• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 1,176 Views, 157 Comments

Hecate's Orphanage - BlackRoseRaven

Cadence and other ponies from across countless parallel worlds work together to protect their universe from monsters.

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My Brother's Keeper

Chapter Thirty Six: My Brother's Keeper

Luna Brynhild hummed cheerfully to herself as she polished her rifle in front of the campfire, seated on a large, mossy stone, her armor feeling comfortable and simply right on her body. Normally she and her partners would relax a little more, but Morgan had sensed something lingering around their campsite, so they had prepared themselves accordingly. And Luna was always happy for an excuse to make Scrivener and Morgan dress up in their gear. She liked them that way.

Scrivener Blooms was lounging on a nearby log, absently digging small gouges in it with his silvery Talons as he discussed some silly thing with Morgan Heldóttir, who had folded her cloak neatly aside and was sitting back on a flat rock, reading from one of the many books she insisted on carrying around with her while she argued with her husband. With their husband, Luna thought, smiling softly over at the two as she paused for a moment in polishing Sting to reach up and silently touch the black pearl in the collar at her neck.

Both Scrivener and Morgan felt the mare's eyes on her and the flux of emotion, both of them automatically reaching up to touch their own collars. They traded small smiles, and then Luna chuckled quietly as she tossed the rag she had been using into the flickering blue flames, watching as it was slowly consumed in the ethereal fire as she remarked: “'Tis wonderful, isn't it?”

“Yes. Our life is fantastic, between the constant running from Inquisitors, the errands Hel sends us on under the threat of dragging us back to Helheim, and now, this whole thing with Thokk and all our old enemies returning from the Void. It's not like the Terrors were bad enough or anything, right?” Scrivener remarked wryly, and then he grunted when Morgan gently punched him in the foreleg, looking at him with quiet amusement.

“It is good, and you know it.” she said softly, and Scrivener Blooms smiled in spite of himself as he shrugged a bit, but this time Morgan only smiled back at him.

Luna grunted after a moment, shrugging and saying easily: “I can certainly think of no greater way to spend the rest of our lives. Adventuring, having fun, seeking glory. It sounds a damned sight better than being trapped in Helheim.”

Even Scrivener had to nod in agreement at this, before he said softly: “I hate that we can't just... go home, though. That we're always on the road, that we can't do anything to really help or protect our family-”

“As if our family needs protection.” Luna snorted in amusement, smiling slightly, before she continued cheerfully: “Nay, all is damned well and good, Scrivy. Thou art just far too negative to see that. It would do thee a world of good to try and look at the positives, I will have thee know.”

“You're just excited about the fact that apparently horrible things are coming out of the Void. Which, by the way, is actually something that no one should be excited about.” Scrivener replied dryly, and Luna shrugged amiably as she winked over at the stallion. “I mean, do you seriously want Valthrudnir to return for the millionth time?”

“Aye, let him! 'Twould be grand, methinks, Scrivy, seeing his face when he sees that great mighty Jötnar as he is, and yet there are now plenty of inferior beasties like us who have made his great and miraculous return from the Void nothing more than a parlor trick.” Luna retorted, then she stomped a hoof and added with a grin: “And then, well, the only difficulty would be in deciding what to do first: smash his handsome face or shove my spear up his handsome rump.”

“Can we not refer to Valthrudnir as 'handsome?' That makes me feel weird.” Scrivener said dryly, and Luna shrugged before she clicked her tongue thoughtfully, and both Scrivener and Morgan winced at the images that entered their minds. “Oh come on!”

“What? I cannot control my urges! I am but a primal, silly beast!” Luna complained, flinging her forelegs wide and almost whacking Scrivener with the bladed end of her rifle, making him flinch and then glare at her horribly. “Oh cease, it barely came close to thee.”

Scrivener only scowled horribly at Luna as Morgan sighed and shook her head, and then the sapphire mare shrugged before simply tossing Sting into the air, the rifle-revolver flipping once before it dropped down into the holster across Luna's back. She grinned and spread her forelegs, but Scrivener and Morgan only looked at her mildly: telekinesis made tricks like that a lot easier, after all. That, and the fact they had seen it a thousand times before made it much less impressive.

Luna huffed loudly at them, and then she kicked grouchily at the campfire before crossing her forelegs and grumbling under her breath. Morgan smiled at her, and Scrivener shook his head before he went back to carving absently along the log with one claw of a Talon, picking up calmly: “Anyway. I think when you talk about Grimley's analysis, it's important to remember he never experienced any of this. Devil or not, he was born outside of Helheim's system of rules, and he spent almost his entire life in safe zones and sanctuaries. He wrote about the people's plight, but he never really experienced what it was like in Helheim's cities, and for the prisoners.”

“I think that makes it all the more noble, though.” Morgan said, and Scrivener smiled slightly.

“I think that's why he thought they were noble savages, instead of just savages. You know I'm not arguing there aren't great people in Helheim. But a lot of us deserve what we got. Even us.” Scrivener said quietly, and Morgan looked at him softly before she winced and Scrivener yelped when a rock bounced off his head.

He glared over at Luna, who huffed at him crankily before she complained loudly: “Scrivy, thou art being a buttocks again. Thou art made of nothing but tawdry complaints. We did not deserve all this. We... may have deserved some of it, aye. We have not been the greatest of examples.” Luna quieted a little, and then she smiled a bit and said softly: “But we did not deserve all that we have suffered.”

“Yeah. But do we deserve all the good things that have happened, either?” Morgan asked, and Luna scoffed loudly at her.

“Now what, thou art taking Scrivy's side? Damnation, Morgan Heldóttir. 'Tis disappointing. A terrible disappointment.” Luna grumbled, before she shook her head quickly and added haughtily: “And thou art both idiots, 'tis very obvious that this Grimlock was but some silly mortal that the demons mistook for one of their own and thus laid claim to his writings as gospel.”

