• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,289 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 39: Cult of Personality.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone. As a surprise, you're getting two gifts from me. One is this chapter and the other is a brand new story. Check it out.

(New Intro!)

Amidst a torn and broken landscape, Goku proceeds to walk forward with a fierce look of determination on his features. Image of his latest battles flashes above before he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Spike lands beside his master. The top portion of his Gi is gone to allow two new sets of wings to expand from his back. He is noticeably taller and more muscular than before. Images of the remaining dragons and Ember roll by in Spike's mind while his aura flares. It is now green with a shimmering gold outline. On Goku's left, an alicorn sharing some aspect of Scootaloo's features lands. She is as tall as Princess Celestia with a vibrant wingspan as long as Spike's. Flashes of the elements having a slumber party with the crusaders appear. Her aura flared out along with her magic as the trio came to a stop. The trio glare into a haze as Majin Buu emerges with Cozy sitting on his shoulder and several shadow figures behind them.

On The Supreme Kai planet, Gohan vigorously trains with the Z sword under the watchful eyes of Kibito and Supreme Kai. However, the sword begins to emit a bright light before the appearance of an Elder Supreme kai shocks the group. He holds his hand towards the boy as Gohan releases a bellow while his aura towers into the sky. Back on Equis, Chrysalis scoffs at the new Changeling kingdom as she starts to turn away. However, Ocellus grabs her hand and pleads with the former queen. The minor nymph points to the ominous aura in the distance. Chrysalis features soften for a moment before she sighs and flies off. Elsewhere, Sombra holds a box containing stone fragments while he stares at them somberly. A hand grips his shoulder as he turns to his wife and daughter. He hugs them before his loving smile turns stoic at the Glow over the horizon. He breaks the hug and flies over to it.

Sombra and Chrysalis land next to Goku's group as they power up. The shadows behind Buu begin to morph into a slender shape as it smiles sinisterly at our assembled heroes with red eyes. It crosses its arms as its clothes flowing in the wind with the prominent Majin insignia upon its belt shines. However, several shadows from behind our heroes as well. The first is of a boy sporting a cocky smile before a golden aura forms around him. Next to him were various other creatures native to Equis. Finally, another figure with spiky hair floats to meet the other shadow. The sparkle of its earrings catches the light as the opposing forces face each other. Buu made silly gestures with his tongue while Cozy flashed a cute smile before it turned manic. Goku narrows his eyes but sports a confident smile as he becomes a Super Saiyan 3 and leads the charge.

[Smoky Mountains]

"You sure this here is a good idea, Ernie?"

"Of course, I'm sure, you fool. Look around you, Dingus. Our home got reduced to nothing because of that monster. And our kin! Mama Marquette was expecting your new kin!"

"Okay, what are we going to do about it?"

"I got me one of those fancy human muskets..." The pony fiddled with the capsule until he finally managed to press the button, and a crate appeared. Ernie opened the container, revealing a variety of weapons and small incendiary devices. "I've taken a liking to this one myself!" The gun fit on the pony's hand like a glove. It had a rectangular barrel connecting to a built-in battery pack. Ernie grinned as he felt the weight of his arm cannon. "Yes, sir. This thing will turn that blob into swiss cheese,"

"These don't look any musket I saw," Dingus said, picking up a laser gun. He examines the weapon as his finger goes toward the trigger. A light beam shot past the two and struck a nearby rock, melting it into slag.

"Be careful with that, you ninny! Now, grab some of those fireballs, and we'll smoke that critter out of hiding,"

Hefting the laser over his shoulder, Dingus spoke. "Shouldn't we watch the place a bit more? What if there is our kinfolk inside?"

"You know as well as I do that any pony that monster comes near winds up dead,"

"But, we're going near it,"

"That's right. It's the element of surprise,"

"Ernie! You mean you're one of the elements of harmony!?" Slowly, very slowly. Ernie turns to his kin and slaps him across the head. "Ow!"

At the same time, Majin Buu sat at his table with a fork and spoon in his hand. He impatiently slams them against the table as he chants. "Food for Buu. Food for Buu. Yum yum! Food for Buu. Food for Buu! yum yum!"

