• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 8,263 Views, 1,271 Comments

Little Choices - Skijarama

The timeline has changed. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their new friends must face the unknown together...

  • ...

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“Yo, Thunderlane!” Rainbow Dash called out the moment she set hoof inside the Weather Service office building. It was a fairly standard building with four rooms. A lobby for ponies who had questions or complaints, a ‘meeting room’ for weather team members to discuss what needed to be done when not out in the skies, an office room used by the manager and, more importantly, a ‘closet’ full of various pieces of equipment that could be used to assist with weather control; be it making sure a cloud was dense enough to produce enough rain, checking the temperature of the air or any number of other things.

Near the door to the said closet was a black pegasus stallion with a white mane done up in a mohawk. His amber eyes looked over to Rainbow Dash before a friendly smile appeared on his face. “Ah, Rainbow! There you are. Some of us were getting worried that you wouldn’t be helping today.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I overslept.” Rainbow replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

Again?” Thunderlane asked incredulously. He instantly flinched and recoiled a bit. “Oh, uh, I mean-”

“Dude,” Rainbow cut him off with a raised hoof and a dry look. “I’ve told you and everypony else on the team at least a hundred times by now. You don’t need to be worried about offending me. It’s not like I’m gonna order your execution if you annoy me too much.”

“Y-yeah, I know. Just… sorry. Old habits kinda die hard,” he finally admitted with a shake of his head, his shoulders slumping somewhat. He then perked back up and his smile returned. “Well, anyway, we’ve got something weird going on just at the edges of town. Odd colored clouds. The boss was hoping you’d be able to look into it.”

“Odd colored clouds?” Rainbow echoed while trotting up behind Thunderlane as he made his way into the meeting room. It was long with a table stretching across most of the center of the floor space. On the back wall was a whiteboard with multi-colored notes and scribbles, instructions and other such whatnot. On the wall next to it, held in place by a red pin was a sheet of paper with a list of the day’s highest priorities. Looking over the sheet, she noted that, circled in red, were the words ‘Pink clouds spotted north of Ponyville, erratic movement confirmed. Needs investigation and cleanup.’

“Yeah. Everypony else has their own work inside the town and the clouds haven’t come inside of Ponyville proper yet. Think you can handle it?” Thunderlane inquired with a slight twitch of his ear.

“Heh heh, Bro…” Rainbow smirked over at Thunderlane. “I can handle Pinkie Pie. Some pink clouds? Easy peasy.” she proclaimed confidently.

Thunderlane raised an eyebrow quizzically at that remark. “Pinkie, huh…? Well, alright. I’ll go let the boss know you’re on the case. Good luck out there.” Thunderlane said while cantering for the door leading back out to the lobby.

“When have I ever needed luck?” Rainbow snarked back before following him out of the room.

“Well, I mean, there was that time that Pinkie Pie ran faster than you can fly, beating you to every hiding spot before you ever even got there. Pretty sure it was blind luck you beat her to Sweet Apple Acres.” Thunderlane pointed out with a mirthful expression.

Rainbow shuddered, an uneasy look coming over her. “Okay, point taken.”

Thunderlane laughed before turning for the manager’s office. “Alright, get a move on, Rainbow.”

“Roger!” Rainbow nodded, snapping out of her trance before shooting out the door at high speeds.

There was no doubt about it. These clouds were decidedly very pink. They were pink, poofy and zipping around at remarkably high speeds. Rainbow observed from a dozen or so yards away, eyeing the bizarre formations critically. She recalled how sometimes primal weather from the Everfree would work it’s way over Ponyville, most times behaving erratically and dangerously. Normally she would chalk up any odd weather pattern around here to it just being from said dark forest.

There were two big problems with that logic this time, though.

First of all, no weather Rainbow had ever seen come out of the everfree looked quite so… for lack of a better word, playful. It was almost always dark, violent and practically dripping with malice in the form of intense rain. Winds were intense, the clouds were thick and formed together like a phalanx, making busting them or redirecting them back into the Everfree something of a challenge. These clouds were pink, small (albeit numerous) and had no real structure to them. Each one seemed to operate completely independently of the others. Plus, Everfree clouds weren’t pink.

Secondly, the Everfree Forest was mostly to the east and south of Ponyville. These pink clouds were coming in from the north. Some more could be seen encircling the tall mountain that Canterlot hung off of.

After watching the clouds for several seconds longer, Rainbow began her approach, circling around the clouds to try and drive them west, away from Ponyville. The closer she got, the more unusual the texture of the pink, fluffy clouds appeared. At last, she reached out and drove her forehooves into the side of one of them, hoping to give it a good shove.

What she was not expecting was for the cloud to mold around her hooves and cling to her fur like some kind of adhesive. She was not expecting a sudden rush of an incredibly sweet and sugary smell to swim up her nostrils, or a puff of air to wash over her face as it was forced out from the cloud by her hooves. She wasn’t expecting several small droplets of a brown, sweet-smelling liquid to come flying out, some of them hitting her in the face. She expected none of these things, but all of them happened.

“What the?!” she exclaimed, pulling back her hooves and, to her surprise, taking large clumps of the cloud along for the ride. They made soft tearing sounds as they were peeled away from the main body of the cloud, another rush of that highly sugary scent invading Rainbow’s senses. “What is this cloud made of?!” she demanded, flapping her wings to put some distance between her and the offending pink substance.