“Grimley.” both Scrivener and Morgan corrected at once, and then the two traded amused smiles before Scrivener added: “That's also both completely impossible and completely insane. There's all kinds of evidence that he was actually a devil and he existed, not to mention the fact that he's still alive today, living in the Etterbuck Sanctum, and we actually met him that one time-”

“Shut up, Scrivy. Thou art a butt. And thou should both know by now that I am automatically correct about everything.” Luna retorted imperiously, crossing her forelegs and raising her head proudly in the air, before she suddenly stiffened slightly.

Morgan and Scrivener both sensed it, narrowing their eyes as the violet mare's took on a strange glow as she scanned back and forth. But it was Luna who located the presence first, as this time, there was a very physical being spying on them, and the physical was something she had never had any problem with hunting down.

Luna turned her gaze towards the edge of their encampment, opening her mouth to call out whatever was watching them as both Scrivener and Morgan turned... before all three ponies stared in shock as a stallion who was eerily, synthetically perfect strode out towards them, accompanied by a ghastly, ghoulish apparition. But none of them cared about the monster accompanying him: all of them only cared about the monster walking towards them.

“Thesis.” Scrivener Blooms said quietly, standing up and straightening as he faced the stallion grimly.

Thesis had his white eyes locked on him, their gazes meeting evenly as he approached, his body trembling with almost tangible anticipation. But there was something different about him, Scrivener thought, even as Luna and Morgan quickly took up ready positions beside them, ready to act at the first moment Thesis lashed out at them, knowing that-

“Hello, brother. Hello, Luna Brynhild, Twilight Sparkle. I've been looking for you.” Thesis said quietly, and then he glanced over at the crow-monster striding beside him, saying shortly: “Rig, please leave us. This is personal.”

The thing called Rig snorted, then retorted callously: “Heimdall, we both have our orders from Thokk. Yours is to deal with difficult targets. Mine is to keep you in line and ensure that you do not go and do anything foolish. I will stay.”

Thesis glared over at Rig, but then he simply snorted before looking back over at the trio of ponies. They surveyed him uneasily in return, and there was silence for a few long moments before Luna said quietly: “Heimdall was the Watcher. And Rig was the name he took while gallivanting upon Midgard. Why does this monstrosity speak to you so, Thesis?”

“I don't know, Brynhild, as the past should be left to lay in the past. He just can't seem to learn my name.” Thesis replied calmly, and then he hesitated only a moment before adding quietly: “Your sons said hello, by the way. Thorn, and Antares. I suppose your daughters do, too, but. Scarlet Sage is very quiet, and Innocence is rather...”

He broke off and smiled a little, and at first the trio of ponies stiffened, glaring furiously at him until Luna suddenly frowned slightly, and Scrivener tilted his head, asking almost uneasily: “Is this the part where you... tell us that you captured them, or...”

Thesis only smiled, bowing his head silently, and there was quiet for a few moments before Luna frowned and relaxed slightly. She rose her head curiously, and Thesis shook his own before he answered honestly: “I was sent by Thokk to capture your son, Thorn. But your family proved extremely resilient. I wasn't able to defeat them... Antares is extremely loyal to his brother.”

Luna smiled proudly at this as Morgan rose her head slightly, before Rig snarled: “They would have fallen like chaff if you had chosen to fight instead of standing down so you could chase after these ninnies!”

Thesis simply shrugged, giving Rig a moody look, and Luna snorted in amusement before Scrivener said quietly: “You know. Suddenly I'm not so sure that we've ever met... you.”

The Replicant gave a quiet laugh at this, shaking his head slowly before he replied: “Thank you. But I'm not quite sure I would go that far, Scrivener Blooms. Unfortunately, I can't promise that this lucidity will last forever.”

“Aye, but perhaps it will last long enough for us to get to know thee all the same.” Luna said with a sudden smile, raising her head and nodding firmly once. “Well, Thesis. As thou art not attempting to 'rip our faces off,' as I believe the term goes, nor rend us asunder with either thy nasty words or wicked hooves, I shall ask this of thee: how is our family? How is Thorn? Do they know?”

Thesis smiled a little, studying the three for a few moments before he nodded and opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut off when Rig stepped forwards and gestured disdainfully at the ponies, snapping: “Do I need to remind you that these rotten dregs are your enemy and prey, Thesis? They are outlaw, they are scum, they are criminals who must be shackled by death if they will not submit themselves to Thokk!”

Thesis slowly turned his eyes towards Rig, studying him evenly before he said slowly and deliberately: “I am having a conversation, Rig. I recognize that you might not understand what that means, but that means I am talking, using my mouth, to these people, who are talking back to me. We are not killing each other and we are not threatening each other. We are just talking. That's a conversation. Where you talk to someone. Get it?”

Rig's eyes burned furiously into Thesis as Luna grinned wryly, and then she said calmly: “If thy friend is so eager for battle, Thesis, we would be more than happy to accommodate his desires. Do not fear. It shall be over very quickly.”

Rig hissed in disgust at this, turning towards Luna Brynhild with a look of contempt and fury, but Thesis only smiled in amusement before he answered: “As much as I appreciate the offer, Luna Brynhild... unfortunately, Rig and I are linked. If he's sent back to the Void, then I'm afraid I'll be going as well.”

Luna snorted at this, and Morgan frowned a little as she looked uncertainly over Rig, as the crow-like creature hissed: “Do you thrive on betrayal, Thesis? Because that is what this is, yet another in a long series of betrayals!”

Thesis only looked distastefully at Rig for a few moments before he shook his head and returned his eyes to the ponies. “As I was trying to say. Thorn is doing well, and...” Thesis smiled briefly. “He's a better pony than I am.”

“Well, of course he is! He is better than all of us, Thesis, and perhaps my favorite child of the four!” Luna proclaimed proudly, raising her head high as Scrivener and Morgan both looked at her mildly. “Why, look at him! He is a gorgeous stallion, just like his Móðer, yet he has the mind of his mother and the... well, the stubbornness of his father, but I am not quite sure that is something to be so proud of.”

Thesis chuckled quietly, and then he said softly: “And you left him in the care of... my mother. You'll excuse me if I find that a little...”

