• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 20: War


Chapter 20: War

By Wanderer D

The Commander pressed a button on her desk. "Central, I want you, Tygan and Shen here. Tell the bridge to send the audio and video feed straight to my office, and that Sunset shouldn't be aware of the feed being live. Everything from Sunset's mission henceforth is restricted to high command until otherwise indicated, so until I say so, no one else can watch what her feed is sending."

"Understood, Commander."

The Commander leaned back in her chair, watching calmly as the screens lit up with the video feed from Sunset's camera and audio started to transmit.

"Show me what you've got, Sunset Shimmer."

The coordinates were not as close as Sunset would have wanted, and with the portal closed, she couldn't just push Twilight in and apologize later. On her own, she wouldn't have a problem. Guarding a civilian, however… she sighed. At least they had a couple of hours.

"Oh my Celestia…"

Sunset smiled despite herself. She hadn't heard that one in a while.

"...what happened here?" Twilight asked, wrapping her arms around herself and looking around in horror at the skeletons and frozen, Lost-like bodies. Her eyes roamed the area, staring in horrified fascination at half-melted vehicles, the school building that had been carved in two and the craters from multiple explosions.

"Aliens," Sunset said, looking about the building she had originally arrived at. "They came to this world, dropped those metal things and killed millions before the governments caved in and betrayed the only group of people capable of stopping them."

Twilight gasped at her. "Millions?" she asked weakly.

"Yes, princess, as in multiple tens of hundreds of thousands," Sunset replied, rolling her eyes. "Don't try imagining it… it's too big a number to attach to the concept of sentient beings dying."

"But why would they do that, then?" Twilight asked, getting closer to Sunset, almost as if she wanted a hug. "Betrayed their protectors, I mean?"

Sunset shrugged. "Power. Promises. Fear. There's plenty of reasons, none of them good. Now the world is enslaved, and a big chunk of the population is happy to live that way."

"And those that aren't?"

Sunset snorted. "Come on, follow me."

Twilight followed the order, carefully making her way around the crater next to the base of the statue and fell in line after Sunset, who guided her through the collapsed building. Once they reached the edge, Sunset stopped and pushed Twilight flat against the wall next to her.

"This is very dangerous, princess," she said, looking deep into Twilight's eyes. "Keep an eye on me, and only move when I give you the signal. Try to stick to the exact same route I take unless I signal you otherwise."

Twilight nodded, looking pleadingly at Sunset.

The older of the two sighed. "Fine, what do you want to know now?"

"What are these?"

"Fingers. The whole thing is called a hand."

"What species are we now?"

"Human, the original inhabitants of this planet. We have… others living in this planet now, but you can learn about them later. Anything else?"

Twilight paused, seeming to consider her words before asking softly, "Is this why… you stole my Element?"

Sunset hesitated, but nodded.

"But why would you do that? You have nothing to do with this—this war…"

Sunset sighed, she slid down the wall to sit on the floor and motioned to Twilight to do the same. "I've been here for over three years… I think I remember you now, didn't Cadance use to foalsit you?"

Twilight looked at her as if she had grown another head. "Who are you?"

Sunset grimaced. "Celestia didn't tell you, huh?" She extended her hand. "Sunset Shimmer."

When Twilight sheepishly raised her hand without knowing what to do, Sunset rolled her eyes and made a fist, bumping it on Twilight's.

"Twilight Sparkle," the princess responded.

"I know. I heard you had become Celestia's student… and then a princess yourself, congratulations."

"Um… thanks, although I don't think I fit the mold."

Sunset chuckled. "If it makes you feel better… I thought I did… if I'm guessing roughly right, that was a while ago in your world. Certainly more than three years... " She leaned back, looking up at the rotting roof of the building. "Anyway, yeah, I was Princess Celestia's former student, before you. I wanted to be a princess too."

Twilight looked at her curiously. "What happened?"

"I did," Sunset sighed. "I wanted it right there and then, no waiting, no more learning. If anything, I've learned that… I need to learn a lot more to not get anyone killed."

Twilight frowned. "That's not all there is to being a princess."

Sunset chuckled. "Being a princess is the least of my worries right now… I live here now, with people that trust me and depend on me… who know nothing of who or what I am, or where I came from. They've saved my life and I've… tried to repay them as best as I can… I still want to lead, but I want to really earn that. I want them to look at me with respect born of admiration and hard work and sticking my neck out for them… not things I ever considered doing in Equestria."

