• Published 19th Sep 2016
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Hecate's Orphanage - BlackRoseRaven

Cadence and other ponies from across countless parallel worlds work together to protect their universe from monsters.

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Long Lost Relations

Chapter Twenty Two: Long Lost Relations

Cadence gazed with something like childish awe at Freya, the Swan humble and excited inside of her. Freya, meanwhile, was only smiling in amusement as she surveyed Team 0-0, her single eye drawing slowly over the ponies before she asked curiously: “And these are your very best?”

Hecate nodded calmly, standing with her arms crossed beside Thorn, who was going over a mission report on the clipboard in front of him. “They call themselves the Irregular Hunters. A fitting name, admittedly. They're all highly-experienced and highly-capable, in spite of their... eccentricities.”

Freya chuckled quietly as she strode slowly in front of the line, surveying them each thoughtfully before she said meditatively: “Swan Maiden, Loa, and two immortals...” She paused, then leaned in and thoughtfully licked Sombra's curving horn, Moonflower's eyes widening and Cadence's jaw dropping slightly as Sombra only continued to look calmly forward, apparently not disturbed in the slightest.

Freya licked her lips, then clicked her tongue and said thoughtfully: “Touched by corruption, I see. No, that's putting it lightly... he's saturated with it. But he holds himself up quite well, although I suppose that in part is due to this machine on his back. Isn't that right, my friend?”

“It is, Signora Freya.” Sombra replied politely, bowing his head towards her. “It is not always... easy for me to keep myself in control, but the purifier ensures I do not have any... outbursts.”

The Valkyrie smiled slightly at this, then she said easily: “Then it sounds like something I could do with myself, since I've been known to let my emotions get the better of me.”

She paused, leaning back before she winked over at Moonflower, who whimpered a little as he shrank his head back between his shoulders. “And you don't have to be so nervous. I'm actually very glad to have some handsome colts in front of me instead of the usual mares... pretty as you are, Cadence, and as enjoyable as a mare's form can be... well, the same-old, same-old, gets a little tiring.”

Cadence blinked a few times, and then she blushed and nodded dumbly a few times, which earned another amused look from Freya. But before the Valkyrie could say anything further, Hecate cut in: “Although it is highly irregular, Freya will be acting as team leader for this mission. You will escort her and support her, understood?”

Cadence nodded and quickly saluted, looking attentively towards Hecate and Thorn as Freya rolled her eye, but stepped aside and gestured politely towards the goddess and her son. Hecate didn't need to so much as glance at Thorn for the stallion to smoothly take over, explaining calmly as the Irregulars all turned their attention to him: “This mission falls under the search-and-retrieval category, although you have no defined target, and retrieval may necessitate the use of force. Freya, however, has detected an entity she wishes to bring back alive to her homeworld. Due to unrelated concerns, she has decided to hire us to provide backup.”

“In return for our cooperation, Freya has agreed to provide us with both powerful magic and her support in creating an outpost on Looking Glass World. She has also agreed to mentor you, Cadence, which I believe will be extremely valuable in tightening your grasp over the Swan. Something you badly need.” Hecate said distastefully, and Cadence blushed a little, lowering her head and nodding humbly. “Thorn, finish the briefing, then meet me at my office.”

“Yes, Queen Hecate.” Thorn nodded as his mother turned and strode out of the equipment room, and then he calmly turned his attention back to the Irregular Hunters, ignoring the way Freya studied him as he explained: “Freya has indicated that her target was detected on Midgard C-13. This is a Class C world: you are guaranteed to encounter hostiles and hostilities. We have little other information.”

Cadence made herself nod, taking a breath and becoming as professional as she could as she asked: “What's the state of Equestria?”

This was an important question: to some extent, the different layers of physical reality all seemed to 'imitate' each other, and had events and specific entities in common. One was that Princess Celestia was generally the sole ruler of Equestria for a timeframe approximating a little over a thousand years. This was known as the Sun Period, and in general was a relatively peaceful time. It was by searching for these events that they were able to gauge the time period of the world they were traveling to, so they could be more aware of what they were likely going to encounter...

Of course, those were only rough guidelines, at best: Cadence had seen worlds where there had never been a Princess Celestia, and she had seen worlds that had been devastated by war... just as there were worlds out there that were absolutely happy and peaceful, and the ponies lived in harmony. Still, though... it never hurt to try and prepare for what was ahead. And if they were going to a hostile world, well... it helped to know whether these hostiles were using sharpened sticks or assault rifles.

Thorn checked his report, and then he said calmly: “Equestria appears to be divided up into territories at this moment in time. There is plenty of baroque influence, but no sign of any ruling monarchy. The Crystal Empire in the north is flourishing, but bandits and raiders appear to be common. This appears to be a world further away from the Core World, however, so it's not entirely a surprise that there's no major connection points.”

“So an outer world, hostile, and not yet modernized?” Cadence summarized, and Thorn nodded to her, giving a brief smile. “Do you have any idea where this target is, or... what we're looking for, specifically? Or I mean... Queen Freya, your highness, if-”

“Now don't start that. The one thing I won't tolerate, Danzsöngr, is being treated like a monarch.” Freya said mildly, and Cadence immediately dropped her head with a blush. “Talk to me as you would your friends here. Treat me as your equal. If you respect me, I will see it. Just as if you disrespect me... I will see that, too.”

Freya's eye glinted, and Cadence nodded hurriedly a few times before the one-eyed mare continued in a more-serious voice: “I don't like asking for help. And for years, I've done without it, taking small sabbaticals now and then to different worlds to explore and listen for rumors of what precisely I've been searching for, to... fix someone very dear, very important to me, and free him from his imprisonment. But unfortunately, to restore him, I need to find a creature you would not hear outside of silly story books: a destruction entity that does not desire destruction.”

Cadence frowned at this, and La Croix grimaced a little before he held up a hoof and said lamely: “Uh... not to step on any hooves, but... ain't destruction kind of what they do?”

“Just as I suppose all Loa do nothing but act as messengers between Darkwater and their people?” Freya countered, and La Croix lowered his head sheepishly, but the mare smiled after a moment. “I understand the disbelief. But remember that incarnations, be they of chaos or destruction or anything else, also appear in degrees. What I've been searching for is a creature with a degree of destruction, but more, an aptitude for chaos.”

