• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 10,706 Views, 581 Comments

Shy and Aggressive - Johng117

Fluttershy finds herself in one of the most unlikely of situations. She meets the top delinquent of Ponyville High. Not only that, he is also a freak to society.

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Bonus Chapter: Bloody Jungle

Author's Note:

Warning!! This chapter is bad on purpose! I'll have the chapter 43 up soon!
This is meant to take place during Sonata and Angirasu's 'date' when they went to Canterlot.

The theater room was dark, with only the screen being the source of light. Inside were dozens of seats that lined across the room in rows. The seats were completely filled by the citizens as they waited for the film to begin. Angirasu and Sonata sat together in the middle row, sharing a tub of popcorn. Sonata had a soft drink cup sitting on her seat's cup holder while Angirasu took a sip from his own cup through a straw. The cup depicted a red logo labeled, 'Dr. Pepper'. Angirasu looked around nervously around the theater, noticing that the crowd mainly consisted of girls with their boyfriends, and horror fans. For the moment, the screen projected trailers and teasers for emotional dramas, sex comedies, and other horror films.

"Are you sure you really want to watch this movie?" asked Angirasu, hoping Sonata would change her mind. "This might be too much for you."

"Of course, I'm sure." Sonata replied with a hint of Aria-like confidence. She began to seductively squirm in her seat, lowering her eyelids, and smirking.

"I have no reason to worry, since I have you to protect me" Sonata said in a tone befitting for Adagio.

The two sat and watched as the movie played, showing a scene where a bus driving through a Costa Riden jungle, with upbeat samba music playing during the main titles. Angirasu found himself bobbing his head to the beat. As the main title and opening credits came to a close, the passengers on the bus arrived at their stop. The camera focused on two characters, one was an elderly man judging from his outfit, and glasses, he was a professor of some sort. The second character definitely grabbed the attention of all the boys in the theater, this was a young woman around the age of 19, short black hair, tannish skin, and dazzling blue eyes that can make any man shiver. Sonata looked at the girl on screen, and immediately recognized her.

'Oh My God! It's Dwan!' Sonata thought to herself. 'She's that girl who always gets into a fight with my sisters.'

Sonata thought she should tell Angirasu that she personally knew the girl on screen, but she decided against it, thinking that Aang would find her gossipy or worse, ask for an arrangement for Dwan and him to get together. On screen, Dwan and the professor walked inside a hotel, where they were greeted by another elderly man. The elderly man booked them a room so the professor and Dwan could sleep in the same bed, Dwan then stated that the professor was her father, in which the elderly man had a surprised look on his face that looked somewhat perverted. The scene cuts to a banana truck driving down the dirt road, the truck then stopped when it arrived at the hotel. Inside the back of the truck was a scruffy looking man sleeping, and snuggling with a bunch of bananas as if it was a teddy bear. The man woke up and walked into the hotel. After several scenes of pointless exposition, and obnoxious side characters, the scruffy looking man finally met up with Dwan and Professor in the hotel bar. Professor started talking about a piece of uncharted land somewhere in Costa Riden, where apparently prehistoric animals still live. The scruffy looking man rubbed his chin in interest, and decided to participate in the expedition since he revealed that he's a game hunter. Their conversation was interrupted by a man trying to grope Dwan's ass. The Game Hunter stopped him by throwing him across the bar. Game Hunter is soon confronted by two men that looked like body builders, which resulted in a bar brawl where the game hunter was beat up. It cuts to Game Hunter lying in bed, then Dwan entered the room, thanking him and slowly taking her clothes off. Dwan and Game Hunter proceed to have sex. Angirasu suddenly realized that this sex scene was going on for 8 minutes.

'Oh boy, it's going to be one of those movies, isn't it?' Angirasu thought to himself as he shielded his eyes, while Sonata stared at the scene with flushing cheeks.

The scene then cut to all the main characters on a plane heading for the location that Professor mentioned. Suddenly the plane was attacked by a red pterosaur-like creature with a trident shaped crest on its head. The creature itself looked like a puppet made out of masking tape, but it was performed with the accuracy of a real winged creature. The pterosaur caused the plane to crash into the jungle below. It appears that Game Hunter, Professor, Dwan, and two others are the only ones who survived the crash. Game Hunter soon buts heads with one of the survivors who looks more muscular than him, has a notable scar going across his left eye, and talks as if he was a pirate.

'Okay he's the bad guy' Angirasu thought to himself as he propped his head up in his seat while sipping his soda. 'I'm way ahead of this movie'

After Game Hunter and the obvious bad guy had their little argument, Dwan is 'attacked' by a large python. The snake itself was partly draped around Dwan's neck and waist looking rather groggy. Dwan herself was lying on the ground shifting side to side, and screaming at the top of her lungs trying to give the impression that the snake is constricting her. Suddenly a knife pierced through the python's head, both Aang and Sonata jumped in shock and disgust at the almost realistic gore.

'Yikes! How did this fly past PETA!?' Sonata thought to herself. Angirasu was glad that Fluttershy wasn't watching this movie with them.

During the film, the group soon was greeted by a jungle girl with long blonde hair, and violet colored eyes. She wore a rather skimpy leopard print bikini that barely covered her breasts. The jungle girl started talking to the group, telling them where they are, and who she is. Her voice was pretty annoying since she didn't use personal pronouns. The jungle girl is soon trusted to lead the group to safety. A brief scene cut to Jungle Girl giving Dwan a rather lustful look.

