• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 19: The Junior Division, finale!


High over the horizon, a long, serpentine-like dragon, Shenron, soars through the skies. Upon his head were the likes of Gohan, Goten, and Trunks enjoying the ride. Moments later, a portal opens. Flying past the dragon, Vegeta and Piccolo enter the portal first as the trio looks on in awe. Shenron lets out a roar as he follows the two through it. The scenery quickly changes from Earth to Equis.

Celestia was enjoying a cup of tea on her balcony with her sister Luna as Shenron exits the portal in the background. Fluttershy was busy tending to the animals in her sanctuary as Angel bunny frantically points to the dragon above. The yellow pegasus looks up and gasps at the sight. Over in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack hauling in her product before a large gust of wind from Shenron's passing blows her hat off. The farm mare puts down her produce and gives chase. In Ponyville, Pinkie gasps as she hovers in the air while Shenron passes. A moment later, the party mare disappears, leaving behind an outline of smoke. At the carousel boutique, Rarity struggling on a new line featuring the combat Gi's Spike and Scootaloo wore before Shenron passes by her window. A look of inspiration hit the fashion mare as she quickly stretches something out before running outside. Rainbow Dash was resting on a cloud when she spotted Shenron in the skies. Looking at their destination, Rainbow shot off her perch with her signature sonic rain-boom. The trios of Saiyans leap off the great dragon while landing in front of the castle. There, Twilight is standing at the entrance, waving them over. The rest of the elements of harmony, Piccolo and Vegeta were there to greet them.

Elsewhere, Dragonlord Ember was walking through a hellish landscape. The silhouette of a massive dragon was reaching toward her. She closes her eyes only to open them again as Spike looks at her with concern. In a coliseum filled with cheering spectators, Scootaloo walks in with the EAT belt around her waist. Her opponent was a man in a brown and white Gi that sported an afro. She shots her opponent a confident grin as the two charges one another. A second later, Scootaloo sends her rival out of bounds as two announcers - one blond human and Earth pony of similar features - declare her the winner. High above the castle of friendship, the Great Saiyaman floats above the structure as the sun rises. He smirks as he flies off into the rising sun.

The sunsets as the moon rising over a statue of Goku. Spike and Scootaloo stood there wearing somber expressions at the loss of their beloved mentor. However, the transparent image of Goku puts a reassuring hand on Scootaloo's and Spike's shoulders. They turn around in shock at his appearance. He smiles at his pupils before he fades away, with the two of them chasing after him. They don't get far as several figures cloaked in shadows appear before them. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten land beside them as they all take combat stances. There was a staredown between the two factions before they collide in an explosion of light. Finally, the ponies and dragons stand next to the Z fighters in front of the School of Friendship. Goku lands between his wife while draping his arm over Gohan's shoulder. They both share wide grins that for their friends and family.

[EAT Colosseum - Infirmary - Third Person POV]

"Come on; I think it's this way!"

"Calm your keister there, Rainbow. There isn't any place those kids can be right now," Applejack stated.

"It shouldn't be too hard to find them. I saw Grandpa Gruff storm his way in here earlier," Starlight said.

"Oh! He must be as worried s we are about what happened," Fluttershy stated.

"Possibly, but I would wager--


"...We'll hear him squawking up a storm..." Starlight finished.

"Trixie wonders how the whole colosseum wouldn't be able to him that old buzzard,"

The girls followed the sound of the grumpy griffon into the medical bay. Inside, the cranky griffon gave the staff an earful while Gallus and Silverstream lay on their stretchers. Grandpa Gruff was glaring down everyone present as he spoke. "Why are you feeding them beans instead of giving the real medical treatment?!"

"The bean you are quick to reject is not one of neglect," A familiar zebra mare walks in, much to the surprise of the elements and company.

"Zecora!" Pinkie rushes in for a hug that Zecora gladly returns. "It's so good that you get some screentime too!!!"

"While I do not know your meaning, your presence here is gleaming,"

"It's good to see you, Zecora. But I would've thought you'd be with the adult competitors," Rarity said, also engaging in a hug.

"A fair assumption to make, but my entry would be a mistake. With so many powers coming into play - my victory - there is no way. A reflection on my talents was a must; mending the sick is more just,"

"I suppose that makes sense. All of the fighters would be hard enough to wrestle on their own. Then, add Goku and his kinfolk into the mix is plain unfair," Applejack said.

"Psst. That's quitter talk. We've been training hard with that Ki energy stuff. And I got to be the one to knock Scoots off her title reign," Rainbow boasted.


