• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

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Frog Fish

Back in Bikini Bottom, the very next morning, Plankton and Cozy Glow’s nefarious plot was kicking into high gear. Unaware of their intentions, a certain grumpy octopus was about to find out. But in the meantime, Squidward pops his head out of the window of his tiki home, in a more chipper mood than usual.

“Too bad SpongeBob’s not here to enjoy SpongeBob not being here,” He laughed to himself.

With SpongeBob and Patrick not around, nor any of those friends that they met, Squidward was committed to make the most of what he believes to be the perfect day. He runs down the stairs and out the back door, which opens like a garage door. Deciding it be a good idea to go for a little ride around town, he hops onto his recumbent bicycle and pedals down the road. He hums a little tune to himself as he rode off down the street when he saw something rather odd: A fish with a Chum Bucket on its head. Not a real chum bucket of course, but still a bucket-shaped helmet.

“Morning!” The fish greeted.

“Some people have no taste in headgear,” Squidward muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he stops at an intersection and glances at a husband and wife with their baby in a stroller, showing it to another fish, who shakes a rattle at the giggling baby. All of them have helmets on their heads, he could see chum buckets everywhere.

“Huh? Babies too?” Squidward spoke, horrified.

At the traffic light, he rides up to another fish driving in her boat. But this was no ordinary fish, it was Mrs. Puff, the driving instructor. She too was wearing a Chum Bucket helmet.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Puff, but where is everybody getting that horrid headwear?”

“Who said that?” Mrs. Puff asked, looking around in confusion.

“Down here.”

Mrs. Puff looks down and finds Squidward right below her vehicle.

“Oh! Squidward! Well, I got it at the Chum Bucket. Plankton’s giving them away free with every Krabby Patty.”

“Chum Bucket?” Squidward cried. “Free? Krabby Patty? Plankton? Giving? With?”

“That’s right,” Mrs. Puff called, as she zoomed away.

“Hmm… Something smells fishy around here,” Squidward thought, scratching his bald head. “And for once it isn’t my laundry.”

Squidward pedaled right over to the Chum Bucket as fast as he could. Sure enough, the place was hopping with customers walking in and emerging with bucket helmets. Inside the restaurant, Plankton stood high on a ladder looking out over the masses of fish.

“Oh, how long I’ve been waiting for this day?” Plankton sighed blissfully.

Just then, Cozy Glow comes floating from the kitchen with Karen following closely behind.

“So, what’s the status kid?” Plankton asked. “I’ve waited for you long enough.”

Cozy Glow growled under her breath. She had been talked down to like this all her life, but still she did not appreciate the manner one bit. She was the one doing all the work on this scheme, whereas all Plankton did was bossing her around like a child. Nevertheless, she just grit her teeth and put on a fake smile.

“Everything is ready to go,” Cozy said, through her teeth. “All you have to do is punch the code.”

Plankton released a victorious evil laugh upon hearing the news.

Excellent! After today, this entire town will be eating out of the palm of my hands!”

“What about me?” Cozy asked. “Don’t forget I helped too.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Plankton brushed her off. “Just smile and look pretty, kiddo. You’re cuter when you’re not so… Angry.”

But Cozy Glow was starting to get so mad her coat began to change from its usual pink coat to one fiery red. Just as she was about to explode, Squidward burst through the door and spotting Plankton high atop his pedestal.

“So you’re selling Krabby Patties, eh, Plankton?”

“That’s right, Squidward,” Plankton said, grinning smugly. “And there’s a free bucket helmet with every purchase. Care for one?”

“No!” Squidward said. “You may have hoodwinked everyone else in this backwater town, but you can’t fool me. I listen to public radio.”

Plankton made a very bored and very ‘blank face’… Face.

Wow… Now that’s some lazy writing.

Oh, shut up!

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Plankton asked.

“It means you set up Mr. Krabs!” He cried. “You stole the crown so Neptune would freeze him, and you could finally get your stubby little paws on the Krabby Patty formula.”

Plankton gave Squidward a wounded look, staring at his hands. But the crusty old cephalopod wasn’t buying it.

“It was you all along! But you made one fatal mistake; you messed with my paycheck. I haven’t solved the whole bucket-helmet giveaway part yet, but I’m gonna report you to the highest authority in the land, King Neptune!”

“We’ll see about that, Inspector Looselips,” Plankton said sinisterly.

