• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,289 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 47: Outclassed!

(Another New Intro)

Scootaloo finds herself floating aimlessly in a void of darkness. She cracks her eye open to see her friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle alongside her. She peeks further to see Spike, her fellow student, in front. Then, the juniors came into view, all of them in a state of unconsciousness as they floated further down. Deep in the void, a giant pair of black and red eyes watch the group before admitting a sinister laugh. We zoom away from Cozy Glow's maniacal laughter as Equestria defenders lay defeated. Buu stands to her right, licking the icing of a cake off his face. Amidst the flames, a figure surveys the scene from afar. We pan upward to see Gera taking notes before adjusting her glasses, producing a flash.

The flash reflects off of fat Buu's broad grin as he battles a Super Saiyan three Goku. As Buu commits to a wide punch, Goku flickers away. Enraged, Buu shoots smoke from his holes, enveloping his body. Super Buu cuts through the smoke as he faces the fusions in the time chamber. Scootaloo and the others unleash a volley of Ki attacks that keeps Super Buu at bay. Gohan appears behind Buu with a fully charged Kamehame ha and fires, blowing Super Buu to pieces. However, the chunks of pink flesh attach themselves to our heroes—Buu reforms with an orange Gi as his power surges.

The Majin, with Gohan absorbed, catches the punch while blocking a kick from Vegeta. Before dodging a kick by Goku. Chrysalis fires a beam of magic, but Buu throws Vegeta into it before kneeing Goku in the stomach and slamming him toward the ground. Buu smiles down at Chrysalis before firing a large blast. Chrysalis's eyes widen in shock as Ocellus teleports in front of the attack, instantly incinerating her. Chrysalis falls to her knees in sorrow. However, Ocellus' particles turn into energy that seeps into Chrysalis' being. At the same time, Goku recovers and tosses another, earning two Vegeta. The Saiyan prince reluctantly accepts and places it on his right ear. Super Buu watches as two pillars of light shoot into the sky as he growls. And two new figures, shrouded by the light, step forward to face him.

[Earth - Ruin Wasteland - Third Person POV.]

Buu snarls at his foe and the significant increase in strength he displayed. Super Vegito, in turn, remains confident. The two titans stared each other down while everyone else watched on in trepidation and concern. "Again, with these pointless titles! What? Are you so insecure that you call yourself super to protect your little ego?" Buu said with a mocking grin.

"Title? I am merely stating my position in the pecking order, which is leaps and bounds above you," Super Vegito replied.

"Ha. Really? Because by my count, the stats speak for themselves. You have two Saiyans. I have three, as well as your students, a Namkeian and all the most magically powerful beings from Equis, barring those two," Super Buu gestures to Twilight and Chrysalis. "I believe I hold the title of strongest,"

"It's quality over quantity, friend. And unlike your underhanded kidnappings, my union was consensual. Hmph, but if you're sure you can win this fight with petty theft, come prove it,"

"Enough! You're just another loudmouth! I'll make sure you never speak to me again! You're finished!!!"

Buu charges with his fist outstretched. Unfazed, Vegito shifts his body sideways and lets Buu pass harmlessly. Buu changes course and tries again, only for Vegito to turn again. Buu growls as he gathers his ki on his proper fingertips and places the others on his forehead. "Special Beam Cannon!" Buu shouts as he flickers moments after firing his attack. Vegito tilts his head to the left as Buu fires more blasts from multiple angles. A beam barrels toward Vegito's face, but the merged Saiyan dodges again. Another attack barrels towards the back of Vegito's neck. But, the merged Saiyan ducks his head before leaning back from a beam coming from the left. Buu began teleporting faster while firing more and more Special Beam Cannons. Despite this, Vegito expertly dodges all of them. However, now Buu's attacks surrounded him like a deadly cage. Buu teleports in front of Vegito with a sadistic grin, having cut off every escape route for his enemy. "Now, I have you: Omni-directional Hell Zone Barriage!!!"