“Strange? Aye, perhaps. Or perhaps, Thesis, we were simply trying to give back to her what we had helped to take away.” Luna replied with a shrug, looking meditatively over Thesis before she shook her head with a quiet chuckle. “We are not blind to the fact that... there has always been collateral damages in our quests. The cost of what we have done has often been high, and not just for us, but for others as well.”

Luna quieted, then cleared her throat and shook her head, continuing in a brisker voice: “But 'tis nothing that we can simply dwell upon, either, and do not think we shall hesitate to make it hoof party in thy face's house should thou cross us. Especially if thou art an agent of Thokk now, Thesis.”

Thesis only smiled and bowed his head, even as Scrivener Blooms added quietly: “It's funny, but I never really saw you as the 'taking orders' type, in spite of everything.”

“I don't want to obey Thokk. But I also don't have much of a choice, unfortunately.” Thesis replied, shaking his head briefly as he studied the two, and then he said in a softer voice: “I'm not doing this for her, though. I'm doing this because of a promise you made. Do you remember it, my brother?”

Scrivener Blooms opened his mouth with a frown... and then he shifted uneasily even as Luna snorted and scoffed: “The only promise we have ever made to thee is that we would punish and kill thee. And we did both.”

Rig growled at this, leaning forwards as if insulted, but Thesis only smiled in amusement before he shook his head and said softly: “I don't blame you if you don't remember. I was in the Void, and the Void was not... entirely healthy for me. Even if part of my mind returned, the programming was still there, the evil was still inside me...”

Thesis' eyes naturally drew to Rig, the Replicant frowning for a moment before he shook his head and looked back at Scrivener and Luna, studying them silently for a few moments before his eyes shifted to Morgan Heldóttir, adding quietly: “You weren't there. I don't know why. But I wouldn't say no to you joining us.”

Scrivener frowned deeper, and Luna tilted her head slowly as Morgan shifted uneasily before she asked hesitantly: “What are you talking about, Thesis?”

For a few moments, there was silence, and then Thesis smiled faintly before he shook his head slowly and murmured: “Family is the most important thing. Family is why I'm doing what I must do now. Because Thokk promised me that you and I would be together, as brothers, and that's all I care about. That our families are united. I've failed so many other people in my lifetime, Scrivener. I just want the fighting to end. Even if that means putting a stop to you and Mom, so that Thokk can have her petty victory.”

“Do you believe in Thokk? Or do you just believe Thokk can't be stopped?” Scrivener asked, ignoring the bigger question for now: he could see a bit of that old fanaticism rising up in Thesis, now, the obsession that had made him so dangerous an opponent, so inflexible, so relentless and convinced he was right...

“Yes. I do.” Thesis said quietly, although Scrivener had the feeling he was only answering one of those questions, as the Replicant's eyes shifted uneasily again towards Rig.

Rig scowled darkly, looking moodily down at Thesis for a few moments before the entity suddenly snorted, then turned his callous eyes towards Scrivener Blooms, saying contemptibly: “Enough, Heimdall. Capture or kill them. Your weakness is a blight upon our honor.”

“I have known weakness in my lifetime, Rig. And I can assure you, this is not weakness.” Thesis replied coldly, before he winced when Rig reached down and suddenly grasped him by the head, squeezing his fingers into Thesis' scalp.

The Replicant began to open his mouth, and then he gasped in pain, his eyes bulging as his whole body visibly shook. He tried to yank free, and Scrivener felt his body tense before both he and Luna looked up in surprise as Morgan suddenly stepped forwards, lashing her horn out to send a blast of magic at Rig.

Rig barely reacted as the magic curved itself around his body, the crow-monster smiling contemptibly as it looked up with a snort. Morgan's eyes widened in disbelief before she gritted her teeth as Rig flung Thesis down into the dirt, then, to their surprise, vanished from sight, his voice ordering coldly: “Deal with them, Heimdall. Obey your Mistress. Be who you truly are.”

Thesis shivered for a moment on the ground, and then he clenched his eyes shut as his body flexed. Scrivener's eyes narrowed, as he noted the black ooze leaking out from under the strange, chitinous metal plate lodged into Thesis' back, and the way he steamed faintly with energy...

“Brother... don't... don't leave me...” whispered Thesis, his eyes still tightly closed, his body trembling as his head jerked back and forth, before he almost whimpered: “I can't... I can't control myself, I'm s-sorry, but don't... I don't want to be alone... but oh, a thousand years of anger and hate and despair and...”

Thesis shifted back and forth, and then his white eyes snapped open, and Scrivener and Luna both set themselves as they recognized the fury and the madness in the stallion's eyes, as Thesis shouted angrily: “I have come to you as a friend, and this, this is your answer? I will not be denied! I will not be ignored! I will make you listen to me!”

Thesis lunged forward, rabid, furious, insane, his hooves rising, and then the Replicant's eyes widened in shock even through his delirium when Scrivener Blooms leapt forward to meet him, catching his wrists in the steel grip of his Talons and holding him in place as he said quietly: “You're better than this, Thesis.”

“I wish I was.” Thesis whispered in a moment of lucidity, and then he trembled before he leaned forwards and shouted angrily: “You! You promised you would stay with us! You and Luna Brynhild! Come back to the Void! Father and I waited, waited so long for you!”

Scrivener looked silently at Thesis as the Replicant uselessly tugged on him, trying to free himself, but even maddened as he was, Thesis wasn't nearly as strong as he had once been. He had no power, no focus, and that rage and despair coursing through him was eating him up inside, not driving him into aggression, as he howled: “None of it matters! We are all nothing, nothing but failures and lumps of flesh, bonded together by biology! Give me my peace, I don't care about petty morality or lies of honor, they're just words, but family... my family... my family will...”

Thesis trembled, then lowered his head suddenly, his whole body shivering as he whispered: “Take away my pain.”

“We cannot come with thee, Thesis. Not now. In the future? I do not know, but first, Thokk must be punished...” Luna's eyes looked coldly back and forth before she said quietly: “And thou, too, Rig, shall be punished for this.”

