• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 1,178 Views, 157 Comments

Hecate's Orphanage - BlackRoseRaven

Cadence and other ponies from across countless parallel worlds work together to protect their universe from monsters.

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Our Hopes And Dreams

Chapter Forty Seven: Our Hopes And Dreams

Thesis gritted his teeth, clenching his eyes shut as Thorn finished the surgery on his back, the sapphire stallion leaning away from the bloody, energy-bleeding crater before he nodded once and said quietly: “That should do it. At least... I think it should. Your physical appearance may be the same, but your physiology... the workings of your body are now very different.”

“Yeah. Being dead will do that to you.” Thesis mumbled, before he shook himself out as he hesitantly stood up on top of the blanket Thorn had laid out, grimacing and flexing slowly. “I can feel them in my back, a little more distinctly than I used to be able to...”

Thorn nodded once as he stepped back, and Thesis fidgeted a little before Thorn chastised: “The nodes need to settle into place. Don't move too much or you could disrupt the-”

“Is he always like this?” Thesis asked mildly, looking pointedly over at Moonflower and Cadence, but both ponies were just staring at him, looking a little ill. “What? Hey, you can't look at me like that. I'm not ugly. Unless you're sick with envy, that is. That's fine.”

Cadence shook her head quickly, then she grimaced a bit before shoving Moonflower as he continued to stare, the black unicorn yelping before he blurted: “Are you okay? Your back is... open!”

“Yes. My back is open. It's a... quirk.” Thesis said with a shrug of his shoulders, giving a slight smile before he added mildly, as he looked over at Thorn: “And contrary to what Thorn here seems to think, it actually does hurt like hell when you stick large objects in there. Did you really have to go with the size nines?”

“Actually they were five inch adaman screws.” Thorn corrected, and Thesis gave him a dour look.

“You do know that like, I know you're taking everything I say literally on purpose, right? I know you're not that dumb.” Thesis said dryly, and Thorn looked at him pointedly. “Not... dumb-dumb, I know you're not a dumb-dumb, I mean. You know what I mean. Stop it. You're weird.”

Thorn only looked at Thesis for a few more moments, and then he turned towards Cadence and Moonflower, explaining: “Thesis was badly injured during his days serving in the Equestrian military. He had several surgeries in the past similar to this to install synthetics capable of mobilizing his body.”

“And that thing we call an exoskeleton. Although...” Thesis hesitated, looking a little uneasily at Thorn as he gestured awkwardly towards the engine-looking thing sitting a few feet away. “It's uh... 'safe,' right?”

Thorn scowled slightly back at Thesis as if insulted, responding: “Of course it's safe. This new model of exoskeleton is based on my exosuit. It uses electrical impulses and servomotors, not the Clay of Prometheus. You may be more limited, power-wise-”

“Limitations exist to be overcome. Didn't Mom ever tell you that, squirt?” Thesis asked as he reached up to knock on Thorn's helmet again, and the sapphire stallion gave him a horrible look in response. “I'll take that as a no.”

Thorn only rolled his eyes, and then Cadence said softly: “You know, you're... really different than what I remember. Especially with the whole... emotions thing.”

“I know. Believe me, I know. I was... in a bad place back then. I'm better now, sort of.” Thesis absently gestured at himself, tapping a hoof against his own breast. “I'm dead, and I'm working for the enemy, but... overall, I'm pretty great, I think.”

Thorn sighed a little as Thesis winked over at Cadence, and the ivory mare smiled a little before she thought she caught some strange, faint whiff of energy. Her eyes narrowed, and she felt the Swan stir inside of her as Thesis frowned a little before Cadence shook her head and mumbled: “Sorry. I just got the weirdest sensation for a moment.”

Thesis only shrugged easily, then he looked over at Moonflower, who smiled lamely before the black unicorn said helpfully: “I think you're an exquisite deep shade of Prussian blue!”

“Uh. Thanks.” Thesis said awkwardly, and Thorn smiled a little despite himself before the black stallion said mildly: “You know, Moonflower, Melinda was pretty interested in you. She said that while my little brother here has the greatest control she's ever seen-” He reached up and flung a foreleg around Thorn's neck, nearly choking him as he grinned widely. “You, on the other hoof, had the most power she's ever witnessed in any unicorn. You should be proud of yourself.”

“I... certainly am!” Moonflower replied with an honest smile, raising his head as he gave the faintest blush before he added hurriedly: “Not that it isn't expected, of course, as I am... I am the Lord of Darkness and the Loremaster of Decretum, and-”

“Where did this Loremaster crap come from, anyway?” Cadence interrupted, and Moonflower scowled horribly at her, but the mare only shrugged and looked mildly back at him. “Hey, you're the one who keeps saying it. Usually you have some kind of weird reasoning behind the stupid stuff you blurt out.”

“Of course, it is because I am... smart. I am the smartest in all of Decretum!” Moonflower declared, thrusting a hoof in the air, and when Thorn and Cadence both looked at him mildly, he cleared his throat awkwardly before lowering his head slightly and saying finally: “Lore... wise, I mean. Spellbook wise. I know more spells than any other pony in Decretum. And am capable of casting them all. I am therefore the Loremaster and that is not just another title I have bestowed upon myself.”

“Decretum's current Loremaster is actually Isle Vitalis. She possesses knowledge of almost every unicorn spell known to ponykind, and learns more as we gain new insight from other versions of Midgard.” Thorn said as he carefully extracted himself from Thesis, and Moonflower's face fell before the sapphire stallion smiled maybe ever so slightly, adding: “But you have far greater potential power than her. I don't think Loremaster is a fitting title, Moonflower, but if you're serious about it, we can find you a better position.”

