• Published 23rd Jun 2019
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Sunset's Isekai - Wanderer D

Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.

  • ...

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Didn't Start the Fire (Wolfwalkers/Cyberpunk 2077)

Sunset's Isekai
Didn't Start the Fire (Wolfwalkers/Cyberpunk 2077)
By Wanderer D

Sunset joined the others, jumping to all fours and looking up, ears fixed straight ahead as the building rumbled.

"What's happening?" Mehb asked, eyes wide.

"I think we're being rescued," Sunset replied. Her ears were already painting a distant flash of combat as she recognized the sounds of projectiles and explosions, as well as the rumbling under her feet of the elevator she had been dragged onto when she was brought here in the first place. "The question is, how are our jailers going to react?"

Moll gave her an unamused look. "And why do ye say that?"

"Think about it," Sunset said, "we're expensive commodities brought from another dimension with means far beyond what this world's technology is capable of doing so far. I doubt they'll simply let us be rescued. I suggest we get ready."

Bill walked over to her. "For what, exactly? We can't escape while the cage is electrified."

"Not to mention their weapons are more powerful than the ones from our world," Moll added.

"...and they barely are human to begin with," Mehb said. "Not that that will stop me from biting their arms off and chewing the marrow out!"

"Mebh!" Moll chided. "You don't know where they've been. Don't you dare chew on someone so smelly!"


Sunset shook her head. "No… you can't just bite your way out for now, but I can handle the cage if needs be." She turned around so she could face all three. "Okay, I am going to need you to trust me."

Bill and Moll looked at each other before the latter spoke up. "Usually when someone says such a thing, there's a snap-trap underfoot," Bill said cautiously.

Sunset grimaced and made a so-so motion with her head. "There is a possible catch. The thing is, if we escape the moment they come back, we'll be safe, but we'll miss an excellent opportunity to find out who is behind this."

"Then we have to!" Mehb spoke up, jumping in a tight circle around them. "We can't just run away! We're wolfwalkers! We have to teach them a lesson!"

"Mebh, we can't just risk—"

"But mammy!" the younger wolf interrupted, "they put ye in a cage again! They put me and Bill in a cage! And ye know they will throw Robyn in here if we let them!"

"It'll be relatively easy to cut this world off from yours once we're back there," Sunset said, "but whoever did that could open it again, or have openings into other universes as well. The sooner we put a stop to them, the better."

The other three wolves glanced at each other, with Mebh sitting to Sunset's right and lowering her ears and head submissively. "Please, mammy?"

Moll rolled her eyes and looked directly at Bill. "I think we will regret this." She sighed, turning to face Sunset. "But I can't allow this to happen again, to us or others."

Sunset grinned. "Thank you."

It didn't take long for 'Plan C(iri)' to start.

Panam and Robyn had emerged from the shadows of one of the buildings, their padded paws making it almost impossible to hear them over the regular sounds of a busy city, much less over the sudden explosion that shook the whole building, followed by shots from an alarming variety of weapons.

Panam, the larger of the two wolves—who had a dirty coat of red and black—simply took the shots in stride, even if her ears reacted as would be expected of a creature that had more sensitive ears than a human, but Robyn… the young wolf cringed and whimpered when it all started, and it took both the soft nudging from Panam, and an encouraging scratch behind the ears from Ciri to make her look up with a bit more confidence.

"Use that fear," Ciri whispered as they reached the elevator hatch. "Turn it into conviction."

The younger wolf visibly took the words in and nodded resolutely, making Ciri smile. It was clear that whatever surprises this world might throw their way, Robyn was no stranger to fighting and danger. Even scared, it had only taken a moment of encouragement to find her inner strength and be ready, and if she was honest with herself, Ciri was glad that was the case.

They were going into the belly of the beast, as it were, and as much as she could respect Robyn's efforts so far, she couldn't risk herself and Panam with a clear conscience if the young wolfwalker was terrified and unable to act.

She thought back on her family/mentors and realized that Yennefer would very much be against this whole effort. Sunset probably didn't need saving… but then again, Geralt would be pretty amused at the whole thing. Which was enough for her to know she was making the right move here.

The elevator hatch opened with a clang and, as soon as it had emerged completely, the trio had jumped in and pressed the button to descend. Ciri once more took stock of the situation and her equipment.

For this mission, Rogue had given her a sword she had borrowed from someone named "V". It was a katana called Tsumetogi, which—she had to admit—was pretty sweet, and also saved her own regular sword from suffering damage. She had still brought her silver sword along, however, since magic was involved and none of them knew what they would find in there.

