• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 15 [Luna]: The dark colored princess

The sense of an overwhelming figure looming over oneself is exactly the feelings Jon would cast over the citizens of Equestria. Most of whom only came up to either his knees or hips, making him a veritable giant among ponies. Even their all important world leader, Celestia, was a few inches shorter than him so, whenever he walked their grounds, he very rarely felt small by comparison.

But as Jon stood in front of the door to Luna’s bedroom, a crushing feeling was taking a hold of him. This wasn’t because of the massive double doors to her chamber were almost twice the size of him (though it helped), but because he knew that on the other end of it was a very powerful Alicorn that was strong enough to go up against Queen Chrysalis and win. The last time he saw her was when she used her magic to save Jon and, for a brief moment, subdue the Changeling Queen. This was why he sought her out, yet at the same time, he felt nervous about addressing her. Even to someone like Jon who knew next to nothing about how magic works, he could tell that this creature was one of immense power.

This meant that, when Jon knocked on her door, he did so very hesitantly, almost as if he didn’t even want to. Realizing that such a weak attempt to get her attention would obviously yield no results, he did it again. Or at least he would have, had he not jumped back at the sound of someone calling out to him.

THOU MAY ENTER!” A voice on the other side screamed as the door opened. His invitation was so loud, and carried so far, that Jon looked behind him to make sure no one else came rocketing around the corner to investigate. Once it was clear that no one else was on this level, Jon entered the room whereupon it closed behind him like a scene in a horror movie.

The interior of Luna’s room was both spacious, yet at the same time, somewhat cluttered. Maps were strewn all around the ground in neatly organized piles, and large bookshelves were against the far end of the wall with countless volumes of hoofwritten tomes. From one side of the room over, one could see desks and light sources which made it look more like an archive station rather than a bedroom.

The left side of the room was noticeably different. There was a large queen sized bed that had a removable curtain attached to it which could be used to block any light from coming in. It closely resembled a Disney Princess-bed that Jon’s own daughter wanted for her birthday, only this one was actually genuine. Next to the bed was a large and elegant wooden desk, complete with a mirror and hair maintenance accessories. Much like how the right side of the room was covered with maps and literature, this side was littered with cushions like there was an all out pillow-fight the night before.

While one side seemed to be industrial and dedicated to work and the other elegant and for recreational use, the room in its entirety was an oasis for fine art. Sculptures stood in seemingly random locations, paintings were either on the wall or still in the process of being completed, and there was even a glass case with the skeleton of an animal inside. But the most elegant form of artwork was the ceiling which had a painting of a constellation on it with paint that made itself visible no matter time of day it was.

All of these wonderfully preserved artifacts and unique room features were completely lost on Jon, since the room was so dark, he couldn’t even see the his own breath which was caused by the room being unsettlingly cold. There was a window straight ahead that offered a bit of light, but at this hour of the day, not enough to actually help. But most importantly of all, he couldn’t see who he was looking for.

“Hello?” Jon called sheepishly.

Address thyself!” A voice from afar echoed. Before answering, Jon tried to pinpoint where it was coming from. He could not.

“Uh... J-Jon!” He blurted. “...Jon Stewart.”

The moment he said his own name, a pair of blue eyes revealed themselves from within the darkness. They were glowing so no pupils could be seen, but he could tell that they were looking directly at him.

“Jon Stewart?” The voice asked. The pair of eyes began to move forward and, as it did, the room began to illuminate itself, slowly revealing with it a lone figure.“We were not expecting anypony by that name.”

With the room having now been mysteriously lit up, Jon could see everything, including whoever it was that was addressing him. It was a dark blue Alicorn with a crescent cutie mark. He could now properly identify the levitating creature as the same one that had saved him the night before.

“Luna?” He said.

“Yes. We are Luna.” She said as she grounded herself.

Now having gotten a chance to get a better look at her guest, she gave him an expression like she’d been expecting him all along

“Aaaah yes, we now remember... thou beith the famous human from the other world.” She proclaimed as Jon slowly walked up to her. “Might we ask why thou hath--”

Before she could finish her inquiry, she was shocked to find Jon now having wrapped his arms around her. For a fraction of a second, it almost looked like he was attacking her, but it was soon evident that he was giving her a hug.

“Thank you.” He said. “Thank you... so very much.”

The dark colored princess didn’t respond. Not because she didn’t know what to say, but because she found herself in a situation she was unfamiliar with. The proper etiquette when addressing a member of the royal family was to let them speak first, only speak when spoken to, address them by title not by name, never interrupt them, and most of all, never ever touch them. Jon broke all these rules in a matter of seconds.

Were it anyone else, Luna would have berated them by now for their vulgar actions, but she knew all too well of he had gone through, and doing so would not look good for her, image wise.

“We don’t... uh, ’thank you’ for what?” She asked.

“You... saved us.” Jon sniffled in a hushed tone. “If you hadn’t shown up the way you did Trixie would have... I just... I can’t thank you enough for what you did.”

“Uh... there, there?” Luna said as she calmly used her free hoof to pat him on his back, like a mother trying to her baby to burp. “Tis quite alright... ‘twas nothing really.”

Upon hearing this Jon put his hands on her shoulders and bridged a gap between them to look into her once glowing eyes.

“No... it was not ‘nothing.’” He challenged. “You... you don’t understand... Trixie and I, we... we almost died... You’re a hero.”

Being regarded as a savior was definitely not something Luna was used to.

“We were just doing what anypony else would do.” She said sheepishly. “No praise is necessary.”

“No... you see, that’s not good enough!” Jon said as he walked around her and made his way across the room, in no particular direction. “What you did... it would’ve been so easy for... f-for anyone to not get involved, but what you did... I just... I seriously cannot thank you enough.”

“Does the nurse on duty know that thou is out of bed?” She asked as she watched Jon pace back and forth.

“Huh... oh yeah, yeah, yeah, she’s cool with it.” Jon lied, breaking yet another set of rules. Neither of them knew that the nurse in question was downstairs throwing a fit. “But that’s not important right now... what is... is making sure you are properly thanked... I want the entire world to know of your selfless actions.”

“And... how, pray tell, does thou wish to do such a feat?” Luna asked.

“The... the only way I know how.” Jon answered as she walked over to her window.

From this high up in the castle, Jon had a pretty clear view of Canterlot. But what caught his attention was a large gathering of trees positioned in a semicircle on the edge of a nearby forest. Inside it was a large stadium that Jon recognized as the venue that Octavia performed on when he first met her.

“Tell me, Luna.” Jon said now turning to his Alicorn savior. “Have you ever been on TV?”

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