Moonflower smiled warmly even as he shifted ever-so-hesitantly, and Thorn added: “Of course, that wouldn't negate your current obligations and duties with Team 0-0. You would still be expected to play your role as a soldier of Decretum.”

“Yes, of course! I mean... I still think I deserve to be a team leader, at some point, but I am more than willing to continue to... uh... help out where my help is needed.” Moonflower said hurriedly, nodding a few times before he smiled over at Cadence. “I wouldn't want to leave my team struggling without me, after all.”

“You're a real saint, Moonflower.” Cadence said ironically, and then she turned her eyes towards Thesis and Thorn. “Do we... not that I want to rush things along...”

“I should have a few more hours before I have to make my report, and Rig is going to be busy for a while. But like I said... I think Miss Witch knows exactly what's going on here.” Thesis quieted, shaking his head briefly as Thorn looked at him. “Hey, don't give me those puppy eyes. Besides, you and I both know it's... better this way.”

“It would be better if you would come back with us. We could contain Rig. We could do a thousand things to try and help you.” Thorn said softly, and Thesis smiled faintly at him, which made Thorn chuckle quietly and nod slowly. “Yes, I know. But you know too.”

“I do. We're family. This is what we do for each other.” Thesis quieted, and then he smiled before slapping Thorn on the back, saying warmly: “Hey, did I tell you that I got a chance to fight your parents? It was pretty fun, right up until your Mom punched me into a hole in the ground with her magic fist things.”

Jötunnfang. I think it literally means the giant's hands, but I may be wrong.” Thorn replied with a small smile, nodding briefly to Thesis. “I take it you didn't capture them?”

“I stood no chance.” Thesis stopped, then he softened and asked quietly: “Why are you giving me this exoskeleton when you know that Thokk might know, when you know that... I'll use it to capture your parents? Helping family, I get that, but-”

“Oh, you won't be able to capture them even with this. You're no match for any one of them, let alone all three of them together.” Thorn replied, and Thesis gave the sapphire stallion a look even as a slight smile twitched at his muzzle. “It's true. It's a simple matter of applying your approximated combat statistics against theirs.”

“Hey, you know, I totally was saying that before you, and while I was crazy.” Thesis replied mildly, reaching up and shoving a hoof against Thorn's horn, making him scowl. “And furthermore, I said the same thing about your parents. There was absolutely no way they could match me in combat, and I proved that consistently. And in the end, they still beat me.”

Thorn nodded, replying dryly: “Precisely. They beat you before when you were superior to them. Now you're inferior.”

“Well, at least I'm not an asshole.” Thesis said pointedly, and Thorn continued to look at him until Thesis said awkwardly: “I'm... implying you're an asshole.”

The sapphire stallion nodded seriously, and then he turned his eyes back towards Cadence and Moonflower, saying: “Moonflower, I need your help to install the exoskeleton in Thesis' back. Cadence, afterwards, I would like you and my brother to spar, to ensure the systems are working. Are you comfortable with this?”

Thesis smiled a little as Cadence shifted, remembering the first and last time she had fought this stallion: she had only been a filly, and she had been in the company of both her father and the dragon, and he had been savage...

“If you're not comfortable with it, don't worry. I'll just give my brother the ass-kicking he needs.” Thesis said blandly, as he reached up to pat Thorn on the head, making him glower in the stallion's direction.

“No, it's fine. I... need to see how much I've improved, anyway.” Cadence replied with a small smile, nodding briefly to the stallion as she studied him for a few moments. “Just... be nice to me, huh?”

Thesis chuckled quietly at this, shrugging a bit before he replied kindly: “Hey, don't worry. I'm not the kind of stallion who likes to beat mares senseless. Usually just enough to make sure you know your place and all.”

The Replicant winked, and Cadence rolled her eyes in amusement before Thorn said mildly: “You two can try and get to know each other better after we install the exoskeleton. Moonflower, bring the machine here, please.”

The black unicorn nodded hurriedly, almost yanking the machine into the air with telekinesis and making Thorn wince, while Thesis snorted before he flexed a little, saying mildly: “If you're sure. But like I said, we don't really have to rush here or anything. I've got a little longer.”

Thorn smiled briefly, glancing over at Thesis as he replied: “The scans don't indicate-”

“Whoa, hey, whoa. You've been scanning me this whole time? Uncool. Not cool at all.” Thesis said disapprovingly, but Thorn only continued to look at him mildly, unfettered as ever. “You know, you're way too much like Mom. Always so strict. Always so scary. Always jumping to conclusions, like that time she found those magazines under my bed. Did she ever find magazines under your bed, Thorn?”

“We don't have magazines native to Decretum. They're imported from other worlds or treated as artifacts.” Thorn answered, and Thesis gave him a dry look before the stallion instructed: “Lay back down on your stomach.”

“And raise my rump in the air? You shouldn't think about me that way, Thorn.” Thesis replied glibly, and Moonflower giggled childishly as Cadence grinned: not so much at Thesis' joke, but at the impenetrable thousand yard stare that Thorn gave him. “Oh, fine. You're no fun, you know that?”

“I am not, and I do.” Thorn answered and Thesis glowered at him before he sighed when Thorn gestured with his hoof again at the ground, the Replicant muttering under his breath as he carefully settled down on his stomach.

Thorn nodded as he began to turn towards Moonflower, but then blinked and returned his eyes to Thesis when the Replicant grasped his foreleg suddenly, the two looking at each other for a few moments before the Replicant said quietly: “If I start going crazy, break it.”

“I'll shut it down.” Thorn promised, and Thesis gave a small smile before the sapphire stallion added quietly: “But I think Thokk is smart enough to know to wait until you get back before she does anything.”

“Yeah. But... just in case.” Thesis smiled briefly, and then he sighed a little before laying his head down, asking: “Direct attachment?”

