• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 11,629 Views, 382 Comments

The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 14 [Queen Chrysalis]: Someone help me!

The throne room of Canterlot Castle had been empty for awhile, since the Celestia wasn't occupying it, which meant that no one had any idea that Jon Stewart needed assistance. Only the princess and her royal guards were allowed in there and, since Chrysalis tricked Celestia into going all the way down to Ponyville, no one had any business being there.

As well at not being fully lit, the throne room was eerily quiet, so when the burst of magic found its target, the sound of it exploding was carried to every corner of the room. Afterwards, it was immediately followed by the sound of a loud cry of pain that seemed to echo throughout the entire Castle...it was loud enough to wake our hero back up.

Jon's eyes opened as the sound of screaming invaded his ears, kick starting his brain once again. And, as if that wasn't enough to get him to regain consciousness, the sensation of something very heavy falling on top of him cemented it.

In a frenzy, Jon tried to assess the situation, firstly by seeing if he was dead or not. To his relief he was indeed alive and, aside from his previous injuries, he seemed to be alright. What he couldn't understand was, why the person who was trying to kill him was now laying on top of him.

Just like before, Chrysalis was keeping Jon from getting up only, instead of physically holding him down, she had now collapsed directly on top of him. Her dead weight body, which twitched in grotesque spasms like she had been electrocuted, was keeping him from moving. And her face was now lying on his chest and seemed to be frozen in an expression of concentrated pain.

"What the hell?" Jon said to himself as he tried to figure out what had happened. His only clue at the moment was that there seemed to be smoke emanating from somewhere.

Using whatever strength he had left he tried to sit up but he couldn't get up very far. However, from his new angle he could now see something he couldn't before and that was Chrysalis' back. It was difficult to notice since her entire body was black but Jon was certain that the source of the smoke he had previously seen was coming from her upper back. It was now completely burnt like someone had tried to set fire to it.

"What happened?" Jon thought pensively to himself as he tried to look past the thick smoke. Slowly but surely the smoke began to dissipate and as it did he began to see the silhouette of a figure on the opposite side of the room near the door. At first the smoke was too dense to see through, but eventually he could make out some key features like the fact that it was a pony. A pony which was very large, had a crown, and most prominently of all had wings and a horn.

"Ce...Celestia!?" He said with a hopeful look about him.

Having believed that he would die at the hands of his enemy, seeing Celestia right here right now made Jon genuinely smile and his spirits soar as high as any Pegasus had ever flown. It all made sense to him now. Celestia must have seen through Chrysalis' deception and came back to save him. He was both physically and emotionally drained but the sight of his potential savior gave him a surge of new hope.

"Oh god yes!" Jon thought. "We're saved!" The cloud of smoke that hung over Chrysalis' body eventually disappeared and as it did it took away whatever sense of assurance Jon had with it. The once optimistic Jon was now left uncertain of what he should feel. The same hopefulness he once had was now drained and replaced with sense of dread

The wall of smoke was now gone and Jon could see who had attacked Chrysalis. It wasn't Celestia.


Jon remembered thinking at the time of his awakening that the sound of Queen Chrysalis crying out in pain was the loudest thing he had ever heard in his life. By comparison to this new beast, it was barely a whisper. Whoever this new pony was, she sure had a set of lungs on her. He had heard Jet planes make less noise than her. She was clear across the room, but her shouting was so audible it felt as if she were standing right next to him. Needles to say it made his ears ring in pain.

She was so loud that Jon wasn't the only one that could hear her. Still momentary crippled by the well-executed shot, Chryalis managed to turn her head to see who had attacked her. The second she laid her eyes on the pony who did it, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. She knew who this challenger was and, as a result, feared for her life.

Jon, on the other hand, still did not know who she was or if he should be concerned. She wasn't Celestia, but she sure looked a hell of a lot like her. She was bigger than the average pony (though smaller than Celestia), she had wings and a horn as well as matching slippers and crown. The only major part where they varied was the color of her body and mane.

