• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,368 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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A Legacy of Power - Part 1

The Ninja Steel Rangers followed the Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms to the path of the Turtles’ Lair. The Ninja Steel Rangers were already trying to cover their nostrils from the stench of the sewers.

“Eww, what is that smell?” Ninja Steel Yellow asked after he smelled the odor around the sewers..

“It smells like Victor’s and Monty’s sweaty gym socks, I should say.” Ninja Steel Blue said.

“Yeah, it kind of smells like it.” Ninja Steel Pink added.

The Ninja Steel Rangers chuckled and laughed. Pinkie and Mikey laughed as well.

“I’m sure it smells like that."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Ninja Turtles and their friends were confused and shrugged about what they’re talking about or who Victor is.

“Ugh.. who’s Victor?” Sunset asked.

The Rangers stopped laughing and Ninja Steel Red said, “Oh, we’ll explain about that once we get to your lair.”

Couple of minutes later, they arrived at The Lair of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Rangers looked around and felt amazed with the layout of the Turtles’ lair.

“Whoa. This place looks awesome.” Ninja Steel Gold complimented.

“Yeah. Truly exceptional, even if it’s in the sewers.” Ninja Steel White added.

“Thanks, guys. My brothers and I appreciate it.” Leo said.

“So, now that we’re all here. Can you take off your suits please? There’s no need to wear them in here.” Sunset suggested them.

Ninja Steel Red looked at his teammates and they all nodded. Ninja Steel Red looked at Sunset and the rest of her friends.

“Okay. Power down.” Ninja Steel Red commanded.

The six Ninja Steel Rangers demorphed themselves into six normal teenagers.

“Whoa. That was really cool.” Keno commented.

“No way. You guys are the Power Rangers? Rainbow questioned.

Brody and his friends nodded.

“That. Is. Awesome!” Rainbow cheered, feeling excited after witnessing that moment.

“I agree with ya, girl!” Mikey added

Mikey and Rainbow gave each other a high five.

“I never thought that you guys were superheroes like us.” Sunset commented.

“Well, we didn’t choose to become Power Rangers. We were chosen by fate.” Brody answered.

“Fascinating.” Twilight and Donnie said.

“Truly remarkable. I should say.” Fugitoid said as he appeared behind Sunset.

Brody and his friends turned their attention to Fugitoid.

“Whoa. Another robot? That is so cool.” Sarah complimented.

Fugitoid stepped forward and offered them a handshake. “Greeting young heroes, my name is Fugitoid.”

Brody shook his hand first. “It’s very nice to meet you Fugitoid.”

After that, the rest of his pals shook hands with Fugitoid.

“So, now that you guys know that we’re Power Rangers. Why don’t we introduce ourselves first.”

“Okay.” Pinkie answered.

“My name is Brody and these are my friends.”

The rest of Brody’s friends introduced themselves one at a time:

“My name is Preston.”


“I’m Hayley.”

“Hi! I’m Sarah.”

“Howdy y’all! My name is Levi Weston.”

“Together. We are the Ninja Steel Rangers.” Brody concluded.

“Super awesome!” Rainbow cheered even more.

Raph whispered, “Pfft. Nerds.”

Applejack punched him on the elbow after saying that comment.

“Ow.” Raph cried.

Leo stepped forward and said, “It’s an honor to meet new heroes like you guys. My name is Leonardo, the leader of the Ninja Turtles and these are my brothers.”

“Yo wassup dudes and dudettes. My name’s Mikey, the party animal of the team.” Mikey shook each of the Rangers’ hands.

“The name’s Raph and don’t you forget it.”

“And my name is Donatello, but you can call me Donnie for short.” Donnie shook each of the Rangers’ hands as well.

April was next to greet the Rangers, “My name is April. It’s very nice to meet you all.”

Then Casey, “S’up yo! The name’s Casey Jones.”

“The name’s Keno.”

“I’m Karai.” She bowed to them in respect.

“My name is Shinigami, but you can call me Shini.”

“The name’s Starlight Glimmer. At your service.”

“The name’s Sunset Shimmer.”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Applejack here.”

“Rainbow Dash. Best athlete in CHS.”

“Hello darlings, my name is Rarity.”

“Hi. I’m Fluttershy.”