Sunset looked away. "If it means… burning bridges with my old home to keep them safe, I will."

"You never told them?" Twilight asked gently.

Sunset snorted. "No." She sighed. "They have good reason to distrust… aliens." She bit her lip and looked away. "I wouldn't even have gone back to Equestria in the first place, but we ended up here during a mission, and an explosion threw me through the portal."

"They must know now that there's something going on, then…" Twilight's voice was barely a whisper.

Sunset nodded. "Yeah."

"Don't you just… why don't you come back with me? You don't have to stay. You're an Equestrian Citizen, and I won't push charges..."

Sunset snorted. "I can't just abandon them. Even if the Commander treats me like trash, I can't just… leave. Not when they need my help… not when I can do something with my skills."

"What skills? I can't even use my spells," Twilight said, wiggling her fingers. "I tried!"

"Well, as you saw back there, I have a lot of skills now… and I know a different type of spells," Sunset muttered. "With the right source of power, I can save lives, Twilight. A lot of them."

Twilight was silent, so Sunset simply stood, offering her hand to help the princess up. "Maybe… maybe they'll put me in confinement now. Maybe they'll arrest me or… or kick me out. I don't know, but I'm not turning my back on them."

Rather than let her go, Twilight gave Sunset's hand a squeeze. "I think… that's a real sign of being a leader and somepony they can rely on."

"The word here is 'someone'." Sunset smiled, but then turned serious, taking a deep breath that she let out slowly. "Listen, Twilight. It's going to be a long way to our destination… an hour or so at least. Which doesn't sound like much, but it is if you have to hide, sneak, avoid fights or worse, fight. If you see enemies, you hide. Just hunker down where I leave you, okay?

"Do not engage. Don't try to help me, even if it seems like I'm about to die—if that happens and we're near the pickup point, you ignore me and make your way to where the lights are, just wave up into the air and grab onto the rope. Wrap your right leg around it, and press down the bend on the rope on top of your left foot. Then hold on tight. Otherwise, don't give away your position. Do you understand?"

Twilight looked down.

"Twilight. Do you understand? Look at me."

Twilight looked up, fearfully nodding. "Just… don't get hurt."

Sunset chuckled. "That might not be possible…"

"But if-if you get hurt…"

"That's just XCOM, Twilight."

The pair had been trotting from cover to cover for about half an hour before they found their first patrol.

Twilight huddled behind the remains of a house while Sunset had moved ahead and signaled her to stop and wait. So far their travels had been tense, but uneventful, with her guide scouting the area carefully and then indicating it was safe for Twilight herself to move.

Despite what she had seen Sunset do in the Crystal Empire, Twilight couldn't really match this generally friendly… hooman… with the unicorn that had so viciously attacked a guard. At no point did she feel threatened by her… which was weird. Back in Equestria, her instincts had been that she was chasing some sort of… predator. There was a bloodlust in Sunset's eyes back there that wasn't here… until now.

The moment the patrol had appeared, Sunset's body-language had changed. She was no longer a friendly, slightly older pon-human; but a hunter about to pounce on her prey. Sunset was not only ready, but willing to kill, and even if it was in her own defense, Twilight didn't know what to think.

Back home, she would have never thought it possible for two ponies, or any race really, to simply kill another without remorse. She was now realizing that the guard they had helped in the castle had been lucky, because it hadn't been expecting such a vicious attack, and Sunset hadn't used deadly force.

Her mind made comparisons against her will. Would Shining be so eager to fight? No… not eager. He had talked to her, Royal Guards were ready to kill or die for their princess… a concept that had up to now had a certain dissonance with her perception of things. It was different to hear it than witness it… so even they were no strangers to this… but they didn't have bloodlust. And something deep inside told her Sunset had more than enough. Even more than she probably realized herself.

Twilight waited with bated breath. Sunset had pulled her strange weapon out and was crouched behind a half-destroyed fence, watching a group of two… well, they looked like armored humans and something else.

It stood on two legs just like they did, but it had no armor, and its bulbous head was wider than that of the two human-like individuals. Its skin was a sickly grayish-pink and even at this distance, it looked like it was smiling.

Twilight held her breath, waiting for Sunset to run out and attack them, but she didn't. She held her place, watching patiently until the aliens were out of sight. Then she checked the area and signalled Twilight to go catch up to her.

"I thought you were going to attack them…" Twilight whispered, not daring to raise her voice.

Sunset shook her head. "Only if they saw me… I moved too far ahead. I was lucky they didn't see me. If they had… well, it gets complicated."

