• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,368 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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The Final Battle - Part 1

Niox ordered his army, “Surround them!”

The Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies were completely surrounded by Niox’s army.

Niox felt mighty proud of himself, “This is the end for you heroes. You are outnumbered. Look at the size of my army.”

Brody said, “I think I speak for everyone when I say that if you expect any of us to beg, you’re wasting your breath.”

Everyone replied, “Yeah!”

“It is true. You have us outnumbered, but remember, it is not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog,” Tommy shouted, “NO ONE GETS INSIDE OUR CIRCLE!”

One by one, everyone said, “No one gets inside our circle!”

Tommy ordered his allies, “No one gets inside.”

“You got it, Tommy!” Brody confirmed.

Niox commanded his army, “ATTACK!”

“Hold your ground, everyone. And cover each other's back.” Leo informed everyone.

Princess Twilight nodded, “Agreed. Attack and protect.”

The army of Kudabots and Basherbots clashed with the heroes as they defended themselves from the incoming attack.

Sour Sweet asked her friends, “Am I the only one who is enjoying this?”

Indigo answered, “Actually, no. This feels GREAT!”

“I FEEL SO ALIVE!” Lemon shouted.

“This brings us memories. Right Tommy?” Kimberly asked.

Tommy answered, “Yeah. It’s been a long time since we fought together as a team.”

“I totally agree with you. And I still got it.” Billy said as he kept attacking the Kudabots with his Power Lance.

Traximus saw a Kudabot about to fire at Billy and used his axe to shield him.

Billy returned fire and destroyed the Kudabot.

Traximus reminded the Power Ranger, “Gotta watch your blindspots.”

“Downside to this helmet.” Billy said.

Twilight said, “There’s too many of them.”

“I agree with you,” Princess Twilight said, feeling a bit worried about the strength in numbers from Niox’s army, “What should we do now?”

“Hold the line. Then we split up.” Leo answered.

Mona suggested, “If we take out the General, the others will fall.”

A Basherbot grabbed Mona's neck and started to choke her, only for Preston to blast it and gave Mona the chance to broke free from its grasp.

Mona said in relief, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” Preston replied.

“My word. This is getting crowded in here!” Rarity pleaded.

“Maybe we should split up.” Donnie suggested.

Levi nodded, “Good idea.”

“Bishop, you got anything to use as a distraction?” Leo suggested.

Bishop looked for something in his utility belt and found what he needed, “As a matter of fact, I do.”

“Well whatever it is, use it right away.” Calvin begged.

Mick, Redbot, and Alpha got to safety and watched their friends fighting for their lives while hiding in plain sight.

Redbot commented, “Oh boy, this is getting intense.”

Bishop informed his allies by shouting, “Everyone, cover your eyes!”

Bishop pulled out an orb, pushed the button, and tossed it high above the heroes.

The heroes covered their eyes and Niox’s army looked at the orb above as it flashed and blinded the enemies, but also messed with the bots’ sensors.

While the enemies were blindsided by Bebop’s orbs, the heroes split up and resumed taking down the Kudabots and Basherbots.

Psycho Red and his team regained their senses sooner than the others. “After them!” He demanded.

Each of the Psycho Rangers fought against their Power Ranger counterparts and their allies.

Niox started fighting off against Leo, Karai, and Princess Twilight and charged at the trio with his sword in his hands, but Leo countered it with his katanas.

Leo shouted, “TWILIGHT, NOW!”

Princess Twilight jumped from behind to attack him, but Niox saw it coming and took Princess Twilight down. Then, Niox and Leo dueled as they both jumped up in the air, but Niox kicked him out of the air first. They both descended down and Leo charged right at him. However, Niox countered Leo’s punches and kicks and launch his own strike on the ninja turtle. After Leo was down, Princess Twilight defended him and Niox attacked them, but Tommy swooped in and launch an attack on the Fearcat with his high-flying kicks. Niox never expected Tommy’s attack, but he shook it off.

Tommy looked at his teammates and said, “Not bad.”

Niox got into his battle stance and prepared to fight Tommy.