"Hmm?" Vegito ponders with a smirk, noticing no way to escape. He crosses his arms to his chest and hunches over slightly. He then flexes his entire body as a shockwave knocks his energy cage away. Buu gasped in horror as several of his technique pieces his body in the process. Buu snarls in anger and pain as he glares daggers at Vegito. "Oh, man. I got to say, Buu, that is an excellent impression of swiss cheese,"

"Shut up!" Buu roars as he heals and opens his maw. "Spiral Ultima Ray!!!"

Buu fires a beam magnified by six rings using one of Spike's techniques. Undeterred by the attack, Vegito raises his hand and deflects it back at Buu. Buu quickly retracts his head, only for Vegito to kick his face when his head pops back out. Buu's head flung backward while he grunts in pain. Still wearing his confident smirk, Vegito spoke. "I'll give you one chance to give up without further embarrassment," Buu growls as he brings his head down, revealing a nosebleed. "By the way, you got red on you. Clean it off and try to have some dignity,"

Buu wipes his nose and takes a stance. "I am getting very angry with you. And, for me, that is not a situation you want. So, watch yourself!" Quickly powering up, Buu slams his fist into Vegito's stomach. He follows up with a knee to his chin before an overhead strike sends Vegito crashing into the landscape. Bring forth his hands and growing wings out of his back, Buu sent out a barrage of energy feathers and waves upon the merged Saiyans' position. Buu ceases his assault and lands nearby, carefully watching the smoke and debris. His eyes widen when a shockwave blows everything away as Vegito hovers in the air with nary a scratch on him. "H-huh!?"

"Hmm, not bad. But, your aim could use a little work. I guess you require another lesson..." Vegito said, holding out his left hand. The air swirled around him while Buu felt genuine fear for the first time. Suddenly, a concentrated beam blast out of Vegito's palm and completely engulfs Buu in a blinding blue light. The light subsided, and the remains of Buu floated in the wind.

"Did that get him?" Rainbow asks.

"Do you even need to ask such a ridiculous question?" Chrysalis spat.

"Hey. Fire another one before--"

Ember started to say, but it was too late. Much like before, Buu quickly reforms to his original state. Buu was trembling with anger now as Vegito floated up to him. "I'll get him! I must!!!" Reaching a boiling point, Buu creates a smokescreen around himself. "What will you do now? You can't hit me if you can't see me,"

"What is this, amateur hour?" Vegito ponders before flicking inside the stream. Several impacts and shouts of pain sound out before Buu stumbles out of his cover with bruises all over his body. Vegito follows suit and notes Buu's confused expression. "Come on, Buu. Did I wallop you that hard? You forgot we could sense energy. Honestly, you villains never take genuine pride in your fighting abilities. It takes more than eyesight and a strong arm to be a warrior,"

"Grr! I will make you dead!"

Buu throws a wild kick that Vegito easily dodges before grabbing the offending limb. He flies down, dragging Buu with him, before throwing Buu to the Earth below. Buu's body crashed against the surface as rubble buried him now. Vegito, still in the sky, points his hand down. A solid golden sword pierces the rocks from Vegito's hand as the merged Saiyan smirks again. "Well, well, I think I caught a big one. Let's reel him in, shall we?" Flicking his arm up, Vegito pulls Buu from the debris. Once again, Buu was in a sorry state as the blade held the Majin up from his torso upside. "What's wrong? Has your confidence finally left you?"

"..." Buu could only grunt in response before he forced himself off the ki blade.

"You don't look like you're having too much fun. It must suck being on the receiving end. Kind of like how you did the same to our friends. Does it hurt?"

Healing his wounds, Buu now trembled with rage. "I warned you! I warned you not to make me mad!!!" Buu made his body into putty with a vicious roar and darted toward Vegito. Caught off guard, Vegito had his mouth wide open for the Majin to force his way down his throat. The force of the attempt knocks the merged Saiyan to the ground with the others while Buu continues to travel into Vegito's body. Vegito manages to get back to his feet as the others gasp at the results. Vegito's body expanded well past its normal limits. He resembled a minotaur jacked up on steroids.

