble.

"Stay calm! We're OK!" shouted Aiko. Rainbow's eyes widened as she found a soldier trapped inside the jeep.

"Rarity, let me out! Someone needs help!" said Rainbow. Rarity grunted as she focused. A breach in the diamond dome opened, allowing Rainbow to move through.

Meanwhile, Senior found himself roaring as he slammed Discord against a building. He grabbed him by the muzzle and slammed his head against the roof. He roared as Discord slashed the claws on his feet on Senior's thigh, causing him to stumble back.

"I am the Alpha!" Discord as he flapped his wings and took to the air. Senior snorted as he caught his tail. With a spin and the power of the muscles in his arms, Senior slammed Discord to the street. Discord snarled as he shot up, ready to retaliate. However, he felt a hail of bullets peppering him. He turned and found several soldiers shooting at him. The mad scientist screeched as he was about to lunge for the kill. However, Senior charged into him, biting down on his neck. Senior tackled Discord to the ground and clenched his powerful jaws onto Discord's serpentine neck. Senior grunted as he began to roll over Discord as he kept his jaws locked. With a mighty twist and yank, Senior decapitated Discord's head from his body. Discord's body twitched as it went limp, while Senior dropped his head to the ground. The mutated doctor's eyes rolled back as his tongue hung out. Senior grunted as he kicked the head away against a building. He turned and his eyes widened as he found a much larger Millenian being taken on by Junior and his friends. Senior screeched as he began to move down the street, his steps rocking the ground. The soldiers watched as he took off.

"Glad he's on our side," said a soldier.

"For now," deadpanned another soldier. They began to inspect the carcass of the doctor.

"No time for dicking around! We still have a mission to finish!" said a C.O. the soldiers took notice of Discord's body beginning to twitch. They backed away in alarm as the twitch grew more erratic.

"You have gotta be fucking kidding me," said another soldier in horror. From where Discord's head once stood, a membrane began to emerge. In it, new bone, muscle and flesh began to form and restructured themselves into a newly formed head. The membrane was torn through, revealing Discord's eyes. A maniacal laugh escaped his throat as his eyes fell on the soldiers.

"Here's Johnny!" said Discord.

"Open fire! Open fire!" cried the C.O. Discord tore through the membrane and snarled as he lunged for the soldiers.

The Main 7, Erika and Aiko moved from the battlefield. The street that they managed to put distance between themselves was now filled with rampaging mutations. By now, the Millenians were smashing through buildings on the street while searching for the animal hybrids.

The girls had come to realize that this was a hunt, based on Junior's explanation for the big one. Right now, it was an all-out war. The military had begun to mobilize nearby, firing off anything they could muster at the monsters. Explosions rocked the area as the shrieks of beasts haunted the evening air. Judging by the relentlessness of the creatures, it was only going to get worse from here.

Rarity had dissolved her dome projection, allowing the rest of the civilians to flee from the area. Erika was panting as she held her head. It began to throb, prompting her to stumble.

"Erika, you OK?" asked Sunset, catching the girl. Erika winced as her pupils dilated and constricted. She blinked as she shook her head, filled with an aching pain.

"I-I don't..." Erika winced as she felt her skin beginning to crawl. Her ears rang with the horrific cries of the creatures. Some primal feeling inside her drove her on edge. It was familiar. In fact, it filled the girl with fear. She wondered why this was happening now all of the sudden. Erika looked down at her newly grown arm, finding it to have darkened slightly, as her veins were becoming exposed. All of the horror and pain she experienced prior had drove her to expend much of her energy to preserve herself. It was here that she realized that she had a growing hunger inside. In fact, she remembered feeling this kind of pain the last time that she was hungry like this.

"Alright I don't know what the hell all of that was, but we need to get going," said Aiko. Erika coughed as she held her mouth. The monstrous cries seemed to have grown louder. She felt her throat swelling and her insides to be buckling.

"Erika?" Twilight looked at the girl in alarm. Erika dropped to the ground and began to convulse. Sunset was screaming in alarm, helpless to act to help her friend.

"Erika!" cried Sunset.

