• Published 23rd Jun 2019
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Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Isekai Cast: Random Shenanigans 1

Isekai Cast: Random Shenanigans 1
The Royal Academy's Teen Goddess Appears!
By Wanderer D

Spoiler Warning for Ascendance of a Bookworm, Vol. 4 and onwards. This happens after the anime so far, but not quite up to the latest published novels.

Rozemyne closed the book she had been very involved in reading (not that there was any other way to read a book, mind) and glared at her retainer and de-facto guardian while attending the Royal Academy; Rihyarda.

"Now, Lady Rosemyne, don't give me that look. You are the one that scheduled today's meeting after all," Rihyarda said, raising a hand to her cheek as she gave a conflicted look that Rozemyne knew was simply for the sake of making her feel guilty. "If you and Lord Wilfried truly intend to inspire the rest of the students in the dormitory to do their best, you can't spend every minute you have reading. They await your instructions, my lady!"

"Can't I have…"

Dropping the concerned act, Rihyarda narrowed her eyes. "Lord Wilfried is waiting for you right now, Lady Rozemyne."

"Fine, fine," Rozemyne grumbled, getting down from her chair and heading for the door after a quick check from Rihyarda to make sure dress was straight and showed no creases from sitting too long. She glanced at the knight guarding her room. "Leonore, I shall head downstairs to the meeting now. Judithe should be there by now, yes?"

Her apprentice knight nodded, her purple-red hair swishing gently. "That is correct, Lady Rozemyne, I believe that Hartmut and Philine should have joined her already as well, and since Brunhilde and Lieseta were both in charge of getting the room ready, everyone should be accounted for."

"Let us join them, then."

"I shall entrust Lady Rozemyne to you, Leonore," Rihyarda intoned. "I must see to that summoning from Ehrenfest. I trust that you won't need me for now?"

"No, thank you," Rozemyne responded, giving her a smile, "I have everything ready, Rihyarda, you may leave."

The truth of the matter was that Rozemyne would have rather stayed in her room reading, but having been entrusted alongside her adoptive brother, Wilfried, to raise the literacy level of all students from their duchy of Ehrenfest, she had a duty to see it happen.

A duty and invested interest, since higher literacy meant more interest in books, and therefore it would help with her expansion of the budding printing industry… in addition to granting her more access to the Royal Academy's Library, which was severely limited for her unless she achieved several goals.

To that end, she had formulated study plans, and organized groups to help all students in all three years of the Academy excel.

It was a lot of work and demanded a lot of her time and attention. If it wasn't for a certain underhanded way she had to obtain completely new books and learn different things, she'd be much more stressed.

Summoning her high beast, Lessy, she sat inside the magical construct, grabbed the steering wheel, and followed Leonore downstairs. They made their way to the room that had been arranged within the Dormitory for her and Wilfried's retainers to get together and plan in good time, thanks to her not having to walk on her own, but she was surprised to spot people waiting outside.

"Wilfried?" she asked a moment later as she reached the entrance to the room. Her brother was standing outside the room, shaking his hand with a deep frown of worry and confusion on his face, which lessened slightly when he spotted her. "Rozemyne! I thought… well, I'm glad I was wrong."

Next to him her other brother from her second noble family—and apprentice guardian knight for Wilfried—Lamprecht, looked at her apprehensively.

"What's happening? Why are you not inside?" Rozemyne asked.

"I can't!" Wilfried interrupted. "There's some sort of shield blocking the door, and we thought that you had set it in place for some reason. The moment I touched it, it shocked me!"

"A shield?" Leonore frowned, going over to study the door, which Rozemyne could now see had a semi-transparent rainbowy bubble-like shine to it. "But how?"

"I don't know, but nothing we do can bring it down, and I don't think the others can hear us," Wilfried said.

Rozemyne frowned, getting out of Lessy while dismissing the highbeast to take a closer look while the others talked. There was something familiar about this…

"This is unusual," Lamprecht said. "I suggest we inform Professor Hirschur."

"I agree," Leonore said, a serious look crossing her face. "Lady Rosemyne, please step back. I shall—"

"No." Rosemyne interrupted, waving her hand. "That will not be necessary." She sighed, recognizing the spell. She rubbed her forehead. "Of course something like this would eventually happen. Why couldn't it have been back home? Or in the temple? Why here? Now? Geez this is going to be hard to explain!"

"My lady!"

Rozemyne sighed again and turned around to glance at all of them warily.

"I insist we inform Prof. Hirschur," Lamprecht said firmly. "We do not know what caused this! It could be dangerous!"

