• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 1,688 Views, 103 Comments

Alternative Origins - TalkingToMyself

A young Sunset Shimmer is sent to uncover the secrets of the forgotten Crystal Empire. During her journey to the frozen north, she finds something very unexpected that might change everything.

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Chapter 30

Sunset usually studied alone, in her room where nothing would disturb her and in focused silence. However, today she had squatted down in the apartment’s living room. She wasn’t studying one of her usual subjects and she had trouble with both focus and silence

“Augh, to Tartarus with this!”

Sunset threw her book away from her. Like the others scattered on the coffee table, it had a title like ‘Beginner’s guide for guitar’ or similar. She glared at the object of her frustration, a well-used guitar she had acquired just the other day. After telling everyone during lunch about her passion for music, she now felt the need to back up on it. Problem was, the instrument refused to work with her, no matter how hard she tried

“I’ve done everything the books say, why does it still sound terrible?”

Patience had never been Sunset strongest trait, but normally she didn’t struggle when it came to learning something new. As a filly under the Princess, she had learned new kinds of magic within days, sometimes even faster. Even now in her new body and with a completely different curriculum, she had powered through every problem so far in no time at all. She had even mastered the use of computers, television and smartphones with her new fingers. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get that guitar to work.

Normally, that was enough for Sunset to throw a fit. She got easily frustrated these days and dealing with immature and downright stupid humans in high school didn’t help. Lucky for her, she wasn’t at high school right now, and help was on the way.

Sunset looked up when she heard the front door and saw Crystal Note, with her violin case in one hand and in the other a large take-out bag from their favourite place. With a swipe, Sunset cleared the coffee table from all books and soon they were enjoying their food. The spicy red curry from the Thai restaurant down the street had quickly become Sunset’s favourite. Equestrian food was often more dessert-like, so the spicy human dishes made a good contrast for that. And there was no excuse at all that Sunset had to travel to another world to find something so simple but as delicious as pizza.

With Sunset’s hunger and frustration now at bay, she finally took a closer look at her fellow dimension traveller. Crystal Note was pacing herself through her meal, like she had back in the palace, savouring each bite absurdly long. She didn’t look clumsy like back then though and easily lifted each bite with her chopsticks. Sunset was using a fork, since it was useless to learn handling chopsticks when forks worked as well, but as she watched Crystal Note, she was a little envious about her room-mate's dexterity with fingers.

Crystal Note, who had said nothing yet, as usual, took that look from Sunset as an invitation to start talking. She waved her hand towards the books on the floor and the guitar next to it

“What is all this for?”

Sunset rolled her eyes and took another bite, mumbling around a mouthful of rice


She didn’t elaborate. Even if Crystal Note knew about her plans for school, she wouldn’t understand. And if she understood, she’d only worry and bother Sunset with it. So, the less Crystal Note knew, the better for Sunset in the end.

Crystal Note watched her in a strange way, but nodded anyway. She barely asked questions any more and Sunset could appreciate that.

“It’s not going as well as you hoped.”

It wasn’t even a question, so Sunset didn’t bother answering. She didn’t really need to, anyway. Crystal Note was very good at reading her, especially the new body language that came with her human form.

It was still annoying for Sunset that Crystal Note could figure her out so effortlessly, especially on moments like now when she also had that knowing smile

“Well, look at the bright side: At least you can’t set it on fire this time.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and Crystal Note giggled in that weird way, like always when she teased her. However, Sunset was fed and in a better mood again, so she decided to just go along with it, this time

“Don’t tempt me. I can still make it happen, it just takes a little more effort.”

“Uh-huh. But that wouldn’t count as an accident any more, don’t you think?”

Sunset rolled her eyes again, and this time they both laughed.

While Sunset went back to her meal, Crystal Note set her take-out box on the table and took a closer look at the books. She glanced at the titles and even picked one up so she could skim through the first pages, which only made her giggle again

“No wonder you’re not making any progress. None of this makes any sense.”

Sunset thought the same, but kept on eating while Crystal Note laughed her melodious giggle

“You don’t really think you can learn music from these books, do you?”

“Why not? I learned magic from books, too.”

