• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,289 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 28: Revival!

Author's Note:

The stories going on hiatus for a bit because I will be moving to a new apartment.


High over the horizon, a long, serpentine-like dragon, Shenron, soars through the skies. Upon his head were the likes of Gohan, Goten, and Trunks enjoying the ride. Moments later, a portal opens. Flying past the dragon, Vegeta, and Piccolo enter the portal first as the trio looks on in awe. Shenron lets out a roar as he follows the two through it. The scenery quickly changes from Earth to Equis.

Celestia enjoyed a teacup on her balcony with her sister Luna as Shenron exits the background portal. Fluttershy was busy tending to the animals in her sanctuary as Angel bunny frantically points to the dragon above. The yellow pegasus looks up and gasps at the sight. Over in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack hauling in her product before a large gust of wind from Shenron's passing blows her hat off. The farm mare puts down her produce and gives chase. In Ponyville, Pinkie gasps as she hovers in the air while Shenron passes. A moment later, the party mare disappears, leaving behind an outline of smoke. Rarity struggles on a new line at the carousel boutique, featuring the combat Gi's Spike and Scootaloo wore before Shenron passes by her window. A look of inspiration hit the fashion mare as she quickly stretches something out before running outside. Rainbow Dash was resting on a cloud when she spotted Shenron in the skies. Looking at their destination, Rainbow shot off her perch with her signature sonic rain-boom. The trios of Saiyans leap off the great dragon while landing in front of the castle. There, Twilight is standing at the entrance, waving them over. The rest of the elements of harmony, Piccolo and Vegeta, were there to greet them.

Elsewhere, Dragonlord Ember was walking through a hellish landscape. The silhouette of a massive dragon was reaching toward her. She closes her eyes, only to open them again as Spike looks at her with concern. In a coliseum filled with cheering spectators, Scootaloo walks in with the EAT belt around her waist. Her opponent was a man in a brown and white Gi that sported an afro. She shoots her opponent a confident grin as the two charges one another. A second later, Scootaloo sends her rival out of bounds as two announcers - one blond human and Earth pony of similar features - declare her the winner. High above the castle of friendship, the Great Saiyaman floats above the structure as the sun rises. He smirks as he flies off into the rising sun.

The sunsets as the moon rising over a statue of Goku. Spike and Scootaloo stood there wearing somber expressions at the loss of their beloved mentor. However, the transparent image of Goku puts a reassuring hand on Scootaloo's and Spike's shoulders. They turn around in shock at his appearance. He smiles at his pupils before he fades away, with the two of them chasing after him. They don't get far as several figures cloaked in shadows appear before them. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten land beside them as they all take combat stances. There was a staredown between the two factions before they collide in an explosion of light. Finally, the ponies and dragons stand next to the Z fighters in front of the School of Friendship. Goku lands between his wife while draping his arm over Gohan's shoulder. They both share wide grins for their friends and family.

[Volcanic plane - Third Person Pov.]

"HAAAA!!!" Vegeta ad Goku screamed together as their fists clash. They were trading blows at lightning-fast speeds before locking hands. Vegeta pushes Goku back just as a solar beam of magic descended upon their previous position. Breaking their hold, Vegeta blocks several attacks before vanishing away from a roundhouse attempt. Goku does the same as Spi-Roh chases down Scootaloo with Ember close behind them. Luna's motions were a blur as she twirls her scythe, fending off a beam as it pushes her down. Chrysalis appears in Spi-Roh, avoiding the deadly solar beams, causing the drake to tackle her inadvertently. The two slam into the ground as Spi-Roh grabs the former queen by the throat. He raises his free hand. But Ember kicks the drake away. Daybreaker was still high above, continuously raining death beams. This action forced everyone ground level to evade constantly.

"This is crazy!" Scootaloo exclaimed, using her Ki to deflect another blast of magic.

"We need to take her out now, or we can't fight properly," Ember stated.

