• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

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Thug Tug

As dusk settled upon the ocean floor, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, and all the ponies…


… AND Spike… Trudged along rather sluggishly down the road. They had been walking ever since crossing the county line, which by now was miles behind them. Needless to say, their stamina and resolve quickly dwindled. They tried to sing and cheer to keep up their spirits, but they were just too tired and very sweaty. By now, Patrick’s blow horn stopped working and he tossed it behind him.

“Going on…” Patrick coughed.

“Yeah!... Huff…” SpongeBob wheezed. “Moving on… Puff…. Just keep going…”

“We’ve… Ugh… Gotta keep… Huff… Going…” Apple Bloom groaned.

“Gotta… Get that… Whoo… Crown!” Scootaloo moaned.

“Yeah… Right… Sweet… Sweet victory…” Sweetie Belle added.

“Are we there yet?” Patrick whined.

“We must be close by now,” SpongeBob hoped.

Finally, the group stopped walking after an exhausting set of hours. Rainbow rubbed her tired front hooves, even her fins were sore from flapping about the ocean.

“After all this walking, you better hope so,” Rainbow moaned.

“Don’t you mean, after all this swimming?” Pinkie joked tiredly.

“… Not now, Pinkie!”

Just then, SpongeBob spotted a sign up ahead and his eyes instantly lit up.

“Hey, guys! Look. We’re doing great! Shell City’s only five days away!”

Sure enough, reading the billboard, which was partly hidden by seaweed, it clearly read, ‘SHELL CITY, ONLY FIVE DAYS’.

“Hate tah burst your bubble there, SpongeBob,” Applejack points out. “But yah might wanna look again.”

Sure enough, a slight breeze blew the seaweed away – and the rest of the sign was uncovered.

“-BY CAR?!” The group said tiredly.

Patrick slapped his head, SpongeBob’s shoulders sagged, and Rarity burst into tears.

“That’s it!” Rarity whined. “I… simply… cannot… even! I have nothing! Mr. Krabs is doomed! I’m so sorryyyyyyyy-y-y-y!”

“And here we go with the whining,” Rainbow groaned.

“At this rate, we won’t even make it back to Bikini Bottom in six days,” Twilight said.

“If only we still had our car,” Fluttershy sighed.

“I know what you mean,” Spike nodded. “I just can’t believe we gave that up so easily! I mean we clearly had the numbers advantage; sure he had a crowbar…”

“Guys, look!” Patrick interrupts, grabbing SpongeBob’s arm. “Our car!”

Low and behold, it was indeed the Patty Wagon, parked in front of a beat-up, sunken tugboat. Music and voices seemed to come from inside the tugboat, which was called the ‘Thug Tug’.

“Wow, talk about convenient!” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Guess the narrators really wanted to move the plot along rather than have us trudge on all day,” Pinkie said.

Well, we could’ve… But then the movie would drag at this point…

Yeah… Let’s try to avoid that dilemma…

“Nevertheless, we simply must hurry,” Rarity cried. “That thug who stole our car may come back at any moment.”

But just as they reached the Patty Wagon, they noticed something important was missing.

“The key!” SpongeBob cried.

“Where do you think it is?” Patrick asked.

Suddenly, a fish is kicked through one of the Thug Tug windows and lands next to SpongeBob, Patrick, and the group. The terrified fish had many broken bones, his leg barely twitches. They turn toward the broken window.

“This looks like a nice place,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“I know right?” Patrick asked gleefully.

SpongeBob and the others weren’t sure they should take their word for it. The entire place itself resembled that one bad joint folks would be wise to stray away. Cautiously, the group of friends crept toward the window, peer inside, and their suspicions were confirmed. Inside, it was a disaster: Thugs fighting, some of them drunk, and some just playing pool. Everything was either cracked or splintered, the dim lighting made everything look red. “R.I.P.” is spray painted along the wall with a knocked-out fish just below it (Though he looked as if he could be dead).

They peered their eyes toward a sea of tough-looking thugs until SpongeBob spotted the very same thug who stole the Patty Wagon. The ski-masked fish with the open jacket was shooting pool amongst the other fish. Hanging from his belt, SpongeBob spotted a gleaming spatula, the key that runs the Patty Wagon.

“There it is guys. The key!” SpongeBob cried. “Now, how are we gonna get it?”

“I know,” Patrick suggested. “Walk in and ask him for it.”