"What the hell is wrong with her?!" exclaimed Aiko. From the ground near the group, Deutalios emerged, wailing as sewage sprayed onto the street. The girls cried out in alarm as the large beast began to crawl onto the street, snarling as its sights locked on them. He was flanked by a couple of salmon hybrids. Sunset reached for Erika but recoiled as the girl turned onto her back, crying out in agony. The humans recoiled in horror as Erika's jaw had split and sharp teeth began to protrude from her gums. Her flesh began to dry up as it changed to a sickly green tone. Sunset was screaming in despair, unable to fathom what she was witnessing as her friend seemingly decayed.

Erika's body grew as tendrils shot from her body, slamming into the surrounding buildings. The humans backed away as the girl was wrapped in more tendrils that began to grow, engulfing her body. The humans stared as a large form began to rise, as scale-like bark and leaves sprouted. A glowing membrane pulsed near the base, which was covered by thick vines. From the top of the object sprouted a massive head of a rose. The petals began to drip mucus onto the street, which sizzled the ground. The humans backed away in shock from the massive rose, which stood to be fifteen feet in height. The center of the rose head bore a flytrap-like mouth, which opened wide as the sound of an inhale filled the air.

"E-Erika?" called Sunset. The towering rose began to move, rising itself. A haunting and almost human-like cry filled the air. The hybrid creatures recoiled from his newly formed creature. They snarled as they backed away. The rose began to slowly turn in place, as the roots around the base began to move on their own, holding it up as they turned it around. From the rose emerged tendrils, bearing rose heads with flytrap-like jaws. The tendrils hissed as they made their way to the salmon hybrids. The fish snarled as they snapped at the vines, which began to recoil and sway in place as they avoided the jaws of the fish. One of the tendrils were bit down on, shrieking as it was gnawed on by the hybrid's teeth.

The rose creature gave a cry as more tendrils shot out, diving for the hybrids. The tendrils bit onto the sides of the fish, who gave shrieked in pain. They were strangled by the vines and were gnawed at, while the burn of acidic mucus ate away as their scales. One of them was lifted up by the tendrils, carried to the rose head. The jaws covered by the rose petals opened wide as the tendrils brought the fish closer. The creature shrieked as it thrashed in place but found its upper half chomped down on by the powerful jaws of the rose's head. The teens watched in horror as the rose devoured the fish, whose blood began to stain its trunks. The membrane at the base of the rose creature began to pulse in response as the fish was devoured. From the rose, its form began to morph. It grew taller, and the vines began to plant themselves into the ground. From the upper half of the rose tower, it formed a semi-humanoid torso. Short, lanky arms grew, covered in vines and wood emerged from the sides, and the rose head began to bloom brightly as it sat upon an elongated reptile-like neck.

"This can't be happening! She's mutated like the rest of them!" cried Sunset. The humans recoiled as they heard distant screams. They turned and found Miwa and Posey to be running down a street corner, pursued by a Millenian. Amber was flying close behind the two women, fluttering frantically.

"Mother!" cried Fluttershy as Posey quickly wrapped her daughter into a tight hug.

"Run!" cried Miwa. The group began to flee as the Millenian gave chase. Aiko fired off a couple of shots at the creature, but to no avail. However, the alien stopped and turned to find Erika in the middle of the street, devouring the second fish. The alien snarled as it felt itself drawn to this massive vegetable. It had the same scent of what it has been craving. The Millenian snarled as it rushed to the base of the rose. It began to sink its teeth into the trunk that held it up. The rose thrashed as it gave a human-like scream of agony.

"Erika's voice. I-it's going to kill her!" said Sunset as she stopped running, charging up her magic.

"Sunset, you'll get killed if you go back there!" said Rainbow as the rest of the group stopped. However, Sunset didn't listen. She began to make her way back to the street, but Twilight caught her shoulder.

"Wait, we can't just keep doing what we've been doing," said Twilight, drawing Sunset's attention. She gestured to the distance, where the Transmutants battled the massive Millenian in the distance, which only grew in size as it sunk its teeth into Junior.

"There's too many of them. We need a faster solution to get rid of these monsters," said Twilight. She turned to the rest of the teens.

"Amber filled our minds with a vast knowledge of spells. I think I know one that can help us end this quickly without hurting our friends," said Twilight.

"Well, what is it?" asked Rainbow impatiently.

"Spells?" asked Aiko incredulously.

"Sunset and I can draw power from the rest of you. With your combined power channeled with our magic, we can have enough power to blast away these monsters. The aliens won't even have enough time to regenerate," said Twilight. Amber nodded in agreement.

"It may be your best shot," said Amber.