'If Rodan was here,' Aang thought to himself. 'I think this would be his favorite movie'

Later on, during the film, the group is attack by a giant gorilla, which looked more like a man in a gorilla suit. The gorilla soon grabbed one member of the group, and threw him into his mouth. There is a close-up shot of the gorilla's mouth chewing on the man with his mouth open, showing the man getting mulched. Soon the group is attacked by a giant moth, the insect soon grabbed Professor and carried him off, while Dwan yelled in despair. After that, the group arrived at an abandon village, apparently forgetting about the loss of Professor. The scene cuts to Dwan inside one of the huts, where suddenly Jungle Girl slowly walked in with the same lustful look on her face. Jungle Girl slowly pinned Dwan to the cot, where they began to kiss on the lips. The kissing started to become more explicit as the two girls proceeded taking off their clothes. Meanwhile, audiences in the theater began to whistle and hoot at the scene. Sonata and Angirasu were silent.

'Definitely Rodan's favorite movie' Angirasu thought to himself with an unamused look. 'Without a doubt'

After another 8 minutes of a gratuitous sex scene, Dwan and Jungle Girl walk into the jungle leaving the Game Hunter, and Bad Guy to get into another argument. The argument was followed by a fistfight in which Game Hunter once again loses. The fight came to a halt when a tribe of cannibals wielding spears and shields depicting a large spiky reptile surrounded and captured Game Hunter and the Bad Guy. As both characters are being tied to 2 large poles, the cannibal chief arrives dressed in a fleece made from human skin, and a ram's skull on his head. The chief explains that they are going to feast on their flesh in the honor of their monster god, they decide to feast on Bad Guy first. The chief drove his dagger into Bad guy's waist and began to cut a circle around his crotch, ripping it out, and proceeding to eat it. Angirasu and Sonata resisted the urge to throw up at the sight of the scene.

'That is awful!' Angirasu thought to himself. Whoever was in charge of the movie was certainly being over the top with the gore and violent factor. 'Well could it possibly get any worse?'

The scene then cuts to Dwan and Jungle Girl walking through the jungle. Suddenly, a green tendril wrapped itself around Dwan's leg, pulling her down to the ground. Jungle Girl tried to help her, but a second tendril wrapped around her waist and pulled her to the ground. The tendrils drag the girls into a pit, at the bottom of the pit was a large plant monster with seven tendrils, yellow eyes, and a crocodile like mouth protruding out of rose-like petals. Instead of eating the girls, the plant monster just set them down on the ground where more tendrils started wrapping them up. Angirasu noticed that the tendrils looked kinda phallic, but he shook it off as just a coincidence. As the scene continued, the tendrils began to spread Dwan's and Jungle Girl's legs apart. The tendrils proceeded to strip off their clothes. Angirasu's eyes widened as the scene played.

'It's not' Angirasu thought slowly shaking his head. 'It's not doing what I think it's doing'

The plant monster began to let out a deep chuckle, as it positioned it's tendrils between the girls' legs. Before the tendrils could thrust themselves in, Angirasu covered and closed his eyes tight. All Angirasu could hear is a sickening sucking sound mixed with the girls screaming in terror, but the screams then turned to moans of pleasure.

'WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS MOVIE!?' Angirasu internally scream, trying to expel any dirty and sick thoughts from his head.

As the movie progressed, Angirasu and Sonata were still pale from the plant scene, even the scene where Game Hunter stabbed the cannibal chief with a molten spear seemed like child's play in comparison. Later, Dwan, Game Hunter, and Jungle Girl were walking down the jungle path, but they are confronted by a large serpent like creature that almost resembled an Neighsian dragon. Jungle Girl tried to throw a spear at it, but the serpent grabbed her by the leg and lifted her up. Before the serpent could even swallow the girl, it was confronted by large tyrannosaurus rex that bit the girl on the other leg, but he too was confronted by a red four-legged reptile with rodent-like ears that bit the girl's arm. The monsters began to have a tug of war with the girl, but ended with her getting ripped apart by all of them. Jungle Girl's blood then sprayed all over Dwan, who let out a blood curdling scream, that sounded more like she was in horror from the blood staining her hair, rather than her companion being brutally murdered. Sonata closed her eyes tightly and buried her face into Aang shoulder, Angirasu began to caress her back attempting to comfort her. After the gruesome scene, the audience were now watching the climax. The film's climax involved Game Hunter and Dwan being chased by a bipedal reptilian creature with maple leaf shaped spikes on its back, but it was confronted by another monster. Angirasu went pale at the sight of this creature, though it still looked fake like the other creatures, but something about this one disturbed him in a psychological level. The second monster walked on all fours, had quills coming out of its back, fangs like sabers, and a horn on its nose. The two monsters began to fight each other, clawing and biting each other like furious jungle cats fighting for a chunk of meat. The fight was interrupted by a volcanic eruption that ends up destroying both monsters. The film transitioned to Game Hunter and Dwan sitting on a raft watching the jungle explode, the two share a romantic moment as the movie ended. No one said a word after the film ended. One by one, people began to leave. Angirasu and Sonata sat together in silence, unnerved at what they had witnessed as the credits played. Angirasu looked to Sonata who was had gone completely pale as she slightly trembled.

"What The Actual Hell Did We Just Watch?" exclaimed Angirasu. The two began to leave the theater as one person remained behind, watching the credits play. After the lights came on as the credits ended, it cut to another scene, where it showed Dwan and Game Hunter lying together on the raft as it sailed off into the moon light. From a mass of clouds, thunder lightly roared. Lightning flashed through the dark clouds. A low trumpet-like sound filled the air as the scene panned to the dark clouds. As lightning flashed again from the storm, a floating mass in the shape of a saucer briefly appeared as a silhouette. The trumpet sound came again, where green lights began to illuminate through the storm as the sole survivors began to unknowingly drift towards the storm. The scene then cut to black.

"Aaaaaah shit!" exclaimed the single person in the theater as he bore a large grin on his face.

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