• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

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Spongebob vs. Dennis

As the ponies and Spike raced their way back with the crown, things were getting worse in Bikini Bottom. By now, the enslaved citizens continued to work nonstop on the many statues of Plankton in the city. And all the while chanting, “All Hail Plankton”. Meanwhile, inside the Krusty Krab 2, Plankton walks in toward the poor, still-frozen Mr. Krabs.

“Well, Krabs, you know what today is?” Plankton asked.

The mad ruler of Planktopolis looks toward the calendar. The date reads March 13th.

“Sorry about this calendar.”

Plankton rips the page from the calendar and cruelly tosses it into the wastebasket.

“March 14,” Plankton read. “Wait, that’s not right. It should say, ‘The day that Krabs fries!’”

Plankton laughs evilly, when the sound of an approaching carriage caused him to stop gloating for a moment. Plankton looks out the window and spots King Neptune’s carriage just pulling up. The squire walks out first, followed quickly by a very upset King Neptune and his daughter, Mindy.

“Guess who’s here,” Plankton chortled, opening the door. “Greetings, sire. Glad you could make it. I got the crab set up here for ya!”

Inside the ice, Mr. Krabs shivered as time was running out. Plankton pulls up a chair and has a seat.

“Ready on my end.”

“Right then,” King Neptune spoke, then turned. “Who are you again?”

“Me?” Plankton answered, with a phony smile. “Oh, I’m just a concerned citizen waiting to see some justice. This crab must pay for his horrible crimes on our good city.”

In the darkness, a pair of eyes are watching and a groan escapes from that spot. But otherwise, the onlooker remains unnoticed as the evil Plankton eyes Mr. Krabs.

“Might I suggest aiming for his head, Your Highness?”


Meanwhile, David Hasselhoff cut through the ocean waves, gliding across the sea like a motorboat. As he swam, he passed a fisherman’s dinghy. The incredible force of his wake rocked the boat and threw the poor fisherman into the water.

Sitting onto his back, SpongeBob, Patrick, the ponies, and Spike all hung on as they raced for home. Just up ahead, they spied a familiar green island.

“There it is every pony!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Bikini Bottom’s just under that there island!”

“WHOO-HOO!!!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Hooray for Hasselhoff!” SpongeBob cheered. “Nothing can stop us now!”

“You know what guys?” Twilight asked happily. “I think we’re going to make it in time!”

“After everything we’ve been through, what could possibly go wrong?” Pinkie asked.

This caused every pony to turn their heads toward her, staring at her with serious expressions.


“Pinkie!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Why would y’all say that right now?”

“That’s exactly what ponies say right BEFORE something bad happens!” Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“Why now of all times?!” Scootaloo said, with an eye roll.

“Aww, come on girls. If anything bad was going to happened, I’d feel it with my Pinkie Sense~”

Just then, Pinkie Pie started to shake uncontrollably. Every pony rolled their eyes as they looked at her.

“Let me guess,” Applejack spoke. “There’s a doozy coming, ain’t there?”

“Y-Y-You b-b-bet!” Pinkie said shakily.

“Unidentified object off the hindquarters!” Patrick cried.

As the group watched, something seemed to stream across the ocean and was gaining on them fast.

“Is that…?” Rarity began.

All of a sudden, a giant boot, the Cyclop’s boot, emerged from the ocean.

“Bigger boot?” SpongeBob said. “But how?”

The Cyclop’s boot quickly caught up with them all and stops just behind Hasselhoff’s foot. From the bottom is a green, smudged smear, much like Plankton’s earlier when SpongeBob stepped on him. From it, the splotch of green peels off and morphs back into Dennis with his sunglasses smashed, his clothes tattered and his teeth jagged.

“AHHHHH!!!” The group screams.

“It’s Dennis!” SpongeBob and the CMC yelled.

“Did you miss me?” Dennis smiled wickedly.

“Nooooo….” Fluttershy squeaked, fearfully.


Back inside the Krusty Krab 2, a fish drummed a sad tune as King Neptune prepared to punish Mr. Krabs. Plankton sat off to the side in a beach chair, eating popcorn and enjoying the exciting show.

“This is the best seat in the house!” Plankton gushed. “All right, Neptune, let’s get it on!”

King Neptune rose up to his full kingly height, aiming his trident at Mr. Krabs.

