• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,368 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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Trouble at Summer Cove - Part 1

In the Galaxy Warriors ship, Niox and the Psycho Rangers were at the control center with Madame Odius.

“Niox. I want you and your Psycho Rangers to go back and find those Power Stars. Do whatever it takes to find them. Do not screw this up and don't come back until you found them. Are we all clear?” Madame Odius ordered.

Niox replied, “Yes, Madame Odius.”

The Psychos understood her orders, but they never even said a word.

Niox and the Psychos left as Badonna entered.

“Excuse you, do they even have manners?” Badonna asked, as she got pushed aside by Niox and the Psychos. “Ugh, anyway, sorry to bother you, Madame Odius, but I have a question that I want to ask.”

Madame Odius ordered, “Well, spit it out, Badonna.”

“If the Rangers are in this new dimension, what should we do with their dimension?” Badonna asked.

“Hmm...” Madame Odius thought about it. After that, she had an idea. “Now that you mention it. Without the Ninja Steel Rangers, their dimension is defenseless. They are now vulnerable and we have an advantage. Send in some more monsters down there to create some more chaos and destruction in their home dimension.”

Badonna bowed to her and replied, “Yes, Madame Odius.”

After that, she left the room to carry out her boss’s orders.

Back in the Turtle Lair, The Rainbooms, Rangers, Turtles, and their allies were all wrapped in bandages and some of them took a nice rest after their battle with the Psycho Rangers.

Brody was on the couch, looking at his Power Star. He felt lost, frustrated, and upset about what transpired earlier. Leo came by to check on him.

“Yo, Brody.” He called.

Brody replied, “Hey.”

Leo sat on the couch right next to him, “Are you feeling okay?”

Brody sighed, “We were this close to losing our Power Stars at the hands of our enemies. We never expected these “Psycho Rangers” to show up. They were a lot stronger, faster, and smarter than all of us combined. I just don’t know if we’re ready to go up against them again.”

Leo understood him and gave him advice, “Brody, I understand that you’re feeling down, but let me tell you something. My friends and I know what it’s like to lose. My friends and I have fought enemies that were way bigger and stronger than us. We never chose to give up, but we chose to keep on fighting and find hope. I understand your pain, but I’ll leave you be. When we’re all healed up, we need to come up with a new plan and find a way to get you guys home.”

Leo stood up and left to go back to his bedroom and get some rest.

Brody took some time to relieve his stress. He thought about his home and said, “I just hope things are okay back in our dimension.”


Back at Summer Cove, Victor and Monty were still disguised as detectives and they’re sitting and resting on the bench with their shades on.

Monty sighed, “We looked everywhere, Victor. There’s no way we’re going to find their base and figure out who they are.”

“Monty, you know what they say. When there’s a will, there’s a way.” Victor replied.

“I suppose you’re right, Victor.” Monty said.

“I know that I’m in the right.” Victor ordered.

As Victor and Monty weren’t looking, a mysterious figure in a cloak held up a smoothie in its hand.

Victor grabbed his smoothie, but he didn’t even turned around.

“Ahh, thanks, Monty.” Victor said before he started drinking his smoothie.

Monty said, “Um, Victor. I didn’t give you a drink.”

Victor looked at him and said, “Well, if you didn’t give me a drink. Then who did?”

A pair of hands tapped their shoulders to get their attention. They both turned around and the cloak was off, revealing to be a spider monster.

“Surprise!” The spider monster said as he took off his cloak.

Victor and Monty screamed and ran away from the monster. As the spider monster keeps roaming around the park, everyone else started screaming and running away from it. The spider monster started shooting webs, causing mayhem and chaos around it.

“The name’s Arachno and I’m here to turn this city into my web!” He said as he laughed.

Victor and Monty kept on running from the monster.

“Quick, Monty! Let’s hide over there!” Victor yelled as he pointed the outdoor restroom pod.

Monty replied, “Okay.”

They both went inside the portable restroom pod to hide themselves from the spider monster as it continues to terrorize Summer Cove.

Back in the Rangers’ base, Mick, Tommy, and Billy were still working on the portal device. Redbot came by and said, “Mick! There’s a monster in the city!”

Mick replied, “Right now? But the Ninja Steel Rangers are still missing and we still don’t know where they are.”

“What are we going to do?!” Redbot asked as he panicked.

Tommy stood up and said, “I’ll go. I’ll take care of your city.”

Mick said, “But, Tommy, what if it’s a trap?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll call for backup.” Tommy said and ran off to find monster.

