• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,688 Views, 103 Comments

Alternative Origins - TalkingToMyself

A young Sunset Shimmer is sent to uncover the secrets of the forgotten Crystal Empire. During her journey to the frozen north, she finds something very unexpected that might change everything.

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Chapter 14

Crystal Note and Sunset Shimmer left the private dining hall together two days later. Sunset was visibly pleased that she got the crystal pony to leave her room again, after Crystal Note had spent the last day crying in the dark.
Darkness is the last thing she needs. Darkness only reminds her of how afraid she is. Time to give her something else to think about.

Sunset Shimmer had been busy reading while she watched over Crystal Note’s room. Celestia had told her to find a way past Crystal Note’s fear, so first she had to understand fear. She had devoured multiple books on psychology and behaviourism, and now she had a clear strategy.

Most importantly, Crystal Note had to stop being afraid of everything around her, before she could face the things she had every reason to fear. However, first of all Crystal Note needed something positive she could fall back to.

So today, Sunset Shimmer led the crystal mare to one of the many side entrances of the palace. These weren’t as heavily and obviously guarded as the main doors, but she still spotted a pair of guards near the door that led into one of the inner, private gardens.

The two pegasi nodded to Sunset Shimmer and opened the door. Once they were all outside, the pegasi took flight. She had talked about this with Princess Celestia and while the princess insisted that Crystal Note should not be left unprotected, she agreed that it would be better if the guards would do their job discretely.
Sunset Shimmer followed them with her eyes until they vanished behind some clouds. Crystal Note didn’t notice them at all it seemed, the young mare just stared with wide open eyes and blinked into the bright sun.

A few trees offered some shadow on the otherwise lush, green grass, beds of exotic and fragrant flowers sprinkled in here and there. The walls that surrounded the garden were grown with vines and therefore indistinguishable from the other greenery. A small pond, framed by more flowers, made the centrepiece of the little garden. It was barely more than an oversized bird font. In fact, there were maybe a dozen of birds, chirping in the morning air and splashing in the shallow water.

Compared to the main gardens, this one was small and plain. Compared to endless fields of snow and ice in the frozen north, it could as well be paradise.

Sunset Shimmer allowed herself a smile as she watched Crystal Note take her first careful steps on the soft grass, testing with her hoof if it was safe. She walked further with tiny, skittish steps and her eyes darted from side to side. Sunset first thought she was trying to take everything in, but then she noticed that every other glance was directed towards her. Crystal Note probably didn’t see anything but potential traps everywhere and made sure her guardian never was far away.

Sunset sighed inwardly and walked up next to her with a hopefully warm smile

“It definitely beats the old library, don’t you think?”
Crystal Note looked around again, this time with far less trepidation. Her nostrils moved as she took in the scent of the flowers at their hooves and her ear tottered towards the sound of chirping birds. Very slowly, she nodded and a smile came to her.

Sunset Shimmer grinned and nudged her towards the pond. If she was honest, she usually preferred the library, but that didn’t matter now. She took her seat in the shade of a big tree from where she could view the entire garden.

Crystal Note turned her head back and smiled with relief when she saw Sunset Shimmer watching her. Evidentially, she felt enough at ease to talk, even if her voice was quiet and tiny

“Sunset Shimmer, why are we here today?”
Sunset just shrugged

“No particular reason. I’ve got some reading to do and the weather is nice, so why not?”
With that said, she opened the bulging saddlebags she brought along and set a few heavy books on the grass in front of her while her magic picked up scroll and quill. She started reading and seemed oblivious to the crystal pony just a few steps away, even though she was watching from the corner of her eyes.

Crystal Note looked at her with open disbelieve. So far, Sunset Shimmer had never done something without any reason, so this kind of explanation was more than suspicious. For a moment, Sunset saw fear flicker through her eyes. The same fear she had seen after Crystal Note had woken up from the sleep spell a few days earlier. If Sunset had to guess, she would say that Crystal Note probably remembered how Sunset had first distracted and then tricked her.

Today however, that fear faded quickly. Sunset had apologized and Crystal Note believed her. More importantly, Sunset Shimmer had seen her at her lowest and supported her in which ways she could. Unaware to Sunset Shimmer, Crystal Note just accepted that Sunset Shimmer wasn’t honest with her at the moment and went with it. If Sunset thought she had to lie, Crystal Note was sure she had a very good reason to do so.

Sunset Shimmer watched as Crystal Note turned back towards the lush garden and began to explore with an almost childlike innocence. She leaned down to sniff at some flowers and carefully touched the petals and leaves. She gingerly dipped her hoof into the pond and watched how the ripples of water travelled over the surface.