Twilight gulped, but carefully followed Sunset along the fence and away from the patrol until they were in a small alley between destroyed houses. It was a dank and smelly alley, with old, rotten boxes and what Twilight hoped were not the bones of humans. They paused there again, as Sunset peeked around the corners.

"Our pickup point is straight ahead, basically in the middle of the street…" Sunset said, pointing over to the end of the street. "I don't like the empty spaces in between, but we'll do what we have to."

Twilight watched as Sunset looked up at the tangle of long-limbed trees, cables, and barely-standing lamp posts. "I guess there's no way Rainbow Dash would've been able to pick us up here," Sunset muttered.

Twilight blinked. "I'm sorry, who? I must've misheard…"

Sunset opened her mouth to reply, but her eyes widened and she pressed Twilight against the wall. Twilight didn't realize what was happening or why they had done that… until she heard the hissing.

Four very big snakes slithered into view. The upper half of their bodies was almost human, having arms, hands and even breasts—which confused Twilight to no end—but they had cobra-like heads. The only one that was different was the biggest one, colored white and blue, it was a chest taller than the others and not female if they went by the obvious tells.

They slithered down the street, weapons similar to Sunset's held in their claws or hands, or whatever they were. Clawed hands.

Next to her, Sunset was trembling a little, whether with anticipation or fear, Twilight had no idea, but it was clear that this was a very dangerous situation they found themselves in, given the intensity with which Sunset was following their movements.

"Shit, Vipers..." Sunset swore, watching them, "Of all possible… why did it have to be him."

Was she blushing? No. Twilight was imagining things.

"Come on," Sunset muttered, "We can't take the main street. We'll double back and walk around them. There's no way we're making it out alive otherwise."

Twilight nodded fearfully and stepped back, trying to make way for Sunset. She stepped on something solid… that was a lot softer than she expected. She felt the wood from one of the old boxes give under her, and she stumbled back. Her lack of familiarity with her new body didn't help, and she slammed her back on the stacked boxes.

"Dammit!" Sunset swore.

Twilight saw her pull something small, about the size of her hand from one of her pockets and flip something in it. Sunset threw it over the side of the building, and suddenly a loud explosion and a flash of light came from around the corner.

"I'll make time," Sunset hissed, pulling Twilight up. "Run to the pickup location! Remember, wave, wrap the line around you… go!"

Sunset ran out of the alley, pulling out her sword, with Twilight following.

Twilight ran, but was unable to stop herself from hesitating and looking over her shoulder.

Two of the smaller vipers were already down, one she couldn't make out, but the other one had half of its body burned from whatever Sunset had thrown, and a clear slash across its chest all the way down to the side of where the tail began. Metallic orange blood was pooling under it, but also covered Sunset's chest. The third viper shot Sunset, who managed to twist out of the way of where it was aiming enough to not get a direct hit… but she still cried out in pain when it hit her on the side of her stomach.

Twilight could see the green energy had burnt through the armor Sunset was wearing, and she could smell something burning.

Sunset didn't give it another chance, however, viciously stabbing it straight through the chest. The giant snake hissed in her face one last time before it collapsed… and it was then that the biggest one acted.

Before Sunset could even turn, she had been slapped onto her back by the creatures' tail. Twilight saw it hiss with hatred at Sunset, showing its long, venomous fangs, ready to bite her and raised its weapon, almost smiling at the easy kill. There was no way it would miss at that distance.

"NO!" Twilight shouted in horror. "Stop!"

The large viper stopped completely, whipping its head to look at her in confusion.

It was then that Sunset pulled her own weapon, aiming straight at the Viper King… and shot once, missing the creature by a fair margin and shaking it out of its stupor.

"How the fu—" Sunset shouted in frustration, doing something to her weapon before shooting a second time just as the Viper King was turning to look at her. The weapon's blast tore through the viper's chest, sending it flying back to land in a mangled heap.

Twilight stood there, horrified, unable to form words or think as Sunset weakly stood up and coughed, wincing as she touched her burnt armor. The wind picked up around them and white-blue light illuminated the area where they stood over the bodies of the fallen vipers.

"Central, this is Firebrand," Sunset heard on the radio. "I have eyes on Sunset and the VIP. We have no more hostiles detected. Area is secure."

"Roger that, Firebrand," Bradford's voice responded. "Bring them home."

o.0.o End Chapter 20 o.0.o

Author's Note:

Sunset had 98% chance of hitting the Viper King.

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