“Oh sure, if we ask nicely, he’d sure to give us the key back,” Pinkie stated rather giddy.


The sound of punching and painful crying could be heard throughout the joint, as a massive brawl broke out. Everyone and every pony just sat wide-eyed and terrified as they heard the punches make contact.

“That might just be the worst idea I ever heard!” Scootaloo said.

“What about that time we tried getting our Cutie Marks in stock-broking?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“…Okay, second worst idea.”

“I agree with the girls, Patrick,” SpongeBob shook his head. “That’s a terrible idea.”

“Sorry,” Patrick spoke, downcast.

“I know!” SpongeBob spoke, snapping his fingers. “I’ll go in and create a distraction, and you get the key.”

“Ooh! Ooh! Wait!” Patrick cried, enthusiastically. “I wanna do the distraction!”

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Can I help too?” Pinkie offered, bouncing side to side. “Can I? Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh?”

“Okay,” SpongeBob shrugged. “I guess it really doesn’t matter who does the distraction.”

“Alright Pinkie, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Patrick whispered.

The Starfish leans in, whispering into her ear for a moment before pulling back and winking at each other. Reminiscent of an old Western movie he likely saw, Patrick puffs out his chest as he bursts through the swinging door. He boldly steps inside with Pinkie following close behind. The rest of the group waited outside the Thug Tug, watching the duo go in.

“Ten bits says this is stupid and it’s totally gonna fail,” Spike whispered to Rainbow.

“No reason to bet on something you already know, little dude,” Rainbow answered.

“Okay girls,” Rarity informs the CMC. “You all stay right here we get the key; Spikey-Wikey, you watch over the girls for me.”

“You can count on me, Rarity,” Spike nodded.

“Aw, but we want to be part of the action!” Scootaloo groaned.

“Sorry kiddo,” Rainbow replied, patting Scoots head. “But this place isn’t exactly fit for kids. We can handle the thugs, but we can’t risk getting you three caught in the chaos.”

“But-but!” Apple Bloom protested.

“No ‘buts’,” Applejack said, firmly. “Stay put.”

SpongeBob sneakily crept behind the two pink friends, trying his best not to be seen. The others snuck along with him avoid bits of broken glass and teeth that were on the floor. The CMC sat on the sea floor, their heads laying on one hoof each with a ‘hmph’ as Spike floated beside them watching the girls. He could see they clearly stood out like a sore thumb, but the sooner they got the key then the sooner they can leave. Eventually, Pinkie Pie and Patrick Star found themselves at the center of the room amongst the oblivious tough guys minding their own business.

“Can I have your attention please?!” Pinkie shouted.

The music stopped, as all heads turned toward the pair. Dozens of mean-looking eyes stared at the goofy starfish and the pink party pony, waiting for one of them to speak.

“My big friend has something he’d like to say,” Pinkie continued. “Take it away big guy!”

The Starfish stood silently for a moment, cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and spoke…

“I have to use the bathroom,” Patrick announced.

Without making a sound, the ponies and Spike turned wide eyes as if thinking, ‘WHAT?!’. The thugs looked toward the starfish awkwardly over that request, till one of the thugs, the boat jacker himself, points toward a door by the phone booth.

“It’s, uh… Right over there.”

Just then, as Patrick Star made his way to the restroom, the thug at the pool table looks down. There was SpongeBob himself, trying to reach for the Patty Wagon key hanging from his belt. SpongeBob looks up at him for a second, then turns to the ponies who wave their hooves while mouthing ‘improvise!’. SpongeBob starts scuffing around on the ground, pretending to pick something off.

“Stupid contacts,” SpongeBob mutters, holding imaginary contact. “Oh, there it is. I better go wash it off.”

As SpongeBob SquarePants bolts toward the restroom, the Mane Six followed closely behind.


The Mane Six paused mid-swim, frozen in place. For a moment, they feared they had been exposed or perhaps being in their seapony forms they were not permitted to be in their establishment. Slowly and reluctantly, they turn around as their worried expressions faced the fish who called out to them, in this case the bar tender. If they can just see the looks on their faces, nervous was a big understatement.

“You’re going into the ‘men’s’ room,” He pointed out, gruffly.

It took a moment for their eyes to acknowledge the sign that read ‘Men’s Room’ with a male fish at the bottom, then turning their eyes toward the ‘Ladies Room’ sign.

“Oh… Right,” Twilight said. “Of course… Our bad. Come along, girls.”