She didn't have any idea what they would be facing magically or spiritually speaking, so she hadn't bothered with many potions. She slid her hand into her pouch, touching the surfaces of the ones she had… "Blizzard. Kiss. Swallow. White Honey," she recited silently to herself. She hoped she didn't have to use them, but she was ready with her potions. Even if they were… generic.

Too generic, but without any info to plan further… She shook her head. There was no point in speculating. She had potions, swords, two wolf companions, a couple of grenades courtesy of Panam, and the transponders for Nix, not counting her magic and swords. She was as prepared as she could be under the circumstances.

She heard Panam make some noises and turned to see her concentrating on Robyn, no doubt explaining to the younger wolf what was happening around them. A child she might be, but the wolfwalker was proving her mettle a hundred times over. Ciri remembered how excited and yet terrified she'd been when she and Avallac'h had first arrived in this world while escaping the Wild Hunt.

It was as far from magic as you could get, and therefore they felt it was the safest place to be for now. However, what had happened with Robyn's family changed things. It put this world at risk of being attacked by the Wild Hunt as well, if enough magic to draw their attention came into play.

And even though the fledgling magic hadn't spilled past certain areas, already the world seemed more vibrant and alive around her two wolf companions, a sign that the magic emanating from them was somehow re-energizing the world, just a little.

The sounds of gunshots above them slowly faded as they went deeper and deeper underground. As the elevator slowly passed yet another floor, she quickly stuck a transponder to an exposed nook before it was out of sight.

"Nix, can you hear me?" She asked, activating her communication device.

"I can. This would be so much easier if you had cyberware. We could just—"

"Not happening," Ciri said. "I can see how it can be useful at times, but I don't intend to stay in this world forever."

"Heh. I guess it says a lot that I'm more distressed at your lack of 'ware than the fact that you're not even from this dimension." Nix laughed. "Anyway, I sense a network close by. Once you reach the bottom floor, place the next transponder close to any device and I should be able to jump into their network and even closed-circuit systems if we're lucky."

A small whine made Ciri look at Robyn, who was looking around warily. She smiled and kneeled reaching out to scratch the young wolfwalker's ear. "This is crazy, huh?" she confided, shaking her head as she looked around them. "But don't worry, you're doing great. Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to explain this to my friends in my world."

Robyn rolled her eyes and yipped, clearly amused, and Ciri laughed in turn. She slowly stood up as the elevator started slowing down. "I think we're here… keep your senses trained on our surroundings. Can you two smell the other wolves?"

Both wolfwalkers nodded, their eyes shining resolutely. Ciri prepared herself, sliding Tsumetogi out of its sheath and getting into a ready position as the elevator shuddered into a stop. There was a slight pause before the pneumatic locks engaged and the doors slid open, revealing a long corridor that ended in closed double doors.

"Well," Ciri said, "here goes nothing…"

"Someone's coming."

Sunset looked up at Moll, who nodded. She shook herself as she stood up, trying to bring herself into the present and also not let the broken muzzle fall down. After they had decided to find out who was behind this whole scheme, she had managed to bend it back (mostly) into a semblance of its original look, and slid it over into place. She then had lost herself in going through the numerous entities she knew would take advantage of this world for their purposes as they waited.

Most of them seemed a bit too unlikely. Planeswalkers of some sort could be behind it, but as far as they reached, they were usually confined to a certain multiversal domain, rather than prevalent across the omniverse. Not to mention that it would be unlikely for them to limit themselves to using this world as a stepping stone to trap magical creatures when they were more than capable of simply taking them.

Digimon had been another consideration… but the Digital World would completely take over this one. If any Digimon villain capable of breaching dimensions came here, they would have little use for organic creatures. Even magical ones. Their power would be overwhelming in this place and they would propagate too fast for even the best netrunners to be able even attempt to stop.

It was a baffling conundrum. Why bring the wolfwalkers, and presumably other mythical creatures here first if they were going to just take them somewhere else? Why here? She also had the nagging feeling that she was forgetting something… this whole situation felt… familiar.

She took a deep breath—trying not to grimace at the scents that came along with it—and focused again on the here and now. She nodded to the others, and they all gathered in the center of the cage, waiting.

The doors opened and several Maelstrom members stepped in, dressed in their punk-rock-meets-the-automatic-grinder style, and next to them several masked individuals wearing red cloaks and masks, while behind them a larger person stood. She hesitated to call him human. Her wolf senses could detect an odd odor and she could barely hear some sort of squelching sound from him, but as far as she could sense, this creature was more of a cyborg. Maybe just a brain was left inside a machine.