Plankton laughed like some stubby-fingered madman. Squidward was about to turn away when Cozy Glow got in his path.

“Who the barnacle are you?!” Squidward asked.

“Sorry Swillbird,” Cozy Glow replied. “We’d hate for you to miss the premier of Plan Z. You could say it’s a really evil part.”

Before Squidward could react, Plankton is already typing keys before pushing the button on Karen.

“Now activating helmet brain-control devices,” Karen said.

“Huh? What?” Squidward babbled, confused.

A satellite goes up on the Chum Bucket and before Squidward knew it from every home, in every shop, and all over Bikini Bottom, something strange was happening. All at once, an antenna rises out of each customer’s bucket helmet, which covers all their heads, one by one. With a buzz and a click, the helmets proceed to take control of everyone’s minds. Soon, they all stand up, and spoke in drone voices.

“All hail Plankton!” The Bikini Bottom denizens chanted. “All hail Plankton!”

“What’s going on here?” Squidward gasped, eyes widen.

“Seize him!” Cozy Glow shouted.

“All hail Plankton! All hail Plankton!”

“I’m getting outta here!” Squidward cried.

The Octopus tries to make a break for the door, but soon an army of bucket heads burst in and corner him.

“All hail Plankton! All hail Plankton!”

Cornered, Squidward screams in horror as Plankton and Cozy Glow’s slaves capture him. Soon, slaves poured from their homes and shops. From under rocks, from under reefs, and from the trenches, all the sea life marched together, chanting:

“All hail Plankton! All hail Plankton!”

Cozy Glow ran to the window, peering through Plankton’s telescope. There they were – Her boss’ army of mind-controlled bucket heads. From outside, the crowd spoke in one voice.

“All hail Plankton! All hail Plankton!”

“Yes, chant for Plan Z!” Cozy Glow shouted, with glee. “Plan Z! HA-HA!!!”

“Who can stop me now?!” Plankton laughed evilly. “Who?!”

“All hail Plankton! All hail Plankton!”


Meanwhile, out on the open road, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star the Ponies, and Spike sped along the highway. They were laughing loudly over their triumphant escape from the Thug Tug, as well as something Patrick just did.

“Come on, Pat,” SpongeBob urged. “One more time.”

“Yeah Pat!” Sweetie Belle laughed. “I’ve never laughed so hard in my life!”

“Me neither!” Apple Bloom added.

“Pretty please, just one more?” Scootaloo begged.

“Okay,” Patrick smiled.

Patrick stood up and began imitating the bartender from the Thug Tug.

We’re on a baby hunt and don’t think we don’t know how to ‘weed ‘em out’!”

“Weed ‘em out!” SpongeBob cried.

“What a jerk!” Patrick yelled.

“How about when he was all like, ‘Well, looks like we’ve got ourselves a double bubble-blowing baby!’” Scootaloo laughed.

“And then we were like, ‘It wasn’t us! It wasn’t us!’” Apple Bloom added.

SpongeBob, Patrick, and the CMC started laughing hysterically. Meanwhile, the scenery around them began to change. They were passing piles of skulls and bones, but neither of the aforementioned group noticed. The only ones were the Mane Six and Spike, looking horrified by the sight of the landscape.

“Girls, where did we just drive into?” Twilight asked, scared.

Fluttershy peeks her shaking head from behind her.

“I-I-I-I don’t know,” She shuddered. “But I-I-I r-r-really d-don’t like it h-here!”

“This place is spookier than the Badlands back home,” Spike added, fearfully.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob, Patrick, and the fillies kept laughing and had no idea what was going on around them. They kept laughing until the car shook violently. Naturally, the boys were completely oblivious of the fact they drove over a mountain of bones.

“Whoa! The road’s getting kinda bumpy here,” SpongeBob commented.

“No! You think?!” Rainbow asked, sarcastically.

It didn’t take long for the Patty Wagon to make it over the bumpy bones and back onto some smooth road. But it didn’t change the frightening sight they rest of the gang saw all around them.

“You know, SpongeBob,” Patrick said. “There’s a lesson to be learned from all this.”

“What’s that, Patrick?” SpongeBob asked.

“A bubble-blowing double baby doesn’t belong out here in man’s country.”

“Pardon me!” Rarity gasped. “I’ll have you know there are more women than men in this car!”

“Oops, sorry Rarity!” Patrick apologized.

“Yeah… Wait!” SpongeBob realized. “We blew that bubble.”

