• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 8,261 Views, 1,271 Comments

Little Choices - Skijarama

The timeline has changed. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their new friends must face the unknown together...

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“Alright! Thanks, mom!” Rainbow Dash squealed with delight when her favorite meal was set down in front of her, the aroma of the pasta and the potatoes blended perfectly and her mouth watered. With little to no hesitation, she opened her mouth as wide as possible and consumed a good half of the towering sandwich in one fell swoop, her entire body shuddering in ecstasy. “Oh, that’s good…” she mumbled through her mouth-full of food.

“Ooooh, look at you. We’re so proud of you, Dashie.” Windy Whistles said with tears of joy in her eyes before looking to her husband, Bow Hothoof, who was standing a little ways behind Windy in the yellow colored Cloudsdale kitchen.

“Yeah! Best cutie mark ever for the best daughter ever!” he added with an enthusiastic grin.

“Yeah, it is awesome, ain’t it?” Rainbow smirked down at her flank where her brand new cutie mark was on display. A white cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt shooting out of it. She couldn’t have asked for a more fitting and personally fulfilling mark. She leaned back a bit, remembering her victory of the race in which she had attained it fondly.

She then lost her smile as she remembered a certain oddity that had caught her attention. Two ponies had been there, between the rings and standing on the clouds below the course itself. They seemed to be arguing over something. While she had been focused on finishing the race at the time, Rainbow couldn’t help but notice something off about the two.

The first one she saw was a lilac colored unicorn, a look of fury and misery written on her face. Standing in front of her was an impossibility. Something that shouldn’t have been there.

An Alicorn. A lavender alicorn mare with a baby dragon upon her back, speaking to the lilac unicorn cautiously, but with a hopeful glint in her eye. Rainbow had turned her eyes away from the two just before she broke the sound barrier and the visible light spectrum along with it, creating a sonic rainboom.

She won almost instantly after before setting herself down near where she had seen the strange ponies. Her mind had turned over itself in confusion, trying to figure out what she had just seen. “...Who were they?” she had asked herself.

“...Are you okay?” Windy’s voice knocked Rainbow out of her musings, bringing her back to the here and now.

Rainbow shook her head to dispel the feeling of unease that suddenly filled it before smiling confidently at her parents, though they could see it was forced. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking is all.”

“Thinking about what?” Bow asked, stepping forward, a small amount of worry marring his features.

Rainbow didn’t answer.


“Rainbow?” a feminine voice called softly, breaching the thick veil of Rainbow Dash’s sleep. “Rainbow, it’s time to wake up…”

“Mmph…” Rainbow grunted drowsily before one of her forelegs lazily swiped out from under hear resting form to swat at whatever stupid pest was disturbing her sleep. A giggle reverberated in her mind before she felt somepony grab her hoof in their own to hold it in place.

“Come on, Rainbow, you know you can’t stay asleep forever.” the voice said again mirthfully. Rainbow scrunched up her face.

“That a challenge…? Just watch me…” Rainbow mumbled before rolling over and keeping her eyes tightly screwed shut, praying to whatever would hear her that the disturbances would end there. “Mornings… pfah…”

Another giggle snaked its way into her mind through her ears like some sort of devilish serpent. That didn’t sound good... “Okay, you asked for it…”

Rainbow made a sound that could only be described as a questioning grunt before, with a bit of magic, her bed mattress tilted to an almost vertical angle, sending the prismatically maned pegasus sliding off of her bed and to the hard wooden floor, impacting with a sound not unlike that of a sack of wet potatoes being dropped. Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes, sat up on her haunches, and glared past her now flattening mattress and into the eyes of the villainous mare that would dare disrupt her sleep. “Twilight, did I ever tell you I hate you?”

“Yes, actually. Whenever I have to wake you up because you’re oversleeping,” Twilight replied with a grin before reaching out and ruffling her friend’s mane. “Come on downstairs, eh? Spike’s made something pretty special for breakfast.”

With a small smile appearing on her face, despite her inner fury from having her sleep disturbed, Rainbow shoved Twilight’s hoof out of her mane before standing up. “Yeah, I’ll bet.” Picking herself up off of the floor, Rainbow sauntered by Twilight, still grumbling a bit under her breath but, to be fair, this kind of wake up was nothing new.

She paused just as she reached the stairs to glance over her shoulder and out a nearby window. Beyond the organic wooden branches and custom glass panes that made it up, past the leaves that framed the exterior of the window, Rainbow Dash could see several of the houses of Ponyville and the ponies that called the village home going about their day to day lives.

Nine months… she had been living in the Golden Oaks Library with Twilight for nine months now. It was hard to believe it had been so long already. It felt like it was maybe last week that Rainbow Dash was staring down Nightmare Moon in defense of the aforementioned lavender mare, learning about the change in the timeline and then all of the crazy shenanigans that had sprung up since they moved here.

An unpleasant reunion with Gilda, a stuck up and self-absorbed illusionist fraud, a sleeping dragon, parasprites. Then there was that time that Twilight messed up winter wrap up only to do a one-eighty and fix the whole freaking thing. Rainbow smirked slightly at the fond memory before at last making her way downstairs.

