• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 1,178 Views, 157 Comments

Hecate's Orphanage - BlackRoseRaven

Cadence and other ponies from across countless parallel worlds work together to protect their universe from monsters.

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Right In Front Of You

Chapter Twenty Three: Right In Front Of You

Thorn Blackfeather showed up at Scarlet Sage's house with Necrophage and Muse in tow, and a bottle of wine that he politely offered for dinner. The Pegasus accepted it readily and sent him inside to meet her wife and children, and so she could scold Antares and Innocence, who were both doing a terrible job of remaining inconspicuous as they peered suspiciously out of the cover of a bush.

Now, Thorn was seated at the foot of the large table outside, Necrophage and Muse on either side: Scarlet Sage had decided it was safest to use her twin daughters as a buffer, even if Lily kept looking nervously at Muse, and Mercury was peering with almost as much suspicion at Thorn as Antares was.

At the head of the table sat Apple Bloom: she looked as vivacious and youthful as her wife, with her glowing gold coat and bright crimson mane. She was built large and strong, with a cutie mark of blossoming flowers on her hip, and the faint smell of engine oil and sweat seemed to linger on her in spite of how clean she was, from the hours of hard work she put in every day at Kwolek labs.

She was amiable and friendly, keeping an eye on her daughters in spite of the fact they were both adults: in fact, the twin mares looked almost as old as their mothers, thanks to the unnatural vitality provided by Scarlet Sage's abilities as a Blood Seer.

Thorn studied the mares, looking back and forth between them silently: his nieces, he thought. One was named Mercury: she was a very light blue, with a rough, much darker sapphire mane, and a cutie mark of a black spade. The other was Lily: white-gold, with a red mane like her mother, and the cutie mark of an ivory heart. And both of them had such clear crimson eyes; was that a sign of their Blood Seer heritage? He didn't know if it was polite to ask.

Thorn politely scooped up a bit of his salad, remaining quiet even as he surveyed the table, and Scarlet Sage cleared her throat before she asked: “So Thorn, how do you find Ponyville so far?”

“It would be unprofessional for me to talk about my findings before they've been compiled.” Thorn replied calmly, and then he glanced at Necrophage when she grabbed his foreleg and shook him, looking at him pointedly as she bounced a little in her seat, and after a moment, Thorn cleared his throat and nodded awkwardly, correcting himself: “I mean... it's very nice. It seems... peaceful.”

“Yep. Sure is.” Apple Bloom smiled amusedly, studying him with interest before she asked curiously: “So your Mom's Hecate, is that right?”

“Hecate adopted me, yes. She took care of me from when I was a young foal, after my parents had to give me up.” Thorn replied with a nod.

Antares scowled a little: the sapphire stallion was so stoic it was like he was just regurgitating facts. He and Innocence had tracked the stallion all day because of the weird vibe Antares was getting around him, and yet he still couldn't read Thorn at all or understand a single thing about him...

He began to open his mouth to try and push Thorn's buttons, since, as his Móðer had taught him, when all else failed, provoking someone was the easiest way to learn about them, but when he caught the horrible glare Scarlet Sage shot at him, and instead he shrank a little in his chair, saying lamely: “So uh... you got a robot leg.”

“Yes.” Thorn held his mechanical limb up, flexing it and saying mildly: “I'm not a Dogmatist, if that's what you're thinking. When I was a foal, I was caught in the gears of the machinery beneath Decretum and... lost my leg. Hecate built me several replacements while I was growing up, and this is the final version.”

“Huh.” was all Antares could think to say, as the other ponies looked at Thorn curiously. And for a little while, the group just ate in silence.

Then Apple Bloom finally cleared her throat before she asked finally: “So uh... Necrophage, Muse, think I remember seein' you two around. How's life been treating you?”

“Great!” Necrophage said brightly, beaming happily around at the table. “Decretum is the best! We all get to work, and there's no more mean people in charge, kicking us around! Queen Hecate works us really super hard, but it's really exciting, because we get to go on all kinds of adventures and meet new ponies and the Orphanage is always growing!”

“Orphanage?” Mercury asked, frowning slightly as she looked up, and Lily shifted uncomfortably as she reached up to adjust her glasses apprehensively. “That doesn't sound like anything to be happy about.”

But Muse smiled at this and shook her head, saying quietly: “No, the Orphanage is a very good place. Orphans are what we call the ponies who come to Decretum with no place to go, but... desire to help Empress Hecate expand her empire, and protect the worlds. Or, as in the case of Lady Freya, we are hired to help complete tasks that ponies might not be able to do alone.”

“I'm pretty sure Freya can do anything she wants to do alone. I think she went to Decretum mostly because she wants to see just what kind of trouble Hecate is getting into.” Innocence said mildly, as she speared a piece of bacon on a fork and twirled it around, Scarlet Sage and Lily both wincing as grease splattered everywhere.

Then Innocence popped the meat into her mouth, chewing slowly as she asked Thorn: “So does that mean you're an Orphan?”

Thorn shook his head, responding: “My duties for the Orphanage are mainly administrative. Seneschal and I work directly under Hecate and keep Decretum and Endworld running smoothly. I'm a noncombatant.”

“You move pretty fast for someone who doesn't fight.” Antares said mildly, looking suspiciously at Thorn again, but since he couldn't read the stallion at all, he couldn't even tell if he was lying or telling the truth, which just made him even more frustrated.

Thorn only shrugged, answering: “I've been trained to deal with whatever situations may occur. That's all.”

Antares grunted, and Innocence frowned as she picked up her last piece of bacon, tossing it into her mouth and chewing slowly. Thorn, meanwhile, scooped up the last of his salad before he turned his eyes to Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage, saying quietly: “Thank you for dinner. It was excellent.”

