• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,289 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 42: A Mythical Return!

Author's Note:

Whoo. Sorry, this is late. My internet was off for like two weeks. Anyway, enjoy.



「それを維持しなさい。私達はそれをほとんど把握することができる!」トワイライトが叫んだ。彼女と他の王女は、ブウが角を輝かせて逃げたところに立っていました。ピッコロは、ブウが逃げるために作った条件を再現しようとする考えを持っていました。同様であるが規模が小さい穴が形成され始めた。トワイライトは、ブウが作り出した裂け目が残留エネルギーの痕跡を残したと理論づけました。だから、彼らはブウがしたのと同じように行くことができました。しかし、問題は明らかでした。ポータルを地球に完全に戻すのに十分な力を持っている人は誰もいませんでした。トワイライトの新しい計画は、アリコーンの魔法を組み合わせてワームホールをこじ開けようとすることです。それでも、彼らの最善の努力にもかかわらず、ポータルは激しく閉鎖されました。マナとキからのフィードバックはみんなを地面に叩きつけました。 「ああ!私の角!」








「あきらめられない。もっと頑張らなきゃ!」ブルーミングエッセンスは緊急に言った。 「私たちの友人や家族は今死んでいる可能性があります。だから、あなたが得たすべてのものをそれに与えてください!!!」

ゴテンクスはみんなの絶望を見てため息をつきます。 「心配しないでください、私はこれを手に入れました!」彼は自信を持って言った。



* BONK * [/ b]

ゴテンクスが終わる前に、ピッコロとブルーミングエッセンスの両方が彼の頭をひっくり返しました。 "[color =#2caf26]それでは無駄な時間をやめましょう[/ color] [color =#e97135]そしてもうやめてください!!! [/ color]" [/ b]

「ああ。あなたは私を殴る必要はなかった」とゴテンクスは両腕を突き刺しながら数歩離れた。 「よし!どうぞ!HO!」彼が叫び始めたとき、金色の覆いのゴテンクスが形成されます。電気が彼の形の周りで踊っている間、静脈が彼の筋肉の上に現れました。ついに、彼の髪は成長し始め、鼓動のように脈打つようになりました。彼の悲鳴のクレッシェンドで、彼の気は他の人たちを彼ら自身を保護させるまばゆいばかりの光を生み出しました。光が消えたとき、ゴテンクスは彼の父が達成したのと同じレベルの力で立っていました。 "うん!"







「うわあ、このようなあなたの偉そう」ゴテンクスは息を吐く前に深呼吸をした。 "HAAAAAA !!!!!" [/ b]以前のブウの偉業と同じように、ゴテンクスの口からキの几帳面なトンネルが撃たれた。それはスピリットルームに穴を開け、地球に戻った。 「ねえ、穴をあけた!」











ブルーミングエッセンスは、騒ぎの中で検索します。体の欠如は彼女を平等な部分の希望と恐怖で満たした。彼女はピッコロに目を向けますが、ナメック星人がひざまずくためだけです。心配して、彼女は近づいて、彼がつぶやいているものを拾いました。 「いや、いや、いや!どうして彼は?!誓う、なんとかしてみんなを連れ戻すぞ!」




ピッコロは立ち上がってグループの方を向いた。彼が共有した表情は、彼のいつものストイックな顔とはかけ離れていたので、みんなを震撼させました。 「地球の人口はなくなった。下には生命がまったくない」


[Hyperboylic Time Chamber - Third Person POV.]

"RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Piccolo and the Fusions screamed.

"Keep at it. We can almost grasp it!" Twilight shouted. She and the other princesses stood where Buu escaped with their horns glowing. Piccolo had the idea to try and replicate the conditions Buu made to flee. A hole that was similar yet smaller in scale began to form. Twilight theorized that the rift Buu created had left a residual energy signature. So, they could go the same way Buu did. However, the problem was evident. No one had enough power to open the portal back to Earth fully. Twilight's new plan is to use the combined magic of alicorns to try and pry the wormhole open. And yet, despite their best efforts, the portal closed violently shut. The feedback from the mana and Ki knocked everyone to the ground. "Argh! My horn!"