She stopped, allowing the others to take this in before she continued in a quieter voice: “I think, after years of searching, I have finally found such a creature. I know... roughly, where it is located on this world, and I shall use the Bifrost to take us there directly. The problem will be in restraining it, and that is why I've asked for help from Hecate. I need this creature taken alive, and I am not very good at taking things alive, and nor can I risk having my attention divided.

“Now, normally I would have my sister or brother come with me. But Brynhild will be busy with other matters, and due to the threats of the world, I would prefer Sleipnir to stay at home. Antares and Innocence are good and strong, but Antares will be busy with matters regarding Heaven, and Innocence, while she was tried and tested in fire and has grown up strong, is but one girl. And a girl she still is, for all the years that have passed.” Freya smiled slightly. “It's funny, how the young think they know everything there is to know about the world. Celestia used to think she knew about the world. But even when she was a thousand years old she was still a fool. And the only difference between her and I is that I know it.”

Moonflower's eyes suddenly widened, and he pointed at her, mouthing wordlessly for a few moments before he blurted: “Celestia! You! You Celestia!”

Moonflower babbled incoherently as Cadence stared at him and La Croix slowly dropped his face in a hoof, and Freya grinned before she said easily: “No, I'm Freya. Celestia is asleep, I suppose you could say, and has been for a long time now. She dreams still, though. She dreams, as the forest does in winter, and 'tis good for her.”

“You will have to excuse Moonflower. He had difficulties, you see, with an impostor who took the guise of Celestia.” Sombra said gently, and Freya nodded after a moment, turning an amused gaze toward the stallion.

“Took him a little while to catch on though, didn't it?” she asked, before she reached up and absently flicked one of her braids before touching her eyepatch. “I suppose this throws most ponies off though, doesn't it?”

Her eye turned towards Thorn, but the sapphire stallion only looked calmly, stoically back at her, which made the Valkyrie grin slightly. After a few moments, she finally laughed and remarked: “You sure you won't join us on this adventure, Thorn? I'm sure I could convince Hecate we needed your help for communications or whatnot. Your brother and sister both enjoyed traveling with me, you know... well, mostly.”

Thorn didn't so much as blink, replying candidly: “I've been given my assignments, Lady Freya, as you have been given yours. I would prefer to keep things at that. Now, if there is nothing else you have to discuss with the team...”

“One more thing, Thorn.” Freya turned back towards the Irregulars, rolling her single eye before she said wryly: “He's a tough nut, isn't he?”

Cadence smiled lamely as Moonflower nodded awkwardly, La Croix and Sombra simply continuing to look at Freya with curiosity. After a few moments, Freya finally nodded briefly before she said softly: “You're an interesting group, I'll give you that. And you might all be just what I need. Now, the Swan Maiden, I know she'll obey my orders. What I need to know is if the rest of you will do what I say as well.”

The three stallions looked at each other uncertainly, before Sombra smiled and said in a soft voice: “We will do what you ask, Signora Freya.”

“And what if I ask you to kill, or to kidnap, or to do whatever else might be necessary to see this through? Will you do it for me, for the sake of my mission?” Freya asked almost idly, as she looked off to the side, but in spite of the smile lingering over her lips, the atmosphere suddenly felt... colder, crueler, and there wasn't a beauty and interest in Freya's face as much as ruthless interrogation: she wanted honest answers from them, and the weight of her intent alone was enough to make Moonflower and La Croix both cower and nod hurriedly.

But Sombra stayed strong and steady, the stallion saying in a gentle and fearless voice: “We will do what we have to do to complete the mission, Signora Freya... but we will not harm the lives of innocents. We are not cold-blooded, and we are not criminals, nor thugs. Mercenaries, perhaps: but we have our code of conduct and honor.”

Freya chuckled quietly at this, smiling coyly as she half-lidded her eye, and in a flash, she was suddenly in front of Sombra, smashing both La Croix and Moonflower away with a shockwave of force.

But Sombra was steady on his hooves in the face of the burst of magic, and unafraid and unflinching even as Freya leaned intimidatingly down into his face, her eye narrowed, her teeth bared slightly and her expression cold.

The two looked at each other for a few long, tense moments, as Moonflower nervously picked himself up and La Croix watched from the relative safety of the floor, until all of a sudden, Freya laughed loudly and straightened, saying cheerfully over to Thorn: “Now, this one! This one is as bad as you, child! My, Hecate has some strong little ponies under her hoof!”

Freya turned around, shaking her head in amusement as she walked over to the sapphire stallion, who only looked up at her with a quirked eyebrow. The Valkyrie only smiled at him, though, then she nodded firmly once and said: “They will do.”

Thorn nodded back, and Freya clicked her tongue before she said mildly: “Now, if you don't mind, boy, I'd like to get my equipment back. I believe you took it back there with all the other toys and gizmos, yes?”

“What weaponry will they be needing for this mission?” Thorn asked, and Freya cocked an eyebrow before Thorn explained: “We pass equipment out on a case-by-case basis. As they're going into a Class C world, Hecate has authorized more gear, but-”

“Oh by all that the gods created.” Freya rolled her eye, then she looked mildly down at Thorn, asking: “Are your people really so incapable of taking care of themselves, or do you really think it does anyone any benefits to micromanage every little thing?”

“It's difficult, but it allows us to better respond to emergency situations and more evenly distribute our gear. Of course personal equipment is almost always given to their owner. But even that has prioritization.” Thorn replied calmly, looking evenly back at Freya. “A lot of people don't like it, but we don't operate solely on what ponies 'like' or 'don't like.'”

Freya smiled wryly, and then she asked dryly: “Do you ever?”

Thorn only continued to look at her, polite but unyielding, and after a few moments Freya shook her head and gestured to the stallion as she looked over at the group of ponies, asking: “Do any of you need anything in particular?”

“I trust Thorn, Lady Freya.” Cadence said quickly, bowing her head humbly again, and Freya looked meditatively over at the Swan Maiden before she finally nodded again as she turned her eyes back toward the sapphire stallion.

“Then do what you must, Thorn, and I'll trust your judgment. Or Hecate's, whichever it is.” Freya replied after a moment, and the stallion bowed his head for a moment before he turned to head through the door into the back room.

