• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,688 Views, 103 Comments

Alternative Origins - TalkingToMyself

A young Sunset Shimmer is sent to uncover the secrets of the forgotten Crystal Empire. During her journey to the frozen north, she finds something very unexpected that might change everything.

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Intermission: Cadance

Cadance sat in her room and watched the raindrops patter against her window. Her sense of time told her it was late, but through the thick blanket of grey and dark storm clouds, she couldn’t see if the sun was still up or the moon had already taken its spot.

Rainy days were rare in Canterlot, the city of the Princess of the Sun and Moon. Everypony knew how much Auntie Celestia enjoyed the warmth and light of the sun, so the weather patrol kept delaying rain as much as possible. That meant of course that when rain was necessary, it usually resulted in a heavy storm.

Cadance had grown up as a pegasus in a village of earth ponies. Even though she didn’t understand it as intricate as the pegasi of Cloudsdale, the weather made sense to her. She had been responsible for most of the weather work in her village and she knew that the plants needed good water to grow, at least a weekly shower and a drizzle each day. It also helped the weather magic from building up too much.

Canterlot didn’t have agriculture like other towns, so regular showers weren’t necessary. Canterlot also had more ambient magic than her little village, something about being a city of mostly unicorns and stuff. Cadance frowned. I really should have paid more attention on that lesson.

Even though she could not remember all the reasons, she could see the result clearly as yet another lightning bolt spilt the sky, followed by a low rumble of thunder. Too much magic, too much pressure and too little chances to release it. I really should talk to Auntie about that again.

She smiled when she thought of the kind mare that had taken her under her wing, both as an aunt when she lost her parents and as a teacher to help her understand her new powers. She really couldn’t image what she would have done without Auntie Celestia back then. It had only been a few months, but so much had happened and so much had changed, it felt like years to her.

That’s what made it so hard to see Celestia like this. Cadance missed the happy, carefree talks they used to have during dinner or the strolls through the gardens when the audiences of the day had ended.

Now, her Auntie was quiet and withdrawn. At times, she seemed downright depressed, but she didn’t want to tell her worries or share her heart, not with her niece and not with Sunset.

Cadance frowned and pushed those depressing thoughts away. I can’t let this glum weather drag me down. I’ll better find something do.

With that, she left her rooms wandered down the hallways.

On rainy days, the palace was surprisingly empty. No petitioners were scheduled today and court was delayed as well, which meant that the usual busy staff had very little to do. This late in the day that meant what little work remained had been taken care of and the staff ponies had retired already. Most of them had returned to their homes in the city. The ponies who also lived in the palace probably enjoyed some well-deserved lazy time in their chambers.

In the dim lights and with the rumble outside, the empty hallways of the giant palace could have been scary. For Cadance, it felt peaceful and tranquil. Just like nature needed the water from the rain to grow, she thought of this day as a chance for everypony to catch a deep breath, before they all could to throw themselves into work again.

She enjoyed the calmness as she walked aimlessly through the hallways with only the pitter-patter of the rain and the sound of her hooves on the marble floors. She let her thoughts drift and pass as they came, happy thoughts luring a smile to her face while troubling ones seemed to just get washed away by the rain.

Her legs had decided for her to take the route towards the grand hall when Cadance noticed a new sound beside the rain. This new sound didn’t disturb her tranquillity, in fact it made her smile grow brighter. Without any haste or urgency, but definitely intrigued, Cadance walked towards the source of pleasant music.

Around a few corners, Cadance found what she was looking for. In the middle of the grand hall, she saw a single pony. In the dim light, her coat seemed almost pure white. The mare had sat down on the floor and her hooves very busy as she played on a violin.

Cadance recognized Crystal Note right away, of course. She had been watching the crystal pony from a distance, but since Sunset Shimmer had told her to keep her ears open, she had taken that as a clue to keep the local gossip in check. Obviously, that advice was far more literal than she had first thought.

Cadance quietly stepped closer, smiling as she took in more of the music. It was very calm and soft but easily filled the entire hall. Cadance was sure she had never heard a song like that before, but just like the sound of the rain, the melody felt cleansing, washing away any of her troubling emotions. All that remained was a deep, but beautiful melancholy.

