• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,688 Views, 103 Comments

Alternative Origins - TalkingToMyself

A young Sunset Shimmer is sent to uncover the secrets of the forgotten Crystal Empire. During her journey to the frozen north, she finds something very unexpected that might change everything.

  • ...

Chapter 37

It was still strange to think of Sunset Shimmer as a friend now. Even though it had been almost a month since they’d started spending time together, Rarity still struggled more than she was willing to admit.

Not openly, of course. When she was with her friends, she was always the perfect friend to Sunset, sprinkling in little gifts and favours, or just kind words, which were always so appreciated by the former bully. Not just from her, of course, even the smallest gesture either of her friends extended towards Sunset Shimmer was met with so much gratitude, it made it nearly impossible to be cross with her.

Which was most likely why this whole situation was so strange.

Sunset Shimmer had never been anything but arrogant, condescending, and rude, as far back as Rarity could remember. But the new Sunset was so demure, so apologetic, it clashed too hard with the image she had built up in her past to be believable. Even considering that Sunset Shimmer had been exposed to excessive amounts of magic to trigger her ‘transformation’, things just didn’t match up.

Applejack believed Sunset’s new attitude was genuine, and that was enough for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was too kind to want anything but the best for anyone, even the former bully who turned her schooldays into hell and made her cry countless times, so she was more than willing to believe in a reformed Sunset.

Rarity, deep inside, did not believe. On the outside, she played her part perfectly, being generous was her nature and it was not hard to extend this to new Sunset. However, behind her façade, she was on constant alert. Sunset had not given her any reasons to be suspicious. Even when she was not around her friends and had no reason to fake a changed demeanour, Sunset stayed overly friendly and deeply apologetic. Around people who were not her friends, who did not react positively to her presence, she was shy and insecure. Of course, Rarity had no reference on how a person was supposed to react after a magical transformation, but for the part of the remorseful bully, Sunset behaved perfectly as expected.

Just, maybe a bit too perfect.

Sunset Shimmer had deceived the entire school, teachers and principals included, for a very long time. Truthfully, had she not started boasting about some of her cruel and distasteful deeds, maybe the school body would have never found out on their own. Sunset Shimmer had wanted the students to know, and that’s why they knew. So they would be intimidated by her, fearful of becoming her next victim.

That meant, if anybody would be able to play a part of this scale near perfectly, Rarity would assume that it had to be Sunset Shimmer. That’s why, despite having her own role in this play, Rarity stayed alert. She had not figured out Sunset’s plan yet, but she didn’t doubt that there was a plan. So far, Sunset had not made any demands, asked for favours or even any information beyond what the others were willing to share, so Rarity knew that Sunset had not started manipulating her friends. Yet. When it would happen, however, Rarity knew she would see it, and she would be ready. For her friends’ sake, she had to be. She couldn’t burden her friends with her suspicions, however, at least, not yet. In the spirit of generosity, she would carry those burdens by herself for now, and only share them when it was absolutely necessary. Which meant that figuring out a counter-scheme to Sunset’s agenda fell solely on Rarity as well.

Determined to find out more, Rarity had arranged to meet with Sunset in a more controlled environment. It was too easy for Sunset to blend into the background with Rainbow’s activeness and Pinkie Pie’s quirkiness to hide behind. And confronted with Fluttershy’s quietness, Sunset was not urged enough to open herself enough. Therefore, only one of her friends accompanied her to Sunset’s home today.

Applejack didn’t know about Rarity’s plan to expose Sunset Shimmer, but she was essential, nonetheless. If Sunset Shimmer slipped, or fudged the facts ever so slightly, Applejack would notice even when Rarity wouldn’t. Also, if it came to a confrontation with the former bully, Applejack would not compromise with half-truths or little white lies. She would want nothing but the honest truth from Sunset, which was just what Rarity was hoping for. If they knew Sunset’s plans, she could warn her friends before they got burnt again, or before their friendship among each other suffered once more.

The decision to meet at Sunset’s home was also well-calculated. In familiar surroundings, Sunset might not have all her walls up as much, and she might be more likely to let something slip. And in the worst-case scenario, Rarity could find a chance to see Sunset’s room and take a close look. As organised as Sunset Shimmer was, Rarity expected her to formulate her plans on paper or maybe on her computer. A glimpse into a personal journal couldn’t hurt either, as a last resort.

There was just one factor that Rarity could not plan out in advance, and that was Sunset Shimmer’s roommate. She had only met the strange woman once, on the night of the Fall Formal. After that, she had always been confined to her room whenever the girls visited Sunset at home. Maybe that would happen today as well.

However, as Applejack and Rarity approached the door to Sunset’s apartment, Rarity knew right away that she would not be so fortunate this time. She could clearly hear someone playing violin through the door. Sunset Shimmer didn’t know how to play any instruments, so Rarity knew that the source had to be her roommate. Nevertheless, she rang the doorbell. The music stopped, and a few moments later, the young woman with the silvery-white skin opened the door, violin still in hand.

“Howdy, Miss Crystal Note.”
Applejack’s greeting was genuine and reminded Rarity of the woman’s name at the same time, which Rarity appreciated.
“We came to meet with Sunset for our school project. I hope we’re not intruding too much on you, Darling.”
Crystal Note fixed her with an appraising stare for one moment, but unlike Applejack and Rarity, she was not smiling.
“Sunset just left to do some shopping. Apparently, we are out of grape soda, and she wanted to fix this before you arrived. You’re welcome to come in and wait for her.”