Freya looked mildly at the armored door as it closed, and then she remarked: “You know, it strikes me as strange that warriors should have all their war-tools locked away from them.”

Cadence only smiled in awkward agreement, and Freya chuckled as she turned back towards the lined up ponies, glancing back and forth through equipment storage before she said softly: “Hecate does seem to know how to keep things in line, though, much as I might... disagree with her about some things.”

Sombra laughed quietly, and then he said gently: “I hope it is not rude of me to say, Signora Freya, but you strike me as being someone who prefers to be around disagreement.”

Freya shrugged easily at this, and then she replied thoughtfully: “Only if it has a point. Otherwise, I only like to argue when I'm right. And at times, I suppose, it does conflict with the fact I can be... a little forceful in my ways.”

Sombra only smiled, as Moonflower and La Croix looked warily at Freya, before she said mildly: “Now, if any of you feel you cannot obey my commands and you will disobey me, or you simply fear for what we're going to do or don't believe that we can accomplish this mission, you are by all means free to say so and I'll leave you here. Wolves who can't or won't hunt with the pack must be driven out. Cruel, perhaps, but that is the way of nature, and that is the way of war.”

Moonflower and La Croix looked at each other awkwardly for a few moments, since it was clear Freya was speaking to them. But after a moment, Moonflower quickly struck a pose and laughed loudly, waving a hoof hurriedly back and forth as he declared: “Nonsense! I was... I was getting bored, anyway, and it's not like I have anything to be afraid of. Valkyrie or not, Freya, you should know that I too am a goddess- I mean, god! I am a god of darkness!”

“And a handsome one at that, I will say.” Freya leaned forward, grinning widely at the stallion and making him quail a little before she half-lidded her eye. “I think you should come to my tent tonight, Moonflower, so I can see just what kind of god you are for myself.”

Moonflower gave a squeaky laugh, and La Croix snorted in amusement, saying mildly: “Much as I'd love to just leave the rein de la nuit to flail 'round on his own, I don't think Cygne would ever forgive me if I sat this one out... and hell, don't know if I'd ever forgive myself, neither. I might be a bit of a connard at times, Madame Freya, but if you'll have me I'll be glad to be part of your team.”

“Good. I'll need your abilities, Loa, and I've heard both good and bad things about you from my family, so I'm curious to find out for myself which are true.” Freya remarked, and La Croix blushed slightly and lowered his head awkwardly before the Valkyrie's eyes flicked towards Cadence. “Now, I have a request for you, Danzsöngr. I would like to speak directly to the Swan for a moment.”

Cadence felt the Swan grappling at her conscious mind immediately, but she managed to push it down for a moment as she nodded, starting uneasily: “Alright, but... I don't...” She halted, then suddenly rambled out: “I mean, I respect you, a lot, Freya, for a lot of reasons, and I mean I don't entirely understand those reasons and I know I'm already acting weird so uh... if the Swan acts weird I'm sorry. She's... difficult and... well. Okay. Sorry.”

The mare blushed in embarrassment... but then she felt herself essentially flung aside as the Swan leapt to the surface, the ivory mare's body going rigid before she saluted sharply and straightened her back, her head bowing low as she murmured: “Mother Freya. I am honored to be in your presence.”

“We were Mothers and Fathers long ago, Danzsöngr, but we aren't anymore. Our children were orphaned, like you, for reasons fair and foul.” Freya said gently, and the Swan looked up attentively as the goddess in the form of a pony studied her thoughtfully. “Now tell me, Danzsöngr. What do you remember of your fall from Asgard?”

The Swan Maiden was silent for a moment, apparently not even noticing as Thorn reentered the room and began to quietly set equipment cases down, not interrupting either of the mares as the Swan said slowly: “I do not remember much. I remember the invasion, and I remember the fall of our home. I remember we suffered, Mother Freya. That is what I remember.”

Freya smiled briefly, nodding slowly before she asked quietly: “Where were you stationed, Danzsöngr? Do you remember?”

“Yes, Mother Freya. I was stationed in the darkness, where my kind is supposed to stay. I was a protector of Father Hod's deepest chambers.” Danzsöngr replied immediately, bowing her head to the mare respectfully. “When Hel's spawn invaded, I came as quickly as I could to protect the Mothers and Fathers. But I was not fast enough, and their numbers were too many. I was incapacitated. Killed.”

“There is no shame in that, Danzsöngr. We were all killed, every last one of us. Not a god survived.” Freya replied softly, shaking her head briefly before she looked thoughtfully over at one of the equipment cases, which was clearly marked with Cadence's name. Freya flicked her horn to open this, then floated it in front of herself, looking down with interest at the throwing knives and bandoleers. “And do you still favor your old craft, Danzsöngr?”

“Yes, Mother Freya. I have not forgotten how to fight, and I have not forgotten the way I was trained.” the Swan responded immediately, bowing her head respectfully to the Valkyrie. Freya gestured at her, and the Swan responded by quickly flicking her horn, neatly pulling the equipment out of the case with magic and assembling her knives into the belts before they wrapped themselves around her armored body.

Danzsöngr saluted as Thorn emerged, and without breaking stride, the stallion approached the mare and held out her rifle to her, saying calmly: “We're asking you to use the MARES again as well. This tool has been allocated to you for a reason.”

Danzsöngr took the holstered rifle, but then looked up attentively as Freya snorted, the one-eyed mare remarking mildly: “Guns are not 'equalizers,' you know, any more than a crossbow was. They're merely another way for cowards to pretend they are 'equal' to us who train and devote our lives to defense.”

“This is a tool. No more, no less. A shield in the hooves of a coward is as much a tool of a coward as a gun in the hoof of a 'warrior' is the same: they are tools. They do not determine purpose or intent by themselves.” Thorn said patiently, and Freya huffed at him.

“Then that's why you lock all these weapons up, I suppose?”

“We already talked about equipment distribution. Apart from that, possession of any tool is a privilege, not a guaranteed right in this world. We are not a country, we are not founded upon the principles of Equestria or Helheim. We are a large-scale private military operation.” Thorn said, and then he glanced towards Danzsöngr with surprise when she simply dropped the gun.

