• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 8,263 Views, 1,271 Comments

Little Choices - Skijarama

The timeline has changed. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their new friends must face the unknown together...

  • ...

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Solemn Homecoming, Rising Swarm

It was getting on to the evening when, at last, the Chariot pulled in to Ponyville. Glider and Stark brought it in for a mostly smooth landing just in front of the Ponyville Clinic, the wheels kicking up some dirt in their wake. Rainbow had been silent for the entire trip, despite some of the idle chatter of everypony else. Now, with the ride over, she lifted her eyes to look at the clinic. She had been here maybe two other times to date: Once to make sure the lightning bolt she had taken from Nightmare Moon wouldn’t leave any lasting damage after the Summer Sun Celebration, and once for a regular checkup.

“We’re here, Rainbow,” Stark said while looking over his shoulder at her. “We’re to remain in Ponyville until you’re cleared to leave the clinic. After that, we’re supposed to take you on up to Canterlot.”

“I figured,” Rainbow said tiredly before hopping over the edge of the carriage. She landed on the dirt path with a slight wobble before grimacing at the building before her. “...I don’t think the rest of you need to come with me. Go on and head home, girls… I’m sure your friends and family would like to know you’re home safe.”

Without waiting for a response, Rainbow trotted forwards and vanished into the clinic. Fluttershy almost instantly went to go after her, though Applejack quickly reached out and stopped her. “Let her be, for now, Fluttershy,” she said solemnly. “Ah think she’s got a point. We could all use a little bit to ourselves. It’s been… a crazy few days.”

Spike wrung his claws together by Twilight’s side as they all piled on out of the chariot. “She’s gonna be okay, right?” he asked anxiously, watching her silhouette talking to somepony through the glass door of the clinic.

“She’ll be fine, Spike,” Twilight assured him with a comforting pat on the back of his head. “She’s tougher than that mane makes her look.”

Spike shot Twilight a deadpan frown. “Are you sure about that?”

Twilight didn’t answer. Her ears slowly drooped and she took a few steps back. “...Rainbow’s right, Applejack. We should get back to our homes… Come on, Spike,” she said before grabbing Spike in her magic and depositing him on her back. Then, without another word, she turned around and began to trot for The Golden Oaks Library.

“...You didn’t answer my question, Twi.”

“I know I didn’t.”

Spike sighed softly and tried to make himself comfortable on Twilight’s back. “...What’s gonna happen now?”

“...I don’t know. Right now, Rainbow needs to focus on getting herself healed up. Then…”

“That’s not what I mean, Twilight,” Spike sat up and frowned into the back of Twilight’s head. “I mean, what happens now between you and her?

Twilight’s body visibly tensed at that question. She slowed slightly, letting the familiar ambiance of Ponyville wash over her. The birds singing, the sounds of ponies chatting in the marketplace a little ways away, the way the wind lightly rustled the branches of trees and bushes alike. She took it all in for a minute before she opened her mouth to speak. “I don’t know.”

Spike, disappointed with her answer but knowing she could give no others right now, nestled down into her back while she continued on her way.

To the side of the path, concealed by some foliage, an unassuming pegasus mare watched them trot by, a small bead of sweat dripping down her neck. “Oh, no… they’re back… her majesty will not like this…” she whispered before turning and galloping away.

The Golden Oaks Library…

They had been gone for only a week or two, and yet it felt like months since she had taken in the view of the large central room. The bust of a horses head carved out of beautiful yellow wood still stood in the center of the room, the books were all exactly as they had left them. Everything was exactly as she had left it.

As they had left it.

Spike slid off of Twilight’s back and looked around the room, looking almost like he was lost. “...It feels different,” he observed, his shoulder sagging.

“Yeah… it does, doesn’t it?” Twilight mused, scanning the books on the shelves that were carved into the walls while slowly trotting around the circumference of the room. “...But it’s exactly the same.”

Spike watched Twilight quietly for several long moments. He squared his shoulders and set his jaw before heading up the stairs to the loft and bedroom. Twilight glanced his way as he went but otherwise didn’t react. She eventually came to the adventure fiction section and, lo and behold, the Daring Do books were all there. A fond smile slowly appeared on her face as she thought about that series and how much she loved it. She remembered, also, how much Dash enjoyed it, and how the two of them had spent hours upon hours just chatting about the intricacies of the series while they were growing up.

She looked each one over for a moment before, with a heavy, relieved sigh, she flopped into her favorite chair and melted into the cushion. She let her eyes drift closed and took in a long, deep breath through her nostrils before letting it out through her mouth. She could pass out right here…

Something tapped against her hoof, making her crack open an eye. Spike was standing there, clutching something tightly in his claws over his chest. Twilight shifted slightly and opened her eyes the rest of the way to see what it was.

It was a photo album. The cover was facing Spike, who slowly turned it around and presented it to Twilight with a solemn, serious frown. “Look at this,” he said simply.

