• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 10,706 Views, 581 Comments

Shy and Aggressive - Johng117

Fluttershy finds herself in one of the most unlikely of situations. She meets the top delinquent of Ponyville High. Not only that, he is also a freak to society.

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Chapter 63: Fire (Updated)

Author's Note:

Just wanted to show off the Main 7 getting a better feel for their powers since someone brought up the fact that I hadn't exactly showed them make progress.

Battra grunted as he swung his fists at Ford. The recruit quickly dodged the jabs and sent one back. Battra blocked the jab and countered with a jab to the chest, stunning him and allowing Battra to grab him and throw him over his shoulder. Ford groaned as he lied on the grass. Battra helped him up to his feet.

"You OK?" Asked Battra. Ford nodded with a wince.

"Yeah. My turn," said Ford as he raised his fists. Battra sent a jab, which Ford dodged and retaliated with a punch. Battra weeved to the side and countered with another punch. Ford grunted in pain as he stepped back. He sent a punch, but Battra caught his wrist. Before Battra could slam him to the ground, Ford quickly thrust himself forward and jerked his arm to the side, causing Battra to lose his footing and to fall to the ground. Ford was kneeling as his arm had Battra planted into the grass.

"Brody, Yasu, keep it up!" said Caliber as he passed by, watching the other recruits practice taking down their opponent.

"Sir!" said Ford and Battra in unison. They both stood back and continued to train themselves at quickly taking the other down. Battra had no real trouble considering his strength and reflexes, but Ford was being provided with a great challenge as he had no objections in training with someone already physically stronger than he was. After all, it just meant he had an opportunity to train to better react against someone faster.

"You got a girl waiting for you back home?" asked Ford as he jabbed his fists. Battra dodged in response.

"Other than my little sister, not exactly," chuckled Battra. He jabbed his fist and caught Ford in the chest, who grunted in response.

"None at all?" asked Ford with a punch.

"Well... there was this girl I was in college with. But we weren't exactly together. Just friends," said Battra as he caught Ford's arm and quickly picked him up and slammed him to the ground.

"Easy! I'm worried that you'll kill me before a Revolutionary does!" Yelped Ford as he sat up with an ache in his back.

"Suck it up, Brody!" Yelled Caliber. Ford winced.

"Yes sir!" said Ford as he got up.

In the Everfree Forest, the Main 7 were spread throughout a clearing. They were focused on their own training routines on honing their powers. Amber watched from the sidelines as the girls were going about their exercises.

Twilight grunted as she quickly projected a shield, blocking a bolt of magic fired from Sunset. The red haired girl narrowed her eyes as her hand sparked. She winced as she gabbed the light at her palm, pulling a magic tendril. She winced as it sparked, but began to take calming breaths as she began to easily draw it out. Sunset then sent the tendril forward, whipping at Twilight. The petite girl yelped as she ducked. She quickly raised her arms over herself, suddenly vanishing in sparks. Before Sunset could react, Twilight reappeared behind her. She sent a pulse of magic that blasted Sunset onto the ground. The red head quickly spun with a surprised look.

"Excellent form, Twilight!" said Amber. Twilight looked back with a bright smile. Sunset scowled in annoyance. She smirked as she shot her hand forward, enveloping Twilight in a cyan aura. The petite girl yelped in alarm as she was levitated into the air. She blushed in embarrassment as she held her skirt down.

"Put me down!" cried Twilight. Sunset chuckled mischievously as she gently waved her hand.

"Nah, I don't think so," said Sunset, teasingly. Twilight whined as she began to spin in midair.

"Nice work on levitation magic, Sunset!" said Amber in approval.

"Why thank you, Amber," said Sunset, dropping Twilight onto her rear, who groaned in annoyance.

Pinkie grunted as she tossed a few handfuls of dirt. They raced through the air, sparking and glowing pink as they raced towards Rarity. The purple haired girl raised her arms up, causing a single diamond shaped shield to project in front of her. The dirt globs exploded on impact, causing the shield to tremble but remain in tact. Rarity brought the shield down and then sent several diamonds towards Pinkie Pie. The girl ran back as she scooped up more dirt, throwing them towards Rarity.

"Ah!" Rarity yelped in alarm as she quickly projected another shield in front of herself, but lost her focus on the ones that she had already conjured. The dirt glob that was thrown stuck the shield, but didn't explode. The girl dropped the shield in confusion but failed to notice Pinkie tossing another dirt ball at her. This time, it landed near her feet, exploding on impact. Rarity cried out in alarm as she was engulfed in the pink smoke. She heard several more explosions nearby but couldn't point them out. The smoke was obscuring her vision. So, Rarity grunted as she sent her arms outward to her sides, causing a shield dome to expand away from her, pushing back the smoke to clear her sight. She dropped the dome projection and ran forward, but not before tripping and falling into a hole that was seven feet deep. Rarity grunted as she held onto the side the ground, her feet dangling below. She groaned as her outfit tracked dirt along her chest and belly. She then noticed Pinkie looking down at her with a mischievous look.

"How's it hanging?" asked Pinkie. Rarity narrowed her eyes at her.

"You wouldn't dare," said Rarity in a low tone. Pinkie dropped to her knees and reached to Rarity's pits.

"Tickle! Tickle! Tickle!" squealed Pinkie with a grin. Rarity began to laugh hysterically as she was tickled. She then yelped as she slipped and fell deeper into the hole.

"Rarity, great work with your projections! But you have to stay alert! And Pinkie, well down with your concussive abilities! I see you've learned to temper the strength of the blasts to the point of just creating dust or pits!" said Amber in approval. She was starting to see that the girls were coming a long way since they first started training.

"Thanks! I've been practicing at home in the back yard!" said Pinkie as she reached into the pit, pulling Rarity out.

"M-Me too..." groaned Rarity as she grimaced at her dirty outfit.

"Is that why there's been noise complaints in your area?" asked Sunset as she looked back at Pinkie in confusion. She was suddenly enveloped in a magic ball, which Twilight laughed.

"Take this!" said Twilight as she began to wave her hand, causing the ball to roll along the ground.

"Oh God! I'm gonna hurl!!" cried Sunset as she was stuck to the surface of the ball, as it spun in the air. She grunted as her body began to glow. She suddenly let out a burst of magic, which shattered the magic ball and allowed her to levitate gently to the ground. She smirked while Twilight gulped nervously.

"Now you're gonna get it," said Sunset. She then groaned as the world around her spun. She cupped a hand over her mouth as she hunched over.

"As soon as the world stops spinning," groaned Sunset.

Rainbow was sprinting through the forest at lightning fast speed. As she passed by, a streak of rainbows and a strong gust of wind followed her behind. The girl's mind processed the world around her quickly as she carefully navigated around the trees of the forest. She would quickly side step when a tree was in her path, she would hop over logs and passed any critter that may have been passing by. She was moving so fast that she caught a glance of a humming bird flying by. She could process the speed of the flapping motion of its wings. They were much like a normal bird's wing flap in her perspective.

Rainbow grunted as she dashed and skidded to a halt. Her feet kicked up dirt as she stopped. She tagged a tree and began to run back, redoing her obstacle course again. This time, a branch suddenly appeared in her path. Rainbow quickly crouched and slid along the ground, safely passing under. She then shot back up and ran. A boulder was in her path. In response, Rainbow leapt and drove her feet against it. On impact, the boulder burst from the momentum, speed, and the super charged energy that flowed through her. Rainbow tucked and rolled along the ground, then shot back up to her feet. She bounded up a few feet and then landed, with her arms spread out. Rainbow let loose a cry of exhilaration. She turned to Amber with a grin.

"Did you see that?! I can actually use the energy that helps me run to shatter boulders!" said Rainbow.