"Don't you worry, Buu, this meal is going to hit the spot," Hercule called out from the kitchen.

"Do be quick about it. I swear, my servants are faster than this," Prince Blueblood said, standing next to the man. "While I am not one for such menial task, I assure you, venerable Majin Buu. That, once you sample a meal from the elite, you will never partake in any ramble elsewhere,"

Cozy sat adjacent to Majin Buu with a bored expression. Her eyes shifted to Gera sitting opposite of her examining a baby timber wolf on the floor. Cozy scoffs as she recalls the events of their new pet joining them. It was a typical day when Cozy unveiled what places to visit on their friendship tour, as she called them. That was until a scream went off in the kitchen. Blueblood was the only one there, despite the cry sounding distinctly feminine. Blueblood rushed into the kitchen and crouched on the counter while something raided the fridge. Buu walked up to find a wooden wolf eating some food. It was small, and Gera noted that it was also malnourished.

Seeing the timber wolf, Cozy tried to convince Buu to destroy it as Blueblood supported the idea. However, at the same time, the little cub notices Buu's approach and tries to ward him off. Majin Buu was more fascinated than afraid and bent down to the wayward pup. The timber wolf bit down on Buu's hand, but its teeth broke, earning a whine of pain. Blueblood tried to assert that Buu should destroy it, but Hercule disagreed. The world champ stated it was just a lost animal looking for food, not to mention a child. Hercule's words seem to resonate with Buu as he moves his hand again. This time, a stream of energy flows into the pup. The whining died down as it looked at Buu in confusion. The pup walks up to Majin Buu and sniffs his hand. After a few seconds, the timber wolf pup barks happily at the pink menace. Buu laughs as he cradles the wooden canine. Thus, the little filly had a new player pining for Buu's attention.

And Cozy hated it. It meant that she was losing control. 'Mr. Buu is my friend, not some living firewood, spoiled prince, and washed-up fraud of a champion!' Cozy thought to herself. She cast a baleful glare at Gera next. 'And you! You keep undermining me at every turn. 'There must be some way to get rid of these idiots. But, how?' The filly racked her brain, but nothing came to mind, so she left from the table.

"Um, hey. Where are you going? Don't you want to eat?" Hercule asks

"Oh, I'm just going to get some fresh air. Don't worry," Hercule nods at her sweet smile. But, the moment Cozy turned, her smile gave way to a frown of disgust. As she flew away from Buu, Cozy could hear the sound of bickering. She flies over to some nearby shrubbery to spies two stallions trying to haul a large crate.

"Dang it, Dingus. Lift with your legs more, and don't drop it this time!"

"I'm trying, Ernie. You took the lighter side!"

"It's not lopsided!"

"Um, excuse me?" Cozy asks, gaining the stallion's attention. And, inadvertently, forcing Dingus to drop the weapons crate. The action startled Ernie into firing off a shot from his arm cannon into the air. Cozy watched in stunned silence as the two stallions started bickering again. Cozy blows a raspberry in exasperation at the scene. "Great, more idiots..." Suddenly, her eyes went wide in realization. A devious smile soon made itself known as the filly eyed the weaponry. "Idiots with dangerous toys," Cozy clears her throat before she lets out a wailing cry and flies down to the stallions. "Misters. Mister. Please! You got to save me,"

"What the hoo-haw? It's a filly," Ernie said.

"She's dressed all proper-like. She must be from Canterlot or Manehattan," Dingus said. "What's the problem, little missy?"

Smiling inwardly at the two, she poured on the tears. "T-that monster that's been hurting everypony caught me. It said it was going e-e-eat me!!!!"

"Aw shoot. It's a good thing we didn't just storm the place, Ernie," Dingus stated.

"You are right there, Dingus. There might be other fellas in that den of horrors. Let's try and save them," Ernie said.

"NO! I mean, no. There was a group of us before, but that monster ate them all. It said it was saving me for dessert. One of the ponies was Prince Blueblood!"

Both the stallions gasped at the news. "You hear that, Dingus? That evil critter got to royalty!" Ernie exclaimed.

"Are you sure we can stop it ourselves? Maybe we should head further out into town and find some guards?" Dingus offered.