“N-No! You will now, I will not be denied again!” Thesis shouted almost desperately, and Scrivener's eyes widened as he felt the Replicant suddenly twist his front hooves free before he seized Scrivener's claws and bent them backwards, snarling into the stallion's face as he shouted: “I will not be abandoned again!”

In a flash, Luna and Morgan were on either side of Thesis, Luna slashing in with her horn as Morgan swung a hoof at the stallion's vulnerable side, but Thesis was even faster: in a moment, he had slung Scrivener's claws backwards and instead slammed his front hooves out to either side, catching both mares by the face before he swung his rear hooves up and viciously kicked them into Scrivener, knocking the stallion sprawling with a grunt of pain.

Thesis launched himself backwards, shoving Morgan and Luna's heads together with a loud, almost comical crash. He flipped neatly through the air as the two fell in a stunned heap, and the only thing that stopped Thesis from pressing his advantage was his own madness, the Replicant clutching at his head and gasping as he whispered: “Why... why am I doing this...”

Scrivener began to open his mouth as he climbed up to his hooves, but Luna shook her head shortly as quickly leapt to a ready position, muttering: “Do not even bother, Scrivy. He is maddened. Not the Thesis thou desires to know, but the Thesis we had the misfortune of fighting all those years ago...”

“Thokk must use Rig to control him. To... twist Thesis' personality. But why?” Morgan climbed to her own hooves, looking uncertainly at Thesis, and Scrivener and Luna both heard the thoughts of the mare as she tried to find the answer to her question: if Thokk was so powerful she could control the Voidborn, make them do whatever she pleased, give them back their sanity or infuse them with madness, why wouldn't she just bend Thesis into the monster she clearly wanted him to be?

“Because she is either gleefully cruel, or she is foolishly arrogant.” Luna growled, pawing a hoof at the ground. Yet even if Thesis was shivering and whimpering away, grasping at his head and twitching helplessly, she wasn't about to underestimate what he was capable of. In the past, Thesis had proven to be one of their most deranged, deadliest enemies, and if he was so strong that he could resist Scrivener Blooms even without his exoskeleton...

“We can't risk making too much commotion, though, either, or the Archives will lock on to us!” Morgan said urgently, and Luna grimaced before her eyes widened in surprise as Thesis suddenly looked up and locked on to them with fury burning in his eyes, roaring at them like an animal as he leapt forwards with wild, vicious savagery.

Luna immediately jumped to meet him, and she was stunned by the strength of the Replicant as she barely blocked a sharp series of blows with his forelegs, the mare swearing under her breath before she caught one of his punches and flung him off to the side. Thesis twisted sideways, and Luna smashed a quick uppercut into his kidney before blasting him over with telekinesis and leaping on top of him, stomping her front hooves viciously down into his side.

She was shocked when Thesis half-rolled to seize her before he twisted and slammed her face-first into the ground. Immediately, Scrivener leapt in to try and grab Thesis, but the Replicant twisted himself around to kick Luna in the stomach and knock her like a cannonball into Scrivener.

As the two were knocked sprawling, Thesis leapt up to his hooves and dove towards them: he was immediately intercepted by Morgan, however, who smashed a hoof across his muzzle before she blasted him into the air with telekinesis. Thesis twisted his body around to try and recover, but Morgan followed up with a second blast of psychokinetic force that smashed into him from above and drove him face-first into the ground.

Thesis recovered shockingly fast all the same, shoving himself up to his hooves and leaping towards Morgan. But the violet mare was ready for him, her eyes narrowed as she blocked a short volley of punches before ducking under a vicious hammer-hoof, the strike just brushing her black-fire mane before Morgan leapt forwards and slammed a ferocious uppercut into Thesis' jaw as she used both magic and a flap of her wings to add momentum and power to the blow.

Thesis flew bonelessly backward, his jaw shattered, his eyes bulging as he smashed through several low-hanging branches. He hit the ground with a dull thud as broken wood pattered around him, and Morgan landed a moment later, smiling gamely, her head raised high and proud, her expression fearless.

Luna and Scrivener joined her, readying themselves on either side of the mare, Luna all-but-glowing with pride and Scrivener grinning in anticipation. They had all changed, grown stronger, and while they might not have necessarily become better ponies for it, the once shy and uneasy Twilight Sparkle had finally begun to truly accept and embrace her heritage, and who she was at heart. Morgan Heldóttir was slowly becoming everything that Twilight Sparkle had dreamt of being, in both her brightest and darkest moments.

Thesis slowly picked himself up, shaking himself out as if the blow had rattled more than his body, a bit of energy steaming up from his face even as his jaw visibly clicked itself back together. He absently reached up and rubbed slowly at the underside of his mouth, and then he frowned strangely and shook his head quickly, before visibly flinching when Rig's voice snarled: “Kill them!”

“I... I don't...” Thesis frowned, and then he shivered and swore as he grabbed at his head, shouting: “What are you doing to me?”

“Making you remember, Heimdall, that's all. Giving you the encouragement you seem to need to get the job done.” growled Rig's voice, and Thesis snarled as he twitched violently back and forth before he gasped as steaming black poison visibly began to leak out from beneath the metal plate over his back, his white eyes glowing with frenzied emotions before he bared his metal teeth in fury as his eyes locked on the trio of ponies.

There was no more recognition, no more sense in his eyes: only hate, only anger, only madness. He leapt at them with a thousand years of bottled-up rage unleashed in a moment, and Morgan, Luna, and Scrivener could only prepare themselves for the worst, bracing themselves as he smashed into them like a one-horse stampede.

Thesis slammed a hoof towards Morgan, and she was barely able to block it: Luna responded by swinging a sharp counterstrike at Thesis' face, but was shocked when the stallion simply slammed his head forwards into her hoof, with enough force to disrupt her blow before he slammed his other hoof roughly up into her extended forelimb.

Luna swore as she drew quickly back, her whole leg on fire with pain as Scrivener leapt in from the side and Morgan snapped her horn down: Thesis was blasted off his hooves by telekinesis, but he still somehow managed to twist himself around and slam both rear hooves into Scrivener's face with a resounding crunch.

