• Published 23rd Jun 2019
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Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Isekai Cast: Random Shenanigans 2

Isekai Cast: Random Shenanigans 2
In A Galaxy Far Away...
By Wanderer D

Sabine Wren grimaced as she retrieved the report she had been sent. Although technically she and Ahsoka were outside the grid—even for rebels—she still got messages from Senator Organa about possible leads on imperial movements, as well as communications regarding planets that were in trouble.

And this was one such planet. Chartallooi was one of the farthest planets from the center of galactic civilization; bordering the Far Rim, it was far closer to the edge of known space than was comfortable for anyone in the galaxy, and it had taken some intense negotiations to get a colony started there in the first place.

The more she researched into it, the more she was impressed with the fact that it had lasted this long. If someone had asked her to make a wild guess about how far they'd get, she would have given them a month at most before they quit.

However, as separated from most of the galaxy as they had been… as isolated as they had made themselves, with communications being spotty at the best of times… they had managed to both survive, and thrive. The colony had grown and now several settlements were strewn around the planet which was now reluctantly acknowledged as a farming community.

But now, the few communications they had sent had gone silent. The Empire, of course, had not been willing to waste resources to build up security on a planet so far from Coruscant that produced nothing of value to them, and while the New Republic would very much like to help, it was too busy rebuilding in the core worlds to assist, so all that was left was whoever was in the area… and that was them.

And no one else.

"Ahsoka," she called out, walking away from the cockpit and into the main cabin, where her current companion was sitting, studying several pads with information on them… by meditating on them. "There's trouble nearby."

Ashoka did not seem to hear her, but Sabine didn't let that bother her. She had seen the slight frown in Ahsoka's forehead as the togrutan former jedi shifted her focus from meditating on the pads, to meditating on what she was sensing from Sabine.

The mysticism and esoteric nature of the Force made a lot of non-Force-users wary of the few who could sense and use its power. It could be scary knowing that powers like that existed; that there were sith and jedi and others who could use them for any purpose, and a regular person would be unable to fight it at all.

But she was not a regular person.

After parting ways with Hera, Garazeb, and Chopper, Ahsoka had become Sabine's mentor of sorts. Most mandos were not comfortable around force users, but for her, it added a certain measure of familiarity. After all, she had been working with Kanan for years, and he had been a jedi, and, with the addition of Ezra to the crew of The Ghost, she had indeed become very comfortable being around force users.

Thus, she simply sat back and rested her feet on the table as Ahsoka exhaled and relaxed her posture, opening her eyes and blinking a couple of times as she regained her bearings. "Anything?" Sabine asked, knowing that her mentor was very powerful indeed, and if there was something there, she'd sense it for sure.

Ahsoka did not disappoint.

Nodding, the former jedi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I sensed a disturbance… it is strange, and yet somehow familiar." Ahsoka frowned. "I'm not sure where exactly I have felt this kind before, but I sensed great distress, anger, confusion and fear."

Sabine felt a shiver run down her spine. "Not… Sith, right?" she asked, releasing a sigh of relief when Ahsoka shook her head.

"I did not feel anything sith-like, though the emotions are strong. There is power there, I am just unsure of its intentions," Ahsoka clarified, sitting up across from Sabine.

Sabine nodded. "Given how close Chartallooi is to the actual edge of the Outer Rim, I wouldn't be surprised if something truly strange was happening there, maybe even visitors from outside."

Ahsoka smiled at her. "I'm glad you're keeping an eye out for those in need, Sabine."

The mandalorian shrugged. "It's what our team was here for."

The jump from lightspeed to normal space didn't take long, but now that they were close to the world in question, Sabine was surprised by the lack of communications.

"Chartallooi, this is The Basilisk, we received information that you needed assistance. Over." She frowned and changed the frequency after a few minutes of no response, but there was no sign of transmissions coming out.