Unlike Celestia, this pony had dark mane and an even darker coat of fur. Her body was a dark sapphire blue and her hair and tail were semitransparent and twinkled like the night sky. Jon couldn't see from where she was, but her cutie mark was a crescent moon which was also the symbol on the large neck piece she wore.

Jon could not tell whether she was one of the good guys or another enemy to be feared, but there was one thing that he was certain of...she was angry.

The creatures face said it all. Her eyes were glowing a bright white which was only matched by her teeth as she snarled in their direction. Her stance also implied that she was ready to attack if need be. Which, by all accounts, she was willing and able to do again.


The fact that she asked for her to hand over Jon was a good sign that she had his best interest in mind. But, on the other hand, her demands were met with more hesitation from Chrysalis. She swung her head back and forth, alternating between looking at the fearsome pony and the injured Jon Stewart as if trying to decide whether to risk finishing what she had started.

Her expression was a combination of fear, and contempt for both Jon and her attacker. She was on the verge of getting revenge only to be thwarted last minute which seemed to a running theme in her life up to this point. She began to take long breaths while trying to get up, only to collapse back down halfway through. Never in her life had she felt as weak and defeated as she did now and, in her eyes, it was all Jon's fault.

She looked at him with an angry look of her own as if to say "you did this to me" and Jon himself responded with a smile as if to say "I know." This in turn made Chrysalis attempt to rise to her feet while slowly lowering her head to once again point her horn at his face.

After it was clear that she had no intention of giving herself up, the angry Alicorn extended her wings and threw her head upwards.

"Very well then. It would seem thou has come to a decision...and so have we." She said. In one fell swoop the creature flew into the air as if she planned on breaking through the roof before stopping halfway. "FACE THE POWER OF THE NIGHT!!!"

The room trembled as magical forces began to work their way through the now floating beast. The windows remained closed, but it felt as if a whirlwind was now taking place in the center of the room. From behind the Alicorn, a darkness began to envelope the walls making it seem like the space behind her was the night sky. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling swung to one direction like they were being sucked in, and the golden trinkets which were on display fell to the ground.

Both Jon and Chrysalis felt as if they were being sucked in like livestock to a tornado. Things only got more terrifying when a surge of energy began to appear in front of the floating Alicorn. It was small at first but within the blink of an eye it transformed into a large spherical mass of power, priming and pulsating with magic.

It was about fifteen feet in diameter, getting bigger and continuing to draw all manner of objects into itself while the darkness continued to eat up the room. Jon felt cold. Not because he was scared, but because it felt as if the temperature in the room had dropped to below zero, a side effect of the magic that was at work no doubt.

As impressive as the demonstration of her raw power was, it left the two huddled individuals on the floor cowering in fear with Chrysalis being frightened the most since she knew this was directed at her. As much as she wanted to deal with Jon, her petty revenge would have to wait if she ever wanted to live to see another day. She began to frantically look around the room for anything, anything that could help her and to her surprise she found the perfect equalizer. Slowly she lifted herself up from atop of Jon, which greatly helped him breathe easy, and began to slowly turn to the side as if she was planning to leave.

"DO NOT THINK THOU CAN ESCAPE!" She roared. "THERE IS NO WAY OUT! THIS IS WHERE YOUR REIGN OF EVIL COMES TO AN--"Using the last fragment of power she had left, Chrysalis levitated Trixie's motionless body towards her and, with all her might, hurled it at the dark blue Alicorn.

Because she was channeling a large amount of energy, her side of the room was a veritable oasis of harmful power. Wishing to not harm Trixie, the creature ceased her spell and caught her before she tumbled down to the ground or got hurt by the magic. The room reverted back to its normal state as she cradled Trixie's lifeless body in her hooves.

"Chrysalis!" She said as she looked up from Trixie to her prey. "Of all the despicable things you have done, this is--"

Before she could finish her thought the powerful Alicorn looked up just in time to see Chrysalis run across the room and towards one of the stained glass windows. But instead of stopping the Queen hurled herself though the colorful piece of art as if she had been fired out of a cannon.