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little light show?!" Spi-Roh said, appearing between both dragon and mare. Placing both hands toward their stomach, the dark drake pushes Ember away with a pulse while blasting Scootaloo away with Ki. Smiling to himself, Spi-Roh stood. "Amateurs. that's what you get for getting distracted,"

"Verily!" Luna replied. Spi-Roh quickly whips around, only for Luna to grab his muzzle. Her flash white before Spi-Roh found himself frozen instantly. Scootaloo, Chrysalis, and Ember returned to her side as she forms a shield and looks up at her sister. "That will not hold him for long. We must stop Daybreaker's assault now!"

"And what do you suggest!? None of us can get through that heat dome she's created!" Chrysalis snapped. "You have ice magic. Freeze her like the reptile!"

"My sister's abilities and mine severe to counter the other. I can put out as much as she can, but it will only be a stalemate," Luna brings a hand to the petrol around her neck. "My petrol can cease the flow of mana Daybreaker is getting from the sun. The dilemma we face is getting it around her neck," Luna tuns to Chrysalis with a mild look of contempt. "Mind manipulation is at play here. Being that distasteful practice is a specialty of yours, who not break it?"

"As much as I loathe to admit, that imp's magic is adequate. I have been trying to piece through this whole time. But it's like running into a rubber wall, and I keep getting pushed backed. And even then, I can only manage to loosen its hold,"

Scootaloo racks her brain before an idea begins to form. "I bet I can plow through, but I something stopping the heat," Scootaloo stated.

"I can grant other creatures protection from extreme heat," Ember offers.

"Perfect! Princess Luna can use her magic to counter Daybreaker's, and with your protection, I can knock some sense long enough for Chrysalis to do her thing,"

"Do not insult my craft with your ignorance!" Chrysalis growled.

Scootaloo gave her a dismissive way. "Yeah, yeah, Spike's melting over there. Be ready when I deck her, and let's do this-- MAXIMUM KAIO-KEN!!!"

Both Luna and Scootloo took off in the air as Luna's horn flared to life while spinning her weapon. "Ice Age!!!" A dome of below zero magic appeared around Luna and shot out to Daybreaker. Seeing this, Daybreaker roars as her magic expands. The two spheres of mana collide as vast amounts of steam filled the air.

Ember held up her staff as she spoke with authority. "I beseech the specter to imbue you with the hide of the dragon!!!"

Scootaloo was gaining on her target as her sleek shining scales appear over her fur. she got loser and closer to the two spheres and immediately felt the heat despite the added protection and Luna's efforts to cool it down. The space around her became distorted as she pushed against the invisible wall of heat. Scootaloo was sweating profusely, and her new scales were quickly overheating. The orange mare was on the verge of passing out before a light green aura covers her form. Looking back, she saw Chrysalis focusing her magic on her. With a smirk, Scootaloo turns back and flares her aura brightly. She pushed past Daybreaker's defenses, much to the corrupted alicorn's shock, and made good on her promise. Scootaloo cocks back her right hand and thrust it forward. A Kaio-ken imbued scale fist to the muzzle was a new experience for Daybreaker. Her head recoils back from the blow a shockwave erupts from the impact, dispelling her heat dome in its entirety. At the same time, Chrysalis' green aura shifted from Scootaloo to Daybreaker while encompassing her head.

"RAH!?" Day Breaker had no time to react as Luna appears before her and places the petrol around her neck. Instantaneous, she lost her supernova state and fell to the ground. As an added measure, Luna conjured an inhibitor ring and placed it around Daybreaker's horn. Effectively removing her from the fight. Her nice burning mane was now a single shade of red, much like Luna was when the elements depowered her after her return from banishment. Scootaloo was squealing internally at the victory. She always wanted to match up against either Celestia or Luna, but they always declined due to safety concerns. But, fighting and beating a corrupt version still counted in her book. Daybreaker struggled to her hands and knees as she glare at everyone in contempt. "You dare do this to me?! Me, you future empress!!!"

"Why is she still like this?" Scootaloo asked.

"That imp's magic is tied to the enslaved as much as it is tied to himself," Chrysalis grunted in annoyance. "Either Celestia finds the will to break free - which I highly doubt - or we end the one who cast the spell!"