"There's no time! That monster will know I ran away and come looking for me. And who knows how long before we find the guards. You've got to stop him now. I don't want anypony else to get hurt!" Cozy cried, hugging Ernie on the leg. She had to stop herself from gagging from his smell.

"She's right, Dingus. That monster is bound to wreck everything like a wild hog in on a mudslide. We best hit him now while it's preoccupied," Ernie said.

Cozy sniffs as she rubs her eyes and says thanks to the stallions. "If you both don't mind me asking, what's in the crate?" Opening the crate, Cozy sees the weapons and grins evilly before Dingus pulls her back.

"Now hold on there, missy. These are dangerous human gizmos, not toys,"

"It's alright. I know what some of these things do," Cozy points to the incendiary explosives. "You should throw those things through the big hole in the front. Majin Buu is eating dinner right now. So, that's the best thing to start,"

The stallions agreed with her and gathered the explosives. Cozy hovers behind them as her sinister smirk grew. Meanwhile, within Buu's home, Hercule finished setting the table. Buu immediately began devouring his spread as Pine sat on his head. Gera calmly slips some tea while Blueblood recoils from Buu's display. "Um, pardon me, Lord Buu, your manners are atrocious,"

"Hmm? Manners?' Buu asks.

"It's how one conducts themselves while in the presence of others," Gera stated.

"Quite. You don't want to bring insult to your station by eating like a--" Blueblood pauses as Pine jumps down and messily devours his food. "...Like that. Being an esteemed member of royalty, I will happily teach you,"

"Ok, you teach Buu!" Blueblood went through all the steps of proper table etiquette, starting with placing a bid around Buu's neck. However, most of Blueblood's words flew over Buu's head. And, the pink terror wound up blowing his nose in the bid.

"Oh, don't stress too hard about all these fancy manners, Majin Buu," Hercule takes a bite of his sandwich, causing the crumbs to fall. "I got perfect manners, so you should follow my example. By the way, buddy, could you call that little filly in here? The Food's getting cold,"

"Anything to free me this display..." Blueblood grumbles.

However, as he began to stand up, two thuds sounded off. Everyone looked down at the table to see two incendiary bombs on the table. Everything moves in slow motion the devices glow brightly. Then, an explosion consumes the entirety of Majin Buu's home. The dust and debris surround the area now. The stallion started to cheer to themselves, but Cozy wanted a bird' eye view. She flew up over the smoke and surveyed the damage. She couldn't make out anything at first until she saw figures in the smoke. Cozy couldn't contain her glee when she could make out the shapes. Blueblood was on his back with serve burns running down his right side and a heavily cracked horn. The world champion Hercule was far worse. His Gi was gone, blown off by the initial explosion, and his entire upper body now had shrapnel embedded in it. Looking around further, Cozy's joy nearly plateau at the sight of Gera. She was lying face down, so Cozy couldn't see her face. But, most of her clothes were in ruins. And, her lab coat was still on fire. Cozy finally found Majin Buu sitting at the center of the blast. The filly knew that Buu would survive. But, the filly was surprised the timber wolf pup did. She saw that Majin Buu had desperately protected it from the carnage. Cozy gritted her teeth but got over it. The wolf surviving wasn't an issue. It could not challenge like the others. So, she flew down and put on her best face for the performance she was about to enact.

"Mister Buu. Mister Buu! W-what happened!? Everything just blew up!!! Our friends! They're all g-gone!!!"

Pine whined in Buu's hands. The pink menace stands up and rushes over to Hercule. Cozy noted the sheer look of panic and despair on Buu's features. There was also the ominous steam leaving Buu's holes. It was more than a little off-putting considering Buu's usual child-like aloofness. "M-mister Hercule. Blonde Pony. Big hair lady?"

Cozy gently places a hand on Buu's hand. "I-I'm sorry, Mister Buu. They're gone now,"

"No! Buu help them!" Placing Pine down, Majin Buu got to work healing Hercule. However, the process was taking longer than it should as Buu struggled.