“I will not use a tool that Mother Freya does not wish for me to use.” she stated, and Thorn frowned before he looked pointedly at Freya.

Freya shifted a little, but then grudgingly nodded before saying grumpily: “Use your toy, Danzsöngr. I didn't say I didn't want you using it, and if it's a tool, we might as well put it to use. That, and I don't want Hecate complaining to me that I wouldn't accept her shiny trinkets.”

Danzsöngr nodded, picking up the rifle and quickly strapping the holster on over her shoulder, and Thorn gestured towards the remaining equipment cases as he stated: “This is what has been additionally recommended. There are additional attachments for the MARES, several antimagic grenades, and a variety of small tools and equipment that you will hopefully find useful.”

“Hopefully.” Freya repeated mildly, giving a slight smile to the stallion before she shrugged and turned her eyes towards her team. “Well, boys, help yourselves then. I suppose you lot know better than I what you're best with.”

Sombra bowed his head in polite agreement, then turned and headed towards the equipment as Moonflower and La Croix both simply looked awkwardly at the piles, until Thorn said dryly: “You can equip yourselves from the Special Provisions Room and medical storage, if you prefer to start there.”

La Croix and Moonflower both hurried towards the side doors, Freya snorting in amusement before she said easily: “Organizing everything out so neat and nice might seem like a grand idea, but if and when the enemy attacks-”

“The tools are not what matter. The crafter is.” Thorn responded evenly. “Furthermore, every Dogmatist and Orphan are given override codes and-”

“Another wonderful flaw. It's not like in the past gods never abused the secret names of their war golems to make them turn on their crafters... or simply to make them fight so they could place bets on them. Silly little boys and their toys.”

Freya winked at Thorn, but the stallion was unflinching and undeterred, only looking mildly back at her before he simply turned away and strode back into the rear room. The Valkyrie snorted in amusement at this, and then she turned towards the Swan, remarking: “It does my heart good to see him growing up good and strong and determined, but I can't help but feel there's a little too much metal in that one, though.”

Danzsöngr only looked obediently at Freya, and the mare clicked her tongue before she asked: “But tell me, while we have this moment alone, Danzsöngr... what do you remember of Thokk?”

The Swan narrowed her eyes slightly, and then she said slowly: “She was a crafter. She helped to make us, shape us. This is what I remember. Otherwise... she had little to do with us. She looked down upon us. She still looks down upon us all.”

“That sounds about right.” Freya looked down meditatively, and then she nodded slowly before saying gently: “You have been very helpful to me, Danzsöngr. You may recede now. I wish to speak to your generous host.”

“Yes, Mother Freya. Of course.” The Swan bowed her head, before shivering, and it was Cadence who straightened with a wheeze, shaking herself briskly out before she mumbled: “I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that.”

Freya only chuckled, then asked gently: “Does the Swan communicate with you often, Cadence? Does she help you, or would you say she's more... a voice that won't stop talking, and worse, won't ever listen?”

“The latter.” Cadence said, rubbing awkwardly at her forehead as she smiled a little across at the one-eyed mare, still feeling the Swan lurking just beneath the surface, and enhancing that weird affection and adulation she felt for the Valkyrie. “I... she makes me feels things, she makes me... it's like sharing my body with someone else. But she's been growing bigger and bigger with every time that... things happen and now...”

“Now she's the one able to take control, and sometimes you're just the quiet voice in the back of her mind, unsure of whether or not you're able to affect anything, unable to know when or if she even hears you...” Freya smiled slightly, nodding slowly as she said softly: “I understand you better than you might believe, Cadenza. But there'll be plenty of time to talk of that later.”

Cadence nodded awkwardly after a moment, looking up at the Valkyire before she asked hesitantly: “Is it true that... Brynhild is really your sister?”

“She is, yes. Both as a Valkyrie and as a pony, she and I were siblings.” Freya answered with a smile, as the others returned to begin rustling through the rest of the equipment, Sombra helping La Croix and Moonflower organize themselves. “I will admit it hasn't always been easy. The Night Maiden is a difficult one, and I have always been... bossy, I believe Brynhild likes to call me.”

Cadence felt the Swan immediately wanting to spit all sorts of compliments to the Valkyrie and insults about Brynhild, but Freya held up a hoof before she could even form the words, the golden-armored mare continuing in a gentler voice: “But that is just the way it has always been between us, and I would not change it for the world. Brynhild keeps me humble, and Brynhild reminds me I am not perfect. Sadly, something I need to be reminded of often, as like Celestia, I am a schemer and far too proud of myself.”

The Swan Maiden bowed her head respectfully, and Sombra chuckled quietly before he said gently: “They say that power has a will of its own, and sometimes takes control. We may not mean to wield it as a weapon, and yet all the same...”

“It finds a way to bite.” Freya smiled slightly in agreement. “I like you, whatever you are, old jarl. I look forward to working with you.

“As for you two, lazy mutts, don't expect me to treat you half so kindly if you don't work on earning your keep!” Freya suddenly barked, and La Croix and Moonflower both panicked for a moment before the Valkyrie grinned wryly, shaking her head and remarking mildly: “Aye. This should be a fun journey indeed.”

After they equipped themselves and put up with a bit more jostling from Freya, Thorn returned the mare's weapons to her. This only further terrified both Moonflower and La Croix: Freya had no less than four swords, three of which were frightening enough with their different and deadly designs, but the last was utterly terrifying and incredibly large, with two feet of handle and a full seven feet of double-edged, death-dealing blade. The golden, gorgeous blade was inscribed all along its length with images depicting the nine worlds; Freya called it Tyrfing, and said that it had been a gift from an old friend with a strange nostalgia in her eyes.

Thorn then led the group to the portal room, where Freya teased him some more and tried to cajole the stallion into coming with them: Cadence was rather surprised when she realized just how interested Freya really was in trying to get Thorn to join them on their mission.

She supposed that made sense, though: Freya clearly knew who Thorn was, and she seemed to care deeply for the ponies she was related to, much to the chagrin of the Swan. It felt like the Swan had been eager to try and complain to Freya all about Brynhild's mischief, but Freya clearly both knew and perhaps even applauded her younger sibling's rogue streak, defeating the Swan's attempts before she was even able to start them.