The door to the cockpit hissed open and Ahsoka walked in, sitting down on the copilot's seat. She met Sabine's eyes with her own, but the mandalorian simply shook her head.

Ahsoka turned to glance at the planet, eyes narrowing. "We can't tell anything from here, but I can sense distress. Let's go in."

"I have a bad feeling about this," Sabine muttered, steering The Basilisk towards where her charts indicated the biggest colony, Sua'Dero was located. She kept an eye on the readings as they approached the planet, then blinked. "That's odd."

"What is?" Ahsoka asked, turning to look at her, but Sabine was too busy trying to get control of the ship as it suddenly banked and the console overloaded.

"What the—something's happening to the controls!" Sabine cried out, eyes wide. She pushed back from the console as Ahsoka took over from her seat, and dove under the panel, quickly starting manual bypasses as they fell out of control into the planet.

"Come on, come on!" Sabine muttered, wincing as electricity shocked her hand. She shook it off as quickly as she could, ignoring the pain as she worked. "I don't know what's going on but something's overloading the systems!"

With a grunt of frustration, she diverted the offending source of energy and redirected the more manageable power from other, less necessary devices to the panel.

"It's working!" Ahsoka said, and Sabine soon felt the ship slide into a much more smooth flight. She crawled back onto the pilot seat and dropped onto it. "I'm glad we got another VCX-100. If I wasn't so used to the systems…"

Ahsoka nodded, still focusing on flying. "Things worked out for now, but we still need to figure out what's causing the communications blackout and those power surges."

"Right, right." Sabine said, entrusting the piloting to the capable ex-jedi. She slid her guns into their holsters and started getting ready for combat. "I haven't blown up anything in two weeks!"

"You are terribly fond of doing that," Ahsoka chuckled.

Sabine grinned as she put on her helmet. "It's a Wren specialty."

"I see our destination," Ahsoka called out, prompting the mandalorian to join her once more. The colony was pretty small, but big enough to count as a town. Several buildings formed a large circle, with a spaceport off to the side, containing a few spaceships that seemed to be in good enough condition to fly, at first glance.

"You think whatever got us up there stranded them?" Sabine asked, looking at them.

"Possibly," Ahsoka replied ponderously. "I think we're about to find out." She glanced out at the city and called over Sabine to take a look as well. Several people were carefully making their way up to them, glancing around nervously, as if expecting to be attacked.

Ahsoka parked the ship, giving Sabine a warning glance, which she acknowledged with a nod: she would keep an eye out for attackers.

"I am La'Seca," the leader introduced herself. She was an elder Twi'lek, with green skin that was just beginning to hunch down with the weight of her years. She led Ahsoka and Sabine back to town while the townspeople kept nervous guard around them. "I'm glad you heard about our plight; we were worried that we hadn't made it in time before the monsters attacked."

"Monsters?" Sabine asked, leaning in. "What kind of monsters?"

"Creatures like we've never seen before," the old woman continued as they reached the town. She motioned for them to go into what appeared to be the town hall, being larger than most of the buildings around, and clearly designed to allow large groups to gather.

The town hall was a simple affair. It wasn't as small or spartan in decorations, as the places used by mandalorians to gather these days were, but it wasn't as big as the one in Lothal either. Sabine studied most of the crowd that had ventured in, nervous and scared.

It was made up of humans, twi'leks, a small group of rodians, and even a togruta couple that were blinking in surprise at Ahsoka's appearance.

As the crowd settled down, Ahsoka faced the elder. "These creatures just appeared without warning?"

"We've been farming these lands for several years now, and before that, we scanned this planet to ensure the local flora and fauna would not be dangerous or unknown; just the usual small predators, and most recently someone brought some baby sandworms that we had to destroy for obvious reasons. We saw no traces of these monsters until now."

"What do they look like?" Sabine asked.

"They have different shapes, different sizes… some of them are made of metal, and others are some mixture of organic and robotic," one of the human farmers offered.