Crystal Note smiled but shook her head

“No, I learned about magic from books, but I never learned to do magic like you. Maybe books gave you some pointers, but you learned magic from using it.”

Sunset nodded after a minute of thinking, but then nudged the discarded guitar with her foot

“Well, maybe I would if this thing would cooperate.”

“May I?”

Crystal Note had a longing look on her face, so Sunset pushed the guitar towards her

“Knock yourself out.”

Crystal Note smiled as she picked up the instrument and put it in her lap. Her hands and fingers moved to find the right positions on the guitar, telling Sunset that Crystal Note was probably holding one for the first time. Which made it only more frustrating when she ended up in exactly the position the books suggested, apparently just from instinct. Crystal Note’s fingers plucked over the strings and her other hand shifted through some fingering she probably knew from playing the violin. Even though she was only testing, it still sounded better than what Sunset had produced even with instructions so far.

Crystal Note played with the little pegs for a few moments until she seemed satisfied, and then started strumming the strings with her fingers. With her other hand on the frets, she tested out a few different chords, but soon weaved them together into a little melody already. After just a couple of minutes.

Sunset’s brow perked up all on its own. Usually, there would be a glare coming from her as well, but she knew better than to be angry at Crystal Note. With anypony else, she would fume in rage, but Crystal Note had a good excuse for showing such a feat

“Tapping hard into your cutie mark, are you?”

Crystal Note giggled as she kept on strumming

“It had to be useful eventually.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Too bad my special talent isn’t worth much in this magic-less void.”

Crystal Note abruptly stopped playing and set down the guitar, finding Sunset’s eyes with her own

“The portal still exists, even if there isn’t any magic. Maybe we’re lucky and it will open again sometime”

Still 25 moons left before that happens, Sunset thought. She didn’t say it, though. Crystal Note didn’t need to know about that just yet. First, she had to figure out an actual plan on what to do when the portal was open again. Maybe then, she’d tell Crystal Note.

Crystal Note, who took Sunset’s silence as resignation, sighed deeply and picked up the guitar again, idly strumming through some chords to create a simple tune

“I miss my tail.”

Sunset, pulled out of her thoughts, looked up with a bemused smile

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I miss having a tail. I miss the feeling of a brush running through it, every night before I went to bed.”

Sunset stared at her in pure disbelieve, but Crystal Note seemed utterly serious about this. So serious that Sunset couldn’t help but fall into a full-blown laughing fit

“We’re… we’re stuck in a strange dimension… with no ponies and no magic… and the thing you miss most is your tail?”

Sunset wheezed out between her laughter and nearly fell off the couch.

Crystal Note blushed but ended up just smiling along, with her fingers still busy on the guitar

“Well, I miss my coat as well. In Equestria, I was never cold, but here I need like two layers of clothing so I don’t feel a chill.”

Sunset and Crystal Note laughed together for a while, so hard that Sunset was panting when she finally stopped.

While Sunset tried to catch her breath again, Crystal Note silently stared into space. The only sound was the little melody Crystal Note repeated without even noticing. It was a pleasant almost-silence, but Sunset couldn’t really enjoy it. She watched Crystal Note, who usually always smiled when she was playing music. Today, she just looked lost, like back in the palace when she had been afraid of everypony, but hid it behind a neutral expression, like a mask. Sunset remembered that by that point, her coat would turn into that dirty-grey colour again.

It wasn’t something Sunset Shimmer liked to remember.

“You know what I don’t miss? Dinner at the palace. I mean, come on! All that silverware, stuffy decorations and grand decorum, and all you got was tiny portions of something that all tasted of nothing.”

Crystal Note smiled at Sunset’s colourful description of the royal dinner in Canterlot and added with a wink

“The cakes were good, though.”

“Probably. But good luck with getting even a few crumbs when a certain somepony was around. I used to sneak out for ice cream to get any dessert at all.”

Crystal Note giggled along and smiled

“There is a great ice cream parlour here in the mall. I bet it could compete with home even.”

Sunset looked up, genuinely surprised. She didn’t know that Crystal Note wandered around on her own much. Then again, she barely knew what Crystal Note was doing at all when she was at school. Still, seeing her in a crowded place like a mall seemed odd. Odd, but intriguing.