“We ain't done yet.” Apple Bloom winked, then she gestured at the twins. “Girls, d'you mind bringing out the pies and desserts? And put on coffee too, would you?”

Mercury sighed, but Lily smiled, and the twins excused themselves as Apple Bloom chuckled and shook her head, saying softly: “Hard seein' your kids grow up. Hard to accept they ain't kids anymore, too. Do you have any foals, Thorn?”

A small smile quirked at Thorn's mouth, and Antares finally was able to predict what Thorn was going to say before he said it: “No, I-”

“You're too young! Ha!” Antares hammered a hoof down on the table in victory, grinning widely, and Thorn cocked an eyebrow at the crystal-winged unicorn, who said triumphantly: “There, I knew I could figure you out!”

“Alright.” Thorn said patiently, and Antares' eye twitched before he leaned forwards, squinting at Thorn in a way that was much more comical than threatening.

“Hey, they don't call me magic eyes for no reason, you know. I can see into anypony. I can see through anypony. As a matter of fact, I know more about you than you'll ever know about me.” Antares retorted, reaching up and tapping his temple firmly several times.

Thorn looked at Antares for a moment, his eyes flicking up and down him before he stated calmly: “You were born shortly before Nightmare Night to Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms. You suffered those scars on your chest during a time lapse event and you used to possess semi-natural wings. They were lost in battle, but those wings – which since then were affected by a Class III anomaly, or a forced transformation event – were given back to you when you were captured by the enemy, so you would be more effective. The wings have since mutated, as I stated.

“The necklace that your sister Innocence wears was a gift from you. It contains a piece of a sword that was used to cut off your original set of wings.” Thorn carefully moved his plate to the edge of the table so he could absently brush the crumbs off it, as Antares gaped in disbelief at the unicorn, who continued casually: “Your marefriend is Prestige Luster, who you've been dating for several decades without proposing to her. You used to serve as an emissary to Valhalla and now currently work as an ambassador. You live in the home that once belonged to your parents; it was destroyed during the Pious wars, but you rebuilt it and share it with your sister.

“You are currently exuding thirteen bæns of energy. This is much higher than your standard energy bleed at rest of eight bæns because you are anxious about the fact you cannot use your acuity alone to understand or read me. Hence why you attacked me earlier: you were attempting to force a reaction, but as you cannot read my intent or movements, your performance was less than admirable and you did not achieve the results that you desired or intended.”

Thorn finished cleaning up his spot, putting the plate back before he finished: “And you plan to continue to stalk and harass me until you determine my actual purpose for being here, before I reveal it to you. Not because you think I'm hostile or malicious, but because I frustrate you and you feel as if your pride is on the line.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Antares dropped dumbly back in his chair before Thorn called up a holographic screen as Muse shrank a little in her seat and Necrophage motioned wildly at Thorn, but the stallion ignored the Replicant as he explained quietly: “I've been briefed on all of you. I know my job, and it is to assess you and analyze each of you in turn, and judge you and this world as to whether or not it is suitable for Empress Hecate's operations. And so far, to be honest, I am not entirely impressed.”

Antares' features slowly puckered as Innocence narrowed her eyes, Lily and Mercury both awkwardly floating near the table but not quite risking sitting down as Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom shifted uneasily. But then Antares finally swore tiredly before he slumped a bit, grumbling: “You're lucky I can't flip this table over, because all this stuff is Scar's and she'll whine at me or make my head explode or something if I do.”

He halted, then thrust a hoof towards Thorn, saying in a more serious, sharper voice: “But you better watch yourself, kid. Because you are seriously going to get your ass kicked.”

“Yeah!” Innocence shouted, and then she blushed a bit when Apple Bloom looked at her mildly and Scarlet Sage glared at her, the scaled unicorn mumbling: “I'm just backing up Antares, that's all. Although either of us could take you, you... kid.”

Thorn looked mildly at the two ponies for a moment, and then he simply shrugged. Antares' eye twitched at this response, but before he could say anything else, Scarlet Sage loudly and pointedly announced: “Pie is here!”

The twins hurriedly put the pies down on the table, and Antares grumbled as Apple Bloom quickly got up, saying mildly: “I'll serve everyone. Thorn, guests get first choice: we got blueberry, apple, and cherry. What would you like to have?”

“I don't know. I've never had pie before.” Thorn said honestly, and Antares gaped again as Innocence reared back as if in horror. Even Apple Bloom and her daughters looked a little shocked, but Scarlet Sage only smiled in amusement.

“Well, Red there is obviously going to recommend the apple pie, but why don't you try starting with the blueberry? I think you might like that one most. It's the sweetest.” the silver Pegasus recommended, and Thorn hesitated before he looked at Necrophage, almost as if for confirmation.

The Replicant nodded to him firmly several times, giving him an open, bright smile as she exclaimed: “I bet if you give it a try, you'll really like it!”

Thorn grimaced slightly, but then he nodded after a moment with a sigh, muttering: “Well, I... I guess it can't hurt. Alright. I'll try the blueberry pie.”

“Have a slice of apple, too.” Apple Bloom said after a moment, and she cut a piece out of both pies before Thorn could protest, putting them onto a fresh plate and passing it down the table to the stallion, who smiled awkwardly as he looked at the two large pieces.

“A lot of calories.” Thorn said finally, earning a huff from Antares as Apple Bloom smiled in amusement and Scarlet Sage only shook her head. He picked up his fork, then almost nervously picked at one of the pies, saying after a moment: “Food has always been rationed in Decretum. Dietary needs are strictly monitored and provided for. Of course, ponies were always free to buy as much food as they wanted with any credits they earned, since the families of Orphans have opened quite a few specialty stores in the business district. But I suppose I never saw it as... frugal.”