“Pressure, weight, and magnetization.” Thorn replied with a shrug, before he added: “I can also cauterize if necessary, but-”

“Nope.” Thesis said immediately, and he grimaced a bit as Moonflower awkwardly hovered the exoskeleton slowly over to Thorn, who gently guided it above Thesis. “Look, I still feel pain, you know. It's muted, and it's different from when I was alive, sure, but in some ways it's even more unpleasant. It's like-”

Moonflower winced as Thorn suddenly pulled the exoskeleton down, and Thesis arched his back with a gasp as it slammed almost perfectly into the open wound in his body, his eyes bulging before he slumped and wheezed: “It feels a lot like that, you bastard.”

Thorn shrugged and smiled wryly, and Thesis wheezed a few times before he grimaced a bit as there were several loud clicks from his back before Thorn said calmly: “Moonflower, I need you to charge the crystal here on the back. I also need you to apply a bit of your gravity magic to the shell.”

“That sounds dangerous.” Thesis said moodily as Moonflower nervously strode around to Thesis' back, his eyes locking on the hidden panel that Thorn had opened with telekinesis, studying the simple crystal battery inside, before Moonflower's eyes slowly slid down to stare at Thesis' rump.

Thorn sighed tiredly, then he smacked Moonflower firmly, making him yelp before he quickly focused back on the crystal battery, his horn glowing as he said awkwardly: “I was just. Thinking of how that might affect his body, that's all!”

“I'm sure you were.” Thorn said dryly, and then he shook his head before he returned his eyes to Thesis, adding: “We're experimenting with a new type of modification. It's in its beginning stages, but all the same, it should work excellently.”

“So you're using me as a guinea pig, huh? I guess that's actually not the worst idea, all things considered.” Thesis said ironically, and Thorn smiled briefly before the Replicant shook his head. “Well, I trust you, and... hey, if it doesn't work, I'll try not to hold it against you. But I might want to beat you up.”

Thorn only shrugged, then he nodded to Moonflower as the sapphire stallion finished charging the battery, machinery whirring loudly as it began to come to life. The sapphire pony closed the hatch over the battery with a flick of his horn, and then he said softly: “Now, seal it with your gravity magic. You should be able to feel the metal's reactivity. Be careful to stick to the edges of the machinery.”

Moonflower bit his lip nervously, but then he nodded quickly before taking a slow breath, carefully tilting his horn forwards as it thrummed with dark energy. “I'll... do my best to.”

“You don't have to do your best, Moonflower. Just focus, and do.” replied Thorn, and Moonflower smiled a bit before he nodded again as he carefully focused his magic over the edge of the exoskeleton.

The metal glimmered strangely in reaction to the stallion's powers, sinking slightly further into his back as Thesis grimaced a little, and Thorn watched intently through his visor. Moonflower could feel it slightly, but Thorn was able to get a better view through the reading on his lenses. It was transforming as they had theorized: as Moonflower's magic spread through the metal, the metal itself reacted by sealing itself against Thesis's body, flowing like a waxy tide.

“That stings.” Thesis grimaced a bit as he shifted a little, but Thorn grasped his shoulder, and the Replicant ground his teeth together even as he forced his body to relax, muttering: “I'm trying. But it hurts. And it feels like it's literally merging with my body.”

“This avoids me literally melting it onto your body, so you should be thankful.” Thorn replied dryly, and Thesis winced slightly before he nodded awkwardly. “Good. Stay still so we don't interrupt the process at all.”

Thesis nodded again, breathing slowly as he lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes, and Moonflower bit his lip as he continued to trace along the edge of the machine with his magic, being as gentle and controlled as he could.

It took several minutes, but when Moonflower stepped back, Thesis absently rolled his shoulders before he stood up almost immediately, only needing to shake his head slightly to clear it as he remarked wryly: “Well, that was a lot better than most of the times I've been flat on my stomach.”

Thorn absently clicked through several levels of his visor, and then he nodded once. “It looks like it worked as expected. Is there any discomfort? Has your movement been affected?”

Thesis paused for a moment, then he suddenly flung himself backwards, flipping neatly once before landing on his rear hooves with both forelegs out. Thorn scowled a bit as Cadence smiled despite herself and Moonflower clapped with a giggle. “Feels fine!”

Thorn rolled his eyes as Thesis dropped back to his hooves, and then he smiled briefly over his shoulder at the exoskeleton: now that it was implanted in his back, he was able to see a lot of the differences between this one and the older one far more clearly: this one didn't have visible pistons, but instead four servomotors that were slightly recessed into the shell of metal, all whirring away and stimulating his body with energy.

He flexed slowly, then nodded once as he rose a hoof, saying softly: “Yeah. The weight distribution feels a lot better. Also feels like it should be easier to move around like this.” He paused, then concentrated for a moment as his body tensed-

Thesis vanished from the spot, then reappeared on Thorn's other side a second later, the sapphire stallion giving the briefest smile as Cadence and Moonflower both stared in shock. “Mimics that too, huh?”

He halted, then rolled his shoulders slowly as he shoved a hoof against the ground, and veins of corruption spread through the metal before turning to solid crystal. Cadence's eyes widened further at this, but Thesis smiled briefly after a moment before he said softly: “Amazing. You've designed it to help stabilize the chemical imbalances as well. Excitement and adrenaline will no longer cause the synthesis of...”

He closed his eyes for a moment, frowning slightly, then he shook his head quickly before smiling as he rose his head, meeting Thorn's eyes. “Okay. Maybe not perfect. But still way better than it's ever been. Since, you know, I'm not going crazy and all.”

Thorn smiled briefly, and Thesis grinned a little before he turned his eyes towards Cadence, asking easily: “Do you feel up to a spar, then, or am I too intimidating for you?”

“It's like Daddy's, huh?” Cadence mused more than asked, but Thorn nodded all the same as Thesis cocked his head.

