• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 16 [Changeling]: My terms

The time between Jon calling Celestia and her actually answering seemed to have lasted an eternity to Ryne. He didn’t even hear the phone’s ringing, he was too distracted by the thought that whatever Jon would say would determine how the rest of his life would play out. He eventually sat up and took notice when a voice found its way to the surface.

“Greetings once again, Jon.” Celestia said, her voice just as smooth and tender as always. “I’m assuming you are calling about your guest... or perhaps for some other reason.”

“No, no, I’m here to tell talk about the pony you sent me.” Jon answered, speaking in a tone like he was talking about an order he had shipped over Amazon or eBay.

“Ah, excellent.” She retorted. “Tell me... did he arrive alright?”

Despite his wife’s best efforts to keep it healthy, Jon’s heart was now racing at a high rate. The way both he and Ryne stared at the device before them, with such intensity and uncertainty, it looked like they were trying to disarm a bomb rather than having a conference call.

“Jon? Hello, Jon?” Celestia repeated. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah... yeah, I heard you.” Jon answered. “And yes... DJ Pygmalion made it alright.”

Hearing his stage name made the wayward Changeling so happy that he silently jumped in the air and, before landing back in his seat, turned back to the form he originally used to trick Celestia.

“One more thing.” Jon added, “His real name is Ryne and he’s also a Changeling.” and just like that, the once happy Ryne lost all feeling in his body to the point where he couldn't control his shapeshifting for the time being, so he returned to his original form.

For the next few seconds, no one said a word. Jon just sat in his seat waiting to explain while Celestia was busily trying to process this new information.

WHAT!” She yelled. “What did you say!”

“I said that Pygmalion made it here, but at the same time, he is also a changeling.” Jon repeated. Having been betrayed by Jon, it felt like the world was pulled out from under Ryne. He didn’t say anything to defend himself or run away, he just sat back with quivering lips as tears began to distort his vision.

“I... I sent you a Changeling instead of Pygmalion!?” She yelled in disbelief.

“Well actually, the two are one in the same... it’s kinda complicated, but I’ll explain later.” Jon assured her.

“J-Jon, please forgive me!” Celestia roared as she made plans for an extraction spell. “Get as far away from the beast as you can, I’m going to cast a series of spells to subdue him.”

At this point, Ryne now felt like maybe he should run away or at least try to avoid capture, but in the end he decided to stay put; he made a promise to Jon and he was going to keep it by staying put. However, even if he wanted to leave, he wouldn't have been able to because, at that moment, Jon reached forward and defiantly grabbed his hoof.

“Actually, he’s not going anywhere.” He said as he firmly tightened his grip.

“...Excuse me... ” Celestia gasped.

“I said, he’s not going anywhere.” He repeated. “We talked and I’ve decided to have him on my show as is, so please... don’t take him away.”

Sensing that Jon was serious, both by his tone and the fact that she could sense that he was within close proximately to Ryne, she momentarily disarmed her horn.

“Jon, this isn’t funny!” She chided. “Get away from that creature! You don’t know what they are capable of.”

“Really?” Jon challenged. “You think that I, of all people, don't know what a Changeling can do.”

Celestia now felt stupid for her lapse in memory.

“I’m... you know what I mean, Jon.” She rebutted. “But please, do as I say! We need to get this thing out of your world and back to--”

“This thing has a name.” Jon interrupted. “His name is Ryne... he’s a DJ under the stage name Pygmalion and he’s going to be on my show.”

“Jon... ” She said. “I don’t know what... this Ryne said to you, but I highly advise you not do this.” Sitting back in his chair, Jon took a deep breath to steady his nerves. Going up against Celestia was a lot harder than he thought it would be.

“Celestia, do you remember what you told me back when I was in the hospital of Canterlot Castle, right after the attack?” Jon asked. When he didn’t get an answer back he filled in the blanks for her. “You said if there was anything you could do to make it up to me, that you’d do it... well I’m cashing in that favor... I want Ryne as my next guest.”

The more she thought about it, the more she began to realize just how much danger Jon was in... that is to say, almost none at all. A single Changeling on their own couldn’t do that much damage, especially since, unlike their Queen, they can’t use magic outside their natural ability to shapeshift, but still... she didn’t like any of this.

“If... if that is what you really want... then...against by better judgement... I... I will allow it.” She reluctantly agreed. “But I would like it to go on record that I am very disappointed in your decision and believe it to be very irresponsible on your part.”