After an hour of awe and wonder, Crystal Note settled down on the softest patch of grass she could find. She rested her head on her forehooves and watched the birds and the few butterflies that fluttered around. She was sitting in the bright sun and she soaked up as much warmth and light as she could. From her own seat, Sunset Shimmer saw the sparkles that danced over Crystal Note’s coat.

Sunset nodded in satisfaction. So far, this turned out just as she had planned. She dived back into her lecture and let Crystal Note enjoy her time of tranquillity. Maybe she’ll even get some sleep. Celestia knows she needs it after the last couple of nights.

She focused back on the book in front of her, a vast study on the stages of development on the pony’s mind. It was fascinating how similar the conclusions of the author were to the things she had learned when studying mind magic. If you know how, you could influence anypony’s mind without magic even. Sure, it would take more effort, but the effect would be almost the same. Hmm, I wonder if Princess Celestia knows about this?

Sunset already had a few scrolls with notes and questions for her private session with Princess Celestia later tonight, when something distracted her. Usually, she hated any kind of distractions, but this was different.

Crystal Note was still lounging in her spot of sunlight, but by now, the birds had lost their shyness towards the mare. They fluttered around her, close and unconcerned, some even landed in front of her, pecking the ground for food. One daring robin even landed on her back. Crystal Note took it in stride and smiled even more, watching the small birds curiously from close.

While Sunset watched, one of the birds started chirping and singing until it sounded like a simple, but happy little melody. A few others joined in as usual, every bird loved to sing after all. Soon, what started as a little melody turned into a polyphonic masterpiece of birdsong that only the birds in Equestria could compose. Sunset Shimmer smiled at the cute display. Even if she wasn’t the biggest fan of opera music, seeing how the birds used the ambient magic of the land to create a song like this always cheered her up.

Crystal Note listened as well and closed her eyes comfortably. Just like the sunlight, the birdsong did wonders to her soul and Sunset noticed that for the first time, she saw Crystal Note completely relaxed and at ease, except for her ears that stayed perked up to catch the music. Then, after a few minutes of listening, a soft hum tuned into the song. Sunset Shimmer needed a moment to realize that it came from Crystal Note and by then, the crystal mare surprised her even more.

Crystal Note joined into the song with wordless vocals. She was perfectly in tune with the birds and added her rich and clear voice to the melody. Sunset didn’t know if the birds changed their singing to match the mare or the other way around, but the song turned bright and happy as the sun around them.

Sunset stayed silent and watched as the glittering on Crystal Note grew until she was sparkling all over. Especially her cutie mark seemed to glow, urging Sunset to take a closer look. On the silvery-white background, three musical notes of a deep blue colour were arranged into a triad. It was rather simple and pure, but just like that it fit the mare to a tee. Not to mention it also matched her name perfectly.

Crystal Note kept on singing, accompanied by the birds, happily oblivious to her surroundings. Although Sunset Shimmer had only heard her sing once before, she was certain to see Crystal Note in her element right now. Music was to Crystal Note like magic to Sunset, two things that just belonged together.

Sunset’s mood soured when she remembered what Crystal Note had stammered during her flashback and her smile fell apart. They forbade singing. Sunset couldn’t understand why anypony would forbid something as harmless as that. Then again, she couldn’t deny how effective it was. Just a little birdsong brightened up Crystal Note’s mood. If a talented pony like Crystal Note would sing to a crowd of crystal ponies, all with empathetic magic, maybe she might have turned them against the Dark King.

There was another thing Crystal Note had said during her flashback she hadn’t thought of yet. I can hear the song, but nopony is singing. It sounded almost like a riddle. But how could there be song without singing?

Before Sunset got too deep into that, Crystal Note and the birds finished their performance. Crystal Note smiled as the birds chirped around her and then fluttered away one by one, the robin who sat perched on her hoof was the last. Crystal Note waved after them with the biggest smile Sunset had ever seen on her. Her happy sigh turned into a mirthful giggle and moments later, Crystal Note flopped backwards into the soft bed of grass and flowers, still giggling like a filly.

Sunset chuckled as Crystal Note rolled around on her back, bashfully blushing when she realized Sunset had been watching her the whole time. Sunset Shimmer didn’t even think about teasing her and just walked over to her, leaving her books behind.
She smiled and lay down in the grass next to her

“Having fun?”
Crystal Note still smiled. Even though her voice had dialled back to calm and quiet again, this time Sunset Shimmer heard no worry, anxiety or even fear. Instead, there was confidence and simple, honest joy colouring the single-worded response and Crystal Note’s smile.