“Hang back rookies. Let me show you how it’s done.” Tommy informed his allies as he charged right at Niox.

Both Tommy and Niox countered their punches until Tommy grabbed his arms and Niox struggled to break free. Tommy let go of Niox and kicked him on the gut, but he wasn’t finished yet. The Mighty Morphin Green Ranger launched a flying corkscrew dropkick on Niox, sending him flying down to the ground.

“Go for it newbies.” Tommy offered his allies.

Leo happily commented, “Morphenomenal.”

Psycho Red attacked Jayden, Brody, Sunset, and Raph with his Psycho Sword.

Psycho Red commented, “Well, well, well. Two Red Rangers for the price of one.”

“Funny, but it’s too bad your coupon is expired.” Raph replied.

Raph threw one of his sais and it nailed Psycho Red's left shoulder.

Sunset spotted the circuits and wires after Psycho Red pulled the sai out.

“Zhane's right. They're nothing but machines.” Sunset said.

Psycho Red used his fury of offense and attacked both Raph and Sunset. The two ninjas kept fighting on Psycho Red while Jayden and Brody got themselves ready to use their weapons.

“Double Fire Attack?” Brody asked.

Jayden replied, “You got it. Spin Sword! Blazing Attack!”

“Element Star! Lock In! Ninja Spin!” Brody shouted as his ninja star spun, “Ninja Fire Strike!”

The two launched their fire-based attack and just before it made contact, Sunset handed Raph a Kunai, heated it up, and tossed it.

As the attacks soared, they fused together and formed the shape of an arrow.

The fire arrow hit Psycho Red and sent him flying to the ground.

Psycho Pink kept fighting Sarah and Pinkie.

“Here’s some real pink power!” Pinkie shouted as she tossed some sprinkles around her, creating a smokescreen.

Psycho Pink looked around and scanned the area until Kimberly came in for the attack.

“Room for one more?” Kimberly asked as she used her Power Bow and fired arrows at Psycho Pink.

They both started fighting each other while Pinkie and Sarah come up with a strategy.

Pinkie threw sprinkles on Psycho Pink and it exploded right in front of her. After that, Kimberly and Sarah double teamed her with their weapons.

“Power Bow!” Kimberly shouted as she aimed her weapon.

Sarah called for her weapon, “Ninja Battle Morpher! Bow Mode!”

They both aimed at Psycho Pink in unison, “Aim. Fire!”

The two Pink Rangers fired their round of arrows at Psycho Pink and fell down in defeat.

Kimberly said to her teammates, “Thanks for your help ladies.”

“Aw, you’re welcome.” Pinkie replied and they gave them a big hug.

Kimberly gasped for air, “Big... mistake.”

Sarah replied, “Can't... breathe.”

Pinkie apologized, “Sorry.”

Psycho Blue ran after the Blue Rangers along with Rainbow and attacked them. However, Rainbow dodged his attack with her super speed.

“Over here.”

Psycho Blue attacked and he missed again.

“Haha! Miss me!”

“Battle Ninja Morpher! Claw Mode!” Preston shouted as he tried to attack him from behind, but Psycho Blue grabbed him by the neck. Billy came in to the rescue and used his Blade Blaster to fire at Psycho Blue. He started shooting and Psycho Blue let him go as he kept getting shot. Rainbow, Preston, and Tori used their super speed and made Psycho Blue feel dizzy. After Psycho Blue felt dizzy, Preston used his Ninja Blaster and Tori used her Sonic Fin while Rainbow used her Naginata Spear while Billy used his Power Lance to defend their allies.

“Sonic Fin!” Tori shouted.

“Element Star! Lock in!” Preston shouted.

Tori and Preston shouted in unison, “Double Ninja Water Attack!”

Psycho Blue got hit by each blast and said, “Your making my head spin!”

“Then this will make your head ring. Traximus, now!” Rainbow shouted.

Traximus came in and charged right at him like a runaway freight train and rammed Psycho Blue over, sending him flying down to the ground.

Rainbow told her allies, “Nice work everyone. That was awesome.”

“Indeed, Plus, I’m glad that he's on our side.” Tori replied.