“And I’m Pinkie Pie! Party Planner of the Rainbooms!” Pinkie brought out her party cannon and shot confetti up in the air.

“As to what Pinkie said, my girls and I are a band known as the Rainbooms.” Sunset told them.

“Wow. That’s an awesome name for a music band. I’m a musician myself as well.” Levi informed them.

The Rainbooms were delighted that Levi can play music as well.

“That sounds great! What kind of music do you play?” Applejack asked.

“Country music.”

“Yeehaw! I love that kind of music!” Applejack cheered.

“Well, now that we get to know each other, let’s sit down and discuss how you and your friends got here in the first place?”

“Okay. We can do that.” Brody answered.

Everyone in the lair gathered around to sit down with the Ninja Steel Rangers and discussed about the big issue.

“So, what exactly is a Power Ranger?” Leo asked.

“Power Rangers are a team of colorful warriors who harness their powers to fight off against the evil forces who try to conquer or destroy our world. For many years, the Power Rangers’ legacy has been passed down to generations from time to time.”

“Generations? That sounds really awesome if you ask me.” Applejack said.

“You got that right, cowgirl.” Levi complimented.

“Aww, shucks.” Applejack blushed.

“So, how many Power Rangers are there?” April asked.

“There are a lot of Power Rangers from our dimension. They even come from different teams and different dimensions as well. They call themselves, the Legendary Rangers.” Sarah answered.

“Different teams and dimensions? That sounds really fascinating!” Donnie complimented.

“Legendary Rangers? Pfft, what’s so legendary about them?” Raph asked.

“These Rangers who have saved the world in the past are legends and they have different styles of using their powers.” Hayley answered.

“They also have their own weapons and Zords.” Sarah explained as well.

“Zord? What’s a Zord?” Starlight asked.

“Zords are giant robots and the Rangers pilots their respective Zords. Once they are all together, they form into a giant robot known as the Megazord.” Brody said.

“That sounds totally awesome! It’s just like the robot that I saw on TV.” Leo cheered as he got up.

“You mean your stupid show?” Raph questioned.

“It’s not stupid Raph. Now be quiet and listen” Leo ordered.

“Whatever.” Raph said.

“Fascinating. We have a robot of our own. It’s called the Turtle Mech.” Donnie said.

“Awesome! Can we take a look at it later?” Sarah asked, feeling excited already.

“Sure. I don’t mind at all.” Donnie replied.

The Rangers were very excited that they’ll get to see the Turtle Mech later.

“Anyways, can you name all of the Rangers’ team names?” Karai asked.

“Well, there’s Ninja Steel. Which is us.” Brody pointed out. “Then there’s...”

“Mighty Morphin, Alien, Zeo, Turbo, Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, S.P.D., Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury, RPM, Samurai, Megaforce, Dino Charge, and HyperForce.” Pinkie rapidly answered before she smiled.

Brody and his Ranger friends were shocked that Pinkie knows all of the Rangers’ team names.

“How in the world did you know all of that?” Brody asked.

“Just a hunch! Plus, there are other Ranger teams that were never seen before in America.” Pinkie replied.

Brody and his Ranger friends were confused.

“It’s just Pinkie Pie. We just don’t understand her antics. So, just go with the flow.” Sunset suggested them.

“Okay then.” Preston said.

“So, what happened to those Legendary Rangers now?” Starlight asked.

Preston answered, “They have moved on to bigger and better things after saving the world against evil.”

“Ohh, that makes sense.” Starlight answered.

“So how did you guys become Power Rangers and where did you get your powers from?” Donnie asked.

“And who’s this Odius that you mentioned earlier?” Sunset asked.

“First off, we used these to become Power Rangers.” Brody and his friends showed everyone their morphers and Power Stars. “They really come in handy when fighting off against evil aliens from our dimension.”

“Wow! These gadgets look very awesome!” Mikey complimented.

“Thanks Mikey. Our Power Stars are made entirely out of Ninja Steel. It’s a metal alloy that is use to create new Power Stars like these.” Levi informed them.

“Are there more of them just like your Power Stars?” Keno asked.

“Yep. Our Power Stars were contained by the Ninja Nexus Prism.” Calvin answered.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“It’s an ancient artifact from outer space that is used to forge new Power Stars and it’s made out of a metal alloy.” Calvin answered.

