• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 11,630 Views, 382 Comments

The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 13 [Fancy Pants]: A night on the town

Historically speaking November and December were a very busy time for Jon Stewart. This year brought another election season and with it a slew of stories to cover, pundits to make fun of, and the Photoshopping of politicians on underwear models. Standard affair for the Daily Show just at a much more intense level.

But now Jon was granted an entire week away from work for the holidays; away from the social constraints of his Job and fully free to do whatever he wanted.

But for all the social interaction and gallivanting that were available to him he still opted to stay in for the most part. And with the passing of Thanksgiving the extended family that he had avoided all year long were now back in their own little corners of the world.

In addition he didn't have to think about work (least for another couple of days) so he promised himself he wouldn't call Celestia to set up any interview slots.

No, right now all he wanted to was stay indoors and spend time with his family, which he was doing almost excessively.

It was on this Saturday night that Jon reflected on how tranquil his life was as of late. The entire Stewart family had congregated to the living room where he and his wife were sitting on the cough side by side with a cup of tea in his right hand and his left arm around Tracey's shoulder. They had bundled themselves up in a large blanket and were content in just sitting quietly enjoying each other’s company

His two children on the other hand were instead rolling around on the floor, playing happily with Trixie. Nathan had brought out his Lego set and challenged his sister and babysitter to see who could build a skyscraper the fastest. He was confident that he we would win since Maggie was younger than him and Trixie (lacking in any fingers) wouldn't have the dexterity needed to even get started. In the end he still came in third place.

"Yay!" Maggie said, throwing her hands in the air. "I win!"

"So...what shall we play next?" Trixie asked as she used her magic to neatly set their Lego creations aside.

"OH OH I KNOW!" Nathan announced. "Pony tipping! Pony tipping!"

"Yeah me too!" Maggie chimed in. "Pony tipping! Pony tipping!"

Trixie's once gentle smile disappeared as she took a breath and exhaled a tired sigh of dread.

"Now kids are you sure there isn't something else you want to play?" She suggested in the hopes that they'd change their minds. "I mean wouldn't you rather play a nice game of--"

"NO!" Maggie shouted for all to hear. "We want Pony tipping! Pony tipping! Pony tipping!"

The two kids continued their chant with Jon stealthily waiting for an opening to help settle matters.

"Do I get a vote?" Jon asked, raising his hand. "I vote pony tipping...pony tipping, pony tipping!"

Tracey found it funny that her family was so willing to give Trixie a hard time. She laughed which caused the wayward pony to look in her direction.

"Tracey could you please talk some sense into these three?" She asked motioning to her husband and kids.

"Alright guys enough with the teasing," She said, much to Trixie's delight. "You three are being immature, and mean, and pony tipping, pony tipping!"

At a four to one standoff Trixie gave up whatever sense of dignity she had left. The family's chanting soon turned to cheers as she lightly strolled over to the center of the room to prepare herself. Standing ramrod stiff and on all four hooves she locked her knees in place and straightened her body out.

Seeing this caused both kids to hastily run up to her, almost tripping in the process. Nathan was the first to reach her and such got the first round. He carefully placed both his hands flat on the side of her stomach and gently pushed her forward causing to her fall on her side with a grunting noise.

Seeing her fall over and hearing her squawk as she made contact with the floor caused both of them to enter a state of frantic giggles. Maggie decided it was now her turn so with all her strength she lifted Trixie's dead weight body back into a standing position only to push her back down. Then it was Nathan's turn again.

This pattern repeated a few more times, much to their enjoyment, as the two parents watched.

Jon took a deep relaxing sigh; he was in such a state of zen that he momentarily forgot where he was. He listened to the beauty that was the sound of his children laughing and he could feel the warmth of his beloved wife under his arm. Pulling her even closer he took a sip of his tea and watched as his kids continued to play with Trixie.

Life was good.

Jon wasn't the only one who seemed to be in a state of relaxed euphoria. His wife Tracey was also enjoying the tranquility that was her time alone with her family which, to her, also included Trixie. She watched as her two kids played with the blue unicorn and laughed at their carefree antics.

Had this been about a a weeks ago she would have felt uneasy about the three of them being so close since for all of her good qualities she was still a potentially dangerous creature. But nowadays Tracey found herself quite enamored with Trixie, mostly because she showed nothing but love and respect for the rest of the family. Though she still acted somewhat coldly towards Jon when she could.

But her very presence also served as a poignant reminder of how she used to treat her poorly when they first met. To that end she tried her best to make her feel more at home by buying her accessories for her room, engaging her in friendly conversations, and allowing her access to the dinner table. She even permitted more liberal use of her magic around the house, though she was still required to wear a safety cork on her horn.

Feeling placid she slumped her head against her husband's shoulder and closed her eyes. Jon did the same but soon the sound of laughter caused the both of them to look onward, their seemingly detached state all at once broken.

During their play session Maggie took the opportunity to rough house a bit by jumping at Trixie like she was trying to tackle her. The plan backfired however since she ended up just sitting atop her like she was a mounted horse. This minor setback didn't deter her from having fun.

"Giddy up!" She demanded. With a smile and tired sigh Trixie began to gallop around the room.

Tracey saw this and felt her maternal instincts kick in.

"Maggie honey, get off of Trixie!" She said. "You'll hurt her!" Her being more concerned with Trixie's safety than her own daughter's was proof enough that Tracey had accepted Trixie as a member of the family.

"No need to worry, Tracey," Trixie demonstrated by strutting around with very little effort. "As you can see young Maggie here is very light in weight and the perfect size for a good ol' fashion 'ponyback ride.'"

She continued to trot around with Maggie wrapping her arms around Trixie's neck, both for balance and as a loving embrace. In truth Trixie struggled slightly to hold her up though she would never admit it.