“In design, not function.” Thorn answered, and when Thesis poked him, he explained: “Cadence's father, Sombra, was forcibly augmented with a Clay of Prometheus prototype. In some ways, the experimentation done on him bears some similarities to the Replicant project, but there was no intended outcome beyond making him... hostile.”

“King Serenite... I remember him.” Thesis chuckled quietly, then he shook his head slowly as he smiled briefly over at Cadence. “Right. He stopped me from assassinating you. Which, I mean, I apologize for. I wasn't myself at the time, though, and I was under orders... although neither of those things are a really good excuse.”

Cadence smiled briefly, and then Thesis winked before he rose a hoof, asking easily: “But if you're a big girl now and you want a bit of revenge, well, here's your chance. I promise not to teleport circles around you.”

The ivory mare snorted in amusement at this, and then she shook her head before she stood up. For a moment she remembered what it had been like, as a little filly, facing a cold, hard, compassionless monster who had devastated her in a short, vicious fight, but she wasn't a little filly anymore, was she? And nor was this stallion the broken, heartless thing she had met before. “I remember nearly making you cry.”

“Hey, you used that weird emotion magic on me. That wasn't fair.” Thesis retorted, as Moonflower cocked his head curiously and Thorn turned his eyes with interest towards Cadence.

“What is he talking about?” Thorn asked, and Cadence smiled lamely before she shrugged awkwardly.

“Just a childish trick. I used to be able to do a funny sort of magic that was... well, I don't think it's got any use anymore. I've never seen Brokenhearted outside of my own layer of Midgard, and I guess Thesis was-”

“Show me, please.” Thorn said, and Cadence shifted awkwardly before she cocked an eyebrow at Thesis when he nodded vigorously.

“Hey, yeah, I agree! Why don't you show Thorn that magic?” Thesis said pointedly, and Cadence shifted awkwardly before she looked at Thorn, who was giving his brother a dry look.

Then the sapphire stallion turned his eyes towards Cadence and shrugged, saying finally: “Go ahead. It's better if I experience it anyway, so I can judge the effects.”

Cadence smiled lamely, and then she bit her lip before concentrating, her horn taking on a rosy glow as she muttered: “Okay, but... don't blame me if anything weird happens.”

Thorn simply shrugged, before he frowned slightly as Cadence bit her lip as a rose-colored bubble slowly peeled itself out of her horn, the mare mumbling: “This is a lot harder than I remember it being...”

She floated the bubble slowly over towards Thorn, the sapphire stallion frowning slightly before he flinched when the bubble made contact with him and popped. For a moment, there was nothing, and then Thorn giggled, making Moonflower stare and Thesis cover his muzzle to try and hide a grin.

Thorn blinked a few times, and then he scowled again after a moment, chewing distastefully at his tongue as he muttered: “Short lived emotional discharge.”

“That's a great way to phrase it.” Thesis said mildly, and Thorn gave him a dry look. “Hey, I didn't say it. You said it.”

Thorn rolled his eyes, and then he nodded briefly once before muttering: “Interesting reaction, though. Emotional magic: I can see some use for it, but it would also require some modification to be any use in a combat setting.”

“I didn't know you could do that!” Moonflower blurted out in an almost-offended voice, and Cadence gave an awkward smile and shrug to the black unicorn, who scowled a little before he screwed up his face as he visibly concentrated: “Oh, how hard could it be to-”

Lightning shocked over Moonflower's body, and he flopped backwards, blinking several times before squawking loudly, and Thorn sighed a little as he said dryly: “The difficulty isn't in focusing the magic, bur rather in extending emotional reach. How do you form emotional energy into magical energy, then pass that on to someone else to replicate emotion?”

“I don't understand what you just said. Okay, Cadence, let's spar. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two.” Thesis said easily, winking over at the ivory mare, and Cadence smiled awkwardly before she nodded and stepped forwards, taking a slow breath as she felt the Swan twist inside of her.

Thesis smiled, and Thorn nodded before he stepped backwards, the sapphire stallion absently reaching out to grasp Moonflower's shoulder when the unicorn sat up before half-pulling him away to the edge of the hall, giving Cadence and Thesis plenty of room.

The two faced each other for a few moments, studying one-another before Thesis grinned widely and remarked easily: “You know, you're pretty pretty. How much time do you spend each morning polishing your golden horseshoes?”

“Oh great, you're going to be one of those people.” Cadence said dryly, and then she asked: “Weapons or no weapons?”

“Come at me with everything you've got. I need to do a light workout anyway. Have to maintain my girlish figure.” Thesis said with a wink, and Cadence scowled before the Replicant flexed one foreleg, adding: “I say that for your benefit, by the way, to make you feel less bad about the fact you're a little more butch than me. I mean, I'm handsome, not butch, and-”

A throwing knife sank home into Thesis' bicep, and his eyes bulged before he slapped wildly at this, grabbing at his limb and glaring at Cadence as she said dryly: “Just shut up and fight.”

Thesis shrugged, smiling at her pleasantly after a moment, and Cadence opened her mouth as she leaned forwards slightly. And in that moment, the Replicant struck like a snake, lunging forwards with a speed that Cadence knew she couldn't match before she was slammed into the air by an uppercut.

Her wings spread and flapped hard on reflex more than anything else, releasing a flash of energy that knocked Thesis skidding backwards as he covered his eyes with a curse. Cadence gritted her teeth as she shot down towards him, slamming a kick into the side of Thesis' head, and he yelped in pain as he was knocked skidding over the ground on his face before he rolled sharply back up to his hooves, glaring at the ivory mare as she landed.

“Thesis is using the durability of his body to test you. Cadence's movements and reactions are enhanced by the combat ability of the Swan.” Thorn explained, and both ponies shouted a similar order at the sapphire stallion, which only made him shrug. “Fine. If neither of you want combat analysis, I'll shut up.”

