• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 1,178 Views, 157 Comments

Hecate's Orphanage - BlackRoseRaven

Cadence and other ponies from across countless parallel worlds work together to protect their universe from monsters.

  • ...

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The Bond Still Remains

Chapter One Hundred and Four: The Bond Still Remains

Cadence moodily played a hoof through the ornaments hanging off the lamp on the desk beside her, glowering at Thesis as he paged through something on a projected screen. They were sitting here, in a gorgeous little room with huge open doors that were letting a pleasant breeze through into this perfect villa, full of... carpets and spotless furniture and trinkets and decorations and-

“We can get some stuff for the apartment if you want. I mean, this place is nice and all, but... I don't think it beats the view of Exoterra from above, does it?” Thesis asked as he looked up with a smile, and Cadence loved and hated how he'd known just what she was thinking about.

The mare bit her lip, then she sighed a little before admitting: “It's not that. It's more... just... thinking about how this is the life I could have had. I don't... you know I don't... you know, but...”

“Believe me, thinking about the whole 'what could have been' isn't worth it. It's just a whole lot of regret.” Thesis said gently, before he shook his head and smiled at her. “You wouldn't have been happy. You know that, too. Because the life you could have lived...”

“It was a lie.” Cadence said, and then she scowled when Thesis gave her a sympathetic look. “Don't argue, it was. I feel bad about it. I should feel bad about it. Hell, I should feel worse than I do, to be honest. I used Shining, didn't I? I-”

“Now, none of that, dear.” Miss Take said disapprovingly as she reentered the room from the kitchen, and Cadence smiled awkwardly up at her as the half-Changeling set a tray of scones and tea on the small table in front of them. Then she sat back in an armchair and smiled across at the two of them, reassuring Cadence: “He was very happy with you. And he didn't want things to end either. It's just difficult. He... never really got closure, I suppose. So I'm... I'm glad you're here, for selfish reasons as much as that I'm happy to see you, darling.”

The ivory mare nodded after a moment, and then she said finally: “I'm... glad to be here, too, for... the same, I guess.”

Miss Take nodded, then gestured at the food she'd laid out, and when Cadence shifted awkwardly she teased: “I'll be very offended, darling, if you don't try at least a little! And sweetie, I promise I didn't poison these. As interesting as your things are, I don't think they'd be worth much to my buyers. I deal with art, not military goods.”

Cadence sighed a little, then she couldn't help but ask ironically as she picked up a cup of tea: “Still into that hobby, huh?”

“It's a fine way to supplement my income and keep me sharp at the same time. Especially now that I can't be seen doing the...” Miss Take searched for a word, then smiled and enunciated: “Liberating.”

“Liberating.” Cadence repeated, and Miss Take smiled. Thesis only shrugged amiably as he sipped at his own tea, most of his focus still on the screen at his side, and Cadence sighed before she asked: “And just how much of what you own in this house was 'liberated' from someone else's?”

“Why, almost none of it, Cadence! I certainly keep a few artifacts for myself, but I am not so base as to steal the furniture out from under people.” Miss Take replied in an offended voice, before she paused and idly stroked the arm of her wooden chair. “Well, unless it's very nice furniture, of course. Then exceptions can always be made.”

Cadence rolled her eyes, and Thesis glanced up with an amused smile as he closed the screen, complimenting: “You have good taste, at least. And you know what they say: you can judge a pony by what they surround themselves with.”

“I apologize for my Changeling lair perhaps not living up to your friends' expectations.” Miss Take replied with a wink, and Thesis snorted as Cadence only smiled wryly at her, before Miss Take added brightly: “They seem to be getting along very well with Shining, though! That's good, isn't it?”

“As nice as it is and as nice as it is to have some time with you, I can't say I exactly appreciate Shining making up an excuse to run away.” Cadence said dryly, and Miss Take gave her a half-sympathetic, half-amused look. “I'm just saying-”

“It's hard for him, too. He feels like he failed you, on top of... everything else.” Miss Take said gently, and Cadence grunted and shifted a little, looking awkwardly away. “Please, dear. Speak your mind. We're all friends here. Good friends, yes?”

The half-Changeling smiled at her, before she continued softly: “It really is good to see you again. I know I keep repeating that, but I'm not just saying it for your benefit, either. I won't lie: it's heartwarming to see you, but it's also... it feels a little like a challenge, and leaves me a little envious. Maybe that's pride and the hive-culture talking, but...”