Rarity felt the slight blush that Crystal Note clearly had to see. During one of Pinkie Pie’s parties, she had let slip that grape soda was, in fact, her favourite drink. It seemed that Sunset Shimmer had not only listened, but also remembered, and now she wanted to surprise her friend by offering her favourite drink. Or, maybe Sunset was just trying to butter her up, and even timed her shopping trip in such a way that it would make Rarity feel guilty that she had unintentionally forced Sunset to go shopping on a Saturday morning.

Applejack, of course, was more than willing to just take the offered explanation upfront, and tipped her hat
“Well, that’s mighty nice of her. And we’d love to come in, thank you kindly for your hospitality.”

Crystal Note moved deeper into the apartment, and Applejack followed right after. Rarity hesitated for a glance around the foyer, but it was silly as she realized. Sunset would not have her evil schemes piled up next to the door for everyone to see right as they entered. So, Rarity carefully closed the door behind her, and entered the living room.

She had been here once before, on Sunset’s invitation, so she knew the layout of the room well enough. A couch table that had been cluttered with all kinds of things had been cleared and only held Sunset’s books and school utensils today, clearly in preparation for their school project. Applejack was already sitting on the couch. Despite being inside, she was still wearing her boots and her hat, but their host didn’t seem to mind.

Rarity found her gaze drawn to Sunset Shimmer’s roommate. So far, she had only met her once briefly, while her mind had still been overwhelmed by the concept of magic existing, parallel dimensions and Sunset Shimmer being a creature of such a different dimension. Now, in daylight, her impeccable eye for details told her many things about Crystal Note that she had missed before.

The woman was taller than herself, but not as tall as Applejack. She was also clearly older, but not in a way that deserved being described as ‘old’. She was, rather, a young woman compared to the almost-adult high school students Rarity and her friends were. It was hard to pin-point her exact age, but Rarity would have guessed that the woman had to be in her mid-twenties. She had pale skin, only hers was closer to a silvery-white instead of Rarity’s own ivory tone. Her hair, in contrast, was a bright yellow-blonde, brighter than Applejack’s straw-yellow hair. They both decided to wear it in a ponytail today, although Applejack’s hair was longer and nearly reached her lower back, while Crystal Note’s stopped slightly after her shoulder blades. She was wearing a cream-white dress, almost a summer dress, with a pair of white leggings underneath to fight back the cold of this late-fall day.

And while her appearance seemed plain, if not to say boring, she still carried an aura of mystery around her that fascinated Rarity and kept her attention occupied. The way she sat on the armchair, with her legs tucked under herself while her body stayed upright, barely making use of the backrest, looked so strange, so unfamiliar. Of course, Rarity knew that Crystal Note, just like Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight, came from a different dimension, but she hadn’t really made that connection until now. Sunset always behaved so normal, so human, that it was easy to forget, but Crystal Note seemed to cling to her equine heritage, at least to some degree.

The next thing that caught Rarity’s attention were her fingers, long and slender. And dexterous. Somehow, they managed to keep a firm grip on her violin, while at the same time they gently danced across the strings of her instrument, applying only as much pressure as was necessary to lure out a simple, but wonderfully beautiful melody. It did not take a musical genius to comprehend that Crystal Note was in equal parts skilled, talented, and diligent to her art. If Rarity had to guess, she would assume that the violin was her preferred instrument, but she had seen an acoustic guitar on a former visit, so she couldn’t help but wonder how it would sound like compared to Crystal Note’s violin.

Rarity realized and understood that while Crystal Note’s appearance might be rather plain, with her music Crystal Note would have no difficulty to hold the attention of any kind of crowd, be it two visitors in her living room or even a giant crowd in an auditorium. As a creative mind herself, it was not hard to see Crystal Note’s connection to music was as powerful, if not more even, than her own to fashion and dressmaking.

“You can sit down if you want.”
A blush on her cheeks, Rarity turned her attention back to the room, and found Crystal Note looking right at her, even while playing on the violin. Her eyes were of a light-blue colour, more a turquoise really, and as they fixed on Rarity, they only increased the otherworldly feeling Crystal Note gave to Rarity.

With some effort, Rarity tore her gaze away from those eyes and gingerly sat down on the couch, next to Applejack. Which finally gave her a reason to stop blushing. Instead, she addressed her friend with a frown.
“Applejack, Darling, try to be at least a little polite! Take off your hat, and those dirty boots!”
Applejack rolled her eyes and was about to comply, but a chuckle from the other side of the coffee table stopped them both in their tracks. Crystal Note rolled her eyes as well, but it was clearly her who only had a bemused chuckle for the situation.
“Don’t worry, I don’t mind. You can keep your things on if you like.”

Applejack happily plopped her hat back on, and Crystal Note glanced towards the door.
“I don’t know when Sunset will come back, but feel free to grab a drink from the fridge if you want. We’ve got a couple of choices.”
Her eyes fell back on Rarity, and for the third time in less than ten minutes, caused Rarity to blush.
“Just, no grape soda.”