The stallion crashed backwards with a gasp of pain as black blood flew from his muzzle, and Luna and Morgan both winced in surprise at the power of the blow as they felt the stallion's pain through their soul link.

Thesis took advantage of the moment of loss of balance: he not only lunged back into the fray, but caught Morgan around the neck, yanking her into the air and slamming her down in a suplex on top of Luna.

Both mares were crushed flat before Thesis rolled quickly back to his hooves and lunged at Scrivener as the stallion blearily began to climb to his hooves. He was snapped out of his daze by a savage hook across his face, Scrivener staggering with a curse before he was driven backwards by a volley of vicious strikes from Thesis.

Scrivener finally managed to catch one of Thesis' wrists in a Talon, before he cursed and brought up his foreleg, blocking a hook as he glared furiously at the Replicant. Thesis was unstoppable, however, lunging forward and slamming his skull into Scrivener's, knocking them apart.

Thesis stumbled stupidly backwards as well as Scrivener, however, blinking dumbly at the hardness of the stallion's head before he snarled when Luna grabbed him from behind, yanking him off his hooves and spinning him right into a savage tomahawk from Morgan Heldóttir.

Thesis was sent crashing face-first into the ground with a bang, before Luna leapt upwards and yanked Thesis with her, forelegs laced tightly around his waist as she carried him into the air. Thesis flailed and kicked uselessly as Luna grinned widely, smashing her way up through the narrow branches before she suddenly half-flipped and flung Thesis above her, the Replicant's limbs pinwheeling as his body flipped out of control.

Morgan appeared in a flash above Thesis, slamming a savage, dropping punch into the stallion that sent him rocketing back downwards, before Luna viciously kicked him with both hind legs, knocking him back into the air. He spun wildly out of control before Morgan plowed into his side, following up her shoulder charge with a savage blast of magic that sent Thesis howling through the air, leaving a trail of smoke behind him, before he was intercepted by a vicious slam from Luna and sent hurtling towards the earth.

The treebranches he crashed through on the way down slowed him slightly, but not enough to let him recover before Scrivener Blooms leapt up and slammed both claws in a rising strike into Thesis' face, knocking him backwards with a gurgle. And, before he could hit the ground, Luna and Morgan shot down like twin meteors, both slamming a hoof savagely into Thesis' stomach and launching him into the earth with such violence that the entire world shook.

Both mares flapped their wings and landed on either side of the smoking crater, Morgan flicking her horn to blow away the cloud of dust they had kicked up from the violence of the crash.

Thesis was already climbing out of the crater, breathing hard and looking shaken, but a little clearer, too, Scrivener thought. The trio of ponies readied themselves even as Thesis shivered and dropped his head, energy steaming off his body as the Replicant whispered: “Incredible.”

“So is it just me, or do you seem to get much saner after we punch the crap out of you?” Scrivener asked mildly, and Thesis looked up before he gave a brief smile.

“Neural reactions, the interruption of bioelectrical conduits, the...” Thesis reached up and rubbed slowly at his head before he mumbled: “To hell with it, I don't know.”

Thesis shoved himself up out of the crater, before he scowled when Rig's voice growled: “Kill them, Heimdall! Don't dally! They are still nothing compared to you!”

“I'll fight them. But if you keep screwing with my head, they're going to keep making a mockery out of me. They need to be fought intelligently. Which you obviously don't know how to do.” Thesis retorted, raising his head, and Scrivener thought he was doing his best to hide a smile as he said in a quieter voice: “Leave this to me.”

Rig growled in distaste, but then simply snorted, his presence fading. Thesis rolled his shoulders absently, and his mouth quirked before he asked: “So I suppose you think you're all much stronger than me now, right?”

Luna grinned proudly as Morgan Heldóttir only smiled, and Scrivener shrugged before he said mildly: “We did just punch you so hard you left a hole in the ground.”

Thesis glanced over his shoulder at the crater thoughtfully, and then he nodded once before he drew his eyes back over the three, saying softly: “I know you're not trying yet. Your physical powers alone are incredible, though. I'm very impressed.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, as if thinking, before he rose his head and said calmly: “But you can't kill me with your hooves alone. The Voidborn are sentient energy: only your most powerful magic can devastate me enough to kill me. And it sounds like you three are very hesitant to use your abilities.”

“Aye, but I am happy enough to use thee like a kickball for the time being.” Luna retorted, and Thesis shrugged amiably at this, nodding once before the sapphire mare said quietly: “Let us go on our way. And thou go on thine, do whatever thou must. There is less reward in punishing thee when thou art the sane Thesis than when thou art wild with rage.”

“Or are you just afraid that like this I might actually pose a threat?” Thesis asked glibly, and Luna scowled horribly, snorting and raising her head grouchily before the Replicant turned his eyes towards Scrivener Blooms, smiling slightly at him. “You know that I can't stop now, brother.”

“I know. But I wish you would.” Scrivener said softly, and Thesis smiled again before the stallion set himself, as Morgan and Luna both did the same, the three becoming serious again. “Alright, Thesis. We'll grant you your wish, then.”

Thesis only bowed his head politely, and there was silence for a moment, not even the trees stirring around them before Thesis suddenly lunged forward, heading straight for Scrivener Blooms. The stallion leaned forwards, ready to meet him-

The Replicant suddenly stomped both front hooves into the ground, and Scrivener's eyes widened before he shoved both Luna and Morgan away, a moment before a flurry of black spikes erupted from the ground and tore through his body. He gasped in pain, but the corruption had far less of an effect on him than it would on either mare, even as he was left impaled on his rear hooves by the crystalline spikes.

Luna's eyes widened in shock before she snarled and lunged towards Thesis, then swore in frustration when he flicked a hoof, sending out a spray of black ooze that splattered over her features and made her stumble. She staggered right into a vicious punch that knocked her on her back as the black poison hardened over her eyes, as Thesis neatly sidestepped a vicious slash from Morgan's horn at the same time.

Morgan twisted towards him, her horn lighting up with blue fire, but Thesis blocked the attack with both forelegs before he shoved her hard backwards even as he gritted his teeth in pain. Morgan stumbled, then gasped when Thesis slammed a hoof into the side of her neck before she gargled when a spike of corruption shot through her throat, before Thesis shoved her over and staked her to the ground by the blade of crystal through her neck.