Antares and Innocence traded looks, but Scarlet Sage beat them to saying anything as she asked curiously: “Can you tell us more about Decretum? I know that Antares has seen Clockwork World, but... that was many years ago, and it sounds like it's become a lot more than just a wasteland since then.”

Thorn nodded, giving a brief smile as he answered: “Right now, the only major colony is Imperia, what I believe you know as Canterlot; Dogmatists have been sent out to begin repairs on a few other salvageable zones, but the main effort has been in expanding and strengthening Imperia, and the Orphanage there. It's a beautiful city.”

“And that Orphanage place is where everyone lives?” Mercury asked curiously, but Thorn shook his head.

“Strictly speaking, the Orphanage is a military facility. It's where we assemble, equipment is kept and distributed, and the Orphans are assigned their tasks. Business is conducted there and the highest priority projects are kept there.” Thorn explained before he scooped a bit of pie into his mouth, and he looked surprised after a moment at the taste.

He took another bite of pie, then continued, apparently relaxing a little as Apple Bloom passed more pieces of baked delight around the table: “There's a connected residential building specifically for Orphans... apartments for families or single ponies. There's also a civilian district, for personnel who aren't part of the Orphanage.”

“Nice and segregated, huh?” Antares asked ironically, and Scarlet Sage gave him a dry look.

But Thorn simply shrugged, replying calmly: “No. Organized. There's a difference. And furthermore, in the event that something does happen, this way the civilians are protected, as the enemy will want to concentrate their attacks on the military locations first and foremost.”

Innocence huffed at this, saying mildly: “If I was attacking someone, I'd go right for the soft spots first. Make 'em hurt, demoralize them.”

“Yeah, but you're kind of evil. So... yeah, actually, you should listen to her.” Antares said mildly, nodding towards Sin, who nodded proudly as well.

Thorn only looked at the two for a few moments, then he scooped up another bit of pie and said finally: “These are both delicious. Thank you.”

Antares and Innocence grumbled, but went back to their own pies: Necrophage had already gobbled hers up completely, and Muse was nibbling a little at a small piece. The rest of the meal went as smoothly as could be expected, with the only awkward moment being when Necrophage grabbed the aluminum pans the pies had been in and ate them both in a few quick bites.

But Thorn simply apologized for her, and Scarlet Sage shrugged and said they were going to throw them out anyway, and Mercury only laughed and asked in an oddly-excited voice: “What else can you eat?”

Necrophage was more than happy to demonstrate, and Thorn decided to let the Replicants go and relax while he had a coffee. Antares watched them for a little while, how Muse chided her sister and Mercury urged Necrophage on to eat various strange and weird things and Lily made faces and complained about it...

“Aren't you going to do something?” Antares asked mildly, and Thorn glanced up before he shrugged a bit, and the crystal-winged unicorn frowned before saying dryly: “Much as I love my nieces, they're kind of... isn't that kind of like taking advantage of some mentally handicapped kid?”

“Necrophage is not a handicapped child. She has a tested IQ well above the normal pony range and mild telepathic powers to help her understand intent and gauge the emotional reactivity of others.” Thorn sipped at his coffee, glancing over and watching as Necrophage happily ate a can, soda leaking out of her jaws as she giggled and crunched up the metal. “Normally Necrophage eats garbage and organic debris to create fuel. She understands that we will need the Clay of Prometheus in the near future is currently working to generate it. The fact she gets an audience and to eat things that taste nicer than corpses is purely a bonus for her.”

Antares blinked at this, and Thorn glanced mildly over the stallion before he said softly: “Necrophage is my friend, and I wouldn't let anyone just sit and mock her.”

Innocence smiled a little at this, and Apple Bloom chuckled quietly before she said gently, as she rested back at the table with her coffee in one hoof, and her other foreleg around her wife: “We don't mean nothin' by it, Thorn. We're just... not used to you yet, I guess, and we're tryin' to gauge you and understand you, like you are us. That's all.”

Thorn smiled briefly, nodding after a moment before Scarlet Sage said softly: “It's funny how much and how little we change when we grow up. I'm very proud of my girls, and Mercury's come a long way, but... I guess she still loves seeing her friends do silly things and getting into trouble and... testing boundaries.”

“And Lily's still Lily. But I'm proud of both of 'em.” Apple Bloom said firmly, and then she chuckled before adding wryly: “And hell. Look at us. We're even older than Antares and none of us here act anything like our ages. I should be wrapped up in a shawl like Granny Smith used to now, not... cavortin' around the labs, shoutin' at people and makin' stupid bets like Cowlick used to.”

“Well, we're all... a little different, I guess. And I'm glad we all have each other.” Innocence hesitated, and then she looked at Thorn, regarding him for a few moments before she asked curiously: “What about you? Unicorns have long lives, but... I mean, if you're just a mortal pony...”

“Great phrasing, Sin.” Antares said mildly, and then he winced slightly when Innocence firmly whacked him between the ears with a claw. He rubbed at his head, then studied Thorn again before he muttered: “No, I don't... I don't think you're mortal though, are you? Who were your parents?”

“Heroes. Great heroes.” Thorn said quietly, looking away, and there was an awkward silence for a moment before he cleared his throat and said finally: “I have the genetic data necessary to remain ageless, so to speak. That allows cells to replicate endlessly and conserve the energy necessary for 'agelessness,' for lack of a better word, after reaching physical maturity.”

Antares cocked his head, and Innocence narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, looking almost offended by the sentiment. Thorn seemed to notice their distaste, and he shrugged after a moment before saying simply: “Everything is determined by our genes. Some would say that our entire lives are prewritten into our genetic code.”