"Yes, indeed. You're less likely to hurt yourself with your enhanced strength and the build of energy. But be sure you know what your target is before using it. And keep up with those maneuvers," said Amber, fluttering over to an open area.

Applejack stood among sets of objects around her. They comprised of logs, blocks of concrete, and metal bars. The blonde took a breath as she popped her knuckles and began to loosen them up. She felt her muscles solidifying under her skin, as though it was the result of her summoning her inner strength. The girl raised her fist and slammed it down onto one of the logs, splitting it in half. She then moved to the two logs, which were stacked on each other. She slammed her fist down, splitting them as well.

Applejack grunted as she stepped over to a stack of four concrete blocks and slammed her elbow against it. The concrete shattered in half, covering Applejack's elbow in dust. The girl ran ahead and then raised her leg and swung it against a large tree. As her foot made contact with it, a huge chunk of it burst outward from the blow. The tree began to creak as it tumbled over, but Applejack rushed in and held it in place. She grunted as she kept her feet planted and began to lower the tree gently to the earth. Its leaves rustled. and dust rose. Applejack sighed.

"Great control, Applejack! You'll be able to keep yourself from killing normal humans on accident with your strikes in no time," said Amber. The blonde chuckled uneasily.

"Good to know," said Applejack. Meanwhile, a few squirrels rushed out of the branches of the fallen tree. They gave cries of panic as they scurried along the ground, running towards Fluttershy. She knelt down and picked them up.

"Applejack, that was their home!" said Fluttershy in disapproval. Applejack sheepishly smiled.

"Um... Sorry?" said Applejack with a shrug. Fluttershy leaned her ear close to the critters she held.

"They forgive you," said Fluttershy. Amber continued to watch as the girls honed their abilities. They made quite a bit of progress since they first started. It seemed that their bodies were slowly getting used to their powers. The more they practice, the faster they learn.

Meanwhile with the Transmutants, not too far from the girls, Junior grunted as he fell to the ground. He was covered in dirt and bruises. The boy slammed his fist on the ground in frustration and shot back up. He rushed towards Senior, who stepped to the side and evaded a punch. He swiftly grabbed him from behind and slammed him to the ground.

"Fuck!" shouted Junior as he rolled away. He then lunged for Senior, who side stepped.

"You've been going for the tackle several times now. Throw actual punches!" said Senior as he took a swing. Junior caught the punch and began to send several punches, but missed every time.

"Stop using standard punches! Mix up your attacks to be less predictable!" said Senior. Junior delivered quick jabs and then kicked Senior, but his attacks were blocked. Junior suddenly lunged for his father and swung his claws at him.

"How often must i tell you, boy? Control my center line!" said Senior as he continued to dodge. Junior swiftly swung his fist but with little force. His fist prompted Senior to step to the side, but Junior anticipated this with how he had directed his right hook. He then quickly raised his leg and kicked Senior's side, causing him to stumble. Senior smiled in approval as he quickly rubbed his side.

"Good," said Senior. Junior rushed towards his father, ready to go for a tackle, but Senior caught him by the shoulders and redirected him to the ground by using his momentum against him via shove. Junior snarled as his irises expanded. He got up and went back to sending several punches and kicks.

"You must learn to catch me off guard!" said Senior as he deflected a punch and jabbed Junior in the gut. Before his son could strike him, Senior caught his wrist and forced him to the side. Junior grew more aggravated and sent a roundhouse kick. Senior caught his leg and shoved Junior, causing him to fall to the ground. The boy panted as he lied on the ground, with bruises on his face.

"Your aggressive approach can only take you so far before you come off as predictable," said Senior as Junior panted.

"It only works in short bursts for a vulnerable foe and for intimidation," said Senior as he helped Junior up.

"You must balance it with discipline. Be level headed, ready to anticipate your opponent's next move. A raging beast, while dangerous, can be beaten by someone more skilled and cunning," said Senior as he patted dirt off of Junior's shoulder.

"Utilizing your blocks, dodges, and analysis against your foe will work in your favor to conquer your foe, my son," said Senior. Junior sighed heavily.

"And here I thought I was a good fighter," said Junior.

"Strength alone won't get you far. Fighting weaker foes and street punks is child's play," said Senior. Junior grimaced. He felt like his father had just knocked him down a few pegs with that statement. He rubbed his bleeding nose as he and Senior walked to an area, where Mosura and Rodan were standing. With them were Kumonga and Manda.

"You have to focus. Visualize the form and allow your heart to race with the excitement. Try to focus a small part of you to change," said Kumonga. Mosura took a breath as her brows furrowed. She stared at her hand focused on the more primeval thoughts buried in her mind. Her brain pounded as it was stimulated from the chemicals released through her body. Her DNA rewritting itself and reshaping her hand. Mosura gasped in pain as she felt her bones grind and shift. Seeing her bones morph under her skin frightened her as well.

"I-I can't do it! It hurts!" cried Mosura as she held her hand, her heart racing. Manda placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, we know it hurts. But it doesn't last long. It’s quick and goes away fast. You feel less pain the more you do it from the chemicals released to lessen the pain," said Manda in reassurance.

Rodan hissed in pain as he focused on his arm. It grew longer and thicker with muscle. He began to feel his pectoral muscles tighten as well, like they were compensating for the pseudo wing forming. He groaned as he gritted his teeth and his face grew red. His eyes grew reptilian and his pupils constricted. He began to drop to his knees as his skin grew scaly.

"No you don't!" Said Kumonga as she opened her mouth wide, spraying globs of web upon the younger Transmutant. His body was constricted and he dropped to the ground, struggling. Kumonga knelt down and ran her fingers against Rodan's exposed neck. He gave animalistic grunts but began to relax. He breathed softly as he lied on his side, while the woman continued to stroke his neck.

"We're trying to isolate transformations. Not undergo a full one," said Kumonga. Mosura was staring with wide eyes and fear.

"This is a bad idea. Maybe we should stop," said Mosura. She noticed Senior and Junior to be approaching.

"Dreading it will not help. You must discipline yourself to have full control, child," said Senior. Mosura faced Senior fully.

"Respectfully, Mr. Takeshi. I'm afraid we'd cause more problems by doing this. Isn't there any other way to learn to control this?" asked Mosura.

"No. You must learn it by experiencing it by first hand. Just as all youth of our kind has done before us," said Sernior. Mosura grimaced as she crossed her arms. Junior noticed the distressed look on her face.

"Maybe we should take a break. Amber may need help with the girls," said Junior as he looked to Senior.

"Hm. Very well. I expect you all to get back on it in ten minutes," said Senior as he walked off.

Junior found Rodan to be freed by Kumonga from the web. He sighed in relief as he rubbed his aching arm. Mosura sat by a tree, bringing her knees close to herself. Junior made his way to her and took a seat beside her.

"How're you feeling?" asked Junior. Mosura was silent.

"It hurts too much to do. Plus, I'm worried that I'm going to lose control again," said Mosura in a small tone. Junior looked off and saw Rodan sitting as he scratched his head, looking stressed. Kumonga was talking to him as Manda rubbed his shoulder.

"You aren't the only one," said Junior. He gave Mosura a comforting smile.

"We're pretty far from people. We don't have to worry about hurting them. Plus we have the Guardians to keep us in check. We're in this together," said Junior. Mosura lightly blushed as she glanced at the boy. She shyly scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Junior relaxed, not wanting to bring discomfort from reacting in surprise. Mosura enjoyed lying in Junior's warmth. It brought her comfort to be close with someone she deeply trusted. Meanwhile, Kumonga and Manda were glancing over their shoulders at the two.