“Oh you girls go on ahead,” Pinkie ushered. “I think I’m just going to hang out around here.”

“Whatever you do, just don’t do anything rash,” Rainbow advised.

Pinkie waves it off with a smile as the girls enter the ladies rest room one by one. As they do so, Pinkie Pie makes her way over to the bar counter and plants her flank on a conveniently empty stool. Leaning on the bar, she eyes toward the bartender who’s been cleaning a broken mug.

“I’ll have a milk please,” Pinkie requested.

“… Excuse me?” The bartender asked, raising a brow.

“Oh, sorry… Chocolate milk. Make it a double.”

The bartender just stares at Pinkie Pie, before turning toward a regular who merely just shrugs his shoulders.


Seconds earlier, while Pinkie Pie was talking with the bartender, all the girls had entered the ladies room. But the moment they closed the door behind them and turned to the front, their eyes went wide with fright and terror. For what they saw before their eyes, it was so disturbing, so disgusting, and disturbing no words could describe the nerve wrecking sight.



Much, much later, Patrick was just going to the bathroom on the men’s side. He just finished when SpongeBob SquarePants barged in and the little sponge was not happy.

“Patrick!” SpongeBob cried. “You call that a distraction?!”

Patrick jolts up, flushing the toilet. He turns to SpongeBob after realizing his error.

“Well, I had to go to the bathroom,” Patrick replied sheepishly.

SpongeBob looks down at his hands, which were filthy from fumbling on the floor earlier.

“Well, I got my hands dirty for nothing.”

SpongeBob pumps the soap dispenser, and the top is pushed off by pressure from bubbles forming inside it. They pop out one at a time, floating around the bathroom.

“Patrick, check it out!” SpongeBob cried, pumping some more.

“Whoa!” Patrick gasped.

“Hooray! Bubble Party!” The boys cheered.

The boys began squirting more bubbles, as they floated around the bathroom and ragtime music plays while they dance. Patrick juggles the bubbles, as SpongeBob offers some more. Then, SpongeBob lays on his side and balances one on his foot and Patrick balances one on his head. As they giggle and lather up, some of the bubbles start leaking through the restroom door and into the pub. Suddenly, the music stops when they heard a scream.


The boys froze in place, turning toward one another.

“What was that?” SpongeBob asked.

“I don’t know,” Patrick answered.

“Hey! Who blew this bubble?!”

Outside the bathrooms, the bartender, Victor by name, saw a bubble floating nearby and pops the bubble with a punch.

“You all know the rules!” Victor shouted.

Soon all the patrons in the bar began reiterating the rules in unison.

“All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able-bodied patron in the bar.”

“… Bar,” Pinkie said, falling behind.

All the regulars turn and glare toward Pinkie Pie, who looks back sheepishly.

“What? I’m new here.”

“Right…” Victor said. “So, who blew it?!”

Inside the bathroom, SpongeBob and Patrick could hear all the yelling going on in the bar. They frantically tried to pop all the bubbles before they got caught.

“So… Nobody knows?” Victor asked, eyeing around.

“Maybe it was…” A tough guy asked.


Victor hurls a chair at the guy, knocking him out cold. Outside, the CMC and Spike, who’d been spying the whole time, cringed at the sight when they saw SpongeBob and Patrick peeking from the bathroom door. They quickly motion their arms, silently urging them to get out.

“Somebody in here ain’t a real man!” Victor continued.

SpongeBob and Patrick attempted to sneak out the door, but Victor spotted them.

“You! We’re on a baby hunt. And don’t think we don’t know how to weed ‘em out. CHUCK! Get those girls out of the bathroom!”

A random scary thug makes his way toward the girls bathroom door and bangs on the door violently. The door silently creaks open as the Mane Six slowly step out, unsure of what’s happening. Poor Rarity had to be carried out by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, the fashionista’s eyes were like pinpricks.

“I… Hate… Dive-in… Bathrooms!” Rarity muttered.

“Now, everybody line up!”

Everyone in the tugboat lined up, even the ponies reluctantly joined the line beside SpongeBob and Patrick. Once everyone was in a neat row, prepped for inspection, he turns to his disc jockey.

“DJ! Time for the test!”

The DJ gives a thumbs-up to Victory, bumbles behind the speaker, and plays a CD.

“No baby can resist singing along to this,” Victor snarled.