Miss Take smiled again, but her gaze remained steady on Cadence as the ivory mare looked back at her evenly. “Well, I do hope you understand that you won't be permitted to deal with these problems alone, dear. We've seen what happens when you try and handle problems yourself... no offense meant, of course-”

“That's why my team is with me. And as much as I appreciate the 'offer,' Miss Take-”

“Oh no, I must insist. I must.” Miss Take answered equably as she held up a hoof, unflinching. “I do take my job very seriously, you know, and I'm very well aware of what an honor I've been given, being an ambassador and diplomat for Equestria. I may act the fool, Cadence, but I'm very smart, very serious about the things that matter to me... and this matters to me. So do you, as a matter of fact, and how do you think I would feel if I just sat back and you ended up getting hurt?”

She paused, then smiled and winked. “Worse, how do you think it would reflect on me? They'd never let me live it down. I might even get demoted!”

Cadence sighed at this, then glanced up in surprise as Thesis asked: “And there's no way to convince you it's a bad idea to try and get involved?”

“Oh I know it's a bad idea, dear, but I happen to live to indulge bad ideas.” Miss Take answered with a chuckle, giving Cadence a teasing look. “After all, remember how our journey began? What a wonderful little time it was together!”

Thesis smiled, then he asked, perfectly pleasantly: “Do you have any idea of the risk of this endeavor? To put it simply... do you really think you can keep up with us?”

Miss Take smiled back, but her features tightened slightly, her eyes narrowing a bit before she said softly: “I am not a force to be underestimated, dear, and neither is my husband. I would ask that you wait and see what we are capable of before you judge us. Or, if you like, perhaps I can give you a demonstration.”

Thesis smiled again, then he gestured at the room and said mildly: “What, and ruin all this? I'll admit that I'm... surprised. This is only supposed to be a Class B World, but there's a lot of Class C activity here. Believe me. It's not that I doubt you're capable of handling what happens in your own world...”

He paused, then gently tapped his hoof against the tabletop before saying softly: “It's just that we're not from this world, and neither are our enemies.”

Miss Take surveyed Thesis silently, and then she gave a slight smile as he sipped at his tea before she suddenly slammed both her rear hooves down on the other side of the table with enough force to send it flipping into the air. Cadence swore in frustration more than anything else as she dropped back into the couch-

A moment later, the table slammed back down, napkins and papers fluttering slowly through the air around them before Cadence's eyes widened in surprise. Thesis was still seated, grinning widely, teacup in one hoof and a tray of scones balanced on the other, and Miss Take was staring at him with disbelief from where she was caught in a scissors grip between his hind legs, the stallion saying mildly: “Nice try.”

“I don't try, dear.” Miss Take said kindly, and then she yanked backwards, likely trying to drag Thesis with her: instead, he let her pull loose, but the half-Changeling adjusted immediately, twisting her body sinuously to slide along the top of the table before she flipped over and lunged in a tackle at the Replicant.

But Thesis almost calmly passed Cadence the tray of scones before he simply caught Miss Take by the head and shoved back, leaving her sprawled on her stomach over the table as he said mildly: “Femme fatales don't work on me. I've spent my whole life getting beaten up by ladies. I know all your moves. Your weird, slinky, twisty body moves.”

Cadence glowered over at Thesis, who awkwardly cleared his throat, before Miss Take idly rolled onto her back, sprawling over the table before she reached out and tickled Thesis' chest with a hoof, winking at him as she purred: “Do you, dear?”

She suddenly swung her hoof up, but Thesis dodged the strike, then blocked without hesitation when the half-Changeling rolled backward and kicked both rear hooves towards his face. He grimaced at the force of impact, before he winced when the half-Changeling rolled back into his lap, trying to pin him in place with her body as she said wryly: “You know, I didn't want to resort to this.”

The green gemstone on her head began to glow, but Thesis reached up and quickly pressed a hoof against the jewel, and Miss Take winced before her eyes suddenly went wide and she fell forward over the table with a gasp as the gemstone turned black, her body shivering, almost seeming to melt in places as she struggled to maintain her transformation as her powers failed.

Cadence winced, but Thesis only smiled at the half-Changeling almost kindly as she gritted her teeth and glared furiously over her shoulder at him through mishmashed, almost-mutant features, the Replicant saying quietly: “You're strong, and you're very good, but you're a lot of flash and a lot of sizzle and not a lot of steak. See, I get it: that works great in most cases.

“But this isn't most cases. We aren't dealing with enemies who are going to be entranced by your charms. These things aren't from your world, they aren't of any world, not anymore.” Thesis said quietly, before he gently tapped on the gemstone again, and Miss Take grimaced and scowled even as the gemstone cleared and her powers returned. “I don't want to see anyone taking any unnecessary risks and I don't want to see the ponies of this world getting hurt. Because this is our responsibility, not yours.”