Luna kneels to her sister as she pleads with her. "Please, sister, you must break free. That wizard may have preyed on your vulnerabilities, but you still overcame. You lead Equestria through a time of uncertainty. That takes strength that even I lack. The number of mares that can accomplish such a feat is barely a handful. Return to your true self,"

"...You don't get it, sister. This is my true self!!! Celestia is weak - always has been and will be - if that fact were not true, I would not exist. I spun myself out of nothing. I was not born of the master magics. I am Celestia-- No! I am more true than Celestia will ever admit!"

A lone tear began to build in Luna's right eye, but she blinks it away. "Then the only recourse is to slay that contemptible wizard. A feat I am sure Sir Gohan's party is well on their way to accomplishing!"

"Funny, I haven't been 'freed' yet. And before you entertain the notion of helping those fools, you may want to turn around,"

Chrysalis had enough and knocked Daybreaker out with a swift kick. Feeling the stares, she looks back to two glares. "What? You all were getting sick of her too. She even had the gull to try that trie that old tripe of something behind us,"

At the moment, several cracks echoed out as everyone whips around to Spi-Roh. They saw cracks spreading through his frozen form until his arm breaks free, followed by his tail and his head. His glare was enough to make them all flinch as he spews fire to free the rest of his body. Once he was freed, the mares and dragoness arched a brow as Spi-Roh muscles started to spasm. It took only a moment for Ember to realize what was happening and took to the skies. Scootaloo was confused but followed after her along with Luna and Chrysalis. They studied Spi-Roh carefully as his left arm spasmed more and more until it stretched out and doubled in size. Next came his torso as his muscles burst out and expanded. His legs grew to support the rest of his body. Finally, his facial features morphed to become more predatory and menacing. With his transformation complete, Spi-Roh stood twelve feet tall. His pupils were gone, leaving a blank murderous stare, while his aura glows ominously.

He turned to his opponents in question and spoke in a guttural growl. "Time for round three!!!"

[Babidi's ship - Level Four.]

"How much deep does this level go?" Gohan asks as he dealt with another of Babidi's enslaved.

"Not much further now. I can feel Babdidi's presence getting closer," Supreme Kai stated.

"He has a lot more creature enthralled than I would care to like..." Sombra stated, using his shadow tendrils to ensnare those under his control. "I must admit that I didn't think so many creatures of Equis hold such darkness,"

Gohan dodges a punch from a minotaur before countering with an uppercut. "They might not be s impure as they seem. They could be like Celestia. Otherwise, he would turn you Sombra, right?"

"Another miscalculation on my part. I knew the magic of this planet would aid Babidi in his endeavor, but not to this extent. This is why we must exercise caution with our takedowns as not to cause permanent damage,"

"Then, this should make things easier," Sombra stated as he waves his hand toward the hallway they came from and sealed it with a large crystal spike.

As they continued, they came across another passaged that was clear of any guards. "Babidi is beyond this door,"

"As well as a few others..." Sombra noted.

"Well then, let's no keep them waiting!" Gohan said, gathering his Ki and blowing the doors apart. Inside was Bsbidi snd Dabura, as well as Gera and Cozy Glow. All of them had their back to our heroes.

"Babidi! It ends here!" Supreme Kai stated as Gohan and Sombra flared their auras. However, they received no reply from the wizard other than his trembling form.

"Oh, hey there," The filly addressed, flying up to our heroes who tense at her. "You're just in time!"

"You seem happy to see us despite knowing our mission," Sombra noted.

Supreme Kai narrows his eyes at the filly as he addresses Babidi again. "Sending a child to stall us? Are you out of dirty tactics, wretch!?"

"...No, there's no need!" Babidi stated, but his voice was barely above a whisper.

Naturally, our heroes were confused. "What? Are you giving up?" Gohan dared to ask.

"...Majin Buu is at full power..."

"WHAT!?" All three of our heroes exclaimed.

Babidi fully turns around to reveal the meter below the fleshy ball was indeed full. "MAJIN BUU IS AT FULL POWER!!!"