"Wait, are you sure you can do it? Neither of you have ever performed that kind of feat before," said Rarity, worriedly.

"We have to try!" said Sunset. Twilight nodded to her.

"We're gonna need the adults to stand back," said Twilight.

"Hey, you don't get to order us around, kid!" said Aiko, while Miwa and Posey began to pull her back.

Twilight and Sunset's hair began to flow in the wind as they bodies slightly illuminated. They raised their hands as the Dazzlings and the rest of the Main 7 stood before them. The girls could feel their strength being sapped from them, but they stood their ground. Meanwhile, Sunset and Twilight felt themselves growing more energized. Their hearts raced as their senses heightened. Their eyes began to glow white as their hands sparked. The two turned to the street, finding the Millenian tearing the vines of Erika. The two girls raised their hands and fired two beams at the alien. The alien shrieked as its side and arm were vaporized. It turned in alarm as the two humans approached, firing off their magic beams. The Millenian wailed as it was completely incinerated by the raw power of the magic.

Erika turned to the sight of the girls, a human-like cry escaped its jaws. However, the rose mutation was suddenly tackled to the ground, uprooting from the asphalt. The rose shrieked as Discord stood over her, while the mad doctor bore a wicked grin.

"My, what a fascinating specimen!" said Discord as the vines began to wrap themselves around him. He chuckled as the rose mutant began to raise itself off the ground. It snarled as it prepared to bite onto Discord's head. However, the mad doctor noticed the membrane at the base.

"This looks important!" Discord quickly slashed his reptilian clawed feet as the membrane. The rose wailed in agony as it twitched and convulsed. a fluid from the membrane began to drain as the rose began to collapse and decay. Discord found himself free and lowered himself down to the torn membrane. He drew out Erika, who was drenched from the fluid, her clothes torn and her flesh bearing vines that hung like cords.

"You are a far more fascinating specimen, Ms. Shiragami. It'd be a waste to dispose of you. Besides, what would your father think?" chuckled Discord. However, his arm was suddenly severed by a beam. He cried out in agony as his arm dropped, along with Erika. Before the girl could hit the ground, she was gently levitated into Sunset's arms, while Twilight's hands smoked. The girls glared at Discord with their pure white eyes. Discord snarled as his forked tongue hung out.

"You dare challenge me, the god of the new world?!" demanded Discord as he approached. However, the girls began to fire off more of their beams at the mutation. Every blast went through Discord, who cried out in agony. He began to stumble back as he bore multiple scorched holes in his serpentine body. In panic, he began to flap his wings and took to the sky. However, he was still struck by the beams. He wailed as his torso was severed, along with his wings. He managed to get far from the girls, but crashed to the street. He groaned in agony as his body smoked. He coughed as he began to fall into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, Sunset gently lowered Erika next to a building wall, while the rest of the group joined them. Erika weakly opened her eyes, finding Sunset looking down at her worriedly. The green haired girl weakly smiled.

"Sorry. I was hungry," chuckled Erika. Sunset smiled back, a tear shedding in relief.

"Come on, let's finish this," said Twilight as she and Sunset took off running to the main battle.

"Wait for us!" cried Pinkie as the rest of the Main 7 and the Dazzlings ran after them.

"Fluttershy!" called Posey. Her daughter stopped and looked to her mother. Posey smiled with a nod.

"Good luck," said Posey. Fluttershy nodded with a smile. She rejoined her friends as they ran off to the final battle. Fluttershy didn't know what she could do. She didn't have abilities to shoot lasers, to lift cars, move lightning fast, scream loudly, or project protective fields. All she could do was talk to creatures. But, she knew she had to do something. Even offering up whatever strength of her power contained to Twilight and Sunset was enough.

The girls found themselves in the middle of the battlefield. The Transmutants were slamming their bodies into the massive Millenian to overpower it, while the smaller ones approached. The hybrids were attacking the human soldiers, who fired off their weapons in desperation.

Senior shrieked as he stomped onto the street, stomping on a horse hybrid beneath his foot. The girls cleared the way as he charged towards the massive Millenian. Junior noticed Senior approaching, stepping aside to allow his father to slam into the alien. The Abomination snarled as Senior pushed him back. The two were almost equally sized, allowing for the two to go all out.