“Friends of yours?” Preston asked.

Rainbow Dash replied, “It's a long story.”

“One that I'm proud to be friends with her.” Traximus said.

The three Blue Rangers were quite impressed, considering the fact that they met aliens like him before.

Billy said, “Color me impressed. You got some serious skills right there.”

“Thanks, mate.” Traximus said.

Psycho Black kept fighting against Donnie, Twilight, Karai, and Will.

Will commented, “You’re tougher than I expected. Unlike Kamdor, you’re nothing but circuits and bolts.

“I’ll make you regret saying that.” Psycho Black said.

They battled it out between their weapons, the Psycho Rod and the Drive Slammer.

“I got an idea.” Donnie said after he made some calculations.

Will asked, “What do you have in mind?”

“Ever played Buck-Buck?” Donnie whispered.

Will simply answered, “No.”

“Follow my lead and use your weapon when you roll.” Donnie whispered.

“Sure, but I hope you know what you’re doing.” Will said.

Donnie informed everyone, “Alright team, time to put our plan into motion. Follow my lead, Black Ranger.”

“You got it.” Will said.

Twilight used her Kamayari Sickle Spear and slashed Psycho Black with it. Next, Karai kicked him in the face as she jumped over Twilight. After that, Donnie tripped him with his staff after he leaped over the two girls. And finally, Will leaped over his teammates for the final strike on Psycho Black.

“Drive Slammer!” Will yelled as he hit Psycho Black with his hammer, sending him crashing into a boulder.

“I gotta say, your plan worked to perfection.” Will said.

Donnie replied, “Yeah, my brothers and I played that game when we were little.”

“Overall, great teamwork you guys.” Will applauded as they gave themselves high-fives to each other to celebrate.

Maya, Calvin, Mikey, and Fluttershy unite to fight against Psycho Yellow.

“Didn't think I'd ever see you again.” Maya said.

Mikey asked, “Wait, you fought them before?”

“Yeah, it was a long time ago.” Maya answered as Psycho Yellow used her punches and kicks to fight them.

Fluttershy fired some of her darts, only for them to bounce off.

Psycho Yellow laughed and asked, “What did you hope that'd accomplish?”

“A distraction.” Fluttershy replied.

Psycho Yellow reacted, “What?”

“Time for a little spin.” Mikey said as he wrapped his Kusirgama chain around Psycho Yellow.

Calvin shouted, “Ninja Star Blade with Ninja Battle Morpher! Blade Mode! Ready!”

“Quasar Saber! Ready!” Maya also shouted as she brought out her Quasar Saber.

Mikey pulled the chain and Psycho Yellow started spinning.

Before Psycho Yellow could stop, Calvin and Maya start strike it with their weapons.

“Double Yellow Ninja Strike!” Calvin shouted.

The two Yellow Rangers slashed Psycho Yellow quickly in different directions while Mikey started attacking her with his own blows.

“Stop this!” Psycho Yellow demanded.

Fluttershy looked on and asked herself, “Umm, I’m not sure if I can be that fast like them. What am I supposed to do now?”

“Flutters. It’s your turn.” Mikey ordered as he tackled Psycho Yellow to the ground and he and Calvin held both her arms.

Maya asked her, “Wanna use my saber?”

“That’s your weapon. I’m not ready to use it.” Fluttershy vowed.

Calvin told her, “Hurry! Before she starts to wake up.”

“I don’t know if I can do this. She’s too strong against me.” Fluttershy said.

Then, Fluttershy started to remember Splinter’s advice to her, “Be brave like a lion.”

“I CAN do this.” Fluttershy said, feeling determined and making her statement loud and clear.

Fluttershy took Maya’s Quasar Saber and started slashing Psycho Yellow with the Quasar Saber and got so caught up with it like the ferocity of tiger.

Mikey commented as his eyes widened, “Wow. So awesome!”

“Look at her go.” Maya informed everyone.

Calvin reminded them, “Do not get on her bad side. She can be... unpredictable.”

Fluttershy started to calm down and saw how much damage she did.

Psycho Yellow, “Stop. No more.”