She had made it into talking distance by now, but she stopped and sat down instead of getting any closer. Crystal Note had not noticed her yet. For once, her eyes were closed as she played, but Cadance felt that even if she would talk right now, the violinist wouldn’t hear her. Cadance didn’t test that theory and watched as Crystal Note fully immersed herself in her own little world of music.

As she watched, Cadance found herself comparing the sight of Crystal Note playing her violin with an image in her mind. That image came from her practice session with Sunset Shimmer. The unicorn had demonstrated control and power by creating a whirlwind of flying books around her and shown her a glimpse of her mastery over magic. Crystal Note sat in an invisible storm of sound and music, but she also controlled every aspect of it as she weaved together note by note to create a different form of magic.

Cadance snapped back to attention when the music suddenly faded. Crystal Note still had her eyes closed and her violin in position, her hoof still holding the bow from the last note she had played.

When her eyes opened, Crystal Note turned towards Cadance. Before their eyes could meet, Crystal Note bowed down deeply in front of her, one forehoof stretched out towards her whiled the other held her instrument at her side. She bowed so deep that her forehead touched the marble floor.

For her part, Cadance was confused beyond any believe. Sure, ponies bowed their heads when she passed by, but not like this. She hadn’t seen this with Princess Celestia even, and she was nowhere as much of a princess as her aunt.

So she did the only thing she could think of, which was leaning down and gently pulling at Crystal Note’s hoof so the pony would get up again

“Don’t do that!”

Crystal Note sat back up quickly, but her eyes stayed on the floor as if she was scared

“Apologies, Your Highness.”

At the desperate sound of her voice, Cadance gasped and her hoof covered her mouth. Oh no, she really is scared. Scared of me? It was almost too much for her to take.

Cadance took a deep breath and forced herself to stay calm.

“Crystal Note?”

She waited for a moment and when she got no reaction, she tried again with more insistence

“Crystal Note, please look at me.”

Cadance smiled gently when the mare finally looked up at her. For a moment, she watched Crystal Note’s turquoise eyes with their unfamiliar gemlike shape, but she quickly focused back on the pony behind them

“I’m not going to order you around or anything. You don’t have to treat me any different, okay? I just want to talk.”

“Yes, Your High-… um, yes Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Cadance. My name is simply Cadance.”

Crystal Note nodded and returned the smile to Cadance, but soon her lips twitched and Cadance saw that she could barely hold back some giggling

“What’s so funny?”

“N-nothing Princess… I was just thinking, if anypony’s first name really was ‘Simply’. That would be so awkward.”

Crystal Note burst into giggles and Cadance smiled mirthfully

“I think it would be Simply Hilarious.”

They both started chuckling and their laughter echoed through the empty room.

Crystal Note quickly fell silent again, but Cadance felt that she was far more relaxed now. She still held her violin in her hooves, now cradled in her lap

“That song you played was beautiful, I’ve never heard anything like it.”

Immediately, Crystal Note tensed up again and let out a big sigh

“It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Cadance leaned closer to get a better look, but Crystal Note had already closed her eyes again and the way her hoof wrapped around the violin spoke volumes to Cadance

“Why would you say that?”

“Because it’s true!”

Cadance saw the shiver that ran through the mare and she heard the sob Crystal Note was hiding in her behind her louder than usual voice.

What am I supposed to do? What can I do? Auntie Celestia would probably comfort Crystal Note with some superficial pleasantry before she quickly changed topics. Sunset would most likely say something insulting or shout to get the mare’s mind away from whatever bothered her.

But Cadance was not them. She knew that whatever they did would not help Crystal Note feel better. They wouldn’t and couldn’t help her like she could.

Cadance reached out and pulled Crystal Note into a big hug. Crystal Note’s eyes opened, scared by the sudden closeness to another pony, but Cadance gave her a reassuring squeeze. Crystal Note stopped fidgeting, but now she completely froze in place instead. Gently, Cadance pushed Crystal Note’s head against her. Since Cadance was taller than the crystal pony, her head came to rest against her chest.

Cadance didn’t know if Crystal Note was just overwhelmed or if she made a conscious decision, but she felt the trembles from the smaller mare, followed by a hitched sob. Cadance’ ran her hoof slowly down the back of Crystal Note’s head when the tears started running and Crystal Note finally let go.