Crossing her arms, Trixie was hardly impressed. "Trixie does not understand why you are here? You hardly cared for Gallus during his time in school!"

An angry vein appeared on the elder griffon's forehead as he was about to reply. However, he stopped when Zecora approached Gallus with a bean in hand. He opens his beak and gently rubs his throat, causing him to be sallow. Moments later, Gallus pops back up, completely healed of his injuries. Gallus blinks in confusion as he inspects himself. He looks around the room to find his teachers and grandpa Gruff. The latter was shying away from the show mare counselor who was giving him a smug grin. Before the young griffon could utter a word, Pinkie Pie and Silverstream brought him into a hug.

"Gallus! You're ok. I mean, when you came in, you were asleep with all those wounds. But now, you good as new. Those beans are amazing, and they are not that bad," Silverstream said.

"I can't breathe..." Gallus said, but Pinkie and Sliverstream's combined hug muffled it.

"Hmm? What was that?" Pinkie asked.

Gallus manages to slip free as he yells out. "I can't breathe!" He turns to Silverstream, who looks back at him sheepishly. the young griffon scratches his head as he mutters. "So, yeah, I'm glad you're ok,"

"Is that all you have to say?" Grandpa Gruff's voice causes the griffon to stiffen up. "Because you went and got careless out there! Those scrolls didn't come cheap, and the raven blood won't like--"

"Ahem!!!" Trixie cleared her throat rather forcefully. The old griffon turns around to find several reproachful glares aim at him.

He looks back at gallus, who crossed his arms, but held his head down in shame. "I suppose it wasn't your fault. Pairing you up with the homicidal dragon was the problem. We ought to complain to the administration and demand a rematch!!!"

"Don't sweat it, gramps. I lost because I wasn't as vicious as Smolder was in the fight,"

"I guess she wanted to win more than we did, huh..." Silverstream stated.

"Don't let your losses discourage you. You both did very well," Fluttershy comforted.

"And you shouldn't take Smolder's actions at face value. Her methods are not the path of success," Starlight stated firmly.

"But she still won, and probably in the finals right now!" Gallus countered.

"That may be true, darlings, but I assure you both that she will not be the new champion by abandoning her friendships," Rarity said. "But, I will be certain to give her a piece of my mind for employing such brutish tactics!"

"I don't think it's that simple, Rares. Smolder didn't look like she was enjoying herself. What she said after Gallus got back up from his beating was telling enough-- uh, no offense sugarcube,"

"...It's fine..." Gallus grumbles.

"But, I reckon she wanted to settle things real quick-like to spare herself the trouble of hurting her friends,"

"So, somepony, or, more accurately, some dragon is pushing to this violence," Starlight summarized.

Rarity let out a gasp as she spoke. "Surely, you're not suggesting that either Ember or Spike had a hand in this behavior?!"

"Of course those two dragons filthy claws are responsible1 I always said those overgrown fire spitters were nothing but trouble. It was only a matter of time before they hurt other creatures beneath them. And you crazy mares wanted to bring them to a school together!" Grand Gruff chided.

All the girls took offense to this remark. "That is completely unfounded. Smolder is an absolute delight in our school. Yes, she took a while to warm up to friendship, but so have the various other creatures!" Rarity stated.

"You're right, Rarity. Dragons shares many qualities I've seen in Griffons, Humans, and Yaks. Even ponies are capable of aggressive instincts. Our school helps our students understand that their differences make their bonds stronger!" Starlight added.

"Then, can you all explain why a horde of those dragons invaded the human's world?" The girls winced at that and took on an air of confusion. "Don't give me those fish-lip looks. It all over those human gizmos. The land they went to looks like the inside of a volcano. And your model student was there with the dragon leaders!"

"That only happens because those meanies at the Red Ribbon stole their eggs. If I was a parent, then no one was going to mess with mama Pinkie's foals!" Pinkie Pie said, wielding a spanking bat.

Grandpa Gruff had enough of the nonsense and started to leave. "You coming, Gallus?"

"I want to watch the results of the tournament, gramps," Gallus said.

Grandpa Gruff let out a squawk as he left the room. Turning back to Gallus, Silverstream spoke. "maybe we should talk to Smolder and let her know we're still friends?"

"I think I might need more time before we can talk, Sliver, but let's go see how things are going,"

The girls watch their students leave as they gathered their thoughts. To be honest," Pinkie began. "Spike been getting more distant lately. He doesn't respond to my letters anymore,"

"Probably because you send like a hundred letters through dragon fire every day," Starlight deadpans.

