• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,087 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

Isekai Shenanigans: The Mando and the Butterfly Pt. 2

Isekai Shenanigans: The Mando and the Butterfly Pt. 2 (Secret of the 327th - Fanfic)
By Wanderer D and Fergus Flamacron

Ahsoka kept glancing at Sabine. Something about the Mandalorian just felt… oddly comfortable. She had never met her, but there was a sense of quick familiarity that was so sudden it had taken her by surprise.

She and Anakin had arrived at the camp before Aayla and the others had, still shaken over the sudden invasion of their mental network. It was the oddest thing, although she had been shocked, she had felt her heart give an almost joyous pump in her chest when the connection had taken place.

But what could this mean?

She almost wanted to ask Anakin, but chances were he would immediately assume she had a crush on the Mandalorian, which was ridiculous. Although, she supposed she could ask him if that was what love felt like just to make him sweat for a while.

No. She was sure that wasn't it, but it still didn't explain her sudden interest in one of their guests in particular. She still had a long way to go as a Jedi, but she was sure she could figure things out on her own.

And if not… well, there was always Aayla to talk to.

"Not too long ago, we were back home in our own world. It had been months since out last major battle, and things were settling down nicely. However, shortly after Fanglongmon made a prophecy about us, we were attacked by a Digimon called 'Parallelmon', who has the ability to open up portals in different dimensions.

While fighting him, we ended up getting tossed into this universe, and we were separated. Rika, Suzy and I were captured by Separatists, while Renamon ended up meeting Aayla and other Jedi. Eventually, she reconnected with Terriermon and Lopmon, then, while aiding the Republic in secret, they found us.

"Ever since, we've joined the fight, since the Republic is not only our best bet to find Parallelmon, but also because we believe in their cause, and our friends. Through our battles we met Anakin and Ahsoka, and with our help, and keeping the secret of our existence away from politicians and the enemy, we have started working a lot more together, which is why they are called now the 'A-Team.'"

"And that's our story in a nutshell!" Rika said, nodding.

"But! You left out the best parts! Like how I pilot a starfighter with an xbox controller!" Terriermon cried out. "Or how Renamon befriended a bunch of—"

"What's an xbox controller?" Sabine asked.

"Something you wouldn't put in a submarine," Hudiemon muttered. She studied Renamon, Lopmon and Terriermon, who looked at her with equal interest. "Well, it seems like you lot are where you're supposed to be, so at least it's not a result of Sabine's blunder."

"My blunder?!" Sabine asked. "Seriously? I wasn't the one with half my body inside a portal to an undefined place in the omniverse and the other in Peridea!"

Hudiemon got in Sabine's face. "Oh? I know what I was doing! I was almost finished too! You're the one that dragged me out of the Isekai and caused the portal to collapse! You're familiar with splicing, tell me what happens then you cut the cables that transmit the data?"

"Omniverse?" Renamon tilted her head.

"Peridea?" Ahsoka asked.

Aayla sighed when both Sabine and Hudiemon clamped up immediately.

Once they had arrived at their camp, Sabine had taken off her helmet—revealing a young woman just past her teens with her hair dyed a deep purple that faded into warm orange-yellow—and introduced herself properly to the Tamers and Obi Wan, then later Anakin and Ahsoka, who were immediately suspicious of her. Things had been very awkward since it had been revealed that Sabine could somehow listen in to their private mental conversations, and with all of them keeping too many secrets, it was no surprise their reaction would be negative.

Although the exact mechanics behind it were still unknown, the mental connection between the Tamers and their Renamon had somehow resonated with the Force, and allowed those most closest to them (who had the sensitivity for it) to join a network of sorts where they could communicate with each other, even at great distances, although the greater the separation, the lesser the strength of the signal.

If they were close enough, they could speak. If not, they could sense each other… and if they were separated by planetary clusters… well, that was a bit more tricky.

But so far, no one else had been able to tune into their little mental group, and Sabine doing so had immediately disrupted their dynamic. They had immediately suspended the connection, and both sides had pretended that it had never happened.

Sabine might not be an enemy, but they didn't know her. And to be fair, she didn't know them.

Or did she?

Aayla's instincts and trust in the Force rarely failed her, and something was nudging at her. She pretended to concentrate on the question and answer session Renamon and the other Digimon had with Hudiemon, but kept her senses on Sabine.

The Mandalorian was so far the most confusing of their two visitors.There had been a Mandalorian Jedi before… the Mandalore himself, Tarre Vizsla, who had made a legendary black lightsaber saber—which had in turn been lost to history—but outside of him there was no record of any Mandalorian Jedi in the last thousand years.

And she was clearly being Jedi trained. Much too late in her life to be endorsed by the Jedi Temple, but the signs were there.