"Ninja?" Sunset muttered, studying the obvious bodyguards. Another nagging feeling of familiarity travelled down her spine like a shudder, but she had very little to go on, cloaked as they were.

"So you see, we got four," the largest and ugliest of the Maelstrom said, which was quite the feat considering his face looked like someone had shoved a camera back-first into a meat pie. "And one of them breathes fire!"

Moll and the others turned to stare at Sunset, who shrugged. "One of them thought it would be a good idea to take my temperature." When they didn't give any indication of understanding, she sighed. "Just… forget about it."

"What's a ninja?" Mehb asked, tilting her head. "I heard ye say that."

"It sort of depends where you are at in the multiverse," Sunset said, keeping her eyes on the gangs outside their cage. "In some worlds they're just spies and assassins, in others they're mystical warriors, and in others they're a boisterous, over-the-top bunch. The only thing they all have in common really is assassination, sticking to the shadows and spying."

"They're not like any spy or assassin I have ever heard of," Bill growled.

"In your world, they would probably be from a faraway country, with a completely different culture," Sunset said, "but over here… there was a section of the city that could have been Tokyo. I don't know what to make of these guys yet."

"What's a Tokyo?" Mehb asked, wagging her tail. The youngest wolfwalker was absorbing all the new knowledge like a sponge.

"Enough," the apparent leader of the ninja said, sweeping his arm to cut off whatever the big Maelstrom guy was saying. "We don't care, and their constant yapping and whining is annoying. They are trapped, and you are being attacked. We must move now and remove them before they're found. Bring them."

The Maelstrom gang didn't look happy, but they acquiesced, moving about the room to input instructions into their computer and unlock some nearby levers.

When the cage had started moving on its own, it had surprised all of them. Sunset had been unconscious when she was put in, as had been the others. But it made sense that they would not want to open up a cage containing dangerous creatures from another dimension unless absolutely necessary.

Either way, it did not change Sunset's plans. As they were carted deeper into the surprisingly large subterranean complex, Sunset took stock of the situation. Outside of the room where the cage had been, they were transported through a room the size of a warehouse.

There were several containers there, but they were not the crates and boxes found at street level; these were filled with liquids of several colors and viscosity. It was a testament to how clean the environment was in there that even with her wolf nose she wasn't able to smell the chemicals contained there, even if the less than pleasant scent of their captors was painfully obvious.

That… and another smell. Sunset blinked, looking at the others. Mebh was sniffing the air, ears perked up with interest, while Moll and Bill were equally attentive.

"Can… you smell two wolves?" Sunset eventually ventured.

"It's… Robyn!" Mebh barked excitedly, earning a 'shut up!' from one of the Maelstrom members. "She's here, nearby! And there's another wolf with her, yes!"

"How did she find another?" Moll asked, exchanging confused glances with Sunset. "And I can smell something else… almost human but…"

"That's Ciri," Sunset said. "My friend. I would recognize that scent anywhere."

When Moll and Bill gave her a calculating look, she coughed. "She's basically a witcher… a huntress. She hunts down monsters, and wears leather. She always smells of leather, herbs and oils," she said a bit more defensively than she wanted. "It's hard to miss even before being a wolf!"

"Right, dear," Moll said, clearly not convinced and doing her best to ignore Mebh's questioning look.

"Whatever," Sunset muttered. "I can't tell if they've found us yet, but it's a safe bet to assume Robyn and the other wolf have already caught our scent at least. How do we let them know that they should let us reach wherever they're taking us?"

"I said shut up!" A snap made them all turn to stare at one of the gang members who had struck the side of the cage with a baton, unwittingly electrocuting himself. Sunset looked at the unconscious member as the whole procession ground to a halt. "I have an idea."

The building they were in was so huge that Robyn had a hard time believing they were underground, and in fact would have disputed it had she not been on the elevator contraption that had brought them there in the first place.

That all of this was under a city as huge as Night City was unbelievable, so much so even Panam looked impressed, while Ciri simply looked more worried.

They had moved slowly and stealthily through the passages, their instincts warning them of any nearby enemies, and Nix's voice telling Ciri to stop occasionally so he could disable devices that could track their movement, but despite the size of the place, it didn't take long for her to stop suddenly and begin wagging her tail uncontrollably.

Panam sniffed the air and her eyes went wide. "Wait… is that…"

"It's my father! And Mebh and Moll!" Robyn said excitedly. "I can also smell another wolf. It must be Sunset!"

