• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 23,087 Views, 4,506 Comments

Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Ewe Don't Wanna Know (Zootopia — Movie Pt. 5)

Sunset's Isekai
Ewe Don't Wanna Know (Zootopia — Movie Pt. 5)
By Wanderer D

While Judy had never been to the central offices of Clawhorn and Hoof, it was hard to miss them. They were one of the biggest firms to exist, and their Corporate Headquarters reflected this, being one of the tallest buildings in all of Zootopia. The thing itself was at its base as big as a city block, and it went up so high it was one of the first things she had seen when travelling to Zootopia via train, and even though she had driven past it several occasions by now, it still seemed overwhelming.

"Huh." Sunset leaned back, looking up into the distance. "Seems like someone is compensating for something."

Nick barked out a laugh, ignoring the disgruntled look several of the lawyers walking by gave them.

Judy smirked and shook her head. She had a lot… a LOT… of questions for Sunset, but she couldn't deny the mysterious wolf had something about her that was disarming and engaging. It was a dangerous thing, as she and Nick both knew from experience that sometimes some individuals used that charisma for less than helpful purposes.

Still, Sunset's jab had served its purpose, and the building was nothing more than a large building now. It's threatening presence lessened by a simple joke.

The trio walked into the lobby, thick glass automatic doors parting for them with barely a whisper. It was huge inside, as expected, and it took Judy a moment to spot the front desk, which was no mean feat, considering it was long enough to allow at least six employees to help customers side by side. Looking around, she could see other, similar desks further around the lobby.

"I think that's the closest one," she said, pointing to the first one she saw. "Come on."

They made their way to the desk, and stepped up to speak to a smartly dressed gazelle, who was smiling placidly at the latest customer that had just left her desk. She extended that same smile at them, politely nodding as she greeted them.

"Welcome to the Clawhorn and Hoof Corporate Headquarters, my name is Jenny, how can I assist you? Do you have an appointment already, or would you like to set one up with one of our advisors?"

Judy cleared her throat. "I'm Officer Hopps, and this is Officer Wilde, we're here to speak to Mr. Clawhorn about a Clawhorn and Hoof crate that was found at the Museum."

The smile did not disappear for even a second. "I'm afraid Mr. Clawhorn is unavailable, but you can speak to any one of his lawyers about anything you'd like, Officer Hopps."

Judy bit her lip. She didn't have anything she could use to force the issue, and without a warrant, if Mr. Clawhorn didn't want to talk to her, she'd be bogged down by possibly hundreds of lawyers. It was unlikely that he'd even hear of them being there at all.

"Hm," Sunset spoke up. "I believe I can help with that, Miss, if you could search if I had an appointment, I would appreciate it. My business partner, Rarity Belle might have set one up already with him. If not, it might be under my name; Sunset Shimmer."

The look the young gazelle gave Sunset—studying her attire, head to paws—and the almost condescending twitch to her smile were particularly annoying, but seeing that Sunset took it in stride, Judy elected to not say anything.

"Let's see…" Jenny said, typing away at her computer, "Sunset… Shimmer…" She waited for a moment before smiling even more placidly, if that was possible. "I'm afraid not, Sunset. As I said, Mr. Clawhorn himself is an extremely busy individual, and I'm sure whatever it is you need can be perfectly handled by one of our junior associates."

The wolf shrugged. "No, need, thank you for checking, Jenny. I'm sure I have his number somewhere back at the office."

Sighing in disappointment, Judy guided them out of the building.

"Well," Nick said, "that went just about as I would have predicted."

"I can't believe they wouldn't let us speak to him," Judy muttered. "We're officers!"

"And that is more likely to make it even more difficult," Sunset pointed out. "Especially if there is any chance of an investigation happening in relation to him."

"I—" Judy stopped and her ears twitched. "Did you hear that?"

"We're not rabbits, Carrots."

"Wait!" Jenny's voice reached them.

They turned around to see the gazelle running towards them as fast as she could, her cloven hoof held out pleadingly, while several lawyers and guests moved out of the way to gape at her.

Judy and Nick exchanged glances, then looked up at Sunset, who shrugged. The trio waited for the gazelle to stagger up to them, gasping. "G-good, I caught up with you, Miss Shimmer."

"Oh, it's Miss Shimmer now," Nick drawled.

"Um, yes," Jenny said, making herself look a little smaller. "I do apologize for… um. Mister Clawhoof asked me to escort the three of you to his personal office."