“And do you think that way?” Antares asked mildly, but Thorn only shrugged, which made the crystal-winged unicorn scowl a little. “You are seriously the worst person I have ever met.”

Thorn shrugged again, sipping at his coffee before he said finally: “Thank you, Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom, for both providing such good food and conversation. I appreciate it. I have to go and do a survey of the area, however, and analyze the differences during night.”

“Thank you for coming, Thorn, and bringing your friends.” Scarlet Sage smiled a little, then asked hesitantly: “Would you like to come over for dinner again tomorrow?”

Thorn looked surprised by this, but after a moment, he nodded hesitantly and said awkwardly: “That's very generous of you, but I don't want to impose or anything...”

Apple Bloom only smiled and shrugged, and Scarlet Sage said softly: “Well, I can't promise another big dinner like this, but you're still more than welcome to come and eat with just me and Apple Bloom. We were going to have a pasta tomorrow, is that okay?”

Thorn studied her for a moment, and Scarlet Sage tipped him a wink... and after a moment, Thorn broke into an honest smile, saying quietly: “I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

“Oh please don't flirt with him, that's gross, Scarlet, and you're being a really bad lesbian right now.” Antares said loudly, and Scarlet Sage shot the stallion a horrible look. “What? Besides, he's totally more Sin's type. Tall, dark, and weird.”

“Hey, screw you.” Innocence shouldered her brother roughly, then said grumpily: “No one is my 'type.' I don't have a type. And you should damn well remember that.”

Antares looked at her with mild amusement, and then Thorn politely stepped back from the table and simply nodded before he turned and left. The crystal-winged unicorn scowled after him, and then he muttered: “I don't know about him, Scar. I trust Hecate. I trust her more than just about anyone else in this world does. But something about this guy is just... weird.”

Scarlet Sage only smiled in amusement, even as Innocence added: “You guys know that I have a little bit of experience with... you know. Good ponies and bad ponies and stuff. And this guy... I don't know. I'm pretty evil but he weirds me out, too. He's all... ordery. I bet if we got in his way he definitely wouldn't hesitate to try and take us down.”

“Let's get in his way lots then, and see what happens. I mean, I hate to sound like Mutt, but when you have a problem with something, the best thing to do is to find a way to punch it until it's no longer a problem.” Antares said mildly, and Innocence nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom traded amused looks, but before either mare could say anything, Necrophage suddenly popped up beside them, smiling brightly as she exclaimed: “Thanks for all the food and letting us come by! My sister and I really appreciate it!”

“Yes, it's... a very different experience for us. And I think that Prince Thorn enjoyed himself as well.” Muse added quietly as she approached, bowing her head politely. “I'm sorry if this comes across as rude at all, but... would you mind if we left with your daughters? They have offered to walk us around Ponyville, and we would like to continue to assist Thorn.”

“You guys are weird.” Antares said mildly, and Necrophage giggled as Muse blushed and lowered her head meekly. Scarlet Sage glared at the stallion, but Antares shook his head and said softly: “I mean, you're really weird, compared to the Replicants I've met in the past. You're not like them at all. You're so... you have free will. You have... souls.”

Necrophage smiled brightly as Muse looked up hesitantly, giving a small smile as well before she murmured: “Queen Hecate has been good to us. That's all. She and Thorn take care of us, and work hard to give a home for us, and for the Dogmatists, and all the many other lives in Decretum. We are... equal.”

“Yep! All the scary Replicants are gone! I mean, I know I shouldn't talk about them like that, but boy, they really were scary!” Necrophage added brightly, nodding firmly a few times. “The only one we ever miss is Prince Thesis. Prince Thesis was never mean to us, nope nope nope! But then he got very sick and... Queen Hecate is still very sad about that some days.”

She quieted as Muse reached up and gently rubbed her sister's back, but before Antares could ask about any of this, Mercury came running up, asking impatiently: “Well? You guys coming or what?”

“Coming!” Necrophage said happily, hopping up and down on the spot and giggling loudly as Muse nodded, then bit her lip and looked at the older mares.

But Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom both shrugged, before Apple Bloom said mildly: “Just don't try and stay out all night, Mercury. You keep an eye on her Lily, and remind her that we've got a busy day tomorrow. Lots to do.”

“Okay, Mom.” Lily said almost shyly, rubbing a foreleg slowly against the other before she turned a brief smile towards Antares and Innocence. “It was really nice to see you two. Talk soon?”

“Real soon, I'm sure.” Antares agreed, nodding to Lily. He watched as the Replicants left with the twins, and then he shook his head slowly before muttering: “Horses of Heaven. I remember when they were just little kids. Hell, Sin, I remember when you were just a baby, too. Is this what getting old feels like? Because it sucks.”

“You're only ever as old as you feel, Antares.” Innocence said ironically, and Antares gave her a mild look before she added: “Which I guess would mean you must be pretty old.”

“At least I'll never be as old as Scar.” Antares defended, and Scarlet Sage gave her brother a mild look, but he simply shrugged and huffed. “Hey, it's no fun being the middle kid. Also, I'm a stallion caught between two mares. In a bad way. Because they're related to me. Sin, stop projecting all your sick fantasies on to me.”

Innocence simply looked sourly at Antares, and Scarlet Sage sighed before she asked suddenly: “And what would you do if you had a brother?”

“Like... what?” Antares looked blankly at Scarlet for a moment, and then he huffed loudly and shook his head vehemently. “Oh, hell no. Mutt better not ever have another kid. Like, ever. The one thing special about me in this family is that I'm the only boy. And goddammit, I am going to remain the baby boy forever.”