"Now that's a man. Comforting a distressed gal with his confidence," whispered Manda with a grin. Kumonga shrugged.

"Meh. To me, a man is someone who's able to work, provide, put the kids to bed, and not blow their head off at the end of the day," said Kumonga as she drew out a protein bar. Manda sighed with a dreamy look on her face.

"Kids sounds nice," said Manda.

Meanwhile, back with Junior and Mosura. Mosura gave a soft pur-like sound, prompting Junior's eyes to widen. He looked at the girl, who nuzzled her face against his shoulder.
"Mosura... the heck are you doing?" asked Junior. Mosura merely leaned herself onto the boy, resting her head on his chest. Her eyes had lost their pupils and the irises grew.

"I'm just cold. Let me warm up," said Mosura softly as she brought Junior's arm over herself, allowing his hand to rest around her waist. Junior inhaled sharply as his face reddened, as the two older women and Rodan watched.

"Smooth," said Manda with an impressed look. Kumonga bore an annoyed look.

"Is she falling asleep?" Questioned Kumonga. Junior looked down at himself in confusion and found Mosura to be softly breathing.

"Oh crap, she is," said Junior in surprise. Mosura snuggled against him as she clung to his sweater.
"So Warm..." yawned Mosura. Kumonga groaned in response and approached.

"Alright, enough. Cuddle on your own time, love birds," said Kumonga. Junior blushed.

"We aren't-" Junior was interrupted as Rodan groaned.

"Dude just go with it," said Rodan. Junior rolled his eyes in response.

"Wake her up," said Kumonga. Junior began to gently nudge, but Mosura responded with a muffled groan.

"It's too cold," said Mosura. Normally, she would be bundled up during the colder season. It would get a bit warmer where she could tolerate it later in noon. However, it was early in the morning right now, and Mosura was wearing shorts with a jacket over her shirt for camping. She didn't think to bring any jeans, tights, or anything that would keep her lower half warm. Junior's body was like a heater, that she felt comfortable enough to sleep in this cold.

"Yeah. You're a bug Transmutant. You're sensitive to cold. So suck it up!" said Kumonga in annoyance. She grabbed Mosura by the shoulder to stand her up, but the girl wrapped her arms around Junior's neck.

"Mm mh!" Mosura grunted negatively in annoyance. Junior yelped in pain as Kumonga attempted to pull the girl off.

"Why is she so clingy all of the sudden? I mean it's obvious she likes him but she has enough self-restraint to not act this way with him," whispered Rodan.

"The cold's flaring up her non-human instincts. This here is a mix of affection and a search for warmth and rest. It's adorable," said Manda with a grin.

"Mosura, you're starting to hurt me!" said Junior in annoyance. Kumonga managed to pull Mosura off, whose eyes remained as blue orbs. She quickly clung to Kumonga's thick jacket, who gasped in surprise.

"Mm. This is nice too," sighed Mosura as she began to drowse off. Kumonga grunted as she attempted to pry her off.

"Someone mind getting her coffee or something?" asked Kumonga in annoyance.

Suddenly, a scream echoed out through the forest, drawing everyone's attention. Mosura gasped as her eyes returned to normal and she jumped back with a start.

"Who?! What?! Where?! Why?!!" Mosura frantically looked around with blood shot eyes.

"That sounded like Sunset!" said Rodan. The Transmutants began to rush to the source of the scream. They soon came across a scorched area, where ash lied. Sunset stood among the ash, breathing in panic as she stared at her hands. The rest of the Main 7, Zip, Thorn, and Senior were distanced away from the girl. Amber was fluttering a few feet away from the girl, as her hands gave off smoke.

"Sunset, remain calm. Take deep breaths," said Amber. Sunset was breathing fast.

"How do you expect me to be calm?!" demanded Sunset.

"What the hell is going on?!" exclaimed Mosura.

"Everyone, please stand back!" said Amber. The Transmutants that had just arrived looked to each other incredulously. They saw the looks of fear and panic were on the rest of the teens.

"Sunset, I know you're frightened. You must keep your head," said Amber. Sunset was trembling in place.

"Why would I- Why didn't you tell me?!" cried Sunset.

"I wasn't aware! I must've missed it or it's just developed!" answered Amber.

"Just developed?!" exclaimed Sunset. Her hands gave sparks and ignited the air. Amber cried out as she fell. The ember from the flames caught the grass near her and ignited.

"Amber!" cried Senior as he dove for the moth and shielded her from the flames.

"Dad!" yelled Junior as he rushed to his father. Sunset bore a horrified look as the flames surrounded Senior and Amber. Junior rushed in and used his sweater the douse the flames, followed by Kumonga and Manda. Sunset was about to rush in to help, but more sparks flew from her hands, igniting a bush. Rarity quickly projected a dome around the bush, trapping the fire within. Sunset cupped her mouth with a mortified look. Her heart sank as Senior rose up, clutching Amber against his chest.

"Amber, speak to me," said Senior desperately. Amber's antennae twitched as she coughed.

"My hero," said Amber. Sunset found everyone's eyes on her. They looked at her in shock and some in fear. Sunset's face glistened with tears as she held her hands close to herself. She took off like the wind, kicking up ash in her wake.

"Sunset!" called Twilight. The teens began to chase after her, but Junior and the Transmutants stayed behind. Junior looked to Amber, whose fuzz’s tip was slightly singed.

"Go after her. She needs you," said Amber. Despite his worried state, Junior's felt those insectoid eyes looking directly at him. Her words felt like they were meant for him. Junior nodded as he took off running.

Later. Junior found himself alone in the middle of the forest. It had been several minutes. The girls had no luck of finding Sunset. Junior however was tracking her via sent. It was rather difficult given the smoke that was in the air, but he was on the right track. He began to look around, and heard soft weeping. Junior pinpointed the source, near a boulder. He found Sunset to be crying into her knees.

"Sunset!" called Junior in relief. Sunset shot up in alarm. She scrambled to her feet.

"Hey, come back!" said Junior as he chased the girl. He quickly caught up to her and grabbed her hand. Junior cried out in pain as he felt a burning sensation on his palm. Sunset stopped and faced him with a worried look. Junior rubbed his hand.

"Sunset, stop running," said Junior as he approached. The girl raised her hands with a teary glare.

"Stay back!" yelled Sunset. Junior immediately stopped. Sunset trembled as she tried to keep distance between the two.

"Please, I don't want to hurt you," said Sunset with a sniffle. Junior's expression softened.

"I know you. You'd never hurt your friends," said Junior. Sunset shook her head.

"This happened in one of my dreams. Everything I touched burned to ash!" Cried Sunset.

"Sunset, I know you're scared. But you can control this," said Junior.

"I barely started wielding magic properly! I don't even want these powers!" said Sunset. She held in her sobs as Junior approached.

"I'm done! I'm just going to head home and forget all of this!" said Sunset.

"Let me see your hand," said Junior. Sunset's eyes widened.

"No! I can't-" Sunset was about to protest but Junior had taken her hand. Sunset clenched her eyes shut as waited for cries of agony. But, they didn't come. She opened her eyes and found Junior to be holding one of her hands, with his human hand. He rested his reptilian hand on top and gently rubbed her hand. Sunset bore a look of shock.

"I promised that I was going to stand by you and help, right? I intend on keeping my word, to you. It'll take more than a few burns to change my mind," said Junior as he looked at Sunset firmly. The girl's tears ran again. She proceeded to sob and wrap her arms around Junior. Junior caressed her back. He could relate to Sunset's fear and stress. After all, he considered himself a ticking time bomb in regards to his transformation.