"You never know what could happen in the next few seconds. My Pinkie sense keeps telling me that something big involving one of our friends is going to happen soon,"

"I think its quite clear that an intervention needs to happen, for all our sakes," Rarity states.

[Sometime later - Arena floor.]

"WELCOME BACK FIGHT FANS!!!" The crowd erupts with newfound vigor and cheering. "THANKS WE MISSED YOU TOO!!!"


Trunks, Flurry Heart, and Smolder all walked out to the center of the stadium. They stood apart from one another in a triangle formation as they eyed each other. The sudden change in the match card threw all three of them for a loop. However, Smolder had a good guess. She looked back up to Spike, who smiled down with a knowing grin. With her suspicions confirmed, smolder scoffs and prepared for another impromptu test. The only plus side was that Smolder didn't personally know her enemies. So, she won't feel bad about hurting them. Trunks arched a brow and looked to where his opponent was looking, only spying the spectators and shrugs it off. Meanwhile, Flurry looked concerned about fighting two opponents at once.


"Good to the both of you," Flurry Heart said politely, taking her stance.

"My dad always says luck is for those with no pride in themselves!" Trunks said, taking his stance too.

"...Let's get this over with already!" Smolder said impatiently.


"RAAAWWWH!!!" Smolder's roar instantly got Trunks and Flurry's attention. A white aura with dark orange wisps engulfs her as she opens her maw. A red beam shoots forth as Flurry Heart leaps into the air. Trunks powers up as he stops the beam with his hands. However, the force of the attack was pushing the young Saiyan back. A few feet was between him and an instant ring out. However, Trunks' muscles strained from exertion as he tosses the beam in the air. He received no reprieve as Smolder was instantly upon him. She drives her fist into his stomach before following up with a chain punches to his face. Smolder connects with an uppercut that lifts Trunks off the ground before thrusting both arms forward. Trunks' eyes widen as Smolder sent him sailing through the air. At that moment, Flurry Heart rejoins the battle. She reappears in front of Smolder with her right hand, holding a ball of magic. Slamming it into Smolder's chest, the little Drakina flew to the opposite end of the arena, much like Trunks.


Smolder snarls at the annoying play-by-plays. The drakina pants both feet and squeezes the offensive magic against her chest. A moment later, Smolder crushes the magic with her bare claws. At the same time, Trunks frees himself by kicking the energy blast high into the sky. He looks down at his opponents before powering up to his Super Saiyan form. Flurry Heart, now feeling exposed, looks between Trunks and Smolder as her horn glows. Both dragon and Sayian dashes forward as Flurry Heart summons a shield. Spiderweb cracks formed on the protection and ground below. Flurry shut her eyes tight and gritted her teeth from the strain. Trunks and Smolder cocks back their free hands, but Flurry teleports away at the last moment. However, both fighters fist collided in a violent shockwave, echoing throughout the arena. Although, despite Smolder's efforts, Trunks won out. Smolder felt herself skidding across the earth before coming to a stop. Flurry Heart appears to the dragons' right as they both eyed Trunks warily. Trunks smirk and gestures both of them to attack.


Flurry Heart nods at Smolder, who, reluctantly, bounces back. Although, before standing up, Smolder notices several needles near her feet. She picks up a handful as she and Flurry Heart faced Trunks. The alicorn Princess summons two magic orbs and thrusts them forward as Smolder takes a large intake of air before spewing her fire breath. The flames concealed Flurry's attack, leaving Trunks to contend with the fire. He sent out a shockwave that dispelled the fire, but not the magic orbs. Trunks quickly brace himself; however, the spheres stop short of contact and burst into a blinding light. The next instant, Trunks felt a stabbing pain in his left arm. Trunks move away from the drakina as his vision returns. Protruding out of his shoulder, Trunks find the same needles Ocellus used against him. The pain soon gave way to numbness as his arm went limp. Looking back at the dragon in angry, Smolder returned the same cocky smile Trunks had earlier. Her smile faltered when Trunks smiled back at her.

"What's so funny?!" Smolder asked.

"I was about to suggest I fight using one arm since this is so easy," Trunks stated.

Flurry came charging in with a roundhouse that Trunks was able to block. "Wow, that's so generous of you, thanks!"

"Really! You're too kind!" Smolder stated, throwing a punch that Trunks blocks with his knee.

