• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,447 Views, 9,179 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 193: Urgency


Chapter 193: Urgency

By Wanderer D

Luna followed Estella down into the lab. She knew her way around, of course, having walked the ship on her own on several occasions when Laetitia was too tired, or simply in pain. Her charge had communed with her as they had checked on Twilight, and thus the way remained familiar.

"Up until now, Twilight's lab has been only accessed by Sunset," Estella said. "She trapped herself in there, only coming out to eat and when she… made those things."

The human shivered uncomfortably. It was clear to Luna that Estella did not have the actual magical spark needed to command magic in this world, unlike Jane, who had been given it by Sunset, but her understanding of the theory was masterful.

"The other magical signature I detected came from within," Luna said in response, her eyes focused on the room.

"Could it be her diary?" Estella asked. "I still can't believe she has a magical diary."

Luna smiled. "It speaks of my sister's eventual plans for Sunset that she would give her such an artifact."

Estella stopped next to the lab's door, giving Luna a quizzical look.

"A method of communication such as that ensures both privacy between correspondents and instant magical messaging. It seems clear to me that Sunset was meant to be my sister's voice around the world." Her smile was a bit sad. "A most honorable and admirable position for anypony to fill."

"And she left to come here? I can't see the point."

Luna looked down. "Unfortunately, Sunset let herself become convinced of her own power: her own importance and the necessity to rule… a decision that haunts her still, and one of her greatest regrets."

Estella shifted uncomfortably. "Let's look inside."

Inside the room, Luna's eyes immediately noticed the two magical signatures. "I believe her diary will be inside that backpack. As for the other item…"

She walked to the desk, glancing briefly at the various designs and notes on it, before finding a pendant with a red ruby of some sort lying carefully on top of a notebook. It glowed from within with unknown magic, and a magical fluctuation reminiscent of her dream magic.

Picking the pendant, she put it aside and opened the notebook. Sketches and diagrams, theories and experiments were scribbled carefully inside. The very first page provided a very detailed sketch of the gem, along with notes on its previous owner, and more worryingly, comparing it to another gem that was apparently being created by Sunset herself.

"Aria's gem." Luna said, picking it up and holding it against the light. "It is said in my world, that a siren's gem is her soul, trapped forever and transformed into an item of incredible power."

She turned to look at the armor and weapons that Estella had taken out of the bag and organized on top of the small cot in the room, like mementos of a fallen warrior.

'For all I know, they might as well be.'

She inspected the blade and gun. "It seems that these were created with psychic boosting of some sort… I'm surprised that Sunset could use them at all…" she trailed off, then looked at Aria's gem. "Of course. That is why the Chosen did not die from magical exposure…"

Estella blinked. "Um, what?"

Luna showed Estella the gem. "It seems the siren's gem has several properties that match ambiance fluctuations between magic and psionics. It effectively protects the wearer from magical overflow."

"That's… very useful."

Luna nodded. "It is. Come, let us take Sunset's things to the Commander. I have a message to write for my sister and her student. We must get started post haste."

"How are you doing today, Elena?"

Elena sat down across from Counselor Luna. 'Is this what the princess would look like if she had crossed the mirror instead of whatever it is she did?' She shrugged. "I'm fine. The mission wasn't too taxing, although being teleported magically is not an experience I care to repeat."

Luna frowned. "I heard what happened to Sunset."


"Doesn't it bother you?"

Elena took a deep breath. "No." 'Yes.'

"Oh? Do you want to talk about it?"

'I was scared. It was a situation completely outside of my control. My training wouldn't help against Fugue. My weapons wouldn't stop her, even if I had them. I don't know if she's an enemy or a friend now. I'm terrified because she knows me and the Reapers so well. She knows everything. If she wanted, she could decimate our troops. If she wanted, she could maybe do to me what she did to Jane.'

"Not really," she said, tilting her head and looking at the counselor with passive interest. "We had a mission… we got our VIP and lost a member."

Luna nodded, and wrote down something, then she looked up at her, expectantly.

'What do you want from me!?' Elena remained quiet for a few more seconds. "Fugue… she's my enemy now." 'Weak! Never show weakness!'

"Sunset? I heard she was cal—"

"Fugue. Sunset is… a f—" she bit back the word. "A former ally."

"A friend?"

Elena closed her eyes. "Reapers don't have friends. We have allies. Comrades. Acquaintances… friends die or make you vulnerable." 'Like Natter.' "Friends and family make you behave erratically or demand additional investment. That's a Skirmisher thing."

Luna nodded and Elena tried to hide her irritation at the bland acceptance. She knew that Luna disapproved of that. She knew that she didn't believe that shit herself.

"Twilight told me," Luna spoke up, making Elena start, not realizing she had lost track of what was happening. "That in her world, friendship is magic. That it brings the best qualities of everyone. That it's universal."

"Twilight was a very optimistic person."


Elena grated her teeth as Luna wrote. "I-I cared for Sunset. She was a good leader. A good warrior. A bit of a hothead and had strange magical powers. And an alien. And she seduced a giant snake."

'Why. What the actual fuck. Why am I saying this?'

"She was… dangerous. In a good way. Someone I was proud to stand by. Someone that I could call… friend… in another life." Her hands curled into fists. "I'll… m—" she bit her lip. "When we take Fugue down, I will honor her memory."

"Interesting that you call her Fugue."

"There is a clear distinction…" Elena hesitated. "You should speak with Jane soon."

"She has an appointment—"

"Really soon, counselor." Elena said slowly. "We Reapers deal with things at our own pace. Even if this… helps me. Jane needs you more. And fast."

Luna's eyes narrowed. "What happened to her. Central—"

"Cares too much for Sunset to think straight. He is suffering. We all are…" she frowned, not wanting to admit it, but it was too late. "But Jane… how much did Central tell you?"

"Not much."

Elena stood up. "Then you need to talk to her. Now." She turned around, just as Luna was standing up to stop her. Elena shook her head. "Talk to Jane."

They crossed eyes and Luna lowered the hand she had raised earlier to try to stop Elena. She licked her lips. "I-I will."

"We can talk again at another time, counselor. I do enjoy our chats. But for now, my fri—fellow soldier needs more help than I."

"What happened to her?"

Elena shuddered. "I-I can't."

Luna sighed. "Alright. I will treat her as soon as she's ready. If you could tell her?"

Elena nodded, stepping out of the room. With Sunset out, and Central on a guilt trip, she'd step up to take care of them all now.

It's what Sunset would have wanted.

o.0.o End Chapter 193 o.0.o

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