• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 8,235 Views, 1,271 Comments

Little Choices - Skijarama

The timeline has changed. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their new friends must face the unknown together...

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Time To Go Home

Moonflower Balm rubbed her chin in thought while studying the base of Rainbow’s wounded wing, still encased in it’s cast, with a critical eye. It was morning now, the sun having just started to peak out from the horizon. The local weather teams were preparing some rainy weather for a little later, so what sunlight was slipping into the secluded town wouldn’t last very long. In the clinic room with Rainbow and Moonflower were the rest of the group, standing back a little while the doctor made her assessment. Of course, there was a… notable absence.

Twilight was not in the room with the rest of them. Upon arriving not long ago, Fluttershy had stated that she had decided to stay behind with the lunar guards Luna had sent, to be ready to go in the event that Rainbow was cleared for transport.

Disappointing, but unsurprising from where Rainbow Dash was looking.

“So, uh… is it safe to move me to Ponyville?” She finally broke the silence with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, glancing over her shoulder to look at her wounded wing.

“Hmm…” Moonflower examined the cast for several long moments before giving a slow nod. “Oh, I suppose. You’ll need to make extra sure that your transport is as smooth and bumpless as possible, though. The muscles are not ready to be jostled, not by a long shot. But if you have confidence in your guards to take you there without incident then I see no reason to stop you.”

Rainbow seemed to visibly relax a little bit. “Oh, thank goodness. No offense or anything, but I bet it’ll help me heal if I’m somewhere familiar, so the ponyville clinic is probably better for me on those grounds anyway.”

“You also live there,” Moonflower pointed out with a flat look before setting about disconnecting Rainbow from the monitoring devices she had been hooked up to. “So it would make sense that the clinic in the town where Princess Rainbow Dash lives is properly equipped to help it’s highest-profile resident.

“I mean…” Rainbow shrugged slightly. “You’re not wrong.” she gave a sheepish smile and then held still while Moonflower unplugged the last device.

“I know I’m not,” Moonflower said with an amused glint in her eye. Her face turned a touch more serious, though, when she shifted to look over her shoulder at the rest of the gathered ponies in the room. “If the rest of you would head out to the lobby and wait there while I finish up with Rainbow, we can get a move on much faster.”

There were no objections, although Pinkie and Fluttershy were visibly hesitant in leaving, the latter pausing in the doorframe to glance at Rainbow Dash with worrying eyes before following the others out.

Once the door was closed, Moonflower visibly sagged with a small sigh. “I know it’s none of my business, but do you mind if I ask you why I found your pillow absolutely drenched in tear stains when I woke you up this morning?” She asked gently while trotting over to counter in the back of the room. There was a sink and faucet along with some space for writing or sorting materials.

Rainbow went rigid and looked down. “...I do mind, actually. No offense, again, but… it’s not something I want to talk about,” she said in a tense voice.

Moonflower frowned to herself while she procured a clipboard with some paper on it. “I’m sorry. Seeing it just Reminded me of somepony close to me. Instinct demanded I at least ask,” she said simply.

Rainbow glanced up at Moonflower curiously. “Huh?”

“My youngest daughter, Wind Whisper… I haven’t seen her in almost a year, now, not since she went with her big brother to Canterlot. But while she was still at home with the rest of us she had… anxiety issues. There were times where I’d find her pillowcases absolutely drenched in the mornings after she ran off to school for the day,” moonflower shook her head with a small sigh before taking a pen attached to the clipboard in her mouth and writing some things down on the paper.

“Oh… uh… sorry, then,” Rainbow said meekly, looking back down at the sheets.

“It’s fine,” Moonflower dismissed before turning around and looking the clipboard in her hooves over one last time. Convinced that all was in order she tucked it under her leathery wing and trotted up to Rainbow’s side. “Now come on, it’s time to check you out of here.”

The two lunar guards, one a thestral, the other a pegasus, were… stunningly upbeat when Twilight mentally compared them to their solar counterparts. They were chatty, energetic and even friendly. They were also rather young, Twilight noticed. Of course, thinking back on it, it made a degree of sense. The lunar guard had, as far as she knew, only recently been reformed, and the ranks were slow to fill up.