"That was like lifting a thousand suns at once!" Celestia groaned.

"Even raising the heavenly bodies is less draining," Luna agreed.

"Is it a competition of comparisons? I believe foal birthing is less of a strain," Cadence said.

"It's no good. We've tried everything! You even had time to fuse again, and we still haven't gotten anywhere! We underestimated Buu again!!!!" Piccolo said in a frustrated tone.

"He's a cheater, that monster," Sand Stream panted.

"Yeah, are we sure he's not related to Discord?" Galder asks.

"I hope the others are okay," Ocena said worriedly.

"We can't give up. We need to try harder!" Blooming Essence said urgently. "Our friends and family could be dead now. So, give it everything you got!!!"

Gotenks looks at the desperation in everyone's faces and sighs. "Don't worry; I got this!" He said confidently.

"You do?" Twilight asks.

"Yeah, since your all so desperate, I think it's time I bust out another new move--"


Before Gotenks could finish, both Piccolo and Blooming Essence smacked him upside the head. "THEN QUIT WASTING TIME AND DO IT ALREADY!!!"

"Oww. You didn't have to hit me," Gotenks takes a few steps away as he thrusts both arms. "Alright! Here we go! HO!" A golden out shroud Gotenks form as he began screaming. Veins appeared over his muscles while electricity danced around his form. Finally, his hair started to grow out and pulse like a heartbeat. At the crescendo of his scream, his Ki produced a blinding light that made the others shield themselves. When the light died down, Gotenks stood at the same level of power his father achieved. "Yeah!"

"S-super Saiyan 3?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"At such a young age!" Celestia comments in awe.

"You like the new look? You should. Man, I rock," Gotenks said.

"...You became a Super Saiyan 3! How did you do it?" Piccolo asks in disbelief.

"It's no big deal. I'll tell you about it later,"

"Well? Your fusion won't last. Get on with it!" Blooming Essence stated.

"Jeez, your bossy like this," Gotenks took a deep breath before exhaling. "HAAAAAA!!!!!" Much like Buu's feat earlier, a condescended tunnel of Ki shot from Gotenks' mouth. It punched a hole through the spirit room and time back to the Earth. "Hey, I made a hole!"

"I can see the outside!" Cadence exclaims.

"Hurry yourselves!" Luna shouts.

One by one, everyone jumps through the portal, with Piccolo being the last. Although he was no longer the guardian, a part of the Namekian was deeply troubled. He walked to the edge of the lookout while everyone spoke amongst themselves.

"Whoa, this place got trashed," Galder said, surveying the damage.

"Where is everyone?" Ocena asks.

"Buu isn't here either!" Sand Stream stated.

"Heh, maybe he wised up and ran away. Bummer, now I won't be able to test this form out," Gotenks laments.

"If I possess a bit for every lull in the battle, I would be richer than I am now," Luna said.

"My sister is right. I doubt Buu would merely leave after his display," Celestia stated.

"Judging from the damage, I believe Spike must've fought Buu. Maybe, he got everyone to safety?" Twilight suggests.

Blooming Essence searches amidst the rumble. The lack of bodies filled her with equal parts hope, and dread. She turns to Piccolo, only for the Namekian to fall to his knees. Concerned, she moved closer and picked up on what he was mumbling. "No, no, no! How could he?! I swear, I will bring you all back somehow!"

"Piccolo, what's wrong?" The fusion already had the answer, but she was hoping against hope that it wasn't the case.

"... They're all gone..."


Piccolo stood up and turned to the group. The look he shared shook everyone as it was a far cry from his usual stoic visage. "The Earth's population is gone. There's no life at all down below,"

Cadence slowly covered her mouth in horror along with Twilight. Celestia and Luna looked downcast at the loss of an entire planet. The juniors, especially Gotenks, felt ashamed. They could've prevented this tragedy if they had fought harder or quit with the theatrics. Blooming Essence stood conflicted. Earth wasn't her planet, but it was Gohan's. Her family was safe on Equestria. But, the family she would've had here is gone now. That same anger she felt when she saw Gohan fall resurfaced. However, the subsequent beating after acting on that impulse halts her. She had to be sure before jumping to conclusions.