"I-Impossible! There's no way the container would reach full capacity so soon!!!" Supreme said in disbelief. But, the evidence was right before him.

"It's easy to deuce the rapid gain in energy from your friends. Aside from eight sources to draw from, two of those sources are undoubtedly stronger than the others put together; meter being full is the result,"

"She's right! My dad and Vegeta must be fighting at the ascended level!" Gohan stated in alarm.

"Given the power Vegeta radiated, it makes sense Goku would need as much to face him!" Sombra growled.

"Such a shame you lot, isn't it? All your efforts to stop Majin Buu's revival have amounted to nothing. You were doomed from the very start!"

"I can't wait. We get to meet a new friend! I hope he isn't cranky from such a long nap," Cozy Glow said, clapping her hands.

The big ball began to admit a copious amount of steam. "Oh, this won't do. I doubt the first thing you want to see is a stuffy old ship, my lovely Buu. Let's get some fresh air to properly tart the carnage we'll wreak!" The area morphed back to the outside as the steam freely billows to the air. "It won't be much longer now!"

"W-we, we must retreat!" Supreme said. Gohan and Sombra stared at him in shock, even more so to see him backing away with a look of abstract fear all over his features.

"What are you saying!?" Gohan demand.

"We missed our only window to stop this! Retreat on my signal,"

"You're saying we flea like cowards!! Unacceptable! You, yourself, have continually stated that this Buu creature is a threat, and you want us to do nothing!" Sombra snapped.

"He's right! We got to stop this thing from hatching before it starts hurting people! You're the Supreme Kai, for goodness sake!!!" Gohan stated.

"YES! And unlike you all, I've seen what Buu is capable of, and it's more than our present state can handle! Now we must fall back. This is a time for strategy, Gohan, not blind heroics! We must regroup and wait for a better opportunity! We have to wait!"

"My wife and foal cannot wait!" Sombra shot back.

"I agree. I'm sorry, Supreme Kai, but we still have to try!" Gohan supported.

"PLEASE LISTEN TO ME - BOTH OF YOU! - WE NEED YOU ALIVE!!!" Supreme Kai pleaded desperately.

"But, there are people I care about - we care about - they'll be in danger!!!"


Turning to face the pod, Gohan steels his resolve. "And I won't sit back and watch them get hurt again!!!"

"Then it's agreed. We stop this, here and now!" Sombra added.

Both Sombra and Gohan raised their energy as they prepared their attacks. Gohan cupped his hands together and raised them to his head. "Let's make them work for it!" Sombra nodded and brought up his hands. One help Ki while the other wielded magic. Gohan fires his family's signature move while Sombra shot the twin beams at the pod. All three attacks connected at the same time, resulting in massive as Babidi and his minions scattered. However, the smoke cleared to reveal the ball without so much as a scratch. "Pour it on!!" Gohan told Sombra. The former king nodded, and they both fired continuous beams at the pod.

"He's very present," Gera noted.

"More like rude! I thought good ponies were supposed to fight fair. Mr. Buu hasn't even come out yet," Cozy Glow stated.

"Fret not master, I shall dispose of these nuances!" Dabura promised.

However, Babidi stops him by tugging on his cape. "Oh, I am not at all worried. If the brute force were all it took to crack that shell, I would've easily done so already. So let the fools waste their time,"

True to Babidi's words, Gohan and Sombra weren't making any progress damaging the fleshy shell. Switching tactics, Sombra summons a crystal spike beneath the pod, launching skyward. Gohan fires a more intense beam as it fell. Summoning his spike again, but in the air, Sombra bombards the pod for several seconds before stopping. To their combined frustration, the shell remains unscathed. It rolled around briefly before a pink mist shot out of the crevice running along with the frame. Finally, the ball cracks open as a huge cloud of pink mist ascends to the air and seemingly dissipates. No one dared to move for several seconds as silence dominated the scene.

"It's empty?" Gera stated, sounding confused for the first time.

"What?" Babidi asked.

"Master, is something else suppose to happen?" Dabura asked.

"Of course not! That was it. Majin Buu should be here!"