Rarity felt the need to explain herself, or at least apologize for the inconvenience she caused, but before she found the right words, Crystal Note’s eyes closed, and she focused back on her violin play. It was almost frightening how easily and effortlessly this woman could see through Rarity, and she wondered if Crystal Note only stayed in the living room with them to keep Rarity from snooping through the house. She quickly dismissed this thought again though, as Crystal Note had not given her any signs of distrust. While she might not be thrilled that two girls she barely knew had intruded into her home, she did what was considered polite and kept them company at least.

Applejack noticed by now that Rarity wanted to say something, but the urging glance was answered by a shake of Rarity’s head. It didn’t seem like the right moment when Crystal Note was so absorbed in her music. And it was very pleasant to just sit and listen for a while.

Rarity would not call herself an expert when it came to classical music, but she was very sure that she had never heard a piece like the one Crystal Note was playing, not even something that came close. Maybe this was the reason why Crystal Note seemed more foreign, more distant, and otherworldly than Sunset Shimmer. Through her music, Crystal Note simply had a stronger connection back to their home dimension.

It also didn’t look like Crystal Note was about to stop playing, despite having visitors. Applejack was already fidgeting in the seat next to her, no doubt uncomfortable of being in a friend’s home without said friend. Ever the generous, Rarity decided to be the one to break the awkward almost-silence and pull the anger of their host on her rather than her friend.
“This is a wonderful home you have, Miss Crystal Note.”
The woman opened her eyes, for a moment to glance at Rarity, but her play didn’t even slow down as she answered
“Sunset Shimmer picked it. It is close to her school and big enough for our needs.”

A perfect answer that would not need any questions to follow-up, so it seemed that Rarity would have to be a lot more direct if she wanted to lure the young woman out of her shell. Fortunately, her unique origin gave Rarity ample opportunity for that.
“How was it, moving to Canterlot and finding a new home?”

Despite Rarity’s boldness, Crystal Note didn’t react at all. She didn’t even miss a note in her melody or lose tempo in her song. If anyone reacted shocked, it was Applejack on the seat next to hers
“Uh, Rarity, I think it was a bit more than just your old regular ‘move to a new town’ thing. I mean, it’s not everyday you switch to a different world altogether.”

Rarity knew that Applejack tried to slow Rarity down, give her an out before this conversation turned unpleasant or downright awkward, but it was what Rarity was aiming for, so this time, she didn’t follow her friends implied counsel. Instead, she rushed forward even further.
“Did you really just pick the first house you saw close enough to CHS? How could you even afford it when you’re actually little horses?”
“Ponies” Both Applejack and Crystal Note corrected automatically “Ponies aren’t just little horses, Rarity. They’re a whole different species. And something tells me that goes double for magic ponies from other dimensions.”

Crystal Note watched their exchange with more interest than before, but since she had completely ignored them before in favour of her violin, that meant very little. Rarity didn’t fail to notice that Crystal Note still hadn’t answered any of her questions in a satisfying way, giving her a fine none-answer for the first and letting Applejack take the other, more pressing ones, so this time she fixed her with a taxing gaze, giving her no more outs.

Crystal Note kept her eyes fixed on Rarity in return, trying to see something she hadn’t before, but while she might not have found what she was looking for, she could at least see that Rarity would be relentless. Unable or unwilling, Rarity did not know, to fight off the youthful determination, she finally answered
“We did pick the first suitable place. Neither of us expected to be here long enough to find a new home. At least, I did not. Our stay was supposed to be temporarily, and this apartment was nothing more but a refuge and a shelter for us.”

Applejack bought and believed that story immediately, but Rarity knew she was being deceived
“Now, Darling, I don’t believe that for a single moment.”
The young woman/pony finally stopped playing her violin, her instrument finding a place in her lap as she focused fully on Rarity now.
“And why is that?”
Triumphantly, Rarity pointed at the violin as that was all that was necessary to prove her point, but the other two didn’t seem to understand, judging by their expressions, so she added
“You said you didn’t intend to stay for long, but it was long enough for you to pick up learning a human instrument.”
Crystal Note blinked once, before she chuckled and shook her head
“This is, in fact, not a human instrument. I brought it with me from Equestria.”

“But how? Princess Twilight could barely hold a pen because she said ponies don’t have fingers. Why would little horses have violins when they can’t play them?”
It might be a little offensive the way she phrased it, but Rarity was set on getting answers today, even if she had to break decorum and politeness for that.

Unfortunately, Crystal Note seemed neither shocked nor offended. Only slightly confused, perhaps not even that.
“In Equestria, I played my violin with hooves instead of fingers. But didn’t Sunset tell you everything about Equestria already? Or maybe your princess-friend?”
Rarity needed a moment to compose herself on how utterly ineffective her attempt of luring Crystal Note out of her shell had been, so it fell to Applejack to answer
“Well, Princess Twilight didn’t stay long enough to tell us much, ‘cept the magic ponies bit. And Sunset… well, she barely talks ‘bout herself. No wonder. Can’t believe she’d want to talk about all the rotten things she’d done before Princess Twilight beat the nasty out of her.”

Crystal Note finally showed some emotion, in form of a frown
“So you never talked to Sunset, despite the fact that she calls you her only friends?”
“Well, we talk to her, just not about her. Of course, sometimes things come up and she always looks like a hurt puppy when that happens, so…”

Rarity, who had been watching the exchange silently and continued to do so, had to admit that Applejack, despite not having any sort of plan, finally achieved what she had tried to do in all sorts of indirect manners. She managed to lure an emotional reaction out of Crystal Note, and by that maybe opened a way to gather more information on Sunset Shimmer’s machinations.
“So instead of talking to Sunset or asking her why she feels hurt, you just talk over her instead? Some kind of friends you turned out to be.”

