• Published 26th Dec 2017
  • 8,236 Views, 1,271 Comments

Little Choices - Skijarama

The timeline has changed. Now, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their new friends must face the unknown together...

  • ...

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Later that evening, after everypony else had left for their own homes to rest up for the upcoming trip, Twilight found herself in the kitchen with Spike, offering some assistance while he set about preparing the dinner that they and Rainbow would be eating later. “You really need to learn how to cook on your own.” Spike deadpanned with a small smile, a ladle in the bubbling pot he had atop the stove.

“Spike, we’ve been over this,” Twilight snorted as the tired topic was once again brought up. It had been a recurring topic ever since they had moved to Ponyville. “You don’t need to bring it up again.”

Spike pointed the ladle at Twilight. “You know I’m only bringing it up because you keep procrastinating.” he quipped, a playful grin forming on his face.

“I am not procrastinating!” Twilight defended, her cheeks puffing up before chucking the salt shaker at Spike’s head. She made sure it didn’t have much force behind it and that Spike could easily catch it, which he did.

“Do I smell hooves on fire?” Rainbow’s own teasing words entered the room alongside her as she strolled in. “Oh, wait. That’s just Twi telling a lie through her teeth. Nothin’ new, then.”

“Why you…” Twilight groaned before letting her face thump on the counter. “Ugh… I give up.”

“Give up what?” Rainbow pressed, planting a hoof on the back of Twilight’s head and harshly ruffling her mane. Twilight grunted and swat the hoof away.

“I give up hoping you two will stop teaming up on me,” she pouted before shaking her head. “I don’t know why you two keep getting on my case about it. Besides, it’s not like you can cook, Rainbow.”

“I mean, you got me there,” Rainbow said before nudging Twilight in the ribs with an elbow. “But hey, you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.” she grinned before strutting by, leaving Twilight standing silently.

“Uh… I’ll take that as a compliment?” she said with a raised eyebrow before looking back at Spike. The baby dragon merely shrugged.

“Good, that’s how it was meant,” Rainbow said while sliding into the wooden dining chair that was just off to the side of the kitchen space. She then turned her eyes fully to Spike, looking a little unsure. “You sure you wanna come along, Spike? I mean, it might be dangerous, you know?”

“I’m sure,” Spike nodded with a firm look in his eye before sipping some of the soup he was cooking from the ladle. “Hmm! Soup’s ready!”

Without even being asked, Twilight was on the case. Her horn lit up, a lavender glow pulling open several cupboards and drawers, drawing out bowls and spoons with precision. Three places were very swiftly set at the table, a big grin coming over Rainbow’s face when her serving was set in front of her. “Woah-ho! You trying to spoil us, Spike?” she asked cheekily.

“Says the literal Princess.” Twilight shot back before taking a seat next to Rainbow, another bowl setting itself down in front of her.

“The literal Princess who routinely shuns her title,” Rainbow corrected before taking a big spoonful of soup. “Or did you miss that part while we grew up together?”

Twilight rolled her eyes yet again. It was practically a reflex at this point. “Just because you never really made extensive use of your royal status doesn’t mean you weren’t spoiled by them to some degree.”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow challenged, a competitive look on her face. “Name one time.”

“How about the time I used your royal status to scare off those bullies in Cloudsdale?” Twilight answered without hesitation, meeting Rainbow’s gaze with no small amount of confidence in her own eyes.

Rainbow flinched a bit. “Hey, that doesn’t count! I’m not the one who did that!”

“Then what about the time you did the exact same thing to scare off some bullies who were pestering one of Celestia’s students?” Spike pointed out with a grin on his face.

Twilight got a predatory look in her eyes. “Oh, I haven’t heard about this one…” she cooed, delighting in Rainbow’s exasperated appearance.

“Wha- SPIKE! What betrayal is this?!” Rainbow demanded of the purple dragon, slapping the table.

Spike held up one claw while he slowly, almost mockingly, drained another spoonful of his soup before meeting Rainbow’s distraught frown with a smug grin. “I never signed a treaty or entered into an alliance with you, princess. I’m neutral and will side with whoever I think has the better chance of winning.” he spelled out in the corniest formal voice he could manage.

Rainbow’s jaw hung open before she scowled at the smug little devil across the table from her. “You little… I’m gonna get you back for this.”

Twilight giggled before taking another spoonful of her own soup. “Oh relax, Rainbow. Besides, he kinda has a point.” she pointed out.

“Yeah yeah, whatever you wanna tell yourself…” Rainbow grumbled, the rest of her sentence dying into disgruntled mumblings as she stuffed more soup into her mouth.

Twilight and Spike shared a good-natured laugh while Twilight reached over to pat Rainbow Dash on the back. For a few seconds, they just sat there, eating their dinner and enjoying the comfortable quiet that came over them.

As the seconds ticked by, Rainbow began to sag a little. Twilight noticed and shifted slightly to better look at her friend. “Something wrong?” she asked softly, reaching out to the pegasus.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Rainbow dismissed before a gentle sigh worked its way out of her. “I’m just a little anxious about our trip, you know?”

Spike swallowed down his most recent mouthful of food and offered a reassuring smile. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay, Rainbow. That’s why we’re going on this trip in the first place, right?”

Rainbow gave a very slow and uncertain nod. “Yeah, it is.” she said quietly, looking down into her soup while her ears fell somewhat.

Twilight could feel a tug on her heartstrings, seeing Rainbow wilt like this. She was normally so cocky and energetic and fearless. To see her so worried about this…

“Hey…” Twilight whispered, reaching out to Rainbow with a hoof. She tilted Rainbow’s chin until they were eye-to-eye. “I know you’re scared… but you don’t have to be, okay? You’ve got me, you’ve got Spike and all of our friends. We’re here for you, okay?”