"Whoa. I know it's good to have some meat on your bones. But that might be pushing it," Applejack said.

"Yeah, there's stacked, and then there's this," Rainbow said with a shudder.

"Darling..." Rarity said tentatively. "Are you ok,"

"Yeah, that didn't look, peasant," Fluttershy added.

"I think so; I guess I put on some weight," Vegito jokes while looking himself over.

"And I thought I've taken bigger mouthfuls," Chrysalis comments.

"I know. I thought Veku was going to pop!" Pinkie said, poking Vegito's muscled frame.

"Girls. Get serious! We need to get Buu out. Who knows what he's doing inside of you!!!" Twilight said urgently.

"Don't even bother. Now that I am inside of you, this battle is over. I have free reign to tear you into pieces from the inside out. I told you that I am superior, and you are nothing!!!" Buu's muffled voice said as Vegiot's body bulged.

"Ha! In your stupid face. Now, Mister Buu. Make him pop like a balloon!!!" Cozy said with a demented smile.

Everyone began to panic while Vegito merely shook his head. "You keep underestimating me, Buu, and I might start to feel insulted,"

"What?" Buu said.

"D-don't try and act tough! What can you do to win now?!" Cozy growled out.

"Heh. Just watch-- HAAA!!!" Electricity danced around Vegito's frame as slowly but surely, his body started to shrink. With a burst from his aura, Vegito stood tall with his original body.

Cozy Glow spat and sputtered at the development. "I, you, but-- How!?!? Where's mister Buu!?!?!"

As if to answer her inquiry, Buu exposed himself in the form of abnormal swelling on Vegito's arm. Cocking back his right hand, Vegito punches it, earning a groan of pain from Buu. The Majin moves to the Saiyan's right leg, only for Vegito to elbow it. However, Buu moved into Vegito's back, proving a difficult spot to reach. "Say, would one of you mind giving me a hand?"

"Um, is it like popping a zit?" Flurry Heart asks.

"I certainly hope not!!!" Rarity gagged.

"Keep away from it, Obsidian," Radiant Hope said, pulling her daughter behind her.

"We'd love to help, sugarcube. But I doubt we could do much," Applejack said.

"And we don't want to hurt you," Fluttershy said.

"I'll do it. I owe this blob some payback!" Ember said while cracking her knuckles.

"I'm game. It sounds like a good stress reliever," Chrysalis stated.

The two took a stance as they mirrored each other's position and leveled their right and left hands, respectively. A magic aura hums over Chrysalis's hand while burning blue flames flare over Ember's. With a shout, the dragon and changeling thrust their fists forward into Vegito's back. Buu howls in pain while receding into Vegito's body again. "I-I don't understand! How are you doing this!? You should be under my complete control!!!" Buu inquires.

"It's simple. I used my energy to isolate. Now, I'm the one in control of you. So, long as you keep occupying my body, at least. You're lucky I'm not charging rent," Suddenly, Buu shot out of Vegito's mouth, reforming upside down. "Eugh! I'd say some spices, but nothing will get your taste out of my mouth. I think it's time I took you off the menu,"

"You got some nerve making me into a joke!" Buu growls as he rights himself. "I'll destroy you! I swear if it's the last thing I do! I'm not your entertainment!!!" Buu's forceful roar unexpectedly knocks everyone back as the skies immediately turn black. Just as quickly, dark, ominous clouds filled the area while pink lightning struck. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"

"T-Twilight! What the hay is he doing?" Rainbow asks with a nervous tone. "These aren't typical clouds. They feel heavy and misshaped. It's like someone threw tar all over the sky!!!"

Twilight fumbled with her words as the lightning strikes caused the very sky to break upon impact. "Buu. He's disrupting the way lines of the planet...!"