“But it's our world, dear. And that is why I have to continue to insist that you allow us to participate.” Miss Take said evenly as she stood up, but Cadence noted her legs were wobbling slightly: she had clearly been knocked off balance by Thesis countering her usually so-effective mix of charm and combat. “I suppose I can see why Cadence likes you, though. You brute.”

“Hey, I'm awesome.” Thesis said pointedly, before he slurped loudly at his tea, and Cadence slowly closed her eyes as Miss Take smiled despite herself. “Don't worry. You're still pretty great. Orphan-material, just about.”

Cadence scowled over at Thesis, but Miss Take only smiled in amusement before she replied kindly: “That's very nice of you to say, darling, but I have a home here, and of course I'm very fond of the Queen Mother. I think Cadence is the only mare who gets to be an Orphan while still having a father.”

“Everyone makes that joke and I hate it.” Cadence said dryly, and Thesis gave her an amused look. “You shut up. Stop fighting and flirting with her.”

“I'm not going to leave you, snuggle-muffin pudding-cake.” Thesis said kindly, and Cadence glared at him as she picked up a scone and flung it at him, the Replicant only continuing to smile at her even as it bounced off his face. “And it's not really a joke, either. It's true. I mean, think about it, you-”

“This isn't about me.” Cadence said crankily, before she sighed and looked back at Miss Take as the half-Changeling perched herself on the table. “Look. I do appreciate it, and I know you and Shine are really strong. I don't doubt that. But these things we're fighting now are even worse than the Brokenhearted, even worse than Pain.”

“I'm sure not every fight is that bad, darling. Pain was... painful.” Miss Take's mouth quirked slightly, bur her eyes were serious as she studied Cadence, before she added softly: “Although, no, dear, I'm not at all blind to how you've... changed.”

Cadence knew that Miss Take wasn't talking about her outer appearance, but she frowned all the same, and the half-Changeling chuckled before she said softly: “You aren't so heavy on your hooves anymore. You move much smoother, dear, much better than you did before. And your confidence, of course, the fact that you seem to have met yourself, if you don't mind me saying so... I know very well how much that helps.”

The ivory mare smiled wryly at this, before Miss Take calmly brushed herself off, then glanced up with a smile before she said suddenly: “Come with me, dear. I'll show you something.”

“Go ahead. I'll crunch some numbers, see what Seneschal's examined so far.” Thesis said mildly, waving a hoof at her, and Cadence glared at him even as she silently thanked him for recognizing that Miss Take probably wanted to show her something private. For letting her share things at her leisure, as much as she trusted him, as much as they were partners in everything.

She climbed to her hooves after a last sip at her own tea, then followed the half-Changeling out of the room. Cadence couldn't help but note with the faintest hint of envy that everything in this house was beautiful, and everything was decorated, and everything was perfectly clean.

“I would apologize for the untidiness, dear, but I think somehow you might take offense. I don't know how, it does seem rather messy to me, but I know that perhaps I'm also a little more sensitive to that sort of thing. I've always hated a mess.” Miss Take smiled in amusement over her shoulder as she led Cadence up a gorgeous, half-spiral staircase that was so polished Cadence could see her reflection in it. “Apart from ShyShy, of course.”

Cadence rolled her eyes, before she frowned as the mare led her out to a set of doors at the end of a long hallway, pushing them open and smiling as she gestured for her to go out onto the small balcony beyond. The ivory mare shrugged, then she sighed as she stepped out and looked down at the beautiful little yard below, perfectly maintained, where... really?

Shining Armor was sitting below at a little table, in the shade of an umbrella, a case of beer in front of him: Moonflower had taken one and already looked tipsy from just the single bottle he had drank... no, he hasn't even finished it yet.

Sombra was at the table as well, and La Croix was sitting nearby, nervously mixing something together: she studied him intently, half-recognizing the charm he had laid out in front of him, but before she could say anything Miss Take said softly: “Shining has his own way of diplomacy. I'm sure he's learned a lot from your friends, and your father. Just as I've learned a lot from you, darling.”

Cadence frowned and turned around: she almost automatically wanted to distrust Miss Take, but she didn't sense any hostility from her, could feel... almost sadness, she thought with surprise, even as the half-Changeling smiled at her. “Just what have you been up to? Why are they all so serious, darling, why are you acting like this is the end of the world?”