They stayed like this for a while, Crystal Note crying and sobbing into Cadance’ coat, with hooves wrapped around her to keep her from running away, and to hold her. The only sound was the drumming of the rain from outside and the occasional sob from Crystal Note, followed by a hushed whisper from Cadance

“It’s okay. It’s okay.”

Eventually, the tears ran out even when the rain kept on pouring down. Cadance knew she had to be patient now. In her head, she already had some answers ready for what to say when Crystal Note felt ready to talk again and...

“I’m sorry, Princess.”

Cadance eyes flew wide open. That was not what she was expecting at all

“You don’t have anything to apologize, Crystal Note.”

There was another small sob and Cadance felt the shake of the head against her

“I barely managed three full sentences with you before I started crying. You must think that I’m pathetic.”

Cadance clicked her tongue and shook her head

“Now, why would I think that?”

Cadance sat up straight and moved her hooves to Crystal Note’s shoulders. Slowly, she pushed the mare back into a seating position, so she could look into her eyes

“Crystal Note, I’d be lying if I said I know exactly how you feel. But believe me, I know what it’s like to carry pent-up emotions in me. And know how it feels to loose somepony very important to you.”

Among the few things Sunset had told her about the Crystal Empire was the fact that the ponies were probably lost forever now that the faint connection of magic had been disturbed. Which meant, whatever family Crystal Note ever had, it was gone now. Crystal Note couldn’t talk about it Celestia or Sunset and she couldn’t talk about it with any other pony without telling them all about the Crystal Empire. No wonder she had such a tearful breakdown, after days of hiding behind fake smiles. Cadance knew that Sunset probably believed those smiles, but Cadance saw right through them. She didn’t need something as obvious as a change of colour to tell her.

“Do you, though?”

And again, Cadance was thrown off the loop

“I lost my parents during the events of my ascension. That’s why I came to Canterlot with Auntie Celestia.”

Crystal Note blew her breath through her nose and laughed bitterly

“Yes, you lost your parents who you remember and who you know loved you, and when you thought you were alone, there was somepony who took you in and looked out for you.”

Cadance kept her eyes firmly on Crystal Note. Usually, she was the one preen to overdramatics, but as she watched Crystal Note loose her battle against her own emotions, it was easy to stay calm.

“You have Sunset to look out for you.”
“I’m just another research project for Sunset Shimmer. It’s only a matter of time before she gets bored or finds something new.”
“Is that really what you think?”

Crystal Note turned her head away, she couldn’t look at Cadance. After a few beats, she mumbled towards the floor
“It would be easier if I believed that.”

Cadance sighed and tilted Crystal Note's head back towards her
"Well, too bad. Because that's not what's happening here."

Crystal Note tried to look away again, but Cadance’ hoof held her in place
“It doesn’t matter anyways.”
“And why would you say that?”
Crystal Note didn’t answer, but she lowered her eyes again so she wasn’t looking at Cadance even with her face hovering directly in front of her. Cadance knew there was something, she could feel the tension and so she stayed exactly where she was. Once she had set her mind on something, it would take nothing less than a furious dragon to keep her from it or maybe Auntie Celestia when she…

“Did you ever feel homesick?”
Cadance just blinked a couple of times, utterly confused again. How does she keep doing this? What can I do?

For a start, she answered the questions
“Yes, I did. I still from time to time, to be honest.”
“When you do, what do you see?”

Cadance tilted her head slightly but kept looking at the eyes that still didn’t meet her
“I see my old village in the forest. I see the familiar houses and ponies. I see my parents.”
“Do you want to know what I see?”

Finally, Crystal Note looked up at her, but as she did, Cadance almost wished she hadn’t. The turquoise eyes she saw seemed so empty and hard. They were nothing like when the mare was smiling. They weren’t like stone when Cadance had seen her glare Blueblood against a wall. The only word Cadance had to describe them was… dead.
“I see only dark and black.”

Cadance felt her eyes go wide when Crystal Note’s voice matched her eyes
“Do you know why?”
Cadance just shook her head, barely able to think, let alone speak
“Because, there’s just nothing.”