“Y'do realize that your parents can probably have kids... basically forever, right?” Apple Bloom asked pointedly, and Antares covered his ears and sang several loud, toneless notes, glaring at her. But the earth pony was undeterred, grinning and simply waiting for him to stop before she said mildly: “Hey, if I have to get used to the idea that maybe someday Uncle Dash and Applejack are gonna have another kid, you have to deal with your own weird family problems.”

“You're a weird family problem.” Innocence said, flailing her forelegs a bit before she huffed loudly, crossing her forelimbs sulkily and grumbling: “I'm the baby of the family. I know that, you know, that used to be something I'd whine about all the time, but now it's pretty amazing to be this old and get chocolate and candy and stuff from Mutt and Daddy and Mom's adventures.”

Scarlet Sage shrugged a bit, and Apple Bloom smiled in amusement before she said wryly: “Well, I guess we'll see how you feel. What's gonna happen is gonna happen, after all.”

Antares and Innocence both only grunted, trading scowls before they turned their eyes up towards the evening sky, but they both knew from experience that whether they liked it or not, Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage were right.

But it wasn't like they'd have to worry about a new little brother or sister anytime soon, right?

Thorn strolled calmly along the highway, jotting notes as he walked and ignoring the fact that there was a Nightmare trailing behind him, invisible but not completely outside of reality. He had just finished an examination of Canterlot and Subterra: the former hadn't impressed him, but the latter had been quite a marvelous city.

Built beneath the mountain city of Canterlot in the hollowed out caverns, Subterra was filled with demons, Nightmares, and other creatures of the darkness. They were kept comfortable and well-fed by the massive 'sunning' crystals that lined the roof of the cavern, and the residual emotions of the residents of the city above: in return for the safety and comfort provided to them by their underground sanctuary, they helped protect Equestria from harm.

Many of them worshiped – quite literally – Nightmare Moon, the 'dark side' of his mother, Luna Brynhild. She had been the one to save many of the original demons from the collapsing world: she had been the one to band them together and teach them to overcome their natures, and she had been the one to convince the ponies of Equestria to allow the creatures of darkness into their midst.

Luna's legacy was incredible, and Thorn saw many similarities between what she had done for the world and what Hecate was trying to do with Decretum. Their methods were different, certainly, but the ends they both wanted were the same: unity, safety, and security for all people.

He smiled briefly to himself as he continued down the road for a few more minutes, until he finally came to a halt and sighed a little as he realized the Nightmare wasn't going away. Thorn's horn glowed as he created a holographic screen, and then he calmly turned around, tapping a few quick commands over the floating wall as he said calmly: “I know you're there.”

The Nightmare didn't reveal itself, but Thorn smiled wryly as he saw it all the same, even outside of reality. The blank holographic screen in front of him acted like a lens, letting him see the blurry black outline of the entity.

Thorn studied it curiously before he glanced up at the sunny skies above: it was a little cloudy today, but bright and warm out otherwise... “Strange. I didn't think Nightmares could exist outside of dark environments.”

The Nightmare hesitated for a moment longer, then it stepped into reality, and Thorn let the screen drop so he could get a better look at it: the creature looked as if it was made of flowing blackness, with a smoky mane and bright crimson eyes. It bowed its head respectfully to him before saying in a soft, feminine voice: “I apologize, sir. I felt a distinct energy from you... my name is Eventide, and I am called a Greater Nightmare. Our kind were chosen by the Night Maiden, hoof-picked and made strong, so we can walk tall even during the Sun Princess' day.”

Thorn nodded, and Eventide looked up at him, biting her lip before she asked hesitantly: “What is your name? Where do you come from? Not Decretum... you have a... familiarity in your energy...”

“I'm not at liberty to say at the moment.” Thorn replied politely, floating his clipboard out of his sidepack to jot a few quick notes. “My name is Thorn Blackfeather, and I am here on behalf of Empress Hecate to assess and analyze this world's strengths and weaknesses.

“I only did a short assessment of Subterra today and scheduled a meeting with the Overseer tomorrow. Do you know anything about the administrative structure and policies of Subterra?”

“I... yes, I do. I am an aide to Morning Glory, the Overseer. Perhaps I can accompany you on the walk back to Ponyville, and we can speak about it?” Eventide suggested hesitantly, and Thorn nodded, giving a brief smile.

“That would be appreciated.” Thorn turned around, gesturing for Eventide to follow, and the Greater Nightmare hurried up beside him, smiling at him a little as he remarked: “So far everyone here has been surprisingly helpful and kind. Even the entities who are not known for being cooperative.”

“We all try to work together as much as we can. That is what we were taught from Luna Brynhild...” Eventide halted, then said suddenly: “I have served Luna Brynhild for many years. I was... nanny, she called me, to Innocence. That is not to say any of her parents were ever absent...”

Eventide stopped, then studied Thorn intently as he looked back at her, before the creature's eyes widened slightly as she whispered: “That is what I am seeing in you. That emotional energy, that resonance... you are a child of the Mistress!”

Eventide immediately dropped her head low, and Thorn gestured quickly to her, saying quietly: “I would like to keep that private for the moment, Eventide. I have professional duties to accomplish here and I... Hecate is my mother. Do you understand when I say I do not want to disappoint her?”

“Yes. I do, very well... but Prince Thorn, this is...” Eventide looked up with a bright smile. “This is marvelous! I had never imagined... we do not hear as often as we would like from the Mistress, and... what of Prince Antares and Princess Innocence? Do they know?”

“No, not yet. And it must stay that way for now, Eventide. I have a lot to do yet before I can tell them.” Thorn said, although his eyes flicked almost evasively to the side before he shook his head quickly when the Nightmare tilted her head towards him, as if both curious and concerned. “It's... complicated. And difficult. There are many considerations to be made.”