Right now they were standing near the center of town, running some basic checks on their chariot to make sure it would be stable and a smooth ride if they were to leave. The two talked happily amongst themselves as they worked.

“Twilight!” a soft voice called, drawing Twilight’s attention towards the speaker. Fluttershy came swooping in from one of the higher levels and came to a gentle landing with a big smile on her face. “We’re all clear. Rainbow is checking out of the clinic right now.”

Twilight shared the smile on her friend’s face, although it was clearly smaller. “That’s great!” she turned to the two guards. “We’re good! Is that thing ready?”

“Just about,” The Thestral called back while tinkering with something on the underbelly of the chariot. “This thing is givin’ me a headache an’ a half!”

“What are you even doing down there?” Twilight asked with curiosity, trotting over to take a look.

There was a loud clang and click, loud enough to make Twilight jump back in alarm. The thestral scooted out, his already darkly colored face smeared with some kind of black grease. “Fixin’ the chariot. What did ya think I was doin?”

Twilight blinked and shrugged. “Uh… I don’t know. That’s what I asked.”

“I was fixin’ the chariot,” The Thestral gave a toothy grin before standing back up and rubbing a hoof over his face. He gagged at the sight of the grease staining his hoof. “Pluegh! Gross! Glider, you got a towel or somethin’?”

“Nope,” The pegasus replied with a small smirk. “You just get to look like the boogie-pony til we get to Ponyville.”

“Oh, my worst fear!” The thestral wailed in an overly dramatic fashion before casually sauntering over and rubbing his hoof on the pegasus’ shoulder.

“YOU SNOT!” he cried out in revulsion, smacking his companion away before glaring at the newly formed spot of stain and stink on his coat. “...thanks.”

“You’re very welcome,” the thestral laughed. His buddy tried to maintain his look of aggravation but soon joined in on the chuckles. Twilight and Fluttershy lightly giggled along with them, enjoying the entertaining display of banter.

“Looks like you are all having fun,” a new voice chimed in, high in pitch and energy. Pinkie Pie appeared by Twilight’s side, having seemingly just come out of nowhere. “You planning on sharing?”

“WAH!” Twilight yelped, jumping away from Pinkie in surprise. “Gah! Don’t do that!”

“Do what? Talk?” Pinkie asked with a teasing grin before looking at the lunar guards. “Oh, you two look dirty.”

“Pinkie Pie! Tact!” Rarity scolded as she came up as well, Spike scampering along next to her with Applejack and Rainbow Dash following closely behind.

“But I don’t wanna!” Pinkie wined before looking past her at Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Her smile faltered somewhat when she noticed that Rainbow’s eyes were locked firmly on her hooves.

Twilight gulped and slowly backed out of Rainbow’s forward line of sight, letting the two lunar guards step forward to address their princess. “Princess Rainbow Dash,” The pegasus greeted with a respectful nod of his head. “We are ready to depart whenever you are. Just say the word.”

Rainbow glanced up at the two with tired eyes, then nodded. “Well, we aren’t making any progress just standing here. Let’s get a move on, eh?”

“Yes, you’re highness!” The thestral gave a bow before turning to hook himself up to the chariot alongside the pegasus.

“What are your names?” Rainbow asked while climbing into the back of the chariot. The rest of her friends were not far behind her.

“I’m Scythe Glider,” the pegasus gave a sharp nod and friendly smile. “But just Glider is fine.”

“And I’m Stark Jumper,” the thestral followed his comrade’s example with the nod. “A pleasure to be of service.”

Rainbow nodded slowly before taking a quick headcount of the ponies and one dragon in the chariot with her. Fluttershy, Spike, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all seated with her in the back. It was a little cramped, but there was still room for one or two more.

So why was Twilight standing just at the edge of the chariot’s step, looking at something else entirely? “C’mon, sugarcube,” Applejack called to her gently while holding out a hoof. “It’s time for us to go home.”

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded. “R-right… sorry.”