“May we come here again tomorrow?”
“Sure. Princess Celestia doesn’t want you to wander around the city just yet, but you can come here anytime you like, Crystal Note. As long as you let the guard at the door know, just in case.”
Crystal Note nodded gratefully and just smiled.

Sunset’s own smile grew into a wide grin a moment later

“Hey Crystal Note, how can there be song without singing?”

Crystal Note’s smiled did not fade, even as she tilted her head confused

“I don’t know. Is this a riddle?”
“Not anymore. Let’s go!”
Sunset Shimmer got back to her hooves and collected her things while Crystal Note brushed some flower petals out of her mane. In the end, the answer was so simple she just had to laugh.

Now both curious and happy, Crystal Note eagerly followed Sunset Shimmer back inside.

Once inside, Crystal Note’s glittering dimmed down to its usual level again. She got nervous when ponies started staring at her, even with Sunset Shimmer at her side. Still, Sunset took it as a good sign that there was still a slight glimmer left even though Crystal Note wasn’t smiling anymore and had gone back to staring at her hooves.

Sunset took her through the large ballroom where the Grand Galloping Gala would take place in a few weeks. Sunset Shimmer wasn’t too keen on participating, but there would be song and music so maybe, she would come just to see Crystal Note’s reaction.
Today however, she was on a different mission.

Behind the ballrooms where a few functional rooms that the staff used on big events, mostly preparation rooms and storage rooms. Sunset Shimmer was only interested in one of them.
She pushed the wooden double doors open with her magic and stepped inside. The air was a bit stale, but smelled like wood and polish.

On shelves, racks, stands and cases, hundreds of different musical instruments were set up for display. This was the room where the Royal Canterlot Orchestra stored all their instruments.

And that’s how you get a song without singing, Sunset thought as she summoned a few mage lights to brighten up the room. She walked deeper inside and looked around with some interest at least. To her right, she saw racks with woodwind instruments, she couldn’t name them all though. In the back of the room, she saw not one, but five different pianos, including a white grand piano. Brass instruments of all sizes shimmered in the light.

Each and every instrument was in pristine condition and the huge room was just as clean. Sunset Shimmer wouldn’t have cared that much, but to a musician it was important to have their instrument in top condition all the time, something she could respect.

As Crystal Note walked in, her eyes grew as wide as saucers and her jaw dropped down. Her eyes wandered around the room and every second she found something new and exciting. Sunset Shimmer grinned and let the crystal pony wonder for a couple of minutes. From time to time, Crystal Note reached out and carefully touched a few of the instruments, but she didn’t pick any up.

Sunset leaned against one of the pianos as she watched. Bored, she pressed one of the keys and the single clear note resonated through the silent room, louder than she had expected. Crystal Note turned towards her and Sunset grinned again

“Pretty cool, huh? Did you see something familiar?”

Crystal Note turned back to stare at the instruments

“I’ve never seen…”

“Hello? Is somepony in here?”
A voice from outside called and moments later, an earth pony mare stood in the door. Crystal Note clamped her mouth shut and instinctively backed away towards Sunset Shimmer, but the mare at the door seemed just as surprised

“Sunset Shimmer? What on earth are you doing in here?”

Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes and walked up so she stood next to Crystal Note

“We’re doing some research. None of your business.”

The mare glanced at Crystal Note for a moment with some confusion, but the focused back on Sunset Shimmer, almost matching her glare

“If it involves the Royal Canterlot Orchestra, I make it my business, Sunset Shimmer. Now I want to know what you and your… friend?” she stumbled a little at the word, “I want to know what you are doing in here.”

“Gee, I don’t know. What could we be doing in a storage room with instruments, I wonder?”
The mare took Sunset’s biting sarcasm in stride and also ignored that Crystal Note had snuck away to stare at one of the shelves in particular

“You haven’t shown any interest in music since you have been a filly, Sunset Shimmer.”
“Princess Celestia made me learn an instrument and you know it. I still think it’s easier to play the guitar with magic.”
“Obviously. That’s why you set it on fire.”
“It was an accident! I was five!”

The earth pony What’s her name again? chuckled unkindly and shook her head

“And now it’s ten years later and you still haven’t learned any patience.”
“But to compensate, I mastered all my fire spells. Do you want a demonstration?”
The mare flinched as Sunset barked her response, but she caught her composure again quickly and asked with a more respectful tone

"In all honesty though, what do you want in here, Sunset Shimmer? These instruments are of the highest quality and very valuable. Even if you suddenly had a renewed interest in music, I would propose a common instrument for your practice.”
“Oh, I’m not looking for something for me, but for my friend here.”
She put an emphasis on the word so the mare wouldn’t get any weird ideas and pointed at Crystal Note who was now watching from a distance

“Crystal Note, meet… um…”
The mare rolled her eyes and bowed her head in greeting

“Tuning Key, at your service Miss. Please don’t touch anything.”
Crystal Note blushed and did a curtsey as she replied in her tiny voice

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Madam.”