“Please do. You're going to ruin all the surprises.” Thesis said dryly, and then he turned back towards Cadence-

A knife slammed home into his face, and Thesis staggered backwards, grabbing wildly at his features as he howled: “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Don't take your eyes off the target.” Cadence answered flatly, and Thesis winced as he yanked the knife loose from his head, a faint steam of energy rising up before the wound closed almost instantly. “Plus, your body is almost indestructible.”

“Yeah, that doesn't mean I like having knives sticking literally out of my face.” Thesis retorted, glaring at Cadence before he charged suddenly forwards.

Cadence leapt backwards as she drew two more throwing knives out of her bandoleer, flinging them sharply at Thesis' face, but the stallion deflected them both as he sprung towards the mare. She ducked sharply under his attack, but then her eyes widened as she felt something being yanked off her back before she spun around-

And found herself staring down the barrel of her own gun, Thesis grinning and with the MARES rifle fully extended, the gun balanced upside-down on his shoulder as he caressed the trigger with a hoof. He was facing away from her, but all the same, Cadence felt like his eyes were locked on her own as he said pleasantly: “What are you going to do now?”

Cadence narrowed her eyes slightly, before they widened as Thorn noted: “The safety's on.”

Thesis winced, then savagely kicked backwards with both rear hooves, but Cadence threw herself out of the way before her horn glowed brightly as Thesis spun around: just as the Replicant began to bring the rifle down, he was blasted backwards by a white fireball, the gun flying out of his hooves as he yelped in surprise before Cadence shot forwards, catching the rifle in midair before she dropped like a meteor, slamming down on top of the Replicant and pinning him under her rear hooves as she shoved the barrel of the gun down into his face.

She glared down at him as Thesis stared up at her blankly for a few moments, and then the stallion suddenly grinned as he blushed ever so slightly, saying lamely: “So uh... you've grown up.”

Cadence grunted, glowering down at the stallion before Thorn remarked dryly: “The safety is still on.”

“I know. But if he moves I'm going to shove this through his eye.” Cadence grumbled, and Thesis winced slightly before the ivory mare asked: “Another round?”

“I... I think I'm good, thanks. You're pretty impressive.” Thesis said awkwardly, as he carefully reached up to push the barrel of the rifle away from his eye. Cadence grunted, but then she smiled ever so slightly before nodding once as she stepped off the stallion, Thesis gazing after her awkwardly before he gave a goofy grin and reached up to rub a hoof lamely through his mane.

Thorn frowned slightly at this, but Moonflower's eyes slowly widened before he clapped his hooves violently together several times, almost shouting: “Let's have dinner!”

The other ponies all stared blankly at the black unicorn for a few moments, and Moonflower gave an awkward smile before he said hurriedly: “Well, you know, uh... you must need to eat after that workout, very... it was very intense, and you're... you should always eat after surgery!”

“I'm not sure that's logical at all.” Thorn said slowly, and then he blinked in surprise when Moonflower grabbed him and shook him firmly once, giving him a very pointed look that told Thorn... I do not know what he's trying to tell me. “We... don't have any food, anyway. And Thesis should-”

“Your handsome, talented, charming brother can stay a paltry ten more minutes to enjoy a bit of manna with us, I think!” Moonflower urged, waggling his eyebrows at Thorn as if he was still trying to send him a message, before the unicorn suddenly spun towards Thesis as Cadence scowled uncertainly: “You can spare five minutes, can't you?”

“Well, you said ten minutes, but... if you only want me here for five, I'm sure I can.” Thesis said mildly, shrugging a bit.

Cadence, however, grimaced slightly as she holstered her rifle, saying moodily: “Moonflower, the last time you tried to magic up food, you ended up covering all of us in... I hope to the Horses of Heaven you weren't lying when you said ectoplasm, because it sure as hell looked and smelled like-”

“It was a mistake!” Moonflower blurted out, waving his hooves erratically in the air, and then he cleared his throat awkwardly before quickly stepping forwards as his horn glowed brightly. “Watch. I'll prove it.”

Moonflower took a slow breath, then he gently swayed his horn to the side as it thrummed with energy, and there was a faint pulse of magic before several heaping bowls and plates of food assembled themselves. Cadence looked uncertainly over the feast that had appeared out of thin air, while Thesis whistled a little, remarking: “Not bad.”

“No... no, just... a simple parlor trick, really.” Moonflower wheezed, and Thorn smiled despite himself: creating edible, actual food was much more difficult than most ponies understood. It wasn't just a matter of simulating taste and nutritional values, but making it real: food that was illusory or short-lived could very well hurt the pony who tried to eat it, for all sorts of reasons.

He reached up and patted Moonflower on the back as his visor beeped a few times, scanning quickly over the food: not perfect, he noted, but definitely edible. “It's more than that. I suppose we can... take a moment to eat.”

Moonflower brightened immensely at this, throwing off his moment of windedness to nod vehemently in agreement. He looked almost imploringly towards Cadence and Thesis, and the two traded awkward looks before they both shrugged, then leaned forwards, both reaching out to take an apple.

Moonflower's eyes almost sparkled when the two grasped the same fruit, and then Thesis grinned lamely at Cadence, but the mare only grabbed a different apple from the pile and gave a small shrug, looking awkwardly at the stallion.

They half-turned away from each other, and Moonflower grabbed the sides of his head in consternation as Thorn only blinked and slowly tilted his head. Then he shrugged before reaching out to pick up a tart off another tray as he started: “The exoskeleton shouldn't require much upkeep. If it is severely damaged, however, you'll need-”

“I know, I know. I'm not going to break it, don't worry.” Thesis half-glanced over his shoulder, and then he softened a little before adding quietly: “Thorn... thank you. And thank Mother for me, too. I... don't deserve this. I know I don't.”