Senior swung his tail, tripping the abomination to the ground. He slammed his tail up and down onto its head. The Millenian snarled as it caught his tail and yanked on it. Senior stumbled backwards, while the alien staggered up to his feet. With a swing of his mighty fist, he slugged Senior in the side of the head, causing him to fall over.

The teen Transmutants roared as they began to attack at once. Abomination caught Mosura from the air and threw her at Rodan. The two shrieked as they crashed onto a building. Abomination then grabbed Angirasu and threw him at Senior, causing the two to fall over onto the street. The girls quickly began to spread out as the Transmutants were flung about like rag dolls. Twilight and Sunset nodded to each other as they locked their sights on the Millenian. They fired off their magic beams, which scorched the flesh of the Abomination, who wailed in agony. However, his limbs were not severed nor did the beams blow through him. His hide seemed to have grown tougher since earlier.

The rest of the girls began to use their abilities to help the soldiers anyway they can. Rainbow used her speed to distract the hybrids and carried the wounded to safety. Applejack used her strength to beat back the monsters, Pinkie used her combustive powers to scare and hurt them, Rarity provided protection for those about to be eaten, and the Dazzlings deafened the monsters with their voices.

"Who the hell are these kids?!" asked a soldier incredulously as he fired off his rifle at a rat hybrid.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Twilight were still focused on firing magic beams at Abomination. While they were putting the alien in a lot of pain, they could not kill it. The beast had grown enraged to the point that the jaws in its shoulder and hunch began to open. A yellow glow was seen as well as a whirring sound. The two girls both aimed their magic at the shoulder at the beam, while the alien fired its own beam. The beams collided, pushing back against each other. The ball that formed in the center of the clashed beams began to form and expand. Soon, the ball exploded, blinding the area and sending sparks of energy all around. The alien mutation snarled as the girls grunted from the force of the explosion. The alien panted as its wounds burned and slowly regenerated. It found Junior lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

The alien grunted as it approached, opening its jaws wide open, unhinging like a snake. The mouth hung wide open that it almost touched the ground. The girls looked on in shock.

"He's going to eat Gojira to evolve!" said Sunset. The two were about to the attack but found themselves surrounded by more Millenians. The girls stood back to back, firing their beams at them in self-defense. Sunset kept finding herself looking over to the alien as it approached Junior. She grunted as she fired her magic again, fearing that they may not be able to help their friend on time.

Suddenly, Senior rose up, roaring at the Millenian, who quickly turned around to face the adult. Abomination bellowed as tendrils shot from the back of his throat, grabbing Senior. The adult Transmutant grunted as he pushed back, but his brows raised. He found the gaping throat of his opponent as it attempted to devour him whole. Senior narrowed his eyes and roared. He began to step closer to Abomination, allowing him to clamp his mouth on his upper body.

"What is he doing?!" exclaimed Sunset, pointing to Senior. Twilight looked over briefly in shock, finding that Abomination was growing darker in skin tone. His scales grew and his back sprouted much larger dorsal plates.

"That's not good!" said Twilight, blasting away another Millenian.

As Abomination fed on Senior, he heard the sound of a familiar hum. The hum grew into a whir. His eyes caught sight of a blue glow that grew brighter and brighter. It was here that the Abomination realized what was happening. Its eyes widened in alarm as it felt heat building up.

Senior shot forth his atomic breath inside of Abomination. The Millenian's insides were scorched as the radiation scorched through its hunch, shooting out through the air. Everyone in the area recoiled as the bright flash from the breath ignited the night. Abomination's upper body was incinerated by the atomic breath, its charred bits fell to the street. Senior stepped back as bits of the alien fell off his body. He gave a victorious roar to the heavens as the Millenian collapsed onto the ground, with its upper half of its body vaporized. The remaining Millenians snarled as they turned their attention to Senior.

"Whoo! Nice one, papa G!" said Pinkie.

"The big one is down! Kill the rest of the aliens!" Hayato's voice shouted through all of the COMs to all of the soldiers. Filled with new morale, the soldiers gave war cries as they began to gun down the rest of the aliens and hybrids. The Main 7 and Dazzlings rejoined each other as the battle moved its focus down the street. The girls took notice of Senior looking down at Junior, inspecting him. The younger Transmutant groaned as he shifted, staggering up. The rest of the young Transmutants also began to rise. Senior snorted as he turned, finding Discord to be crawling on what remained of his front limbs, attempting to get away from the area. Senior roared as he stomped after him.