They were so different, Cadence thought, and more than that, the Swan reacted to them so differently: but then again, Freya wasn't just a Valkyrie, but a goddess. She was a Mother, as the Swan referred to her, someone who had aided in the Swan's creation, even if she was also... outsider.

Still, there wasn't much time to think about this: Freya marshaled them into position, and then led them through the portal with little fanfare or celebration. Cadence barely got a last glimpse of Thorn before she passed through...

And Thorn sighed a little, relief faintly visible on his face before Hecate said shortly: “Your turn.”

Thorn grimaced a bit at this, but then he nodded briefly, looking over his shoulder at the mare as the team that would be accompanying him to Looking Glass World came forward: Necrophage, Muse, and Rustproof. Cowlick was here as well, just to see her son off, and Thorn liked to think that Hecate was here for the same reason.

He saluted her, and she crossed her arms but nodded calmly back before instructing: “I've given you a list of ponies you should meet and investigate, Thorn. Remember that you are also supposed to assess points of interest, where an outpost could be placed and readily defended. Do you have all your equipment?”

“Yes, Queen Hecate.” Thorn patted the saddlebag hanging from his side, looking calmly back up at the mare. “I've taken all the authorized equipment and already programmed the nav computer. My first priority will be to connect the uplink.”

“Good. See that you do.” Hecate glanced up at the portal ring as the Dogmatists finished resetting it, before she scowled when Cowlick snorted in amusement and punched her leg firmly, making it clang loudly.

“You two really suck at this whole mother-son thing. Here, lemme show you.” Cowlick said mildly, and then she walked forwards and firmly embraced Rusty, who hugged her back with a small smile as she said firmly: “You take care of yourself, got it? And you watch out for Thorn, he's gonna be like a guest. You make sure you introduce him t'all the right people and don't you let that brat Antares push you around, you hear?”

“Yes, Momma.” Rustproof nodded, and then he added gently: “Love you, Momma.”

“Love you too, kiddo.” Cowlick replied, reaching up to ruffle her son's mane before she absently adjusted the goggle over one of his eyes, and then she finally turned around and said mildly to Hecate: “Y'see? That's how that's done. Ain't no problem.”

“Get going, Thorn.” Hecate said moodily, and Thorn nodded before he gestured to the Replicants, who both hurried into escort position as Necrophage bounced excitedly and Muse lowered her head humbly.

Rustproof turned around as well, shrugging his own equipment bags into more comfortable positions, and he followed as Thorn led the way to the portal. The sapphire stallion kept his eyes ahead, never losing focus, never hesitating even as he entered the swirling vortex...

They stepped out into a beautiful meadow, flowers blooming here and through through the tall grasses. A dirt road was nearby, and Thorn glanced over his shoulder to note that the path led into a mighty forest, and looked as if it had been well-traveled by many sets of hooves.

His eyes followed the road forward, and he saw that it led to a village: it looked quaint, with little in the way of defense apart from a few guard towers here and there, and decorative, enormous wrought-iron gates at the end of the road that had been left open. Thorn's eyes noted only a few larger, modernized structures among what looked otherwise like buildings made mainly out of wood and brick: he frowned slightly at the sight of this before his horn glowed, removing his clipboard and attached pen as the portal fizzled shut behind them.

“Wow, this is so exciting!” Necrophage burst out, bouncing back and forth eagerly. “I remember this world! This is a really great world, Thorn!”

“It's good to be home.” Rustproof agreed, and then he looked curiously at Thorn, cocking an eyebrow at him.

Thorn looked up after a moment, and then he frowned a bit back at Rustproof. Rustproof only continued to look at him, however, and after a moment, the sapphire stallion sighed and explained: “While I recognize I might meet... some... interesting people, my duties here are twofold: assess and assist. I've already been briefed on Looking Glass World extensively, and I think it's best that I keep my interactions professional for now. I have a week here, after all.”

Thorn paused, then he turned around as he lowered the clipboard, adding in a quieter and more serious voice: “On that note, I would ask that my familial relations be kept privileged and confidential. I would like to get a sense of everyone and do my professional duties first before I introduce myself as...”

Thorn bit his cheek, and Rustproof only smiled as Necrophage saluted sharply and chirped: “You got it, boss! We'll keep it so confidential that not even I'll know who you really are, sir!”

“Of course, sir. Anything you wish.” Muse added softly, smiling hesitantly, and Thorn nodded to the three as he gave a small smile for a moment, before it vanished as quickly as it came, the sapphire stallion becoming professional again as he turned around and began to stride down the path.

As he approached what he expected was Ponyville, he noted lazing Nibelung on either side of the gate, the stallion raising his clipboard and making notes as he approached, even as he studied them with interest: he rarely saw dwarves in Decretum. They were squat, furry, bipedal creatures with wolf-like heads and pig-like tusks: they were almost invariably chubby, and although they tended to speak in rather broken Equestrian, they were usually fairly intelligent, and competent laborers.

Both of the Nibelung hurried to their feet when they realized that they were being studied by the sapphire pony, but Thorn only looked at them for a moment more before he continued into the village. He looked critically back and forth as his entourage followed, Necrophage happily hopping along and Muse looking curiously back and forth as Rustproof simply loitered behind, smiling around at everything in his gentle, carefree way.

A lot of the homes here were old and needed to be updated, he noted: he saw some power cables here and there, but it looked like a lot of houses probably relied on power crystals and unicorn magic, which weren't necessarily bad things, but all the same, they had more effective means of power now. He noted heavy Nibelung influence in a lot of the more recent structures, and the roads under hoof were still dirt, with a bit of cobblestone here and there: it felt very strange on his hooves, which were used to clean stone and polished metal.

Thorn halted at a lamppost, studying it with a scowl as he jotted down a few quick notes: it was powered by a magic crystal that was likely charmed to glow when it grew dark. He clicked his tongue in distaste: the crystal would be easy to steal and convert into an explosive or power source for a low-grade golem, among a thousand other improvisations. In fact, looking around, he saw a lot of safety issues and security problems...

He paused, noting a large, open square ahead: as his eyes flicked back and forth, his horn gave a faint thrum, and he realized why it was so quiet here. There were ponies waiting for him ahead, gathered and hidden. Were they afraid of him?