Later, Junior found himself walking Sunset through the forest. She had her bag packed and walked in silence, with her face red from her sobbing prior. Sunset had decided to head on home early. Junior couldn't blame her. She did have a great scare after all. After the ordeal and the shame she felt, Junior had volunteered to walk her home, or at least to the entrance of the forest. Soon, the two were out in a clearing, where the town was visible ahead. Sunset glanced at the boy.

"Thank you, for this. And earlier," said Sunset softly. Junior nodded.

"Yeah. Take it easy out there," said Junior. Sunset hugged Junior again tightly. This time, she stood on her toes and gave Junior a quick peck on the cheek. The boy blushed as a surprised look was on his face.

"Bet you've wanted that for a while," said Sunset with an amused look. Junior cleared his throat and looked away.

"Not really," said Junior. Sunset softly laughed as she nudged the boy.

"Sure. See ya..." said Sunset as she walked off. Junior waved to her, his expression soft. While he said that he was willing to stand by Sunset, he knew the fear still ate her alive. This, among other things, weighed heavily on Junior.

Aiko sighed heavily. She stood in the living room of her sister's home, with her arms crossed. Angirasu was sitting on the sofa with a scowl as his mother and aunt stood before him.

"I want an answer, young man," said Aiko, sternly.

"Aiko!" said Rei in disapproval.

"I told you, my friends invited me to hang out with them at the arcade," said Angirasu.

"Yeah? What about that Sonata girl? Was she there?" questioned Aiko.

"No. It was just me and the guys. And why does it matter?" asked Angirasu in exasperation.

"You know why! I've specifically-" Aiko was interrupted as Rei covered her mouth.

"Angirasu, your mother has just been worried. You hadn't answered your phone when she tried contacting you," said Rei, calmly. Angirasu sighed as he looked to the side.

"I was distracted at the arcade. I left my phone on vibrate because of school and i forgot to change the setting," said Angirasu. Aiko crossed her arms with her eyes narrowed.

"I didn't see you leave school grounds. You've seemed to have purposely avoided me," said Aiko. Angirasu groaned.

"Of course I avoided you, mom! I want to go a few minutes without you watching my every move like I'm in a prison!" said Angirasu. Aiko scoffed.

"You're exaggerating," said Aiko.

"Ha!" Rei gave a sarcastic laugh, prompting Aiko to glare at her.

"Aiko, come on. Most kids are just embarrassed about their parents being at their school. It doesn't help when said parent is undercover," said Rei. Aiko looked to the side.

"I want you to try to answer your phone sooner. It may be an emergency if you're called," said Aiko in a calm tone. Angirasu sighed.

"Fine. Can I go now?" asked Angirasu. Aiko nodded in response. Her son stood up and walked away from the living room. Aiko sighed as she rubbed her brow.

"I swear he met with that girl on Friday at school," said Aiko.

"You have no proof of that," said Rei. Aiko smirked.

"No. But I can confirm if his story is factual or not," said Aiko as she drew out her phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mrs. Takeshi? It's Aiko Riku, Angirasu's mother. Yes, I'd like to confirm something with you," said Aiko. Rei looked at her sister incredulously. She could understand wanting to check with the parents of your child's friends to confirm a story, but it seemed loony on Aiko's part. But since it was a more normal act, Rei begrudgingly held her tongue.

"Really? I see. Alright, much appreciated," said Aiko. She hung up and faced her sister. Aiko appeared to be relaxed.

"His story checks out," said Aiko as she sat down on the couch. Rei smirked at her in response.

"See? You're just being paranoid. You ought to have more faith in your son. He's a good kid," said Rei as she sat down next to Aiko.

"You may be right," sighed Aiko with a soft expression.

Meanwhile, miles away in the Takeshi residence, Miwa held her phone on her lap. An anxious look was on her face as she fidget in place.

"I think I screwed up getting involved. Dammit, son!" yelled Miwa in dismay. She suddenly felt a wave of nausea over her.

"Oh." Miwa held her stomach as her face turned green. She shot up to her feet and rushed to the bathroom.

Back in the Riku residence, Angirasu was on his bed with his phone. He had a text conversation with Junior. The recent conversation related to Angirasu asking Junior a favor to request that his mother would lie to Aiko, backing up Angirasu's story. Reluctantly, Junior had agreed and managed to convince his mother to go along with it. Angirasu had replied with gratitude via text. A camping trip did sound nice, but Angirasu doubted that his mother would have let him or would try to come along since the Guardians were chaperones. Besides, Angirasu was invited to hang with Sonata, which he did to both spite his mother secretly and to have a chance to enjoy the girl's company again. While hesitant at first, he had grown a sudden wave of confidence. Angirasu couldn't explain it, but was happy for it in the end.
Angirasu's phone buzzed, prompting him to open his inbox and found a text message and image attachment.

'Bedhead!' the text read. The image was a selfie shot of sonata, lying in bed with messy hair, pajamas, and giving a peace sign. Angirasu smiled in amusement and began to text back.

Purist Hideout. Abandoned missile silo.

Scar stood among the Purity Knights, a team comprised of Purists that admired the stolen prototypes from MONARCH. Though Impact was dead, Dreadnought had lost the mechanized suit, and only one other person, Alexandra, had some but little experience with the Hard-Light Armor. But present nonetheless were Adrian, Stinger, Dreadnought, and Alexandra.

I've called you in to debrief you on an important operation we're undertaking," said Scar as a screen with a red skull image appeared on the wall.

"Some of you may have been present to hear from our leader, codename: Crimson. Also known to street thugs as 'Big Boss'," said Scar. Alexandra's eyes widened in shock.

"This is the leader of all Purists? You ever seen him before?" whispered Alexandra as she leaned next to Adrian.

"I've heard him speak once when I first started off with Impact. But as far as I know, no one's ever seen or heard who he really is," whispered Aiko.

"My brothers and sisters, I am glad that we could speak," said a deep and distorted voice. Subtitles appeared on screen, mimicking each word spoke to aide in comprehension.

"Big boss, haven't heard from you in a while," said Dreadnought with a smirk.

"Likewise. You are all gathered here to take part in a vital operation," said 'Crimson', as the screen changed, displaying a map of the border up North.

"The Transmutant scum had managed to keep a firm footing in Yak Yakistan. They've managed to establish a stronghold on the Equestrian side of the border. MONARCH has been ineffective of pushing the Revolutionaries back, now they're encroaching civilization near the border," Crimson, showing images of destroyed military vehicles, damaged and empty small towns near the border, on Equestria's side.

"This is where you come in. I want the stronghold to be located and eliminated. Any Revolutionary that flees is to be shot down. This town must cleared. Take any acquirable resources if possible," said Crimson.

"Is there anything that we should be aware of to help with this?" asked Adrian.

"Aside from being prepared for the colder climate during the late winter, there are snow banks that may prove advantageous to the enemy. Keep your scanners running. MONARCH will be concentrating their attack on the west side of the town. Use that as an advantage to clear out the Revolutionaries from the East or South. Most of their forces are likely to be concentrated on the West against MONARCH," said Crimson. The screen highlighted lines on the map, physically demonstrating the mission objective.

"Do not engage MONARCH. That's a battle guaranteed to lose given their resources. Good luck," said Crimson. The red skull logo disappeared, leaving the map. Scar nodded as he faced the Purists.

"Alright, are we clear on the plan?" asked Scar. He received verbal positive responses.

"Good. Round up volunteers and supplies. I want to be on the road before the end of the day," ordered Scar.

Sunset held her hands close to her chest. She was walking alone through town in silence. Her expression was of anxiousness. The experience earlier drove her to dread ever exposing her hands again. She wanted to hide away and forget that she could use these powers. At first, she worried about the power, but grew interested in it. She was ready to learn something that was otherworldly, unlike Twilight, who feared the power all together. But now, Sunset was terrified. The horror she experienced from burning her surroundings to ash was stuck in her memory. If she could, she'd wish for all of these powers to be gone if it meant she wasn't a walking force of destruction.