The pressure began anew as Smolder and Flurry attack simultaneously. Despite their combined assault, Trunks held his own. as Flurry came in with a straight jab, Trunks hooks his arm around her wrist, thus trapping her for the moment. Smolder came in from his left side, but Trunks drags Flurry Heart into her path and slams the filly into the drakina. He quickly follows up with a roundhouse kick to their sides before firing a Ki blast. Flurry Heart winces as her horn glows, summoning that hexagon barrier like before. The shot redirects back toward Trunks, who knocks it away, allowing Smolder and Flurry to reposition themselves. Flurry Heart places two fingers to her forehead beneath her glowing horn.

"Keep him busy and wait for an opening!!!" Flurry stated.

"Tch!" Smolder sucks her teeth in response but complies.

"Amazing. Trunks' holding them both off with one good arm!" Krillin said.

"But, it looks Flurry has a plan in the works," Gohan said, pointing to the filly charging her attack.

"Hmph. That tired old technique again? As if she'll be able to hit my son with such a straight forward attack!" Vegeta said smugly.

"Don't be too sure about that," Piccolo grunted. 'Come on, kid,'

Flurry Heart pulls her hand away and aims it at Trunks and Smolder. "Special Beam Cannon!!!" The spiral beam launched toward both fighters with intense speed. However, she alerted both parties of her intentions. Smolder flickers away to safety while Trunks choose to bat the attack away.

"Ha. That was weak. If that was your best plan, then you might as well lay down for the ten counts!" Trunks gloated. However, unbeknownst to him was that Flurry Heart knew Trunks would dodge, which is why her hand was still glowing. Flurry fires three more beams at the Saiyan. Who quickly escapes, but remains unaware of the crystal princess true intentions. 'Come on, this is starting to get--" Trunks eyes slammed open as he narrowly throws his head back from a beam passing his sight. He followed its path to see it reflect off the barrier Flurry summoned earlier. All four attacks were redirecting around him while gaining alarming amounts of speed. Trunks had nowhere to go as the attacks set upon him. For every beam he managed to dodge or swat away, the barrier would send it back at the young Saiyan with twice the momentum. Trunks glare down at Flurry, who sends a smirk in return as her hands controlled the barriers. Trunks tried to retaliate with a blast, but the Special beam cannon rips right through it. Flurry signals to Smolder that now was the time.

"How do you like my special cage barrage?" Flurry taunted. "You're like a little bird stuck in a cage, but this next bit is my favorite..."

Flury tightens her fist as the hexagon began to close in on Trunks while reflecting her attack at an even greater rate. Trunks found it harder to avoid the beams unscathed, leaving burn marks on his left cheek, right shoulder, and upper thighs. At the same time, Smolder hovers above him, channeling her Ki into the space between her palms. A green org pulsed with electric discharges that lit up the area. Trunks became distracted by this for a moment, which cost him dearly. One of the four beams struck his midsection, knocking the wind out of him while propelling the young Super Saiyan backward. Another beam hit is back, sending forward again before the last two beams drove him into the ground. Smolder raises her hands down toward Trunks as he tried to get up. The discharges reached their zenith point as she bellows.

"Emerald Thunder Flash!!"

A sphere of green energy engulfs everything around it as lightning bolts shoot out from the edges. All the spectators shielded their eyes as the attack died down. "What the heck!? That was way too intense!" Krillin stated.

"Any more power and she could've broken through the shields protecting the audience!" Gohan said.

"Forget the audience! What of the Saiyan? Is he dead?" Crystal asked. Everyone shot her a flat stare.

The attack faded away, and everyone reeled in at the wake of the results. Trunks were lying face down in a crater. The impact had seemingly knocked him unconscious and out of his Super Saiyan form. Half of his Gi clung to his right shoulder while the left side exposes the charred arm. There were small amounts of electrical currents running through the boy's body, causing him to flinch and twitch. Smolder touched down a few feet away, panting heavily. She had put everything into that attack to ensure that Trunks would stay down. But, there was still one more obstacle she had to overcome. Flurry drops her shield and marching up to the drakina. She grabs her by the collar and bares her teeth in anger.



"That attack was too strong. I can barely feel Trunks' energy!"

"...You gave me an opening, and I took it," The calm tone from Smolder angered the crystal princess even more. "I have to say thanks because you gave me two openings..."

"FLURRY! GETAWAY FROM HER, NOW!!!" Piccolo warned, but it was too late.

"Wha-- Oof?!" In her anger, Flurry Heart forgot the match was still going on, and she felt a stinging sensation in her stomach. She looks down to see the remaining Pukwudgiet quills sticking out of her from her lower abdomen. The effect was much more potent against a native Equian than it was on an Earthling. Smolder gently freed herself from Flurry's hold and gave her a push. Flurry fell backward with her body still locked in position. The only sign that she was always conscious of was her shifting, tear-stained eyes.