Scrivener cursed, then he suddenly snarled before shoving himself forwards, shattering his way through the spikes of black crystal as his own corruption-fueled body absorbed the poisons. He leapt towards Thesis, slashing down a Talon, but Thesis smoothly backstepped, ducking and weaving his way easily between swipes of Scrivener's claws before he suddenly drove an elbow into the side of Scrivener's head, knocking the stallion staggering before a hoof slammed up under his chin and sent him sprawling to the ground in a senseless heap.

Luna roared in fury, her horn glowing brightly and shattering the hardened crystal over her face before she leapt to her hooves with a snarl, a flush of humiliation in her cheeks as her mane exploded into blue flames. She glared at the Replicant, who looked back at her fearlessly before he rose a hoof and beckoned to her. “Guess you aren't nearly as strong as I thought after all. Hard to fight someone who can fight back, isn't it?”

It was a transparent, obvious provocation, and Luna, being Luna, fell for it hook, line, and sinker, leaping forwards with a snarl as her horn glowed brightly: “I shall show thee 'hard!'”

Thesis evaded her slashing horn, replying easily as he did so: “Please don't, I'd rather not have anything to do with that part of your body.”

Luna blinked as she stumbled to a halt, and Thesis danced backwards to the edge of the crater with a wide grin before he said pleasantly, as Scrivener slowly started to recover and Morgan managed to pull herself free from the spike of crystal, the wound in her throat visibly stitching itself together with strings of black magic: “I know how handsome I am, but I'm not into drag queens.”

Luna slowly twitched, then she roared furiously before diving at Thesis, snapping her horn down to send a blast of sapphire hellfire at him she followed close behind. But Thesis neatly ducked under the fireball, moving like liquid as he arched his back and slammed a hoof up under Luna's jaw, knocking her head back in a spray of blood and spittle before she seized her in midair, then turned and flung her sharply down into the crater where her fireball had just hit the ground.

The Valkyrie howled as she was caught in the fierce explosion of her own magic, knocked senseless as Thesis calmly landed in front of the explosion, barely ruffled by it as he rolled his head on his shoulders and smiled towards Scrivener and Morgan. He bowed his head politely as the sapphire flame died out behind him, and Scrivener couldn't help but smile wryly before he remarked: “Luna's not used to not being the most obnoxious person on the battlefield.”

“We don't just fight with our hooves. We fight with our minds.” Thesis replied, reaching up and tapping his temple before he began to step forwards, opening his mouth-

“And sometimes we cheat!” Luna snapped, as Morgan and Scrivener both felt the pulse of power. They opened their mouths to shout, as Thesis started to turn in surprise, but too late: the Valkyrie was already above him, a sight of terror in her smoldering, damaged armor and with her wings spread wide, her mane a maelstrom of fire and a fist raised high above her... wait, what is-

Thesis didn't have time to finish that thought before one of Luna's massive Jötunnfang crashed down on top of him, squashing him flat into the ground. It yanked back after a moment, but was followed by a volley of savage punches that drove Thesis deeper into the broken earth, before both large claws of ice drew back and the sapphire mare simply dropped on top of him to stomp childishly on his crushed, mangled form a few times, before she huffed loudly and strode primly off of the squashed Replicant.

“What the hell, Luna!” Scrivener shouted as Morgan winced, looking worriedly back and forth. “You can't just summon those every time-”

“Yes, I can.” Luna huffed loudly as a Jötunnfang floated down to firmly flick his nose with a finger, then she scowled over her shoulder as Thesis twitched: her expression remained almost childish, but her eyes filled with uncertainly, even worry, as Thesis slowly began to lever himself out of the ground.

Energy steamed off his body, but his broken limbs visibly reset themselves as the Replicant wheezed for breath, even as the large, mangled plate on his back popped off to reveal the permanent crater in his back. Yet all the same, as he shook himself out, his strength visibly recovered in only moments as he looked up and scowled at Luna's floating fists, muttering: “Should have expected something stupid like that.”

“I shall show thee stupid.” Luna growled and then her Jötunnfang dropped on either side of her, both making exceptionally rude gestures towards Thesis, who only rolled his eyes.

He began to open his mouth, then frowned uneasily, suddenly looking back and forth. Morgan swore as she felt it too, and Luna grimaced as she looked up at the sky, muttering: “Impossible. A single summoning shouldn't have called their eyes here...”

“They've been looking for us more actively, though.” Scrivener replied moodily as he looked quickly back and forth, before he looked towards Thesis and said: “We're going to have to finish this later.”

“No!” Thesis almost shouted, and Scrivener frowned, but Thesis bit his lip before he shook his head and stepped forwards, his gaze becoming pleading as he said: “Please, come with me! We can keep you safe from the Inquisitors, and-”

“And at what cost? I will not be anyone's slave, Thesis.” Luna interrupted, stepping forwards and shaking her head as her Jötunnfang punched themselves together threateningly, but then the hands of ice and spirit-flame silently gestured towards him, as she said in a quieter voice: “Why will thou not come with us, or at least escape Thokk?”

“Because I can't.” Thesis admitted in a low voice, lowering his head. “I wish I could. But Rig will not let me and Thokk... Thokk is too powerful. Thokk has power over the Void, and in the end, we all go to the Void. All Thokk has to do is wait for us all to die, and... she wins. Don't you understand? It's... it's hopeless.”

“No. There's always hope.” Morgan said quietly, and Thesis glanced up at the purple mare, who gave a small smile before she shook her head slowly. “You can't give up, Thesis. The very fact that you're here should be testament to the fact that nothing is impossible.”

Thesis smiled briefly at this, shaking his head slowly before he frowned when Luna whistled sharply, reality trembling around them as he leaned forwards and said almost desperately: “Wait! Just stay for a little while longer, I... I won't let them take you! There's so much more I want to talk about, so much I need to tell you, that-”

“Oh damnation, Hex can't reach us, which means-” Luna gasped, her Jötunnfang suddenly falling from the air as her body began to steam violently. Scrivener and Twilight both flinched, the stallion dropping to a kneel as Morgan looked back and forth, rasping loudly for breath as the color started to drain from her body.