Rainbow then went still, her mind blanking. “What… uh oh…” she mumbled out as her sense of balance failed her. Her limbs felt like they were being gradually filled with something heavy, prompting her to slowly drift down to the ground below. As soon as she landed, she fell to her haunches, her eyes wide open and unfocused. I know this feeling… she thought to herself, reaching a hoof up to the side of her head, the ball of pink cloud forgotten when a spike of pain went through her skull.

A flash…

Her vision was invaded by white

“Gotcha!” Rainbow cried out triumphantly while body slamming the pink cloud that had, only a moment prior, been looming over Sugarcube Corner. Instead of the cloud dispersing from the force of the impact, she sank right into it before it molded around her and stuck to her. For a moment, she froze, dumbstruck. Then… “Eeeeew! What is this stuff?!” she whined, shaking her whole body and removing much of the substance as a result. There was still a lot of it clinging to her body though. The way they felt on her fur vaguely reminded her of… no, that couldn’t be.

Tentatively, Rainbow ran her tongue along a small piece of the sticky cloud. After a moment to process the taste, her eyes tilted in confusion. “Cotton… candy?” she asked in disbelief, her mind trying desperately to figure this out.

Okay, these things are made of Cotton Candy… that’s weird.” Rainbow thought while she was watching all of this play out.

Another of the pink clouds soon appeared over Rainbow’s head, a thunderous rumble sounding from its core. The cyan mare glanced up just in time for a droplet of chocolate milk to land on top of her head. “Wait a second! It’s not supposed to rain until tomorrow!” she shouted at it indignantly. “You can’t just-”

A deluge of chocolate milk rain erupted from the small cloud directly over and pretty much exclusively on Rainbow. The pegasus just floated there for a second before lowering her gaze with a flat look on her face.

“You did.”

The vision shattered and Rainbow Dash found herself coming back to her senses, shaking her head to dispel the sudden fogginess she felt. For a few seconds, she contemplated what she had seen. Then her eyes went wide.

I just had a flash… that means that something important is about to happen, right?

She turned her eyes back up to the pink clouds with her eyes narrowing seriously. Slowly, she got to her hooves, her legs wobbling beneath her and her head throbbing in protest. Rainbow grit her teeth and reached a hoof up to the side of her head again to try and quell the pain.


Half of her vision was obscured by pink, chocolate milk-soaked cotton candy. Her ears fell flat and her expression turned dry. Then there was a thunderous boom over her head before, just like in the flash, chocolate rain began to fall over her and only her.

“...Of course, you did.” she deadpanned.

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike asked nervously from the other side of the room, standing on the very tips of his toes and looking out the window of the Golden Oaks Library. His face was a mixture of nervousness and confusion.

“Uh huh?” Twilight asked, looking up from her book into the back of the young drake’s head.

“...Why is it raining chocolate milk?”

Twilight blinked, put her book down and got up. “I’m… I’m sorry. What?” she asked, her muzzle scrunching up while she trotted up to Spike’s side.

“Why is it raining chocolate milk?” Spike repeated himself a bit more incessantly while poking a claw against the glass of the window. Twilight arrived at his side, her brow creased in confusion before she angled her neck to get a better look at the sky. “And why are the clouds moving like that?”

Sure enough, there were many pink clouds zipping across the sky, each one releasing a torrent of chocolate milk to splash into the streets and roofs of Ponyville below. Twilight’s eyes widened and her jaw fell wide open. “Uh… I don’t know, but it can’t be good.”

“Well, I mean, It’s confusing, yeah. But it’s chocolate!” Spike said, turning to look at Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

“Spike, do you have any idea how bad for our plants chocolate is?!” Twilight demanded with an eye twitching in rapidly mounting exasperation.

“...I see your point.” Spike admitted before looking out the window again. “We got a plan to deal with this?”

“Hang on!” Twilight muttered under her breath urgently, pulling her book back to her face. She whispered something to herself under her breath, possibly reading the text of the book aloud before nodding. “Spike, get my umbrella, would you? I’m going to need to keep looking this over while we go to the center of this, ah, storm.”

“On it!” Spike nodded, gave a salute, then scampered across the room and up the stairs leading to the loft.

Twilight glanced out the window with her expression souring considerably. “Oh, why couldn’t this have all waited until after I got done learning the spell in its entirety?!”

It was at this point that a small pack of bunnies went running by on legs longer than Twilight was tall, kicking out large clouds of dust in their wake. Twilight’s mind tried to process this for a moment before opting to just discard it in favor of something that made sense. Like Spike coming back with her umbrella. That made sense.

“Here you go!” Spike chirped dutifully while fitting it onto Twilight’s back and making sure it was strapped on properly. “Alright, all set.”

“Thanks, Spike. Come on, let’s go!” Twilight gave a sharp nod before using her magic to pull open the door to the library. The sweet smell of the chocolate and the scent of cotton candy invaded their nostrils and were almost enough to overwhelm them. Twilight gulped before breaking into a gallop, still holding the book up to her face. “Make sure I don’t bump into anything!”

“I’ll try!” Spike called from behind her, sounding a little worried.

To be fair, Twilight couldn’t blame him...

Author's Note:

Whaaaaat?! Two chapters in one day?!

Yes. :P the first one was written a few days in advance, so this wasn't a problem at all.

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