"Maybe, the spell was a dud," Cozy glow offers, only to et a glare in response.

Supreme Kai into the two shells for longer than anyone until a small chuckle escapes his lips. Before long, he'd gained everyone's attention as he broke out into what seemed like maniacal laughter. Growling at this development, Babidi hollers. "And just what's so funny? You did something, didn't you, wretched Kai!!!"

"I am laughing at the irony of all this. All the time I spent fearing Buu's revival when in reality, Buu has been gone all along,"

"Yeah, but why?" Gohan asks.

"We only assume that all this time spent locked away let him decay to the hands of time. Regardless, fate has turned in our favor. Without Majin Buu, Babidi is nothing!"

"Then, all that's left to do is take Dabura out and free everyone under Babaidi's control," Gohan said confidently, taking his stance. However, Gohan notices Sombra was staring at something. "Hye, what's wrong?"

"..." Sombra said nothing but merely pointed to the sky.

Everyone followed Sombra's gesture to a mass of pink hover above them. "I'm getting a terrible feeling!" Gohan said nervously.

"But, what is the significance of it?" Sombra asks.

The cloud seemed to shift in places before certain areas started to take shape. "Hey, look, something's forming," Babidi announces.

Parts of the cloud start jut out and take shape. The center mass was becoming more and more defined until the cloud solidified. Its body was all pink in color but also portly and rotund. It had holes surrounding its antenna and running down both its arms. It had a purple cape hanging over a black vest and white baggy pants. It wore a pair of yellow gloves and booties on its hands and feet. Its belt had the patented Majin logo displayed prominently. Throwing its arms and legs out, it shouted in a high, almost child-like declaration.


Vegeta kicks Goku across the ground as the Saiyan from Earth left two trenches in his wake. He stops just short of a cliffside overlooking a sea of lava below. Goku briefly looks down at it before turn back to see Vegeta winding up for a knee strike. Goku blocks the first one as Vegeta begins an assault of blows. Every strike shook the ground until it crumbles beneath Goku's feet. Thankfully, the Saiyan from earth uses his Ki to keep aloft. Goku launches a kick of his own, but Vegeta manages to block it. Tey exchanges blow briefly before Vegeta lands a high kick to Goku's jaw. He charges in to push his advantage, but Goku power's up and connects with a right hook to Vegeta's face. Vegeta responds with an electrified roundhouse, but Goku blocks and returns with a straight, which was blocked by a forearm. Sparks, dust, and debris flew everywhere amongst their assault, yet neither could gain the upper hand. However, as they both charged at each other again, they suddenly stopped. They both looked toward the east with varying expressions. Vegeta is one of indifference. And Goku's being one of concern.

"Vegeta, did you feel that? That power level has got to be Majin Buu!"

Instead of replying, Veget begins to chuckle. "It's as I thought. ThisMajin Buu' creature is nothing! At least, not to the standard you and I have set!"

"No, it goes deeper than that. I know you can feel it too. His power - it's something dark - unlike anything I've ever felt so far!"

"As if that's any concern of mine. Ha!" Vegeta fires a Ki blast that Goku is forced to dodge. However, this was a ploy. Appearing behind Goku, Vegeta tries to land an attack from behind. However, Goku turns the tables and flickers above Vegeta, driving his elbow into his back. He recovers and lands a left hook, but Goku returns with an uppercut to his stomach. As they glide above the lava trading blows, the molten rock shoots more and more geysers. One shoots up between Goku and Vegeta as the Saiyan prince shoots more Ki blast through it. Goku weaves between most of them before chopping another in half. Vegeta fires four more, to which Goku repeated his actions, leaving them open. Vegeta slams his knee hard against Goku's stomach, momentarily causing him to blackout. The Saiyan prince then proceeds to put Goku in a headlock and div downward. "What's the matter, clown!?" Another earthquake erupted from the impact.