Cadence shifted a little, but Miss Take shook her head and said softly: “Tell me the truth. We deserve the truth, Cadence. Not just because I am curious, or because I care about you, but because I care about this world and we have a right to know. Both Shining and I are very aware of how clandestine operations work, dear: for everything you've told us... I know it's not the truth.”

“It is.” Cadence defended, but she knew what Miss Take meant, and she shifted a little before she sighed and muttered: “It's hard to explain. It's a lot of things. And until La Croix talks to us-”

“Just trust me Cadence, please.” Miss Take implored, and the ivory mare bit her lip before she sighed when the half-Changeling smiled a little and asked softly: “Haven't we been through enough together?”

Cadence grumbled under her breath, before she nodded and mumbled: “It's just hard to explain.”

“Just explain.” Miss Take said with a gentle smile.

For a few moments, Cadence looked at her, and then she said finally: “We're fighting the god Loki, who has come back from the Void for revenge with an army of the dead to destroy the entire universe, and his Voidborn might have attacked this world as revenge for stopping his attack on Decretum, which is one of the planets owned by Hecate, the Empress of the Clockwork Empire, who I work for now.”

Miss Take slowly blinked, and then she cleared her throat before she asked ironically: “Is that all, dear?”

“No. But that's all you need to know.” grumbled Cadence, and Miss Take smiled apologetically.

“I'm sorry, sweetie, it's just... a lot to take in and a lot to try and understand all at once.” Miss Take said carefully after a moment, and then she cleared her throat before she gestured out at the ponies in the yard below: “And you met your friends there?”

“Yeah. Moonflower is from another world, that...” Cadence quieted, lowering her head slightly before she murmured: “It... was destroyed by Loki. And La Croix is from Darkwater, he's a spirit from-”

“Zebra religion?” queried Miss Take, and Cadence looked up in surprise, but Miss Take smiled as she said gently: “I'm not just a pretty face, after all. Don't forget that I'm Chrysalis' big sister, and I started life as an assassin of the Queen Mother's hive. I was trained to infiltrate all societies, dear... not just ponies. Zebra, in fact, know me better than ponykind does.”

Cadence grunted, and Miss Take smiled before she said mildly: “I find it much easier to stomach that you're traveling with a Loa and some unicorn from another world than I do that there is some... rampaging god, destroying planets. But... I trust you, Cadence, and I have seen fantastic things. Not the least of which is you, dear.”

Miss Take gently tapped her breast, and Cadence smiled wryly before she reached up and touched her own body, muttering: “I'm not fantastic. I'm just... peeling away.”

That felt like a strange, uncomfortably-apt word for what she was going through: peeling away, layer-by-layer, until the real her was revealed for all the world to see. She grimaced a bit, but Miss Take only smiled at her gently, saying softly: “You know, something all Changelings are taught that it is important we recognize ourselves, first and foremost. Not just so we can find our own kind among others, but so that we don't forget who we are. Even drones, you know, can have crises of identity: they aren't all so willess that when they spend a month pretending to be a pony that hates the queen, none of that rubs off on them.”

Cadence only glowered, and Miss Take smiled wider and sighed almost in pleasure. “I missed that, you know. There's never been anything quite as satisfying as your irritation. It must be what makes you such a good leader.”

Cadence only rolled her eyes, before she asked moodily: “Are you and Shining going to compare stories after?”

“We are professionals. To a point.” Miss Take shrugged and winked, before she repeated gently: “We are professionals. And that is precisely part of why we have to come with you, even if everything you say is true. Of course it's also a point of professional pride: I can't stand the thought of you being my superior in anything either, Cadence, I will have to show you how I, too, have improved.”

The ivory mare smiled wryly, before Miss Take abruptly changed the conversation, saying cheerfully: “I'm very glad you found your special somepony though, sweetie! And he's such a perfect match for you, too. Handsome, strong, doesn't take you seriously... has the cutest nicknames for you...”

“Stands up to me.” Cadence said before she could stop herself, and Miss Take winked slowly at her as Cadence scowled. “I mean... I just mean he's... you know.”

“Yes, I do. Shine is very relaxed, very go-along, but he's gotten better about that too. It was never your fault though, dear, you do know that, don't you? You're just a very... imperial personality. I'm much more... teasing, and... well, fun.” Miss Take nudged Cadence gently as the ivory mare looked at her dryly. “Oh, don't be like that, darling, you know I don't mean it that way. You're just... very serious.”

Cadence grunted moodily, and then she sighed a little before smiling awkwardly and waving at her father as Sombra looked up at her with a kind smile that told her he had known they were there the entire time. He raised his hoof, and Shining blinked before he looked over his shoulder, then smiled awkwardly and waved at them.