Sure enough, the Goofy Goober theme song begins to play as the ponies and their friends turn to each other nervously.

“SpongeBob, it’s the Goofy Goober theme song!” Patrick whined nervously.

“I know!” SpongeBob said, in a raspy voice.

The music began to play – loudly – and SpongeBob and Patrick struggled desperately against the urge to sing along. As the song goes on, Victor walks down the line to see the patron’s responses to the song. One of the tough guys coughed and Victor rushes toward him, pointing angrily.

“It was you!” Victor accused. “You’re the bubble-blowing baby!”

“No, no!” The thug insisted. “I only coughed; I swear!”

Victor points with two fingers from his eyes to the thug’s, showing that he’s watching him. As he walks on, the tough guy sighs in relief.

“Wow… And I thought I was too quick to make assumptions,” Pinkie replied.

As Victor moved down the line, not a single soul had cracked yet.

“DJ! Turn it up louder!” Victor call out.

The music swelled, filling the tug with the perfect sing-along tune. Sweat poured from SpongeBob’s head, his foot began to tap, but he managed to step on it with his other foot. The girls turned to Patrick; the poor Starfish was ready to break at any time.

Don’t sing along, Patrick,” Applejack whispered.

“I’m trying,” Patrick whined. “Trying so hard!”

Just then, a shadow looms over the ponies. They look up to see Victor tower over him, noticing their struggle not to sing.

“What’s the matter little seaponies?” Victor growled. “Don’t you know the words?”

“Noooo…” Fluttershy whispered, timidly.

Whether Victor knew Fluttershy was lying or not, he takes advantage of their concerns. He proceeds to sing mockingly…

“I’m a Goofy Goober, yeah! You’re a Goofy Goober, yeah! We’re all Goofy Goobers, yeah!”

Spike and the CMC watched as the boys couldn’t take it anymore. The Mane Six look away as the boys opened their mouths to sing, when…

“Goofy, goofy, goober, goobers, yeah!”

The disc scratched, the music stops, and someone had cracked… But it was neither SpongeBob, Patrick, nor any of the ponies… Though they came very close.

“Well, well, well,” Victor laughed.

As Victor walks away, SpongeBob and Patrick breathe a sigh of relief. The ponies turn as Victor rushed toward Siamese twin fish.

“Which one of you babies was it?” Victor questioned.

“Uh… It was him!” The Twins pointed at each other. “It was him! He did it! I’ve never even eaten at ‘Goofy, goofy, goober, goobers, yeah!’

The Siamese Twins cover each other’s mouth, realizing the words coming out of their mouths.

“Well,” Victor said, with a nasty grin. “Looks like we got ourselves a double baby!”

The thugs surround the twins, crack their knuckles, and lunge at them in unison. With everyone running around, the Siamese fish trying to escape, the ponies aid SpongeBob and Patrick in escaping the Thug Tug. They knew they were safe once they were as far out of the tugboat as possible.

“Man, that was a close call,” SpongeBob sighed.

“Yeah, but we still didn’t get that key,” Twilight pointed out. “How are we going to get to Shell City now?”

“You mean this key?” Pinkie asked, revealing the spatula from her mane.

All the ponies, including Spike and the boys, gasped as Pinkie showed the key sticking out of that poofy mess of hair. Pinkie Pie merely smiled, showing her pearly whites.

“The key!” SpongeBob cried. “Pinkie, how did you get that?!”

“I believe a certain pony friend of ours would call it misdirection,” Pinkie replied casually. “Course, I can’t take all the credit. It was actually Patrick’s idea!”

They all turn to Patrick Star, who looked side to side not catching on.

“Huh? Me?” Patrick asked, dumbfounded.

“Yeah, big guy!” Pinkie continued. “I figured you’d forget your brilliant idea, luckily my mind’s a steel trap. Just needed the right moment to let that idea free and next thing I know, I managed to snag the key while no pony was looking.”

“See? My ideas are worth listening to,” Patrick smiled.

“You can say that again,” Spike replied.

“See? My ideas are—”

“Okay, boys!” Rarity interrupts. “Let’s get out of here before they notice we’re gone.”

Nodding, they quickly dash back toward the Patty wagon and start the engine. The Goofy Goober theme song blasts out of the speaker. Rainbow Dash turns off the sound system, pulls out the CD, and smashed it between her hooves. The pieces land right next to two broken bottles, as the Patty Wagon speeds off into the night.