Thorn frowned at this, and then he quickly lowered his clipboard before striding forwards, announcing clearly and crisply as he entered the square: “I am Thorn Blackfeather, here to provide a security assessment on behalf of Empress Hecate of the Clockwork Empire. Who is in charge here?”

There was an awkward silence for a few moments, and then ponies peeked out from behind half-covered wagons and stands, all of them looking uncomfortably at Thorn before a bright pink pony suddenly popped up out of seemingly nowhere beside the stallion, blurting out: “Weren't you even the slightest bit surprised?”

“No. If you were trying to run a security drill to impress me, you've failed.” Thorn said dryly, leaning back slightly from the earth pony: she had a poofy mane and bright blue eyes, exuding tremendous energy even for a Benevolent. “Why aren't you in Valhalla?”

“My big twin sister got me special permission to stay down here!” the mare said proudly, smiling brightly as she nodded firmly. “Me and my friends all get to serve as um... emiss... missy... um... uh, what are you doing?”

Thorn was jotting notes quickly over his clipboard, even as other ponies approached to look at him curiously, before another voice barked: “Sissy! And you, she asked you a damn question, don't just ignore her, asshole!”

Thorn's eyes flicked moodily towards a mare who stormed towards him like a bull: she was a darker, almost gray-pink, with a flat mane that fell in a waterfall over one eye; her irises were the same supernatural blue as her sister's, though, Thorn noted. His eyes traveled over her quickly, noting a few things at once, such as how the twins shared the same cutie mark, but whereas the bright one had balloons of blue and yellow, this one had balloons of gray and black.

This twin was also a demon, Thorn noted, and was tattooed with the symbol of Yggdrasil, wrapped in vines on the left side of her breast, signifying some sort of pact, magical or not, with the gigantic earth pony who was happily hopping beside her.

“Hello!” greeted this enormous, muscular stallion in a happy voice, his brown eyes twinkling with curiosity and interest. He was chestnut, with a mane and tail of living vines, in which Thorn could see glimmering gemstones. His cutie mark was the runic sigil of Yggdrasil, and he had a tattoo of vines twining around a series of runes over the right side of his breast, almost mirroring the tattoo that the mare had.

“Sleipnir. Pinkamena.” Thorn nodded to them politely, and both the demon and earth pony traded looks of surprise before the demon scowled and Sleipnir giggled and clapped his front hooves together, looking excitedly at Thorn. “I've been briefed on you, among others.”

“Oh.” Sleipnir's face fell slightly, and then he complained: “'Twas much more impressive before thou admitted that, friend! For a moment I thought thou wert a psychic! Or at least an entertaining magician of the stage.”

Thorn only looked at Sleipnir for a moment before Pinkamena said rudely: “And I already don't like you, or the fact that the flying head thinks she's got any right to shove her nose into our business. Especially after yanking her nose out of our business all those years ago.”

“Play nice, Pinkamena.” said a wry voice, and Thorn stiffened ever so slightly as his eyes immediately moved to the black unicorn who was approaching, studying him intently. He had a glossy, dark coat, an ivory mane, his mother's deep and soulful blue-green eyes, and a cutie mark of nine stars that formed a constellation of a blossom, and crystalline, unnatural wings that were currently draped around his body almost like a cape, faintly thrumming with magic energy. And lastly, crisscrossing his breast, were two large, claw-like scars: not his only scars, by far, but certainly the most obvious on his body.

“Antares Mīrus.” Thorn paused, his eyes flicking to the half-unicorn, half... something else beside him, and the silver Pegasus with her. “Innocence Sparkle. Scarlet Sage. I'm glad you're all here, I've been looking forward to meeting all of you.”

“You really sound it, pal.” Innocence said moodily, and Antares cleared his throat loudly. The mare sighed tiredly at this, but then she straightened and nodded grudgingly to him, as Thorn measured her with his eyes: her father's Tyrant Wyrm nature showed in her, from her deep-purple scaled features and flank and reptilian tail, to the claws she had instead of front hooves and the sharp teeth in her mouth. She had a curved, blade-like horn, and a steel-blue mane, and curious amethyst eyes, just like her mother, and her cutie mark was the scythe-like crest of Ceres. Around her neck hung a necklace: a crystalline star that glowed faintly with magic from within, and had a lightning bolt of metal inset into it.

The last Pegasus smiled and bowed her head politely, and Thorn turned her eyes towards her: her bright crimson mane and tail were both braided tightly, and her red eyes studied him with interest. She was pretty, and looked exceptionally youthful: that was because of her Blood Seer heritage, Thorn knew. His eyes lingered for a moment on the emblem on her flank, of a crimson mirror, and then he cleared his throat before beginning calmly: “My team and I are here to-”

“Oh holy crap, Rustproof?” Antares blurted suddenly, and he almost knocked Thorn over as he leapt towards the giant of a stallion, pulling him into a tight hug with a loud laugh. “Rusty! God damn, we thought we'd lost you forever! Oh, hey, it's so great to see you, the others are going to be so excited about it, and... Ross! Ross, you gotta come visit your Dad right away, he'll be thrilled!”

“Yep.” Rustproof said placidly, smiling as calmly as ever as he nodded, even as Scarlet Sage smiled widely and even Pinkamena looked as if she had been surprised into a bit of honest happiness, before Thorn cleared his throat loudly as he rose a hoof for silence and attention.

Antares looked at him dryly, but Thorn only said: “Pleasantries will have to wait. Rustproof is on duty for the moment as an agent of Decretum, as am I, and our job-”

Pinkamena stepped forwards and attempted to slug Thorn... and all eyes stopped to stare when Thorn easily caught her hoof without looking at her in his metal foreleg, halting the demon. She snarled, one eye twitching and her skin visibly rippling, before the mare's eyes widened as the ring around Thorn's horn glinted, and the stallion said quietly: “Please let me finish.”

The demon growled, but then yanked her hoof back, glaring at the stallion suspiciously. Antares winced a bit, looking uncertainly between Pinkamena and Thorn, as Sleipnir whistled loudly before remarking: “Thou art quite a bit faster than thou looks, especially with that great gauntlet thou art wearing.”