She took Applejack’s hoof and was hoisted into the chariot before sitting down next to Fluttershy. Rainbow’s ears drooped just a little before she looked back to Stark and Glider. “Okay boys, let’s go.”

“Yes, ma’am!” the two said in unison before snapping out their wings and breaking into a brisk gallop. For a few seconds, the carriage was pulled along the road before, with a great upward tilt, the carriage was lifted high into the sky. Hollow Shades vanished from view behind it, obscured by the forest surrounding it. Rainbow Dash carefully turned herself around until she was resting her forehooves on the edges of the carriage, looking down onto the world passing by beneath her.

Princess Celestia looked down at the newspaper in her hooves with scrutiny and exhaustion. More rumors had sprung up about Rainbow Dash and the mystery mare on the train she had attacked and, as far as the public in Canterlot was concerned, both were still missing. The journalists had made some progress, discovering that neither Rainbow, Twilight or any of their friends were in Ponyville. Of course, Celestia knew why they were gone, but that did little more than make her discomfort worse.

What was worse was that she had been having trouble sleeping these last few nights, and it was getting worse. Beyond the almost offensive rumors, wild accusations and conclusion jumping that she was desperately trying to keep under control, there was something else… something she couldn’t quite place. It made her skin crawl whenever she took a moment to be alone to think. It was as if she were afraid the shadows themselves would take shape and attack her. Luna seemed to be in similar straights, citing that she felt as though she were being watched at all times.

Now both of them were seated in Princess Celestia’s personal study, examining the latest round of rumors, speculations, and theories in regards to the disappearance of Rainbow Dash, her alleged assault and, most bothersome, the other princesses continued silence on the matter.

Celestia sighed and let the paper drop to the floor. “What am I supposed to tell them?” she asked heavily, turning and dropping onto her haunches on one of the cushions in front of the room’s massive and ornate fireplace. “I always hate lying to my little ponies, but Rainbow Dash is my daughter… if I tell the truth about what happened, how well will that go over with them?”

Luna sighed solemnly while trotting up to Celestia’s side. “The best thing to do that I can suggest is to ensure that it never happens again, and let me break the news when the time comes.”

Celestia blinked and looked at Luna curiously. “I don’t mean to be rude, Lulu, but why you instead of me? She is my daughter.”

“Yes,” Luna nodded along with a small frown. “She is your daughter, and she is my niece. It has less to do with who is closer to her and more… who is more familiar with what she is going through.”

Celestia’s brow furrowed in thought. “You… did mention that she’s been…”

“There is no easy or gentle way to put it, sister. Rainbow Dash… right now, she hates herself,” Luna said in a soft voice, though the words still felt like a stab in the heart for the princess of the sun. “She regrets what happened immensely, and the pain of the guilt in combination with her soured relationship with her friends and Twilight is… it’s hurting her.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed a little with thought, but she otherwise opted to remain silent.

“I know how she feels, though… because even now I still struggle with looking at myself in a mirror,” Luna continued while closing her eyes. “I still see far, far too much of the monster I let myself become every time I do. I am reminded of the horrors I committed back then and when I came back from the moon. So if anypony can speak in a way, from a position, that can ensure the ponies withhold their worst judgments and retain their empathy and compassion,” Luna opened her eyes with a sort of fiery spark in them that Celestia had yet to see in her since her return. “It is going to have to be me.”

Celestia gave a slow nod before extending a wing and draping it over Luna’s back. “Very well, little sister. Once we’ve spoken with her, the task of speaking with the public shall fall to you.”

Luna smiled softly and nuzzled into her big sister’s neck affectionately. She would not lie and say that she didn’t have her doubts, or say she wasn’t afraid that her words would be insufficient in swaying the thoughts of the public, but she owed it to Rainbow Dash to at least try and save the respect she had earned for herself.

Rainbow had already done so much for her, after all. Sooner or later Luna would have to repay that debt.

Author's Note:

Not as heavy on the feels this time. Also made the world feel a bit more connected, I think, with some of what Moonflower said. Might be a little much, but eh.

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