Seeing this, Cozy ran up to Buu. "Mister Buu, I'm sorry. But, I don't think even you can--

"Wah!?" Hercule exclaims, causing Cozy to recoil in shock. "What happened!?"

Buu didn't answer as Pine barks happily at the confused human. Buu proceeds to heal Prince Blueblood as well. But, again, the process took longer than it did with Hercule. And, the steam leaving Buu's body only grew in volume. "Ah!?" The prince exclaimed, looking over himself. "What was that? Why am I on the filthy ground!?"

"Buu will fix. Buu will fix friends!!!" Buu said. Rushing over to Gera, Buu began healing. However, he was shocked when Gera stood up herself.

"Well, that was unexpected..." Gera said before sucking her teeth at her ruined clothes.

"Will somepony explain to me what just happened? If this was an idea of a joke, I am not amused!" Blueblood exclaimed.

"I'm a little lost myself. All I remember was a bright flash. Then, my ears were ringing," Hercule said. Hercule never got an answer as he, Blueblood, and Gera was brought into a huge by Buu. "Whoa. Easy there, big guy,"

"Big old boom hurt Buu's friends, but Buu fix them!"

'No. No. NO!" Cozy shouted internally. I was so close! Stupid, worthless, hillbilly ponies. That's the last time I outsource help,' Cozy shook her head and ran to the group. "You're all ok! Thank goodness Mister Buu got to you in time,"

"Yes, I'm sure you were very worried about our well-being," Gera said, her tone making Cozy flinch slightly. "You were thankfully outside when the explosion went off. Did you happen to see the cause?"

Cozy was about to respond, but the voice of Ernie and Dingus chimed out. "Now, where did that filly get to, Ernie?"

"She flew into the cloud this way," Ernie replies.

Speaking quickly, Cozy enacted her backup plan. "Mister Buu! It was two crazy stallions with weapons!"

"Hey! What do you two think you're doing? You think you can try and sucker punch the world champ!?' Hercule snarled.

"Ernie! That monster survived. Get the light muskets ready!"

"Urgh! These are the worse type of commoners. Lord Buu, would you kindly dispose of them?' Blueblood asks in a haughty tone.

"Golly, Prince Blueblood, it's not nice to request that," Cozy said. 'I'm the one giving the orders!'

"Yeah, pal. I'm all for laying a beatdown. But, that's a step too far,"

Unbeknownst to everyone else, Majin Buu had his back to all the commotion as he grips his head. The steam from his pours erupted like miniature volcanoes. Buu grunted in discomfort while trembling as veins appeared around his skull. Gera was the first to notice, followed quickly by everyone as well. "...Run...!" Buu mutters in a strained tone.

"Uh, what's that, Buu? You say something?"

"Mister Buu?" Cozy asks.

Finally, Majin Buu turns around, and everyone recoils at his expression. His normally closed eyes were wide open. And, the veins around his head pulsated like a heartbeat. "RUNAWAY NOW!!!!!!!!" Buu bellows. The steam burst from his pores and pooled around in the sky above the area. Moments later, the pink cloud began to take form. Everyone gasped in shock as another Majin Buu was born into the world. However, this Buu was tall. He was also much skinner than the first Buu with brownish-gray skin. The new Buu looks himself over before staring down the pink Buu.

"W-well, a new development," Gera stated in an unsure tone.

[Chaos dimension.]

"Alright, champ, you got this eye of the tiger!" Gotenks said.

Sombra was standing in a ring with full boxing gear. On the sidelines, the other kids were cheering for the dark emperor. Across from him was his opponent with Discord. The spirit of chaps was in a purple tracksuit instructing his fighter - A snowman with boxing gloves. Why discord conjured a snowman is anyone's guess. But, Sombra had to concede that the draconequus training worked. All of them were much stronger than they were before entering. It was painstaking, but there was a method to the madness. Now, he had to face a snowman in a fisticuff bout. At least he'll have some stories to tell his daughter. The two fighters met in the middle of the ring as Discord dons a referee's outfit.

"Alright, let's keep this clean. No headbutts, tripping, or rabbit punches. No hitting below the belt and biting off people's ears. Now touch gloves," Discord said.