The Rangers’ new friends were amazed that they used metal alloys to create Power Stars.

“That sounds really interesting. Do you mind if I borrow some of those please? I want to learn how it works.” Donnie asked.

“I want to borrow some and learn as well.” Twilight added.

“I don’t know, but I’ll ask Mick and Redbot if that’s okay.” Brody answered.

“Who’s Mick and Redbot?” Fluttershy asked.

“Mick and Redbot are our best friends. I first met them on Galaxy Warriors.”

Applejck asked, “What in the hay is Galaxy Warriors?”

Brody explained, “Galaxy Warriors is an intergalactic game show where contestants fight each other and whoever wins gets to take our Power Stars. It was also built on an alien spaceship, created by Galvanax. An alien warlord and champion of Galaxy Warriors.”

Pinkie gasped and said, “A game show?! That sounds awesome! Can I be in it? Can I be the host or entertainer of Galaxy Warriors please?”

“Hate to break it to you, but Cosmo already took that position.” Brody answered.

“Okay.” Pinkie replied.

“My dad fought him when I was a little boy and he sacrificed himself to save me, but he disappeared without a trace and Galvanax was still alive. After that, I got kidnapped by him and his goons to be held prisoner on his ship for 10 years.” Brody answered, feeling the sudden experience he remembered in his past.

The Rangers’ new friends gasped.

“Ten years? That sounds very awful.” Fluttershy said, feeling scared already.

“Yeah. I remembered being prisoner on that ship when I was a kid. It was hard.” Brody remembered that feeling.

Everyone in the lair were so sad that Brody had to go through all of that as a kid.

“Dude. I’m so sorry to hear that from you.” Casey said.

“What did they do to you in there? Did you become their slave?” Shini asked.

“No, but they gave me a job as their janitor.” Brody answered.

“Did they give you any food and water?” Rarity asked.

“Oh they did. At least they were nice enough to let me live. Throughout these 10 years, I learned how to live and survive and I became friends with Mick and Redbot. They were prisoners as well, just like me.”

“So where is Mick and Redbot now?” April questioned.

“They’re still in our dimension. I just hope that they’ll figure out a way to bring us home.” Sarah answered.

“Yeah, our parents must be really worried by now.” Hayley said. Everyone nodded.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help you guys get back home and deal with your enemies. We promise.” Leo said.

Brody and Leo shook hands after that.

“Thanks Leo. We can use all the help that we can get.” Brody said.

“No problem.” Leo said.

Levi asked, “Can I say something, Leo?”

“Of course.” Leo answered.

Levi took a deep breath and said, “My real name is Aiden Romero and I’m also Brody’s brother.”

“No way. You and Brody are brothers?” Donnie asked.

Brody and Levi nodded.

“That is very cool to hear that from you.” Donnie complimented.

“Indeed. I was the only one who didn’t get captured when I was little. My dad told me to hide the Ninja Steel and ran far way as possible from Galvanax. So, I hid the Ninja Steel including myself inside the train. Over the years, I have a passion for country music and so, I changed my name to Levi Weston. That way, Galvanax and his evil army wouldn’t capture me. That was until on that fateful day, The Ninja Nexus Prism arrived in front of me and there was a gold Power Star inside of it. So, I took it and the Prism left without a trace. After that, Madame Odius found me and abducted me. Then she created a robot to gain my memories and take the Power Stars without any one of my friends noticing.”

Fluttershy gasped, “That also sounds terrible.”

“I’m sorry that you have to hear that. Luckily, I escaped from the ship alive and gained my memories back after defeating Odius’s contender.” Levi said, comforting Fluttershy.

“Wow. That’s gotta be one of the saddest stories I have ever heard of in my entire life.” Applejack responded.

The Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles, and everyone else nodded.

“Anyways, our enemy Madame Odius is our toughest foe. She’s an alien fox/enchantress and she’s been planning to take our Power Stars and the Ninja Nexus Prism for herself for a long time without Galvanax realizing it. So, she betrayed him and became the new boss of the Galaxy Warriors ship.” Brody informed them.

“That no goody backstabber. If I ever see that fox again, her head will start rolling like a tumbleweed first and I will send her back from the outer reaches of space.” Applejack said.