"How many non-personal offices does he have?" Nick asked as they started following the gazelle back.

"Five. It really depends on who he is meeting with," Jenny replied, her tone subdued and nervously giving Sunset a side-glance.

"And… how many personal offices does he have?" Judy asked.

"One," the gazelle replied, clearing her throat. "Just one."

"Ah, Miss Shimmer!" Mr. Clawhorn eagerly walked over to where they all three stood at the exit of the private elevator, which had opened onto an entire floor of the building. "What an honor to have you visit my humble business!"

"My pleasure, Mr. Clawhorn, I'm glad you were available, I heard you were a very busy individual."

Judy tried not to smirk at the whimper that emanated from Jenny, who was hovering nervously behind them.

"It is quite an impressive office," Sunset said, looking around and apparently noticing several items of interest. "I like your collection." She walked to a nearby plaque with strange symbols on it. "Kzinti, if I'm not mistaken."

Mr. Clawhorn's smile was frozen in place for a moment. "Ah. Yes, um… I assure you I obtained that in um…" He trailed off, looking at them and Jenny. "...an uninvolved manner."

Sunset giggled. "No need to fear anything from me, Mr. Clawhorn, I'm just a humble bartender."

Judy crossed her arms, shooting Sunset an annoyed look. There was no way she was a bartender.

"Um… of course. In any case, that is indeed Kzinti, and it was a gift from Rarity to my grandfather, to celebrate one of our first deals together in the early days of the company."

Something about that made Judy narrow her eyes, but what it was exactly escaped her at the moment. It was strange enough that such a prominent figure would even begin to think to justify anything he owned at all to a bartender. The whole situation was surreal, and with what had happened in the museum, it was starting to make her wonder just what kind of underworld she and Nick had stumbled into.

"We do have some sensitive issues to discuss," Sunset said, "and we wouldn't want to keep you from your important business."

"Nonsense, I have all the time in the world for you and Miss Rarity," Mr. Clawhorn said, motioning for them to head inside and making Jenny whimper again. That was enough for him to focus his attention on the gazelle, who stood paralized in front of the large tiger, as if expecting to be executed. "That will be all, miss… um… Fletcher."

Jenny opened her mouth as if to correct him, but seemed to think better of it, and then simply nodded, hurrying into the elevator. A few seconds later they were all alone.

"You know her last name was Blumenthal," Nick pointed out.

"Was it?" Mr. Clawhorn asked. "No matter. Please, make yourselves comfortable," he added, motioning with his paw at a large sofa.

"Really, Mr. Clawhorn," Sunset said, "you don't have to feel so nervous around me. You're doing business with Rarity, after all."

Mr. Clawhorn sighed. "Perhaps, but you do understand that you have a reputation, Miss Shimmer."

"I wasn't aware that it was anything but good."

"It is!" he immediately replied. "It's just… you are best friends with Charlie Magne, and a close acquaintance of Lucifer Morningstar, and several other… individuals of considerable influence. I believe even Rarity is sometimes surprised at your ability to befriend others."

Sunset smiled. "Thank you for the compliments, but buttering me up, as flattering as it is, is only going to distract us from our real objective here... Well then, we do have some questions for you, I believe Officer Hopps wanted to talk to you about them?"

Judy blinked, suddenly finding herself the center of attention. So far the conversation had gone over her head. Who were these individuals that Sunset knew that so impressed Mr. Clawhorn? They weren't names she was familiar with, and a glance at Nick—who had shaken his head in bewilderment at the conversation earlier—had confirmed that they were unknowns to him too… which was a bit scary, considering how familiar he was with the criminal elements of the city.

"Ahem." Judy nodded. "Mr. Clawhorn… when we went to investigate the cause of the fire, we discovered that someone had attempted to break into the storage room, where they found a destroyed crate with the logo of Clawhorn and Hoof on it."

She put down a few of the pictures from the file on the table for him to look at. "While it doesn't appear now that the contents themselves created the fire, it seems like it did react to a blowtorch being used to attempt to open it."

"Hm." Mr. Clawhorn picked up one of the pictures, and his eyes widened slightly. "I see."

"Whoever started the fire that put in danger the life of your granddaughter and her schoolmates was trying to get this," she pointed out. "Whatever records we could find did not indicate the contents or even why the crate was there." She pulled out her notepad. "Is there anything you could tell us?"

