• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 13 [Fancy Pants]: Kindness of strangers

The first to regain their vision from the sudden burst of light was Jon; being in front of bright lights on a studio set four days a week blessed him with such tolerance. When his eyes adjusted to the dark long enough for him to see clearly he found the source of the bright light, it came from a rather large Pegasus flying just about him.

Jon didn't need to ask what he was doing because he'd seen his kind before; he was taking candid pictures of him and Tracey. The creature had a large wing span (though normal for his size) and a camera around his neck. His coat was black and his mane was mint green with white streaks which made it look like his hair was fading. Visually there were two features that stood out the most about him. One was his very long mane which was carefully woven into dreadlocks, and the other was a bright two tone yellow scarf that he wore around his neck, which stood out especially in contrast to his dark body.

The Pegasus flew in place staring at those below him with a smile that was brighter than the flash from his camera. A smile which, Jon would later notice, rarely left his face.

"I knew I recognized ya!" He said in a scratchy, wise-cracking voice. "You're Jon Stewart! Dang, I can't wait to tell the fellas about this one!"

"Excuse me!" Tracey said, her vision now back as well. "Who are you!?"

"Oh right, sorry about that," he said without showing an ounce of regret for what he did. "The name's Shutter Speed! I'm a photographer."

Jon was about to press further about who he was and what his motives were for being here, but before he could the two guards responsible for his safety stepped forward.

"Speed! Get the hell out of here!" One of them yelled. "We've got enough to worry about without you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!"

"That's right!" The other guard added. "If you don't turn tail right now I swear I'll make it so you don't fly straight for a month!"

This sudden outburst of rage surprised both Jon and Tracey. Up until now the only emotion they ever saw from their guardian friends was dismissive sincerity, and intense reverence for their job. Whoever this Shutter Speed was he seemed to know how to press the right buttons.

"Fellas, fellas you hurt me," Shutter said while still smiling from ear to ear. "Can't you two give a struggling artist a break every once in a while?"

"'Struggling artist?'" One guard said. "Don't give me that! You're nothing more than a two bit, dime-a-dozen, cheap cameraman for hire, who goes around taking pictures for anyone dumb enough to pay for your 'services.'"

"Ha! Jokes on you!" Shutter said back. "Only two of those things are true."

"We mean it Speed!" The other guard threatened. "Leave now, or else!"

"All right, all right, I get the message." He said. "But before I go, let me ask ya...aint you even a little big curious about how I knew where to find y’all?"

"No." One guard said bluntly. "Last chance Speed...leave or I'm taking this spear and I'll shove it so far up your--"

"Actually," Jon interjected. "How did you find us?"

"Yeah I'm actually curious about that myself," Tracey added. "I thought Celestia said we'd take the back trolley to avoid being seen as much as possible."

Having finally gotten the chance to talk to the two humans for once Shutter flew up higher like he was addressing an audience. He looked down at Jon and Tracey, his long hair dangling down like fishing lines and his ever present smile still clearly visible.

"Well see that's the problem, pretty lady." He said to Tracey. "The princess don't usually use that thing at this hour so I knew she was up to something."

His reasoning was both simple and the same time brilliant to Jon.

"But I had to make sure whatever was going down was big," He continued as he took out a picture. "Once I had identified who was on the trolley I rushed back into town to see if I couldn't get an even better look and well...here I am!"

Flying in between the two guards Shutter Speed showed Jon and Tracey a candid photo of the two of them on the verge of sharing a kiss. The setting looked familiar and once Jon put two and two together a startling realization overcame him and him momentary embarrassment.

"Wait," Jon said, pausing to get his facts in order. "So...the flash of light from when we were on the trolley was..."

"Ding, ding, ding...that's right Mr. S" Shutter said. "That was me! Once the photo developed I recognized you from TV and I knew I just had to get some more of ya."

After his explanation Tracey took the photo from him to observe it further. Jon grimaced at the thought of what Tracey might say or do. One aspect that came with the territory of Jon's popularity was the publicity. Under US law since Jon was a well-known public figure he didn't have an expectation of privacy. This meant that virtually anyone at any time could take pictures of him and his family with or without their consent.

Jon by this time was used to it but Tracey always found it annoying since it usually happened at the most inopportune times. This came to a head once a few years back when the Stewart family went trick-or-treating and a cameraman wouldn't leave them alone. There was no way any photo from Equestria could be traced back to the human world but Jon still prepared himself for his wife's eventual rage.

"I...I love it!" Tracey said; everyone but Shutter Speed was surprised. She leaned in to give Jon a better look. "Look honey doesn't this picture of us look adorable?" Jon wasn't an expert on photography but even he had to admit that the picture did turn out pretty good. The darkness juxtaposed the bright interior of the trolley quite nicely.