"What about the others that were on the Lookout?" Blooming asks.

"From what I could tell, Buu turned everyone on Earth into sweets. The others were the first to share that fate,"

"We don't know that for sure!" Twilight asserted.

"Can you feel their energies?" Piccolo countered. Twilight became quiet.

"What of the Dragonballs? Surely, we can utilize them to fix these atrocities," Luna reminded.

"Yeah, The balls must be lying around here somewhere," Gotenks said hopefully.

"Even if we did find them, it wouldn't make a difference. Without Dende, , the balls are inert!"

Blooming let out a resigned sigh before approaching the juniors. Blooming tried to maintain a calm facade, but her wings were brisling in irritation and anger. "Listen up, we find Buu, and we finish this. No delays. No gauntlets or games. We stop Buu for our families! Whatever it takes!" Blooming Essence put two fingers on her head while holding her hand.

Galder was the first to place her hand down. "Whatever it takes!"

"Whatever it takes," Sand Stream said, placing his hand on top.

"Whatever it takes," Ocena said, adding her hand.

Blooming felt a hand on her shoulder. Twilight smiled at her, along with Cadence, Celestia, and Luna. "Whatever it takes!"

She felt another hand on her opposite shoulder to see Piccolo nodding. "Whatever it takes!" The Namekian said.

Gotenks was the last to join the pile, adopting a serious expression for the first time. "Whatever it takes!" The fused Saiyan said. With their goal reaffirm, Blooming teleports every to Buu's location.

[East City - Third Person POV.]

"Mister Buu. What are we doing here?" Cozy whined. After Majin Buu's initial attack, Buu was still in his crazed hunger state. He would've left Cozy had the filly not grabbed hold of him beforehand. The Majin followed his memory of the Ki signatures he sensed and wound up in East City. The town was empty, barren of a population, except for the unattended vehicles: nothing but total silence. And the one responsible was currently stuffing his face. It was a sight that left an incompatible sensation in the filly. She almost retched when Buu was kind enough to offer her some treats. But, a stray toy lying by one of the candies was enough of a reminder to decline. So, there Cozy sat, watching Buu gorge himself on an endless supply of his homemade confections. "You've been eating those treats for thirty minutes!"

"They're good. You sure you don't want one?"

"U-uh, yes. I am sure. You deserve it after fighting so hard," At that moment, a sly grin forms on the filly's face. "You know, I think it's unfair that those bullies stole your treats from you. I heard they were heading back to Equis. There was sometime before your bug light show. I think they may be home by now,"

"Huh? So what? I have a planet's worth of goodies to snack on!"

"That's true. But counselor Starlight is with them. She is as good a unicorn as Head mare Twilight. She might find a way to seal you up again,"

"Babadi is gone. They don't have the power or magic,"

"Also true, but Equestrian has a lot of ways to deal with threats. With enough magic and friendship, they could do anything,"

Buu frowns as he stands up. "Hmm, you sure?"

"Of course. Why do you think the princesses came into that weird room with us? The only reason I could think of would be to turn you into a statue. The same thing happened to Discord twice. We should head back to Equestria to ensure they won't cause us any trouble. I happen to know where the portal is right now,"

"Take me there!"

Cozy was about to respond before a sudden shift in the air. A moment later, Cozy saw the four princesses, the fusions, and the Namekian. The filly blanched at Gotenks in particular. Buu returns the group intensity with confusion. He was sure he would never see them again. Buu's eyes widen briefly at Gotenks. "You look different from the other one!"

"I wouldn't worry about that. Where's our mom!?" Gotenks demanded.

With a cruel smile, Buu explains, rubbing his stomach as he did so. "Inside their new home like the rest of the world. Every single one!" While it was a lie, it got the desired effect Buu wanted. Our hero's expression faltered briefly.

"Buu. You'll pay for each one!"