“Okay, let’s go.”


Crystal Note looked up from the guitar, back to Sunset

“Go where, Sunset Shimmer?”

“To the mall, of course. You can’t tease me with ice cream and then not back it up.”

Sunset already got up and put on her boots and jacket, but Crystal Note still hesitated

“But, what about your guitar?”

“I’ll deal with it later. Come on, don’t make me wait.”

Sunset searched through her school bag to get her phone while Crystal Note got ready. Like Sunset, she was still wearing the clothes the portal had sent them through most of the time. Unlike Sunset, she added a few things though, like a pair of soft boots and a cream-coloured overcoat. Since her hair was longer than Sunset’s, she also used a hairband to keep it out of the way.

They left their apartment and walked down the street. The mall wasn’t really around the corner, but the weather was nice enough so Sunset didn’t mind stretching her legs a bit. Crystal Note enjoyed the walk as well, with a silent smile as she kept Sunset’s leisurely pace. Despite being in a different dimension and having a different form, Crystal Note had barely changed from the pony Sunset had freed from her crystal prison. She was still very quiet and timid, until she had to be hard for one reason or another.

Since Sunset Shimmer looked younger in her human form, Crystal Note had fallen into the role of the ‘responsible adult’ in their living arrangement. Basically, that meant while Sunset Shimmer focused on high school (and her plans with it), Crystal Note dealt with everything else. Around the house, she did most of the cleaning and made sure that there was food in the fridge. Outside however, she had a much bigger part to play.

Sunset had been worried the first time she and Crystal Note had to visit the administration office to update their papers, but Crystal Note was a performer at heart. No matter how shy or insecure she was at home, once she slipped into the role of ‘adult big sister who had to take care of her younger sibling’, she behaved exactly as was expected. Crystal Note had seen enough noble ponies and ponies of authority in the royal palace to mimic their behaviour to the spot, so some low-pay government employee had no chance seeing through her charade. On that day in the office, nobody had asked any questions and the one man who had briefly brought up Child Protection Service had shrunk down under Crystal Note’s stone hard glare.

Today Crystal Note had a serene smile instead of a glare as they entered the mall, even though she had slipped partially into her ‘adult’ role. The mall was crowded with people, as it was a Friday night so many people came here to do some late-night shopping. Sunset Shimmer even spotted a few familiar faces from CHS, as the mall was a popular hangout for teenagers with its cinema, an arcade and a grand selection of fast food places.

As they dived into the crowd, Sunset kept an eye on Crystal Note, but the former crystal pony kept smiling despite the large number of people. Like most humans, these people moved fast to get from one spot or the other, or were too focused on their phones to notice anything that happened around them. Crystal Note weaved between them effortlessly and seemed more relaxed that Sunset had seen her in a long while, despite the crowd.

Sunset had seen that smile before though, back in Equestria. While she had been studying Celestia’s old tomes, Crystal Note had usually squatted down by the window with some reading exercise. When she thought that Sunset wasn't watching her, Crystal Note had that smile, relaxed, at peace and not afraid. Sunset knew that being afraid was almost natural to Crystal Note, thanks to the traumatic past she still couldn't remember. But hiding in plain sight had become Crystal Note's second nature just as much, whether it was by the window behind a book or, like now, in the middle of a busy crowd.

Sunset had only been to the mall twice, and only for a certain purpose. She went in, got the thing she needed, then she left again. Why would she want to waste her precious time in a place like this? Today however, she followed Crystal Note's lead towards the food court.

She noticed a few heads turning as she walked by. She was very easy to spot even in a crowd, thanks to her distinctive hair-colour and style, so a few CHS students noticed her, but ended up staring at the older girl that accompanied Sunset just as much. Sunset had been intentionally vague about her life outside of school. A few of the students seemed genuinely interested about Sunset’s companion while others hoped to catch some fuel for new gossip.

Crystal Note noticed the glances at her (Sunset knew her well enough to know she did), but she didn’t react on it. She behaved naturally or at least what a human would call natural, and by that lost most of the interest very quickly. Sunset fell into her own role as well, with a slightly bored expression like the one she had seen on other students when they interacted with their parents and/or older siblings. Nobody would even guess that they were ponies from another dimension when they looked like a teenage girl and her older sister.