"Yeah, it's pretty grasshoppa if I do say so myself." Shutter said. "If you want you can keep that...I already made a copy so it's aaaaall goooood."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Speed." She said as she put the photo neatly into her purse. "Out of curiosity did you take any more of us?"

"I sure did!" He said as he presented some more photos to the two intrigued humans. Most of them were from far away with the last one being a close up shot of them being escorted by the two royal guards. Out of context it almost looked like they were being arrested.

Tracey admired his handy work and was about to comment on them with another question when a guard strolled in between them, his massive spear leaning more towards Shutter.

"With all due respect Ms. McShane, we do need to get to the restaurant to make your reservation." The guard said now turning his attention to the floating stallion. "Now then...if you please excuse me we do have somewhere to be...so get lost!" To further intimidate the pesky Pegasus he slammed butt of his spear against the ground, making a loud and powerful sound. Shutter Speed didn't flinch or look at all afraid, if anything it made him smile even harder.

"I suddenly feel like I'm not wanted" He said with a fake expression of pain while placing a hoof over his heart. "Alright I get the message I'll leave."

He began to slowly fly backwards widening the gap between himself and the guards. He didn't get too far before calling out to Jon and Tracey.

"Alright you crazy kids, have a great night on the town," he called out. "I'm sure you'll just loooove spending your time together with these two bundles of joy."

Jon and Tracey looked at the two royal guards than at each other. As if communicating telepathically they both made a decision.

"Hey Shutter Speed, why don't you tag along for now!" Jon called out, getting mixed, negative reactions from the two guards.

"Yes by all means...it'd be nice to have someone to talk to for a little bit," Tracey said. "Besides we'd love to have some more pictures to commemorate this night."

In response to this Shutter Speed arched his back and flew as fast as he could directly at them. Before he could get too close however two intersecting spears stopped him mid-flight.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we cannot allow this." One guard said. "We were ordered to--"

"You were ordered to do whatever we requested, am I correct." Tracey interrupted, standing over the guard to show off her height.

"Well..." The guard said, fidgeting in place. "Y-yes but--"

"In that case we request that Shutter Speed comes with us." Jon added, backing up his wife. The two guards looked up at the two humans towering over them and begrudgingly nodded their heads.

"You may...accompany us." The other guar, his words covered in a thick layer of contempt.

"Grasshoppa!" Shutter said. He hovered just above the two humans and soon the five of them were once again on their way. It didn't take long for someone to start asking questions.

"So Shutter Speed," Tracey said getting almost everyone's attention. "What kind of photographer are you?"

"Oh little ol' me?" He said in an overactive tone. "I take pictures for whatever work I can get...but mostly I do photos of famous ponies."

"So I'm guessing taking pictures is your special talent?" Jon asked. His question was met with an answer but from a completely different pony.

"His special talent is being a pain in the ass." One of the guards said.

"I get the feeling these two don't like you very much." Jon commented.

"Nah, they just act like that; deep down they loooove me!" Shutter said, getting giggles from Jon and Tracey. "I like to consider myself the local jack of all trades but to answer your question...yep taking photos is what I'm all about! See...check it!"

He flew at just to the side of them to show off his cutie mark which was a roll of film. It was difficult to see against his dark body, especially at night but it was still visible. It was his dark coating that made him such an excellent photographer since at night most ponies never saw him coming.

"I'm guessing it's that special talent that's gotten you in trouble with...um?" Tracey said trying to recall if she knew the names of the two royal guards currently in front of him.

"Flint and Tinder." Shutter said causing the ears of two guards to bend backwards.

"Excuse me?" Jon asked.

"Their names...their names are Flint and Tinder," He repeated himself. "Two royal guards who patrol mostly in Canterlot City...and yeah they don't like it when I take the occasional picture of celebrities buuuuut that's not why they’re mad me....isn't that right guys?"

"Don't start with me." Flint said.

"Why what happened?" Tracey asked. When neither guard answered her Shutter took it upon himself to give the explanation.

"Imagine if you will two royal guards who were honor bound with the most meaningful assignment there ever was...defending the wellbeing of the citizens in the greatest city in Equestria, Canterlot!" Shutter said in a poetic tone. "Now imagine those same royal guards found sleeping on the job."

"We. Weren't. Sleeping." Tinder said.

"Oh riiiight," Shutter said. "And I suppose that picture I took was of you two just closing your eyes for a second.'"

Jon and Tracey couldn't help but laugh a little bit. What followed would have been an awkward silence but Shutter Speed wouldn't allow it.

"So what are you two celebrating today?" He asked. "I don't know nothing about no humans but y'all look pretty snazzy."

"Oh nothing special really," Tracey answered. "We're just going out for a dinner date."

"Aaaah…Grasshoppa!" Shutter said, giving a wink to them both. "Where to?"