"I saw one that looked like some sort of bird, but it had a helmet of some sort on it!" another farmer, this one a twi'lek, said.

"As you can see they vary in size and shape, but they are all the same," the elder said. "We thought them mindless monsters at first, but some of them talked to each other, and they somehow destroyed our communications arrays when we attempted to call for help."

Sabine grimaced. It sounded too farfetched.

"They're attacking again!" a voice called from outside, and the town moved immediately, picking up weapons as they ran outside, followed by Ahsoka and Sabine.

By the time they made it out of the building, the battle had started. Several yellow, insectoid creatures buzzed around, shooting some sort of energy attacks at the farmers, who retaliated in turn with their lasers, while other, larger creatures of too many shapes and forms attacked the streets making everyone flee.

"Okay, I'm going out." Sabine pulled out her guns and prepared to fly.

"Wait." Ahsoka said, as she stepped out into the street. Ignoring most of the fighting, and the confused Sabine, she studied the several attacking monsters intently, before shaking her head and extending her hand.

She yanked it back and a squeaking bird-like monster zoomed over to float in front of them.

"Ah." Ahsoka said. "Digimon."

"A what?" Sabine asked, lowering her guns in confusion.

"Hawkmon, if I'm not mistaken," Ahsoka said.

The creature stopped fighting and glared at her. "Let me go!"

"I must know first how you came to be here, and why you are attacking these people," Ahsoka answered, unperturbed.

"This is our world!" the creature that Ahsoka had identified as Hawkmon answered, starting to struggle again. "They invaded it!"

"You must be confused," Ahsoka said, blinking. "This planet is in my universe. This is not the Digiworld."

"Then why did all of you appear outside our village?!" Hawkmon asked. "I don't want to hear your lies! Let me go!"

"Ahsoka!" Sabine cried out.

The former jedi released the creature and diverted her attention to the pair of missiles flying their way, concentrating and deflecting them into the air above, where they exploded, creating a lull in the battle as all involved cringed away.

"Retreat!" a booming voice called out, and the digimon ran, flew and burrowed away, leaving the town damaged, but with surprisingly no casualties, as a quick recount would reveal.

"This is complicated," Ahsoka said, grimacing. She turned to look at La'Seca as she and the others approached. "Hawkmon said you attacked their village?"

The Twi'lek blinked in surprise standing straighter. "Nonsense! We're farmers, what need do we have to attack their village?"

"We wouldn't have even come close to them if we had seen something like those creatures!" another farmer said. "Every time they come by they look different too!"

Ahsoka shook her head. "Okay. It seems they might've been done for today, but… before you go, I need you all to think real hard. Did you destroy anything weird recently?"

The farmers looked at each other, then Sabine's head snapped up. "Wait, didn't you say someone brought Sand Worms? Who did that?"

"I'm not sure," La'Seca said hesitantly. "We don't get that many visitors, but it must've been in that ship from… Dac."

"From Dac." Ahsoka grimaced. "There is a type of early stage Digimon called Wormmon… they're usually non-aggressive…"

Sabine watched as La'Seca's hand went up to cover her mouth, while her eyes widened in horror. Ahsoka had trailed off and was shaking her head.

"...but… we didn't know!" the old Twi'lek whispered.

"It's going to be hard to get them to understand that… especially if more are arriving by whatever accident brought them here." Ahsoka said, grimacing.

"Surely they can't be that dangerous!" one farmer said. "No one died when they attacked us."

"That is because the ones you have been fighting are not the aggressive type… and they are all essentially children." Ahsoka looked up. "Sabine and I will figure out what we can do… but we must act before more evolved Digimon arrive. We might not be able to fight them off if they do."

As her people dispersed, La'Seca grimaced and shook her head mournfully. "I can't believe we would do such a thing… we didn't know, Ahsoka Tano."

"I know, but this can get really bad," the Togruta replied seriously. "Please make sure that your people don't head out to hunt them or fight them. Rookie Digimon might be mostly harmless compared to others, but they can still be deadly."