“Artificial limb.” Thorn corrected, and then he continued calmly: “Now, as I was saying. Due to security concerns, Decretum and Looking Glass World are working to come to an agreement that would allow us to combine our resources and better defend both our worlds. As part of this agreement, I am here to assess, analyze, and make recommendations on the possible sites for the location of the outpost, and to judge available personnel and your current... status.”

Thorn grimaced slightly as he floated his notepad back in front of himself, jotting a few notes as he looked quickly back around before he picked up: “According to the arrangements we have made, I will be lodging in the library. I will require-”

“Don't you worry about it, I'll show you around. I got the memo from Hecate.” Antares said airily, then he gestured quickly towards the library, grinning awkwardly as the other ponies looked nervously at each other. “Why don't you go uh, settle in into the library with your friends there, and... Rusty will... go to work. Right, Rusty? Work?”

Thorn frowned slightly, and then he wrote down a quick note on the clipboard before saying calmly: “Rustproof, finish your personal business quickly. Necrophage, Muse, let's go and check our accommodations.”

Thorn began to walk forwards, cutting through the group like an icebreaker, before he paused and added without looking back, making Antares blanch: “Also, do not lie to me, Antares Mīrus. My report will look very unfavorably upon that behavior.”

Without looking back, Thorn and his Replicant companions strode quickly through the square towards the massive tree that housed the library, and Antares watched him go before Innocence slowly leaned over to her brother and whispered: “I think he's a robot.”

“Let's peel his skin off and find out.” Pinkamena grumbled, and then she wrinkled up her muzzle and rubbed moodily at her nose, frowning slightly as she muttered: “Something... real weird about him, though... familiar.”

Sleipnir nodded thoughtfully, before Pinkie Pie complained: “He somehow saw right through the surprise party! Heck, he didn't even let us give him a surprise party! Or any kind of welcome party!”

“I think maybe I'll go and talk to him... and Rustproof, it's really good to see back. Apple Bloom is running the engineering building now, if you want to go set up shop there. And your Dad, of course, still lives in the same house. I'm sure he'll be really happy to see you.” Scarlet Sage encouraged, and Rustproof smiled as Antares grinned and brightened, looking up at the enormous stallion.

“Yeah! Let's go see Ross, and uh... then I can take you over to the Kwolek building. We named it after your Mom, after she... uh... I don't know if you know...”

“I talked to her. It's okay.” Rustproof said gently, and Antares blinked in surprise as Pinkamena cocked her head. “She works for Hecate now. Saw your parents, too.”

“Oh, yeah? Hey, how's Mutt doin'? I heard she and Dad and Mom got caught a while ago, but then they escaped Helheim again!” Antares grinned widely, shaking his head as the group all clustered around Rustproof. “They say anything about what happened to them? Or where they're going or... hey, does that mean they were at Hecate's? How is Hecate, too, huh?”

Rustproof only smiled, in his amiable, answering way, and then he strode easily past Antares, who huffed loudly before turning to follow quickly after his friend. Innocence rolled her eyes, and Pinkamena tossed a moody look towards the treehouse before Sleipnir said kindly: “Come, phoenix. I am sure he is just nervous, and wishes to do a good job in service to his matriarch. He meant no offense to thee or any of us... in fact, I sense a funny sort of kinship with him!”

“That's what weirds me out.” Pinkamena muttered, before she shook her head and sighed as her sister bounced a little on the spot. “Calm down, sissy. Alright, come on, Pinkie Pie. You can't just do parties all the time. You do your job or you get sent back to Heaven.”

Pinkie Pie nodded, turning to follow Pinkamena and Sleipnir as they began to walk away, before she said quickly: “But we gotta come up with some kind of party for him!”

“Luna would give him a hoof party.” Pinkamena grumbled, before she frowned a little, looking moodily at the tree before she shook her head and muttered: “No. That's stupid. What the hell am I thinking?”

Meanwhile, Scarlet Sage was heading towards the tree with Innocence, the scaled mare looking less than thrilled as she said grumpily: “I don't trust him. At all.”

“You're never going to let that go, are you?” Scarlet Sage asked, and Innocence grumbled and shifted back and forth before the Pegasus reassured gently: “Even if Hecate left, she's never really abandoned us, Sin. She's always been... watching over us, I guess you could say.”

“Like Valhalla.” Innocence said dryly, and Scarlet Sage sighed and gave the mare a half-amused, half-annoyed look, which made the scaled unicorn finally drop her head and mumble: “I know, I know, I'm trying. I just really don't like the thought of... letting someone come in and protect us. And so far this guy hasn't made a very good impression.”

“Hate to say this, but you're not great at first impressions either, little miss murder everything.” Scarlet Sage said pointedly, and Innocence grumbled even as her eyes shifted lamely to the side. “Give him a chance. I have a feeling about him.”

“Well, I do too. He sucks.” piped up a third voice, and Scarlet Sage sighed as Innocence grinned a little, the two mares looking back at Antares as he threw a foreleg companionably around both his sisters. “Rusty wanted to be alone when he goes to see Ross. He didn't quite say that but I know that's what he meant, so. I decided to come back here and make sure our new friend here doesn't go psycho on you two, because I know neither of you can save the day from the evil Replicants without my help.”

Scarlet Sage rolled her eyes, and Innocence huffed and attempted to slash her brother with her horn, but he parried the attack with his own before grinning and shoving himself backwards, the two siblings stabbing and slashing at each other as the Pegasus politely knocked at the library door, ignoring the sparring.

The door opened after a moment to reveal Muse, who smiled hesitantly before she said quietly: “We're not going to hurt you. We're just here to accompany Thorn, and he's really very kind.”

Antares halted and looked dumb, before he squawked when Innocence blasted him off his hooves with telekinesis before the scaled unicorn looked up and said dryly: “We've heard that before. We'll judge for ourselves, thanks.”

“Of course.” Muse murmured, blushing and nodding quickly as she stepped backwards, gesturing politely for them to enter as she stepped out of the way.

The siblings found Thorn at a desk, quickly writing a report on his clipboard as a holographic screen floated beside him, the sapphire stallion frowning slightly. Antares narrowed his eyes at him as Innocence cocked her head curiously, but Scarlet Sage decided to leave him alone for now, instead turning to look at the Replicants.