But, that begged the question: if not a Jedi, then who? Sabine wasn't acting like a Sith would, and although it was clear from that encounter with Vamdemon that there were indeed evil Digimon, the Tamers and Digimon held no doubt that Hudiemon was not evil, and Aayla had learned to trust her friends when it came to that.

Although she was trying to be cautious, Sabine's incomplete training was obvious. Her eyes would constantly stray over to stare in almost confused bewilderment at Anakin and Ahsoka. Spurred by the hints the Force was giving her, Aayla finally went over to sit down next to Sabine.

"Since you said you were from a parallel universe, does that mean that you have met other versions of us?" she asked Sabine, making everyone else fall quiet.

"We shouldn't ask that," Henry said, "they seem to have rules regarding telling us about other universes"

"What do you mean, Henry?" Terriermon asked.

The young boy sighed. "If you think about things like the Prime Directive from Star Trek…"

"Ugh. Listening to Picard lecture me about it one time was enough," Hudiemon said.

"So he lectured you about that as well, huh?" Sabine asked with a hint of amusement.

"Wait, Picard is real?"

"Moumantai, Henry. We're talking about the Multiverse. It makes sense he would be real somewhere."

Henry gave him a dirty look.

"Those of us from the Isekai are not as bad as the Federation," Hudiemon added. "They have their own rules and we follow them when we're in that universe just to be polite, but It's not like we have to absolutely hide where we came from if people in that universe know or are at least aware of the multiverse. What we can't do is fix the universe for them, interrupt the universe's natural course beyond reasonable circumstances, and finally, in the case of Sunset, Lena, Luz or Rozemyne, we are not supposed to use spells that are too unique or powerful, since that could really collapse a universe."

"So then why are you so guarded about it?" Anakin asked, crossing his arms. "From what I heard earlier it seemed like you didn't want to share any information at all."

Hudiemon snorted, "It's common sense not to spill the beans on everything you know to the first people you meet. Especially if you know things they don't. I had to assess several things before deciding if it was safe."

"Oh?" Anakin arched an eyebrow. "Like what?"




"Children, please," Rika groaned.

Sabine sighed. "I'm not part of the Isekai. This is the first time I've ended up in another universe. The only reason I know Erika is because of my Master."

"Who's Erika?"




"In any case," Sabine continued, ignoring the shenanigans of the Digimon and Anakin, "I don't know what I should or shouldn't say, but I know that I am in the wrong time and place and I don't know what I'll mess up if I say anything, although from what I have seen so far, there's very little chance of that."

"But that's not the only reason, isn't it?" Aayla pressed. "One of us here is your Master in your own universe."

Renamon and Rika looked at each other with wide eyes. "If that's true, it's a pretty crazy coincidence," Rika said.

"There's no such thing as coincidence," Obi Wan said. "There's only the Force."

"Isn't there?" Hudiemon asked. "There are entire universes where the Force never existed. We've had Jedi confirm it, if you're curious. And yet, coincidences still happen there."

The gathered Jedi looked at each other.

"Really?" Sabine asked. "You had to bring that up?"

"What? The Force might guide a lot of things as you well know, but that doesn't exclude the possibility that things might just happen out of pure luck, good or bad."

"I feel like this is detracting from our original conversation," Obi Wan said, focusing on Sabine, then back to Aayla. "How did you come to this conclusion?"

Aayla smiled. "During our fight earlier I could tell there was a certain familiarity to her lightsaber moves, and I don't mean just because she used the basics of Djem So and Niman."

Ahsoka and Anakin glanced at each other in surprise. Obi Wan stroked his beard as he considered her words. "If this is true… that might explain why Sabine was able to listen in to your telepathic conversation. Somehow her padawan link connected to the version in this universe of whoever her master is."

"I've never heard of anything like that before," Anakin muttered. "But then again, I have never met someone from a different universe that is actually like ours."

"So… what does this mean?" Ahsoka asked after a moment.

Aayla smiled. "Well, we can't have her skills degrade. We have two Jedi Knights and a Jedi Master here, plus a padawan to practice with."

Sabine whipped her head to look at her in horror. "You can't possibly mean—"

Aayla grinned. "Until you get back, you're with us. And you're getting trained."

"I like it," Anakin said with a grin. "But given what you told us, she also will need some training from other sources." He turned. "Rex!"

"General?" the Clone Trooper said, saluting as he arrived.

"Sabine here could use some additional weapons handling training. We're going to cover the Jedi side, but I'm sure you guys could help her with the firearms?"

The clone turned his head to her. "I… suppose, sir. If she doesn't object?"

"Why would she object?" Ahsoka asked.