"That's impossible!!!" Radiant Hope said, being as knowledgeable as the lavender princess. "T-The amount of power it would take to do something like that. It's--"

"It's what Discord can do with a snap of his paws, but at a larger scale! Look!!" Twilight points to the sky after another strike. The hole left behind revealed another world entirely. More lightning strikes went off, and more planets appeared in the sky. Some were recognizable, while others were completely foreign. One planet, in particular, filled the Equians with dread. "That's Equis! But, there's us!?" Sure enough, a version of Equis was floating from the hole Super Buu created. However, there was one notable difference.

"Hey, are we stallions?" Pinkie asks. The elements male counterparts seemed to be on an adventure as well. However, the male version of Pinkie stops to give them a wave before continuing his trek through the Everfree.

"What is happening, Twilight?" Rarity asks.

"Majin Buu's rage and power are warping reality, breaking the veil to alternate worlds! Vegito! You have to stop him before the universe collapses in on itself!!!" Twilight pleaded. She winced when she saw the alternate-timeline villains begin to take notice of the disturbance.

"Tch!" Vegito sucks his teeth before flying up to Buu with his fist outstretched. he met some resistance as a shield surrounded Buu. To Vegito's shock, the barrier manages to repel him. But, He pressed onward. Vegito's aura flares out as the wall fold around his fit until it shatters, and Vegito lands a left hook against Buu's face. The aftereffects of Buu's enrage state faded as quickly as it came while the Majin recovered. "That's quite enough of your little tantrum, Buu!"

"..." Buu wipes his chin as he stares daggers into Vegito but says nothing.

"All that power from yelling. Too bad you can't seem to channel it effectively. Maybe then I could have a decent challenge,"


"Or perhaps I am wrong, and you do have something up your sleeve. Now's the time,"

Buu continued to stare until he took a big breath and exhaled to calm down. Then, to everyone's surprise, Buu began laughing. "So, you think you have everything figured out? Do you think I have nothing to offer? Well, I am holding back. A trump card you may know very well. After all, you taught it to your dear students,"

"Quit your stalling and get on with it. Although, it sounds like you're just resorting to stolen techniques again. Why bother if they're a pale imitation?"

"Hahaha! Stupid man! Unlike your students, the technique I will employ won't have any drawbacks! HAAAAAAH!!!" Instantly, Buu's muscle extended. The air shimmered around as a blazing red aura shrouded his form. A fierce gale of wind made Vegito cover his face as the merged Saiyans went wide. Buu's pink skin took on a crimson hue as he grinned manically at his foe. "Hehehe. Kaio-Ken!"

Buu cocks back his right hand and thrusts forward, producing an air cannon. The speed and ferocity of the sudden attack launched Vegito backward. Buu gave chase and appeared in front of Vegito in seconds. Buu slams his elbow into Vegitos' face, forcing him into freefall. Grunting in pain, Vegito fires a blast from his hand. However, Buu swiftly dashes behind him, kicking Vegito's back and launching upwards again. Shooting his elastic arm out, Buu wraps his limb around Vegito's neck. The Majin spins the merged Saiyan around his head before slamming him to the ground. However, the pink terror felt a tug before Buu could retract his arm. Closing in on Vegito's position, Buu's eyes went wide as Vegito's fist connected with his face. Now Buu flew back while Vegito gave chase. Despite this, Buu retaliated and used his stretchy limbs to launch a barrage of punches to keep Vegito at bay. Buu's fist shot out like a Gatling gun, forcing Vegito to dodge, weave and block as he advances. Buu growls as he notes that Vegito still wears a smile on his face. So, the Majin decided to up the ante.


