• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,445 Views, 9,179 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 216: Intimate


Chapter 216: Intimate

By Wanderer D

Twilight Sparkle lead her team through the thick foliage of the Northern Forest, mind awash with several possible leads. Could the Staff of Soul help? Did it still exist? Perhaps the Earrings of One, or even the legendary Eye of Berta?

Cursed or not, magical items could bypass the worst effects of using forbidden magics. In fact, it was part of the reason they were created. And even though they might corrupt the users, they were always built with a safety switch of some sort, all it really took was some research.

But even then. Twilight had little intention to use the items themselves.

"I think… I want to come here."

Twilight blinked, shaking her head and dragging her attention to Laetitia. The Templar trapped in the alicorn, slowly took in the forest around her. Perhaps it was because she had met her after the magical accident, but Twilight had never seen her eyes so full of life, her smile so… open. "I'm sorry?"

Laetitia laughed. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I interrupted your thoughts."

"It's okay, I'm thinking too much anyway." Twilight smiled at the alicorn. "You were saying?"

Laetitia looked away, contemplating something beyond the trees around them. "I was thinking… after the war, I would like to come live here. In Equestria. I want to cross the mirror, and get a body of my own… I hope it's a pegasus."

"You wouldn't want to stay on Earth after all of that?"

Laetitia shook her head, still smiling, albeit a little sadly. "This world… it just fills me with life, Twilight. It sings to my soul… I'd give away all my powers for a chance to live here. When Sunset no longer needs me…" she trailed off, looking down. "Is it too… presumptuous that I'd like to live here with her? With Luna? That I'd rather not see Earth after we've freed it? That I want to be away from everything, from a world that's done its best to kill me?"

Twilight placed a hoof on Laetitia's shoulder. "I don't think anyone can be forced to anything. I think Sunset would understand. I think… I think she wants to come back someday too. And I think she would be happy if you were here for her."

Laetitia chuckled. "I'll always put her first. My life will always be secondary to hers. But I want both of us to be happy."

"Sunset needs time," Twilight said. "Once we get her back… once we get rid of whatever has taken control of her, then I think she'd probably enjoy being here for some time."

Laetitia laughed. "Oh, I will indulge myself in that fantasy." She looked up at the trees. "I feel like I can no longer be earth-bound. That I've experienced something beautiful beyond description. Even now, I cannot express the sheer happiness of flying. When Luna said to fly… I didn't realize. I didn't understand."

Twilight's smile was gentle. "It took me a long time to feel comfortable in the air, but you took to it like a fish to water. I think you'll be a pegasus, or maybe a griffon. Certainly a creature that was born to fly."

"It'll be hard to wait, ma cherie. I had already resigned to be nothing more than a memory in Luna's soul." Her smile changed. It was no longer sad, but peaceful. "It is… a beautiful fate, in a way. Becoming something like that. I have so much of Luna in me now…"

"And she has so much of you!" Twilight countered. "She started speaking French as well."

Laetitia grinned. "She knows me better than anyone. She's seen everything I am. Before her I am beyond naked, beyond an open book… I'm words and meaning sketched into her heart, and to me she's... " she shook her head, eyes wide, trying to describe it. "Like a blanket… a universe… a billion stars, shining gentle light and love and understanding. I have seen her darkest secrets, and she has tasted mine. I have seen her worst fears, and she has dissipated mine. When I die… in a way I know now, I will be eternal. Within her."

Twilight had gone quiet, listening to Laetitia's words. Oddly enough, she felt slightly jealous. Her thoughts drifted to that tone of absolute awe and confidence in Laetitia's voice. Would she ever feel that way? Luna had expressed similar feelings for Laetitia herself, although nothing so poetic... for Luna, Laetitia was someone that would leave a hand-print (or hoof-print) in her heart, but she would not lose herself in someone else's soul.

Laetitia was content with that fate, even if she was just now experiencing the thrill of a new life. Could she ever feel that way? Could she ever offer that sort of... assurance to anyone?

Unbidden, she glanced behind her, to where Alejandra walked, eyes studying their surroundings, ready to pounce and protect her, but also talking to the young griffon with her, who she had learned was her counterpart. Could Twilight ever be a part of something that?

Alejandra's eyes looked up to her, and they met with Twilight's. For a moment, there was something there, a strong feeling that the griffon wanted to curl up to Twilight, and the alicorn quickly looked away.

"You know, don't you?" Laetitia asked, her voice gentle. "She's infatuated with you. As a human and as a pony."

Twilight felt her face flush, but shook her head. "It wouldn't work... she's infatuated with me because we're both the only survivors of the mission. She told me before: I'm her pillar. She's clinging to me because she feels like we share that. And we do, we went through all of that, and we two survived. But she can't think that is enough... especially now that she found Gabby, she'll slowly realize it's not me that she wants. She just wants... security, or a loving companion of some sort."

Laetitia shrugged. "You seem to have done a lot of thinking about this."

Twilight nodded firmly, eyes straight ahead. "I have."

"My dear." Laetitia smiled, a small, encouraging smile. "If you don't feel the same way as she does, there is no shame, nothing wrong in talking to her and clarifying that. But, what you're doing is imposing your thoughts on why she shouldn't be with you, into her reasons for being here with you. You do not know her true feelings, just as she doesn't know yours."

Twilight's brow narrowed. "You think I'm fitting the evidence to my theory, rather than seeing if my theory fits the evidence?"

"That's one way of putting it, Twilight."

Twilight looked down, pressing her lips. What did she really want? Did she want Alejandra's love? The thought wasn't repulsive. It was, in fact, warming and nice. But just because it was a nice prospect, it didn't mean it was what they needed.

As if she were reading her mind, Laetitia hugged her with a wing. "Twilight. Think of what you need. And I promise you, it will be okay. Even if it's not what she wants."


"I see it!" the little griffon shouted excitedly, pointing across the woods at a house that was just becoming visible.

"...I guess that will have to wait."

o.0.o End Chapter 216 o.0.o

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