• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,405 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 182: Subject


Chapter 182: Subject

By Wanderer D

There was a sense of excitement, a rush of heat from her stomach and up that made her face flush with anticipation and sensual desire.

The clatter and movement around her continued uninterrupted, but her distraction was becoming a bit obvious to her counterpart, who looked at her with worry.

"What is wrong?"

"I'm… just, it's difficult to explain," Jane whispered, forcing herself to keep cutting the carrots as indicated by Laetitia. "I just feel like something is going to happen."

Laetitia herself kept careful control of her own actions, stirring the pot here, flipping the contents of the pan there. "How so? Good? Bad?"

"Oh, goooooood… something good and—" Jane took a deep breath, almost shivering. "Delicious."

"I'll have what she's having!" someone from the back of the kitchen called.

Laetitia pretended to be amused, but her eyes held not a single glint of it. "Get a hold of yourself."

"I-I, yes. I'm sorry I don't know what's going on. Let me-I'll be right back."

Laetitia watched her charge across the kitchen fast, heading for the bathroom, among the knowing looks of quite a few chefs. She shook her head. Their minds were in the gutter already.

"There is something strange here," Luna's familiar voice whispered in the back of her mind. "I sense a trail of magic, but what could be causing it? This wasn't present before."

"Oui. It is most strange… but no one else is acting the same way."

Pouring the contents of the pot into the pan, she quickly stirred the food together, daring to glance around, but other than the earlier amused looks, none of the staff, nor the guards gave any hints of things having gone wrong.

"Alas, I cannot pinpoint the origin of this mysterious magic. Keep your eyes and senses open, Laetitia."

"Oui, princess."

"Where is she?" Bradford asked, pretending that he was not actually sipping his wine. "She should be here."

"I noticed her making her way in the direction of the two guards," Elena said, frowning at the finger food on the small plate she had picked up. She picked up something that looked like a pickle of some sort, studying it for a moment before shrugging and putting it in her mouth. She chewed slowly, considering the flavor, before swallowing. "I haven't seen her since."

"This is not good. She's gone and there's no sign of our—"

"There he is."

Bradford turned around, watching the man walk out of the hallway flanked by the two guards Outrider had mentioned earlier. A bit taller and slimmer, and Liam Wittbecker could have passed for a Thin Man. As it was, the fidgety VIP appeared more nervous than anticipated.

He joined the party, however, greeting and talking with guests as the doors to the house finally closed, with the last few people outside making their way in.

"Package has arrived," he whispered, activating his comm.

"Confirmed," Elena said, right next to him.

"Oui, we are in position," Laetitia said. "But something is strange, Jane is apparently not feeling well."

"Dammit," Bradford cursed under his breath. "Jane?"

"I-I'll be okay, just… I'll be fine. Just give the signal and let's get out of here."

A few minutes earlier…

Sunset's eyes narrowed. She had never met him, but she knew who this was.

The long, white hair, the curling Ram-like horns, the condescending smirk, and red-black eyes. And more importantly, the sister-gem hanging from the alien-alloy chain around his blue-skinned neck.

The red and black armor was simple: covering his chest, shoulders, arms and legs, designed to protect the most obvious parts of the body rather than all of him. He was taller than her, and muscular.

He carried himself with an aristocratic, arrogant air, and yet his voice was shrill. His eyes lacked the single-mindedness and absolute focus of Aria, or madness and intellect behind Sonata's, but she could sense a thirst for power at any cost. And despite all his power, a definitive jealousy and even fear of Sunset's unknown—to him—power.

Oh, he hid it well, but she could almost taste it, and she could certainly see it in his pulse.

He was smarter than other ADVENT soldiers however. He had not tried to read her mind. She considered what to do. Pretend to be on his side? Kill him? Mock him for his fear?

"Where did you steal that from?" Sunset asked, instead. "Is that Adagio's?"

"Ah, my little siren, why would I answer your questions when you haven't even bothered to introduce yourself?"

"Names have power."

The Warlock's eyes narrowed, but he made no threatening gestures. "Indeed. We are at an impasse, however. While I have no problem welcoming here another of your kind—your sisters have been stalwart allies of my order for centuries—I am afraid that I am unwilling to share any type of information with you, unless I know at least, who I am addressing."

Sunset considered her opponent. This was the chance of a lifetime. She crossed her arms. "Fugue."

The Warlock's smile grew. "Fugue," he said, nodding. "An apt name. I am Lord—"

"My lord Warlock!" the door opened and Liam Wittbecker walked in, his thin, skinny frame almost too small for the pin-strip traditional suit he was wearing. "Someone saw a guest slip in here and…" he trailed off, his eyes widening at the standoff across from him. He studied Sunset with a lot less—in fact, completely absent—lust and a growing sense of horror when he saw the gem on her chest. "L-lady siren, I—"

"Leave us," the Warlock growled, his eyes never straying from Sunset.

"Y-yes, of course. I-I didn't know the intruder reported was one of our otherworldly guests. Please excuse me."

Sunset tried not to smile. This place worshiped those like her, who had mastered forbidden magic. Even though the creature across from her was more of a creation of the Elders than a master of magic, she could tell he had dabbled in it. Perhaps through the use of the artifacts outside even.

It was not surprising that a cult such as this one, hidden away from the prying eyes of the masses had been a prime point of contact for their alien overlords: the pictures on the wall spoke of richness and political power.

The books on the bookshelves whispered faded promises of power underneath the trash written in them to scare or dissuade away the uninitiated… even to provide them with a swift end, if they continued their fruitless search without the knowledge needed.

The fact that this creature had once been human, and had not been a victim of the dark secrets in this house was a testament at least to its intellect.

It all gave Sunset goosebumps of anticipation. Here was someone that understood her thirst to prove herself. Her thirst of power. Had she not already made up her mind to kill him, or if she had arrived here instead of at the school grounds, she would be sorely tempted to let him live long enough to teach her what he knew.

It would never surpass her knowledge—she came from a world of magic, after all—but it would certainly be entertaining. It would have also been a very different visit to Equestria had that been the case. She wouldn't have hesitated to learn more of her own magic. If she had known then, what she knew now… even Luna, Cadance and Celestia together wouldn't have been able to stop her.

When her eyes crossed with his, the frown he had developed when they were interrupted faded, and his pale-blue face twisted with a smile. He knew. He understood. She felt the blood magic boiling within her shiver with excitement. This one was powerful, eager for power, strong and ruthless.


"My apologies, my lady Fugue," he said soothingly, "I did not expect an interruption. As I was saying, my name is Lord Tirek."

o.0.o End Chapter 182 o.0.o

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