Necrophage bounced happily on her hooves, and Muse simply lingered beside her sister, looking back and forth as if she felt out of place. The Pegasus smiled kindly as she approached them, nodding to the two before she asked: “How's Hecate?”

“Great! Right, Thorn? I can talk about your Mommy, right?” Necrophage asked brightly, and Innocence and Antares' jaws both dropped as Scarlet Sage looked with surprise at the sapphire stallion.

Thorn didn't look up, only nodding and gesturing absently with one hoof as he muttered: “Yes, fine. Just let me finish this calculation.”

“Told you so.” Innocence whispered to her brother, who narrowed his eyes at Thorn. After a moment, Innocence frowned before she reached up to slowly poke Antares in the side a few times with a claw, but Antares was leaning forwards intently, squinting at Thorn as hard as he could. “Uh. Antares?”

Antares didn't reply, and Thorn finally looked up as he felt Antares' eyes on him, the sapphire stallion frowning slightly before he simply shrugged and instead turned towards the Replicants, lifting two rectangular devices free from his saddlebag. “Muse, Necrophage, please take these Mission Drives and use them to map out the area around Ponyville. I need to find the weakest point in reality.”

“You got it, boss!” Necrophage bounced over to Thorn, happily taking her device as her sister gently took hers in telekinesis, floating it over to strap it on herself. Necrophage, meanwhile, paused before leaping forward and hugging Thorn, making him wince slightly before she bounced backwards and smiled brightly at him. “Don't work too hard, sir, okay?”

Thorn shrugged a bit, and then he gestured to the Replicants, who both saluted before they turned to head outside. Innocence and Scarlet Sage both turned to watch them go, while Antares continued to stare at Thorn, until the sapphire stallion asked dryly: “What do you need help with?”

“Dammit!” Antares burst out, glaring at Thorn. “I can't read you! Why can't I read you?”

Thorn simply looked mildly at Antares, before he stated dryly: “Because while your special talent is observation and acuity, you have nothing to measure me against. My behaviors are different from most ponies.”

“He is a robot!” Antares shouted, before he pawed at the ground and then charged, yelling: “Get the robot!”

Innocence shouted immediately as well and bolted after her brother as Scarlet Sage dropped her face in a hoof. Thorn, however, only frowned a little deeper before he shifted ever so slightly to the side as Antares leapt at him in a wide tackle, and the black stallion's eyes widened, only catching himself because his body reacted on instinct and moved for him.

Innocence snapped her horn forward, sending a telekinetic hammer at Thorn and figuring she could blame any damage she did on Antares. As dumb as they both acted at times, she already understood that Antares was trying to learn something about Thorn, was trying to get a glimpse of what was under his cold outer shell-

Thorn's horn pulsed, and Innocence's eyes widened in shock as her telekinetic attack was neutralized. She bared her teeth as she continued to charge, however, going into a wild lunge as Antares leapt at Thorn's back.

And, without hesitating, Thorn easily sidestepped again, the two siblings crashing face-first into each other in the air and flopping stupidly to the ground as Scarlet Sage mumbled: “Horses of Heaven, do you two ever remind me of Mom right now.”

“I was told to expect this kind of behavior.” Thorn said distastefully as he looked down at the two ponies, who were both glaring dazedly at him from the ground. “I have no interest in sparring with either of you today. My first job is assessing the state of this village and mapping out the other points of interest in the area. Combat analysis can wait until the third or fourth day of my assessment.”

“I'll kick your ass!” Innocence shouted, shoving herself up to her claws and making Antares squawk as she stood on top of his head, the stallion flailing uselessly beneath her. “Come on, let's see what you're made of, robot!”

“Yeah, robot! And... Innocence, get off my damn head!” Antares snapped, and Innocence grumbled before hopping off the stallion, and the two shoved at each other for a few moments before they both glared at the sapphire pony.

Thorn looked moodily back, and then Scarlet Sage asked politely: “Thorn, would you like to join me and my family for dinner at my house tonight? We have more than enough room for you and your friends, if they would like to come too.”

Antares and Innocence both stared at Scarlet Sage, and then Antares opened his mouth to scoff, before he almost choked in surprise when Thorn said politely: “I would appreciate that very much. Thank you, Scarlet Sage. When should I arrive?”

“How does around six sound? You and your friends can settle in and we'll eat around seven or a little later.” Scarlet replied gently, and Thorn nodded before the silver Pegasus asked: “Is there anything else you need help with? I run the clinic in town, and I'm an officer in the Starlit Knights, who protect Ponyville and the surrounding area. I'd be more than happy to help guide you around-”

“Oh no, Scar. You suck, and you're apparently a traitor now, on top of that.” Antares grumbled, before he walked up to Thorn and puffed out his chest, raising his head high and doing his best to look as intimidating as possible as his crystalline wings spread wide, glittering with white, quartz-like stone. “I'll walk around with the robot.”

“We both will!” Innocence added, half-leaping over Antares' back and leaning over him, glaring down at Thorn as he only looked fearlessly back at the two. “Then we can make sure this robot doesn't get up to anything bad. Right, Antares?”

“Right.” Antares nodded firmly, glaring distrustfully down at Thorn, and Thorn simply looked back at the two ponies before he turned around, ignoring them completely.

“I can find my way around by myself, thank you. It's important that I stay professional and impartial.” Thorn responded, nodding to the Pegasus before he shot a moody look towards Antares and Innocence, who were both glaring at him suspiciously. “Your assistance will not be necessary either.”

Innocence began to open her mouth, but Antares quickly reached up and covered her muzzle, saying slowly: “Yeah. Yeah. We'll totally stay out of your way. Don't you worry about that.”

Thorn looked moodily at the two for a moment, and then he sighed before shaking his head and turning to head towards the door, saying shortly: “Excuse me. I have business to attend to and have to introduce myself to your town's mayor.”

The sapphire stallion exited quickly, and Scarlet Sage glared at her siblings, who ignored her as they traded looks before Innocence asked: “Are we gonna follow him?”

“You bet.” Antares confirmed, and then he and his sister both scrambled for the door as Scarlet Sage rolled her eyes and sighed.

But, she supposed wryly, when you kept looking too closely at all the shiny little details, it was easy to miss the big picture.

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