“Eugene Krabs,” The King said. “Your six-day reprieve is up! And it is time for you to die!”

Krabs rapidly sweat mounds of ice cubes, he tried to tell him, ‘Please, I didn’t do it’, but he could barely talk, and the King didn’t hear him.

“There is nothing else I can do,” The king continued.

Just then, Princess Mindy appeared at her father’s side.

“You can give SpongeBob and his friends a little more time.”

“Except give SpongeBob and his friends a little more time… What?”

Neptune realized what he just said, then turns toward his daughter.

“Mindy, will you butt out?!” King Neptune bellowed angrily. “I won’t have you stalling this execution.”

“Stalling?” Mindy said, wounded. “I’m not stalling anything.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.

“Yes, you are!” The king roared. “You’re it right now!”

“Doing what?”

“Stalling!” King Neptune cried.

“No, I am not,” Mindy insisted.

“Yes, you are!”



“I’m stalling.”






Plankton shook his head, sighing.

“Oh, boy…” He muttered.

The evil leader of Planktopolis was losing patience with this pair. Suffice to say, some pony wasn’t doing better as the figure in the dark twitched her eye.

“I’m not getting paid enough to do this!” The figure spoke.


Back above the ocean, aboard Hasselhoff’s back, things were not going smoothly for SpongeBob, Patrick, and the Equestria team. Dennis had them cornered, slowly and menacingly approaching them. He removes his damaged sunglasses, so he can look them straight in the eyes while his shadow looms over them.

“Now… Where were we?”

“Patrick, run!” SpongeBob cried.

But Patrick stood his ground – or rather, Hasselhoff’s back.

“No,” He said. “I’m tired of running. If we run now, we’ll never stop.”

“For once, Patrick’s right, partner,” Applejack agreed. “We ain’t runnin’ now or ever!”

“Yeah, I’ve been looking to kick someone’s flank the past six days and I ain’t holding back!” Rainbow declared, holding her hooves up. “A.J… Tail me!”

Nodding, Applejack grips Rainbow Dash’s ‘tail’ fin with her teeth. Rainbow clenches her eyes, fighting tears, as Applejack swings her round and round like a lasso before releasing her straight towards Dennis.

“YAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Rainbow shouted.

Rainbow Dash plops herself around Dennis, swinging her front hooves against Dennis’ face at rapid speeds. Though her attacks make their mark, Dennis barely flinches from the rapid-quick punches. At the last moment, Dennis quickly grabs Rainbow’s right hoof, squeezing so hard that Rainbow winced as she felt the bones start to crack. Dennis effortlessly hurls Rainbow behind him, as she massages her injured wound.

Seeing Rainbow Dash taken out, Applejack glares at Dennis and snorts a bit of air. She then bounds toward Dennis with her two front hooves. She reels back aiming to buck him…


Except her tail fin ends up slapping Dennis beneath the chin. Not hard enough to break teeth, but enough that he felt his chin sting rubbing a bright red spot while he glared down at the cow pony.

“Uh, heh-heh!” Applejack chuckled nervously. “Forgot about that part.”

Unamused, Dennis grabs Applejack by the tail and hurls her so hard she flew into the air. She screams while flapping her front legs wildly, while all the ponies look on in horror.

“APPLEJACK!!!” Apple Bloom cried out.

Gasping, Rainbow sees her friend in danger and her eyebrows furrow. Raising her wings, fortunately dry, she quickly zooms up into the sky like a rocket on the fourth of July. Rainbow flies as fast as she could, the tears streaming from her eyes from the velocity, holding her front hooves out to reach her friend. Applejack flew until she felt the gravity start to pull her down as she saw herself falling toward the open ea.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” Applejack screamed.

“I GOT YOU!!!” Rainbow shouted.

Rainbow zips toward Applejack and catches her in the nick of time. Rainbow hovers over the air, with Applejack in her arms. Applejack’s Stetson hat lands atop of Rainbow’s multi-colored mane as she looks down at an awestruck country pony.

“Hey!” Rainbow said, looking at her.

“Hey…” Applejack spoke, her cheeks blushing.

Their eyes gaze toward each other, the bright sun shining over them. The two ponies lean their heads toward each other, their eyes closing, their lips forming…


A deep male voice causes the girls to turn realizing their friends were still in danger.