Thesis whirled around as a rip opened in reality, a skull-faced stallion striding through this. A ripped crimson cloak fluttered around his body, open just enough to reveal his tight, rubbery hide, which was stretched thin over pronounced, bulging bones. An amulet hung around his neck, aglow with eldritch powers, and the glow grew brighter as he slowly approached the trio, the stallion hissing: “There is no escape this time, Brynhild.”

Luna looked up with a growl, then suddenly snapped her horn forwards, and one of her Jötunnfang flung itself off the ground to slam itself towards the emaciated stallion. It struck some kind of invisible barrier in front of him, exploding harmlessly into shards of ice and a clinging sapphire mist, but the Inquisitor still flinched from the blast before cursing at the smog that enveloped him.

Luna staggered to her hooves and around in a circle, Scrivener and Morgan following her, before their eyes widened as several more demons appeared in front of them, all of them wearing either rings or amulets bearing the symbol of the Archives of Hel, and glowing with supernatural power, stealing all the strength from the three ponies in front of them while at the same time protecting their wearers.

One of the demons lashed out with a rope, and Scrivener gasped as it wrapped around his neck, the stallion helplessly grabbing at the coil of living, magic-infused twine. He shook his head back and forth, trying uselessly to pull free, but he was almost melting from the influence of the Inquisitors, his corruption boiling over his body, his eyes almost blind as colors flashed wildly across his vision...

Luna roared, charging at another of the Inquisitors, but she uselessly bounced off the invisible barrier protecting it, gasping in pain as electricity shocked painfully over her body before she screamed when the Inquisitor pointed the ring on his claw at her, her body bursting into blue, spirit-feasting flames. Morgan shouted, but the third Inquisitor already has his powers focused on her, runes glowing in a circle around her and trapping her inside their borders.

Thesis trembled, then he looked up as the Inquisitor that had triggered the ambush strode calmly past him. Unable to stop himself, the Replicant stumbled forward before pleading: “Wait! Leave them alone, you can't take them!”

The Inquisitor halted, then frowned over his shoulder at Thesis, studying him contemptibly before he spat to the side and said contemptibly: “They are nothing but filth and betrayers. Mind your own business, hollow vessel.”

Thesis narrowed his eyes at this as the Inquisitor turned away, and then the Replicant said calmly: “Hey.”

The Inquisitor ignored him, before he scowled when Thesis grabbed his cloak and yanked on it, the demon spinning around with a snarl. “What makes you dare touch me, worm?”

“The fact I don't like to sucker punch even scum like you.” Thesis replied eloquently, and the demon had a chance to blink before Thesis' hoof smashed into his face with enough force to launch him through the air, the Inquisitor hitting the ground and bouncing over Luna to land with a thud on top of the demon that was torturing her, disrupting his concentration as he was knocked flat.

Luna immediately leapt up into the air and roared, snapping her horn up as she dispelled the flames from her body with a tremendous shockwave of force. The Inquisitors on either side of the trio were shocked by the burst of power, staggering away and disrupting their magic.

Morgan immediately snapped her horn down, shattering the ring of runes around her before her body transformed into black, rippling shadow, which streaked forwards and hammered into the Inquisitor in front of her, making him cry out in surprise before he screamed in agony as the rippling-black pony hauled him into the air on forelegs that had transformed into gigantic blades. He was tossed aside like a bag of garbage after a moment, the Inquisitor gasping and clutching uselessly at his chest as it fumed with dark energies, whimpering: “H-How...”

The demon beside Scrivener began to look up, before his eyes widened when the stallion lunged suddenly up to his hooves, slamming one of his Talons into the invisible barrier protecting him. The Inquisitor's eyes widened in shock as Scrivener's Talons pounded mercilessly away at the barrier, making reality itself tremble as cracks spread slowly through the invisible shield before he snarled and leapt forwards, shattering through the Inquisitor's protection as his amulet sparked and lost its magic glow.

The demon howled as Scrivener's claws settled around his throat, the stallion forcing the Inquisitor back before he twisted suddenly as he bared his fangs, and the demon's yelling was choked off into useless gargles as his neck snapped like a twig.

Scrivener flung the demon off to the side, but the remaining two Inquisitors were already up on their hooves, Luna snarling as her body trembled violently, energy visibly steaming off of her as she fought to resist the power of the Archives. The other demon, the apparent leader, had his eyes focused on Morgan, her shadowy body flowing and twisting on itself as she fought to resist the white bands of magic crushing around her, as the Inquisitor hissed: “How is this possible? How can you-”

He looked up too late as he caught a movement in the corner of his eye, as Thesis launched himself over Luna before he slammed a hoof into the Inquisitor's skull-like features, knocking him sprawling with a howl. Thesis immediately lunged towards the other surviving demon, grabbing his extended fist before twisting savagely to snap his wrist.

The Inquisitor shrieked in pain as the glow around his ring died out, and then Thesis hauled him over his shoulder and flung him viciously back-first into the ground with a bone-shattering thump. He finished the demon by stomping on his throat, leaving him choking for air as the Replicant shouted: “Get out of here! I'll hold them off!”

Scrivener looked at Thesis with surprise, but there was no time to question: all the three could do was turn and run, not daring to look back as they vanished into the forest and hurried away from the Inquisitors.

All four demons were picking themselves up, however: as bad as their wounds were, these were all elite demons, further empowered and prepared by the Archives. Their skull-faced leader turned a furious look on Thesis, but the Replicant only looked calmly back, even as the demon hissed: “Do you really think that a hollow vessel like you stands any chance against us?”

Thesis only smiled wryly: less than a minute later, the Replicant was looking silently down at the last remaining Inquisitor, who was choking on his own blood, several large, black spikes of crystal buried through his stomach. He looked weakly up at Thesis, but the Replicant only shook his head before he said softly: “Close your eyes. Don't be afraid. You aren't alone.”