"What next?" asked Rainbow.

"We finish these things off!" said Sunset. However, the girls heard the sound of shrieks in the air. They turned to the carcass of the largest Millenian beginning to bulge. From its body, softer flesh was present. From that flesh, more Millenians began to emerge. The aliens wailed as they sprang from the dead.

"Agh, what the fuck?! That's bullshit!" said Aria in dismay.

"We're gonna need more energy for this," said Twilight as her glowing eyes flickered.

"Go for it! I want this end already!" said Adagio. Twilight and Sunset began to draw more magical energy from the girls. Once they were through, Twilight and Sunset held hands as they raised their other hands forward.

"Take them out with one blast!" said Sunset. The two built up the energy for their next attack. Once they fired, a bolt shot to the center of the carcass, exploding on impact. The Millenians shrieked as they were incinerated by the blast.

"Hell yeah!" cried Rainbow.

Once the dust settled, a glowing orb stood, floating. The teens looked on in confusion.

"What the heck is that?" asked Applejack. Twilight noticed that a few pebbles on the ground began to tremble and rolled forward. The dust seemed to have been hovering around the orb. She noticed that the Transmutants were backing away, from the street, as though they were avoiding something. Twilight even began to notice the remaining hybrids turning their attention from the human soldiers.

"Oh no," said Twilight.

Hayato was standing in the war room. His eyes were wide as he found live feed of the battlefield. The feed showed a mysterious glowing orb just some distance from the battlefield.

"What is that?" asked Hayato.

"Director! We're detecting a spike in readings!" said a man on a console.

"Radiation?" asked Hayato.

"No, it's something else! But it's growing by the second! Gravity is beginning to increase in its vicinity!"

"I want all units to pull back, now!" said Hayato.

The Main 7 and Dazzlings backed away as the orb grew brighter. The air surrounding them began to blow against them. Behind them, the military had already began to pull back.

"I don't like this," said Sonata.

"Run! We just created a singularity!" cried Twilight.

"A what?!" asked Rainbow incredulously.

"A black hole!" cried Sunset. The girls found more rubble and dust getting sucked towards the orb, disappearing from sight. The girls screamed as they began to flee from the area, but felt the force of gravity pulling against them. The Transmutants roared as they began to make their way away from the orb, but also felt the tug of gravity on them.

The girls cried out as they grabbed onto the nearest thing to anchor themselves. Twilight, Sunset and Fluttershy grabbed onto a bench that was cemented to the ground. The Dazzlings grabbed onto a lamp pole, while Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack held onto another lamp pole. Rainbow Dash was sprinting towards a building's corner, feeling herself pulled by the vortex. The girls screamed as the force of gravity increased, causing their feet to leave the ground. They held on for dear life as the vortex grew in size and intensity.

The remaining hybrids cried out as they were sucked towards the vortex. They dug their claws into the street to anchor themselves, but to no avail. Even a couple of Millenians were being pulled in.

Junior and the Transmutants managed to get a good distance from the pull of gravity. However, he stopped as he heard Fluttershy's screams. He turned and found the girls as they held onto whatever they could to avoid getting sucked towards the vortex. Junior roared as he stomped back towards the girls, while flanked by Angirasu, Rodan and Mosura.

As the girls held on, Sonata screamed as she lost her grip. She grabbed onto Adagio's waist as she was pulled by the vortex's force. The girls found Mosura perching herself onto the roof of a nearby building, her fuzz and antennae blowing in the wind. Mosura chirped as she stretched out a spindly forelimb, while lowering herself closer to the Dazzlings.

Angirasu grunted as he made his way to the lamppost, where AJ, Pinkie and Rarity held onto. He groaned as he stepped closer, feeling the force pulling him. He stretched out his neck, where his horn on his snout was in reaching distance for AJ. The blonde quickly grabbed his horn, while Rarity and Pinkie held her waist.

Rainbow found Rodan walking by, close to the wall. He kept his wings folded against himself as he dug his claws into the concrete. Rainbow grunted as she reached for Rodan, who stepped closer, extending his leg to her.

Meanwhile, the surrounding buildings began to have their windows shattered. From inside these establishments, many items from them began to get sucked into the vortex. The mutant hybrids were even beginning to get sucked in, one by one. Deutalios roared as he flew passed the rest, disappearing beyond the vortex.