“You do. I just wish...” Thorn halted, then he gave a brief smile and shook his head before saying finally: “Well, regrets are pointless. Are we being observed at all?”

Thesis hesitantly shook his head, replying after a moment: “No, I don't think so. Not by Thokk or Rig, anyway. They're both... distinct, to me. They have a malice.”

“That's one word for it.” Cadence muttered, and the ivory mare bit hesitantly into her apple before she smiled a little over at Moonflower. It wasn't bad. “You didn't screw up this time. Do you sense anything, Moonflower?”

Moonflower stared at Cadence, and for a moment the mare wondered if she'd said something wrong before the black unicorn waggled his eyebrows at her, trilling: “Oh, there's something in the air I sense! Don't you feel it too, Princess of Love?”

“Hey, these are great apples. Great apples.” Thesis said loudly, and as Cadence turned towards him, he flung his half-eaten apple into Moonflower's face, knocking him sprawling before the stallion grinned over at Cadence as she frowned at him. “I ate mine already. They're great.”

Cadence cocked her head towards the stallion, and Thorn smiled despite himself before he shook his head slowly, studying Thesis with interest. Thesis shot him a horrible look, but Thorn only shrugged before he said mildly: “If your adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin are all excited-”

“You shut the hell up about my adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. You have no idea what's going on with my neurotransmitters!” Thesis retorted as he grabbed his head, blushing ever so slightly as he favored his brother with a horrible look.

“I suppose I don't. But still, there are worse things in the world.” Thorn shrugged a bit before he looked at Cadence, who was only frowning as she slowly ate her apple. “Hecate told me, Thesis, that you never really had a lot of relationships when you were young. Not even many friendships. She also told me how you treated your soldiers then, compared to how you changed due to the...”

“The corruption. The Clay of Prometheus and... my own defects, I guess.” Thesis smiled briefly. “I mean, much as I'd love to, I can't blame the chemicals entirely. They didn't create the problem by themselves. There were... problems already there that were just exacerbated by the Clay.”

Thesis flexed a hoof slowly, looking down at it as he murmured quietly: “Having time to myself to reflect on that in the Void is part of what helped me... realize and understand that. I mean, even in the Void I wasn't well, but at the same time, I was getting better. I was just... afraid, and desperate. And worst of all, trying to deal with myself all the time, but... you know, that helped too, in its own way.”

Cadence tilted her head curiously as Thorn smiled briefly, and there was silence for a moment before Thesis explained quietly: “You can't run away from, or ignore your problems. I mean, all of us know that, but few of us ever really learn that. You have to take responsibility for yourself: even if something isn't your fault, that doesn't mean it's not still your responsibility, you know?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Cadence smiled briefly before she glanced down at the apple core in her hoof. She tossed it away, then glanced up in surprise when Thesis picked another out of the pile and held it out to her, saying easily: “You know, one of the things I missed most was eating. I never even really realized how much I missed it until I got back from the Void. And you know, got my mind back intact.”

“But you had help from Thokk, in a sense.” Thorn said, and Thesis glared at Thorn before he bit his lip, then nodded hesitantly.

“I... guess.” he admitted finally, as Cadence took the apple from him. “I hate to say that, but I did. I mean, I wouldn't recommend it. Now Rig basically has all my mental disorders, except instead of suffering from them, he literally uses them like a whip to get me to do whatever he and Thokk want.”

Thesis scowled as he made a snapping motion with one hoof, and Thorn frowned slightly before he said quietly: “That sounds like a modified version of Prosopopeia Similara.”

Cadence and Moonflower both looked blankly at Thorn, and Thesis slowly rose an eyebrow before he asked mildly: “And where the hell did you learn such big words, kid?”

“Not from you, obviously.” Thorn replied mildly, and Thesis scowled before the sapphire stallion shook his head and said in a quieter voice: “I've been researching various forms of simulacra to create comparisons to the Voidborn. I don't know what you truly are, Thesis: are you really Thesis, or are you just a shell, a perfect replica? Either way, I accept you as my brother, but physiologically speaking, I need to know if you share more traits with a clone or a resurrected being.”

Thesis smiled wryly, and the he leaned towards Cadence and said dryly: “You know what they mean by hard science? They mean him.”

Cadence couldn't help but look awkwardly at Thorn as well, shifting a little before Moonflower said hesitantly: “Well, I know... very little about such things as this. But all the same... I've never felt that Thesis is anyone except for Thesis, if that makes any sense. He certainly doesn't seem like any of these... prosperity simulacrums to me.”

Thorn smiled despite himself, and Thesis gave Moonflower an amused look before he replied wryly: “Thank you, Moonflower. That means a lot, coming from a stallion who is even prettier than I am.”

“Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I am quite handsome, yes.” Moonflower replied with a wave of his hoof, and Thorn rolled his eyes in amusement as Cadence sighed and shook her head.

Quiet fell for a few moments, the ponies simply eating and relaxing in the silence, until Thesis finally looked up and asked: “So, Thorn. What do you know about the Prosopopeia Similara?”

Thorn looked back at Thesis for a moment as Cadence and Moonflower both turned curious eyes towards the sapphire stallion, and then he smiled briefly as he poured himself a cup of coffee, saying softly: “Well... in essence, it refers to a fragment of soul that's been used to create a simulacrum of a person. They're framed around the essence, powered by it, but not necessarily... the embodiment of it. Often, Prosopopeia Similara are crafted and shaped to be the 'perfect' illusion of a person: they are designed, more than reborn.”

“The mirrors of Narcissus: not-people designed solely to validate the illusory, vacillating memories of another person. A living keepsake of the memories you once shared with someone, embodying and encompassing all of the good times, without any of the bad.” Thesis stopped, then he gave a slight smile. “See, I can use big words too.”