Buu's fist became blurs after the ten times multiplier. Vegito adopts a more serious expression as he feels his advance slowing down. Smiling, Buu added his legs into the mix as well. The addition halted Vegito's progress, putting him entirely on the defensive. Vegito sucks his teeth before placing two fingers on his forehead. Flicking between Buu's limbs, Vegito closes the gap and bashes Buu's chin with an uppercut. Buu grunts in annoyance before driving his knee into Vegito's stomach. Vegito grunts in pain before throwing a straight jab. Buu catches the fist and throws a roundhouse that Vegito blocks with his forearm. The two begin their first exchange since their battle started. Violent tremors shook the Earth with blow. The landscape cracked and crumbled while profound impacts erupted from the two warriors' position.

"They're evenly matched?" Dende asks.

"No, look again," Ember said.

Looking back proved the Dragonlord right as Vegito was steadily winning the exchange. Where Buu would miss several shots, Vegito would connect. Flaring his aura now, Vegito begins pushing Buu back. He dodges a jab thrown by Buu while scoring with one of his own. Buu blocks a knee but fails to stop the kick to his neck. Buu catches himself on the ground. He backed up at Vegito, only for the Saiyan to flicker from sight. Gritting his teeth, Buu added more power. "MAXIMUM KAIO-KEN!!!" Buu's veins were visible as his muscles became more prominent. A wild look and deranged smile fixated on Buu's expression. The sudden rush of power was intoxicating. Vegito appears with his left arm cocked back. Buu responded in kind with his right arm. The two warriors' fists collided with an impact that seemed to shake the very planet. Twilight, Hope, Starlight, and Chrysalis summoned all their magical might into a barrier. But, even then, the shield cracked heavily. Only when Rarity, Obsidian, and Flurry Heart added their magic did the barrier mend.

For Cozy Glow, she was in awe. She stood on a cliff while watching the battle from a safe distance. She would've been deathly afraid of the shockwaves. By all rights, she should've gotten reduced to atoms. But Buu, being the best friend he is, placed a barrier over her. She is untouchable. Buu was her big pink guardian angel, and it was terrific. No matter how much every creature tries to stop him, he returns better and stronger than before. She knew he was going to win. She cheered as loudly as possible to support her ultra-powerful friend. And nothing was going to ruin that. "Take him down, Mister Buu!"

Back at the battle, Vegito and Buu flew across the sky. Their golden and crimson aura light up the atmosphere like two shooting stars. Each collision they made resulted in a burst of Ki and harsh winds. Vegito and Buu met in another clash. They locked their hands together while pushing against one another. Buu drives Vegito through a mountain range, but the merged Saiyan pays it no mind. They continued on their path until both warriors' feet hit the ground. Buu kept pushing against Vegito until the merged Saiyan planted his feet and came to a stop. Buu arches a brow at this while Vegito returns a smile.

"Well, this is a surprise. I didn't think you were capable of using the Kaio-Ken. It takes a person to be completely in tune with their mind, spirit, and body to wield it. I'm starting to get a little nervous here," Vegito said.

"Haha. I can manipulate my body down to the last cell. Such a requirement is child's play at best. Although, I also have two students who did most of the heavy lifting. Well, sensei, are you proud of us?"

Vegito's frown returned as he started pushing against Buu, digging a trench in the Earth and tightening his grip against Buu's fingers. "You're nothing more than a parasite. A petty thief that took a shortcut to obtain power. Nothing you have now will ever be genuine! Besides, it shouldn't be too much longer now..."

Now it was Buu's turn to stop their advance. "Petty thief? Parasite? No, I think you should thank me. Only through me can I bring your students to their true potential, along with their techniques. Or haven't you noticed already? Shouldn't I be double over in pain by now? The Kaio-Ken is as beneficial as it is costly after all,"

It suddenly clicked for the merged Saiyan as a scowl began to form. "...I get it now; your regeneration ability negates the drawbacks. That's why you were so confident earlier,"


"Tch. You're drunk on power, not that it's doing you any good. I'll admit and say we're even right now. But, for all your boosting, you haven't tried to get any stronger, have you? Maybe those side effects are still in play? What level of Kaio-Ken are you using right now? 25? 50? 100? There hardly seems to be a difference. It may take slightly longer to beat you, but I will win!"

