• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,368 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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Meeting New & Old Friends From Another Dimension

Canterlot City

Canterlot High School

The Rainbooms and Spike were outside at the main foyer of Canterlot High School, waiting for the arrival of an old friend.

“Is she here yet?” Pinkie asked while jumping up and down.

“Don’t worry, she’ll come. I already wrote a message to her yesterday.” Sunset said.

One minute later, Starlight Glimmer appears in her human form with her clothes on as she comes out of the portal from the statue. She dusted herself off like a pony and said, “Woo! That never gets old.”

The Rainbooms and Spike were confused and raised her eyebrows.

Starlight looked at them and realized that she was standing like a pony. She stood up while feeling embarrassed and said, “Woops. Sorry that you had to see that.”

“That’s okay. It’s fine. Anyways, HI STARLIGHT!” Pinkie greeted while she waved at her.

“Hi, girls. Hey, Spike.” Starlight greeted as she ran up to them.

The girls and Spike ran up to her as well.

“I can’t take it anymore! Group hug!” Pinkie cheered.

They all get together in a big group hug.

“How are you doing at the School of Friendship?” Sunset asked.

“I’m doing really fine. In fact, I do need a break from walking all fours.” Starlight said.

Sunset understood what she meant, “Yep. I agree with you right there.”

Everyone laughed.

“So, can you explain to us how this whole School of Friendship started?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. In return, can you tell me what’s been going on in this world since I left.” Starlight asked.

Applejack wrapped her shoulder around with her arm and chucked. She said, “We got lots of adventurous stories to tell you about.”

“Yeah! It was awesome!” Rainbow said.

“Can’t wait to hear them from all of you.” Starlight said.

They all sat down together on a picnic rug and discussed about their adventures.

Badonna and a couple of Kudabots were working to fix their new invention in the lab room.

Madame Odius entered and asked, “What’s the status of my invention?”

“Your invention’s got a few glitches. We’re working on it to fix the damages.” Badonna answered.

“It didn’t work the first time, but the second time will work and the Rangers won’t escape from me this time. Keep working on it and make sure you tested it out first before you let me know that it’s fully functional.” Madame Odius ordered.

“Yes, ma’am.” Badonna replied before he went back to work.

Madame Odius exited the room and went back to the control room until Cosmo ran by to tell her the good news.

“Madame Odius! Wait! I’ve got some good news to tell you.”

“This better be good, Cosmo.” Madame Odius growled.

“Good news, I found the right dimension where the Rangers are being kept.”

“Excellent! Send Niox there to find them. Plus, bring a pack of Basher Bots to accompany him as well.” Madame Odius ordered.

“You got it, boss! Finally, the show is back in business!” Cosmo cheered and ran back to the stage to get the show back on air.

Madame Odius sinisterly chuckled and said, “Once I get all the Ninja Power Stars plus the Ninja Nexus Prism. Not only I will takeover the Rangers’ dimension, but I will takeover every dimension in the multiverse.” She evilly laughed after making her plan.

In New York City, atop a roof were the turtles, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami and Keno were all on patrol. They were watching and observing the streets and buildings, waiting for some new or old bad guys to show up, “How much longer do we have to patrol? I’m getting bored around here.” Raph groaned.

“Patience, Raph, even though the city’s safe, but it’s still vulnerable to be taken over by our enemies.” Leo calmed him, as they continued their patrol.

Then, a strange beam showed up just a couple of blocks from them and they all saw it. It came from the sky, but they have no idea that it was from the alien spaceship that hosts Galaxy Warriors.

“Whoa, did you guys see that?” Casey asked.

“Yeah, but what could it possibly be?” April asked as well.

“Ooh, I know, I think it’s the Justice Force who saved our universe and they’re giving everyone a supply of free pizza!” Mikey guessed before Raph smacked him on the backside of his head, “Oww!”

“No you idiot. Why would you think of something like that. It’s stupid.” Raph answered in front of Mikey’s face.

“No it’s not.” Mikey argued.

Raph and Mikey kept arguing until Leo stopped them, “Enough! Master Splinter always told us that arguing isn’t going to solve anything. Now, let’s go investigate and see what we’re up against.”

Leo and the rest of their friends ran up on the rooftops to find the location of where the beacon appeared. Mikey and Raph caught up to them.

“Finally, some action.” Raph said before he started running with them.

“I’m going to call Twilight and the others.” Leo ordered.

“Good, because we’re going to need all the help we can get.” Karai noted.

The Rainbooms, Spike and Starlight were all enjoying their lunch at the main foyer. Then, Twilight’s phone rang.

“I’ll get it,” Twilight grabbed her phone from the pocket and answered it, “Hi, Leo. “How are you doing?”

Leo talked through the phone, “Hi, Twilight. Listen, we need your help. It’s very urgent.”

“Why? What’s happening?” Twilight asked.

“We got some new enemies in our city and there’s a bunch of them. We’re spying on them and figuring out what they’re doing as we speak. I’ll give you the coordinates once you and your friends are ready.”

“Don’t worry, Leo, my friends and I will be there to help. Just stay where you are and be careful out there.” Twilight suggested.