As Sunset, Twilight and Fluttershy held onto the bench, they found Erika rushing nearby. Her arm changed to vines and hung onto a lamppost. She sent her other arm forward as it changed into vines.

"Grab on!" cried Erika. Sunset and Twilight grabbed onto the vine. They noticed Fluttershy still holding onto the bench, her eyes clenched shut.

"Fluttershy, come on!" yelled Sunset.

"I can't!" cried Fluttershy. She was too afraid to even attempt to reach for the vine. However, she felt herself losing her grip. She began to reach out for the vine but felt her fingers tiring as the vortex grew stronger. She screamed as she lost her grip, flying to the vortex.

"Fluttershy!!" exclaimed Sunset and Twilight in unison. Before Fluttershy could get pulled into the sphere, Junior stepped into the street, in the path of the orb. Fluttershy gasped as she found herself clinging against his leg. His large body kept her from being swept off of her feet. Junior growled as he began to stomp away from the vortex, but felt it growing stronger.

From down the street, Miwa came running from the corner that she, Aiko, Posey, and Amber were. Her eyes were wide as she found the children being pulled by the vortex. She ran to the street, feeling the pull of the vortex. She stopped as she found Aiko attempting to get closer without being pulled off her feet. Posey joined Miwa's side.

"The children!" cried Posey in alarm.

"Stand back! The vortex is pulling everything apart!" cried Amber. She gasped as she found Senior standing some distance behind the sphere. He roared out to the younger Transmutants, who attempted to pull the human girls away from its pull even as cars were beginning to get pulled to the vortex as bricks flew off the walls of buildings.

Rodan was just inches from reaching Rainbow. However, a car came flying towards him. It struck him in the back, causing him to roar in pain as he fell over, while getting dragged across the street. Rainbow screamed as she lost her grip and was pulled along with him.

"Dashie!!" cried Pinkie in horror as Rodan and Rainbow were pulled into the sphere, disappearing from sight. Soon a carcass from a mutated Millenian rolled over to Angirasu, slamming into him. He stumbled forward, causing Applejack to lose her grip. AJ, Pinkie and Rarity screamed as they were pulled in, while Angirasu wailed out to them.

"Don't let go!" cried Erika, her eyes burning with tears. One by one, her friends were being taken away from her.

Aria and Adagio attempted to reach for Mosura's fore limb, but the lamppost bent, causing them to be farther. Aria screamed as she lost her grip. She caught Sonata's ankle, but Adagio's grip was lost from the lamppost and change in weight of who she could hold. The Dazzlings screamed as they were sucked into the sphere. Mosura lost her footing, wailing as she was sucked in as well.

Erika grunted as she began to reel Sunset and Twilight in, but the vortex was growing stronger. The girls screamed as they lost their grip from Erika's vines. However, Junior had lowered himself. He held out his claws to catch Sunset and Twilight. Sunset gripped onto his large thumb as Twilight caught her ankle. The two screamed as the vortex pulled against them. Erika stared helplessly as she held the lamppost, while Angirasu and Junior were dragged to the orb. The two roared as they attempted to muscle against gravity's pull. However, Angirasu found himself getting dragged. His dug his claws into the street, wailing. His sight fell on Aiko, who stared helplessly. Angirasu roared as he slid backwards, disappearing into the sphere of light.

"Angirasu!!" screamed Aiko in despair.

Senior roared as he stepped around the street. He stepped to be close to Junior. He couldn't reach the others from where he was, and now they were gone. However, he would be damned if he couldn't save at least one of the children. Senior stepped to the street, easing his way towards Junior. He grunted as gravity pulled on him, but his strength and size gave him a better chance than his son.

Junior groaned as he stopped moving, unable to move anymore. His eyes fell on Fluttershy, who clung to him. He found Sunset and Twilight holding onto his thumb. In front of him, his father was attempting to reach him by holding out his tail for Junior to grab. The young Transmutant roared as he attempted to defy this force with one more step. However, the bench that was built into the concrete was uprooted by the vortex. It flew and slammed into his head. Junior lost his footing in his daze. The girls screamed as they were sucked into the vortex. Posie and Miwa screamed in horror as the girls and Junior disappeared from sight and into the sphere. The mothers were crying out as Senior wailed. The sphere began to spark and then shrunk down. As it shrunk, the sphere suddenly expanded into an explosion, sending waves and debris all around. Senior was knocked off of his feet and fell to the ground. He ground as his hearing rang.