"If we do that, then Ehrenfest will be seen as weak because we can't solve our own problems," Rozemyne responded, silently thanking the gods that Rihyarda was not around. It was easier to convince the others than it would have been to convince her head assistant short of downright pulling rank. Her mind went over several possible explanations she could give them, but with the others inside the shield, and them all being here… she had to move fast before anyone else returned to the dormitory.

Is there any way I could get them to just… let me handle it? She glanced dubiously at the others. Gah! Even if I could argue it out, knowing how weak I am physically there's no way they'd leave me alone. Fine, but whoever's behind this one is going to owe me big!

"I need you all to give me your absolute promise that, no matter what, no matter who asks, no matter why, when or how, you will not share what is going to happen now with anyone of any rank." She crossed her arms. "We have precious little time before the other students come back and a real panic starts. If you are unwilling to swear secrecy, then I task you to stay guarding outside."

"Rosemyne, we need to be careful—" Wilfried started but she cut him off.

"Our precious retainers... our friends... are in there, Wilfried! Trapped, probably scared, and unable to get out. I can free them, but this is a secret I have not shared with anyone before. Can you keep it?"

Immediately Leonore was on her knees, arms crossed and head bowed. "Lady Rosemyne, I give you my word," she said. Rozemyne knew her retainers would trust her that much, but that still left Wilfried's. His cooperation was crucial, as his retainers would follow his lead.

The others gave each other uneasy glances until Rozemyne looked at Wilfried directly. "Do you trust me?" she asked.

After a moment, he nodded, resolute. "I do. I promise."

As predicted, the others swore almost immediately, even if they didn't look too happy about it.

"I shall trust you all," Rozemyne said once that was settled, then took a deep breath and glared at the door, wondering who was behind this. Seriously. They should know better than coming here! she thought angrily, placing her hand straight on the shield, earning surprised shouts of warning from the others, which died into confusion when nothing happened to her.


The group gasped behind her when, at the simple command, the shield popped out of existence like the bubble it had resembled.

"Rozemyne, that wasn't a normal spell, what's going on?" Wilfired asked.

"I'll explain later, dear brother. I really can't believe I'm dealing with this," Rosemyne grumbled. She turned to look at the others. "I'm not sure who exactly is behind this, but close the door behind us when we're all in. Leonore and Lamprecht, take your places at either side once within," she ordered before pushing the door open and walking into the room.

Inside, there was chaos. The large table they had set for discussing materials and plans was turned on its side to serve as a makeshift shield, behind which most of their retainers were hiding.

"What the—" Wilfried gasped.

"Close the door," Rozemyne reminded her companions once they were inside, and Leonore hastily did as ordered, before joining Lamprecht at aiming her schtappe at the creature in the room that was currently holding back their fellow apprentice knights by having them both float in the air.

They had been both disarmed, and were struggling against what seemed to be ropes made with light.

The creature turned, an angry look on its face which faded when she spotted them.

"Lena Shimmer," Rozemyne said.

As they stepped into the room where their retainers were, Wilfried immediately took out his schtappe, raising it to prepare a spell trying to stifle a gasp. He had never seen such a fey beast. It walked on two legs, like a human would, and even seemed to be wearing something that looked like an imitation of clothes, as if it were trying to mock the carefully made clothes people would wear.

Its eyes glowed white-blue with power, as winds and unseen energy whipped around it. Lamprecht took a protective step in front of him and his sister as Rosemyne ordered Leonore to close the door behind them.

What could she be thinking, ordering them all trapped inside with this creature that was so easily controlling the other apprentice knights?

"Lena Shimmer," Rozemyne spoke up, a tinge of… annoyance to her voice, rather than fear.

The creature stared at her sister for a moment… then…

"Rozemyne! I didn't expect to see you here."

"Um…" Wilfried glanced at Lamprecht. "What's happening?"

"Could you please put down Alexis and Judithe?" Rozemyne asked, crossing her arms, not at all intimidated by the strange powers this creature wielded. "You're scaring everyone here."

"Hey! They're the ones that attacked me!" the creature responded defensively.

"Nevertheless, I insist that you do as I say," Rozemyne stated. "They've never seen someone from Duckburg before, there's no way they would have known you were not going to attack anyone here. They were just trying to protect the others."

The creature snorted. "Fine." She gently lowered our very dizzy knights, leaving them on their knees, heaving, and trying to regain their balance right next to Rozemyne, who shook her head with obvious annoyance.

"Lady Rozemyne?" one of her retainers asked with a shaky voice—Philine, if Wilfried recalled correctly—as she stood up hesitantly.

"Everything will be fine everyone," Rozemyne assured them with a smile. "I ask that you all stay here while I take care of this matter, but I promise that there is no need to fear now. Lena won't hurt any of you."

Slowly, the rest of their retainers stood up from behind the large table, and, upon hearing Rozemyne's words, started cleaning up, giving dubious looks at my sister and the creature.