“Whoa now. No need to get all agressive here. We both seen that Sunset Shimmer was nothing but a snake-tongued liar and the bad apple that spoiled the bunch in CHS for as long as we’ve known her.”
Applejack showed her anger more frankly than Crystal Note, but the former pony’s words cut deeper despite the calmer tone of voice she maintained.
“Oh yes, you’ve seen how Sunset Shimmer acted for six hours a day at school. Obviously, that means you know Sunset Shimmer inside out, everything there is to know about her, and it gives you the right to judge her and treat her like a pet you’re forced to take care off, rather than a real person or heaven’s forbid, a friend.”
“And what do you mean by that?”

Crystal Note now stood up, and fixed Applejack with a glare that shook the poor girl to the core.
“Have you ever asked Sunset why we came to this world? How her life before going through the mirror had been? How she struggled with suddenly being a human? Why she did the things she did to you, at school? Have you ever stopped treating her like baggage and just listened to what she has to say? So she could explain, or vent or cry, or whatever?”

Applejack jumped to her feet as well, and although she was taller than Crystal Note, she didn’t look any as intimidating as the former pony.
“Now listen here, missy. Princess Twilight asked us to be friends with her. If she can’t handle a lil’ friendly teasing from time to time, it’s not our fault.”

There was a flaw in Applejack’s logic. Rarity could see it now, clear as day. Enough to get involved into the argument once more.
“That’s not what Princess Twilight said.”
Both Applejack and Crystal Note looked at her for further explanation, and she inclined
“Princess Twilight told us to show her what friendship is. But I believe we all misunderstood what she really meant by that. I know I did.”

It seemed enough to pacify Crystal Note, who sank back to her seat, in which Applejack followed her, more reluctantly.
“Care to elaborate, Rarity?”
“She never said ‘Be Sunset’s friends from now on’. I don’t think she expected us to simply forgive and forget everything Sunset Shimmer did just because she said so. She meant it in the most literal way possible.”

Rarity turned to fully face Applejack now, and the way Applejack looked at her, she knew that she must still looked stunned of her own revelation.
“Sunset Shimmer doesn’t know anything about friendship. She even said so herself. When Princess Twilight asked us to take care of her, you understood that as ‘don’t treat Sunset any differently than you would your other friends’. But Sunset is different, Darling. She can’t understand our friendly teasing or our implications. She takes them all for what we say literally. That’s why she doesn’t talk about herself. She still thinks we hate her, and that she must prove herself to us. And with how often Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie tried to joke about her past or her becoming a demon… she must be terrified to say a wrong thing that will fully turn us away from her.”

Applejack turned away from Rarity, now as uncomfortable as Rarity felt, by the way she played with the rim of her hat
“I guess we kinda told her she was still on thin ice. I reckon’ that’s been the first thing we told her. I thought she was just, ya know, shy. I’d never guessed she would be afraid. Didn’t think that Sunset Shimmer even could be afraid.”
Rarity nodded and put her hand on Applejack’s knee for emphasis
“Neither did I. You at least gave her a chance, even if you failed to let her know. Which was more than I did.”

Both Crystal Note and Applejack were watching her now, but Rarity didn’t need any further urging to confess. That feeling of guilt in her stomach made sure of that.
“I never believed her. I didn’t trust her for one moment. I thought her behaviour was nothing but a farce, another role she played to fool us all. When we came here today, my mind was set to find out about her plans before she could hurt us again.”

Applejack sighed, almost defeated by Rarity’s admission, while Crystal Note looked at her that weird way again. It wasn’t downright angry, and if it was anger, Rarity knew it wasn’t directed at her. She was about to ask about it, but Crystal Note answered before she could
“Seems like Sunset got away from one princess just to get hurt by the next one.”

Applejack was back at defensive immediately
“Princess Twilight would never want to hurt anyone, not even Sunset Shimmer.”
Rarity nodded in agreement, and to her surprise, so did Crystal Note, even if her voice turned bitter.
“Oh, I’m sure she didn’t want it, but it happened anyways, didn’t it? The princess practically handed Sunset’s fate to five complete strangers who are too young and ill-equipped to handle it. And now Sunset isn’t just struggling through her own reformation, but through your weird group dynamics at the same time. Does that sound like something a wise leader would do?”

Rarity almost felt appalled to hear someone talk about Princess Twilight, the girl who had single-handedly saved not only her personal friendships but also every friendship at CHS. Then again, if she had learned anything today, it was that she barely knew anything about Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, or Crystal Note. Maybe it was time to change that.

“Did something happen that makes you resent Twilight Sparkle?”
Crystal Note just shook her head, but at least she wasn’t glaring at Rarity any longer. Instead, she was looking at the violin in her lap as she answered.
“I never met Twilight Sparkle, and to my knowledge, neither did Sunset Shimmer. All I know is that she wasn’t a princess when we left Equestria, but now she is, and there is only one pony who could have made her a princess. That’s the pony I’m really angry at.”