Sombra held up his hand, but the snowman didn't immediately reciprocate. "I must break you!" It said in an odd accent, slamming his mitts back down on Sombra's, only for his branch-like arms to pop off.

"Ready, box!"

"Get him! He's disarmed!" Galder calls out, earning a groan from her friends.

Sombra rushes in with a straight punch. However, movement from below forces Sombra to stop. The branches that fell off the snowman started to attack. Sombra brought up his guard. However, a snowball nails him in the face. The snowman started to alternate from throwing snowballs to using its branch arms. "I am the wizard of a blizzard. Ahahaha!" The snowman said. Sombra was a bit overwhelmed, but the oddity of his training allowed him to adapt to the insanity. But, Discord always seems to throw many for a loop. Taking a step forward was a mistake as Sombra slips on a puddle of water. The snowman zoomed across the ring as Sombra recovered, gathering its arms in the process. It went for another water before melting into water.

Anger filled the dark emperor as he shot to his feet. "Enough with your juvenile pranks, chimera!" Sombra paused as Discord was convulsing on the ground like a seizure patent.

"Is he alright?" Sand stream asks.

"I don't know. It could be another trick," Gotenks said.

Discord finally stops shaking as he wobbly returns to a vertical base. "Whoa. Now I know what Pinkie means about those doozies. I haven't felt a chaotic shift like that since the windigo embargo...." Snapping his fingers, Discord conjures a tv. Images from Equestria quickly went by before settling on Majin Buu's whereabouts. "No. That's not right. That can't be right,"

"Hey, there's two of them now," Ocena said.

"But, how?" Galder asks.

"I can't tell which of them is uglier," Gotenks comments.

"What madness is this?" Sombra whispered.

"It doesn't seem like they like each other," Sand Stream noted.

"Stop it! Who are you!?" Fat Buu exclaimed.

"Tell me who you are first!?" Slim Buu shot back.

"Me, Buu, Majin Buu!!!"

"You fool! I'm Majin Buu!"

The two Buu's continued to glare until Fat Buu threw the first punch. However, Slim Buu dodges it. Fat Buu tries to rush his counterpart with a barrage of punches. But Evil Buu, with the ease of a leaf in the wind, evaded them. Finally, Evil Buu decided to act. He connects with a right cross to the face. Then, he follows up with a straight kick to Fat Buu's stomach. The pink terror found himself launched across the land. Buu's evil carnation shot off like a rocket and appeared before Fat Buu. With a smile, he launched a vicious assault of his own. Unlike Fat Buu, who fought out of desperation, his slim variant was calm and in control. The attacks were as precise as they were vicious and methodical. And soon, Majin Buu found himself on the receiving end of a beating he'd often dealt out to others. Yet, it wasn't out of karmic justice or heroism. It came from something that is quickly proving to be far worse than what the pink terror inflicted.

"He's getting thrashed out there,' Galder noted.

"We couldn't even touch him, and now look," Sand Stream said with a hint of nervousness.

"I'd say it serves that tub of lard right," Gotenks comments.

"Maybe, this new Buu is good," Ocena offers.

"Are you all so blind to obvious. Look at the other one. I know evil. I have been a practitioner of it for longer than you all been alive. This second Buu emanates it like a plague!" Sombra said.

"Should we help?" Ocena asks.

"What!? No way! Those two might gang upon us. I say we jump in after their fight," Galder suggests.

"Yeah, they'll be too weak to stop us then," Gotenks said.

"I-I don't think it will be that easy. The other one looks stronger. And, scarier..." Sand Stream said with a shiver.

Fat Buu tried to mount any sort of offense he could. But, the doppelganger had an answer for everything that came his way. When Fat Buu used his flesh like a trap, Evil Buu broke out and ate the remains. Try as he might, fat Buu was steadily losing ground. His growing desperation made him sloppy and prone to mistakes. It was as if he was a common thug up against an army veteran. Fighting was a game to Fat Buu, but now, the game wasn't fun anymore. It was all too real. After taking another kick to the stomach, Fat Buu backs off and fires a Kamehameha wave. However, at the same time, Slim Buu did the same. The two Buu's pushed against each other. But, the other Buu proved to be more dominant. More powerful. Fat Buu was on the ground again, with bruises adorning his features. Everyone was in shock at Fat Buu's sorry state. Up until now, Majin Buu seemed invincible. And, bizarrely, he still is just that. But, in another divagation. Fat Buu finally had enough.