The air settled as debris fell to the ground. Everyone in the area that had taken cover began to rise. They found where the sphere once stood to have left a scorch mark in the asphalt. Senior rose up, shaking off debris. He turned to the scorch mark, his eyes wide. The mothers approached the mark as well.

"Oh God. My baby!" sobbed Miwa as she buried her face in her hands.

"Fluttershy..." said Posie, sobbing as she held Miwa. Aiko dropped to her knees as she stared at scorched mark left behind. No matter what she did, no matter the chances taken and sacrifices that she made, Aiko lost her son in the end. She slammed his fists onto the ground as her eyes ran with tears. Aiko screamed in despair. Senior's reptilian eyes began to shed tears, feeling the woman's pain. In the end, he too lost his sons. He rose his head and gave a sorrowful wail that echoed throughout the night.

It's been a week. It almost felt like a day had went by. Ponyville had experienced a great deal of horror and loss. Buildings were still damaged if not completely in rubble. Asphalt was broken and sewage leaked onto the streets.

Near the town hall, a large gathering of citizens was present. A memorial service was going on in honor of those who had tragically died during the night. People cried as they mourned the loss of their friends and members of their family. They lied flowers upon a structure that was erected in honor of them.

Posey sniffled as Miwa stood by her. The two held each other close as they mourned their own children. Miwa began to notice a couple of other family members mourning. She never met the parents of Junior's friends, but the people she saw bore a resemblance to them. She at least recognized Pinkie's sister, who stood alone, staring blankly at the ground. Some might see that as cold, but Miwa knew that some people don't process lost as fast as others do.

Miwa sobbed as she placed down flowers. Her son was gone. The boy that she dedicated her life to raising was gone forever. She was never going to hear his voice or see him ever again. There was so much that she wanted to tell him, so much she wanted to do for him. Now she was never going to get that chance.

Aiko was lying her head down on the counter of at a bar. Shockingly, the owner decided to pick up business where he left off despite the horror that was a week prior. The building was far from the general carnage. Aiko wasn't alone here. Aside from herself and the owner, several other people were here trying to drown their despair with a drink.

"Lieutenant," called a familiar voice. Aiko raised her head, her face flushed. She turned to find Hayato Yoshi looking down at her, wearing his dark uniform. Aiko smiled as she sat up. She swayed as she did a mock salute.

"Reporting for duty, sir," slurred Aiko.

"Lieutenant, it's come to my attention that your son was in the process of being transported to the Vault," said Hayato, his expression stoic. Aiko grunted as she turned forward, her expression hardening.

"Security footage was recovered from the transport he was on. I assume you know what was found," said Hayato.

"Hmph. That's what you're here for?" Aiko took a her glass and took a drink.

"What you did is a federal offense. You could be locked away for a long time," said Hayato.

"What do I care? I've lost them both," said Aiko as she placed her cup down. Hayato sighed.

"Then I guess you won't care to know that no one is aware of the footage. Unfortunately, it's corrupted. Whatever was on it, incriminating or not, can't be seen," said Hayato, nonchalantly. Aiko glanced at him. The Director placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Please, take some time off," said Hayato as he walked off. Aiko stared at her glass. Her eyes began to burn with tears, which flowed down her cheeks. She buried her head into her arms.

Senior sat alone in the living room of his home. The air was quiet and cold. He was sitting upon the recliner in the room. He was staring at a photograph, depicting himself, with his wife and Junior. He failed both of his sons.

Senior knew that he wasn't best father. In fact, he thought that he might have been the worse on the planet. He abandoned one he didn't know existed, and he failed to save the other. All of his life, Senior found himself standing against hardship. He lost friends and family throughout his life time. He fought in wars that led to a road of misfortune and fear. He took lives, some who were deserving, and some who weren't. But none of that compared to losing his son. Xenjira was still alive, and wanted nothing to do with him. Junior was the one who still loved him, regardless of the mistakes that he made, regardless of being gone for years. He wanted to be able to start over and teach him the things that would help him become a man. But now, he was gone.

Senior sighed heavily as he placed the picture aside, bowing his head as he held his forehead. He felt arms embracing him. He found Miwa standing by him, holding him closely. Senior didn't even hear her come in. He held his wife, who was weeping.