Twilight, curious, plucked the book from Spike’s claws and flipped it open to the first page. Her eyes immediately widened when the first photo she saw was a copy of the group photo depicting her with all of her friends huddled together, smiling happily in a group shot. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were front and center with Rainbow on the left and Twilight on the right. Their forelegs draped over each other’s shoulders and they wore a pair of happy smiles. Fluttershy was nestled down on her belly right in front of them, a far more reserved smile on display. Rarity sat to Twilight and Rainbow’s left, an almost flirty smile on her face. Pinkie Pie was standing on her hind legs behind the group, waving ecstatically at the camera with her trademarked enormous grin. On the other side was Applejack, sitting comfortably on her haunches with a smile of her own while winking cheerfully.

“This…” Twilight whispered, touching a hoof to the photo.

“Was the day we moved into Ponyville,” Spike finished for her while climbing up onto the sidearms of the chair. “You had me take this picture, remember?”

“Uh… yeah?” Twilight nodded slowly before looking up at Spike. “But why are you showing me this?”

Spike held up a red pen in his claws, one which Twilight had not noticed him carrying. “Because, Twilight,” he then reached down and swiftly drew a big ‘x’ over Rainbow Dash’s face, crossing her out.


“I don’t want that to happen.”

Twilight blinked, her ears drooping. “I… Spike, I-”

“Twilight,” Spike cut her off before reaching over and turning the page. “I don’t really do it as often as I should, but I do take pictures of some of the things we get up to. That’s what this album is for,” he said before pointing to the next page. “And they’re all in here… and I want you to look through them. All of them.”

Twilight blinked and looked over the photo album before her with shaking hooves. She didn’t say anything and began to look at each of the photos, one by one. With each one she looked at, her ears fell further and her eyes became harder and harder to keep dry.

“My queen!” Stinger’s voice urgently calling out broke the Changeling Queen out of her ruminations, causing her to look away from the pod housing all of the gathered love of the captured ponies.

“What is it, Stinger?” she asked sharply, not fond of the interruption of her contemplation.

“We’ve just been contacted by one of our scouts in Ponyville!” Stinger slid to a stop, having been mid-gallop when she had called out. She dropped into a deep, deep bow. “Princess Rainbow Dash has returned!”

Chrysalis’ brow furrowed and her teeth became visible as her lips peeled back in a disapproving snarl. “Our window of opportunity is almost gone. What is the Princess’ status?” she demanded, already impatient.

“She’s wounded, your majesty,” Stinger answered, lifting her head somewhat. “If what the scout reported is true, it will be at least two days before she is ready to leave their local clinic.”

Chrysalis hummed in thought before glancing back at the reservoir pod. “I see…”

Pharynx, who had been standing off to one side with Trachea, cleared his throat. “What would you have us do, my queen? We can not afford to wait any longer.”

Chrysalis’ wings twitched on her back before a sound, almost inaudible, came from her. It soon grew in volume, swelling into an eager, malevolent laugh that sent a chill down the spines of every single changeling that could hear it. Her pupils dilated with hunger and her long, forked tongue licked her lips in greedy anticipation. “We have waited long enough. The time to feed has come! Pharynx!” she turned her glowing green eyes on the purple-eyed drone. “Assemble your warriors; all of them. Brief them on the layout of Canterlot and begin organizing them to strike where it will disorient our prey the most!”

Pharynx threw a salute before turning and galloping swiftly out of the cavern. Chrysalis turned to Stinger. “Stinger, you are to send out all of your infiltrators. Ensure that they are in the city and ready for when the moment comes!”

Stinger rose to her hooves, saluted and also broke into a gallop out of the chamber. Chrysalis turned to Trachea. “You are to remain in these caverns, Trachea. A skeleton force shall be left in our wake to ensure that the pods are well protected. You are to be in charge of this force, understood?”

Trachea gave a low bow. “By your will, it shall be done, my queen.”

Chrysalis grinned widely before lifting into the air on her wings and flying out into the large chamber where all of their prisoners were held. She saw the swarm beginning to mobilize as Pharynx and Stinger shouted out orders left and right. She lifted into the air high over their heads, drawing their attention. The entire chamber fell silent and still.

Chrysalis let her grin devolve into a smug smile. “My drones, your patience shall soon be rewarded! The time to feed is almost upon us! When the sun rises tomorrow, our plans shall move forward, and the largest harvest our species has ever had the pleasure to reap shall be ours!” she set her hooves down on the same platform she had stood on when they first came to these subterranean caves.

“For so long have you waited under this mountain of cold stone and lifeless crystal. For so long have you all been forced to wait and watch your prey strut about over your heads with their noses held high! These ponies are weak, they are foolish, and they will never be a match for the wrath of the swarm! They are a species of love and friendship, a peace-loving people so enamored with compassion that they shall bring us more power than we could ever imagine!” She lifted one of her forehooves high into the air, her grin returning with sadistic glee burning in her eyes. “For so long you have starved… tomorrow, we lay claim to our harvest! Tomorrow, we feed!

The chamber erupted into buzzings and cheers, the entire army of Changelings before her eager to begin.

Chrysalis looked down at her drones… and laughed.

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