• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,445 Views, 9,179 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 232: Sap


Chapter 232: Sap

By Wanderer D

"You know this crazy chick?!" Gilda asked Ember, glancing over her cover and frowning. "She does seem familiar."

The snake-woman turned to smile at Ember. "Oh, we've met? I don't remember you… were you a Crystal Prep student too? No, you look too young. Have I threatened you before?" She paused, tapping her chin with a finger. "I don't think I've ever let anyone I've threatened live though…" her eyes darkened. "Except for that meddling baconhead."

"Crystal Prep?" Gilda asked, eyes widening as she stared, open mouthed at the creature. "I-I remember you! You're a Shadowbolt!"

Twilight's smile faded. "Only that day. After that, I was disposable. Again."

"I'm lost," Ember said.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Gilda asked, still behind cover. "I remember you kicked ass in the math section—"

"And I was bullied by everyone for the rest of the competition!" Twilight screeched, tail twitching. "I was mocked and abused because I wasn't as physically apt as the others!" She rose high, her arms transforming from regular-looking human arms into the chitinous claws of a chrysalid. "Well, let's see what they say now!"

"Oh shit," Gilda hissed, "that's not normal."

Twilight smirked. "Oh these? Came with the new name. You can call me... Chimera and now, y—"

Whatever she was going to say at that moment was interrupted by a grenade landing right between her coils.

Twilight looked down at it and blinked.

Ember had already grabbed Gilda and was running away towards Fridge, who dove for cover once her shot was done. The explosion behind them shook them to their bones, but the pair didn't stop running, and the angry roar behind them only encouraged them to do so faster.

"Thanks for the save!" Gilda gasped, rolling on the floor to take aim over the rocky cover.

"Don't mention it!" Fridge said, doing the same as she started shooting her heavy weapon.

"We need to evac," Ember said, also taking shots at the debris-covered area where Twilight was once coiled. "Central, do you copy?"

"Heard you loud and clear, Captain," Central's voice came over the radio. "Everyone is engaged, but the enemy's teleport was not accurate enough to block you from the vehicles Gilda brought with her."

"My troops should be covering them," Gilda said into the radio. "I've received confirmation they're just waiting on us."

"Mission is bust, Central," Ember said. "There's no way we make it out alive if we stay to dish it out with Chimera, the Berserker Queen, the Archon King, Julian and whatever the hell that sectoid is."

"You guys don't like to make friends, do you?" Gilda growled. She blinked. "Where's the Archon thing?"

"Oh shit." Ember hissed, then shouted, "JUMP!" She followed her own order, taking a leap down the side of the cliff, sliding down as the whole area above her lit with fire, smoke and explosions.

"Where's that mother fucker?!" Gilda shouted, "I want a piece of him!"

Ember ignored her. "We need to get rid of some of them before we can escape!"

"On previous occasions, enough damage has forced the Alien Rulers to retreat," Central said, "Ember, you need to take out the Archon King. We don't know Chimera's capabilities, but we do know the Archon King's. Take the known factor out for now. I will coordinate with Shen and the others."

"Take out the Archon King, he says," Ember muttered when the communication went down. "I'm really not looking forward to this."

Gilda and Fridge gave her a look.

"Any idea boss?"

Ember pressed her lips together. "I think… I think I do… but we're going to be very lucky to make it in one piece." She pressed her communicator. "Trojan, I need you to monitor my channel. Don't reveal your position yet."

"Roger that, but you'd better hurry, the others need help too."

Ember turned to look at Gilda and Fridge. "We're going to have to combo the damn thing, I can't figure out a better way to do this." She held them with their gaze. "We take down the Archon King, then go down and help with the Berserker."

"What about Twilight?" Gilda asked.

"Chimera will get her due if she appears again," Ember said, eyes darkening. "That thing has no right to call itself that name."

"I feel like there's a story there," Gilda muttered.

Ember smirked. "You have no idea. Fridge. Gilda and I will flush out the Archon King. Get your Holo-targeting ready."

Sweetie Belle meeped when the shooting started, diving for cover and barely daring to look out from between the computers. Above her head, her GREMLIN hovered, almost lazily, as plasma flew around it, giant beasts roared, and strange devices pulsed with unknown energies.

She quickly pulled her tablet and set the GREMLIN to record as things happened around her.

Scootaloo was typing furiously, glancing up at the screens and cringing with every shot, but her face had hardened and she was completely focused on her work. Beside her, Shen took shots at their enemies, but Breaker was the one doing the real work, having run to distract the Berserker Queen and draw the monster away from them.

Not too far away, she could see Apple Bloom fighting Julian, both mechanical bodies smashing into—and through—structures like they were made of paper. At this time neither seemed to have the upper hand, but it was just a matter of time before they were overwhelmed.

"Congratulations, she said. You're our new Communications Officer! She said. It'll be fun! She said… Chrysalis better pay me for all I'm doing here," she muttered.

"Still," she smiled. "This is going to be awesome material for my show."

"Sweetie," Scootaloo muttered, drawing her attention. "Is this really the time to talk about your podcast?"

"Sorry, sorry!"

"Girls," Shen interrupted, "I just heard from Central. We have a plan." She hesitated. "It's risky."

Scootaloo and Sweetie exchanged glances, then faced Shen. "Bring on the sap."

o.0.o End Chapter 232 o.0.o

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