"Here," the creature, Lena, suddenly said. "Sorry I scared you."

It… or she? Waved her hand and everything simply straightened out and returned to its proper place. It wasn't anything new, as most adults could use magic to clean up a room, it was just the casualness of the act that surprised Wilfried. No chanting, no schtappe to control the mana flow… just a gesture.

"I see that you've put a lot of practice with the cleaning spell Sunset taught," Rozemyne said to the creature.

"Well, you sure didn't look like you were going to use it, and I did apparently terrorize a bunch of kids."

"Watch how you speak to Lady Rozemyne," Leonore said gruffly, while Lamprecht nodded slowly, eyes narrowed.

Lena didn't acknowledge her, other than giving Rozemyne a questioning look.

"I am the Archduke's daughter," my sister explained. "Politeness and proper behavior is an absolute necessity here at the Royal Academy, and when addressing each other, status dictates that we keep to strict rules."

"Wow." Lena said, unimpressed. "I guess I really should get out of here before your guard blows a gasket. Care to give me a hand?"

"Rozemyne?" Wilfried asked, tired of not understanding what was going on. "Care to explain?"

At his words, all the retainers stopped what they were doing and focused on her.

Rozemyne blinked and looked at him, then laughed nervously as she took in the other's looks. "Ah. Well, dear brother, allow me to introduce to you Lena Shimmer. She might look different, and act… uncouth, but she is the daughter of a very powerful goddess."

A goddess?! the thought was preposterous, but it was so ridiculous that he had the nagging feeling she was actually telling the truth.

"You know very well that my mom doesn't like being called that," Lena said, clearly amused. "How are you going to explain that one to her?"

Rozemyne looked ponderously at the… demigodess? What did one call the direct descendant of a goddess, but a goddess? A godling? Wilfried shook his head. A goddess.

"I shall wait for the next time the gods gather together, and pray for her understanding in this matter," Rozemyne countered, smiling smugly. "After all, explaining her would not be a problem if a certain someone had not suddenly and rudely appeared in my dormitory, trapped our attendants and fellow students with a shield spell that doesn't exist in this mortal world, and required my direct intervention. It is unfortunately the only way to explain you and her in a manner that will not completely reshape their understanding of the world and mortality itself."

"At least it was contained…" the goddess, Lena, said, less confrontational and seeming more amused than threatened. It nagged a little at Wilfried, and he tried to figure out what his instincts were telling him about this whole interaction.

"Yes, I suppose so," Rozemyne said, still grimacing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "But it is still not something this world is ready for." She whirled around, startling him, as she extended her hand to present him. "In any case, Lena Shimmer, be known to Lord Wilfried, the first son of Aub Ehrenfest, and my older brother. Next to him are our knights, some of which you have already met: Leonore, Judithe, my older brother Lamprecht..."

Wilfried tuned out her voice as Rozemyne proceeded to introduce each and every person in the room, once again ignoring rank, as she occasionally would. Not that he resented that, but he made a mental note to remind her to practice that, as even if this goddess didn't care, noble society definitely would outside of their very tight circle of trusted friends and advisors.

His attention returned to the present as the goddess performed a perfect curtsey belying the entirely-too-casual disposition that she had presented earlier, however now that her true nature had been exposed, everyone in the room save Rozemyne immediately kneeled.

"May we pray for a blessing in appreciation of this serendipitous meeting, ordained by the fruitful days of Schutzaria the Goddess of Wind?" they all chanted at the same time.

"Really?" Wilfried heard the goddess mutter, then a slightly exasperated, "You may. Blessed be."

That's not how… he started to think, but he felt the tell-tale imbuement of mana flowing through him. It makes sense, a part of him thought, after all, if she's a goddess too, she doesn't need to bless in the name of anyone else.

Wilfried shook his head in amazement at just how casually his sister was taking all of this. Rozemyne really is incredible, he thought to himself, once more glad to have her on his side.

"Truly, being in the service of the Saint of Ehrenfest is its own reward!" Hartmut gushed, once all retainers were on their feet. "To think we would get to meet a goddess!"

"A very strange goddess," Rozemyne muttered. She then took a step to the front of the room. "Lena, if you could cast a distraction spell again so no one would interrupt us?"

Lena Shimmer raised her arms and something similar to the bubble-like shield from earlier expanded out. Presumably anyone trying to enter would encounter the same problems as they had earlier, or something of a similar nature.

"We have to make this quick," Rozemyne said. "As you are all aware, Lena is also a goddess, being the daughter of one. As blessed as we are by her presence here, I must ask you all to give your word that no one will know she was here. The implications of her existence are immeasurable, as you can imagine, and not only would others finding out about this event accuse us of lying, we run many risks that we don't need whether they believe us or not. Therefore, Lena and I will create a contract that we will all sign, preventing us from speaking of this to others, or in the presence of those who are unaware of today's events."