“They are family. Is that not enough?” Eventide asked curiously, and Thorn grimaced a bit, which made the Greater Nightmare drop her head quickly. “I apologize, Prince Thorn.”

“Please stop calling me 'prince.' I am not... fond of that title.” Thorn said quietly, shifting a little before he sighed and quickly shifted his clipboard in front of him, changing the subject abruptly as he asked: “Can you tell me about the political structure of Subterra?”

Eventide nodded and smiled at Thorn, studying him curiously for a few moments before she murmured quietly: “Of course. The Overseer is in charge of Subterra, and works with the Baroness who runs Canterlot, reporting to her... and Mistress Freya, of course, when she is available...”

As they walked, Eventide went over Subterra in its entirety: they discussed everything the Greater Nightmare knew about the dark city, and Thorn took notes on all of it, asking questions now and then and clarifying everything he was uncertain about. It sounded eerily similar to Imperia in a lot of ways: of course, it lacked an Orphanage of its own, but the idea was certainly there all the same.

When they reached the gates leading into Ponyville, Thorn smiled wryly: the Nibelung were doing their best to look serious and attentive, dressed in cruddy leather armor and with old, worn weapons at the ready. Well, it could still be worse, he reflected, as he looked back and forth between the dwarves before he led the way into the village, asking the Greater Nightmare calmly as she followed after him: “Do you have anything else you need to be doing?”

“No, sir. Today is my day of rest.” Eventide said, and Thorn nodded briefly before he glanced towards her, but the Nightmare only smiled hesitantly at him before she lowered her head and murmured: “I would like to continue to spend this time with you, Thorn Blackfeather, if you will allow me to. Whatever else I am, I am a creature of longing and emotion. Innocence and Antares do not have the time to spend with me that they once did and I... I am eternally grateful to them, but...”

Thorn looked at Eventide for a few moments, and then he sighed a little before nodding almost grudgingly. “Alright. As long as you promise to help me with my reports and information gathering as well. I have a lot to do yet.”

“Of course.” Eventide smiled and nodded, bowing her head again in gratitude to the stallion. “The honor is mine to serve, Thorn.”

Eventide stayed close to Thorn's side for a little more than an hour, helping with anything and everything he asked and proving herself to be surprisingly intelligent, in spite of the way she seemed to fawn and latch on to his every word. He felt oddly comfortable around her, though: she was a little strange, but she seemed to honestly want to help, even if part of what motivated her was purely the need to be around him.

He liked her, though. And she did everything he asked, and kept his secrets even when Antares and Innocence wandered by to harass him, which he appreciated. All the same, the two seemed to be even more suspicious of him now that Eventide was keeping an eye on him, although he was also honestly a little surprised that they hadn't figured out yet that they were... well...

Thorn dismissed those thoughts: he'd been productive today, at least. He had mapped out several regions, submitted several reports, and Rustproof had set up the communications center, so he could contact Hecate if necessary. Necrophage and Muse were hard at work in Kwolek Labs, and Rustproof had somehow enlisted the help of some of the Nibelung laborers, which was speeding up their efforts considerably. At this rate, they would be able to establish a small, mobile base well within a few days, a bit ahead of the timeframe that they had originally been given. He was looking forwards to working on that a little further tonight.

But at the moment, he was approaching Scarlet Sage's nice little house for dinner, the stallion pausing to admire this for a moment from outside with a small, almost envious smile. It was in one of Ponyville's newer areas, more suburban, with a nice front lawn and the big back yard they had eaten in yesterday. It had wooden fences and a pretty, freshly-painted blue face, with white trimmed doors and windows. Two storey tall, a little, well-kept garden area, a big porch at the front. Perfection.

Thorn approached and knocked on the door, then smiled when Scarlet Sage opened it, before he blushed and reared back slightly in surprise when she stepped forward and hugged him firmly. Thorn's eyes flicked back and forth, uncomfortably patting her on the back more than returning the embrace, and Scarlet Sage laughed before she drew back and smiled at him. “Sorry, but... we're family, aren't we?”

Thorn hesitated, then nodded after a moment before he asked: “Are Antares and Innocence here?”

“No, don't worry. I don't quite understand why you haven't told them yet but... it's kind of fun watching them squirm, trying to figure you out.” Scarlet smiled after a moment, then gestured for Thorn to come inside as she stepped backward, the stallion following her into the house. “Don't worry. Just me, you, and Red tonight. I want to hear all about you.”

Thorn smiled briefly as he followed her into the living room, which was covered with family pictures and had all sorts of little potted plants. Shelves lined one wall, and Thorn noted quite a few medical textbooks among the usual clutter, as he replied absently: “There's not much to tell, really. My parents... our parents... raised me in Helheim for ten years. Then they brought me to Decretum, where Hecate agreed to take care of me. She brought me up and has acted as my mentor and mother ever since.”

“That's quite a story by itself.” Scarlet Sage said softly, as she sat herself in one of the couches. Thorn simply stood, tracing his hoof silently over a wooden table as he looked back and forth at a house made of wood, and brick, and everything except metal, with so few machine marks evident... “Sit down, Thorn. Get comfortable. Apple Bloom will be along in a few minutes.”

Thorn nodded a little, and then he almost hesitantly lowered himself into an armchair, shifting his cape a bit before Scarlet Sage asked curiously: “So what's your special talent, Thorn? Your cutie mark reminds me of Dad... I'm betting it's something to do with writing.”

“Yes. Poetry.” Thorn said after a moment, smiling briefly. “Although I don't write very often. I'm very busy with Decretum.”