They still got their ice cream and Sunset had to admit that Crystal Note was right. The parlour really was as good as the one she knew back in Canterlot. Maybe even slightly better since this parlour had more flavours to choose from. She didn’t admit this though and Crystal Note didn’t expect it anyway, she knew how Sunset behaved by now. Seeing her polish of her cone was all she needed to see.

Crystal Note, as usual, took longer to finish eating, so they walked through the mall and passed some of the stores. One store in particular caught Sunset’s attention, a music store with some screens that showed music videos. On the display, Sunset could see tons of CDs but also actual music instruments. As they walked by, a new video started and Sunset stopped. When Crystal Note looked around, she saw Sunset stare at the screen as if mesmerised.

On the screen, Sunset saw a man with a guitar unlike the one she had bought at the second hand shop: An electric guitar. It sounded different, more powerful than the simple one she had and the guitarist put his whole body into playing it, shredding the strings with so much energy and ambition. She didn’t really get much of the song, but just the way he played instantly connected to her.

Sunset yelped in surprise when she felt a hand on her shoulder, but Crystal Note said nothing and just gently pushed her into the store. Inside, loud rock music dominated the atmosphere with more electric guitar and Sunset felt a tingle run down her spine.

Crystal Note waved to one of the clerks and they talked, but Sunset couldn’t make much of it. They were talking about music, she figured as much, but she didn’t get the details. She just saw that Crystal Note seemed in her element again and told the clerk exactly what she wanted, with an air of confidence that was unusual.

For a moment, Sunset wondered if she looked like this to Crystal Note whenever she talked about magic with Princess Celestia.

The clerk left and Sunset followed Crystal Note to the counter where they waited for his return. He brought a guitar, an electric guitar, very much like the one Sunset had seen on the video. Crystal Note took a closer look at it, but she didn’t play. Instead, she just passed it to Sunset. She didn’t say a word, but the message was clear.

Sunset, slightly confused but too excited to question it, put the strap around her neck and held the guitar like she had read in the instruction books. It came more natural to her this time, and when she flicked her fingers over the string, she produced a loud, satisfying sound that brought a big grin to her face.

Crystal Note had seen all she needed and turned back to the clerk

“We’ll take it.”

Sunset, still dazed, played with her fingers on the strings while a number of dollars changed their owner. Crystal Note also bought extra strings and a few other things Sunset didn’t even notice. She only looked up when Crystal Note touched her shoulder again and presented her an instrument case for her new possession.

With everything stored away safely, they made their way out of the mall again. This time, they didn’t dive into the crowd but instead passed through with purpose. Outside, they turned back home. Sunset was still dazed and kept glancing at the case in her hand, feeling the weight of the new guitar.

“Why did we buy this?”


Sunset rolled her eyes when Crystal Note gave her the same one-worded respond she had used earlier, but she was still too dazed to be annoyed

“I already bought a guitar for school. So why did we get this one?”

Crystal Note turned her head to look at her with an odd expression

“The one you bought is basic and simple, for a beginner. But you can’t teach Sunset Shimmer by starting with the basics. Sunset Shimmer always dives right in and always starts with the hardest challenge there is. That’s why you’ll need a guitar like this if you ever want to learn about music.”

Sunset tilted her head and disagreed, mostly out of habit

“I’ve learned all the basics of magic before I advanced to more high-level spells.”

“You mean you mastered all the basics. You told me yourself, whenever you got a new lesson, you didn’t just complete it, you surpassed all expectations.”

Sunset had a small smirk, but she wasn’t convinced yet

“Sure, but Princess Celestia always said that…”

“Screw Celestia!”

Sunset’s eyes opened wide and she stared at Crystal Note

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Screw her. She always held you back. She didn’t even realize she did. You always made the biggest progress when you didn’t listen to her. Why should you start now?”