At Gotenks words, Galder and Sand Stream charged forward. Buu became on guard when he saw the Draco-griff hands were like the earlier dragon. However, Buu failed to notice the hippogriff pony collected water from the air. The two fusions stop short of Buu as they launch their fist at each other. A hot stream mist erupts from the collision while Buu hollers in pain. Galder and Sand Stream alternate from left to right while slashing Buu with their wings inside the fog. Galder's wounds would often cauterize the flesh in passing. At the same time, Sand Streams would allow the water to enter Buu's. Growing, Buu flexes his Ki outward and disperses the fog with the two fusions. However, Buu was unprepared as a beam of magic struck his face. Buu looks at the princesses in anger, but his eyes widen in shock. Ocena morphs her hand into a giant fist. The changeling-yak hybrid connected with her blow as Buu smashed through several buildings. The Majin crashed into an office building before it crumbled on top of him. Buu shot from the debris and into the sky, only for Gotenks to headbutt him into the waiting arms of Blooming Essence. The fused alicorn utilizes her newfound strength to hold Buu in place.

"You killed my planet, you monster!" Gotenks exclaimed as he rained down a barrage of punches and kicks.

Despite the punishment, Majin Buu began to smile. "Haha. You're all such fun toys!" In an instant, Buu shrank his waist to slip free and dodge Gotenks attacks.

"Rotten bubblegum bastard!" Blooming stated as she joined the fused Saiyan.

However, Buu caught Gotenks hand and flung him into the alicorn. He flipped his antenna and shot his transformative beam. Blooming quickly tosses Gotenks to safety, but the attack turns her into a cookie. Elated, Buu rushes to his prize. Yet, before he could reach it, a beam similar to his hit the cookie first. Buu gasps in confusion as Blooming Essence returns to normal. The alicorn glares at the pink terror as she launches a roundhouse against his head. Buu rights himself for a counter, but his body suddenly stiffens. He trembles in trying to move until pikes of water pierce Buu's body from the inside out. The water morphs to submerge Buu's entire body before it instantly freezes over. Buu sees Princess Luna and Sand Stream weaving their hands inside the ice block. Buu's eyes narrowed in on the group before Gotenks reappeared with his hand raised.

"Hehe, let's cut you down to size. Dough Slicer!" Gotenks said as a narrow beam shot out of his hand and spilled Buu into pieces. "And, now, the follow-up!" Gotenks fired two more beams that destroyed the ice and detonated. The ice chunks instantly vaporized, leaving only the globs of pink flesh scattered in the air. "I guess Buu fell to pieces on us,"

"Alright, let's try it now before he reforms. Blooming Essence! I know two-thirds of you are new to spellcasting, so you provide the extra power output," Twilight said. The four alicorns' horns began to glow as the bits of pink flesh started to change. One by one, the pieces of Buu's meat began to turn to stone. "It's working!"

"No!" A familiar voice shouted out. Cozy Glow flew up to Twilight's face faster than anyone would expect. The princess of friendship gasps as she feels two hands grip her horn. "I won't let you take him away from me!" The sudden disruption caused magic feedback that made all the alicorns cry out and stumble. Thus, breaking their spell.

Cozy interference was enough of a distraction for Buu to break free. The Majin snarls in pure rage. Many of our heroes went on guard, expecting another of Buu's emotional explosion. The pink terror did not disappoint. Buu arched his flexible back until his legs hooked over his shoulders. His entire foam no resembles that of a ball. A moment later, Buu shot at our heroes like a cannonball. The fusion scattered, and the princesses teleported away, leaving Cozy behind. The filly scrambled frantically to safety while Buu crashed through several buildings. He came back around as Galder, Ocena, and Sand Stream flew up to meet him.

The dragon hybrid spewed out fires of condensed plasma from her maw that struck Buu. Ocena joins in by firing quills from her arms during the junior division. And Sand Stream launched high-pressure water from his palms. Buu barrels through the trio and curves around to the alicorns despite their combined efforts. Blooming Essence appears with her Kaio-Ken enabled and catches Buu in her hands. Using instant transmission, Blooming flickers herself and Buu behind the princesses as they continue their flight. Buu smashes her through several buildings and into a mountainside even with the power-up. Blooming gritted her teeth, fighting back the pain, as Buu pushed her deeper into the stone.