"Right… right, if you'll excuse me, I have people to talk to."

Sabine watched the elder walk away and turned to look at Ahsoka. "How bad is it, really?"

"There are Digimon powerful enough to warp time and space… some even can destroy galaxies," Ahsoka responded as she started walking downtown, away from the people that were gathering to listen to La'Seca.

"That's really bad."

"It is, and they won't listen to me… we need help," Ahsoka said.

Sabine grimaced. If the former jedi was right, this was much worse than fighting an Imperial Fleet. What kind of help could they even get for this? "So… where are we going?"

Ahsoka took a corner into a small cul-de-sac, and smirked, motioning at the door there. "Where else? The bar."

Sabine couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Wait. We're getting drunk?! How is that going to help? I thought Jedi didn't drink!"

"Generally no," Ahsoka said, opening the wooden door, which chimed as she did. "But Jedi are allowed to drink a little if they want. It's succumbing to the temptation of alcohol or drugs that is frowned upon, but they're not outright forbidden from doing it. Jedi just prefer other types of drinks."

"I see," Sabine growled, following the ex-jedi into the bar. A thousand questions were in her mind: how did Ahsoka know about Digimon? If she had never been to this world, how did she know about the bar? Were they really going to drink instead of helping?

"Ahsoka!" a voice called out, making Sabine snap back to reality. She looked around the bar, more and more confused as she realized it was nothing like she had ever seen before. The walls were not metal, there were people there, humans among them, but other, unknown species as well, and they were all greeting Ahsoka like old friends.

"Hello everyone," Ahsoka said, grinning as she shook hands and waved at others. "I'm sorry but I can't stay long… I have a Digimon invasion in a planet in my universe."

"Oh, wow," a man in some sort of armor and a prosthetic leg said. "Do you need help? How bad is it?"

"It's not too bad yet," Ahsoka responded, "and I do need help, but no fighting yet, Hiccup."

"Bah," a large alien of unknown species said from a table at the end, where it was drinking alongside two other species Sabine couldn't recognize, one looking like some sort of synthetic life form, the other a female covered completely in a suit of some sort. "Why come tease us then?"

"Sorry Wrex, but I want to keep intrusion to a minimum for now," Ahsoka said. "If it turns bad, you'll be the first to know."

The creature, Wrex, grunted and nodded, going back to his conversation.

Ahsoka, meanwhile, had walked over and given the human bartender a friendly hug over the counter, before stepping back with a grin. "I was wondering if I could borrow Erika."

"Sure, you know where to find her," the bartender said. Ahsoka motioned over to Sabine. "This is Sabine Wren, she's traveling with me for now."

The bartender studied Sabine for a moment before fake-glaring at Ahsoka. "You didn't tell her about this place, did you? She must be really confused."

Ahsoka simply laughed. "Anyway, Sabine, I'll be right back. Take a seat and get something to drink in the meantime. It's on my tab."

Overwhelmed, Sabine sat down at the bar while the bartender gave her an understanding glance. She watched as Ahsoka walked around the bar and through a door marked "Employees Only", and shook her head in bewilderment. How did Ahsoka know all of these people? How did she look so… relaxed? She never looked this relaxed with her!

"Here. On the house. It's non-alcoholic."

Sabine blinked at the cold glass with some strange, brown, milky liquid inside. Taking off her helmet, she placed it next to her and sipped the straw. "Wow."

"Chocolate milkshake, never fails," the bartender said with a wink. She patted Sabine on the shoulder and went over to attend to her other guests. It didn't take long for her to finish almost all of it, and for yet another customer to arrive.

Sabine did a double-take as the other mando sat next to her, examining her helmet intently for a moment, then turning to look at her.

"Sabine Wren, of house Wren," she said automatically, looking him up and down. He was wearing armor made of pure beskar, and held himself with the confidence of a true warrior.