Redbot said, “I hope he knows what he’s doing.”

The spider monster continued to shoot webs and cause chaos around the city.

“Yes! Yes! This is so much fun! Without the Rangers in my way, nothing can stop me now!” Arachno laughed.

“Um, excuse me?”

Arachno turned around to see a male adult with a green shirt, jeans, and a black leather jacket with the number 4 on the back of it.

“Hi there. You know, I was walking around the city to get some relaxation and I was just trying to find a nice pizza place to stop by.” He said.

“I don’t care who you are, but you’re going to be tangled up in my webs now.” Arachno said.

“Yeah, but there’s just one problem, buddy,” He giggled, “Did you say something about Power Rangers?”

The monster questioned him, “Yeah, you got a problem with that?”

“Well...” The person put on his morpher and got ready to morph.


The adult transformed into the RPM Green Ranger, “Ta-da! Are you surprised?”

Arachno growled, “I thought my mission was suppose to be easy! But no matter, I got some spare time to finish you off, Ranger.”

The ranger shrugged, “Heh, that’s what every villain would say. Sounds too cliche.”

Arachno shot out some webs right at him.

“Turbo Axe!” The RPM Green Ranger pulled out his trusty axe and sliced every web that his opponent can throw at.

“What?!” Arachno yelled in shock.

RPM Green Ranger said, “Well, that was easy. Time for you to get squashed,” As he was ready to move, “Whoa!” He shouted as he fell down on the ground because of his feet were tied up by some sticky webs. “Oof!”

Arachno laughed, “Bet you didn’t see that coming!”

“Cheap trick.” The RPM Green Ranger said.

“Now hold still so I can finish you off.” Arachno said as he approached the RPM Green Ranger.

The RPM Green Ranger pretended to be scared, “Don’t eat me. I taste bad!”

Tommy arrived just in time and saw the monster as he was ready to finish the RPM Green Ranger off. He quickly ran after the monster and took out his Master Morpher.


Tommy morphed into the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and jumped up for a surprise attack.

“Huh?” Arachno exclaimed as he saw another shadow above him and looked up to see another Green Ranger.

“Hiyah!” He yelled as he used his Power Dagger and attacked Arachno with one blow to save the RPM Green Ranger as Arachno fell down on the ground.

Tommy cut off the sticky webs and asked as he lent him a hand, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks for your help.” The RPM Green Ranger answered as he took his hand.

Tommy helped him stood up and replied, “No problem.”

“I’m Ziggy, by the way.” He said.


Ziggy gasped, “No way, you’re Tommy?! As in, the “Legendary” Tommy? I’m such a huge fan of your work! It’s a huge honor to meet you!” Ziggy quickly and rapidly shook his hand.

“Likewise.” Tommy said.

Arachno got up and said, “You think you two can stop me?! Not a chance!”

“We’ll see about that!” Tommy exclaimed. The two Green Rangers get into a fighting stance to get ready for battle.

“You’ll have to catch me first.” Arachno said as he ran away like a coward.

“C’mon! Let’s catch this bug before it causes any more damage!” Tommy ordered and ran off quickly.

“Right! Wait for me!” Ziggy said as he followed Tommy to find Arachno around Summer Cove.

Meanwhile, Victor and Monty were still hiding inside the portable restroom pod.

“Is the monster gone, Monty?” Victor asked.

Monty leaned on the door, trying to hear if the monster is still approaching. “No, I think we’re all clear.”

“Oh thank goodness. He finally left. Now let’s get out of here before it comes back.” Victor ordered.

Monty answered, “You got it, Vic.” He opened the door, but... it’s locked. “Uh, Victor? We got a problem. The door’s stuck.”

“Oh please. There’s no way we’re locked inside this pod. Let the professional take care of this.” Victor said and moved Monty aside. He tried opening the door, but it’s still locked. “C’mon. Why is this door not opening?!” He tried so hard to open it, but it didn’t do any good. As it turned out, the pod was covered with webs right after Victor and Monty went inside earlier.

“Oh, boy...” Victor said.

Victor and Monty both screamed and cried for help. However, no one came to help them. Few minutes later, Monty’s stomach growled.

Monty said, “Um, Victor?”

“What now, Monty?!” Victor asked.

“I really gotta go.” Monty ordered.

Victor knew exactly what he meant and panicked.


Author's Note:

I made a few minor changes to the story. Billy will help Mick and Redbot instead of Ethan.

Arachno is based on Tangleweb from Power Rangers Ninja Steel.