"Ah, you smell like that orange one and that worthless boy. Did you realize you were too weak to fight me on your own? Or, are you looking to die as he did?" Buu taunted, forcing himself deeper against her torso.

White-hot anger surges within Blooming Essence core. However, instead of lashing out, she focused on it. As her master said, it's easy to get lost in your emotion and serve under them. But, the hallmark of a true fighter is for their feelings to help them. She tried to focus but getting crushed made it difficult. But, it paled in comparison to what she was about to do. "Kiao Ken..."



All at once, the mountain crumbled around the two. Blooming instant mass gain made the alicorn double in size and power. Bloomings' aura flared so intensely that it scorched Buu from the touch alone. Now it was Majin Buu who was grunting in discomfort as Blooming tightened her grip and walked forward. Buu's eyes widen in shock as he stares into the pure white eyes of the fused alicorn. The brisk walk turned into a full gallop as Blooming leaped into the air and slammed Buu hard into the ground. But she didn't stop there. Blooming began a trail of destruction, dragging Buu across the land and back into the city. The others regrouped and saw the large fissure heading toward them. Naturally, assuming it was Buu, everyone went on guard. However, shock dominated everyone's face at Blooming's new form, shoving the pink terror.

"Whoa. Blooming Essence jacked!" Gotenks said in awe.

"She must be using the Kiao Ken. But, I've never seen this variation before," Twilight stated.

"The benefit of fusion, I bet. I doubt Scootaloo could do this on her own. But, now, she has two other ponies adding to her strength," Piccolo deduced.

"Perhaps her claim of 'strongest alicorn' was not mere boasting," Luna said.

"She has my full backing," Celestia stated.

"She's treating him like a beachball!" Cadence said.

"Hey, that gives me an idea!" Gotenks said, flying out to the battle. "Over here! Throw him to me!" Blooming saw Gotenks and complied, hauling Buu towards the boy. "Screaming Banshee Nasher!" Several rings flew from Gotenks before solidifying around Buu's form, turning him into an absolute ball.

"Um, you turned him into a ball?" Ocena asks.

"Yep. Everyone gathers around. I'll need some help for this next bit,"

"Gotenks. We agreed no more games!" Piccolo reminded.

"Yeah, I know. But, this attack will do some serious damage the more people assist with it. You do want to save the world, right?"

"I'm game," Galder said.

"Me too," Sand Stream supported.

"It could be fun in a helpful way," Ocena reasoned.

"I get to spike it," Blooming said in a strained voice.

Piccolo groaned as he got into position. "...Let's get this over with before Buu escapes..."

"Alright, Twilight, serve us up," Gotenks said, tossing the ball over to the princesses.

Twilight caught the make-shift ball in her magic as she looked confused for a moment. The other princess shrugged and waved her off. "Okay, service!" She tosses the ball back to Gotenks.

"One!" Gotenks said, punching it away.

"Two!" Sand Stream said, swatting the ball with his seapony fin.

"Three!" Ocena said while headbutting the ball upwards.

"Four!" Piccolo groaned out, hitting the ball higher.

"Five!" Galder shouted, adding some fire to her high kick with her turn.

Blooming appeared in the ball's path with her Ki charged in her right fist. "SPIKE!!!"

She thrust hard at the ball with all the might three ponies could afford to her. Not unlike a shooting star crashing into the Earth's surface, the result was that. The shockwave traveled for miles, destroying every window in the city and crumbling every unstable building and rock formation foundation. Our heroes collected themselves as they headed out to the epicenter of the detonation. There was nothing in the outskirts save for a massive hole in the ground. The group landed on the edge of the sphere while scanning the area. While devasting, everyone refused to let their guard slip for even a moment without visual confirmation. And sure enough, our heroes due diligence paid off. Buu shot out of the hole and landed in front of them. However, he was far worse for wear than he had ever been at any point in his life. He bore scorch marks of third-degree burns. Parts of his body were still distorted and mutilated. And his face was a visage of pure anger and agony. Surprisingly, Majin Buu didn't retaliate right away. Instead, he opted to let his pain-filled grunts and moans reverberate throughout the area.