"Din, are you trying to impress young Mandalorians?" Wrex asked, walking over to punch the mandalorian in the shoulder.

"No… of course not. She's just the first I've met since coming to the Isekai."

Wrex was about to respond when Ahsoka walked out of the back with a young woman wearing a blue jacket with golden highlights.

"Wrex," the young human said.

"Erika," the alien responded with a grunt.

"Ahsoka Tano," Din, the mandalorian said. "Nice to see you."

"You too, Din. I see you met Sabine Wren. I'm sorry, but I have to take her with me, but if you want to know more about her, ask Bo-Katan. I'm afraid we need her at the moment."

Din chuckled. "I'll ask her. The look on her face might be worth it."

Stumbling back into the dark, quiet streets of Sua'Dero was almost a relief for Sabine. The bar hadn't been threatening at all, in fact, it had been very welcoming… but there was too much happening there that she felt everyone else knew about, but she didn't.

It had been stifling and confusing, and she had felt overwhelmed by the sense of really big things happening and her not being aware of what they meant. Ahsoka being fully relaxed and even acting a bit mischievously had thrown her off a bit. It's wasn't like her mentor/friend was unreachable or distant at all, but… it was odd seeing her let down her guard so much.

The whole experience was surreal and overpowering. It was as if suddenly she had just discovered that her galaxy was much, much smaller somehow in an already vast universe, and even worse, she had been exposed to a truth that yet eluded her.

"I thought you'd know better, being a jedi and all that," the human girl that they picked up at the bar said to Ahsoka, regarding Sabine with some bemusement before looking reproachfully at the former jedi, who grinned uncomfortably.

"I wasn't sure who'd be in there, for all I knew it could've been just Sunset," Ahsoka replied, shrugging.

Erika rolled her eyes. "Don't try that with me, Ahsoka. You have a key. You could have gone in when no one else was there."

"Fine," Ahsoka said with a sigh, reaching out to pat Sabine on the shoulder. "I'll bring Sabine back sometime when it's just Sunset and we can have a talk."

Sabine closed her eyes and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. When she opened them, the door was not there anymore. "What was that?" she asked.

"One of the great mysteries of the omniverse," Ahsoka said.

"Omniverse?" Sabine asked, already not liking where this was going. "Is it related to that place that Ezra found?"

"Yes, and no," Ahsoka responded in very Jedi-like fashion. "I will tell you more about it later, and maybe introduce you properly once this mess is fixed. For now, we need to go visit the Digimon."

She started walking, followed by Erika and Sabine who caught up without much trouble. She glanced at the young girl then back at Ahsoka. It wasn't the first time she'd had to do things without seeing the whole picture… so she could cope. For now. She concentrated on the matters at hand. "So… she can help us with those creatures?"

"She didn't tell you about me either?" Erika asked, looking at Sabine, then shaking her head. "Very well, then I will. My name is Erika Mishima, and I work at Sunset's Isekai… the bar we were at earlier. I'm her IT specialist."

"She's a slicer," Ahsoka explained when Sabine tilted her head in confusion.

"Hacker," Erika said. "I suppose different universes have different terms. But yes. I suppose slicer would be the term for yours. Also, I might look human to you, but I'm actually a Digimon."

"Right." Sabine cleared her throat. "You don't look like one."

Erika smirked. "For now."

"What confuses me is how the Digimon got here in the first place," Ahsoka said, glancing at Erika. "I didn't think we'd be connected to a Digiworld."

Erika shrugged. "Digiworlds are all over the omniverse. It's surprisingly common. We'll figure out what's happening, but you know that there's only so much I can do… if having a Digimon incursion is part of this universe's fate…"

"Well, Sabine and I were here through normal means," Ahsoka said, shrugging. "We'll see what caused it and go from there, but my instincts are telling me that's not the case."

"Alright then," Erika said. "Let's see how bad it is."

"Okay, that's not great," Erika said as the trio stood overlooking the slightly growing array of nests. "Is that an Yggradsil root?"