Rainbow smiled softly. “I know. Thanks, Twilight. I dunno what I’d do without you.”

“We’re leaving tomorrow, right?” Spike decided to chime in with a question, drawing the attention of the two mares.

“Yes. We’re taking a pretty early train, so we should probably make sure we’re all packed up before we go to bed.” Twilight answered before taking another big spoonful of her soup. Rainbow hummed an agreement while shoveling down some more of her own.

After a moment, an idea struck her and she sat upright. “Oh, I just had an idea. When I get done eating I’m gonna head out for a little bit,” she said before lifting up her bowl and practically gulping down what little was left of her soup.

“Where you going?” Spike asked curiously, the ridge over his eye lifting like an eyebrow.

“I’m heading to Rarity’s place. There’s something I need from her before we leave,” Rainbow answered before pausing. She then shivered a bit. “And it’s gonna mean I need to get up earlier than you two tomorrow. Oh boy…”

Twilight smiled and once more pat Rainbow on the back. “You sure about doing this, then? You hate early mornings.”

“You hush,” Rainbow shot back. She rose from her seat, taking her bowl with her. “I’ll be back soon, okay you two?” she added while depositing her dish into the sink and heading for the door.

“Okay, Rainbow. Come back quick, you hear? We still need to pack your stuff neatly into one suitcase!” Twilight called back, standing up just a bit to make sure her voice carried to the central room.

‘Why one?!” Rainbow demanded, poking her head back into the kitchen and dining room with an exasperated look on her face.

“Ease of transport.” Twilight answered with a geeky smile.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. It was a reflex for her just as much as it was for Twilight. “Oi… Twi, never change.”

Twilight blew the pegasus a raspberry as she left. The sound of the front door closing was almost deafening.

The following morning…

The sun was just barely coming up over the horizon, painting the dawn-lit world in long stripes of orange light. A few morning birds were singing their songs as a gentle breeze rustled the trees and bushes but it was otherwise silent in Ponyville. Even now, standing on the train platform, Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy each took note of the quiet and how peaceful it was.

For Twilight, however, an old and unsettling saying was what this quiet reminded her of.

The calm before the storm.

“Ya think they’re gonna be much longer?” Applejack asked with a small frown on her face. “The train ain’t exactly far out by now, Ah reckon.”

“They’ll be here,” Twilight answered with a sharp nod. She looked back into Ponyville with a searching gaze. “This is Rainbow’s mission, after all. She’d never live it down if she didn’t show up.”

“We wouldn’t let her.” Spike added with a slight twitch of his lips before a large yawn escaped him. “I knew we were getting up early, but still…” he mumbled afterward, his voice drowsy.

“I’m totally beat, too!” Pinkie Pie said quite energetically, her voice practically buzzing like a kazoo with excitement. “I couldn’t sleep at all last night! I’m just so excited to be going on another adventure with all of you! AAH! I haven’t been on a big adventure with you girls since the summer sun celebration!”

Fluttershy shivered a bit at the memory. “Um, yes. We remember, Pinkie Pie,” she whispered.

“Wasn’t Rainbow kinda foalnapped at the time, though?” Spike asked, scratching the side of his head. “I was kinda asleep for the end of that particular venture, so…”

“Yeah, Nightmare Moon ran off with her,” Twilight nodded slowly, a small chill running down her spine as she remembered that night. “We got lucky that things went as well as they did.”

“We made it through, though,” Applejack smiled to all of them. “And we got to meet you and Rainbow thanks to that whole fiasco, Twi. Ah’d say it was a night well spent.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of her head. “Okay, okay, no need to put me on the spot. It’s too early for that.”

“You can say that again!” came the slightly frazzled voice of Rarity. All eyes turned and, sure enough, the pearly unicorn was galloping up to the train station with no fewer than four suitcases full of luggage in her magic. Sweat was falling off her head in beads from the weight. “Oh, these are heavy!” she whined.

“Oh, let me help!” Spike offered instantly while reaching out his claws with an enthusiastic grin, his earlier exhaustion forgotten.

“Oh, you’re such a dear, Spike! Thank you,” Rarity gave a small bow before dumping allof her suitcases into Spike's waiting arms. He promptly toppled over from the weight. Dusting herself off a bit, Rarity glanced back at the others.

“Yer late again, Rarity.” Applejack noted with a very slight teasing edge to her voice.

“It wasn’t my fault this time! I swear!” Rarity said defensively before standing upright and clearing her throat. “Rainbow Dash just needed a, uh, bit of help with something. It took longer than either of us would have liked.”

“She left before Spike and I were even awake,” Twilight noted with a curious look. “What did she want?”

Rarity slowly grinned. “She wanted to be fabulous!”

A familiar, raspy voice sounded from behind the unicorn. “Incognito, Rarity. I wanted to be Incognito.” Rainbow said bluntly before stepping past Rarity to stand before everypony else.

All eyes locked on her. Rarity was grinning, but everypony else wore looks of confusion, amusement, or both. It was Spike to break the silence as he crawled out from under Rarity’s pile of luggage. He took one look at Rainbow, pointed at her and said: “What the heck happened to your mane?"

Author's Note:

Welp, Rainbow Dash has dyed her Mane. I would like for you all to cast your votes on which Mane you'd like her to have gone with. This isn't permanant, mind you. I imagine five to ten chapters and then it'll be gone, if that.

I'm personally partial to 2 and 3, but I leave the vote to all of you.

Vote on RD's very Temporary mane color here!

EDIT 1/23/2018: The votes are in. Which one won? Find out in the next chapter.

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