"Some Mandos have a problem with clones being, well, genetic copies of Jango Fett," Sabine spoke up. She smiled at the clone. "But I don't have any such issues with clones. It'd be nice to train with you ag—um, I mean, it'll be nice to train with you, Rex."

Rex studied her for a moment before nodding and smiling slightly in return. "Then it will be done."

"That is all well and good," Obi Wan said, "but make sure that your training doesn't interfere with our mission."

Hudiemon tilted her head. "And what is that?"

Anakin smirked. "Nunya."

Author's Note:

A little short, I know, but I'm busy this weekend and just wanted to post something.

Comments ( 18 )

Isekai Shenanigans: The Mando and the Butterfly Pt. 2

Nearly read that as "The Mario and the Butterfly".

"What's an xbox controller?" Sabine asked.

"Something you wouldn't put in a submarine,"



Forgot a space.


"Children, please," Rika groaned.

You're younger than them.

Hudiemon tilted her head. "And what is that?"

Anakin smirked. "Nunya."


"What's an xbox controller?" Sabine asked.

"Something you wouldn't put in a submarine,"

OK, since I don't play Star Wars games, and don't officially have an xBox, me thinks piloting a Gungan Submarine using xBox controller made for a terrible gaming experience IRL. Anyone care to confirm this and explain? = B

The titan submersible that imploded was controlled with an xbox controller. Horrible decisions all around with that thing.

How a company with a name that fits the ScandalGate convention and a CEO named Stockton Rush ended up a real thing people trusted for nearly 15 years and not a parody is beyond me. :facehoof:

Of course Anakin immediately picks up the deflection. This will be interesting.

this problem is that at least most of the Omniverse seems to be computationally based at thebottom, if not mathematical,a nd those that aent have loop structures to isolate reality from the computational underlay. So, if youre accidentally good enough, you can accidentally or deliberatly create at least several different forms of subspace logic worms that give effects among which are vaccuum wave collapse etc.

At least one of these ways seem to be possible with the careful manipulation of a single atomic particle. And the missprogramming of its constituent quarks.:twilightoops:

For me, about the highest tech story from the few overall Ive read on this site, Id have to give Platinum Black Complete to Days Of Wasp And Spider, and its sequal.

Shit. I forgot about the Sub incident. I was thinking something totally different.
I still feel bad for the kid who went with his father and they both lost their lives.
Stupid me for forgetting that tragedy. ><;

I am still confused as to all the characters, but still enjoying the arc lol

Well while the name is unfortunate he had the money and connections to get the company off the ground. The issue with Oceangate is that he entered a market so niche that it wasn’t commercially viable. So he cut corners. At least he died to his own hubris. Though unfortunately he took several others with him.

Even not really knowing the main character due to dropping the Mouse's SW a while back, this has been very enjoyable, good work.

"Those of us from the Isekai are not as bad as the Federation," Hudiemon added.

I am amazed that no one has asked "What is Isekai?" yet.



"Something you wouldn't put in a submarine," Hudiemon muttered.

Hahajahahhaha, oof

Say guys, a new anime series called Bartender: Glass of God, came out starting last week and is now in its second week/2nd episode. What caught my eye was the central theme involving cocktails and the master bartender who makes them. I thought it fits Sunset's Isekai's theme pretty well.

Yeah, very delicate topics to dance around when sent back to the Clone Wars. This is only going to get more awkward from here.

For an idea for another crossover fanfic chapter you should do this FanFiction on this site. Your Human and You?
I want to see sunsets reaction to this world's lore.

11875433 It would not surprise me if WD decides to crossover with this. He did crossover with Restaurant to another World, which is one of my favorite cozy anime. I'm waiting for a crossover with Yuru Camp which would be perfect in my opinion.

"Through our battles we met Anakin and Ahsoka, and with our help, and keeping the secret of our existence away from politicians and the enemy, we have started working a lot more together, which is why they are called now the 'A-Team.'"

I pity tha foo' who goes up against the A-Team!

"What's an xbox controller?" Sabine asked.

"Something you wouldn't put in a submarine," Hudiemon muttered.

Goddammit. You went there :rainbowlaugh:

"Oh?" Anakin arched an eyebrow. "Like what?"




"Children, please," Rika groaned.

He fell for that one, ha.

Sabine whipped her head to look at her in horror. "You can't possibly mean—"

Aayla grinned. "Until you get back, you're with us. And you're getting trained."

What, you think getting lost in the multiverse is enough to get out of your training? Chop, chop, girl!

Hudiemon tilted her head. "And what is that?"

Anakin smirked. "Nunya."

Riiiiight back'atcha! :rainbowlaugh:

Remarks and corrections:
> tell me what happens then you cut the cables that transmit the data?
That looks like it should be "what happens [when] you cut the cables"

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