"I couldn't save him..." muttered Senior. Miwa wept as she held her husband tightly.

Hayato found himself walking through town. Right now, it was in the process of picking up the pieces to rebuild. While tragic, it was a miracle to see humans getting knocked down and getting back up again to rebuild. Though some may never recover or will take much longer than the others.

Hayato found himself taking a seat in the back of a black limo. He drew out a tablet as the driver began to drive off. The Director began to check up on updates since post invasion. He found information that there were plans by the government to reverse engineer and to utilize the newly acquired alien technology, especially with the blue prints that they were sent by the alien defector.

As Hayato dug through his emails and files, he came across more information. Regarding the invasion, MONARCH was still on the lookout for the aliens who had mutated. There were to be none left alive, lest public safety would be jeopardized There was even a hunt for more of the genetic hybrids that were created by GeneCo. Some were confirmed to be killed or sucked into the vortex, but a few were said to have escaped. There were even concerns of any breading.

Speaking of genetic mutations, Hayato came across information regarding Doctor John Discord. Thanks to Gojira Senior, they managed to apprehend him. They discovered that the ring leader of the hybrids was the doctor, once he changed back into his human form, which was nothing more than a torso and head.

Hayato found footage of the doctor to be bearing an inhibitor collar around his neck. He laid on a bed, having partially regenerated, This footage came from none other than the Vault. Hayato personally would have preferred to have completely eradicated this maniac. However, the government thought he'd be more useful alive. Hayato thought that Bureaucrats could be such fools.

The three Olympian super soldiers, Diesel, Vale, and Hutch were also apprehended. They were discovered to have mutated, much like the alien invaders and Discord. As of now, they were being held in the Vault as well until the government could figure out what to do with them. The remaining few Olympians that were made aside from them were also being closely monitored, contained in a separate facility. Hayato was glad that Onyx wasn't around to see this.

Hayato found a file on Genshiro Shiragami, Discord's longtime friend and an employee of GeneCo. The man was investigated for his involvement with the hybrids. The file read that Genshiro had confessed to having a hand in the creation of the hybrids, which were made from Takeshi's DNA. Right now, he is being held in confinement until the heads figure out what to do with him.

That left Erika Shiragami. The child of Genshiro was known to have been a victim of genetic manipulation, from resources of GeneCo, perpetrated by her own father. Though Genshiro claims it was to save her from an illness that claimed his late wife. Right now, Erika is missing, nowhere to be found. Her father also claims that he's not aware of her whereabouts, though there was suspicion that he was lying. Currently, the girl was believed to pose a great threat like the hybrids based on surveillance footage catching her mutating further during the attack on Ponyville. However, Hayato knew that he was the one calling the shots on this one. He planned on speaking with Gojira Takeshi Senior, though that may be difficult considering the timing and his severed ties with the Guardians.

"All that leaves is them," said Hayato, pulling up another file. He found pictures of teen girls, their names, gender, height, blood type, etc. detailed. Eye witnesses claimed that they possessed certain abilities that were beyond what even the Transmutants were seen with. It seemed that ever since that Ark was discovered, weirder things began to show up. Whatever these girls were seemed to no longer mattered. They were all deceased, along with Junior Takeshi, Angirasu Riku, Mosura Yasu, and Rodan Shou.

"Battra Yasu will be due for completion of basic training," said Hayato, looking through another file. He recalled having to inform the kid about his sister. He knew that he must have taken very hard. Hayato lowered his tablet but recoiled as he caught sight of a woman sitting beside him.

"Don't make a sound," said the woman, raising a finger to her lip. Hayato was about to call to the driver but he felt his throat strain. He attempted to speak but couldn't.

"I need you to listen," said the woman. Her long white hair hung over her shoulders and her blue eyes looked his way. Her white clothes almost illuminated. She looked to Hayato with narrowed eyes.

"Gojira Takeshi Junior is alive. As well as the others that you have documented on that device," said the woman. Hayato glanced at the tablet, sweating. He wondered just who this woman was and where she came from. The mysterious woman snatched the device from his hand and began to swipe through it. Hayato attempted to speak but still couldn't. He found the woman showing him the tablet. On it was schematics for a device that structured to look almost like a satellite. On it was the text, "Project: Dimensional Tide".

"And we'll find them with this," said the woman.

Author's Note:

The third Arc continues here on Shy and Aggressive: Book 2

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