Without any warning, Crystal Note started crying again
“I can’t see anything, no houses, no streets, no ponies, no nothing! I don’t know my family. I’m almost sure I had a sister, but I don’t know her name or what she looked like or what she liked or if we even got along or anything!”

Cadance pulled her back against her, but Crystal Note squirmed out of her hold
“There is nothing! I miss it so much, but there is nothing I could even miss! And now I’m stuck here and nothing matters anymore, nothing I do makes a difference because everything around me is weird and strange.”

Cadance watched as the crystal pony turned back to look at her discarded violin on the floor
“That’s the only thing that makes sense anymore. When I play, it just feels right. And when I stop, nothing feels real anymore.”
Cadance took a step closer, but Crystal Note backed away further
“Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream. Maybe I’m still locked in that crystal and I’m imagining things. That’s why I can’t remember and that’s why nothing feels real. Because, I’m not real. And I shouldn’t be here.”

Cadance listened quietly, but when Crystal Note’s voice broke down further and further with each word until it was barely more than a sad whisper, she reached her boiling point.

Making use of her taller size once more, she quickly reached out and wrapped her hooves around Crystal Note, followed by her wings when the mare wouldn’t stop squirming.
Cadance didn’t say anything and just waited for Crystal Note to stop flailing her hooves, but once she did, Cadance immediate started walking towards the large double doors. It was more of an awkward hobble really, with Crystal Note wrapped in most of her limbs, but she eventually made it to the doors. With an almost angry thought of Open up!, her horn glowed briefly with magic as the door followed her mental command.

The sound of the rain from outside hit them almost like a tidal wave, but Cadance didn’t slow down, not even as the full force of the rain hit her and had them soaked in a matter of seconds. Crystal Note gasped and shivered but Cadance didn’t let her go until they were a good distance into the gardens.

When Cadance finally dropped her rather abruptly on the grass, Crystal Note scrambled back into a seating position and stared up at the princess with shock in her eyes. Her mane was soaked and hung down in front of her eyes, but Cadance didn’t look much better herself. She ignored the cold and the drumming of rain against her and nearly shouted so she could be heard

“What do you feel now?”
Crystal Note blinked a couple of times, mostly because she had to stare up at Cadance and into the rain
“I don’t know I understand what…”
“STOP mincing words. What do you feel RIGHT NOW?”
Cadance shouted out louder than she had wanted, but the cold rain on top of what she saw when she looked at Crystal Note pushed her on. Even now, she still had the image of those lifeless eyes in her head

“I feel wet.”
“I feel wet and cold. And a little silly.”
Crystal Note brushed her wet mane out of her face
“Most of all, I’m surprised. I’ve never felt rain on my coat before. It’s nothing like snow.”

Cadance laughed kindly as she watched Crystal Note try to shake off the water, which didn’t work in the pouring rain at all. More importantly though, Cadance could see the light in her gemstone eyes again
“Does it feel real?”

Crystal Note stopped in place for a moment, but then a smile came to her
“Do you feel real?”
Crystal Note thought for another moment, then giggled with a nod
“I do. I can’t remember ever feeling like this. So…”

Crystal Note couldn’t find the right word, but Cadance did so easily
Crystal Note looked back at Cadance and slowly, she could return the smile
“Yes. That’s it. Alive. Wet and cold and alive.”

She giggled and Cadance joined in as well, until she suddenly had to sneeze
“Maybe we should go back inside, so you still feel alive tomorrow.”
“Yes Princess.”

Cadance still smiled as she swatted her soggy wing towards Crystal Note who dodged with a little sidestep. Cadance closed the doors once they were inside and they stayed long enough for Crystal Note to collect her violin before Cadance waved for her to follow.

When they reached the room, Cadance ushered her in with a sigh of relief
“Ah, warm, finally! Heat enchantments, but don’t ask me how they work, I’m just happy they do.”
Crystal Note looked around curiously, which made Cadance smile at first, but not for long. Soon Cadance realized that Crystal Note just had her eyes dart around, trying to look anywhere but her direction. She’s still afraid.

Without another word, Cadance levitated some towels from the adjacent bathroom for each of them. Four towels at once and no wobbling! She granted herself a smile for that while she rubbed her mane dry, just like Crystal Note in front of her.