Cadence smiled a little, then winced when Miss Take leaned over her and waved back, trilling cheerfully: “Darling! I see you've started drinking a little early, dear... don't get too tipsy now! You know what a silly drunk you are!”

“Thanks, dear.” Shining called tiredly, and then he shook his head before he cleared his throat and asked lamely: “Do you guys... need anything?”

“Yes, darling, if you're done milking them for information we should all come inside and talk together! I think it's time that the Loa told us all about what's got him so worried.”

La Croix winced at this, and Cadence scowled a bit, but Miss Take only said gently: “I am not trying to steal your friends away, don't worry, or even impugn on your abilities as a leader. But-”

“But, but, but. Everyone's got a but.” Cadence grumbled, and Miss Take giggled a little, which made the ivory mare glower for a few moments at her before she sighed and turned to head back inside, grumbling: “I'm going back to get Thesis.”

“Just wait there, darling, the sitting room should have enough room for all of us!” Miss Take called cheerfully, and Cadence only rolled her eyes, but she was uneasily aware of the half-Changeling's eyes lingering on her back, feeling her measuring her, studying her, until she was out of sight.

Cadence found her way through the beautiful house back to Thesis, scowling horribly. She stormed into the room, and Thesis glanced up from the holographic screen in front of him and studied her for only a moment before he reassured: “It's okay to be worried for them. But you couldn't stop them before, so what makes you think you can stop them now?”

Cadence opened her mouth, then she sighed and closed it before she mashed her face against the side of his neck, muttering: “I hate that you know me so well.”

Thesis only smiled and shrugged, then he gestured at the screen and said finally: “Seneschal only found a few danger zones, and he's locked them down. He also scanned the area using the available metrics and he wasn't able to find anything, but since we saw those Nzambi...”

The ivory mare straightened and grimaced, before she winced when the Swan pushed her aside to say: “We did not see or sense any others. They were sent to meet us. They were full of malice, of rage, of hate for us: not just their own, but those of their master.”

“That doesn't sound like Veliuona. That doesn't even sound like Loki. Loki's... I don't like the guy very much and he's definitely an asshole, but... bitterness isn't hate.” Thesis paused, then he added wryly: “Of course he might actually hate us by now.”

“Yes. He may.” the Swan agreed almost solemnly, before she added calmly: “Cadence does not like it here. It is full of memories and regrets. It is difficult. It is sad. It is... a place of heartache and longing. She loves you. We love you. We do not wish to be reminded of loves past. Of failures.”

Thesis smiled a little, then he said quietly: “Loves and friendships lost or ended are not failures, Danzsöngr. You can't measure them that way, not like... money, or material objects. Because you keep everything you experienced, everything you learned. You take it all with you. You just feel... empty inside afterward, because it always leaves you wanting more. Because... we're stupid.”

“We are stupid.” the Swan repeated, looking thoughtful, before she nodded slowly. “Yes. We are stupid. I understand what this means now.”

Thesis smiled a little wider, and the Swan studied him for a few moments before she closed her eyes and leaned her head against him, murmuring: “Love is stupid. It makes us weak and vulnerable. It means we will hurt all the more when we lose you, friend, companion... soulmate. And yet we would not change things. We would not change for the world, as Cadence is so fond of thinking.”

Thesis nodded slowly, and then the Swan closed her eyes, and the mare's features tensed, then relaxed as Cadence muttered: “I hate when she does that?”

“Do you?” Thesis asked, and Cadence shifted awkwardly and half glanced away, Thesis smiling slightly before he murmured: “It's okay.”

“Not really.” Cadence mumbled, and then she bit his shoulder for a moment before sighing and pushing herself up, asking finally: “Did the scans show anything at all?”

“Yeah.” Thesis gestured at the still-present screen, which showed several bars and graphs that Cadence didn't understand much of, but did notice all spiked distinctly. “See that? We're detecting those strange energy pulses again, the same as we did back on the island before we ran into Veliuona.”

“So can you trace those signals back to their source, then?” Miss Take inquired casually as she entered the room, as if she'd been there the whole time. Cadence scowled as the half-Changeling smiled, gesturing for the stallions she led in to make themselves comfortable in the various cushions and recliners around the room even as she continued: “I know admittedly little about these devices you have brought with you, but if you can do anything with them like the simple tracking magic we can employ...”