“And very poetically, yes. But anyone can craft prose, as long as they're willing to give voice to their thoughts.” Thorn replied with a shrug, and Thesis shrugged back amiably before the younger sibling continued: “Prosopopeia Similara are also sometimes crafted into perfect bodyguards. Built from the essence of someone loved or desired, shaped to be a perfect servant, and designed to be an absolutely loyal guardian.”

“I actually fought them in the past.” Thesis said, and Cadence cocked her head before the Replicant added: “I also fought dragons, golems, robots, giants, demons, ghosts, griffin magicians, Kirin, giant floating battlestations, ponies in robot suits, robots in pony suits, uh-”

“Yes, you fought everything. You were one of Decretum's longest-acting combat units.” Thorn said dryly, before he shrugged when Thesis looked at him mildly. “No, not the longest. The Hexad, for example, served longer than you.”

“I didn't think they did. Did they really?” Thesis asked curiously, frowning slightly, and Thorn simply nodded. “Huh. But does being in a cloning tank really count? I was actively deployed-”

“You were rarely 'actively deployed,' Thesis. Most of your time was spent either in stasis or on passive deployment inside one of the facilities.” Thorn countered, and Thesis looked awkwardly away before he suddenly opened his mouth- “No. Prudence has the highest amount of completed missions, by a large margin. She also holds the record for neutralizations. And Wisdom received the most awards and honors.”

Thesis grumbled, sitting back, and Thorn smiled briefly at him before Cadence said mildly: “And here I thought you were supposed to be a big shot and all.”

“Hey, screw you. I'm... really big. That's the problem, though.” Thesis argued, hammering his own chest with one hoof. “I'm so important they wouldn't send me out on the field! You should know what that's like, being a former princess and all.”

“Don't talk to me about my princess days. They were miserable.” Cadence grumbled, but then she bit her lip, thinking of Celestia, and... “Well, okay. They weren't... they weren't entirely bad, although yeah, it sucked to have poise, dignity, grace drilled into my head, and to try and live like that. But I mean, it wasn't all bad. I liked being able to boss people around. And the other princesses were really good to me.”

Thesis smiled a little at this, nodding slowly before he said softly: “One of my... my favorite people in the world was named Singing Lark. I always called her Songbird. She was one of my only friends... she was like my sister. She came from a servant family, and she was a... castle maid sounds so bad.”

Thesis laughed, shaking his head slowly as he sat back a little, before he turned his gentle ivory back to Cadence. “Anyway, I'd spend all the time I could with her, because she made me happy. She was my friend, she treated me like another pony, you know? Those are some of my best memories. Even if... we were at war with the griffins and things were crap and it was all just a slew of one bad thing after another, Songbird was always there, right up to the end...”

The Replicant quieted, then he looked down for a moment before clearing his throat, asking: “What about you, Thorn? You have some good friends here, but do you have any other friends? You must be pretty popular. I mean, it's not like anyone would ever be afraid of you for any reason whatsoever.”

Thorn gave Thesis a look, but as Moonflower smiled at him and Cadence nodded, the stallion finally admitted almost grudgingly: “Muse and Necrophage are my friends. Necrophage is very good to me.”

“Wow, Necrophage? Mom hasn't killed her yet?” Thesis whistled a little at this, shaking his head slowly before he smiled and sat back. “But that's great. What about the others? How many are left, do you know?”

The sapphire stallion looked almost insulted, and Thesis held up his hooves, snorting in amusement as he said dryly: “Yes, yes, of course you know. I didn't mean to question your all-knowing head or anything, Thorn.”

Thorn shrugged a bit, and then he opened his mouth before he frowned as the ring on his horn gleamed. He looked immediately back and forth for the presence as Thesis narrowed his eyes slightly, before Cadence stiffened up as a pair of icy hands grasped her shoulders tightly, the Swan going dead silent inside of her before a voice said kindly: “Now, now, little ones, it's time for you all to pick yourselves up and move on out! Thesis, dear, be a dear, and look the other way, will you? I can't have Thokk seeing me.”

Thesis closed his eyes, then awkwardly covered his face with his hooves, mumbling: “You know she can probably sense you through me all the same. We're not exactly perfect receptors and transmitters for her, but-”

“Pish-tush, mish-mush! Don't be silly, silly!” that voice, that horrible, cheerful, insidious voice behind Cadence cried, and the ivory mare bared her teeth before Hel leaned down and whispered: “Hello Danzsöngr. I want to have a word with you. Not now, not today, oh no, but a little later on. For now, you just keep on your butt. Wouldn't want to have any accidents now. Just like Shêtân here, you'd best keep your eyes to yourself!”

The Swan breathed slowly in and out as her whole body shivered with rage, and yet she couldn't do anything but comply. Moonflower was nervously shifting back and forth on his rump as he tried to sneak little glances now and then at Hel, while Thorn had his head bowed politely, but his eyes locked on the frosty puppet, respectful but clearly wary.

Hel smiled at him kindly, her dark, deep eyes locked on Thorn as she said softly: “And you, my little darling. I feel like I should have a word or two with you, too! Oh, sure your big metal momma's got a real shine for you, and she sure as my name has put me in an awkward position... which is usually my job!”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Thorn grimaced slightly as the ring on his horn gleamed before Hel said pleasantly: “We're going to be having a hoo-ha down south, and you're expected to attend, Thorn, as a Grand Inquisitor and all. Don't worry. You'll only be down in Hell for a week or so, elbowing other Inquisitors and all. You ponies have elbows, right?”

Hel wiggled her elbows wildly, but Thorn noted the puppet was very careful to keep her grip on Cadence's shoulders... or the Swan's, I should say. Cadence isn't in control right now. “Alright. I'll inform Empress Hecate.”