“We should probably go save our friends,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Good idea!” Applejack agreed.

“Hang on!”

Rainbow Dash then zooms off back toward Hasselhoff, with Applejack holding on as tightly as possible.


Meanwhile, having finished off two of his opponents, Dennis brushes his hands. Just then, he heard a bellowing yell and turns as Patrick charged toward Dennis with his arms flailing loudly.


But the biker merely whacks the little starfish, sending him flying through the air and landing on Hasselhoff’s foot, holding on for dear life.

“RUN, SPONGEBOB!!!” Patrick yelled.

“Stay behind me girls!” Fluttershy called toward the CMC.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie leads the Cutie Mark Crusaders across Hasselhoff’s back to safety, while SpongeBob screams and runs under Dennis. Dennis turns and pulls the knife off his necklace, intending to stab them.

“AAAH!” Dennis cried, clutching his shoulder.

He feels a burning sensation as if someone blasted him. He turns around and ducks as more magic beams are fired at him. Twilight and Rarity keep him distracted with beams firing from their sizzling horns. Soon enough, Dennis tries using his knife to block the beams, using the metal sides to reflect the beams into the air while stalking towards the ponies.

“That brute doesn’t know when to quit!” Rarity cried.

“We need to keep trying!” Twilight shouted, mid-fire. “Just till we get to Bikini Bottom!”

“I’ve got this!” Spike shouted.

He plops between the girls and bounds high into the air with all his strength. An eyebrow is raised as Dennis looks at the little fish. Spike inhales deeply, his pufferfish body expanding, then he expels a blast of flames while shooting his spines out. The flames catch Dennis in the face causing him to lean back. By the time Spike lands back on the ground, he assumes his regular form.

“Ha!” Spike taunted. “How do you like that you big bully?!”

Suddenly, moans and groans cause Spike to look side to side. His eyes widen when he sees that his spines contact Twilight and Rarity. Several spines caught Twilight on the side, while many hits Rarity’s face, which barely moved except for one twitching eye.

“Uh… Oops!” Spike smiled, sheepishly.

Rubbing his face, growling angrily, Dennis looks up and sees SpongeBob desperately trying to keep up with the other girls. Deciding to ignore the others, Dennis races toward his target. In the meantime, the group slides down Dennis’ behind and the exterminator nearly stabs them but pierces his knife through the behind.

“Ooh!” Hasselhoff cried. “Take it easy back there, fellas!”

“SORRY!” Pinkie shouted.

In the meantime, Dennis was coming closer and closer. The spikes in his boots gleaming. The group was trapped, the ocean waves churning between the lifeguard’s mighty legs.

“We gotta jump to the other side!” Apple Bloom said. “It’s the only way!”

“I’ll never make that jump!” Scootaloo shook her head. “In case you girls don’t notice, I CAN’T fly!!!”

“No… But I can,” Fluttershy spoke up.

Scootaloo looks up with teary eyes as Fluttershy warmly smiles, helping Scootaloo onto her back.

“Hold on!!”

Fluttershy pushes herself with all her might and takes off flying to the other leg while Scootaloo hangs on. While not a flying seapony, Pinkie nevertheless helps Apple Bloom onto her back.

“Hang ten, possible cousin!” Pinkie instructed.

Pinkie then bounces toward the other side until all that remained was SpongeBob and Sweetie Belle backing away from Dennis.

“Sweetie Belle! SpongeBob, jump!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Come on, kids, give it up!” Dennis warned. “Dennis always gets his man.”

SpongeBob looks down toward Sweetie Belle, who looks petrified toward the scary fish. SpongeBob takes a deep breath and turns toward Dennis.

“I’ll never give up, Dennis!” The plucky sponge cried.

He grabs Sweetie Belle, holds her tightly close to him, and jumps just when Dennis tries to grab them.


Time seemed to move slowly as SpongeBob bounded toward Hasselhoff’s other leg. Sweetie Belle screaming as she hugged the yellow sponge tightly, shutting her eyes. But eventually, time resumes once they reached the other side.

“Yay!” SpongeBob crowed. “We made it!”

“Uh… SpongeBob!!!” Sweetie Belle points.

Apparently, so did Dennis, who somehow reached the other side behind SpongeBob.