Spi-Roh leaps into the air with his fist raised high and slammed onto the mares position. The impact caused massive spider-webbed cracks to shoot out. Turning his head, Spi-Roh felt magical blasts bombard his position. Scoffing, he opens his maw and shot a deadly beam at his offenders. Chrysalis and Luna scatter as the beam flew by them. However, Scootaloo and Ember flicker before him and drive their fist into his abdomen. The corrupted drake hunches over slightly before swiping at them with his right claw. The two manage to dodge, but the resulting shockwave blew them away. Luna soars past her comrades, catching them with her magic, as she brought down her repentance. Spi-Roh catches the weapon, but his hand starts to freeze over again. Growling at this, Spi-Roh lifts Luna and slams her behind him, thus breaking the ice. The alicorn grunts in pain as Spi-Roh prepared to bring his free hand down. However, Chrysalis' whips wrap around his neck and pull him back. Spi-Roh grunted as he tries to pull the bindings from his neck. But the former queen conjures more tendrils to wrap around his arms and legs. With a hard tug, Spi-Roh fell backward. Chrysalis summons blades above the drake and brought them down.

"No, wait!" Ember shrieked.

Fortunately or not, an emerald shield appears above Spi-Roh and the blades shattered against it. Flipping around and breaking the tendrils, Spi-Roh glares at the former queen, and he spews fire again. The flames were much stronger and had a wider spread. Chrysalis teleports away. Spi-Roh's attack left a massive tench of scorched earth. Chrysalis reappears above the destruction as a beat of sweat fell from her brow. Whether it was from the heat or nervousness, she couldn't tell. She spares one glance at the dragon before gasping as he flickers to her position. However, Scootaloo met him halfway, slamming their forearms together. They began to exchange blows, with Spi-Roh landing more and more attacks until Ember jumps into the fray. The two of them together manage to land some hits against his torso, yet Spi-Roh was still holding his ground. Luna rejoins the battle, expertly wielding her scythe to avoid hitting their comrades. Spi-Roh was put more on the defensive until Chrysalis adds her might as well. Thus, leaving the corrupted drake receiving more attacks than he could return. His scale absorbs most of the assault, but the attacks were coming from every angle. He knew how to deal with Ember and Scootaloo. But Luna and Chrysalis added enough of an edge to throw his timing off. Curling up, Spi-Roh erupts into flames, creating separation. The opposing groups prepared to reengage again when everyone felt itโ€”a powerful surge of Ki energy.

"...You all felt that too, right...?" Ember asks, her tone soft and meek.

Scootaloo allows a lump down her throat as she looks in the direction of that foul energy. "...Yeah..."

Chrysalis black chitin had a noticeable green tint across her muzzle. Yet, it was clear from her expression that it was not a blush of embarrassment; it was one of horror and fear. "This creature is beyond us...!"

A grim expression adorned Luna's face as sweat begins to form. "...What is the status of Sir Goku's battle? I fear only he can stop this Buu creature now!"

Spi-Roh held the same shock as everyone else. A sudden nervousness took hold as he completed his place by the master's side now that he had Majin Buu. His new job doesn't have the greatest security. But, if he could kill his enemies and bring their corpses to him, then that would be one less headache to deal with in the future. Spi-Roh instantly thrust his hands forward as Ki gathers in both them and his maw. Scootaloo notices this as the beams barreled toward them. She jumps in front of Luna with her guard up, but the beam pushes her and the princess of the night away. Chrysalis wasn't so fortunate as the beam struck her in the chest, knocking the wind from her. Ember gasps as she saw the former queen fall towards the lava pits. She flickers to catch her, but her mate appears and grabs her by the neck and Chrysalis by the heel.

"You know, I always wondered what burning chitin smells like..." Spi-Roh grinned as Ember struggles to free herself. Spi-Roh dangled the queen of the edge as a geyser erupts.

"Spike, please, you're not a monster!" Ember pleaded.