Ciri, who had carried on a little ahead, noticed that they had stopped and made her way back to kneel next to them. "What is it?"

"I found them!" Robyn said. "We've found them! I can smell them, they're really close by!"

Ciri studied her with narrowed eyes. "You know I don't speak wolf, right?" she said jokingly. "But I gather from your reaction that you've found our friends?"

Robyn nodded enthusiastically. "They're nearby!"

"Alright, then I'll follow you two," Ciri said, "but don't rush! We need to be careful and study the situation before we make any move, alright?"

It took all of her self-control to listen to Ciri, and Robyn might've ignored her if it wasn't for Panam's supportive nudge. The other wolf nuzzled her before stepping back and smiling. "We got this. But we need to make sure they're safe."

"Right." Robyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax. "Right. Got it."

Fighting that urge was hard. Her wolf instincts told her to rush to her pack. Her human instincts told her that she shouldn't hold back… before she had ignored her father when she knew she was needed, even though he had wanted her to stay put… but Ciri and Panam weren't telling her to stay away… they wanted to help her get back her family, and unlike the forest and the wolves, where she truly knew better than her father, this time around she was in a completely different situation.

And this time, her heart told her to listen.

She nodded to Panam and the pair led Ciri deeper into the complex. She heard Ciri whisper something to Nix, but she wasn't paying too much attention to that. Her focus was on the floor, the scent, the sounds around them.

She wasn't going to allow them to be caught or ambushed, not when they were so close! Soon enough, they had silently made it to an overhang of sorts that looked down into another huge room, and in the middle of it, she could see a cage with her family in it!

Just as she was about to turn to Panam, she heard her father barking furiously alongside the others, but their aggressiveness didn't match what they were saying. Exchanging a wide-eyed-look with Panam, she quickly placed a paw on the side of Ciri's thigh, making her look at her.

Robyn shook her head, wishing she could just talk to the sorceress-warrior-whatever she did for a job. Ciri frowned, but didn't speak up. She nodded carefully at her, as Panam stood up. The trio watched the cage start moving again, and Robyn watched Ciri carefully, noticing her contemplative frown as she looked down at the cage containing the mysterious Sunset Shimmer.

"For the last time, shut up or I will shoot you!"

Sunset growled menacingly at the Maelstrom gang member, but Mebh's words made her calm down.

"I think she heard us," the young wolfwaker said. "Otherwise she'd be right here attacking them."

"We did make quite the ruckus," Moll added with a gentle chuckle. The massive wolf shook her head in amusement as the apparently satisfied Maelstrom walked ahead and pressed something in his hand, jerking the cage into motion again. "But it seems we were right in trusting you, Sunset Shimmer."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet," Sunset said. "We still need to figure out what we're dealing with… and that guy at the front is…"

"Strange? Even more than the others?"

Sunset nodded at Mehb's question.

"More dangerous too?" Bill asked, stepping up next to her.

Sunset nodded, glancing at them before concentrating on the leader. It appeared that this last coordinated effort to warn off Robyn, Ciri, and the other mysterious wolf had paid off and the trio of wolfwalkers were now more willing to really trust her. Now she needed to make sure the trust was rewarded.

And as they reached the end of the room towards some sort of large computer that dominated the space just before a raised pedestal with a pink rhomboid floating in the middle, she realized they were as far as she was willing to risk it.

"Okay, this is it," she said. "Be ready to bark the orders to Robyn and the other wolf. Ciri will know what to do… take down the Maelstrom gang first, they're the weakest of the bunch. Leave the leader and the ninja to me and Ciri. Mehb, you join Robyn and help her choose the targets… be very careful of the ninja. It doesn't matter what dimension they're from, they're seldom the lesser danger."


The cage slowed down as the leader stepped forward to type into the computer.

"On my mark…" Sunset growled, crouching low and shaking the muzzle free. "Get ready…"

"Heeey…" one of the gang members muttered when he noticed the muzzle. "What the—"

"Now!" Sunset shouted. Moll and Bill barked the signal as loud as they could, but Sunset wasn't paying attention. She had thrown herself at the bars, channeling her magic into a sphere around her form that burned and disintegrated the bars.

The magical feedback from that made the electric generators on the cage explode violently, knocking out a Maelstrom that had been too slow to react.

That wasn't the case for the others, who had raised their weapons as soon as she had charged the cage, but even they were not as fast as Moll and Bill, who jumped behind Sunset without missing a beat and knocked them down on the floor, their powerful magical jaws biting through the metal of the guns and arms like it wasn't even there.

