• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,368 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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An Unprepared Battle

Each of the Psycho Rangers fought off against each of the heroes one-by-one.

Psycho Red battled against the Red Ninja Steel Ranger, Raphael, and Sunset Shimmer.

Psycho Blue fought off against the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger, Leo, and Rainbow Dash.

Psycho Yellow squared off against the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger, Mikey, and April O’Neil while Fluttershy tried to aim and get a clear shot at her.

Psycho Pink went up against the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger, and Pinkie Pie.

Psycho Black clashed with Donatello, Casey Jones, and Sci-Twi.

Psycho Green combated with the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger and Applejack.

Psycho Silver took on the White Ninja Steel Ranger and Rarity.

They all battled it out with their weapons as Niox watches them from the rooftops! He laughed and said, “Looks like I got a front row seat to watch the destruction of the Power Rangers.”

“You’re nothing but amateurs. Hiyah!” Psycho Red clashed against Ninja Steel Red with their swords.

“Amateurs? Oh, we’ll show you who’s the amateur!” Ninja Steel Red said.

Psycho Blue clashed with Leo and said, “I thought all turtles are suppose to be slow. So what are you anyway?”

“I’m a Ninja Turtle.” Leo answered, as he clashed his sword against Psycho Blue’s Psycho Axe.

Ninja Steel Blue said, “I got him!” He attacked him from behind, but Psycho Blue dodged it. Only for Leo to take a hit from Ninja Steel Blue.

“Oh, no, I’m so sorry, Leo!” He apologized.

Psycho Blue took him down as well. Then, he used his super speed to catch up with Rainbow Dash.

Psycho Black fought his opponents and said, “You may not be rangers, but I can still crush all of you!”

“We’re not going to be taken down that easily, but we’ll make sure evil will not prevail.” Twilight said.

As for Psycho Yellow, she clashed with the Ninja Steel Yellow, “The yellow ranger’s a guy now?” She asked.

Ninja Steel Yellow replied, “Yeah! You got a problem with that?”

“No, but I love to destroy Yellow Rangers.” Psycho Yellow answered.

“Well, that’s very convenient.” Ninja Steel Yellow wasn’t amused about that answer.

“Enough!” Psycho Red ordered.

One by one, the Ninja Steel Rangers, Ninja Turtles, and Rainbooms were all defeated by the Psycho Rangers as their powers were completely worn out.

“We’ll be taking these.” Psycho Red said.

The Psychos then took the Ninja Steel Rangers’ Power Stars.

“Hey, give those back!” Ninja Steel Red said.

Niox dropped back down and approached the Psychos with the Power Stars in their hand.

“For you.” Psycho Red said as he presented him with the Power Stars.

Niox received the Power Stars, “Ahh, yes. This will be a glorious day to celebrate. Madame Odius will be very pleased with my...” He then coughed since the Psychos are still with him, “I mean... Our accomplishment.”

The Psychos celebrated.

“Now let’s get out of here before they get the chance to drop on us again.” Niox ordered.

Cosmo pressed the button to teleport them out of New York. Before the teleporter beam launched, Pinkie and Starlight sacrificed themselves by tackling Niox, letting the Power Stars fall out of his hands.

“Go! We got this!” Pinkie yelled.

“Get out of here! Run!” Starlight yelled as well.

Within seconds, Niox and the Psycho Rangers along with Pinkie and Starlight got themselves teleported, leaving the Power Stars behind. Brody and his friends quickly grabbed them before their enemies get the chance to come back.

“Let’s retreat before they come back.” Brody improvised.

“Good idea. We need to come up with a new plan.” Leo suggested.

“Yeah. Let’s just hope Pinkie and Starlight are okay.” Sunset agreed with them.

Leo threw a smoke bomb and the heroes vanished from the scene.

Back in the Galaxy Warriors spaceship, Niox, the Psycho Rangers, Pinkie and Starlight were teleported to the stage of the Galaxy Warriors spaceship. The Psycho Rangers grabbed Pinkie and Starlight before they get the chance to escape.

Madame Odius approached Niox, “Did you get the Power Stars?”

“We were this close to bringing them to you, but these two got in our way.” He pointed his finger at Pinkie and Starlight.

“Uh... hi there.” Pinkie greeted.

Madame Odius was frustrated and said, “Don’t worry about them, let me deal with them.”

“As you wish.” Niox walked away from the scene, letting Madame Odius deal with them.

“You two have no business coming down here. And for that, you will pay dearly for interfering our plans.”

The audience cheered, waiting for what’s about to happen next. Pinkie wasn’t surprised that all of the audience are aliens, but Starlight had a different reaction to it.

Pinkie whispered to Starlight, “Wow. What a tough crowd we have here.”

“Not to mention that all of them are aliens.” Starlight whispered.

Madame Odius had an idea and announced, “So, here’s how it’s gonna go down. You two will remain prisoners here until I get those Power Stars from those pesky, pathetic Power Rangers.”

Starlight yelled, “You won’t get away this, you dirty, sly fox.”

The audience gasped as they all heard her bad-mouthing Madame Odius.

“Oh, I already have. Since you two are in a festive mood, you’re going to get dressed for our show later. Psycho Rangers, lock them up!”

The Psycho Rangers took Pinkie and Starlight off the stage and away, waiting for their punishment to come at Odius’s expense.