“Then don’t that make y’alll double bubble-blowing babies?” Applejack asked.

The boys stared off in the distance, as if contemplating the thought, when suddenly Patrick spots an ice-cream stand.

“Hey look!” Patrick pointed. Free ice cream!”

The entire group turns to the side; indeed, there was a tiny ice cream stand randomly sitting off the side of the road. Of course, the girls and Spike all looked at it suspiciously.

“This seems just way too convenient,” Twilight pointed out.

“No kidding,” Rainbow nodded. “I mean who the kay has an ice cream stand all the way out here?”

“Somethin’ ain’t right here,” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes. “I reckon it’s a trap!”

“Who cares?!” Pinkie screamed. “FREE ICE CREAM! Pull over, SpongeBob!”

“Oh, boy!” SpongeBob exclaimed.

SpongeBob turns off the main road, pulling up right next to the ice-cream stand. He jumps out of the car and into a pile off bones, oblivious to the skulls around him as he kept walking. At one moment Patrick and the girls look around at the pile of bones.

“How you doing?” Patrick asked a skull.

“Hey Patty, check this out,” Pinkie replies, picking up a skull. “Alas, poor Squidward! I knew him, Patrick.

Patrick giggled goofily and clapped his hands together. But the rest of the girls looked a bit uncomfortable.

“Um… Pinkie…” Fluttershy spoke up.

Suddenly, as Patrick took another look at his surroundings, it’s as if something dawned on him and the worry began to grow.

“Wait a minute… Wait a minute… SpongeBob!”

“Yeah?” SpongeBob called out.

“Make mine a chocolate!” Patrick shouted.

“Make that three please!” Pinkie shouted.

“Got you covered!” SpongeBob assured.

SpongeBob then approaches the ice-cream stand, run by a seemingly sweet old lady.

“Three, please.”

“Certainly,” She said.

A few minutes later, the old woman hands them three big sloppy sundaes.

“You kids enjoy.”

“Actually, we’re men, lady, but thanks,” SpongeBob said.

SpongeBob grabs the bowls and turns to Patrick.

“Okay, Patrick, let’s…”

SpongeBob tries to leave the ice-cream hut, but it seemed the old lady wouldn’t let go. SpongeBob begins to tug and pull, but it felt as if his hands were stuck on the bowl like glue.

“Uh, you can let go no. I said, let go, please.”

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble, as SpongeBob struggled to get away. The walls of the ice-cream stand fall one by one and the old lady herself looked less and less than what she seemed.

“Ugh! Ugh! What is this?” SpongeBob cried. “What kind of old lady are you!?”

Just then, her wig and glasses fell off.

“Eww!” SpongeBob squirmed.

Suddenly, SpongeBob felt himself lifted off the ground and he screams at the sight around him. Snapping fangs came out from the ground, two bulging eyes soon emerged staring toward SpongeBob.


A huge frogfish emerges from the ground, revealing that the old woman was just its tongue.


The ponies and Spike look out from the car and scream in unison, as Patrick spots the monster from the mirror. The frogfish was just about to eat SpongeBob when Twilight Sparkle uses her magic to grab onto SpongeBob and quickly pull him off as Patrick pulls the Patty Wagon in reverse.

“Did you get the ice cream?” Patrick asked, oblivious.

The frog fish roars, causing SpongeBob and Patrick to stare in fear.

“I WANNA GO HOME!!!” Fluttershy cried.

“Step on it, Patrick!” SpongeBob yelled.

Patrick steps on the gas, the steel-belted pickles spun in the dirt, and the Patty Wagon raced away at top speed from the pursuing frogfish. The wagon’s flag is lost in the process, all the passengers scream as SpongeBob clings to the dashboard as he looks over his shoulder.

The Wagon’s a convertible – no roof…

Yeah… Didn’t quite plan that well, didn’t they?


Meanwhile, back at the Thug Tug, a motorcycle pulls up with a roar and a cloud of sand. Sitting in the saddle was the really big scary dude, Dennis the Bounty Hunter. He scans the area, searching for clues, until he finds one: Remnants of popped bubbles lying on SpongeBob’s footprint in the parking lot.

“Hmmm…” He grunted.

He dips his hand into the bubble, unmasking the red scarf over his mouth. He blows into the liquid, forming a bubble. Images of SpongeBob and Patrick giggling appear in it. Suddenly, all of the thugs appear.