"Robyn!" Mehb shouted, "these guys!"

Sunset caught a glimpse of Robyn, the lithe young grey wolf charging valiantly at the armed enemies, with a rusty red and black wolf at her side. A ghostly apparition followed by a flash revealed Ciri mid-strike as she cut down one of the ninjas.

Sunset charged forth, ignoring as another tried to cut her down. Her ki alone was enough to rip the ninja's arms apart, revealing the robotic components under the skin. The lack of reaction was all she needed to know that these were little more than robots and she didn't hesitate to jump and, with a wild turn on the air, use her tail to decapitate her opponent.

She landed right in front of the leader, who turned to face her as the rhomboid behind him started spinning faster and faster. Without changing his expression, two small missile launchers emerged from his shoulders, and she had to jump out of the way to avoid the blast.

In an instant, Ciri sword was slashing the man, but as predicted it hit the metal with a loud clang. What wasn't expected was that her strike would rip the suit to shreds, revealing the creature stored in it's empty 'stomach'.

For once, Sunset was surprised as she landed and stared. "A KRANG?!"

Taking advantage of her hesitation, the creature made a move to jump into the open portal, but found himself incapacitated as Robyn and Mehb sank their magical fangs into his legs, ripping them appart and making him crash just shy of the portal itself.

Shaking herself out of her stupor, Sunset dashed forward, casting a light spell that sent a spear of pure magic straight through the computer and the rhomboid at the same time, blowing them apart.

"So… this Krang creature was kidnapping being from other worlds and bringing them here to render them untraceable through magic?" Rogue asked.

They had all gathered outside the Aldecaldos camp. It was gentler on the wolves to not be stuck in the city, not to mention less likely to draw attention. Panam, Robyn's friend and adopted packmate/sister (now that Robyn was officially adopted into the Aldecaldos) had procured an area just outside of camp for them to speak freely.

The rest of the tribe just kept to themselves outside of curious glances thrown their way, but after Rogue had glared at them, they had wisely chosen to stay away.

Sunset nodded, looking down at the container where the krang was being kept. "Yeah… with this world being essentially magically dead, there was little chance that it would draw attention on a multiversal level. The period between captures was long enough for the magic to dissipate, and the inherent magic in the victims was not enough to be sensed with how far deep they were, otherwise Ciri or Avallac'h would have noticed something."

Ciri nodded. "I've been here long enough that something major like that would have drawn my attention."

"What worries me is that the krang are mostly technological nightmares to deal with," Sunset said, "and the tentacles and portal that brought Robyn and her family here were all magical in nature."

"My instincts tell me there's more to it than that," Rogue said. "I don't know anything about magic, or the multiverse, but I do know schemes. This creature is part of something bigger. Especially if the parts don't match."

Sunset nodded. "I agree…" She sighed. "I'll take this creature to the authorities I know but… I think if Nope was here she'd be warning me that I'm about to get caught in some sort of metaplot."

Panam smirked. "At least there's a difference between being unknowingly manipulated and knowing you're being played."

Sunset grinned. "There is that." She took a deep breath. "All that is left for me is to take Robyn, Bill, Moll and Mehb back to their world. Have you two decided what you're going to do?"

Panam and Ciri looked at each other, and after a moment of silent deliberation, Panam nodded for the other woman to speak first.

"I'll stay here for a bit longer, keeping an eye out for anything unusual, but I fear my stay in this city is nearing its end," Ciri said. "With magic becoming more prevalent, my presence here will make it a target for the Wild Hunt."

"Well, if you need a break from your travels…" Sunset pulled out a small key, giving it to Ciri whose mouth went slightly open.

"A-are you sure?"

Sunset shrugged, grinning. "I've been meaning to give it to you, and Ahsoka and Freya both have indicated interest in sparring with you."

Ciri chuckled, grasping the key tight. "Thank you."

"As for myself…" Panam rubbed the back of her head. "I… talked it over with Mitch. I'll go with Robyn and the others for now, until I learn to control my wolfwalker powers. We agreed that knowing me, I'll end up unintentionally converting the whole Aldecaldo camp within a week and that will not do. Once I have a grasp of what I can do, should do, and shouldn't do… well, we'll see what happens."

Sunset nodded. "Keep a hold of that card I gave you. I'll be happy to give you a ride."

Ciri snorted. "What happened to not interfering?"

Sunset shrugged. "I didn't start this fire." She grinned, then walked over to the wooden door with the yin-yang symbol that somehow was part of the tent covering them. "But first, how about a drink?"

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