"Spike isn't. But, then again, he was never real," With a cruel smirk, SpiRoh let's go of Chrysalis heel as a geyser erupts directly below her. The rising molten rock completely consumes Chrysalis before sinking back down. "Huh, I thought it would be more of an earthy smell - like burning grass - oh, well," Ember growls at this and flexes her power. Spi-Roh does the same to reinforce her grip. "Why do you even bother? I could match up with your dad in his prime, and you're only a little bit stronger, thanks to me. Besides, I can tell ur pulling your punches. You don't want to hurt your little Spikey-Wiky. Now, you can be a good mate and stop--"

Ember threw to her leg and connected with SPi-Roh's lower jaw, forcing him to let go. Spi-Roh rubs his lower jaw and snarls as Ember took a stance. Spi-Roh snorted as he crouches down and jumps to his left, narrowly avoiding Luna's scythe. The moment he landed, Spi-Roh used his tail to deflect another Kamehameha from Scootaloo. Coming back to Ember's side, the two groups were once again n a stand-off. Before they could continue, another surge of Ki from Gohan's direction. Scootaloo gritted her teeth at this and turned to her fellow student.

"We can't waste any more time! They need us over there to stop that monster!"

"Worried about your boyfriend? Shouldn't have more faith in your stallion?" Spi-Roh taunted.

"You are turning to be such a disappointment, Spike. The horrid wizard has achieved his goal. Now, you are disposable to him!" Luna stated.

"Who knows, who cares. I'm betting if I make things easier by killing all of you, then my place with the master is secured," Spi-Roh said.

Ember steps food as she grips the Bloodstone Specter tightly. "Can you kill us? Can you even kill me!?" Ember challenged. "From the looks of things, you're barely holding your own. Just like me, you are pulling your punches because no matter how much you deny it, Spike is still there!" The gem glowed atop her scepter as two streams of flames appeared. However, like she did this before, only her flame was a solid stream while Spike's flowed in broken pieces.

Spi-Roh stared at her blankly for a few moments before he hunched over, laughing. "W-Wow. That's the best joke I've heard in forever. You are completely deluded. What you see is nothing more than broken remnants of a fake personality. You should turn your ire on that alicorn next to you for deceiving you into thinking you found love! And, by my count, you three seem to be missing someone,"

"My sister and I place no such false persona on you. The spell we cast regressed your age - that much is the truth - but who you became after was the result of a loving environment," Luna stated.

"Bah, just another way of saying you brainwashed me, groomed me into being what you wanted!"

Ember shakes her head at this. "No, you are wrong. You cannot change the core nature of a dragon. Otherwise, we wouldn't be fighting you now. However, you have been ignorant of how a soulbond works. If Spike were fake, there would be nothing at all. He is as much a part of you as you are to him," Ember snarls as she glare at her ancestral enemy. "And I am taking my mate back!"

"And how are you going to do that?"

"With some help of a few friends," She said with a smirk, noticing a figure appearing behind Spi-Roh.

"Urgh! They are so nauseating with that friendship spiel, aren't they?" Chrysalis said. Spi-Roh whirls around as he thrust his right claw forward. He felt his hand pierce something as well as hearing a gasp. He smiles deviously at the former queen as his claws stuck out of her stomach. However, that smile faded as Chrysalis gave one of her own. A moment later, her eyes melted into a slimy substance before exploding all over the drake. Spi-Roh recoils in disgust but quickly notices his movements slowing down. Chrysalis reappears next to Ember's group with a satisfied smile. "Do you like my shell? It makes for a good double in taking damage and quick escapes. Imbuing it with my magic also strips away any of the target's movements,"

"Damn you!" Spi-Roh roars. Ember walks closer as she hovers the bloodstone scepter between the two. "What do you think you can do? That stupid stick has never affected me!"

"It's not supposed to, I am. What you don't know, since you never bothered to experience a soulbond link before, is that the one who started it can assert their will if their mate is in dire peril. You claim you wanted to kill me, yet each time you had the chance, you held back or moved me out the way,"

"...I was only saving you for last, spawn of Torch!"

"Then why did you blast Scootaloo with a beam attack and not me? Why did you grab me when I went after Chrysalis instead of wounding me? Your masters gave you orders to finish us, yet you haven't. Why?" The gem atop the scepter began glowing brighter with every word.