Scarlet Sage smiled back, then she said: “My own cutie mark is... well, not just for my Blood Seer talents, which I'm sure you must know about, considering how much you knew about Antares and Innocence, but for predicting things. Call it a mare's intuition if you want. And Apple Bloom, believe it or not, is for creation and growth. She works a lot with machines these days, but... she can do wonders with any kind of equipment. And I guess as much as I want to, I can't complain: we've had a nice, long spell of peace. It's rare in this world, that we don't end up with some catastrophe or another breathing down our necks...”

Scarlet Sage smiled a little, and then she hesitated before asking gently: “How... is it too much if I ask how you lost your leg?”

Thorn understood what the Pegasus wanted to know, and he reached up and silently touched the steel limb, saying softly: “It was when I was just a foal. Not long after I had just moved into Decretum, I was... trying very hard to impress Hecate. I was afraid back then that I didn't belong, and that... I don't know. My parents... Luna and Scrivener and Twilight would be disappointed in me. That Hecate would tell them she couldn't take care of me.

“I ended up getting caught in a master gear, a gear that controls the clockwork that keeps an entire district running.” Thorn smiled briefly, slowly rubbing along his artificial leg before he said softly: “Hecate destroyed it to save my life. She set her operations back by months... perhaps longer, to save as much of my limb as she could.

“I know what it seems like, considering the Dogmatists, but... Hecate would have saved my leg if she could have. I know what she seems like, and it is... her duty, I suppose, as an Empress, to play the role she does. Hard as I know that is for people to understand.” Thorn said quietly, shaking his head slowly. “Just as it's my job, as her regent and second in command, to be professional and to help her achieve her ends. And as her son, it's my responsibility and privilege to be there with her, and to work to support her.”

“Just don't make your entire life about her, Thorn. Being... being a good son or daughter is hard, because as I learned, you have to carve your own path in life.” Scarlet Sage said gently, and Thorn tilted his head before the mare said softly: “It sounds like even before you two really connected, Hecate was willing to sacrifice her machines, her projects, her empire... for you, and your livelihood. I don't think she'd be happy if you just ended up sacrificing your entire life for them, just to try and live out her dreams.”

Scarlet Sage stopped, then smiled and said quietly: “Besides, the little I know about Hecate is that she can take care of herself. It's good that you're there to help her and support her, and I imagine she must see a lot in you, Thorn. But I imagine if she ever really needed help, she'd ask.”

Thorn smiled a little, and he nodded hesitantly before Scarlet asked curiously: “Why are you here? I mean... honestly, Thorn, why do you think you're here right now?”

The sapphire stallion glanced down awkwardly, and then he bit his lip before he said hesitantly: “Because this is the mission I was given by Queen Hecate and because... I do want to meet my family, and see the world. In Hell, I was always inside the mansion or the Archives, and Decretum is... wonderful, but...”

Thorn looked around, saying quietly: “This is the first time I've seen what an actual house looks like. This is the first time in years I tasted food that wasn't rationed, or made purely for its caloric and nutritional value.”

He smiled briefly, then allowed his eyes to draw slowly above the fireplace, to the spear that rested in a set of ornate holders. He looked at this for a few long moments, and then said softly: “And this is the first time I've been able to... acknowledge my own existence, so to speak. I've been nothing but a... a secret, for such a long time now, that I don't even know what to say to you or my other siblings. I've learned everything I could about you, but now that I'm here...”

He laughed a little, shaking his head slowly and lowering his head, but Scarlet Sage only smiled softly before she said gently: “You overthink things a lot, huh?”

Thorn smiled briefly after a moment, and then he he nodded before murmuring: “I suppose that I do, yes. It's not my best habit.”

There was quiet for a moment, before both ponies looked up at the sound of a door opening and closing, followed by hooves tromping over wood. And after a moment, Apple Bloom entered the room, grinning at Thorn and greeting: “Hey there, good to see you, Thorn. How are you doing?”

“Well, thank you. How are you?” Thorn asked politely, as the earth pony strode over to her wife and leaned down to kiss her cheek before throwing herself into the couch, Scarlet Sage flinching and glaring at the mare as she almost squished her.

“I'm great, thanks.” Apple Bloom said comfortably, as she dropped her head back in her wife's lap, Scarlet Sage looking both embarrassed and glad as the earth pony added: “By the way, I think we're finally gonna have to do somethin' about the generator out back. It's actin' up again.”

“Well, we can do that later.” Scarlet Sage said awkwardly, gently pushing at Apple Bloom's head, but the mare simply looked up at her mildly. “You're a lot of trouble, you know that?”

“Hey , I'm just makin' myself comfortable, that's all.” Apple Bloom defended, shaking her head quickly before she gave a slight grin over at Thorn, sitting up all the same as she asked: “So, let me guess: Luna is your biological mother, right? You sure look like her. 'Cept you've got your Dad's hair.”

Thorn smiled briefly, nodding. “But I've always been told that I'm much more like my Mother than my Móðer...or Hecate, of course, who is... also a mother figure to me. Even if she points out any time she's frustrated how ridiculous that notion is.”

Apple Bloom chuckled, then finally sat up before she nudged Scarlet Sage firmly and asked: “Are you going to show him that thing?”

“I was getting to it, Red, I just wanted to get to know him a little, first, and let him settle in.” Scarlet Sage replied mildly, shoving at her wife absently before she turned her eyes back to Thorn. “I also wanted to know if Aunt Celestia... or Aunt Freya, I mean, if she knows about you.”

“Yes, she figured out very quickly who I was.” Thorn answered, nodding and smiling briefly. “But I suppose that's not really much of a surprise. It didn't help that Luna decided to... show me off, so to speak.”

“That sounds about right.” Scarlet Sage smiled slightly, nodding to the stallion before she asked: “What about the other ponies who went to Decretum to... I don't know for what. Applejack, Tender Trust, Meadowlark and Prestige... they were all sworn to secrecy or something, they said.”