“Great. See you later, Twi.” Leo ended his call with Twilight.

“Twilight? Is there something wrong?” Starlight asked.

“It’s Leo and his friends. They need our help.” Twilight answered, feeling confident.

“Let me guess... The Purple Dragons?” Rainbow asked.

“Rahzar?” Applejack asked.

“Fishface?” Fluttershy asked.

“Alopex?” Rarity asked.

“THE KRAANG?!” Pinkie asked as she wore her alien suit, from outta nowhere.

“No, it’s something else. Something new that has come to our world.” Twilight answered.

“Well, whatever this new threat that they’re dealing with. We gotta stop it.” Sunset ordered.

“Alright, it’s settled. Let’s go grab our weapons, help our friends, and save the day once more.”

They all put their hands in the middle, including Spike’s paw and raised it up. They all cheered, “YEAH!”

Thus, they all set their sights to New York City to help their friends out.

Brody and his pals were walking and looking around Canterlot City.

“Wow, this place looks amazing.” Sarah said.

“Yeah, and the people around here look... strange.” Calvin said before he got pinched in the arm by Hayley.

“Ow!” Calvin yelled.

“Don’t say that, you’re going to make them angry.” Hayley whispered.

“Sorry, it’s just that we’ve never been to this place before.” Calvin apologized.

“Agreed. But right now, let’s find a place to stay.” Brody ordered.

Then, Brody’s stomach starts to rumble.

“Aww man, all of this walking is making me hungry.” Brody said, as he continued walking.

“Don’t worry about it, bro. Once we find what we’re looking for, then we go grab something to eat. I just hope we brought the right money for this dimension.” Levi said.

Levi smiled and tipped his cowboy hat to Lyra and Bon Bon as he saw and walked by them, “Hello, young ladies.” He greeted in his cowboy accent.

Lyra and Bon Bon giggled and greeted in unison, “Hi.”

After a couple of minutes of walking, something caught Preston’s attention. He saw Trixie Lulamoon trying to pull off a simple, card trick to the small audience at the park.

Trixie waved her wand and “Abracadabra.” She showed her the card to her volunteer.

The volunteer said, “Nope, that’s not it.” The audience got bored and walked away. Her cards fell like a stack of blocks falling.

“This is hopeless, I’ll never get my magic tricks right.” Trixie said, as she fell down on her knees and cried. Then, Preston ran to the park and helped her.

“Hey there, are you alright?”

Trixie sniffed and said, “Leave me alone! The Great and Powerful Trixie needs some time alone.”

“I understand, but what you need is some guidance.”

“Who are you to speak to The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“My name is Preston. I’m new around here.” Preston said as he offers her his hand.

Trixie denied and said, “Thanks, but no thanks.” She rose back up and dusted herself off.

“So, what makes you think that you can help The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Preston said, “I’ll show you.”

Preston took out his wand from his pocket and showed Trixie some of his magic tricks to the audience and his friends. Ten minutes later, the audience applauded on Preston’s magical performance. Not only that, Trixie was shocked that Preston was a magician and knows how to do magic tricks without making a flop.

“Great job, Preston.” Sarah said.

“That was very impressive of you, my friend.” Levi added.

Preston blushed and said, “Aww, thanks guys. I appreciate your support.”

Trixie walked up to them and said, “Wow, umm... I uhh... I didn’t know that you were that good for a magician like yourself.”

“Yeah well, it takes a lot of practice to perform a good magic trick.” Preston said.

“So, maybe some other time... can you teach me how to do your tricks? I’m trying so hard to perfect a single magic trick for my future performances.”

“You know what they say, ”A magician doesn’t reveal its secrets to no one.”

Trixie felt sad, but Preston gave her a confidence boost, “Trixie, I’m sure that you’re still getting used to the whole magic stuff. However, you need to be yourself. You don’t have to be like me.”

“But what if I fail again?” Trixie asked.

“Just keep on trying and when you finally got the trick right, then you can finally perform your tricks to the audience. It takes a lot of practice, time, and effort to perform a magic trick.”

“Wow, that’s gotta be the best advice that The Great and Powerful Trixie has ever heard in her entire life. Thank you, Preston, I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome Trixie.” Preston said and bowed to her.

Then the alarms rang from the Rangers’ Ninjacoms.

“We got trouble. C’mon guys.” Brody ordered.

“Anyways, I gotta go. My friends need me for an important task.”

“Oh, okay. Can I help too?” Trixie asked.

“Uh, no. I wish I can explain it to you, but I gotta go now. I’ll see you next time.”

Preston and his friends ran to find some place to discuss.

“Okay, take care and thank you!” Trixie smiled and waved.

Brody and his gang wore their ninja outfits and ran up on the rooftops, trying to find the location of the disturbance.

“Guys, we got trouble up ahead. There’s some Buzzcam activity around here in this dimension.” Brody said.

“Seems like Madame Odius and her ship is here too. But how?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know, but we got to find Niox, and fast. Who knows what kind of damage he will do in this dimension.” Brody ordered.

“Right.” Everyone said as they head towards their destination to find and defeat Niox.