Tuning Key’s smile softened up a little

“Are you by any means a professional, Miss Crystal Note? You seem overwhelmed.”
Crystal Note shook her head as her blush deepened

“I’ve just never seen anything like this before.”
“I see. Well, in that case, perhaps you would be better off with any other instrument. You see, the ones we keep here are immeasurably valuable, some of them are centuries old even.”
“Oh. I understand.”
Even though Crystal Note relented immediately, her eyes kept glancing at something at the top of the closest shelf. Sunset Shimmer followed her gaze and grinned widely.

Before Tuning Key could go on, Sunset used her magic to pick up an antique looking violin from the top shelf. It looked older than most of the other instruments and if she went by how pale Tuning Key suddenly was, it was also more valuable that the others

“Sunset Shimmer, I beg you, please be careful! That violin needs to be treated with utmost care.”
“I know what I’m doing, don’t worry.”

With that, Sunset levitated the violin and its bow towards Crystal Note whose eyes never left the instrument. In fact, as it floated closer, Sunset could clearly see the longing expression from the crystal mare.

Tuning Key kept her eyes on the violin as well, but for different reasons

“Sunset Shimmer, if you damage it, I’ll have to tell Princess Celestia that…”

She trailed off suddenly and Sunset grinned. As soon as it was in reach, Crystal Note picked up the violin safely in her hooves, despite the magic she usually feared so much. Her eyes almost glazed over as she sat back on her haunches. With practiced ease, she tucked the violin between her chin and her left shoulder while her right hoof held the bow. She let the bow travel over the strings in a smooth motion and a perfectly clear tone sounded out.

Then, her eyes closed and she began to play.

Sunset Shimmer was not an expert in music. In fact, the most she ever thought of music was whether she liked a song or not. However, even she could tell that Crystal Note played beautifully and skilfully. Sunset didn’t recognize the song, but going from her flabbergasted expression, neither did Tuning Key.

Crystal Note seemed oblivious from the moment her eyes had closed. She made the bow travel and dance over the strings in well-measured and fluid motions, never missing a single tone, even though the melody she played was fast paced and lively. The way she held the instrument and moved, she was at peace and relaxed. Again, Sunset Shimmer felt like this was just natural to Crystal Note, but unlike when the mare had cowered in fear, this was a good kind of natural.

Crystal Note kept playing for what had to be half an hour at least. Tuning Key had regained her composure at some point and now watched the crystal pony like a love-struck puppy. When Crystal Note put down the bow and her eyes blinked open, she clapped excited and gushed

“Oh Sweet Celestia, that was amazing. Where did you learn to play like this?”
Crystal Note lowered her gaze to the floor and mumbled

“I wish I knew.”

Before Tuning Key could ask any unwanted questions, Sunset Shimmer jumped in to intervene

“I think we’re taking this one with us. I’m sure the princess will understand and get you a replacement.”
“I… yes, of course.”

Tuning Key headed to another shelf and handed Crystal Note a fitting case for the violin, with a strap so she could carry it on her back. Crystal Note gave her a thankful smile, as did Sunset Shimmer even if she couldn’t hold back a grin

“We will be out of your mane now. It was nice to meet you again, Tuning Key.”
Tuning Key ignored any sarcasm and stared as Crystal Note, with her new case strapped on her back, walked towards the door

“Wait! Miss Crystal Note!”
They both turned their heads, Crystal Note with a bright blush

"The Royal Orchestra meets twice a week here to practice. I… it would be an honour if you would join in, Miss.”
Crystal Note didn’t know how to respond, so Sunset Shimmer took over with a non-committing “We’ll think about it” and led the mare back into the hallway.

They had almost reached their wing again when Crystal Note seemed to wake up from her daze and shook her head confused. Sunset Shimmer didn’t say anything and just smiled at her, a smile Crystal Note returned instantly after glancing at the violin case on her back. They walked together in companionable silence until they reached their rooms

“Sunset Shimmer?”
Sunset was pleasantly surprised as for the first time, Crystal Note started a conversation on her own. However, her smile quickly turned sour again

“Did you really set a guitar on fire?”
“It was an accident! I was five years old, for Celestia’s sake!”

Crystal Note giggled in that weird way again and Sunset realized that Crystal Note, out of all ponies, was teasing her. The thought alone was so absurd that she couldn’t help but start chuckling, which only made Crystal Note’s giggling worse. In the end, both of them had to sit down and hold their sides until the giggling fits had passed.