Sabine simply stared. Out of the sky, as if breaking through glass, a large root of some sort of tree came down to the surface of Sua'Dero, and it was at its bottom, where it started to dig into the planet, where the Digimon were nesting.

Already there were much bigger digimon there.

"I see Metalgarurumon," Ahsoka said. "He's probably the one that shot the missiles yesterday."

"That, and there's a Royal Knight," Erika said with a sigh. "At least it's not Crusadermon."

Ahsoka peered at the Digimon, and Sabine followed suit, although she wasn't sure what she was looking at. It took a moment for Ahsoka to point out to her a humanoid-looking Digimon, much bigger than the others that was floating next to the root.

The Digimon in question was armored in heavy white metal, and oddly enough had wolf and dragon-shaped gauntlets, sporting a long, red and white cape. It was slim and tall… much larger overall than all the other Digimon in the area.

"Is that one of the Digimon you said could destroy the world?" Sabine asked.

"Oh, Omegamon can do a lot more than that," Erika replied. "Let's go talk to him."

The mandalorian shook her head in bewilderment. "Is that a good idea?"

"Omegamon's usually a good sort," Ahsoka reassured her. "Less likely to resort to extremes than other Royal Knights. That's probably why there's not an all out war between them… it would've been a massacre."

The trio made their way down towards the roots, and they were soon spotted. Several groups of Digimon flew over protectively while Omegamon, and the other wolf-like one Ahsoka had called a Metalgarurumon flew over towards them.

"Let me do the introductions first," Erika said, stepping in front of the other two.

Before Sabine could argue for her safety, the young human was enveloped in light that morphed through several bright colors, and seconds later, where she had originally stood, was a completely different being.

She now looked older, like a teenager, with thin arms and legs. Instead of her coat and hood, se was wearing a body-fitting armor, topped with a furry collar around her neck and an insectoid-like helmet with large golden eyes that matched the details of her armor at the knees and elbows.

A pair of huge butterfly wings seemed to grow out of her helmet, and it seemed as if Erika's long, blue hair had simply taken the wing's shape and the space between filled with shiny, gentle blue and purple light, falling around the girl's waist gracefully down to her knees.

This transformation had apparently not only surprised Sabine, for both Digimon stopped and were regarding her with evident surprise.

"Wish me luck," Erika muttered as she flew over to speak with the larger Digimon.

Sabine watched nervously as the other Digimon surrounded them, so she scooted over closer to Ahsoka. "What do we do if they don't want to solve this peacefully?"

Ahsoka grimaced. "Depends on Hudiemon. That will decide our options."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if the Digimon connection is… so to speak 'natural' and part of the regular process of this universe, then it'll be up to us. She might help you and I specifically get out of this one, but after that it falls into both our universes to figure out the balance of things."

Sabine frowned under her helmet. "And if it's not natural as you say?"

"Well, then Sunset and others can get involved," Ahsoka said, "and things escalate very quickly."

"Isn't Sunset the bartender?" Sabine asked. "What can she do?"

Ahsoka gave her a look accompanied with a slight grimace. "I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of any Sunset Shimmer I've met, but Isekai Sunset in particular is someone that any wise being would avoid conflict with. Even someone as powerful as Omegamon."

"Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, meet Omegamon, Royal Knight, and Metalgarurumon," Hudiemon said, motioning them over to come closer as she and the other two Digimon landed nearby.

"A pleasure to meet you," Ahsoka said, bowing, while Sabine nodded stiffly. She wasn't sure what to make of all of this.

"It seems that your people were confused as to the nature of us digimon," Omegamon said with a voice that sounded surprisingly young.

"That would be correct," Ahsoka said. "The people of Sua'Dero are mostly farmers, they are not well-versed in the lifeforms of other worlds, much less other dimensions. It seems that they confused some rookie digimon with a parasitic creature that inhabits other planets."