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other, but neither of them knew who Crystal Note was talking about, so Rarity carefully offered
“Would you like to talk about it, Darling?”
Crystal Note only shook her head again
“That’s not my story to tell. If Sunset Shimmer didn’t want to tell you about her, neither will I.”

Applejack sat up a little straighter
“Well, maybe then you can tell us a bit more ‘bout yourself. Why you came to our world in the first place, maybe.”
Crystal Note’s expression didn’t change, but Rarity noticed that her fingers gripped the violin a little tighter
“I came here because Sunset Shimmer did. I would have followed her anywhere. I didn’t care for her reasons.”

To Rarity, that sounded like a more than flimsy reason, and Applejack seemed to think so as well.
“And why? You said that Sunset isn’t your sister, she’s not even your friend you say, but you’d follow her through a magic portal to another world, no questions asked? That doesn’t make any sense.”
Crystal Note refused to look at them and only shook her head
“You couldn’t possibly understand…”
Rarity saw through the deflection and now chimed in
“We can’t understand if you don’t explain it to us, Darling. There is some connection between you and Sunset Shimmer. If it’s not friendship, then what is it?”

It was at that point that Applejack frowned, coming to a rather dark conclusion.
“Sunset forced you to come here, didn’t she? That’s typical. She lied and blackmailed her way through CHS, I bet she did the same back where she came from, and…”

Applejack stopped when Crystal Note jumped to her feet and glared at her with enough force behind it to have her cower in fear. Rarity was too stunned to react, especially by what the former pony shouted next.
“She saved my life!”

Crystal Note glared at both of them now, and Rarity shivered when she realized she was right to do so.
“Sunset Shimmer found me on an excursion to the Frozen North. I was trapped in a cursed crystal, and she risked her own life to save mine. She risked her whole mission to get me out. And when she found out my memory had been wiped clean by the curse, she took care of me. The first thing I remember after I woke up is Sunset Shimmer defending me against one of the princess’ soldiers who was going to do stars know what to me.”

Crystal Note focused mostly on Applejack during her rant, since she had been the one to defame Sunset Shimmer the most, even if Rarity mostly agreed as well.
“You said she was never anything but a liar and a bad pony. That just tells me that you don’t know her at all. She had never lied to me on purpose. She has never done anything without a good reason. Ponies kept telling me she’s mean, but if they couldn’t understand her reasons, how could they ever think they knew her? They are just like you. You don’t even want to look any deeper because you’re afraid you might be wrong. It’s easier to just keep blaming Sunset Shimmer for one or two bad things she did.”

In her defence, Applejack did not expect such an explosive reaction from Crystal Note, so her own reaction was far from optimal, but even Rarity could see the flaws in her rebuttal.
“She destroyed nearly every friendship at CHS, including ours. That’s a whole bunch of bad compared to one good thing she did way back when.”
“Did she, now? Tell me, if Princess Twilight could see through her plans so easily, why couldn’t you? If Princess Twilight could fix your friendship with just a few words, why haven’t you bothered to talk with each other for years? Wasn’t it easier to just assume the worst in each other instead of putting in the effort? That’s what you’re doing with Sunset Shimmer right now, after all.”

Applejack opened her mouth a few times, and she started to answer a few times, but she never got past ‘I…’ and ‘We...’, let alone form a full sentence. For once, Rarity had to sum it up for them.
“As much as I hate to admit it, but it’s true. I came here today to prove that Sunset Shimmer had not changed. Because it was easier than to admit to myself that I might have been wrong. That maybe it wasn’t Sunset’s fault our friendship broke apart so easily. Or rather, that it wasn’t only her fault.”

Rarity looked down at her lap and only now she noticed that she had been gripping the hem of her jacket. Next to her, Applejack forced out a deep breath.
“I never bothered to look past it. It was so obvious that I was right, I didn’t question it. I never thought that Rainbow maybe had her reasons too. Or Pinkie Pie. Or you.”
She paused for a moment, to pull her hat deeper into her face, hiding her eyes.
“And even after everything I learned from Princess Twilight, here I go making the same mistakes all over again. I haven’t learned a thing it seems.”

Rarity reached over and took hold of Applejack’s hand
“I don’t think any of us had realized. You can’t be too hard on yourself, Darling. At least you gave Sunset an honest chance, while I never even began trusting her.”
Applejack forced out another breath, a feeble attempt to calm herself
“What do we do now? We can still make this right.”
Rarity nodded and sighed as well
“We need to talk to Sunset. Admit to her that we don’t know exactly what we’re doing either. And that we are still struggling to trust her fully.”
Applejack agreed, and added
“We also need to talk to her about her past. You can’t know anyone ‘less you know where they come from.”

Crystal Note watched them carefully. It seemed that she had found in them what she had been looking for, as she sat down again and also picked up her violin once more. She played an idle tune, nothing like the melodies Rarity had admired before. Maybe that was the reason why Rarity felt bold enough to address her again.
“How long have you known Sunset Shimmer?”
“A few months in Equestria. Three years including the time we spent here as humans.”
Applejack, who had mostly recovered from her breakdown, ventured further once more
“And what is Sunset Shimmer to you, if you say she’s not a friend?”
“I don’t know.”