“Whatever you say. Booyakasha!” Mikey said as he charged towards her and he jump kicked Psycho Yellow, sending her to the ground.

Calvin asked her, “You okay Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy smiled after she answered, “I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”

Psycho Green kept fighting against Ziggy until Applejack jumped over Psycho Green with a flip and stood toe-to-toe with him face to face.

The two brawled until Psycho Green missed the spinning backfist on Applejack and Ziggy kicked him on the back. After Psycho Green got kicked, Applejack took him down with a judo throw.

Ziggy celebrated, “Awesome! Let me finish it off.”

“Go for it. He’s all yours.” Applejack offered.

“Yeah! I’ll show him!” Ziggy said as he ran towards Psycho Green and gave him the elbow drop. “Ha! Gotcha!”

“You’re finished.” Psycho Silver said as he fired his Psycho Silverizer on Zhane, Hayley, and Rarity.

The three dodged his blasts and hid themselves behind the boulders to regroup and catch their breaths.

Zhane ordered the girls, “You two get out of here and help the others. I’ll deal with him.”

Hayley reacted, “What?!”

“You can't be serious.” Rarity commented.

“This Psycho Ranger is very tough to beat. You have to get out of here.” Zhane ordered.

Hayley replied back to him, “We’re not leaving you behind. You can’t face him alone.”

“I agree. You have to let us help you. There’s no other way.” Rarity pleaded.

Psycho Silver approached closer as Zhane said, “I guess I don’t have much of a choice then. But, okay.”

“Here, use this.” Hayley informed Rarity as she handed the fashionista one of her friend’s Ninja Blaster.

Rarity commented, “I never used rifles like this before, but it will do for now.”

Zhane asked the girls, “You ready?”

“Yes sir.” Rarity replied.

Hayley answered as she held up her own Ninja Blaster, “Let’s do it!”

The three heroes started firing shots with their blasters while dodging from Psycho Silver’s Silverizer. The shootout continued as Psycho Silver kept dodging their shots and continued firing lasers on the three heroes. But the more attacks he deals, the less Psycho Silver notices incoming fires. After the heroes kept dodging, Zhane fired his blaster at his rifle, jamming it, and Rarity kicked it right off of Psycho Silver’s hands. Hayley, Zhane, and Rarity aimed their blasters at Psycho Silver and fired lasers at the psycho as he couldn’t defend himself. Psycho Silver got hit by the blasts and fell down on the ground.

Levi teamed up with Daggeron and fired their weapons onto the Kudabots and Basherbots. One Basherbot tried to attack Daggeron, only for Mona to drive her sword through it.

“I appreciate the save, young lizard.” Daggeron said as he returned the favor by saving her from two other Kudabots and shot them with his Laser Lamp.

“Thank you, but I’m a Salamandrian.” Mona said.

Levi powered up his weapon and shouted, “Ninja Lightning Attack!”

The cowboy zapped the Kudabots and Basherbots with a bolts of lightning from his Rockstorm Guitar.

Mona looked on and said, “Looks like the younger one is living up to your color.”

Daggeron replied, “He’s young, but he has the skills and heart. And you can't teach one of those.”

Mona said, “You’re right.”

“I like his moveset.” Shini commented.

Mona, Daggeron, and Levi attacked some more Kudabots and Basherbots together.

While that was happening, Spike bit Necrorocker on his back and he wouldn’t let go like he’s riding a bull in a rodeo.

“Get off of me!” Necrorocker demanded.

Necrorocker finally grabbed Spike and tossed him, only to be saved and crash landed on a couple of Kudabots.

“You’re going to regret that.” Necrorocker said as he started approaching the dog.

Spike stood his ground and started to bark at the alien wolf.

Necrorocker questioned him, “Do you ever shut up?!”

As Necrorocker was approached closer to Spike, the Spirit of the Wolf came in to the rescue and attacked Necrorocker, courtesy of RJ.

RJ swooped in and got the dog to safety.

“Are you okay, little doggy?” RJ asked.

Spike answered, “Yeah, I think so.”

RJ was surprised and impressed that a dog like Spike can talk, “You can talk? That’s cool.”