"It's funny how ignorant you are to the technique you taught. But, as I said, it is through me that I can make this power more significant than any of its previous users. For example-- Kaio-Ken..."

"What are you--"


(Basically, this form, just not quite Z Broly)

Buu's power exploded outward like a nuclear bomb. Everything around him took a crimson highlight. The very air felt like it was burning. Buu's body expanded along with his power. He grew to be double Vegito's in sheer muscle mass. The massive increase was so intense that Vegito fell to one knee. Buu's sadistically grinning visage met with Vegito's shocked and frustrated one. Buu leans into their grapple and takes one step, followed by another, and another until Vegito loses his foothold. Despite this, Vegito used his free legs to kick and strike against the Majin's body, but they had little effect. Buu leaps high into the air, letting go of Vegito's hands and grabbing him by the face. The scarlet light coming from Buu shined like a red sun as the two plummeted to the ground.

Vegito let out his first scream since the battle started as pain shot through his spine. Buu brought down his free hand. Vegito quickly brings up both legs to stop it. Kicking Buu's punch away, Vegito shifts on his back and breaks Buu's kick while scoring a heel kick to Buu's face. The Majin hardly flinched as he grabbed Vegito's leg and slammed the merged Saiyan into the dirt. He pulls Vegito for another slam, but the Saiyan warrior kicks Buu's arm hard enough to bend it at an awkward angle. He follows up with a punch that drives Buu's head into the ground. Confused, the Majin pops up to see Vegito has changed again. His hair stood sharper and spikier while electricity violently danced around his body.

Buu vaguely remembers Goku and Vegeta doing something similar, so it made sense, but he welcomed the change and charged ahead. Vegito dodges the haymaker despite the gust of wind that follows and grabs Buu's hand. He places two fingers against his forehead and flickers in front of Buu's light path with his left arm outstretched. "Big Bang Attack!!" A massive energy ball collides with Buu's frame in a brilliant explosion. However, Buu fires another spiral ultima through the smoke before dashing out of it. Vegito flickers away with the instant transmission. But, to his shock, Buu was already upon him. Vegito barely had time to put up his guard as the impact of Buu's fist sent him flying away.

Vegito flew past several locations but didn't have time to see where he was going as Buu quickly caught up to him. He repeatedly grabs the Saiyan's head with his meaty hands and slams his head against Vegito's. Vegito, in turn, thrust both his legs into Buu's chin, creating separation. Charging ahead, Vegito tackles Buu into an iceberg before firing a volley of ki blasts to push himself away and bury Buu in the ice. The moment did not last as Buu came charging through his attacks like a raging bull and speared the merged Saiyan through an iceberg. Moments later, the iceberg implodes from the inside out. Vegito rockets into the air while Buu is nowhere in sight.

Buu exited the ice while taking a massive intake of air. A white balloon spewed from his maw as Buu exhaled. It grew in size until it burst into ghost-like versions of himself. Vegito bulked at the clones as they numbered in the thousands. Buu merely points upwards, and the ghosts imbued themselves with Kaio-Ken before rushing after the Saiyan warrior. Vegito extends his fingertips on both hands and flicks ten Ki orbs into the crowd. "Banshee Blasts!!!" A chain reaction of multiple detonations went off. The explosion was the size of miniature suns that knocked Vegit back despite his distance. Unfortunately, a majority of the ghost survived and kept coming. Vegito flew as best he could. But, the ghostly kamikazes were relentless. What's worse is that the spirits also passed the ability to fire the Kamehameha wave. "Not with my attack; they don't!" After narrowly dodging another ghost, Vegito looks up at the sun and gets an idea. The merged Saiyan flew higher and higher as the spirits closed in on him. Vegito could only smile when he saw Buu try and cut him off. Bringing his fingertips to each side of his head, Vegito shouted out. "Solare Flare!!!"