“Duly noted.” Jon responded as he pressed a button on his other phone, signaling for someone. “I need to go and get things ready... we’ll talk later, but for now, thank you for agreeing with me.”

The two said their goodbyes with Celestia sounding the more distraught out of the two. As Jon put his phone back in his breast pocket, he looked over at Ryne who still looked to be in a state of disbelief. The new silence was first shattered by the

“I... I don’t understand.” Ryne admitted. “Why agree to have me and out me as a Changeling at the same time.”

“Because, if this is going to happen, then we’re doing it by my terms.” Jon answered. “You want to explain about how some Changelings are all about hugs and rainbows, that’s fine... but on my show, we’re going to have complete transparency.”

“But... but if Celestia knows I’m a changeling,” Ryne ventured with shifting eyes. “I mean, when I return home, won’t she just--”

“You let me worry about Celestia.” Jon demanded. “I’ll work things out with her... You just worry about the interview... because as far as I’m concerned... it’s going to happen.”

At that moment, the door to Jon’s office swung open, followed by a skinny male asian with tan skin and dark black hair walking in. This once intern was now a full on employee well on his way to becoming a Daily Show veteran so, at this point, he had seen his fair share of creatures come from Equestria, but when laid eyes on Ryne, he was somewhat startled.

“Uh... what’s up, boss?” He said.

“Ah, perfect timing!” Jon said as he got up and put a hand behind his guest and brought him across the room. “Ryne, this is one of my best employees, Fred Kim. Mr. Kim here will be escorting you to the dressing room where he will inform you on what to expect. Freddy... do take care of our guest, will you.”

“Uh, sure thing.” He said as he reached out to grab Ryne’s hoof. “It’s just down the hallways.”

As the two of them left hand in hoof, Jon retreated back to his desk as he still had some more phone calls to make. Before the two actually left, Jon called out one last time.

“One more thing, Ryne.” He announced. “I have to ask you something... something which, fair warning, I will ask you again on the show.”

“Y-yeah?” Ryne indulged, still unsure of what was going on.

“Why... would you risk everything... to help those who only do you harm?” He asked. “Granted, it seems that there are some Changelings who are nice like you... but... why associate yourself with Changelings even a little... you’ve escaped the colony with your mind intact and you’ve created a life for yourself... a life where you are beloved and tolerated, not hated... why would you risk all of that.”

Instead of answering immediately, Ryne thought long and hard about it, letting the question fester for a while.

“To be honest... I just... when I heard about what Chrysalis did... and when I made the connection that I was in the perfect position to do something about it... I just felt like it was my duty to make the change happen.” Ryne answered. “I remember very clearly the moment I decided to do this... it was when I watched your interview with Princess Luna.”

“Really?” Jon wondered. “Why that?” Before answering, Ryne looked away like he was hiding something before addressing him.

“Because... during the interview... you said all Changelings are evil... that really hurt me.” Ryne revealed with a sad look about him. “I know... you of all people would probably have the right to say something like that, but... it’s not right to assume that all Changelings are evil based on the actions of one group.”

His words, though simple, felt to Jon as if some had stabbed him multiple times with sharpened knives. He was so overcome with emotions that that he fell back, whereupon he was caught by his chair. The tension was so thick that Fred couldn't wait to leave.

“Um... anything else, boss?” Fred said, only to get a wave of the hand by Jon for him to leave. Before doing so, he bent down to grab Ryne’s hoof again. “Okay, c’mon little dude. Let’s get outta here.”

Jon was now alone in his office with only his thoughts keeping him company. There was so much new information to take in and Jon had to categorize them all and try to make sense of it. It was during this intense session of self reflection that Jon came to a decision. Quickly he picked up his phone and made a call to another department in the office.

“Hello Selina? It’s me Jon.” He said “Listen there have been a change in plans with the show tonight, so please listen.”

After a quick back and forth with his assistant which played out not unlike his conversation with Celestia, Selina agreed to set some things up. Having set his plan into motion, Jon got up from his seat and walked a few inches behind him to the window of his office where he could see his beloved city of New York.

Memories from a time gone by flooded in while the knowledge that Equestria was just beyond the realm of this world crept it’s way to the surface.

“Oh boy,” Jon sighed as he rubbed his tired face. “I hope I know what I’m doing.”

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