“You’ve got guts, kids. Too bad I gotta rip ‘em outta ya.”

“Look, Mr. Dennis, sir,” Pinkie spoke. “Maybe we can cut a deal.”

“We don’t know what Plankton’s paying you,” SpongeBob added, digging through his pants. “But if you let us go, I can make it worth your while.”

SpongeBob pulls out a wad of bills, handing it to Dennis. Dennis swaps the dollars swiftly.

“It’s gonna take a lot more than five…!” Dennis looks at the bills. “What is this?”

“That, sir, is five Goober Dollars,” SpongeBob told him. “Legal tending at any participating Goofy Goober—”

But Dennis the dollars aside and grabs SpongeBob by the throat. Thinking quickly, Sweetie Belle uses her magic and levitates… A bottle of ‘soap bubbles’ with a blow wand.

“Hey Dennis!” Sweetie Belle calls out. “BUBBLE PARTY!!!”

Sweetie Belle holds up the wand, spraying soapy bubbles toward Dennis’ eyes, the bubbles bursting on contact.

“My eyes!!!” Dennis screamed.

Dennis clutches his eyes and hurls SpongeBob over to the side. SpongeBob screams and wails before he is caught by a pink arm.

“I got you, SpongeBob,” The brave little starfish said.

SpongeBob climbs aboard the lifeguard’s foot until he was next to Patrick, clinging to the heel.

“Thanks, buddy!” SpongeBob said.

Suddenly, Dennis appeared, standing over them. His spiked boot rose above their heads, ready to stomp them flat with his cleated boot.

“Uh, thanks a lot.”

“That’s it!” Dennis said, his eyes sore. “I’m through messin’ around! See ya later, fools!”

“YEE……. HAW!!!”

Turning around, Dennis is suddenly whacked hard in the face by a firm hoof from Applejack, thrown at high speeds. As Applejack slides along Hasselhoff’s leg, Dennis spins around on one foot, before…


Rainbow Dash slams her hooves into Dennis’ stomach, making his eyes bulge out and air escapes his lips. Smirking, Rainbow then reels back and slaps Dennis upside the chin with her fin before flying off to join the group. Dennis is slightly dazed, as he struggles to keep balance. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash lands beside Applejack who just reunited with her sister, Apple Bloom.


Suddenly, they look up and see that Hasselhoff was swimming straight towards a catamaran.

“EVERY PONY, DUCK!!!” Applejack shouted.

All the ponies, Spike, and even their two goofy friends managed to lean down. Dennis just recovered, only to see the approaching catamaran, and screams.


Dennis is struck by the catamaran, falling into the sea to his presumed demise.

“See ya!” Patrick said, waving.

“PHEW!!!” Rarity sighs, twitching from the spines. “I hate epic adventures…”


Meanwhile, back in Bikini Bottom – er, the Evil Empire of Planktopolis – Mindy and King Neptune were still arguing inside the restaurant.

“So you think… I’m… Stalling.”

By now, King Neptune had enough of it, as he clenched his fists in fury.

“GAH!!!” Neptune roared. “Where am I, in Crazytown? I have had enough of this nonsense! Mindy, you are to wait in the carriage until the execution is done!”

“But Daddy…” Mindy implored.


Thunder and lightning flashed; the trident crackled with energy. Mindy scurried outside as fast as she could, while Plankton stuck his tongue out at her. To be extra certain the princess won’t interfere, Neptune fired a blast from his magic trident. Chains and padlocks appeared, sealing the doors and windows.

“Ha, ha, ha!!!” Plankton chuckled.

Outside, Mindy bashed the doors.

“No, no, no!” Mindy cried, looking up. “Oh, SpongeBob, girls, wherever you are, you better hurry.”


Finally, Hasselhoff swims past a familiar island. He turns over his broad shoulders at his passengers.

“Okay, fellas, this is where you get off. Bikini Bottom’s directly below.”

“But we’ll never be able to float down in time,” SpongeBob cried, looking at his calendar.

“Who say anything about floating?” Pinkie asked.

Pinkie reached up into her mane, pulling out a slightly bigger version of her party cannon. The entire group stare at it in awe as Hasselhoof picks it up in his hand, while grabbing the crown. SpongeBob, Patrick, and the ponies hang onto it.

“All hands, on deck!” He said.