Once she felt sufficiently dry, Crystal Note even dared to sit on one of the cushions across Cadance.
“Crystal Note, I promise you have no reason to fear me.”
As Cadance had hoped, that made Crystal Note look up, at least for long enough to see that her eyes weren’t empty and blank like before.

“I mean seriously, what’s the worst thing that could happen from you and me just talking?”
Crystal Note’s eye twitched and she mumbled
“You saw what happened last time I spoke to royalty.”
Cadance frowned at that. What does she mean, last time? We never talked and I’m sure she didn’t have a falling out Auntie Celestia. Who else… oh!

“Blueblood isn’t really royal, you know. He just keeps telling everypony he was.”
Crystal Note kept her eyes firmly on the floor, so Cadance carried on
“If you ask me, he needed somepony who told him off. Now he tries to act like it never happened, but everypony knows about it, no matter how hard he tries to sweep it under the rug,” she giggled behind her hoof.

Crystal Note’s ears flopped down in shame and Cadance stopped giggling
“Crystal Note, you’ve done nothing wrong. You stepped in for a friend and stopped Blueblood before he could hurt her. If anything, that’s admirable.”
Crystal Note shook her head violently
“I wanted to hurt him! I would have never kicked him or something, but everything I said, I said to hurt him.”

Cadance stood up and stepped closer once more
“You didn’t hurt him.”
“But I tried and…”
“And if he hadn’t acted the way he did for years, none of your words would have affected him the way they did.”

Crystal Note fell silent and Cadance once again lifted her chin with her wing
“Crystal Note, it’s his own fault that ponies see him like this, you were just the first one to call him out on it.”
Crystal Note held the gaze of the princess for a few moments and Cadance showed her nothing but sympathy. When she looked away though, her coat took a greyish hue and Cadance felt the pony’s fear, stronger than ever
“But what if it happens again? It happened before.”

Cadance eyes almost bulged out of her head. This is it. This is what she remembered and what we are looking for. Okay Cadance, don’t mess this up now.
She forced herself into a calm voice and a neutral posture, still staying close to Crystal Note as she asked
“What happened before, Crystal Note?”

Crystal Note shook her head and whispered
“I think I tried to protect somepony. And I was so angry, I just said the first thing that came to my mind. I knew it was a bad idea but I was so angry I didn’t care.”

“Who did you try to protect?”
Again, all Crystal Note could do was shake her head
“I don’t know.”
“Was it a mare or a stallion? Somepony you knew?”
“I don’t know! I don’t know!”

The last answer sounded dangerously close to a sob, so Cadance gently placed her hoof on Crystal Note’s shoulder
“Shh, it’s okay. But you know I have to ask, right? You understand why, do you?”
Crystal Note nodded but kept her eyes clenched shut, no doubt to hide away some tears

“Do you remember from what you wanted to protect that pony?”
Crystal Note shook her head
“Not what. Who.”
Cadance kept her hoof in touch with Crystal Note when she felt that her worst fears turned out true after all
“From whom did you have to protect them?”
“Somepony… somepony like Blueblood.”

“Like Blueblood?”
Cadance took a heavy breath. Blueblood was rude, full of himself and obviously violent. But he was also convinced that he deserved to be royal, against all facts, just like…
Oh, please no…

Cadance leaned closer to Crystal Note and whispered, not trusting her voice for anything more
“Was it King Sombra?”
Crystal Note couldn’t stop the tears from leaking out of her closed eyes anymore. Sobs shivered through her small form, louder than before and more desperate as well. Cadance did the only thing she could and pulled the mare into an embrace, but Crystal Note howled in pain from remembering. Cadance tightened her grip on the mare and wouldn’t let go for a long while.

“Something bad happened. Something terrible. But I don’t know what. I’m scared.”
This time, Cadance knew exactly what to say
“Whatever it was, I won’t let it happen again. You’re safe now.”

Crystal Note just sobbed
“Why are you saying this? You barely even know me.”
“I know it feels right.”
Crystal Note shook her head
“Nothing feels right to me.”
“Did you ever tell Sunset that you feel this way?”