"You turn into chocolate!" The beam flew out from his antenna in an unstable spiral motion. The Evil Buu stood there unimpressed. He took a breath and blew the attack back. Fat Buu's eyes widen in horror. In a set of cosmic irony, his attack struck him instead. "AAAAAH!!!!" And, thus, Majin Buu fell victim to the same horror as his victims and became a chocolate candy.

"Whoa! He hit him with his move!?" Gotenks exclaimed.

With a visage of wicked glee, Evil Buu eats the candy. "Well, that's one problem dealt with while another arises," Sombra said grimly. "You've been quiet,"

"..." Discord said nothing. It was a rare sight indeed for Discord. The events must be dire if even the chaos avatar is silent. "Something is happening..."

Sure enough, everyone watches as pink smoke envelops the slim Buu. Manic laughter escapes his mouth as his body morphs in the smoke. Moments later, everything changed, and Discord stumbles to the ground in fright. The brown hue of the other Buu was gone. He was now the same shade of pink as Fat Buu. However, there was more muscle definition to his frame. This new entity looks itself over before staring off into space. The silence was palpable. No one dared to even breathe despite being in another dimension. Then, as if to announce himself to the world, Majin Buu spoke. His jaw unhinged to an unnatural degree as his roar put even the mightiest of dragons to shame.


Without another word, Discord snaps his fingers. The television vanished as the juniors and Sombra found themselves back in Cnaterlot. "Discord.? You're back!" Fluttershy said, hugging her friend. But, she pulls back when she felt the draconequus tremble. "Discord?"

"...That spell you're preparing? Are you sure it will work?" Discord asks aloud.

"Yeah, we've gone through all the measures. We're confident Majin Buu will not escape," Twilight said. The rest f the elements and princesses smile at her assertion. "Why? Does it have something to do with that earthquake?"

"...Well..." Discord snaps his fingers again. The television returns display Majin Buu's new form. The ponies watched on in horror as Buu dispatches two stallions. It was a gruesome level of cruelty the likes no one on Equis will ever witness. Wrapping around one stallion faster than a manticore stinger, Buu crushes the pony into a red paste. The next stallion tried to fight with his arm cannon, but the blast passed through Buu like he was water. Once healed, the stallion stared in shock as Buu's stretched his upper body like a flowing stream. There were no words to describe what happened next. Majin Buu continued to feed himself into the stallion's body. The pony grew to ridiculous proportions while his belly grew to the size of a boulder. Something had to give. The strain was too much for even pony standards. And, alas, the stallion popped like a balloon of water. However, it was not water, but pink pliable flesh. Majin Buu reforms like nothing happened, leaving no trace of the stallion at all. Discord gulps as he looks over the horrified faces of the group. "Your OCD tendencies would be much appreciated in this particular instance, Twilight,"

[Supreme kai planet.]

Gohan was anxious. He's been sitting in the same position for nearly ten hours. The elder Kai promises to unlock his hidden potential. Thus, giving him the power to face Buu. The news was just what our heroes needed after the legend of the Z sword was a bust. However, the elder Kai's method was unexpected. He commanded Gohan to remain still as he circled him. The old Kai left a small plume of smoke as he chanted a tone. After that phase, Gohan was sitting with the Old Kai in front of him. He was reading a magazine with a lecherous grin. The boy sighs in boredom before he perks up. A beat of sweat runs down his head as he looks in Equis' direction. The others picked up on the sensation as well. It was like a foreboding chill running down each of their spines.

"Master..." Kibito said.

"...Yes, I feel it as well,"

"What madness is this? Surely, that isn't Majin Buu!?" Chrysalis shudders.

Goku nods grimly. "Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Man! What is going on over there?"

"With power such as this? I fear nothing good," Supreme Kai said ominously.

Gohan grunted in nervousness as he continued looking. His worries only increase with each passing second. "'Girls. Please. Try and hang in there..."

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