Sunset knew that it'd be worse to neglect the powers. But, she needed time to herself, without the thought of it. She was lucky to have Junior around to convince her. She may not have considered returning if not for him. Sunset realized that the physical touch with his hand hadn't resulted in her empathic ability to react. She wasn't sure if she unknowingly wills it or if it reacts depending on how someone feels at the moment. This was all the more reason to keep learning.

Sunset opened up the inbox to her cell phone. She found no replies from Erika from previous messages. Perhaps now was a good time to check on her. Sunset had been meaning to hang out with Erika, but found herself distracted by some school work, and training with Amber. This led to guilt in Sunset, wondering how Erika was adjusting since she was classified as a Transmutant. She hadn't seen her hang out at the usual spot at lunch in school nor greet her at her locker in the morning. This reflecting began to cause Sunset to worry more.

"I ought to check on her. I could use her company right now, anyway," said Sunset as she began to head for Erika's neighborhood. The teen eventually came across the Shinigami residence. No car was present in the drive way, leading Erika to assume that Erika's father wasn't home. Sunset began to knock on the door and waited for an answer. A minute later, the door opened, revealing Erika to be peeking through .

"Yes?" Asked Erija. Sunset greeted her with a warm smile.

"Morning, Erika. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd swing by," said Sunset.

"Oh," replied Erika, albeit her tone was a bit cold. Sunset restrained herself from wincing. Erika may be upset with her after all.

"So... can I come in?" asked Sunset.

"Sure," said Erika. She stepped aside and opened the door wider. Sunset stepped inside and noticed the television on. It was playing a documentary on the History channel. Sunset also noticed that the kitchen had some food out, uncooked.

"I was just about to have lunch," said Erika as she closed the door. She made her way over to the kitchen counter and drew out a knife and carved up some raw meat. She took a piece and stuck it in her mouth, much to Sunset's shock.

"Erika, that's raw!" said Sunset.

"I'm too hungry to wait for it to cook. Besides, I can't get sick anymore," said Erika as she continued to eat the meat.

"Really?" asked Sunset incredulously.

"I've noticed it these last couple of weeks. Looks like I have trait that's not suppressed by this thing," said Erika as she tapped her inhibitor collar. Sunset looked to the side.

"Erika, listen..." Sunset began to speak. She wasn't prepared to give a proper apology and explanation to her best friend. But she hoped that she'd come off as sincere.

"I know that I've been blowing you off when you've asked me to hang out. I'm sorry for that. I've just had a lot going on at the time, what with Flash, the Transmutants in the Everfree, the Dazzlings," said Sunset. Erika kept eating, her expression neutral.

"Hey, where's your dad?" asked Sunset.

"Work. On the weekend," scoffed Erika. "It's funny. I thought things would change after he found his 'miracle cure'. But he's still working all day and night," said Erika as she cut more meat.

"He doesn't even check on me like he used to. It's like now that I'm not hanging by the thread of life anymore, I'm not as precious to him," said Erika. Sunset's expression softened.

"Hey, that's not true. I'm sure he thinks of you still," said Sunset.

"Then why isn't he here?" asked Erika in a harsh tone. Sunset wasn't able to answer.

"Neither of you have been around for me when I needed you," said Erika with her hardened expression.

"Erika, I'm sorry," said Sunset, her tone timid.

"Sorry doesn't change the fact that I'm being treated differently, Sunset!" yelled Erika.

"I'm a walking freakshow at school! I can't go a day without someone bothering me!" said Erika.

"But hasn't Gojira been setting them straight?" asked Sunset.

"Just that one time! He's not around and I can't cry to him about it all the time! I just needed my best friend to talk to," said Erika with a sniffle. A look of guilt appeared on Sunset's face. Erika sniffled as she shook her head.

"I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm seeing how horrifying it is to be a Transmutant," said Erika.

"I knew it was bad, but I never knew how horrible it really was," said Erika as she pointed to the TV.

"You see that? That's about how the Transmutants were enslaved after World War 2!" said Erika. She drew out her phone and showed Sunset an article.

'"And look here! There's someone who was trying to control the Transmutant population by aborting them! They're doing that today!" said Erika. Sunset's expression grew more solemn as Erika ranted.

"Forced sterilization, some practiced in other countries, high taxes, segregated communities, religious stigma! People I went to Church with now think I'm a demon!" cried Erika. She shook her head. "It's not fair."

"I know it's not. But Erika, things are changing. You might not see it, but things are getting better. Equestria doesn't practice segregated neighborhoods anymore. The taxes are more common in the Eastern part of the world. And forget about those people at your Church. It doesn't seem very Christ-like to reject you, now does it?" asked Sunset. Erika shook her head.

"No. But I've had enough," said Erika as she spoke in a low tone. Sunset reached for her shoulder but Erika brushed her hand away.

"I'm not in the mood to hang out today," said Erika. Sunset bore a small look of hurt, but sighed.

"O-Ok. I'll leave you alone. Text me soon, alright?" said Sunset as she walked to the door.

"Sure," said Erika. Sunset sighed as she reluctantly left the house. Erika stared at the counter with her brows furrowed. The blood in her veins boiled with a great amount of anger that she rarely felt. Her eyes fell back on the TV, where images of Transmutants enslaved post WW2 were shown. Erika clenched her fists as she gritted her teeth, causing her gums to bleed.

Battra sighed as he stood outside of an office. The hall was a lot warmer compared to outside in the cold where he and his fellow recruits had to train. The door opened, revealing Drill Sergeant Caliber, dressed in his uniform. He nodded to Battra.

"The Director will see you," said Caliber as he stepped out of his office, where Hayato Yoshi stood inside by the window. Battra silently stepped inside and closed the door.

"Good Afternoon, Yasu. How is your experience so far?" asked Hayato.

"Intense. I've never been pushed physically like this before," said Battra.

"That will mean the difference between life and death, Yasu. There has not been one warrior in the history of mankind that got anywhere without being pushed," said Hayato as he turned to face Battra.

"I have a question for you, Director. If you don't mind," said Battra.

"Ask away," said Hayato as he took a drink of alcohol from a glass.

"You seem pretty young to be Director or someone as high of rank as you. You're around 30, I assume. I recall that Onyx was in his 50s, I believe," said Battra with a curious look.

"An accurate guess. I am temporarily taking command of MONARCH until the federal government can find a suitable replacement. If I were a higher rank, I'd likely had gotten the job permanently. The reason I'm even here is due to working close to Onyx for years and him entrusting me with command before he died," said Hayato as he took another drink.

"How does one get into that kind of grace of the highest ranking member of this branch of the military?" asked Battra. Hayato chuckled.

"Are you trying to get into said grace?" asked Hayato.

"No... sir. I was just curious about the relationship you had," said Battra. Hayato hummed to himself.

"If you're interested, I'll tell you," said Hayato. Battra nodded.

"You remind me a bit of myself, Yasu. You see, I also lost my family to evil. I was just a child. My family was slaughtered by a notorious criminal in Neighpon. A Transmutant, who went by the name, Queen Bitch," said Hayato. Battra bore an odd look.

"I-Im sorry, but could you run that by me again?" asked Battra. Hayato slightly chuckled.

"I know, ridiculous. As tragic as it is, I today find some amusement in her name. She was a Drug... Queen?" Hayato stumbled over the branding for the criminal. He shook his head.