“Whoa. Easy there cowgirl. I understand that you all want to give Odius some payback first, but we gotta lay out a plan first before we defeat her.” Levi said.

“I can agree with that, Levi.” Applejack said.

“Yeah. Good to know.” Levi said.

“So, how did you guys became ninjas even though you’re turtles?” Preston asked.

“Mutant turtles to be exact.” Donnie noted.

“Well, it’s a long story.” Raph added.

“Sounds interesting. I like to know more about you guys.” Levi suggested.

“So what’s with the necklaces girls? They all looked very nice.” Sarah asked.

“Thank you. I’m the one who created these necklaces for my friends.” Rarity explained.

“Yeah. These necklaces hold our respective geodes. It gives us magical powers.” Twilight said.

Preston came by and said, “Really? I love magic.”

“You wouldn’t believe us if we hadn’t told you where we got our powers from.” Sunset said.

“Or where it came from?” Starlight added.

“Okay. I want to learn more about the magic you girls have.” Preston suggested.

“It’s a long story, but can y’all promise us not to tell anyone about it?” Applejack asked.

“Of course. We won’t tell anyone about it just like my friends and I don’t have to tell anyone that we’re Power Rangers.” Sarah answered.

“YAY! Since you guys are here, I’m throwing a big, welcoming party for you Power Rangers!” Pinkie cheered.

“Umm, thanks. we appreciate it.” Preston replied.

“In the meantime, feel free to chill and hang out with us until we figure out a way to bring you all back into your dimension.” Sunset suggested them.

“Will do.” Brody answered and his friends nodded.

And so, Brody and his friends were all hanging out with the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, Starlight, April, Casey, Keno, Karai, Shini, and Fugitoid in the lair, waiting for Mick and Redbot to bring them home.

As for Pinkie, she went to make some preparations for the party while humming to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme song.


Victor Vincent and Monty were outside at the park and they were both dressed as detectives.

“Is the camera rolling, Monty?” Victor asked.

“Yep, and I already checked the battery.” Monty said.

“Excellent. Start filming.” Victor ordered.

“Okay. In 3... 2... 1...”

“Hello, my adoring fans. My name is Detective Victor.”

The camera focuses on Monty, “And I’m Detective Monty.”

The camera focuses on Victor again, “Today, we are here to find... the secret base of the Power Rangers. We will find their base and learn all of their secrets, including their identities. So, let the hunt begin!”

And so, Victor and Monty set out on a wacky adventure of exposing the secrets of the Power Rangers.

“We’re going to be rich and famous if we accomplish our goal Monty.” Victor said.

“I know, right?” Monty replied.

Victor and Monty laughed as they continue walking and searching for the Power Rangers.

Back in the Ranger’s secret base, Mick and Redbot were waiting for the Ninja Rangers to come back.

“How long have they been gone?” Redbot said.

“I don’t know, but they should be defeating Odius’s latest contestant already. I’ll try communicating with them.”

So, Mick tried to communicate the Ninja Rangers from his Ninjacom, “Brody? Levi? Sarah? Guys? Can you hear me?”

No response.

He looked at Redbot and said, “They’re not responding.”

Redbot got worried as well and said, “Oh no, this is terrible. What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know. They must’ve disappeared somehow. Hmm...”

Mick and Redbot tried to think for a couple of minutes of how to get the rangers back, but then he remembered something.

“Wait a minute, I remembered something.”

“What? What is it Mick?” Redbot asked.

“I remembered the time when Wes said something about jumping dimensions. He said that jumping between dimensions destabilizes the Morphing Grid,” Mick figured it out the problem, “That means.. the Rangers must’ve disappeared and went to another dimension.”

“What?! How is that possible?” Redbot asked in shock.

“Madame Odius must’ve sent her latest contestant to capture the Rangers and send them to another dimension. That way, we won’t able to contact them.”

“Well, how are going to get them back?” Redbot questioned.

“I know how. Did you check your fuel on your jet boots?”

“I don’t know. Why?” Redbot asked.

“We’re going to seek help from a legend at Reefside to help us.”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry with the delay, but I hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter.

Plus, it's my birthday today!


  • The title of this chapter is also the name of an episode from Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.