"Some place called 'the Alimentaire Cheval.'" Jon answered trying his best to pronounce it right.

"Oh I know that joint!" Shutter exclaimed. "I go there all the time."

"Really?" Tracey asked. "Is there food any good?"

"HA! I wouldn't know!" He said with a hardly laugh. "An appetizer at the place probably costs more than this camera...I just troll the place for high profile ponies to take picture of."

After finishing his explanation Shutter leaned in just close enough so Flint and Tinder couldn't hear him.

"If you want I can show you two where the restaurant is," He said with a smirk. "I'm willing to bet my flank that you'd much rather be escorted by anypony other than these two sour ponies."

Both Jon and Tracey weighed the options of either being escorted further by the charming and helpful Shutter Speed or the straitlaced duo that was Flint and Tinder. The outcome wasn't even close.

"Hey uh...Flint, Tinder," Jon said. "You guys have done a great job so far, really you have…but from here on out I think we'd much rather go with Shutter Speed over here."

Upon hearing this the group capme to an abrupt stop. Two royal guards had stopped in their place and turned to face them with shocked expressions.

"Yeah we'll be fine," Tracey added. "We'll be sure to tell Celestia that you--"

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we really can't allow this!" Flint said. "While we were ordered to listen to your requests we were also instructed to keep you safe...we would not feel comfortable leaving you in the hooves of this low life."

When the word “low life” escaped his mouth Shutter Speed made a motion with his hoof like he was driving a knife into his heart.

"Look guys," Jon said. "I appreciate the thought but--"

"By order of the Princess I'm afraid our desicion is final!" Tinder interrupted. "Now then...let us continue." A silence hung over the group only to be broken by Jon.

"They should make a sitcom out of you two." He said, but they said nothing.

They continued to walk with Jon and Tracey looking rather disappointed. Shutter Speed however was still smiling; he leaned in close once again to address only the two humans

"When I give the signal...close your eyes." He said. Before they could ask he flew just ahead of the party and made some slight adjustments to his camera.

"HEY FLINT, HEY TINDER!" He said now hovering above them. The two looked up to see him poised with his camera ready to go. "SAY 'CHEESE'"

Gathering that he had given the signal both Jon and Tracey closed their eyes. A few seconds later a bright flash of light lit up the night sky for an even longer extended period of time. The sound of Flint and Tinder dropping their spears and groaning in pain caused the two to open their eyes once again.

"LET'S BOOGY!" Shutter yelled as he flew down a nearby dark ally. Jon and Tracey followed, laughing as the adrenalin coursed through their bodies.

"HALT!" Flint demanded as he ran in a random direction. "IN THE NAME OF THE CELESTIA I ORDER YOU TWO TO--" Before getting the chance to finish his demands he ran head first into a street lamp, temporarily rendering him unconscious. Tinder, who wasn't doing much better, found himself unable to see to the point where he ended up staggering backwards into pile of trash that someone had left out.

Jon and Tracey were running hand in hand, making sharp turns through ally after ally trying to lose their would be pursuers. They felt like high school kids who were caught hanging around school grounds after hours by campus security. It'd been years since either of them felt so alive; they enjoyed every second of it.

"That...was so grasshoppa!" Shutter yelled over the sound of feet stomping on hard ground. "Just follow me, we're almost there!"

A few twist and turns later and the three were now standing in front of a large building that was populated on all sides by ponies of all shapes and colors. A sign just over head said confirmed that this was indeed their desired location.

"Well here we are," Shutter said. "First floor we have fancy ponies, overpriced dinners, and fine wine."

"Listen Mr. Speed I'd like to thank you for bailing us out." Tracey said.

"Indeed. Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?" Jon ventured.

"Actually maybe there is," He said with a grin. "Mind if I take one last picture of you and the Misses before you head in?"

"I'm sure that'd make for a nice pair of antlers to hang on your wall." Jon joked.

"We'll do it but only if we get a copy." Tracey interjected with a smile that matched Speed's.

The couple huddled together while Shutter Speed lined up his shot to include both the couple and the restaurant in the background. A second passed and he took the picture, which developed right in front of them and slowly began to increase in contrast.

All three of them huddled together to get a better look. The two humans were in perfect focus and the background served as nice background which didn’t draw attention away from the couple.

"Grasshoppa!" Shutter said admiring his own work. "Alright I'll be in the area if you need any more help...enjoy your dinner, you fancy folks." And with that he flew upwards into the sky and began to circle the area like a vulture.

"Nice guy." Tracey said. Jon agreed and checked his watch to see what time it was.

Grabbing a hold of his wife's hand Jon turned and made his way towards the restaurant, readying himself for a nice quiet dinner with his wife. Unaware that the real fun hadn't even started yet.

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