"What's it going to take to keep this freak down!?" Galder asks.

"It's like everything we do, he shrugs it off," Gotenks said.

"No, he's feeling it," Blooming Essence said.

"She's right. You may not have defeated Buu yet, but you wounded his pride. The mental aspect matters just as much as the physical one. Buu was caught off guard from the amount of resistance you all are giving him," Piccolo stated.

"So, we almost got him?" Sand Stream asks.

"I think so; he looks awful," Ocena noted.

"Hear me, beast. If you do not wish to suffer anymore, you will submit!" Celestia all but decreed.

"No! You won't hurt him anymore!" Cozy said, flying between Buu and our heroes. Her eyes threatened to shed tears at the sight of her friend.

"Still, you side with the monster? Never in all my years have I seen a pony so deluded, let alone a foal," Luna said in a disapproving tone.

"Cozy, it's time to stop this," Twilight said gently.

"You're only hurting yourself by helping him," Cadence cosigns.

"It doesn't matter!" Blooming said, cupping her hands together. "We can punish her later. Now, though, we finish what we started!"

The fusion followed her example and took a similar stance with varying Ki energies building. "If you thought that last attack stung. Then, you're for a real treat! Super--" It happened in an instant. If one blinked, they would've missed Gotenks separate into two boys. "Hey, I'm me? And, you're you!? Ahh!" Trunks and Goten said in a panic.

Everyone's eyes went wide at this disastrous turn of events. "What happen-- Urk!?" Blooming began, only to suffer the same fate and split apart.

Although, unlike Goten and Trunks, the three mares were slow to return to a vertical. All three of the mares' limbs trembled from fatigue as Applebloom spoke. "W-why do I feel so weak...?"

"M-my whole body aches!" Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo, being the only one to understand their plight, explained. "W-we used too much power. You two aren't used to drawbacks," She panted. A growing pit of concern was forming in her stomach.

"No! Why now at this critical moment!?" Piccolo grunted in frustration.

"B-but, it hasn't been thirty minutes! Everyone else is still fused!!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"It would appear that there were some caveats to this technique that Goku didn't have time to tell us..." Celestia said grimly.

"But, what does this mean for us?!" Cadence asks, growing more concerned as Buu begins to heal.

Luna scowled fiercely at Buu's smug expression. "A grim turn of events, indeed. But, we shall not cower!"

"But, what do we do?" Galder asks.

"Blooming and Gotenks were heavy hitters!" Ocena said in a panicked voice.

"We can't fight him on our own!" Sand Stream added.

"Golly. From the sound of it, you're all in a pickle. That is what happens to mean ponies and creatures that reject friendship. I guess you just have to surrender now," Cozy suggests innocently.

"How about I come over there, and flame broils you instead!" Galder roared.

"Hehehe...." Buu's chilling laughter echoed out. Our heroes went on guard, only for the shock to adorn their features as Buu laughed even harder. "Ahahaha-haha hahaha!!!" His wounds have long since healed, but he did not attack. Once Buu finished laughing, he fixed a smile on everyone present before sitting down and falling asleep. Cozy looked between Buu and our heroes before rushing to the pink menace, attempting to wake him.

"What the, he fell asleep?" Goten asks.

"It looks like it. Come on, let's check," Trunks said.

The boys didn't take two steps before multiple auras dragged them back. "Are you two crazy!?" Twilight said in a harsh whisper.

"We may have a golden opportunity here," Celestia said.

"We must regroup for now. Wait until Blooming Essence and Young Gotenks rejoin the battle," Luna said.

"What about her?" Glader gestures to Cozy, who is trying to rouse Buu. "We can't leave with her trying to wake him up. And, he might not stay asleep for the full thirty minutes,"

"If I'm being honest, it feels like w-we'll need longer than that to recover," Scootaloo grunted out. The three mares were still trembling on the ground.