Just as Twilight had previously mentioned, there was an absolutely marvelous looking breakfast arranged on the dining table, which sat off to one side in the central room of the library. A plate loaded with hash browns and pancakes with a bowl full of mashed potatoes off to one side. Spike could be seen not far away from the still steaming spread, dusting something or other. “Carbo-loading me?” Rainbow asked with a friendly smile. Spike turned around and raised an eyebrow.

“Well, yeah. I mean, aren’t you going in for weather duty today?” he asked pointedly.

“Yeah, I am. Although technically I’m volunteering, Spike,” Rainbow corrected while marching up to the waiting meal. “I keep saying I ‘work in weather services,’ but I’m not actually employed by them.” she chuckled under her breath while sitting down at the table and eyeing her meal.

“Oh, right; princess status…” Spike nodded slowly. “Y’know, I sometimes forget that you’re royalty.”

“Hey, forget it forever and I’ll give you a bag of bits,” Rainbow said while downing a mouthful of the hash browns. “It took me ages to get Canterlot’s ponies to know me. Ponyville’s taking even longer.”

Spike nodded along. “Well, Ponyville was founded by earth pony farmers. The apple family, to be exact. A bit of stubbornness is to be expected with that family, I think.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a small smirk. “Oh-hoh yeah.” she chuckled out before continuing to consume her breakfast.

It was at this time that Twilight decided to make an entrance, cantering down the stairs with a book floating behind her in her magic. She looked up at Rainbow and smiled warmly. “You’re looking more awake already.”

Rainbow nodded before finishing off her hash browns. “It helps when you have a good breakfast,” she said before winking at Spike, who beamed appreciatively.

Twilight nodded with a small smile before setting herself down in a lounge chair across the room with Rainbow. With a flick of her magic, she opened the book she had with her and began reading. Rainbow leaned over from what little was left of her food to get a better look at the book in question. Quantus and Tempora’s Guide to Abstract Spellcraft.

“Abstract Spellcraft?” Rainbow echoed with a raised eyebrow, drawing Twilight’s attention.

“It’s pretty complicated stuff, Rainbow,” the unicorn pointed out with her smile widening into an enormous, geeky grin before she turned to another page. “Abstract Spellcraft is the term that the authors use to describe their spells. Quantus and Tempora were really unusual when it came down to magic, liking to base the fundamentals of their works off of things like the structures of matter, temporal imprints, and quantum states. A lot of their work shares some of their basic foundations with teleportation magic, but they also-”

“Twilight! Twilight,” Rainbow cut her off with a raised hoof and a face twisted with too many big words. “Say that again, but slower and with words I understand.”

Twilight pouted at Rainbow before shaking her head in exasperation. “Okay, okay. In short, the spell I’m studying is called the- okay, no, you can’t pronounce that. I’ll just call it the ‘failsafe’ spell.”

“And what’s it do?”

Twilight grinned before setting the book aside for a moment. “To put it simply, things around me leave ‘imprints,’ like a memory when I interact with them. The book I’m reading right now, for example, has a fairly substantial imprint because of how familiar I am with it. You have a massive imprint, too. The failsafe spell checks the things around me and compared them to how I remember them. If it finds a difference that I don’t think is correct, it can then rollback the changes and restore the object in question to it’s remembered state. Make sense?”

“Kinda, yeah,” Rainbow tilted her head while mulling it over in her head. “What kind of ‘differences’ are we talking about, though?”

“Basically anything that didn’t happen on its own or naturally. A change caused by direct interference. Say that a cloud is raining fire instead of water because something tampered with it, or a bunny is behaving like a raging bull. The spell would figure that out and then reverse it.” Twilight explained while using her magic to create a visual representation of a flaming cloud and then a very angry looking Angel bunny.

“Wow. That sounds handy.” Rainbow said with a nod and impressed raise of her eyebrows.

“Well, if the cause of the anomaly has more power than the caster does, the failsafe spell with just… er, fail.” Twilight explained before grimacing at how odd that sentence sounded.

“Not so handy.”

“I’m mostly learning it as a precaution. Plus, learning just for learning’s sake is fun.” Twilight said before leaning back and returning to her book.

“To you, maybe,” Rainbow snorted before finishing off her breakfast and standing up. “Alright, I should probably get a move on. See you later, you two. Don’t burn the library down while I’m gone, okay?” she called out playfully before opening the door.

“We won’t, don’t worry,” Twilight called after her before rolling her eyes when the door closed.

Outside, Rainbow took a moment to take in a deep breath of fresh morning air. “Ah… this is nice.” She hummed contently to herself before spreading her feathery wings and giving them a strong flap, lifting herself into the air. With a cocky grin on her face, she then sped off for the weather services office building for her shift of volunteer work.

She paused for a moment, however, when the edges of her vision filled with tendrils of white. They came and then went as quickly as they had come, leaving Rainbow unsure if she had even seen them or not. With a shake of her head, she decided to just ignore it for now before resuming her journey, leaving a prismatic rainbow trail in her wake.

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