“Yes, we were able to trace the signal before. But before, it led us to an ambush. Whether or not Loki would employ the same tactic twice, he is aware of what we are capable of. He will take precautions.” Sombra said quietly, and Shining Armor frowned as he automatically sat down beside Cadence... then smiled awkwardly at her and shifted quickly to the side, clearing his throat loudly.

“Y-Yes, well. Uh.” Shining took a moment to gather his thoughts, before he became a little more serious, which thankfully helped with the secondhoof embarrassment Cadence felt for him as he said: “Well, what if we sent a false signal of our own? We've done it before. We send a construct or a messenger bird with a signal stone towards the source and they'll hopefully pick up on that and move to counter it, while we sneak around.”

Cadence traded looks with Thesis, and then she turned her eyes towards the stallion, asking mildly: “Where did you learn that?”

Miss Take smiled and rose a hoof as Shining lamely shifted, and the half-Changeling said brightly: “Although to be fair, we adapted it from another nation the Changelings used to prey on in the old days, before we came to Equestria. But it has served us excellently.”

“Good to know.” Cadence said dryly, and then she shook her head before saying: “We're here to engage the enemy anyway, though-”

Thesis held up a hoof, and Cadence scowled at him, but then looked up much more attentively when Sombra said quietly: “We must not underestimate the enemy, Cadenza, not after what we have seen. Consider this: confusing them may give us the opportunity to strike where they have no defenses.”

Cadence nodded, then she chewed on her lip before saying finally: “I... I know. It's about more than just brute force. But if they focus on us...”

Miss Take cocked an eyebrow at this, smiling amusedly as she asked: “What, are you really that afraid of us being involved? Because we'll steal your thunder, dear, or-”

“Because I don't want to see either of you hurt!” Cadence snapped, sitting up slightly, before she sighed and glowered over at Shining when he awkwardly reached out and gently touched her shoulder.

They looked at each other for a few moments, and then Shining Armor swallowed before he said: “We're coming with you.”

He was a little meek, obviously uncomfortable, and he was barely able to meet her eyes... but all the same, he said it, and he clearly meant it. He had never really stood up to her before, never argued with her even that much in the past, not unless they had both been seriously upset about something.

It made Cadence study him, how much he had changed, how much he had... grown up, really, and after a few moments she finally smiled faintly before she murmured: “Don't go breaking my leg Shine, really.”

Shining Armor smiled awkwardly, then he straightened a little before saying in a firmer voice, as his eyes roved around them: “Sorry, but... we have to come with you. Both because we serve Equestria as... well, more than diplomats, obviously, but also because we're your friends. And anyway, if this thing is in the direction of Equestria, and it really is a threat...”

“Then Equestria needs to address it, whether it is 'too dangerous' for us or not. Twiddling our thumbs or whining about it won't do a thing. But if we confront it directly, then you stand a better chance of dealing with the foe, and we stand a better chance of surviving. Together.” Miss Take emphasized. “If there's one thing our nation and her neighbors have learned in these last few years, Cadence, it is that we are that much stronger together, and that much weaker apart.”

Cadence sighed after a moment, then she glanced up as La Croix said quietly: “She be right, you know. We in this together.”

“I know... I don't want to abuse their memory or anything, but I... I wish my world had been given the chance to fight. I wish...” Moonflower looked down, quietly tapping his front hooves together before he smiled faintly as Cadence softened a little. “I just wish...”

“I know. I... okay. Okay, okay. I get it. Don't be a bitch, Cadence, right?” Cadence said, and Thesis nodded agreeably, La Croix smiled awkwardly, Sombra shrugged, and Moonflower gave a little laugh. “Yeah. I get it.”

“Then stop trying to fight us, dear, and just let us help.” encouraged Miss Take, and Cadence grumbled before the half-Changeling smiled and added: “Not that I didn't expect this, of course, or for you to try and fight us back at every turn. You did the same thing before, after all, and those circumstances were decidedly less dire than these.”

“Yeah. Only I died back then.” Cadence said grumpily, and Shining cleared his throat as Miss Take only smiled at her in amusement. “I... get what you're getting at, yes.”

“I sincerely hope that you do, darling.” Miss Take said kindly, and then she turned her eyes towards Thesis, asking: “Will you accept official help from Equestria? Or are we going to be working in a more... subtle capacity?”

“I'd prefer to keep it to a minimum. I, personally, have no problem with having a few more bodies on board, especially if they're capable people like yourselves.” Thesis said mildly, and Miss Take bowed her head to him respectfully. “But no Royal Guard, no... crystal pony guard soldier people.”