"I haven't seen this crate in a long time…" Mr. Clawhorn said, carefully. Judy noticed how he glanced at Sunset as if to ask for permission to speak. "The… contents are not volatile exactly, but it was something that… was not best kept here." He swallowed. "The contents needed to remain pure…"

"I'm not liking this," Sunset said. "What would you need to contain away from here? Couldn't a normal seal work for it?"

Nick's ear twitched, and Judy nodded to herself. The way Sunset had said 'seal' had an extra meaning there.

"No…" Mr. Clawhoof sighed and went over to his desk, pouring himself a glass. "We're not Wolfram and Hart, Miss Shimmer… but our origins were not that different."

"I gathered, given that you brought up Morningstar and Charlie, but didn't mention Belldandy or—"

"Yes, exactly," Mr. Clawhorn interrupted. "But we are not them," he insisted. "When Miss Belle helped establish this office… things changed for a lot of the senior partners. We are invested in the welfare of the people of this world… of Zootopia. As you can imagine, since Rarity is one of our business partners, we still deal with a lot of… unconventional things. But we take care of them in different ways. The content of this crate… is old. It's… misplaced. And it has no business being in a place where its inherent… purity… could be corrupted however unintentionally."

Judy could feel a headache coming. "Corrupted how?"

Mr. Clawhorn gave Sunset a pleading look, then glanced back at Judy with a sigh of resignation. "Miss Hopps… Officer Hopps. There are things out there that really don't fall into the Zootopia Police Department's scope. If you delve more into it, you will not be able to see the world as you did before."

"If you're going to avoid answering the question—"

"It's true," Sunset said, interrupting Judy. "You guys need to be careful, once you fully open the can of worms, there's no putting them back in. We can still figure out whodunnit without the whole thing… being exposed... we just need to find the culprits."

"I think we could do that, right?" Nick said nervously. "It's basically what we're supposed to do."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of… whatever this is, Nick," Judy said. "We need the full picture if we want to solve this!"

Nick raised a claw to argue, then grimaced, closing his mouth. "I hope we don't come to regret it, Carrots."

"Then we're going to continue?" Mr. Clawhorn clarified.

"Yes," Judy said, sitting straighter and giving him a defiant look. "We need to know."

Mr. Clawhorn cleared his throat. "Well then. So be it. The reason it couldn't stay here is that the being trapped inside is too pure… too young to survive the slow corruption that we have to deal with here every day unscathed, especially since it is unable to fight it."

"You had someone trapped in there?!" Judy asked, aghast.

"What is it?" Sunset asked, leaning forth, her eyes narrowed. "There's not many things out there that would fall into that category, and I have to wonder, if you don't trade in such things, how did it come to be here?"

Mr. Clawhorn grimaced. "I don't know… and we don't. But it was brought to us by… others. We felt it was our responsibility to procure it from them, and a deal was struck. No doubt they thought we would put it to use for something, but we rather stored it and—I'm afraid—forgot about it until now."

He sighed and took a sip of his glass, giving Sunset an unsure look. "They said it came from a deprived world."

Sunset growled. It was a visceral growl that made Judy nervous and Nick's hackles rise. The type of growl she'd expect to hear from someone being affected by Nighthowlers.

"No one who would try and steal it knew it was there," Mr. Clawhorn said. "And those of us that hadn't forgotten about it… wouldn't need anything other than showing up to reclaim it. No one would be the wiser."

Sunset stood up. "I think… we should go."

Judy jumped to her feet, rushing after her as the wolf stomped over to the elevator and pressed the button to summon it up. "Wait, we can't! There's a lot of questions that need answering!"

"We won't find much else here," Sunset countered, her claws unclenching. She glanced over at Mr. Clawhorn. "Thank you… I'm glad you don't engage in that kind of thing."

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Miss Shimmer," the tiger replied. "I hope to see you again… perhaps in happier circumstances."

"I'm sure I can make time for my lawyer every other century," Sunset said, her body relaxing a little bit. "I really hope we have a chance to talk when things like these are not hanging over the city."

"Well, I can honestly say," Nick started as he drove the police car towards the street where Sunset's home was, "that I learned nothing today."

"We should have stayed," Judy insisted, giving Sunset an accusatory glance from the rearview mirror. "Maybe he said a lot of things that make sense to you, but not to us. And we are the ones that have to solve this case."

Sunset shrugged and smiled as they pulled to a stop in front of her place. "How about you two come in for a drink?"

End Part 5

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