Vegito caught Buu entirely off guard as the flash blinded Buu and the kamikaze attack. The following detonation filled the skies like fireworks while Vegito vanished to a safe distance. The explosions subsided to reveal Buu as little more than a misshapen blob. The sounds he made were akin to a dying animal. It didn't take long before Buu regenerated. However, the pink menace wore a familiar visage of rage. Vegito smirks but takes his stance. "That is the last time you make me look stupid!" Buu snarls.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? There's barely any more I could do that you haven't done already,"

Buu lets out a roar as he reactivates his transcendent form. He holds up his hand while wearing a demonic grin. "You know, I had this move planned, but I decided against it in favor of eating deserts. But, I suppose it technically still applies as they are the only ones of their kind on the planet,"


"Equian Extinction Attack...!"

Vegito eyes widen in horror at Buu's words. A tower of pink Ki blasts breached the outer atmosphere before raining down across the planet. Vegito uses instant transmission to appear above the Equestrians moments before the attack lands. Bolstering his power, Vegito deflected several blasts away. But the number of orbs seemed endless. And the Earth was taking server damage. It was only a diversion as Buu descended from the heavens with a meteor size Ki sphere above his head. Dende hits the floor in resignation at the sight of Buu's attack. Vegito glances at him as the Earth's guardian speaks in a hollow tone.

"It's no use. How do we fight something like this? Not even Frieza or Cell was this monstrous,"

"Don't lose Hope, Dende. We haven't lost yet!" Vegito said, turning back. Vegito threw out his arms and legs while his aura flared intensely. He brought his arms in front of his chest with his fingers curled outward. A yellow orb forms between his hands before a blue outline covers it. Cupping the orb and pulling it to his left side, Vegito glares defiantly at Majin Buu. "Final..." Vegito vanishes from his position as Buu becomes alert to his ploy. The man throws his arm, and the orb of destruction descends just as Vegito reappears and thrusts his attack out. "KAMEHAME-HAAAA!!!!!" A loud boom shakes the planet Earth's core as several shockwaves rippled across the planet's surfaces. Earth's entire continents began to split apart while a surge of tsunami and hurricane winds went in numerous directions.

After what felt like ages, the explosion dies down. "I-Is everyone alright?" Starlight asks.

"Define "alright?" Dende said, rubbing his eyes.

"I swear those two are far worse joined together. That last shot could've killed us all!" Chrysalis stated, clutching her head.

"Well, you know what they say; if you can outrun a timber wolf pack, you'll be pine," Pinkie said, causing the timberwolf pup to perk up.

"Wait. I don't see Buu or Vegito," Twilight exclaims.

"Do you think they destroyed themselves?" Ember asks bluntly.

"Darling, that's a horrible thing to say!" Rarity was aghast.

"Yeah! Vegeta and Goku have taken worse before. The two of them together can't lose!" Rainbow assures.

"As if anything could survive that explosion. Fret not; we shall sing praises how that warrior - though uncuff and a neanderthal - bravely gave his life so that Equestrian royalty can prosper," Blueblood said. A zipper appears over his muzzle as Starlight shrugs.

"Hey, what's that?" Pinkie said, pointing to the sky.

Everyone looked up to see a shadowy dot approaching them. "I can't tell what that shadow is; it's too high," Applejack said.

"Maybe it's Vegito?" Fluttershy said.

"Or Buu," Hope reminded.

The dot came closer before it split into masses. A moment later, both crash between cozy Glow and our heroes. The rocks on the ground shifted before Super Buu burst out. Once again, his body was deformed. He was a barely cohesive carbon lifeform anymore. However, like so many times, before Buu regenerates. Everyone was about to panic before someone else jumped from the ground. Twilight was the first to notice the figure. However, any joy she may have felt died in her throat as she got a good look at him. Maybe it was that part of the pats on his left leg was gone. Maybe it was the various points of blood dripping from his body. Or perhaps the destroyed portion of his shirt, leaving only the orange undershirt. Regardless, the unthinkable had occurred. Vegito, the fusion of Vegeta and Kakrot, was injured.

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