Sunset was about to argue, simply of the fact that Crystal Note questioned Princess Celestia. Perfect, flawless Princess Celestia who ignored her questions, who didn’t tell her about the mirror, who even lied to her, who didn’t follow her and left her behind in this world…

Why in Tartarus should I defend her?

She had never thought about it as clearly before, but now that Crystal Note had put it into words, she realized she had known this a long while. Princess Celestia had never encouraged her to push her potential. Instead, she had limited her or distracted her. But now that she wasn’t around, Sunset could finally do things the way she saw fit.

They were back at the apartment again, when Sunset’s thoughts finally caught up to the present. All her beginner’s books for guitar lessons where still scattered on the floor. She kicked them away with an expression close to disgust and sat down on the couch, with her new, better guitar in her lap. She twanged the strings again, pleased by the powerful and loud noise she created. It wasn’t much like music yet, but Crystal Note was right. This was like her magic used to be, shapeless power that just waited for her to be put in form. Something she could master and use to prove her skill to Princess Celestia when…

NO! Not for Celestia. If the Princess didn't care enough to go after her, Sunset wouldn't waste any more of her time and talent to get her approval.

Sunset grabbed her new guitar, a guitar Celestia would never allow her to have. She flicked her fingers over the strings and although it sounded terrible, Sunset had a defiant smirk plastered on her face. She strummed again like she had seen in the music video and to her it sounded better already, louder and more powerful. It didn't sound like a meek student any more. Now, it sounded like Sunset Shimmer.

Crystal Note beamed as she listened at first and then joined in with the old acoustic guitar. What she played sounded better than Sunset’s strumming, but since Sunset was still louder than her, she didn’t care much. Crystal Note gave her a few pointers every now and then, but most of it was try and error.

At some point, she turned on a music channel on TV and they tried to play along whatever they liked. Sunset had no trouble admitting that she had a blast learning like this, and she knew why.

Part of it was because of Crystal Note enjoyed herself just as much. Her mood had completely turned around, from glum to happy and Sunset had no doubt that she would sparkle all over if they were back in their pony forms right now.

But the biggest part had to be defying Princess Celestia. Although had disagreed with the princess before, even argued with her, in the end all she’d done had been to get her approval. Even here in this world, she had tried to become a role model student for Principal Celestia, even though the woman shared nothing but a name and some mannerisms with the pony princess. Working for Celestia’s praise was just natural for Sunset after so many years.

Well, not any more! From now on, I’ll do things my way and my way only! No more holding back.

Sunset grinned her satisfied smirk to herself. Her plans for getting leverage over Canterlot High School had been careful and slow so far. Just in case Princess Celestia might not approve. But who needs her approval anyways? Why should I wait two more years when I could just take control right now?

Celestia wouldn’t come after her. If she wanted, for whatever reason, she would have done so by now. Celestia didn’t care if Sunset was in this world and she didn’t care if Sunset would ever become an alicorn or not. If Sunset wanted anything to change, she had to make Celestia care. Even if that meant breaking a few rules along the way. It wouldn’t matter if Celestia cared or not, the next time they met, Sunset would give her no other chance but to acknowledge her. She would show her what she could do, even without magic and even in a body that wasn’t her own.

I told you so, Princess. This will be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made, and I’ll show you, Celestia.

Sunset could feel the fire inside of her, a burning ambition she’d always struggled to keep in check. But now, she just let it grow, brighter than before. For a moment, Sunset felt like she had her magic back, so clearly she could feel the flame burn inside her. She just grinned even more.

On the opposite side of the couch, Crystal Note noticed the change in Sunset and smiled as well. Finally, she saw the Sunset Shimmer who had freed her from her crystal prison again, who had demanded respect from everypony she met and who had even stood up to alicorn princesses if necessary. She was glad that Sunset’s hesitation was gone now, and that she could focus on what needed to be done next. She knew Sunset had made some plans but nothing more, but now they could finally focus on realizing them.

Another rock song played on the TV and Sunset Shimmer dived right in with her new guitar. It didn’t even sound half bad, especially when Crystal Note took over vocals and joined in.

They played and sung deep into the night, even as some neighbours started knocking at the ceiling, but they just didn’t care. They were powerful and they were loud and nothing in this world could stop them once they set their mind on something.