“Mommy problems, huh? Don't worry, we all have them! I had a lot of them too!” Hel said positively, winking at Thorn before she sniffed loudly, glancing up and adding: “That surfer-chick, though... she doesn't have a chip on her shoulder, she has the whole potato plantation! You grow potatoes in plantations, right?”

“Cadence, Moonflower, we're leaving. Thesis, you are-”

“Thesis is staying here.” Hel interrupted, suddenly cold and serious and sharp, and Thorn looked up in surprise before Hel giggled and pretended to shyly hide behind the Swan. “Whoops! I mean... I need to have a pleasant word with your incest-implying older sibling-form, okay sweetie?”

“I don't feel safe. Or like this is smart at all.” Thesis mumbled, and Thorn frowned slightly, catching something in that choice of words.

Apparently Hel didn't like it, either, as she immediately rose a hand and flicked a wrist sharply, encasing Thesis in a prison of solid ice, which made Moonflower fall backwards in shock and Danzsöngr snort. The ivory mare stiffened further as Hel released her grip on her shoulders, but then the ice puppet clicked her tongue before she said softly: “Now, now, sweet little mess, you just remember what I said. Don't go doing anything silly now, you hear?”

Danzsöngr lowered her head moodily after a moment, and then she nodded briefly once as she stood up and strode towards Thorn, keeping her eyes locked on the stallion and away from Hel. Moonflower nervously skittered over to Thorn as well, chewing on his lip uneasily as he shot another worried glance at the ice puppet, but Hel only smiled pleasantly before shooing them away, saying kindly: “Don't you worry, boys and girls. A Hel a day keeps the Thokk away!”

Thorn only nodded once, and then he turned around, gesturing at the others to follow silently. Hel smiled at them as they strode away before she easily flicked her hands out to either side, creating a dome of magic around herself and Thesis as the ice shattered around the stallion and let him slump to the ground with a wheeze.

He uncovered his eyes, then yelped when Hel flicked a finger towards him, frost reforming immediately over his eyes and blinding him as the frozen puppet said pleasantly: “No, oh no! Like I said, you keep your eyes to yourself, kiddo. You already tried to spoil the surprise there... and here I am, trying to help you out!”

“I was never very good at intrigue or deception operations.” Thesis muttered, shaking his head briefly. “Funny, considering that I was a-”

“Cuckoo!” Hel blurted, and Thesis scowled blindly in her direction, but Hel only smiled innocently, lacing her fingers together and sketching a curtsy with her elbows. “Well, hey! It's true! You're a pretty birdy, though, even if you've got that ugly old crow always cawing around you these days. Raven, raven, go away, come again another day! Am I right or am I right?”

“What do you want, Hel?” Thesis asked tiredly, and then he winced when he felt something lock around his body, then heft him up into the air.

Hel stood in front of Thesis, one of her fingers raised, the stallion floating helplessly in her psychokinetic grip as she clenched and unclenched her other hand slowly behind her back. She studied him intently for a few moments, leaning back and forth before she said softly: “I'm supposed to be the bad guy here, you know, but no one respects me anymore. Your mother, Thokk, your friends... but you respect me, don't you? You remember our little deal. And you did what I asked, right? Of course you did! Because if you didn't, I'll unstraighten what I already straightened out in your poor little head.”

Thesis grimaced a bit, but didn't answer, yet all the same, Hel's mouth stretched into a crooked smile as she whispered: “Good. Glad to hear it. Keep up the good work. But I got another job for you.”

Thesis frowned at this, before cursing under his breath when Hel slowly began to spin him through the air, rotating him in gradual, easy circles as she explained calmly: “I need another bit of information. Tell your friend Melinda. She'll be glad to help, I know it. She and I go way back, even though we've never really met.”

“I guess you're technically the Mother of Witchcraft, huh?” Thesis asked moodily as he spun slowly through the air, but Hel only snorted laughter at this. “What?”

“Oh, chocolate toffee. Magic has always existed, since the Prime ruled, and far before. Magic will always exist. Now, as a school, as a... set of rules and norms and forms and all of that make-sense, why, yes! You definitely have 'craft' this and 'croft' that and all these distinctions and separations and I'm-better-than-yous, but really, dear... it just comes down to the same damn thing at the end of the day. It's really just all about our preferred style.”

Hel posed for a moment, then she scowled before adding moodily: “You know, it sucks that you can't actually look at me. I mean, you're missing half the conversation! Everybody knows I talk with my hands. And my bo-dy!”

The ice puppet did a little dance on the spot, swinging her hips from side to side before she suddenly spun towards Thesis and seized him by the shoulders, making him flinch as she growled: “But no matter how I say it, I expect you to follow through, got it?”

Thesis looked as evenly back at the goddess as he could manage through the blindfold of ice over his eyes, as he replied quietly: “You pull through on your end of the bargain, and I'll fulfill mine.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Hel slowly smiled before she murmured softly: “Good. That's what I like, at the end of the day. Equality. One hand washes the other. You do your part, I do mine. Socialism! Communism! Egalitarianism!”

Hel cackled loudly, and then she dropped Thesis before stretching idly off to the side, saying easily: “Yes. You got it, kiddo. Don't worry, I've already got the gears grinding away... and the gears of Hell grind slowly, toffee-cake, but oh, believe me when I say... we got all the time in the world down there to make it work.”

Hel smiled coldly down at Thesis, and Thesis, even blind to her gaze, shifted uneasily beneath it all the same before he nodded once and looked up, saying quietly: “Then tell me what you need.”

And Hel's cruel smile stretched wider as her eyes gleamed, the dark goddess's eyes flashing with cold pleasure at the inevitability of making an example of all those who would dare to stand against her.

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