Then he positions the crown, along with all of them, inside the party cannon aiming it straight toward the water. Most of the group were squeezed in together unable to move. SpongeBob and Patrick end up wedged behind their friends, but they could still see the ocean.

“Hang on, guys!” SpongeBob cried.

“What choice, do we have?” Twilight responds.

“Oh wait, hang on a second, you guys!” Hasselhoff called out.

“What’s the problem darling?” Rarity called back.

“This cannon has a fuse on it! I don’t have any matches or anything to light it to fire.”

“… Ooh!” Pinkie gasped, realizing. “I pulled out the wrong party cannon.”

“PINKIE!!!” The group shouted.

“Now what do we do!!” Rainbow moaned.

“It’s a good thing I have plenty!” A voice called out.

Hasselhoff turns toward the side, while several ponies manage to peek their heads from the cannon. Before their eyes, they see a certain pirate in a rowboat, now with a speedboat engine attached to the back, speeding towards him.

“Patchy!!” The girls cried from inside.

“Aye! Ye didn’t really think I’d miss this party did ye?” Patchy smirked.

Before long, Patchy shuts off the engine and turns till he’s right beside Hasselhoff.

Hasselhoff…” Patch replies.

Patchy…” Hasselhoff greeted back.

"PINKIE!" Pinkie shouted, peaking from the cannon.

The two grown men turn toward the sea pony, who eyes them one by one. She chuckles nervously then sinks back into her cannon.

Patchy reached into his coat pocket and pulls out a box of matches. He pulls one out and held the box in his hook hand. He quickly struck the match and lit the giant fuse in the back of the cannon. The ponies quickly duck back deep into the cannon, as it was only a matter of time before ‘blast off’.


Far below, in the heart of Planktopolis, Mr. Krabs’ execution was about to commence. King Neptune warms up his trident, slowly powering it up. The tip of his staff sparks with energy. All Mindy could do is watch helplessly through the window.

“Eugene Krabs,” King Neptune began.

“No!” Mindy gasped.

“Yes!” Plankton cried.

“The time has come—”



“-for you-“



“-to fry!!!”

Bolts of thunder leapt from the trident; the air in the Krusty Krab 2 crackled with power.


Meanwhile, upon the ocean’s surface, the group was ready to launch like torpedoes out of the cannon, the fuse getting smaller and smaller.

“Good luck, me little ponies!” Patchy called out. “Tell SpongeBob, I said hi!”


In a split second, the entire group, along with the crown, were fired straight through the ocean’s watery depths. Spinning wildly, giving the group the ride of their lives upon the crown, they scream like children as they plunge toward the Krusty Krab 2. The crown smashed through the roof, along with the whole gang.

Just as Neptune fired his blast, just as Krabs is about to be fried, the crown blocks the ray, and it deflects toward the shiny surface.


Whereas of this moment, Hasselhoff is floating on his back while Patchy the Pirate lounges in his rowboat.

“Aye, we done good, Hasselhoff,” Patchy spoke.

“Yep!” Hasselhoff agreed, lazily. “We’ve done…”


The blast from Neptune’s ray hits Hasselhoff and the force was so strong, Patchy fell backward from his rowboat and splashing into the water.

“Ow…” Hasselhoff groaned, slightly singed.

Patchy reemerges from the water, gasping and coughing salt water. His hat floating on the water and his hair was down.

“Aye! What just happened?!”


“Hooray!” SpongeBob cheered. “We made it!”

“We did it! We did it!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheer, with a victory dance. “We did it!”

“We made it!” The ponies cry out.

King Neptune lifts his crown, holds it close to his chest, and practically kisses it.

“My Crown!” Neptune cried. “My beautiful crown!”

Just then, Mindy came flying through the double doors.

“SpongeBob! Patrick!” Mindy cried, hugging them. “I knew you could do it!”

“Thanks Mindy,” SpongeBob said. “But actually, we have these ponies and their friends to thank too.”

SpongeBob acknowledges to the ponies and Spike, but mainly toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They smile warmly toward the happy sponge.

“If it weren’t for them, we never would’ve gotten here in time,” SpongeBob concluded.

“Aw… SpongeBob!” Sweetie Belle said.

The girls join in and hug the fry cook, as the rest of the group join in. Just then, they hear some slow clapping and turn around toward Plankton.