"That is indeed unfortunate," Omegamon said. "They were lucky that they didn't kill any digimon, but their attack was unprovoked."

"I'm sure that, if given the chance, they will be happy to apologize and work with you," Ahsoka replied smoothly. "However, we are curious about how you ended up in this world."

Omegamon turned to the root. "We are unsure. But Yggsadril's root is here." He looked back at them. "Hudiemon says you are a friend of Digimon."

"I know a few," Ahsoka said, "a Renamon, Gallantmon, and others."

"She lies," Metalgarurumon growled. "Gallantmon would have mentioned meeting a creature like her."

Sabine grimaced under her helmet, ready to dodge any attacks, but Ahsoka nodded to Metalgarurumon. "Since you don't recognize me, I think they are from different worlds."

"A likely story," Metalgarurumon grumbled.

"Nevertheless," Omegamon spoke up, "perhaps they can understand the Digifairy we found."

"Digifairy?" Hudiemon asked.

Sabine blinked at Hudiemon, who was bumping her head against one of the rocks next to the roots, while Ahsoka tried—and failed—to not be amused. "So… let me get this straight." She said, glancing at the blue glowing creature next to Ahsoka. "You know this guy too."

Ahsoka grinned and nodded. "And he's not a Digifairy, are you, Ori?"

"Breep!" the creature's musical voice seemed to somehow convey that it was agreeing with her.

"We were only doing maintenance!" Hudiemon said, turning to stare at Ori. "How did you end up punching an Yggdrasil root through reality?"

Ori responded in his chirping, musical language, and the mandalorian turned to Ahsoka, who shrugged. "He says she told him to help the tree grow… so he did."

"This is why I asked you to just do it carefully…" Hudiemon muttered.

"Now, now, Erika," Ahsoka said, "you can't blame Ori. He was only doing what you told him to do. What did you expect would come out of mixing his spiritual energy with your Digital reality?"

"I should have asked Mirage-Shimmer to help me with this. She's digital!"

"Yes," Ahsoka said, "you should have. But now we have an Yggdrasil root that shouldn't be here."

"Ugh… fine." Erika groaned. "It's not too difficult, just a lot of work. I'll get started. I'll stop the data transfer first, then work on recompiling the data…" grumbling, the digimon flew over to the root.

Ahsoka nodded. "As for us… well, let's introduce Omegamon to La'Seca. This might take a few days, and we don't want more fighting."

Omegamon nodded. "Agreed."

Sabine jumped down from the wall where she had been sitting as soon as Ahsoka approached. "Can we go now?"

Ahsoka gave her a look. "Don't want to see how this plays out?"

Sabine sighed and shook her head. "Not if there's nothing to blow up." She snorted. "I can't believe your friends were responsible for all of this."

Ahsoka smiled and motioned for Sabine to follow her. "We get into a lot of trouble sometimes. I'm just glad we solved this without a fight."

"Well from what you said… yeah." Sabine hesitated. "Ahsoka… what is all that about? Really?"

Pausing, Ahsoka motioned for Sabine to follow her. The mandalorian's eyes widened when she saw the door. "No. No. Definitely not. I can't handle a crowd like that."

"Don't worry," Ahsoka said, opening the door and motioning with her head. "It's empty."

Sabine peeked in, and blinked. It was.

"Come on, let's have some tea," Ahsoka said, "what I'll tell you is something I intended to tell you about for a while, but never found the right time. But, as you have already gotten a little taste of it, let me tell you about how undefinable, and big things are beyond our universe."

Sabine hesitated.

"Or we can just leave. Your choice."

Sabine snorted. "And waste the inspiration? Never. Besides, that place needs a Wren mural."

Ahsoka grinned. "Well, I'm sure Sunset can clear a wall for you."

Sabine nodded and watched Ahsoka step into the bar. She took a deep breath and let it out slow. "One step at a time," she said, smirking under her helmet. Then she stepped inside.

End Shenanigans 2

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