"THAT LAST ATTACK MIGHT'VE BEEN EXCESSIVE BUT--" A low growl from Smolder told CC to cut to the chase. "ERR, YES, TIME FOR THE COUNT. ONE..."

Smolder drowns out the count as she took a sigh of relief. She had won. The ordeal was finally over. She looks up to her mentor, who was smiling ear to ear. 'Nice work, but your execution is lacking. I was expecting an even coating of soot. I hate medium-rare meat,'

'...Don't you care?'

'About Trunks? He's fine. He's a Saiyan. Plus, we have Senzu beans that make disembowelment look like a papercut. Which is why your hesitation earlier was pointless,'

'...My friends aren't pointless...'

'No, what's pointless is thinking they still see you as their friend. But, hey, it's their fault for not taking this seriously. Now, you're the champ, and they're a bunch of losers,'

Smolder allows a lump down her throat for what she was about to do next. "I-If this is what being a winner is like, then I'm done! After this, find some other dragon to kick around!'

'Eh, your loss,'


'Hey, I tried to make you best, but you want out. So, it no scales off my hide. But, I bet other dragons will jump at the chance to have the power I can offer. If I feel like teaching them, that is, especially if they turn out ungrateful like you,' Smolder bit back a harsh response as she stood there trembling. There were thirty meters and five floors between them, yet it felt as though Spike was right in front of her. If she were paying attention, she would have noticed that the announcers haven't declared her the winner yet. Or that there was a presence behind her. Spike did, however. 'Oh, and despite your attitude, I have some free advice for you,'

Smolder couldn't keep herself from snarling in her response. 'What?!'

'Crushing your enemies is a good way to make sure they don't get up as Trunks did,'

It was at that moment that Smolder catches a light shining behind her. Her eyes widen in horror as Trunks was up again, in his Super Saiyan form, while charging a Ki blast. Smolder had enough time to catch that winning smile adorning Trunks partially bloodstained face as she felt herself flung to the far end of the arena, crashing headlong into the earth. She clutches in pain before she realizes where she landed. The look on Trunks' face said it all; a clean ring out. After a moment of silence, the crowd erupted into a standing ovation. Trunks began hopping and hollering while running along the arena floor, waving his right arm at his friends and family. Everyone had forgotten about her and her woes. It was all about winning and losing. In the end, that what mattered. In the end, despite all her concerns and sacrifices, she still lost. Spike was right. Smolder was glad the for shadows as she sat down against the wall and the crowd's cheering. It made it easier to let her emotions out.



"WAY TO GO TRUNKS! THAT'S MY BOY!!!" Bulma hollers.

"Man, that was awesome!" Gohan exclaimed.

"No, kidding. I thought Trunks was done for with that last attack," Krillin stated.

Vegeta chuckles at this remark. "You need to stop entering absurd notions. Trunks' victory was never in doubt," Vegeta turns to Piccolo with a smug expression. "It's a shame about his other opponents. Oh well, better luck next year, huh green man?"

"The brat got lucky!" Crystal stated.

"I will admit that dragon kid had the match won, but she got distracted at the end," Piccolo said.

"Shouldn't we be heading down now?" Android 18 said in an impatient tone.

"We should go congratulate Trunks first," Scootaloo suggests.

Goku was silent for a time as he stared into the shadows of the lower levels. He turns his head to his former pupil before speaking. "You guys go without me. I need to check something out," Goku said. Without another word, Goku vanishes from sight, leaving his friends bewildered.

On their side of the highrise, Spike drops his empty bowl of popcorn as he let out a belch. He cracks his hands together before performing some light stretching. "Finally! I thought I was going to die from boredom. Now, we can have some fun around here," He turns to Ember, who hadn't taken her eyes off where Smolder was sulking. Spike snaps his fingers near her head to get her attention. "Hey, we got to head down to the arena for the prelims,"

"...I'm going to check on Smolder..."

Spike gave her an incredulous look. "Why?"

Ember whips around stiffly as she glared at her mate. "Why? You're asking why? Smolder lost!"

"I know. We were watching the same match,"


"What? Do you want to comfort her? What can you say that won't make her feel worse? 'Oh, I'm sorry you almost won after all that hard work and training. I am not mad, but very disappointed.' Is that how it will go? I thought dragons don't do those kinds of things?"

"I thought you were different from that way of thinking!"

Spike seems to recoil a bit as his mate, who, in turn, stayed firm on her stance. "Alright, but don't blame me if she bites our head off,"

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