Dennis turns around as Victor the Bartender emerges from the Thug Tug’s doorway.

“You may not know it, cowboy, but we got a rule around here about blowing bubbles.”

Victor snaps his fingers, and more than a dozen thug fish appear. Every single one spoiling for a fight as they proceed to chant the rule. As they do so, the thugs surround Dennis as Victor walks right up to him.

All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every… able-bodied… patron…

The thugs trail off as Dennis punches Victor, who screams and flies all the way back to the Thug Tug. The tug tilts back and quickly sinks. Dennis tipped his cowboy hat and speeds away on his motorcycle, hot on our heroes’ trail, as the Thugs watch in fear.


Around that same time, SpongeBob, Patrick, and their friends were still fleeing from the frogfish, who was gaining on them. The hungry, fanged mouth was about to swallow the Patty Wagon as the old lady popped out of the monster’s mouth.

“Come on, kiddies, have some ice cream!” The Old Woman cackled.

The group screams once more, the CMC hug each other tightly while leaning back.

“I’ll let you pet Mr. Whiskers!”

A little phony cat on the tongue pokes out of the Frog Fish’s mouth, meowing like a cat. They all scream at it.

“That’s not a cat!” Rarity screamed. “That’s not a cat!”

“Jump for it, Patrick!” SpongeBob cried.

They all leap from the Patty Wagon just as it flew over the edge of a cliff. The jaws of the Frog Fish snap shut, swallowing the Patty Wagon. The monster smiles, making a yummy noise… Only to realize it leapt right over the deep trench with nothing holding it up. And things only got worse…

The group watched as a tongue wraps around the Frogfish and a gigantic eel eats the Frogfish whole, like a tiny goldfish, and slowly dives back into the deep. They all just stood there, staring with disbelief into the abyss.

“Well, we lost our car again,” SpongeBob sighed.

“Never mind the car, where’s the road?” Patrick asked.

Patrick’s voice echoes the word ‘Road’ across the trench. The echo turns out to be Patrick repeating as the group stares at him.

“Patrick…” Twilight spoke.

“R… Sorry,” Patrick said.

Using her wings, Rainbow swims her way up above her friends and looks out toward the horizon.

“Hey guys! I can see the road over there!” Rainbow shouted.

“Yeah, there’s the road,” SpongeBob watched.

Unfortunately for the group, while they could see the road just on the other side of the trench… There was a slight catch, as they all looked down.

“On the other side of this deep, dark… dangerous…”

“Hazardous…” Patrick said, seeing a fire.

“Hazardous…” Applejack repeated.

“Monster-infested…” Scootaloo adds, seeing a tentacle and hearing a roar.

“Y-Y-Yeah, monster-infested…” Apple Bloom gulped.

“… Trench…” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Hey, guys, look!” Patrick points. “Here’s the way down.”

Patrick points toward a flight of stairs leading down into the trench.

“But it’s dark…” Spike points out.

“And f-f-f-f-frightful!” Fluttershy whimpered.

They all just stand near the stairs, well more like float, as nasty growls and snarls rose from below the darkness.

“Well, we’re not gonna get the crown standing here,” Patrick said, cheerfully. “On to Shell City.”

Patrick began to step onto the stairs, leading right down into the trench. But a monster growls making him stop. He is shocked at first, but he proceeds to step on it over and over, making more growling sounds. Even Pinkie Pie is intrigued.

“Hey, girls, it’s making noises!” Pinkie said, cheerfully.

She proceeds to join Patrick and starts hopping up along the stair, almost making a melody with the growling noises.

“Hey SpongeBob, you gotta try this!” Pinkie said, turning. “SpongeBob?”

But by this point, SpongeBob had turned around. The whole group saw his shoulders slump, a frown formed on his face, and he walked away as if he were about to leave.

“Hey, where are you going?” Patrick cried.

“I’m going home, Patrick,” SpongeBob sighed.

“Ya mean yer quittin’?” Applejack asked, in shock.

“But ya just can’t!” Apple Bloom insisted

“What about Mr. Krabs?” Patrick asked.

“What about us?” SpongeBob shouted, turning to Patrick. “We’ll never survive in that trench. You said it yourself, this is man’s country. And let’s face it, Pat. We’re just… Kids.”

“But you’re not kids!” Scootaloo shouted. “You’re grown men!”

“Open your eyes, Scootaloo!” SpongeBob cried. “We blow bubbles, we eat ice cream. We worship a dancing peanut, for corn’s sake! We don’t belong out here!”