The sound of glass shattering was tangled with the sound of dozens of doves flying away; each of whom was terrified at the Queens sudden appearance. Jon himself had watched her desperate escape the entire time but even he lost track of her when he leapt outside. During the cluttered mess of fallen feathers and broken glass, she had transformed herself to look like one of the many birds that were now flying in all directions. Completely indistinguishable from the others.

“No..." The Alicorn said. "....YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE US AGAIN!"

With blind fury, the powerful creature flew to the side of the room, placed Trixie on the ground, and ran to the window where Chrysalis had left. Jon watched as the creatures flexed her wings and arched it's back like it was about to shoot off like a rocket.

"W-w-wait! Don't go!" Jon yelled, but it was too late. Within an instant the Alicorn dashed forward a good 30 feet whereupon it made a quick turn and flew skywards. "NO! Come back! What about Trixie!?"

Jon's pleading was met with a moment of silence followed by what sounded like a military alarm going off in the distance. He took small comfort in knowing that steps were being taken to capture Chrysalis because, for him, the most important thing at present was getting Trixie some medical attention.

"Help!" Jon screamed. "Somebody help me!" But no one came. He tried again but still nothing happened so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

At first he tried to get up but his legs would not cooperate. He almost stood completely but hisknees just gave out and he landed on his stomach. Looking over he could see Trixie leaning against the wall where the Alicorn had left her. She seemed so far away but Jon could clearly see that she was in horrible shape. She needed someone. She needed a friend.

Although his legs were almost of no use to him, Jon's arms were still as efficient as ever. And so, with all his strength, he began to drag himself commando style over to his friend leaving only a trail of blood in his wake.

"Trixie!" Jon yelled. "I'm...I'm coming Trixie!"

The more he crawled, the more he felt like he was about to pass out from exhaustion. This was because, at that point, he had lost too much blood from the open wound on the side of his stomach. In his state, he had no idea what he would even do if he ever made over to Trixie, all he wanted was to be by her side.

"Trixie." Jon said in a tone of voice that was getting weaker. "Don’t you die on me dammit!” Things began to go black and his vision was starting to get fuzzy but he still went on. He crawled inch by inch and, as he did, he bled more.

“Tr…Trixie.” He said. “Trixie I'm sorry!"

He called out to her in the hopes that perhaps she would do the same back. When heard nothing, he called again and again while his senses began to fade.

"Tr..Trix...Trixie!" He cried. "...Trixiiiiie!"

But soon, after multiple tries, he did hear something. It was a loud sound like someone bursting through a wall followed by a voice.

"Jon!?" A voice said. He looked up but it wasn't Trixie. "JON! By all that is...what happened to you!"

He now saw that, towards the back of the throne room, the doors to the hallway had swung open and a group of seven ponies had now entered the throne room. At the forefront of the pack was Celestia who was being accompanied by six smaller ponies each with a piece of jewelry around them. Two Unicorns, two Earth Ponies, and two Pegasi.

Jon even recognized a few of them as ponies he had on his show, but the other three were complete strangers. They each were now staring at him with shocked faces.

"Princess!" One of the ponies who Jon recognized as Twilight Sparkle said. "Are...are we too late!?"

"No, my faithful student, we are not." Celestia said as they galloped over to him. "Girls we need to make sure he's alright! Somepony get the Castle medic, we need to get him over to the--"

"NO! FORGET ME!" Jon yelled at them as he waved his hand dismissively. "Trixie...get Trixie first!" Using the same hand Jon pointed excessively over to the side of the room where Trixie was. One of the ponies in the group, a yellow Pegasus, saw her and shrieked as a result. She barely looked to be alive.

"Is that...Trixie?" A white unicorn with purple hair said.

"What the hay is she doing here?" Said the only flying pony who Jon remembered as Rainbow Dash. "I thought she--"

"NEVERMIND THAT!" Jon yelled as he slowly started to fade away. "Trixie...please...help...Tri...Trix..ie..." And with that Jon slumped over and his head fell to the ground. He could no longer keep himself going.

"JON!" Everyone in the room said as they scrambled to help.

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