"Because Spike is fighting like the rest of us. Now, I will help him!" The two streams slowly began to meld together. Ember focused our their time together. "You remember those silly little dates we went on all the time? You were so insistent that we do your style of courting. I didn't make it easy because, well, dragons don't do dating. But you got me to go to that hearts and hooves festival. That was the first time I had cotton candy. At first, I thought you were crazy. 'Who eats cotton?' I asked. But, you assured me it was delicious, and it was," The streams were blending more as Ember focused on her feelings. However, Spi-Roh would not give up so easily. The bond worked two ways, and he was going to exploit that. Ember winces as she could feel Spi-Roh fighting her, forcing his rage and animosity for all those who wronged him directly to her. The stream started to turn black as Ember gritted her teeth. "Quick, I need any fond memory of Spike. Anything!"

Scootaloo walks up to Spi-Roh as she smiles. "I remember back when we were foals getting into trouble trying to earn our cutie marks when we researched exotic creatures of the Everfree forest. We made a huge mess of the library while Twilight wasn't there, and you fell asleep watching us. Twilight came in and saw all her books lying everywhere. You took the blame for us even though you got grounded for a month. The girls and I always appreciated that. That was the day we realized that you were a blank flank too. It took us long enough, but you were made an honorary CMC after that day," As Scootaloo finished, the stream became more vibrant in color.

Luna stepped up next. "Do you remember that silly little best sibling competition? Twilight and Shining Armor were so focused on one another that they neglected the third sibling they had. A fatal blunder on their part as you have proven to be more shrood and cunning. I was overjoyed when you asked for my participation. The conversation I had with my sister after that was grating, but it was worth it to see her aggravation,"

She smiles up at Spi-Roh's glaring visage. "Spike isn't someone that's valued! Look at how easily they forgot about him! Spike was nothing more than a servant with an embroiled name tag!"

Luna shook her head firmly. "Is that why a statue was commissioned in your honor in the Crystal Empire?" Spi-Roh growls at this as the stream glows brighter. "What of the time you stopped that ice cloud from falling on top of the Equestrian games stadium after the archery mishap? These are feats you accomplished. Like it or not, Spike, you are valued," Spi-Roh shudders as he visibly shrunk in size. His scales were starting to take on a familiar shade of purple and green. As he began to roar, his voice's pitch sounded more and more like the Spike they all know and love. Even the Majin symbol was starting to flicker on and off.

"Twilight never stops sending me letters on the proper dragon customs," Ember spoke up again. "She would always berate herself about not knowing enough about dragons. When I asked why she was so adamant about learning from dragons, she said this..." Ember sends Spi-Roh a bright and genuine smile. "Because I have a little brother that has done so much for me. Learning how o make his life better is the least I could do since I love him so much.' And she is not the only one, Spike. So please, come back to me, come back us,"

The stream had small traces of black flame in them now as Ember drew closer. "S-stay back!" Spi-Roh demanded, yet there was no power behind his words. Ember was inches from his face now. A part of him tried to snap his jaws at her. But a bigger part shut down those thoughts. He stares into his mate's eyes, seeing no malice, pity, or concern. Only compassion and unyielding love for his weaker self. He saw her lips move to him as he felt something slipping from within. "N-no! STOP!!!"

"...I will never stop loving you..." Ember whispered in a tone Spike never heard as their lips met. Spi-Roh's eyes shot open as the red pupils shift to green. His body had shrunk back to his normal height while his scale was its normal shade once again. Ember pulls back, her smile even wider than before as the stream was a solid cyan color. Their bond was now reaffirmed. The Majin symbol on his forehead crumbled away while Spike stares at everyone with his mouth agape. Tears well up in his eyes as he embraces Ember in a tight hug. Spike buries his head against her shoulder as he choked back some sobs. Ember felt two more pairs of hands and wings join as Scootaloo smiles, and Luna nods.

Chrysalis rolls her eyes at the display but inches closer to taste the excess love. However, the moment was ruined when they all felt a sharp dip in someone's energy. Scootaloo shot up abruptly, concern and anxiety dominating her features. "Gohan!!!"

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