“And my sister's the most honest pony in Equestria, you know.” Apple Bloom said with the faintest hint of irony. “Funny how that works. The more honest you are, apparently the easier it is for you to keep a secret.”

Thorn chuckled quietly, but then he nodded and said softly: “They found out quickly. I suppose that because I'm an adult and I've taken on so many responsibilities now... Hecate has left it in my hooves to decide who I tell and who I don't about my heritage, even though in the past it was forbidden to discuss even in Decretum. No one knew until recently, after my parents visited Decretum and... well, Bani brought it up as well. Or Cowlick, as I suppose you know her.”

“Hey, you know Cowlick? Wait, Cowlick is in Decretum? I thought...” Apple Bloom grinned widely as she sat up, looking warmly across at Thorn. “I saw Rusty and talked to him and Ross, and Ross said that Cowlick was doing better, but I thought that was just... well, Ross bein' Ross.”

Thorn nodded, explaining: “Decretum has a treaty with Helheim. We can recruit demons, and Nanny Hel also sends us assistance on occasion. Cowlick was one of our latest recruits: in return for the mission we ran for her, she and Rustproof both agreed to employment in Decretum.”

“Employment in Decretum. Y'know, Thorn, I don't mean any offense by this, but you talk a little like a politician at times.” Apple Bloom said mildly, and Thorn cocked an eyebrow at her. “Well, you know. You put everything in real neutral terms. Y'also sound a little like a machine.”

“This is just the way I talk.” Thorn said almost defensively, looking awkwardly at the two mares. “I was taught to be professional and candid. Why is that problematic?”

“Nothin', nothin' at all. Think it would just do you some good to spend more time around ponies.” Apple Bloom suggested, even as Scarlet Sage looked at her pointedly. “Hey, I'm just tryin' to be helpful here, that's all. Besides, y'always make me be the bad guy anyway.”

Scarlet Sage sighed, and Thorn shifted a bit as there was an awkward silence for a few moments before Apple Bloom gently nudged her wife. The two traded looks, and then Scarlet finally nodded and turned a smile to Thorn, saying quietly as she climbed off the couch: “I think I have something you'd like to see.”

Thorn nodded, climbing to his hooves and following Scarlet Sage through the quaint little household to the second floor. She led him into a bedroom, and Thorn smiled briefly at the sight of it: one half was messy and unkempt, and the other half was neat and orderly. It was clear which side belonged to Apple Bloom, from the scattered mechanical parts, the engineering books, and the odd apple-shaped trinket here and there.

Scarlet Sage's side was both far more pristine and far more... concealed, Thorn thought, watching as the mare approached a shelf: the only tell that this side belonged to Scarlet Sage was the fact that it was filled with medical texts and what looked like silly romance novels, among all the binders and scrapbooks.

Scarlet Sage pulled a few of the latter loose, then she smiled a bit before turning around and offering the albums to Thorn. The stallion took them with a curious frown, then his eyes widened as he opened one and found it was filled with photographs. Many of them were torn around the edges, or burnt or otherwise damaged, but they had all been cleaned and mended as much as possible.

“This is your family.” Scarlet Sage smiled a little, as Thorn silently traced a hoof over a picture of Luna and Scrivener that looked so... so very different from the parents he had known and seen. “I thought you might like to see these. Mom was always really fond of taking pictures... and did you know that she liked to draw, too?”

Thorn smiled, nodding silently as he looked up at his sister, and Scarlet Sage laughed a little before she said softly: “Mom and Dad's home was destroyed, but... I saved everything that I could. I think you should take some of them, though, Thorn. Even though I was adopted... I guess that I was also the one who got to know them the best, too. Antares, Innocence, you... Luna and Scrivener and Twilight couldn't be around for you all as much as I know they wanted to be.

“But maybe you can look at this and study these and learn more about them, who they were... who they are. Because they're never very far, Thorn. I know that sounds silly, maybe, but... our parents have never abandoned us. And no matter what happened to them, they... they always tend to show up right when you need them most.”

Thorn nodded a little, looking down and shifting a bit before he cleared his throat as he murmured: “Thank you, Scarlet Sage. I...” He looked at the scrapbooks, studying them for a moment before he smiled briefly. “I couldn't take these, though, they're too valuable. But I can digitize them, and then-”

“Sometimes what's important is having something you can hold, Thorn.” Scarlet Sage interrupted, and Thorn shifted awkwardly before the Pegasus said in a gentler voice: “It is really hard to give these away, yeah. But the gifts most worth giving are the ones that mean the most to us, too. And you're my brother, right?”

“I am.” Thorn said softly as he looked down at the scrapbooks, and then he nodded hesitantly before blushing a little and shrinking his head, becoming almost childlike for a moment as he mumbled: “Thank you for accepting me as family.”

Scarlet Sage smiled and shrugged, replying: “I could say the same.” She stopped, then reached up and patted Thorn on the shoulder, asking warmly: “But hey. How does dinner sound, huh? I made up a vegetarian pasta, since I don't know how you feel about meat. Our family's pretty weird, you know, they like to eat a lot of strange stuff.”

“I ate stranger things in Helheim.” Thorn replied with a small shrug, giving a brief smile to the mare. “Thank you.”

“You don't have to keep thanking me, Thorn. That's just what family is supposed to do for each other, help out.” Scarlet Sage replied with a light nudge, and Thorn nodded hesitantly before the mare turned to head towards the door. “Now come on, let's go eat before Apple Bloom gets cranky.”

Thorn smiled as he looked down at the scrapbooks cradled in his forelegs, and then he floated them quickly into his sidepack before following after the family he felt truly blessed to have.

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