The demon trembled, but after a moment, he slumped, his eyes drawing closed, and he gave one last sigh before his body slowly dissolved. Thesis smiled briefly, and then he scowled when Rig said coldly: “You failed. Worse, you helped them. Heimdall, what are you thinking?”

“I was thinking that if they were taken by the demons, they would have been even harder to track down. And we've just learned that so long as they're on Midgard, they can't fight at full strength. Or do you really want to go wading through Helheim to get to them?” Thesis asked irritably as he turned around to look at Rig, before he frowned as he realized there was a hand over Rig's head, making a weird, two-fingered gesture like bunny ears.

Rig seemed completely unaware of this, the creature rolling its eyes before it snapped contemptibly: “Keep your eyes on me at least, Heimdall! What is wrong with you? No focus, ever wandering, and denying your true nature-”

“My true nature is not that of a killer. I am not a destroyer, no matter how hard you twist me, no matter what the programming tells me.” the Replicant snapped, and then he leaned up towards Rig fearlessly, saying quietly: “My name is Thesis. You can transform me into a beast, but you cannot take away who I truly am. I am damaged, I am fragmented, and I have been twisted... but I will not be broken again. All I care about is my family.”

“And everything we've done has been in the name of reuniting family, of restoring everything that we have lost!” Rig retorted, shaking his head vehemently. “How could you argue otherwise?”

The hand disappeared from above Rig's head, and instead, two arms flapped wildly on either side of him, Thesis unable to repress a wry smile that only made the crow-beast snarl and lean down, hissing furiously: “Do not laugh at me, Heimdall! You mock me, but you forget that we are twins, reflections of one-another! When you laugh at me, you only laugh at yourself!”

“Yes, and it's good to laugh at yourself.” Thesis looked up fearlessly, glaring back at Rig as Rig scowled down at him. “Arrogant, cruel, demanding and ruthless... you are all the worst parts of me, jammed into one hideous shape.”

Rig smiled thinly at this, and then he retorted: “You've forgotten what strength is, with all the time you've wasted in that four-legged form, Heimdall. Either that, or Valthrudnir damaged your mind when he gathered up the remains of your soul.”

Thesis snorted at this, and then he frowned a bit when the arms sticking out from behind Rig gestured violently a few times. Rig narrowed his glowing eyes at the stallion's expression, then he spun suddenly around before frowning and looking back and forth.

He turned back around, looking at Thesis, who only looked mildly back at the creature before Rig snorted and said contemptibly: “I am going to report back to Thokk, Thesis. Will you come with me, or will you try and track down the outlaws you helped escape?”

“I'll find where they went, Rig. When you come back for me, we can jump after them and see if we can catch up.” Thesis replied calmly, and Rig glowered at him for a moment longer before the crow-like entity vanished.

There was silence for a few moments, as the sounds of the forest gradually filled in around him. Birdsong, bugs clicking and clacking, the sound of the wind in the branches, and then a faint shifting of dirt and debris as an icy construct formed, her long dress blowing out behind her as she walked in a slow circle around him, saying thoughtfully: “You know, Heimdall, you were always a tremendous jackass. But you never used to be this bad.”

Thesis sighed a little, and then he looked fearlessly up at Hel as he said quietly: “I recognize you. But in two different... minds, so to speak. We met once, while I was serving Valthrudnir, and... we met... before then.”

“Yes, we did, Heimy-whimy.” Hel smiled as she reached up and rapped firmly on her bovine skull with one hand, saying in a brighter voice: “Don't worry, I never seem to be able to get my head quite on straight, either! Even right now, it's all lopsided!”

She giggled as she reached up and grasped her chin, jerking her head back and forth before firmly snapping it to the side to make it spin violently several times. Then it suddenly snapped to a halt, upside down but deadly serious as Hel pointed at him and asked coldly: “What is Thokk doing?”

Thesis only shrugged slowly, and Hel glared before she snapped her fingers, then frowned when nothing happened. She snapped her fingers several more times, then stepped forwards and jabbed Thesis violently in the muzzle several times with one digit, but all she managed to do was make him wrinkle up his muzzle. “Oh, what the me!”

Thesis simply shrugged again, and Hel scowled as she muttered: “Immune to my powers. Because you're from the Void, which is outside of Helheim's domain, so not technically a Beyonder or a lost soul, got it, got it. Dammit all to my house. So I can't just torture the information out of you.”

Hel looked thoughtful for a moment, and then she suddenly thrust her hand up into the air, and Thesis looked up in surprise as a massive boulder of ice appeared above his head, the Queen of Helheim saying coldly: “I can still kill you, though. There's a difference between 'magic resist' and 'gets squished by a giant rock.'”

Thesis slowly brought his eyes down to Hel, the two looking at each other steadily before Hel suddenly broke into a bright smile, snapping her fingers to make the boulder of ice vanish as she said easily: “But I won't, because that would just be silly. And you know me, Heimdall, I'm anything but silly!”

“My name is Thesis. Please.” the Replicant said quietly, and then he hesitated before looking up and saying bluntly: “Thokk wants you dead. She might have the power to do it, too.”

“Well, that's great, see, there's something Thokk and I already have in common, because I badly want her dead, too.” Hel said positively, clapping her hands together with a grin before she leaned in and asked curiously: “And what about you, Thesis? Where do you stand in all of this?”

“I want... I just want to be with my family. But we won't be together unless Thokk wins, and... even if-”

“Even if, even if, oh, don't even start with that silliness.” Hel interrupted, waving her hand grouchily. “Even if is just the exact same as 'could be' or 'would be' or worst of all, 'should be!' Even if even if was ever right, that doesn't change how things are!”

Thesis frowned slightly, looking up uncertainly at the icy construct before Hel leaned forwards, putting her hands on her hips and asking: “So are you going to help me, or are you just going to whine and complain?”

The Replicant frowned deeper at this, but after a moment, he hesitantly nodded and asked after a moment: “What do you want?”

And Hel grinned her devious grin as she leaned forward and beckoned with one finger for the Replicant to come closer so she could better whisper her sweet words into his curious ears.

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