Nathan saw this and felt jealous; he wanted in.

"ME NEXT, ME NEXT!" He shouted!

To save Trixie the time and effort of explaining to him Jon decided to step in and play the bad guy for the moment.

"Yeah I don't think that's a very good idea, Nate." Jon said as he put a hand on his shoulder. "Your sister is small enough to do that but I think you might break poor Trixie's back."

Jon wasn't too far off in his assumptions. Both Stewart children were around Trixie's height with Maggie being slightly shorter and Nathan slightly taller. Though since he was older he weighed a bit more, something which Jon decided to tease him a bit for.

"Maybe if you didn't eat so much chocolate it'd be a different story," He added.

"HEY!" Nathan exclaimed getting a few laughs at his expense. To help him feel more at ease Trixie approached him and give him a gentle stroke of his already messy hair.

A silence fell on the living room and was soon broken by the two children.

"Let's watch a movie!" Nathan said now having forgotten about his being denied a ride.

"Yeah let's watch a movie, Daddy!" Maggie yelled in agreement. Getting up Jon stretched his back and ran a hand through his greying hair.

"Yeah, sure why not!" Jon said. "It's been awhile since we've had the whole family sit down for a movie night."

"Movie huh?" Trixie said looking somewhat confused.

"Please tell me you know what that is," Jon said with judging eyes. "I mean I know your world basically takes place in the middle-ages but you guys must have some form of cinema." Flipping her hair back Trixie answered in her usual smug tone.

"Of course we do, Stewart!" She said. "I was just taken aback is all...I've been all over your house and I have yet to see a film projector."

It was now Nathan and Maggie who had confused looks on their face with, Jon laughing to himself and shaking his head.

"Oh Trixie...oh sweet, naive, Trixie,“ He said as he walked over to the flat screen on the wall. "We have so much to teach you."

The annoyed looking Unicorn watched as Jon picked up a random DVD case from the wide selection on the wall. Opening it he pulled out a round flat disc which briefly reflected a ray of light in her face.

"Welcome to the 21st century." Jon added.

Carefully approaching Trixie tilted her head as she examined the shiny object before her.

"What is this thing?" She asked.

Before answering her question he placed his hand on the nearby Blu-Ray player.

"Ok first of all this is called a 'DVD player'...you see in our world this acts as our version of a film projector." Jon explained.

Trixie seemed stunned by this new information. The slender black box was about one fourth the size of the best model projector that she had ever seen.

"And this," he said dangling the disc over her head. "Is what we use instead of a film reel." Trixie looked as if she had just witnessed an explosion. This new world did indeed of have unique mechanics that were beyond her understanding but this seemed almost an impossible concept to her.

"Geez you're worse than my mother!" Jon laughed, causing his children to do the same. Even thought it was all in good jest Trixie didn't enjoy being teased.

"HMPH! Well you all go ahead and enjoy your movie." Trixie said as she made her way to the stairs. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has better things to do."

She slowly made her way to the stairs only to stop once the children cried out to her.

"Awwww you're not staying!?" Maggie whined.

"Sorry hon but no," Trixie answered. "I promised myself I'd spend the night in my room practicing some spells...If I don't keep off the horn rust nopony else will."

"But you gotta stay!" Maggie added.

"That's right!" Nathan said, backing up his sister. Trixie did a quick 180 to address the children, but before she could say anything Tracey weighed in on her departure.

"Come now Trixie stay in tonight," she said patting the seat next to her on the couch with her hand. "It's movie night...the entire family has to be present for movie night."

Like before Trixie was all ready to defend her decision to stay in for the night when something Tracey said caught her off guard.

"You...you consider me part of the family?" Trixie asked in a soft but clear tone.

"Of course I do, Trixie." She answered. "You're like the sister I never had."

Her words were sincere enough for Trixie to momentarily change her plans but she tried her best to hold back any emotions, like she was playing an intense game of poker. This was the first time in her life that she was part of a family and she loved the feelings; so much so that she didn't correct Tracey by stating that her name was "the Great and Powerful Trixie." She found the title of "Trixie Stewart" to be much more appealing.

"You know...on second thought perhaps Trixie can stay for just a little while," she said, getting cheers of joy from the two children. "I'll just practice my magic afterwards."

She trotted over back in place with Jon trying to wrangle his kids back in a single location and Tracey standing up to make an announcement

"All right gang it's time to pick what movie we're going to watch," she said getting everyone's attention. Upon making her declaration she got conflicting answers from bother her kids; after giving them the signal to quiet down she continued. "Since this is Trixie's first time joining us I suggest she get to choose what we watch."

Everyone agreed though in actual practice it was a difficult decision for Trixie to make. Having never in her life seen any of the DVDs on display her decision ultimately came down to a random selection, with the only thing resembling a conscious decision being which cover art appealed to her more.

While she sat and pondered in front of the display rack next to the TV both Nathan and Maggie joined her to give their opinions on what to choose.

"PICK THAT ONE!" Nathan said pointing to a DVD towards the top of structure.

"NO! PICK THAT ONE!" Maggie countered by pointing to one at the bottom. Ignoring both of them Trixie instead selected one from the center, right in the center of her field of vision.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie chooses...this one!" She said as she used to magic to whisk away the DVD in the air for all to see. From where Jon was standing he could just barely make out the image on the case but he knew all too well what it was.

The image was that of a large hairy best dancing in a ballroom with a woman in a yellow dress; Trixie had selected "Beauty and the Beast," a fan favorite of the Stewart household. As luck would have it everyone was satisfied with her choice.

While everyone got into position Jon popped the disc into the DVD tray and made the necessary adjustments to the TV to get things started. He promptly joined his wife back on the couch and sighed a hefty sigh of relief.

It was going to be a good day.

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