“Thanks. You should know, I’m the only talking dog in this world.” Spike informed him.

RJ nodded, “Okay. I’ll remember that.”

Necrorocker got up and growled, “Who do you think you are to attack me?”

“That would be me. With the Courage of the Wolf. Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!” RJ posed in his battle stance.

“Jungle Fury, eh? Here's a blast from the past for you.” Necrorocker said as he played some notes on his guitar and Stingerella and a group of Rinshi appeared.

“No way!” Spike shouted, feeling shocked.

“Am I seeing the Dai Shi again? Is this a mirage?” RJ asked as if he had seen ghosts from his past.

Necrorocker introduced himself, “The names Necrorocker. And I'm the hardest guitar player you'll ever meet. My guitar can bring back any monster you rangers ever destroyed.”

“No kidding. Alright, let’s get this over with. Shall we?” RJ stated as he taunted his foes to bring it.

“Looks like you’re going to need some reinforcements.” Spike said.

“You don’t have to tell me twice, but you’re right.” RJ nodded as he grabbed Spike and made a break for the others.

“After them!” Stingerella ordered.

Spike asked RJ, “Who is she?”

RJ answered, “That is Stingerella, a member of the Dai Shi Clan. And she is one bad spirit.”

“And who are those guys?” Spike asked again.

RJ replied, “Rinshi. Dai Shi’s foot soldiers.”

Spike told him, “She looks like an ugly scorpion.”

Stingerella got angry and yelled, “UGLY?! MY BOYFRIEND THOUGHT I WAS BEAUTIFUL!”

The Dai Shi spirits surrounded the pair, unaware that Stingerella grabbed Spike from outta nowhere and took him hostage.

“Hey! Let the poor dog go!” RJ demanded.

Stingerella replied, “I would've if he hadn't called me ugly. My boyfriend said I was beautiful and deadly.”

Spike said, “Sheesh. You and your boyfriend deserve each other... in the afterlife.”

Stingerella growled out of frustration while RJ sends a power kick as a means of a distress signal.

The explosion caught the attention of Daggeron's party during their battle and Shini spotted Spike as their hostage.

Daggeron asked, “What was that?”

“I see Spike. He’s in trouble.” Shini answered.

“Well what are we waiting for, an invitation?” Levi asked as he, Shini, Mona, and Daggeron came in to the rescue and aid RJ and Spike.

Mona suggested to the Dai Shi, “I suggest you run.”

“The more dancers, the better. Rinshi, Attack!” Stingerella ordered.

“Ah, this brings me back memories.” RJ said as he and his allies started buttkicking the living daylights out of Rinshi while Spike tried to run to safety, but Stingerella grabbed him again.

Spike screamed, “HELP!”

Mona rushed towards Stingerella and tackled her while Spike landed safely on Shini’s arms. The dog felt happy and relieved as Shini carried Spike to safety.

Stingerella vowed, “I'll deal with her later. That jungle fury ranger is mine.”

RJ taunted, “Alright then. Show me what you got.”

The two clashed using their respective moves. But soon Stingerella's dance moves got RJ on the defensive.

“You fought well, but I’m afraid you’re time is up now.” Stingerella vowed as she prepared to finish her with her signature move.

Out of nowhere, the shark spirit attacks Stingerella and a pair of Shark Sabers lands in front of RJ. He looked around, but doesn't see his dad or Casey Rhodes anywhere.

“The Shark Sabers?” RJ questioned as he picked up his dad’s signature weapons and a note on one of them with his father's handwriting.

“Wanted to give you these when you've mastered my techinque. Didn't want these to go to waste. Show everyone that a wolf is as fierce as a shark. I know you'll make me proud, son.”

RJ became grateful and no one saw his tear-stain eyes, “Thank you father.”

Stingerella laughed, “Ha, you think those tiny swords will help you? You must be so desperate, Ranger.”

“That’s what you thought. But the outcome won’t end well with you.” RJ said.