“Oh, yes,” Plankton added, sarcastically. “Well done, SpongeBoob.”

“Sorry to rain on your parade, Plankton,” SpongeBob answered, sarcastically.

“We know about your evil scheme, Plankton!” Twilight spoke. “Now we’re giving you ONE chance: Surrender peacefully, free the citizens of Bikini Bottom, and return the pearl and your partner to us!”

“Oh, I’m afraid I can’t do that, princess,” Plankton mocked. “My parade shall be quite dry – under my umbrella!”

Plankton quickly pulls a cord that is hanging above him.

“Umbrellaaaaaa?” The group asked.

Suddenly, they turn back toward Neptune, who was still kissing his crown. In that moment, a trapdoor in the ceiling that says, ‘King Size’, opens up and a chum bucket helmet falls out landing right onto King Neptune’s head. He struggles to get it off, but the helmet is latched tightly.

“Daddy, no!” Mindy cried.

“Daddy, yes!” Plankton said.

Plankton pulls out a remote control with only a big, red button on it. As Neptune struggles, Plankton pushes the button and an antenna emerges from the top of the helmet, making a humming sound. All at once, King Neptune’s brain goes numb, his body quickly stiffened, and he speaks these words only.

“All hail Cozy Glow,” Neptune spoke.

This caught Plankton’s attention, as he whipped his head around toward the enslaved king.

“Wait, what?” Plankton said, pushing the button. “This must be a mistake; that’s not supposed to happen!”

“It’s no mistake, Sheldon…”

The entire group turns to the side, as Cozy Glow swam out from the shadows smiling evilly. In her hooves is a small little remote in her hooves, as she stared them all down.

“COZY GLOW!!!” The ponies and Spike shouted.

Cozy Glow laughed menacingly as she swam closer to the group.

“That’s right!” Cozy Glow said, smugly. “It’s me! The real brains of the operation… This place belongs to me now!”

“What the heck are you talking about kid?” Plankton asked. “We had a deal!”

“Sorry partner,” Cozy replied. “But this deal just got canned!

Before Plankton could reply, Cozy Glow swung her tail and smacked Plankton across the room. The single celled organism screamed as he flew across the room and crashed into the inside of a jar. Suddenly, a lid is put on top and twisted tightly as Plankton looks up and gasps. His wife Karen, with a bucket helmet on her screen, under the spell of the mind control.

“All hail Cozy Glow,” Karen spoke.

“What?! No!” Plankton shouted. “Karen, my sweet, sweet wife! Don’t listen to that brat; listen to your husband!”

But it was no use, Karen was now under control of a sociopathic filly and now Plankton was trapped under his own plans. The Equestrians look toward the pair then back toward Cozy Glow.

“Oh, by the way, were you looking for this?!” Cozy Glow holds out her hooves, revealing the pearl.

“Queen Nova’s Pearl!” Rarity gasped.

“It was you!” Sweetie Belle glared.

“Figured you’d stoop this low, Cozy Glow!” Twilight frowned. “First, you betray Equestria and turn every pony against each other. Then, you steal a kingdom’s prized artifact. And now, you help an evil maniac put his plan together and take it as your own!”

“Oh please, you really think I’m stupid to think I’d actually ‘help’ him?” Cozy laughed. “I only agreed to be his partner so I could use his lab to create my own mind-control technology. And once I got exactly what I needed it was all too easy to kick him to the curb like yesterday’s garbage!”

Cozy Glow then swam over to Neptune, plucking his crown off the ground where it landed. With the ancient pearl in her other hoof, she uses its magic to shrink the crown down to her size and positions the pearl in the center. She then places the crown on her head before turning back to the group with a look of triumph.

“And now, you will all bow before the new Queen of the Seas… And soon to be QUEEN OF EQUESTRIA!!!”

Cozy then pushes the button on her remote, as all the bucket-headed fish smash through the windows of the restaurant. Quickly, they surround SpongeBob, Patrick, Mindy, the Equestrians, and the frozen Mr. Krabs, leaving them with no place to go. Neptune points his trident at them, flames sparking out. Now our heroes were trapped, pinned against the wall, with no chance of escape. This may very well be the end of our heroes, as Cozy Glow smirks evilly with the pearl glowing in her new crown