"She ran a gang that manufactured and distributed drugs. It was actually a byproduct from the chemicals she secreted in her 2nd form. She was some sort of Bee. My father was an officer, investigating her operation. One day, he was discovered. QB found our home and killed my family, destroying anything that my father had on her operation. I was fortunate to have been at kendo class. I swore revenge on her that day," said Hayato as he stared at his cup, where ice sat inside. Battra was silent as his expression softened.

"I met my trusted friend, Kira Koizumi, after their deaths. He was... honestly I'm certain he's a bit of sociopath. But he had a fascination with western super heroes, particularly gun wielding antiheroes. The two of us had aligned goals, which were to bring criminals to justice. Though I was particularly focused on one," said Hayato.

"So what happened?" asked Battra.

“We joined the police force shortly after graduation. Unfortunately, neither of us were satisfied. Koizumi felt the force was too soft on certain criminals who committed heinous acts while I was being ordered to look over Transmutants in a segregated neighborhood with a low crime rate. Neighpon has been the most restraining on Transmutants to this day. So, he and I both left and went for another plan," said Hayato.

"Koizumi knew an Equestrian that was in the country. He was a mercenary that made a living through killing war lords, notorious criminals, and terrorists. We paid a lot of money to get him to train us and take us under his wing for the same line of work. We learned to wield different types of weaponry, stealth, endurance, tactics, anything to harden us into soldiers. Koizumi excelled with flying colors compared to me," chuckled Hayato. Battra found himself picturing this story, finding some similarities with his own past. The drive, that's what stood out the most.

"So, we set off with our mentor. Three men alone that took on dangerous criminals, human and Transmutant alike. Different countries and organizations hired us for our services. Koizumi and I took a huge gamble by pouring our savings into this mercenary and it paid off," said Hayato with a sigh.

"These criminals were just a warm up for my goal," said Hayato.

11 Years ago...

A stuffy, hot room was lit by a light that swayed above. Furniture creaked as the room gently rocked.
Hayato Yoshi stared at a picture in his hand. His eyes hard as he stared at an image depicting a wide shot from a high point. The picture depicted a woman with clothes that looked fluffed with black and yellow stripes. She was escorted by men wielding rifles. Hayato looked to the table where there were other photos. They showed a compound made up of destroyed buildings. A shoddy put together wooden structure stood.

"Fortunately, the area doesn't carry any trace of radiation," said Hayato as he pointed to a map, depicting an island.

"Odo was the second largest island in the isle chain next to Solgell. The blast for Odo may have covered more of the surface of the island, but the epicenter was more on the coast. The base of operations is located more inland, where more of the structures remain standing," said Hayato, looking to Koizumi and another man.

"Perfect for us to use for cover," said Koizumi with a smirk.

"Not so fast. Queen Bitch keeps some guards posted at these structures. Our client tells us that she's gotten into conflict with Destoroyah over the island. Seems like the leader of the Revolutionaries doesn't like to share his turf," said Hayato.

"We'll need to take out these guards before advancing. Dreadnought, you'll use the smoke mortars to blind them. Koizumi and I will take long shots to take out the guards outside of the compound. You'll join us to storm the place and take down anyone inside," said Hayato.

"Sounds fun," said Dreadnought with a nod and smirk. Koizumi chuckled as he drew out a knife.

"Then we turn Queen Bitch into Sleeping Bitch," said Koizumi as he stabbed the picture of QB.

"What?" asked Dreadnought in confusion.

"I don't get it," said Hayato with a raised brow.

"You know... like Sleeping Beauty? She's actually a dead princess? And... Oh fuck you guys," said Koizumi in annoyance. The three heard knocking, prompting them to look to the door. Dreadnought opened it, finding a bearded man.

"You boys get ready. We'll be making land less than an hour," said the man. He left the doorway, allowing the three mercenaries to step out and find themselves on the deck of a boat. The sky was darkening as the sun set below the horizon, revealing the starry sky. Ahead, they saw a dark island to be standing miles away. Hayato's brows furrowed as he clenched his fists.

'The moment is finally at hand. I'll avenge you, mother and father,' thought Hayato.

Later, the boat slowed down at a burnt dock. The boat stopped, allowing the mercenaries to step onto the dock, which creaked at their weight.

"Don't stray too far. We'll radio you for pick up when we're through," said Hayato as he turned to owner of the boat.

"You aren't getting a dime if you aren't back here for us," said Koizumi. The bearded man scoffed.

"You just worry about getting back alive," said the man. He took the wheel and the boat proceeded to depart from the dock. The three mercenaries were clad in dark clothing and kevlar vests. They were armed with rifles, save for Dreadnought, who carried a light machine gun. Koizumi nudged Hayato with a grin.

"Let's get paid and get revenge," said Koizumi. Hayato nodded to him with a smile, feeling lucky to have a friend willing to join him on his quest.

"But mostly paid," said Dreadnought as he began to walk across the dock.

The mercenaries spent the next hour, traversing through the land, passing thick growths of plants, weeds, flowers and vines that wrapped around the dead trees from years ago. Though some newer trees had grown since then, albeit the fruit they carried were radioactive from the ground water and soil they took. The mercenaries were careful to avoid the fruit and the water to be safe. They soon came to a hill, where they had a clear view of their path. Just far beyond their destination, a crater lied. The crater bore some remnants of destroyed buildings and carved a 'Bay'-like mass of land due to how close the bomb was detonated on the coast.

"Shit. It's something else to see a nuke's crater," said Koizumi. Dreadnought pointed just down the hill at base.

"This where we go from here to that drug operation. It should be a short mile to get to the structure itself," said Dreadnought. Hayato and Koizumi both tightened on the suppressors on the barrels of their weapons. The two began to split up as they slid down the hill.

Hayato took calm, quiet breaths as he navigated through the streets of what remained of the town caught in the blast of the nuke set off on Odo. He passed melted and darkened cars, and even few darkened skeletons that were fused to themselves as they were scorched alive. If these streets could speak, Hayato would hear the screams of horror that were quickly silenced the moment the blast came.

Hayato stopped as he spotted a lone man to be standing guard at an exposed wall inside of the second floor of a building. Hayato fought his urge to draw out his rifle to pop the man in the head with his rifle. There was no telling if this man was alone. So, Hayato sneaked around until he found a way to enter the building without being seen. As he walked through an exposed wall, Hayato found a blackened room, where several skeletons lied in a petrified state, as if they had dropped for cover. Not wanting to desecrate the resting place of the dead, Hayato cautiously stepped around them. He soon made it to the stair case and climbed up. The stairs creaked, much to his dismay. But as he climbed up further, he saw that the man had not noticed, and was instead looking through a porno magazine.

"Mm. I like that," said the guard as he turned a page. Hayato saw this as a valuable opportunity. He lowered his rifle to the ground and drew out a knife. He quietly stepped behind the guard. As he grabbed the guard and yanked his head back, Hayato dragged his knife against his throat. The guard gurgled as Hayato lowered him to the ground, allowing him to bleed out. Hayato looked around, picking up his rifle. He heard the crackle of a radio, prompting him to whip his head to the side. He noticed a man to be further down the hall, carrying a walkie talkie.

"The area's clear. As usual," said the man in a bored tone. Hayato quickly began to drag the guard he killed just over to a wall, hidden from the sight of the 2nd man in case he turned around.

"Queen Bee wants you guys on high alert. No telling when those Revultionaries may try and tear down this operation, over," said a man on the radio.

"Well she's got nothing to worry about. I'll pass the word along. Over and out," said the second guard. He then fiddled with his walkie talkie and held the button.

"Murphy, the Bitch wants us on our toes. You guys better not be sleeping again, over," said the guard. No answer came. A look of annoyance grew on the guard's face.