“The Crystal Empire still doesn't have its own military. They still use Royal Guard from Canterlot for security and protection.” answered Shining Armor, before he smiled a little at the look on Cadence's face. “I know, I know. But it's because the Crystal Empire is so protected. The shield keeps most intruders out, or...”

“Cleanses the air. Rids the people of their ill thoughts.” Sombra supplied, and Shining nodded in agreement. “The Crystal Heart was designed to channel positivity and create a sense of... community, oneness. It was first used not to keep out the supernatural evils of the winter wastes, but instead to pacify the barbarians when they wandered into our nation. But of course in those days it was not the true Crystal Heart, what it would become: it was only a focus gemstone that we used to protect the nation.”

“Not that it worked.” Cadence muttered, before she smiled awkwardly when Sombra gave her a gentle smile. “I... sorry, Daddy. I know that's unfair.”

Sombra nodded, continuing: “And we cannot be sure just how effective the Crystal Heart's original purpose truly was. The rage continued, the attacks continued, but some came more peacefully, too, and no one could deny the raids became less bloody.

“I took the Crystal Heart and modified it further, made it potent, after I was... infected.” Sombra said quietly, looking down at a hoof with a faint smile, and Cadence softened: she knew it was hard for her father to talk about: as strong and wise as he was, all the same, he still blamed himself for what had happened. “It became strong enough to drive the darkness out of the hearts of ponies when magic was focused through it, but... the tower, the amplifier, that was the true key. But it did nothing against the Brokenhearted, whom the darkness hid away inside, puppeting their shells, and it will do nothing to stop these new beasts that prowl from the Void.”

“Thankfully, we haven't seen any Brokenhearted since Pain was stopped.” Miss Take said tactfully, and Cadence gave a brief smile: that was good news, at least. “That does bring up another point, though, and while we've brushed it over I fear I have to be blunt... are you still 'contagious,' dear?”

Cadence scowled, but Sombra held up a hoof to her before he answered gently: “The purifier cleans my blood as well as keeps me sane. As long as it is working, I do not spread the poison. And even should it cease to work, as long as I maintain control and avoid prolonged contact with others, my corruption should not spread.”

“Sombra's corruption sickness is something we've studied pretty extensively. There's no cure for the infected carrier, unfortunately, not without...” Thesis bit his lip, then said delicately: “'Sacrifices,' literally and metaphorically. But we have been able to curb the levels of toxicity greatly over the years through dialysis and other treatments, and we can cure anyone who is in... let's say, stage one or two of the 'sickness.'”

Miss Take nodded slowly as Shining Armor frowned slightly, before he asked after a moment: “I never was really sure about this, but... what's wrong with you, and those Brokenhearted... it's different, right?”

“Different, and yet the same. I do not know which came first, although when I think of the Brokenhearted, I think of two earth ponies-”

“Sinister and Dexter.” Cadence muttered, and then she grimaced and shook her head as Shining grimaced a little, recognizing those names even after all these years. “They were like that even before Daddy was... before the poison.”

“Uh...” Thesis pulled his visor down over his eyes and then tapped at his Mission Drive, before he murmured: “Right, yes. I remember now, I read about them in your personnel file. They sounded like they were suffering from Kyller syndrome... decreased empathy, decreased reaction to pain, unnatural fixation on predatory behaviors... we've seen more than one pony with it now.”

I am a predator, and you are my prey. Sol Seraph whispered in Cadence's mind, and the mare grimaced before she scowled over at Thesis. “They seemed more than just sick.”

“Mental illness affects the body and the spirit. Everything's linked together. It gave the corruption from the unstable clay a way to get in... don't forget what Melinda said, about making the other person accept or even want what she 'offers.' The corruption can work the same way.” Thesis answered, and Cadence scowled at this.

But before they could get any further off topic, Miss Take asked candidly: “Is there any chance we'll be seeing the Brokenhearted again? You must understand that if Pain, Sinister, or Dexter put in a reappearance, it would be very grave...”

“We'd have to alert the military in that case. We'd have to.” Shining said quietly, and Cadence made a face, but she nodded slowly all the same. She understood, although it made her hesitant to answer...

“Yes. There's always a chance.” Thesis said bluntly, and all eyes turned to him as he smiled briefly. “Especially with their connections to Cadence. However, things only survive in the Void if they will themselves to. The weak-willed, the broken, don't. Bitterness, anger, and inability to die alone aren't enough.”

Miss Take nodded slowly, before she turned a kind smile towards La Croix, prompting gently as the Loa looked up at her uneasily: “And what did you find, dear? It must have been rather important if you've needed all this time just to gather your thoughts.”