"Um, hey. What's that?" Sand Stream asks, pointing to the sky.

Everyone turned in the direction he was pointing to see a minor figure in the distance. Piccolo was the first one to speak. "I don't believe it. It's Goku!!!"

"Really!?" Twilight exclaimed with joy.

Scootaloo squints hard into the sky. The figure was getting closer, and she could recognize a familiar Gi to her own. However, as the mysterious person's face became more apparent, Scootaloo's vision blurred with tears. Looking at Sweetie and Applebloom, she could see tears brimming with them. "I-I-It's Gohan!!!"

"My brother!?" Goten shouted in awe.

It was true. Gohan had returned where others believed him to be one of Buu's many victims. He soars briefly overhead before landing between our heroes. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle momentarily forgot their fatigue and rushed to their stallion. Each mare latched onto Gohan's arms while Scootaloo got to her hooves. "You're alive. You here!!!" Sweetie cried.

"I thought we'd never see you again," Applebloom bawled out.

Gohan smiles down at his mare before looking toward Scootaloo. The orange pegasus was on a delayed response at the sight of him. It didn't last long as she stumbles toward him and hugs his neck. She joined her friends in, crying softly into his chest. "I saw you. I saw you get blown away..." Scootaloo mumbles.

"That is true, Young Gohan. We thought your fate was all but sealed," Luna interjected.

"Yeah, that would've been the case if it wasn't for Kibito and the Supreme Kai," Gohan replied. He sent a sharp glare in Buu's direction. "But, that is in the past. I'd say we focus on the here and now,"

"Then, the wish we made earlier did work," Twilight reminded.

"Yeah. It turns out that was the right call,"

"I see you are honoring your father with your new look. You wear them well," Celestia compliments.

"Thanks. I figure it was the best way to always have him with me," Gohan said with a sheepish smile.

'Wow. Goten. You look so different and strong now! You're not even a Super Saiyan!" Goten said excitedly.

"Thanks, little bro. You've gotten stronger too. You did a good job holding down the fort with your friends," Gohan said, riffing his brother's hair. Galder, Sand Stream, and Ocena shied away from the praise.

Piccolo stayed back, still reeling from the shock of seeing his pupil alive and well, as he thought quietly to himself. 'I've known you since you were a boy, Gohan. But, I hardly recognize you. Your face; it's changed a little. And your power increased dramatically. But that's not it. It's your attitude. It's so different. You're so confident...'

"Where are the others?"

"They're all dead! He killed them!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Yeah, along with the whole planet!" Goten added.

Gohan grimaced at the news. "What about Dende? Is he alright?"

"There was no trace of the Earth's guardian when we returned from the chamber," Celestia stated with remorse.

"And, without Dende, we can't use the Dragonballs. We can't bring back our loved ones," Twilight tearfully said.

Gohan was growling now as he looked at Buu's smug grin. 'Wait. I feel something. It's faint because Buu's power is overshadowing it. But, I can still feel several other Ki signatures,' Gohan gestured for his mares to let go as he walked towards Buu.

Upon seeing this, The crusaders immediately stop him. "No way! We are not letting you fight that monster again. We just got you back," Scootaloo said.

"I know it was hard thinking I was dead. I wanted to stop my training and let you know I was alright. But, you know the threat Buu represents. Trust me. It won't go like last time,"

The crusaders share a look before relenting and letting their stallion go. "I will hold you to that promise," Cadence said with a stern look. "As the princess of love, It's bad form for a herd stallion to lie to his mares,"

Gohan smirks at her before finally walking over to Majin Buu. Cozy Glow wisely steps away as Buu and Gohan face off. The height difference was staggering between the two, with Gohan only coming up to Buu's chest. But, the look of confidence on the Saiyan's face did not waver. "I remember you. I've beaten you before. Do you think you're strong enough to fight me now?" Buu snidely asks.

"Fight you? No, I want to kill you," Gohan shot back.

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