"But… Rozemyne, this is unprecedented!"

"I'm sorry Lamprecht, Lena isn't supposed to be here in the first place," she said, glancing at the goddess before turning back to face everyone once more. "Please understand that there are things many mortals should not be aware of and are kept protected from. If it eases your concern, I can at least assure you that both Sylvester and Ferdinand are well acquainted with Lena's mother, and they both would agree with me here."

Everyone glanced at each other before bowing in acceptance. "As you wish." What else could they do, when even Aub Ehrenfest himself would want this kept secret?

Wilfried watched curiously as his sister and the goddess made motions with their hands and mana, or something like it, floated between them.

"Why are you here?" Rozemyne asked in a low voice.

Lena shuffled in place, but still continued her part of the spell. "I forgot my key when I went to Duckburg. I sort of rushed out to catch up with Webby, and while I was expecting to be picked up, Magika used a spell to banish me. I assume her spell used a fate thread to get the upper hand and since we had tea just the other day…"

"...it brought you here, to me," Rozemyne said, sighing.

Rozemyne has tea with goddesses…

Wilfried watched as his sister and the goddess stepped back, opening their arms wider and a shimmering magic circle appeared between them… nothing like he had ever seen before.

"This will only take a moment," Lena said, turning to face everyone. "Since you have accepted Rozemyne's terms, this will just make it take effect. No additional steps need to be taken."

The spell expanded around all of them, and… disappeared.

"It is done," Rozemyne said, opening a door that hadn't been there before.

Wilfried blinked. "Lamprecht, that was not there, right?"

"I don't know what's happening anymore," his knight lamented.

Rozemyne smiled at the goddess. "Really Lena, you need to be more careful."

"I know, I know," Lena responded, shrugging. "I'll make it up to you."

"You'd better!" Rozemyne responded, her manner of speech slipping just enough for Wilfried to finally realize what had been nagging him about their interaction. Rozemyne was not only acquainted with this goddess; they were close friends.

Noticing the eyes of the others on her, Rozemyne quickly became formal again, not realizing that Wilfried had caught her slipup. "It seems Dregarnuhr the Goddess of Time has woven today's threads with exceptional speed and grace."

"She tends to do that when we're together," Lena said warmly. "Stay safe."

And then she was gone, closing the door that shouldn't have been there behind her, and then the door itself was gone as well, as if it had never been there.

Everyone in the room remained silent for a moment, jumping in place when Rozemyne clapped her hands. "I know you all have a lot of questions, but we do have a job to do! Let's get started!"

As the others ran around, Rozemyne sat down with a tired sigh. Wilfried took the opportunity to slide closer to his sister and sat down. "Are you okay, Rozemyne?"

She glanced at him warmly. "I am. It's good to see Lena, but I just feel like I barely managed to dodge a huge incident. If any of the factions that don't really owe us their loyalty had been around…" she shook her head. "It's bad enough that I'm going to have to deal with the aftermath of this with our own friends."

Wilfried nodded. He doubted anyone could do anything about gods and goddesses interacting with Rozemyne, but it was clear she didn't want anyone knowing about it, and after some thought he thought he understood why.

After all, she was already under incredible pressure, and if news of this were to reach others, being accused of being crazy was probably less of a hassle than being believed and suddenly really being in the spotlight for everyone.

Not that she wasn't doing well enough on that front on her own.

"Rozemyne," he said, walking over to her. He then leaned in and whispered. "You know you're not getting out of this so easily, right?"

"I know. But at least, dear brother, I'll have a bit more time to figure out what to say." Rosemyne's smile froze. "And I'm definitely getting Lena to help."

Wilfried gave her a look. "Well. Just don't go around antagonizing the gods."

Rozemyne laughed in just the right way that he knew… he knew… she was covering something up. "Me? Oh? No, no, I would never do such a thing, dear brother!" She quickly moved over to where Philine and Brunhilde stood, bringing the discussion forcibly to address the magical Library tools: Schwartz and Weiss.

Wilfried groaned and resisted the urge to scratch his head in frustration. But then again, that was just who his sister was, and would always be: a crazy, irresponsible mystery that would bring him endless headaches.

He grinned, looking at her and muttered, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Before walking over to join everyone and bring things back to order.

End Shenanigans 1

Author's Note:

Isekai Shenanigans will basically just be short stories with the regulars, staff, and/or students of the Isekai. Single chapters, no long arcs, that give us a glimpse of what Sunset's family and friends are up to with the multiverse open to them.

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