Crystal Note closed her eyes, deep in thought if it wasn’t for her fingers who kept busy playing her violin. Or maybe, Rarity guessed, she was deep in thought, but playing her violin was just as natural to her as breathing.
“When we were in Equestria, Sunset Shimmer was the one constant in my days. I didn’t have a family, didn’t have a past, no life to go back to. Sunset was the only one who brought some purpose to my existence. I’d go where she went, I’d listen to what she said, I’d do what she told me to do. She hurt me once on accident, but she apologized and promised me she wouldn’t do it again. I trusted her back then, and I didn’t see any reason to question her. Maybe I didn’t always understand why she did things, but I didn’t need to, as long as she knew what she was doing. She was the one pony I could rely on being there. She was my home. So when she was to be sent away, I helped her escape on her terms. And when she found the portal and told me to go through, I did so without question. That’s how I ended up stranded in this world, with only Sunset Shimmer who I knew and who I could trust.”

Rarity felt uncomfortable learning of the nature of Sunset’s and Crystal Note’s relationship. At points, it sounded more like Crystal Note was a servant to Sunset than a companion.
“You care about Sunset, and you trust her. Does she trust you?”
This answer came too fast to doubt its sincerity, it was almost instinctive at this point.
“Sunset Shimmer never told me about her plans. She wasn’t downright lying, but she kept information from me on purpose. I always knew that, from nearly the first day, but I had accepted it too long to start doubting her now. I never thought I had a reason to doubt her. Until I learned that she knew about the home I thought I had lost.”

Crystal Note’s voice carried a deep sadness that carried over into the melody she was weaving on her favoured instrument, and Rarity put to words what Crystal Note would fear to say out loud
“Do you think she knew all along about your lost home?”
“I wish I knew. I want to believe that she didn’t know back then when she told me my home was lost forever. I don’t want to think she lied to me back then. But even if she didn’t know until the portal opened again, it doesn’t really matter. Even if she just found out that night, she knew for three days and didn’t bother to tell me. Even a princess she had never met and only knew for a couple hours about was more important to her than me. In Sunset Shimmer’s life, I don’t matter. That’s the truth I had to learn that night.”

Applejack had taken off her hat by now, just to have something to grab onto. Like Rarity she was moved by Crystal Note’s story, but not in the most pleasant way. However, Applejack was still the one who asked what they were both thinking
“Do you believe that Sunset’s serious when she says she wants to change?”
“I do believe that she believes she’s serious. But I don’t know if that’s enough, and I’m afraid to trust her again.”

It was a greatly unsatisfying answer for Rarity, but she never got a chance to inquire further, as at that moment, they heard a key being turned in a lock and a few seconds later, they heard the front door open, then fall back into its lock. Sunset Shimmer had returned.

Crystal Note kept her eyes closed and played her music, as if none of their conversation had happened. Applejack looked like she needed a minute to compose herself, so it fell to Rarity to get up and greet Sunset.

She was carrying two big bags from a grocery store, as expected, and the moment she saw Rarity, her face lit up with a happiness that was so sincere, it felt like a punch to the guts for Rarity to ever doubt her. She didn’t let it show and took one of the heavy bags from Sunset.
“Darling, so wonderful to see you. I hope you don’t mind, Crystal Note was a darling and let us in while we were waiting.”
Sunset smiled widely and shook her head.
“Of course I don’t mind! I’m glad you didn’t have to wait out in the cold. I’m so sorry you had to wait for me, we were running low on a few things, and I thought I’d be back fast enough.”

Rarity nodded along as Sunset explained and helped her friend unpack her bags and store away different groceries. She even feigned surprise when she pulled out two large bottles.
“Oh, Darling, you got grape soda, just for me? You shouldn’t have, Darling.”
Sunset beamed, like an elementary school kid who just got her first gold star on a test.
“But I wanted to! Because it’s your favourite, right? It’s what friends do for each other. I also got some apple juice for Applejack. And Crystal Note, I got a bag of those candies you like.”

Sunset looped the mention treat towards Crystal Note, who easily caught it. But while Applejack had an appreciative smile for Sunset, Crystal Note’s expression was indifferent.
“Thank you, Sunset Shimmer. I’ll leave you to your schoolwork now.”
And with that, she stood up and headed to her room, before Sunset had the chance to say something more. Only a few moments later, the girls could hear her violin from behind the door to her room, but Sunset only stared at the bag of candies that was still lying on the table, left behind.

Gone was the beaming smile on her face, replaced by a grimace of disappointment and self-loathing. It was painful for Rarity to watch, especially since she was most likely the one who caused all this. It was even more painful when she realized, just an hour earlier, she would have been delighted to see Sunset like this, so devasted that her plans had failed. Now all she wanted to do was to comfort Sunset. Her friend.

She carefully placed her arms around Sunset, who flinched a bit. Sunset wasn’t used at all to physical contact, or rather positive physical contact, but right now Rarity knew she needed a hug. Sometimes, being generous meant doing something even if it’s against the others wishes, especially if they were so much in denial about themselves, like Sunset was.

And after the initial surprise had passed, Rarity was proven right when Sunset, ever so slightly, leaned against her.
“I’ve tried everything I could think off. We talked and she said she’s not mad at me anymore. But it doesn’t feel like it. I got her favourites, ordered food from her favourite restaurant… nothing is working. Maybe I’m just not made for friendship.”

Rarity took a deep breath, mostly to steady herself but also so she would not interrupt Sunset before the girl had aired everything she needed to say. She had not given Sunset any chance to properly vent yet, and she knew that neither of her friends had done either. So much for being generous.

