• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,688 Views, 103 Comments

Alternative Origins - TalkingToMyself

A young Sunset Shimmer is sent to uncover the secrets of the forgotten Crystal Empire. During her journey to the frozen north, she finds something very unexpected that might change everything.

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Chapter 12

Sunset Shimmer looked up from the giant tome she was working through when she heard a soft sigh from the other side of the room. Crystal Note had chosen a seat close to the giant windows Princess Celestia favoured in all of her rooms. The crystal pony didn’t look at the book Sunset had given her, instead she stared out to the city of Canterlot.
Sunset Shimmer frowned and shook her head. She couldn’t let the crystal pony go out into the city. The princess had decided it would be best to keep her presence secret for now.

But that doesn’t mean I have to lock her up in here either. Sunset walked through the room and caught Crystal Note’s attention
“How about another lesson for you? Do you know your way around the palace yet?”
The grey mare shook her head and blushed
“I’m usually following you or the soldiers. I can find the way back to my room from here, I think.”
Sunset sighed and made her way to the door
“Okay, let’s go.”
Crystal Note hurried to follow, as always.

They strolled through the palace aimlessly at first while Sunset Shimmer explained the layout of the hallways and mentioned important places like the throne room, the royal archives or the entry hall. Since Crystal Note was asking about it, she also mentioned things like the staff quarters, laundry rooms and the infirmary inside the palace.
Then, the test began. Sunset Shimmer asked her to find the quickest route between any two locations through the palace. At first, Crystal Note took very long to find the places Sunset mentioned and needed help. But, after the second round through the entire palace, she slowly got the hang of it.

Sunset Shimmer didn’t hurry the mare and followed the easy pace in which Crystal Note trotted along the halls and passages. Since each passageway was decorated with paintings, portraits or statues of almost an entire millennium, Crystal Note began asking many questions. At first, Sunset Shimmer only gave short answers, but there was something about the way Crystal Note looked at her, with eyes wide open in curiosity and wonder. Soon, she told her more of Equestria’s history than she even thought she would remember. The crystal mare soaked every detail up like a sponge and soon, she found some flaws when legends and history wouldn’t match up. That started a friendly discussion between the two mares as they wandered through the palace, something the ponies around them noticed as well.

When they came close to dinnertime, their discussion slowed down into a companionable silence as Crystal Note led them back to the private dining hall Princess Celestia always used. Sunset Shimmer had a calm smile on her face, a rare expression for the ambitious unicorn. Even though this day had not turned out very productive for her, she had to admit it was one of the nicer ones recently. Maybe that’s just what I needed. A little break from studying, missions and magical challenges.

As she walked on, she didn’t notice the sideway glances Crystal Note kept throwing at her. Suddenly, she called out
“You’re doing it wrong.”
Sunset Shimmer snapped out of her daydream and stared stupefied at the mare
Instead of answering, Crystal Note closed her eyes and started to hum softly. Sunset involuntarily smiled wider as the pleasant melody filled the hallway. Unlike the shy and timid tone Crystal Note used when talking, her voice seemed fuller and richer even if she was only humming. I’m sure she would make a good singer.

Then, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She finally recognized the melody Crystal Note was humming as the insistent tune that had been in her head ever since her talk with Princess Celestia. Sunset Shimmer realized she had been humming it without noticing again. I guess the princess was right, it’s something I picked up in Crystal Note’s mind. But that means…
“You remembered something!”
Crystal Note froze and her eyes snapped open. Her jaw dropped down and her eyes opened wider and wider, so much they almost bulged out of her head.
“I remember!”
Sunset Shimmer caught up with Crystal Note and walked around the mare so she could smile at her, but something didn’t seem right. Crystal Note just stared ahead with wide eyes, but Sunset could tell she couldn’t see anything right now. At the same time, tears ran down her cheeks in a steady stream, even if no sound made it out of her.

“Crystal Note?”
As she heard her name, a wave ran down her body, changing her coat into a dark grey colour. Sunset Shimmer immediately understood what happened and shook her with by the shoulders
“Crystal Note, snap out of it!”
“I… I…”
The crystal pony tried to talk, but it seemed like she couldn’t form words. Instead, she started sobbing and slumped down on the floor. Sunset Shimmer nearly panicked and tried to pull her back to her hooves
“Crystal Note, talk to me! What do you remember?”
It seemed like Sunset’s words finally gave her something to focus on, because she started to stammer
“I remember the song. I can hear it, but nopony is singing. It’s something else.”
Sunset Shimmer’s mind raced. She had never seen Crystal Note like this, receptive and open all of a sudden. Maybe if I can keep her like this a little longer, I can get more information. I need to keep asking her questions.
“Crystal Note, try to remember. You can hear it, can you hear anything else? Voices from other ponies, maybe?”
“No, there’s nothing else. Just the song. They forbade singing.”
“Who? Can you remember?”
“Sombra… King Sombra… NO!”

Crystal Note jerked out of Sunset’s grip on her shoulders and trashed around, kicking and flailing her hooves until she slumped on the floor, cowering against the nearest wall. She shrieked when Sunset approached her, her gemstone-eyes rolling around wildly. Sunset Shimmer hesitated to get closer to the mare and watched from a close distance. After a few minutes, Crystal Note calmed down to recognize Sunset Shimmer again. That was also the point where she dissolved into tears.

Sunset Shimmer still hesitated, but a nudge from behind urged her forward. She turned her head around. Sometime during all the yelling, Princess Celestia must have noticed and was now standing behind her. Some of the guards stood in the background.
“Sunset Shimmer, you need to go to her. I fear she might not trust anypony else enough.”
“Yes Princess.”
Sunset Shimmer answered automatically and stumbled forward. She had no idea what she should say or do. It was not a situation she liked in any way.
In the end, she didn’t have to do anything at all. Sunset Shimmer gingerly touched Crystal Note’s hoof with her own and the crystal pony looked up at her. The next moment, Crystal Note threw herself against Sunset Shimmer and buried her head against her shoulder. All Sunset Shimmer could do was wrap her hooves around the crying mare and hold her until it stopped.