"Murphy? Murph? Hellooo?" called the guard. The walkie talkie suddenly gave a beep, signaling an upcoming response.

"Murphy's not here," said a voice. The guard bore a confused look.

"Then who the-" the guard was interrupted as Hayato grabbed him and slit his throat. Hayato sighed as he lowered him down, just as Koizumi emerged from the shadows with a walkie talkie.

"That was stupid," deadpanned Hayato.

"Heh. Says you. I just wanted to mess with the fucker before you took him out," said Koizumi as he kicked the bleeding guard.

"Dreadnought, we're clear. Get into position," said Hayato over his COM.

"Got it," said Dreadnought.

Hayato and Koizumi began to split up again, making their way closer to the structure that was up ahead. The two got into position, in cover behind rubble and found several guards to be standing outside, patrolling the perimeter. Hayato took a breath as the momemt he's been waiting for was at hand.

"In position," said Dreadnought over the COM.

"Get ready. 3. 2. 1. Now!" whispered Hayato as he raised his rifle and peaked through his scope, his weapon set on semi auto. From the air, balls of smoke descended around the guards, who gave alarmed shouts. As the smoke blinded them, Hayato caught better glimpses of them via thermal view from his scope. Hayato began to fire single shots, with his rifle kicking back with each pull of the trigger. The guards began to drop like flies as Hayato and Koizumi shot them down. A few attempted to flee in their blind panic but were ultimately gunned down. The suppressors kept the shots as quiet as possible to not draw attention from the building, though it was troublesome if the screams of the men were heard. Koizumi and Hayato rushed out of cover and to the building wall. They began to plant C4 explosives on the wall and proceeded to retreat. They found Dreadnought to be approaching with his machine gun.

"Half way there, boys. Let's give em Hell!" said Koizumi as he detonated the explosives. The wall was blown in, killing any unfortunate to be close on the other side.

While fully loaded and set to full auto, Koizumi and Hayato rushed in first. Bullets raced from their rifles, taking down any armed men inside. They took cover behind the bricks that kept plants planted. As they were pinned, Dreadnought came rushing in yelling like a mad man as he wildly fired his light machine gun. He mowed down some shooters that had his colleagues pinned, while also mowing down some of the plant harvesters. The mercenaries were engaged in a fire fight. Muzzle flashes filled the room and the gun fire was deafening.

Suddenly, the sound of buzzing filled the air. Koizumi looked up and saw some of the guards changing form, appearing like bees, covered in hairs on their rear but protected by heavy armor on their backs, legs and heads. Koizumi began to fire at one of the bees, who dove down with a stinger drawn. Koizumi rolled away, avoiding a stinger that buried into the concrete. Koizumi shot at the base of the stinger, destroying it and damaging the abdomen. The bee shrieked in agony as it stumbled, while bleeding profusely onto the ground, including its venom sac along with its digestive tract. The bee collapsed and thrashed in agony, while the mercenaries were forced to engage both shooters and massive bees.

"I'll handle the bees!" shouted Dreadnought after finishing reloading. He fired a hail of bullets at the bees, with bullets bouncing off the thick armor but also wounding a few. The bees flew around wildly in the building, which had little room. Koizumi and Hayato proceeded to fire back at the still human guards, managing to take them out. They shot at the remaining bees, penetrating wings and thoraxes. Bees crashed to the ground, twitching. Koizumi tossed a grenade at a small pile of downed bees, blowing them up. A final bee crashed at the feet of Dreadnought, who aimed at the head. The last thing the bee's large black eyes saw was a machine gun barrel looking down at it. Dreadnaught fired many rounds at the Transmutant's head. As his gun clicked, he panted.

"I fucking hate bees," said Dreadnought with a pant as he reloaded his weapon.

"We'll take point. Can't risk the target escaping," said Hayato as he quickly changed the magazine to his rifle. He and Koizumi made their way to a large pair of doors, covered in wax. The two nodded to each other and forced the doors opened. Their eyes widened in shock as they found Queen Bitch in her large queen bee state, twitching as she gave helpless cries. Standing over her was a large tarantula-like Transmutant, covered in brown hairs with yellow markings and blue eyes. The hive was a wreck, with honey combs destroyed, wax and honey staining the floor, and walls cracked. The spider had Queen Bitch bounded by web and proceeded to sink its fangs into her. Queen Bitch gave a pained shriek but died down as the venom from the fangs took hold. The spider took noticed of the mercenaries, who snapped out of their shocked states.

"Stay where you are, ugly! You just took out our contract!" said Koizumi. The spider screeched as it backed away. Its powerful legs carried it back. The spider raised its bulbous abdomen and roughly rubbed its back legs against it. Hairs were kicked off, caught in the air and floated towards the mercenaries. The hairs caught their skin and eyes, causing great irritation. The two cried out as they covered their faces, with tears running from the burning irritation. The spider scurried away and climbed up the wall, escaping through a large gaping hole. Dreadnought rushed in but bore an incredulous look.

"The hell happened?!" asked Dreadnought.

"Just give me some fucking water!" shouted Koizumi.

Later, Koizumi and Hayato had managed to pass the irritation the hairs caused. Mostly, at least. They still itched under their clothes.

"Shit. So someone else beat her to us?" asked Dreadnought.

"Yep. You think we can still claim the kill as ours? We should take her stinger or something," said Koizumi. He noticed that Hayato stood staring at the dead Transmutant.

"Hey, sorry that you didn't get to settle the score yourself. I know you've looked forward to it for years," said Koizumi as he patted Hayato on the back.

"Honestly, I'm just glad that someone brought her down. I can rest easy, knowing that justice was served," said Hayato as he approached Queen Bitch. He yanked her stinger from her rear, tearing out her digestive tract as well.

"Still. I have to wonder who that was, and what reason that Transmutant had to kill her," said Hayato.

Meanwhile, the spider Transmutant traversed the rough terrain. Its body began to morph and change shape. The Transmutant had changed into a young woman, with brown hair and yellow highlights. She panted as she held her shoulder while on her knees. She noticed a pair of boots in her sight. She shot her head up and found Gojira Takeshi to be standing with a blanket. He knelt down and draped it over her. The young woman sighed in relief and was helped onto her feet.

"Were you injured?" asked Gojira.

"No. Thanks for asking," said the woman. She looked to the man with a smirk.

"She wasn't so tough," said the woman.

"Well done, Kumonga. Her operation would've proved to bring more harm to our kind than to bring temporary pleasure," said Senior. He turned and proceeded to walk.

"Let us go. The girls are cold," said Senior.

"Are you really OK with taking them with us?" asked Kumonga.

"Yes. I rather Destoroyah not corrupt their minds. But you are responsible for them. You must teach them what you know," said Senior. Kumonga nodded.

"Thank you, Alpha," said Kumonga with a smile. Ahead, she spotted a group of very young girls to be on the beach, huddled together in the cold as a boat approached.

Present Day...

"I had some peace restored to me, despite not being the one to stop QB. Since I was so good at my job, I kept at it with Dreadnought and Koizumi, though Dreadnought felt the need to go solo. Koizumi and I kept at it for another half of year.," said Hayato.

"Then, we had gotten a contract that ended up being a fake and led us to Onyx himself. He was tricky enough to offer us Gojira Takeshi’s head. Senior, not his son," said Hayato. Battra bore a look of surprise.

"Normally, Koizumi and I were reluctant to work with governments and military after a certain incident years back. We relied on more private individuals or organizations. But the money was too great to pass up. We were hired to take out prominent Revolutionary members. We worked closely with Onyx since he hired us personally," said Hayato as he poured himself a drink.