The pair clashed, only this time, RJ had the upper hand by alternating between his moves to his father's. Stingerella never recognized his father’s moves but she decided to keep fighting without a strategy. It didn't take long for RJ to get the upper hand. Having seen his father and Casey train enough times allowed him to come up with his moves. With one hard strike, RJ sent Stingerella flying into a tree.

“Guess you never had to fight a Wolf and a Shark together.” RJ said.

Spike cheered, “That was awesome!”

Stingerella growled as she tried to get back up, “How dare you hit a lady like that?!”

“Sorry ma’am, but you’re out of luck.” Levi said as he came by to help and used his Rockstorm Guitar to fire some shots while Daggeron did the same with his Laser Lamp.

Stingerella got hit by their weapons and RJ defeated her with his Wolf Kick, sending her down to the ground.

As for their allies, Bebop and Rocksteady, The Dazzlings, Mutanimals, Shadowbolts, Casey, and April worked together to destroy the Kudabots and Basherbots.

Bebop commented, “Dang, these things are tough.”

“Sweet, but fun to break.” Sour Sweet said.

Slash said, “I agree. They’re pretty much like Kraang bots except without the little brain aliens inside.”

“True.” Leatherhead added.

The Dazzlings triple-teamed a couple more Kudabots and wiped them out.

“Yep. You’re right. No Kraang inside.” Adagio confirmed.

Rocksteady said, “Nyet. Nothing there either. Which means that we don’t have to hold back, comrades.”

Keno nodded as he took down a Kudabot, “You said it, Rocksteady.”

Sugarcoat got so caught up that she nearly punched Bebop.

“Sorry, reflexes.” Sugarcoat apologized.

Bebop replied, “It’s all good, yo.”

“Goongala!” Casey shouted as he started hitting explosive pucks to a dozen of Kudabots and Basherbots.

Redbot, Mick, and Alpha Six hid the bushes and saw their allies. Mick whispered to April, “What is goongala and is your friend always like that?”

“Everyday.” April answered.

Meanwhile, Tommy worked together with Princess Twilight and Leo to battle against their strongest foe, Niox.

“How about this? It’s Morphin Time! Zeo Ranger V, Red!” Tommy shouted as he morphed into the Red Zeo Power Ranger.

The Fearcat started firing lasers from his rifle, but Tommy, Princess Twilight, and Leo dodged the laser blasts by doing back handsprings.

“That's right, keep running. I trained for years to destroy you heroes, especially the Power Rangers. You’re nothing more than target practice to me.” Niox said as he continued firing lasers from his rifle.

Leo snuck up beind him and attacked him with his katanas, but Niox noticed this and used his rifle to block.

“I studied every Ranger techinque. A few of them ninjas.” Niox told him as he knocked Leo and kicked him to the ground.

“Leo!” Princess Twilight cried as she attacked Niox next.

“Ooh. Such fire, such passion. Such heroic nonsense.” Niox commented as he blocked every single swing from Princess Twilight.

During the fight, Tommy hid in the bushes while Princess Twilight kept distracting him and changed into his other Ranger Form: White Tiger Ranger.

Tommy charged in and landed some decent blows on the Fearcat with his saber, Saba. Niox started fighting back, but Leo and Princess Twilight noticed that Tommy was distracting Niox, giving the pair the chance to strike.

“Now!” Leo shouted as he and Twilight double-teamed Niox and attacked him with their fast, quick-paced strikes.

Tommy shouted, “Dragonzord! Green Ranger Power!”

The more Niox tried to defense himself, the more open he leaves himself to two others.

Tommy reminded him, “Here's a piece of information for you. The only reason I'm one of the best is because I know what it means to work with a team.”

At that point, Tommy sliced Niox's rifle in half.

“But I still got my sword.” Niox reminded the Power Ranger as his sword clashed with Tommy’s Power Dagger.

“And I still have my new friends.” Tommy said as Leo and Princess Twilight jumped in and kicked Niox to the ground.

Niox got up to his feet and saw some of his Kudabots aand Basherbots being destroyed.

“Time to finish this. Dino Thunder! Power up!” Tommy shouted as he morphed into the Black Dino Thunder Ranger, “Brachio Staff, Fire Strike!”