La Croix was silent for a moment as he glanced from Thesis to Cadence, and then he said quietly: “I don't want to say the name of the cocodril, but... makes sense, don't it? Loki gave him just what he asked for, in a funny kind of way. Power of the Void, and his revenge on Darkwater...”

Cadence's eyes widened before she blurted: “But how can Bondye-”

“Shh, shush, don't speak his nom!” La Croix hissed, waving his forelegs at her before he shook his head vehemently, then closed his eyes and muttered: “I ain't been able to get through to mes frères, so somethin'... bad has to have happened there. I don't... maybe it was all a set-up. Maybe this was what Loki wanted, maybe-”

“Hey, hey, calm down. We take this one step at a time, and for now, we deal with what's right in front of us and what we know for sure. Loki's got a thousand ways to interrupt communications and magic, especially if the big lizard is now a Voidborn under him.” Thesis said quietly, and La Croix grimaced before the Replicant asked in a softer voice: “Are your brothers alive, or are they dead?”

La Croix was silent for the longest time, and then he bit his lip before he touched his breast and murmured: “I don't know. But I want to believe they alive. I... I didn't feel...”

“Then that's enough for now, right? Let's not jump to the worst-case scenario yet. Keep hope alive.” Thesis encouraged, before he turned his eyes to Miss Take, saying quietly: “This means we're going to encounter more Nzambi and other undead and spirits from Darkwater. Have you guys ever fought spirits before?”

Miss Take chuckled at this, saying kindly: “Changelings feed off emotions, dear. Of course we've dealt with imprints and spirits before. But these Nzambi, I will admit... they seem very nasty.”

“They are.” La Croix muttered, and then he shook his head before he cleared his throat and sat up, saying quietly: “I'll put together some charms that'll protect and hide us, but they ain't gonna take long to sniff us out no matter what we do. We gonna have to move fast.”

“Then perhaps we should get moving!” Miss Take said suddenly, clapping her front hooves together as she hopped out of her seat, and all eyes stared at her. “Well, there's no time like the present and no need to give the enemy any more advantage over us than they already have, yes? So we should move immediately.”

“Uh. Well, I mean... yes.” Thesis said lamely, looking surprised before he cleared his throat and added awkwardly: “Team uh... are you ready to move out?”

Moonflower looked up dumbly, Sombra only smiled, and La Croix grimaced before he sighed and muttered: “I can finish the charms on the go, oui.”

Cadence shrugged, then she looked over at Shining Armor, and the stallion gave her a small smile before he answered: “We're uh... trained for this, I guess you could be. Whether you're looking at us as diplomats or... well, um...”

“Problem-solvers!” Miss Take chipped in, and then she said kindly: “You always have to be ready to move, and able to prepare while doing so. You have to remember the enemy is always moving, so you have to be able to move faster and work harder and do better. And that is something I have learned twice, dear.”

“All horses have to learn things twice.” Cadence muttered, and Miss Take looked at her curiously, but the mare only smiled wryly. “Sorry. Something Hecate used to say.”

“Mom says stuff like that a lot. It all basically comes back to the same thing, though. 'Don't screw up.'” Thesis hopped out of his seat and winked, then he tapped quickly on his Mission Drive before he said in a more-serious voice: “Alright. You guys have a train to Equestria, right? We're going to go past the signal and head to Canterlot.”

All eyes looked up in surprise, and Thesis explained quietly: “We need to track the source of that signal, but I would prefer to draw the enemy towards us. I have no intention of putting anyone in any danger: outside of Canterlot, we'll hop out of the train and set up an ambush in the mountains. Leatherpurse doesn't seem like the creative type. Five bits says he'll try and attack through the subterranean caves.”

“If Loki be pulling his strings, though...” La Croix bit his lip, and then he shook his head and muttered: “I ain't gonna argue, though. Y'all know this war game stuff better'n I ever will.”

Cadence smiled wryly as she climbed up to her hooves as Shining did the same, and then they almost bumped into each other to step around the table, the mare clearing her throat and Shining lamely looking away before he hopped to the side and bowed quickly, saying: “After you, warrior princess.”

Cadence smiled despite herself, murmuring: “Been a while since I heard that one. I uh...” She stopped, then shook her head and said finally: “I'm glad I got to see you again, Shine.”

Shining Armor smiled back, then he nodded and turned to follow her automatically as she headed out of the room, Thesis and Miss Take trading looks before they both followed after the pair. The rest of the group came last, with La Croix bringing up the rear, his head lowered in apprehension and fears that wouldn't go away, no matter how hard he tried to push them out.

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