"Later, I guess the old man grew on me. I didn't have a vendetta weighing me down anymore to remain a mercenary and wanted to settle in the country. So I dedicated myself as an official enlisted member after my road to citizenship. Koizumi is still independent but he stuck around because of me," said Hayato.

"Quite a story," said Battra. He shook his head.

"I don't know if I can move on like that," said Battra. "I don't even know who it was that killed my parents."

"Moving on is never easy. But the triumph over the struggle is worth it. I might not be the best example for this, but it's true," said Hayato as he took a drink. He then looked at his watch.

"Looks like that's all the time we have today. Good luck on the rest of your training. I see something promising in you," said Hayato with a smile.

"Sir," said Battra with a salute. He then began to walk out of the office, lost in his own thoughts. He began to reflect on some of the parallels he saw between himself and the Director. Hopefully, he could learn something that may help him in the long run.

The Main 6, Mosura and Rodan sat on logs and in the grass, eating lunch. Amber was among them as well, appearing better than how she was moments ago. Junior sat further away from the group and in front of his father. Junior sighed as he poked his chili beans with a fork.

"I don't know, dad. I feel like I should do something. I probably can. But i just don't know what," said Junior as he ate.

"Angirasu has issues with his mother, Sunset's scared, Erika's being bullied, it's awkward with Adagio, and Mosu...I think her brother being away has really gotten to her. More than I originally thought at least. It's like my friends are just falling apart, and I can't do anything about it," said Junior in frustration. Senior nodded.

"Son, no man can quell the troubles of others on a whim. Sometimes the best that you can do is to be there for them for when they call to you," said Senior.

"But what if they don't want to? asked Junior.

"That is their choice. You can try to force them, but it might push them away," said Senior. Junior sighed.

"I noticed how weird it is to hear you speak in like a 19th century dialect," said Junior with a raised brow.

"Junior I can't keep up with the times. I never really was the social butterfly myself," deadpanned Senior.

"Ah there's that modern dialect," chuckled Junior.

Back with the rest of the teens, there was silence among them as they ate. But this brought about a tense atmosphere among them.

"That was crazy," said Rainbow, breaking the silence.

"Yeah..." Twilight responded. There were no other words that she could come up with describe what had happened. It was so out of the blue and escalated quickly that it was like a bandaged quickly torn off.

"Do you think Sunset's okay?" asked Pinkie, her tone filled with worry.

"I'm sure she's alright. Gojira walked her home," said Applejack in reassurance, though she wasn't entirely honest with Pinkie or herself. She couldn't imagine what Sunset Shimmer could've been feeling at this moment.

"Yeah. She'll be back. Right?" asked Rainbow. An uncomfortable silence filled the air. Rarity sighed.

"This whole weekend has been quite the learning experience," said Rarity. She looked at her hand and spawned a small diamond shaped object and allowed it to spin.

"We've been warned before. Adagio had proven the consequences of abusing our abilities. But we've seen the extent of how dangerous these powers can be," said Rarity as she caused the diamond to disappear.

"So far, the least dangerous one could be Fluttershy," said Rodan. The rose haired girl slightly shrunk as her expression bore a tinged of guilt.

"Amber... maybe it's best if... I don't know. Is it possible that we can get rid of our powers? Like that gem can take them back?" asked Twilight. All the teens looked to the moth, waiting for an answer. Rainbow wasn't a fan of giving up her power, but what she witnessed prompted her to question the dangers of having it.

"Yes, you can give up these powers if you wanted to," said Amber. No one showed any sign of reaction to this news. They weren't sure how to feel about it or how to express it. They weren't expecting it to be possible either. Amber sighed.

"Listen, girls. I won't force you to take this mantle. You're free to stay or leave. But if you stay, you will be expected to be committed to fight for justice and righteous causes. And I won't lie, you're going to struggle," said Amber.

"But if you abide by the principles of good, you will overcome," said Amber.

"But why us? What's so special about us?" asked Rarity.

"Truthfully, it's nothing like a chosen one scenario. Anyone else could've been called. But you answered first. But fear not your own weaknesses. For they can mend others'," said Amber. Fluttershy looked down in thought.

"What does that mean?" asked Rainbow Dash in confusion. Amber merely fluttered off and perched herself on Junior's shoulder.

"And she left us hangin'," deadpanned Rainbow.

"So... what are y'all thinkin'? Are ya gonna ask to get rid of your abilities?" asked Applejack as she looked to the other girls. They were all silent.

"I won't," said Fluttershy with a firm look.

"I might not be strong or brave, but I can help Goji, Mosura, Rodan and Angirasu by communicating with creatures. If they change with no control, then I could maybe help them," said Fluttershy as she smiled at Rodan and Mosura. This was surprising to see in such a timid girl as Fluttershy.

"Heh. Well I'm inspired. I think I'm back to being fine with super speed," said Rainbow. Applejack rubbed her head.

"It's been getting pretty dangerous lately. I think it's a good idea to stick with strength for awhile," said Applejack. Rarity nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. I rather not be helpless against a group of villains with fire arms," said Rarity.

"Yeah! Besides, if we keep at it, we'll get even better at controlling our super powers!" said Pinkie, sounding more upbeat. The girls all looked to Twilight, who remained seated in silence.

"Well... if we can do some good, then I'm in," said Twilight with a determined smile.

Erika was walking alone out in the evening. Her clothes ruffled in the wind as she traveled down a street. Her eyes fell on a few establishments, where signs were propped up that read, 'No Muties'. Erika gritted her teeth as she walked. She wondered what right did humans have to condemn Transmutants. They were no better and possibly worse. Erika had enough of it. Of everyone. She stopped by a window and found her reflection. She saw the inhibitor collar around her neck, glowing led lights on the side. She loathed this damned thing. It was like she was dog with a collar to keep her restrained. Erika tugged at it, her expression hardening.

This was all her father's fault. He was the one who turned her into a Transmutant. He could've left her to die in peace, rather than condemn her to a life time of scorn and subjugation. And now, he was nowhere to be seen. He was staying all night at GeneCo, again, while she continued to suffer. Erika grunted as she began to yank on her inhibitor collar. She gasped as she noticed some people to be walking by. Erika placed her hoodie on and walked away. She then noticed a building made up of glass and metal it was a community green house, where people would plant their own seeds inside to grow. Erika rushed to the door, finding it still unlocked. She opened it and found a couple of people inside, wrapping up last minute care for these plants. Erika sneaked into cover, where she was out of sight. Moments later, the remaining people left, closing and locking up the door. The building was dark. Erika found herself alone with all of the flowers and vegetables planted inside. Here, she'd have the privacy she needed.

Erika grunted as she grabbed the collar and began to pull. Her pale face gained color from the blood rushing to it from exerting herself. Erika yelled in frustration. She began to scramble through the building until she found and grabbed a pair of gardening sheers. She panted as she looked herself over a mirror she found, holding the sheers close to her neck, where the collar wrapped around. She carefully slid the blades against the spinal piece that rested against the back of her neck. She turned the sheers and managed to slide a blade under the flexible spinal piece of the collar, but cut the back of her neck. She winced in pain but sucked it up. This damn thing needed to come off.

Erika applied all of her strength on the sheers, causing the blades to grind against the spinal piece. It began to spark and burn Erika's skin as the small piece's internal wiring was damaged. Erika screamed in pain as the electricity from the wiring was conducted against the metal blades of the sheers against her flesh. Erika grabbed the collar as it beeped and sparked. The LED lights flashed and Erika's eyes kept switching from normal pupils to reptile-like pupils. Erika felt her body ache with agony and her sight blurring. She grew fearful of what she had done, feeling the intense pain from her collar and body. Erika continued to pull as she screamed in pain and fear. Her cries echoed through the building until the sound of snapping filled the air. Then silence.

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