“Sunset, Darling, I’m very sorry. I think I’m at fault for this.”
“What? No, of course not, Rarity! You’ve been so generous with me, you and the girls are the best friends I could ever ask for, and…”
“And that’s where you’re mistaken, Sunset.”

Rarity led Sunset to the couch, where she placed her between Applejack and herself, before she started explaining herself.
“Sunset Darling, friendship is more than just doing favours and giving out gifts. I know that seems odd coming from me, since it’s been literally everything I have done so far, but there’s a reason for that too. You see Sunset, I haven’t really considered you a friend, until now.”

Sunset looked at her with wide-open eyes, like a deer in headlights, and she looked so scared and vulnerable that Rarity almost didn’t have the heart to continue.
“I was absolutely convinced that you were just playing nice with us, as part of some devious plan. And today, I came to your home with my mind set on exposing your true intentions.”
She reached for Sunset’s hands and made sure to meet Sunset’s eyes, so that she could be sure she heard what she had to say next.
“Despite me trying to be generous, I never gave you the benefit of a doubt. I have been a very poor example for you, and an even worse friend, and for that, I’m very sorry, Sunset.”

Before Sunset could recover from Rarity’s revelation, Applejack placed her hand on theirs, pulling Sunset’s attention to her next.
“I haven’t been much better. I’d call you my friend, but all I did was holding the bad you did over you and make sure you’d not forget it anytime soon. Like you’d need me for that. Anyone who bothers to look at you can see you’ve not forgotten a thing.”

Sunset’s head dropped down immediately, but Applejack didn’t let her drift into self-loathing again.
“But I never bothered to look past that. I’m always talking about being honest, but I never bothered to learn the whole truth about you. I never asked myself if there maybe was a reason you acted like you did. Just like I didn’t bother to ask Rainbow Dash why she’d say those things, or write those messages. I never bothered to get the full picture, and I nearly lost my friends over it.”

Sunset shook her head, tears in her eyes and clutching on Applejack’s and Rarity’s hands.
“But that wasn’t your fault! I wrote those messages! I riled Rainbow Dash and you up so you’d fight!"
Applejack only had a wane smile, one that Rarity understood, but Sunset could not.
“Maybe you started it, but you didn’t make us never talk to each other again. I decided I’d rather cut Rainbow out of my life than learn a truth I might not like. When Twilight came and fixed things between us, I thought I’d learned. But now I’m here making the same mistake all over again.”

Sunset still shook her head, but she didn’t disagree with Applejack anymore. Neither could Rarity, but she knew it was Applejack’s time to pour out her heart first.
“Remember what Twilight said, before she left? That we could teach you all about friendship? I’m not so sure about that anymore. I think I still have a lot to learn, myself. But maybe… it’d be nice if we could learn together. If you’re willing to give me a second chance as well, Sunset Shimmer.”

“But, you haven’t done anything wrong! It was all me!”
Rarity squeezed Sunset’s hand and pulled her attention back to her.
“Darling, maybe you set things in motion, but we are all responsible for acting unkindly to each other. Neither of us was willing to give our best friends the benefit of a doubt. Frankly, if we had been better friends, your schemes should have never worked in the first place. I’m not saying you are innocent, Sunset, but… we are just as guilty.”

Sunset just kept shaking her head, tears in her eyes.
“Everything I did, almost everything, was to cause strife and misery to everyone around me. I was out of control even before I put on that crown, and now I have to pay the price. Any mistake you think you did, they can’t compare to the terrible things I did.”

Rarity was lost for words, for a moment, but then her eyes fell on the bag of candies on the table. The one Sunset had gone out of her way to get, early on a Saturday morning, for Crystal Note. And the drinks for her friends.
“But Darling, you’re already working to fix it. You’re working so hard on it. I can see that now. And… and… I want to be there to help you!”
Sunset looked up, at Rarity, and their eyes met for the first time since this conversation started.
“Really? Even after everything I did?”
“Yes, Sunset. I want to help you because you’re my friend. I’m sure of it.”

That was enough to have Sunset bawling, but this time both her friends leaned in and held her. Sunset was still confused by all of her conflicting emotions, and while Rarity hated that she had added even more to it, she could tell that this was a good kind of crying. It was good that Sunset had a safe way to let these emotions out, with her friends watching over her.

Applejack waited until Sunset’s crying had stopped, mostly, before she carefully started to steer the conversation back to something she knew Sunset wouldn’t want to talk about.
“So Sunset, um, I, that is we, that is… we realized we barely know anything of you, besides school. That’s kinda our own fault, we never asked and we didn’t really give you the idea we’d want to know anyway, but… well, I’d like to change that, if it’s all the same to you.”

Sunset’s voice was still heavy with tears, but the way she looked up at Applejack, she reminded Rarity very much of a scared child. Once again, Rarity almost couldn’t believe that she had suspected Sunset to be scheming against them, just an hour ago.

“I… I don’t really know what to tell you. I haven’t been the nicest person, or pony, in a long while. Even before I came here. Anything I could tell you, you’d probably only end up hating me more.”
Applejack rolled her eyes and was probably about to say something condescending, but she stopped herself just in time. Sunset wouldn’t be able to tell, but Rarity noticed clearly that her friend remembered that she needed to tread carefully with Sunset.