The mare shook her head and whispered
“I can’t.”
“So why could you tell me?”
“I don’t know!”
Cadance squeezed the mare when the shivering started again
“I just can’t stop talking to you and I don’t know why and it scares me.”

Cadance stayed silent for a moment. It seemed farfetched, but she decided to follow her instinct with this
“You say your music is the only thing that feels right. What does your music tell you right now?”
Crystal Note sniffled and shook her head
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
“That’s not what I asked, Crystal Note.”
“I hear a happy song.”

Cadance smiled immediately
“Isn't that something good, Crystal Note?”
“I’ve never heard a happy song before.”
“You’ve never opened up to anypony before either, have you?”
Crystal Note shook her head
“Not like this.”
“Then take this as a good sign, Crystal Note. Don’t be afraid to change, embrace it.”

Crystal Note nodded against the princess and Cadance squeezed her reassuringly
“May I hear your happy song, Crystal Note?”
The mare blinked and nodded shyly
“Um, I need my violin for that?”
“Of course.”

Cadance reached out for her magic and the instrument floated from its case towards them. Cadance had no trouble controlling her spell this time and held the violin firm enough so it would be safe, but not too tight to cause any damage. Almost like her hooves she still had wrapped around the crystal mare right now.

Crystal Note carefully left her embrace to reach for the violin, but Cadance just shifted on her seat to stay close to the mare. Crystal Note fidgeted a little, so Cadance followed her instinct and spread one of her wings to cover Crystal Note’s back. Between pegasi, this would be an intimate position, but Crystal Note didn’t know that. To her, the wing was a gesture of comfort, foremost.

Crystal Note’s hooves stopped shivering so she could bring her violin in position. Like Cadance had seen before, the mare’s eyes closed down before the first stroke of her bow. Cadance just listened. She had expected a different song, something lively and upbeat that ponies would dance to, that was what she would call happy music.

Crystal Note’s idea of happy meant something different. Her song was, most of all, slow. That didn’t mean it was boring, but it was quite the opposite from what Cadance had in mind. To her, happy meant energy, cheerfulness and activity. Crystal Note’s song was calm. An image came to Cadance, of a soft rug in front of a fireplace. Outside might be a storm for all she cared, but in here, she didn’t have to worry. She could lay down and enjoy the warmth of the fire, the quiet crackling of the flames. Outside might be dark, but in here, she didn’t need more but the softly flickering light of the flames to know she was safe. She felt the peace this quiet place could offer her, she felt safety and tranquillity and a deep contentment she couldn’t get anywhere else. It was like she could take a deep breath from the world and not worry about anything. She felt the kind of happiness Crystal Note was searching for without even knowing. But, she also felt hope that someday, Crystal Note might find a place where she belonged once more.
This is how she feels when she’s around me?

At some point, Cadance must have dozed off, because the sound of rain was gone and her room was completely dark. She was still sprawled on the pillows, but somepony had pulled the thick blankets from her bed over her to keep her warm.
Cadance didn’t move for another few minutes, she was too comfy to leave the warmth of the blankets yet. So she only let her eyes roam through the room, it only took her a moment to adjust to the lack of light.

By the window, she saw the silhouette of a pony staring at the sky. Crystal Note had not noticed that Cadance was awake yet and looked at the unfamiliar sight of the stars, searching for anything that could remind her.

Cadance was just about to stand up and join her, when Crystal Note started to hum. Cadance recognized the melody as the one she had heard when she fell asleep. A few moments later, Crystal Note’s voice grew from a melodious humming into a song

When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew out of reach
So she ran away in her dreams

And dreamed of paradise, paradise
She dreamed of paradise, of paradise
She dreamed of paradise, of paradise,
Every time she closed her eyes.

Cadance stayed were she was and listened. She probably couldn’t move even if she wanted. There was something about Crystal Note’s voice that she couldn’t understand. Whatever it was, the song seemed to slip right past her mind and directly into her heart. She barely heard the words as much as the feeling behind them, sadness and longing, but most of all hope. It was an irrational hope, against all odds and with many setbacks, but for Cadance it simply felt so right.

Crystal Note kept singing for a while and Cadance soon drifted back to sleep, the song and the soft voice following her into her dreams this night.