Tommy used his Brachio Staff and struck down Niox to finish their battle off.

“Nice work. Now let’s go help our friends.” Princess Twilight informed them.

Leo and Tommy replied in unison, “Right.”

The three remaining heroes fall back to find to find their comrades.

“We can’t let them beat us.” Psycho Red vowed.

The Psycho Rangers, Stingerella, and the remaining Kudabots and Basherbots were wounded and retreated until the heroes caught up to them and surrounded them.

“Quit while you still can.” Rainbow Dash said.

Stingerella vowed, “We’ll never quit.”

Zhane made his statement loud and clear, “You’re the ones who are now outnumbered. You threatened innocent people, attacked my new friends, and vowed to take the lives of my team.”

“And we won’t let that happen again.” Maya said.

“Super Samurai Mode!” Jayden shouted as he used the Black Box to enter Super Samurai Mode.

The rest of Legendary Rangers armed themselves ready with their weapons. RJ with his Shark Sabers, Maya with her Quasar Launcher, Kimberly with her Power Bow, Billy with his Blade Blaster, Will with his Drive Defender, Tori with her Sonic Fin, Daggeron with his Laser Lamp, Jayden with his Fire Smasher, and Tommy with his Brachio Staff.

“Wait a minute, where do I fit in?” Ziggy asked.

Jayden tossed him the Shark Disc and informed, “Here. Use this with your Nitro Sword.”

“Alright. I’ll give it a shot.” Ziggy answered as he put the Shark Disc onto his Nitro Sword. After that, the armor appeared and his sword had the shape of a shark.

Ziggy cheered with excitement, “Awesome!”

“Our turn guys.” Brody ordered his team as they got ready to use their Power Stars.

Brody shouted, “Lion Fire Star, lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!”

Levi and his friends also shouted, “Ninja Fusion Star, lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!”

The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles powered up their magic attacks while their allies watched.

“Final Attack!” Everyone yelled in unison as they sent their respective final attacks towards the remaining villains.

Niox and Necrorocker were wounded and watched as their villainous comrades got blasted by their attacks and exploded as they all fell down.

“No!” Niox growled.

As the Fearcat vented, Necrorocker ran away, “I’m getting outta here and split.” He teleported himself out of the island.

“Wait, come back here you mutt!” Niox growled and felt his power surging, waiting for it to be released.

“Alright! We did it!” Pinkie cheered while the Fearcat approached the heroes as they celebrated.

Niox stepped in and said, “Not so fast. Do you heroes think you won? I still got a trick up on my sleeve.”

“What is he doing?” Tommy questioned.

Princess Twilight replied, “I don’t know, but I got a bad feeling about this.”

The Fearcat used his Equestrian magic to turn himself giant, making the heroes’ problem even more difficult and dire than ever.

“Holy Chalupa! He’s huge!” Mikey gasped.

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies gasped in complete shock that Niox grew himself into a giant except the Power Rangers.

“Well what do you know. They still know how to make ‘em bigger.” Tori commented.

Raph asked the Rangers, “Is this really normal for you guys?!”

The Rangers replied, “Yes.”

“Outta my way!” Niox shouted as he was about to step on the heroes, but they all moved out of the way.

Princess Twilight sighed, “I have a feeling that we’re going to face something like this.”

Sunset asked, “Why is that Twilight?”

“Because my friends and I had some experience fighting against giant creatures before.” Princess Twilight answered.

“Well, it’s been fun, but I got a city to destroy! See you later, suckers!” Niox vowed as he turned around and walked away to head towards Canterlot City.

“Hmm, I’ve never seen this kind of magic before. What is it anyway?” Daggeron asked.

Leo informed him, “It's a long story. One that we should explain when we get to safety.”

The heroes were on high, red alert as they come up with a plan to defeat Niox once and for all.

Author's Note:


  • The first fight scene is inspired by the Power Rangers S.P.D. episode, Wormhole.
  • Some of the fight scenes were all inspired from Power Ranger episodes, Forever Red and To The Tenth Power.
  • The Buck-Buck fighting sequence was a parody of how the turtles defeated Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 film)