So instead, she just answered in a calm matter.
“I won’t push you if you really don’t want to talk about it. But, you know, if you feel like telling, I’d like to hear. When you’re ready.”
Sunset looked up, with so much hope in her eyes, Rarity felt the need to add to Applejack’s encouragement.
“We both would like to hear about it, Darling. It doesn’t have to be about yourself, either. You could just tell us about the place you came from. We know that it’s a world of magical ponies, but that’s about it. Princess Twilight didn’t really have the chance to explain anything before she left.”

Sunset nodded slowly, but it seemed to work, since she sounded a lot less scared by then, but a lot more conflicted.
“I guess I could tell you about Equestria. It’s just, a lot of bad memories for me, after I became so obsessed with… everything.”
Sunset’s head sunk down again, but Applejack and Rarity stayed in close with her.
“Darling, we know for a fact that not everything you did was bad.”

Sunset peeked up towards Rarity, and then followed Applejack’s hand as she pointed to the bag of candies of the table. The ones she’d gotten for Crystal Note.
“We know you went out of her way to save her.”
Sunset finally sat up again, looking between her friends and the bag in disbelief.
“She told you that? I can’t believe out of everything, she’d tell you about that.”

Sunset turned back to Rarity, who squeezed her hands for encouragement.
“It seems like she wanted us to know very much. But we’d like to hear your side of the story, too. Would you like to tell us how you met Crystal Note?”
In all honesty, Crystal Note had not told them any details, but that didn’t mean that Rarity didn’t want to hear about them. Also, it would help Sunset open up, talking about something positive from her past, and what would be more heroic than a tale of how she saved a life?

However, Sunset only slumped back into herself, eyes cast down to her lap again.
“I did save her from the curse, but what I did after that… how I treated her… it wasn’t right.”
Rarity sighed deeply. She had heard words like this from Sunset ever since her change of heart, but she’d assumed that they were just part of Sunset’s inevitable scheme back then. Now, after she had to let go of that assumption, Rarity finally had to admit the true depth of Sunset’s regret and sorrow.

“That might be true. But, Sugarcube, I think it’d still be good if you told us either way. Good for you.”
Sunset kept shaking her head, but Applejack knew she couldn’t back off this time.
“I know you don’t wanna think about the rotten things you did anymore than you already do. But keeping that all to yourself won’t do you no good. If you really wanna move past it, you gotta share the burden so you can start healing. And, ya know, sharing with your friends is a good place to start.”

Rarity could see the hesitation in Sunset’s eyes as she glanced up at Applejack, and she was ready for it.
“What if you hate me even more after you learn what happened in Equestria before I came here?”
“Darling, if that’s the case, then you’ll know we really aren’t your friends. Or at the very least, not the friends you need right now.”

Rarity knew that, because she had felt the same not too long ago.
“A real friend can look past the bad and will help you recover. Learn from it and move on. They won’t just drop you to the ground and forget about you.”
Applejack nodded and put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder.
“A real friend should tell you when you’ve messed up, honestly. But that’s only part of it. Like Rarity said, a real friend also tries to understand and forgive, helps you get back on your feet.”

Applejack looked away from Sunset and her eyes met Rarity’s.
“When those texts started popping up, that’s what we should have done. Listen to each other before we started passing out judgement. But that just proves what Rarity said earlier, Sunset. We haven’t been good friends before, but now we’d like to be. For you. If you’re willing to give us the chance.”
Rarity saw the apology in Applejack’s eyes, the one she wouldn’t or couldn’t put into words. At least, not yet. Rarity knew that they would have to talk about this, not just between them but also with the rest of her friends, but that could wait a little longer.

Rarity reached out for Applejack’s free hand and squeezed reassuringly, just like she did with Sunset’s hand, and Applejack understood and smiled. Sunset must have noticed too, at least to some degree, because after another minute of silence, she started talking with a far calmer voice than she had had all day.
“I never expected to find Crystal Note that day. I was sent to the north on a mission to explore the remains of an ancient city. The city had been lost to the never-ending blizzards of the Frozen North centuries ago, and although many ponies had explored it before, nopony had ever found anything. Of course, I was determined to change that. I was pretty full of myself back then, but I was convinced that I could find the secret of the lost city when everypony else had failed before. I guess that was kinda true, but not at all in the way I expected.”

Applejack and Rarity let Sunset speak and ramble as she needed. They could tell it was hard for her to talk about this, and they wouldn’t make it any harder for her. Rarity kept holding Sunset’s hand as she talked, amazed by how many details Sunset managed to give while still staying focused on the story she had to tell.

Their schoolwork stayed on the table, and none of them even as much as opened a book. Sunset kept talking for the better of the day, up until the day she had crossed over to their world. There were some more tears shed, and a lot of questions asked, most of which Sunset Shimmer did answer.

It left Sunset worn down, emotionally and physically, so Rarity and Applejack called their goodbyes sooner than expected. They left Sunset’s but they only made it down the street to a nearby coffee shop. They knew they still had a lot to talk about, things that they had not bothered to say out loud for the longest time. Following Sunset’s example, they opened up, and when everything was said, they promised they’d make sure to share this with the rest of their friends.

Maybe Sunset Shimmer didn’t know friendship yet. Maybe they had not been the friends she needed right now. But they would make sure that this changed, right now.

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