“We do not worship him,” Patrick said.

SpongeBob pulled down Patrick’s shorts, causing the ponies and Spike to reel back. Before their eyes, the starfish was wearing Goofy Goober underpants.

“SWEET CELESTIA!!!” Rarity gasped.

“MY EYES!!!” Rainbow shouted, folding her eyes.

“NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS!!!” Twilight begged, trying to cover the CMC's eyes.

“Take a good look, girls!” SpongeBob said sternly. “Patrick’s been wearing the same Goofy Goober Peanut Party underpants for three years straight!”

“Three… Years… Straight…” Spike spoke, puffing up.

“Yeah! What do you call that!?” SpongeBob asked.

“Worship?” Patrick sobbed. “You’re right, SpongeBob. We are kids!”

Patrick runs off while sobbing, but he falls down as his shorts were still down around his ankles.

“Please, pull your pants up, Patrick,” Fluttershy told him.

“Look girls, you wanna go off and put your lives at risk, go on ahead,” SpongeBob brushed off. “Patrick and I are going home.”

“But SpongeBob…” Sweetie Belle teared up.

“But you can’t go home!”

Suddenly, the whole group looks up as Mindy rode a coach driven by seahorses.

“Mindy!” SpongeBob and the girls cried.

“Mindy?!” Patrick and Spike asked.

Spike released the air from his pufferfish body while Patrick struggled to pull his pants up, only to fall down again.

“Uh… How much of that did you hear?” Spike asked.

“I heard enough, Spike,” Mindy replied.

“Did you see my underwear?” Patrick asked, pulling his pants up.

“No, Patrick.”

“Did you want to?”

Patrick was about to pull down his shorts when Rarity uses her aura to stop him.

“No, no, no-no-no-no!” Rarity shouts, eye twitching. “… No!”

“Look, guys, you may be kids, but you’re the only ones left who can get that crown.”

“Okay, first of all, we’re not kids,” Pinkie corrected, then thinks. “Although technically we might be considered teenagers in one realm even though we’re slightly older here. It’s never been fully explained~”

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” Twilight interrupts. “Mindy, what do you mean… The only ones left?”

“Things have gotten a lot worse since you left Bikini Bottom,” Mindy explained.

The mermaid princess opens a magical clam, which opens up revealing the state of Bikini Bottom.

“Or should I say, Planktopolis!”


Mindy showed them, through the mirror, of what become of Bikini Bottom. Plankton and Cozy Glow laugh diabolically as they forced a whole bucket-headed army of mind-numbed slaves to build a huge monument in Plankton’s honor… And a slightly smaller one for Cozy Glow.

“All hail Plankton!” The Slaves said.

“Work harder!” Cozy Glow cried, snapping a whip. “Work harder!”

“No resting!” Plankton shouted. “This monument celebrating my glory isn’t gonna build itself.”



“Oh, my gosh! Guys, look!” SpongeBob cried, horrified. “Plankton’s turned everyone we know into slaves.”

“Squidward…” Rarity gasped.

“Sandy…” Applejack and Apple Bloom said, in unison.

“Mrs. Puff…” Pinkie added.

“… Even Gary!” SpongeBob gasped.

“Meow Plankton,” Gary meowed.

“And he’s not alone!” Scootaloo pointed. “Look who’s beside him!”

“COZY GLOW!!!” The ponies and Spike gasped.

“Should’ve known that Plankton was up to something,” Sweetie Belle said. “Now Cozy Glow’s involved.”

“Can’t your father do something?” SpongeBob asked Mindy.

“My father’s too distracted by his bald spot to do anything,” Mindy shrugged.


Turns out Mindy wasn’t kidding, as the magical clam shows Neptune’s bald spot about to be sprayed by the Squire with hair growth spray.

“Squire, will you hurry?” Neptune demanded.

The Squire nervously closed his eyes and accidentally sprays Neptune’s eyes, which grows hair. Neptune screams in pain.


Mindy closed the clam while the ponies and Spike shake their heads.

“I’m not going to comment on this,” Spike sighed.

“So you see, you can’t quit,” Mindy insists. “The fate of Bikini Bottom rests in your hands.”

“Technically, most of us have hooves or fins…” Pinkie corrected. “Oh pickles! Now Mud Briar’s starting to rub off on me.”

“But… But we’re just…” SpongeBob pleaded.

“Hey. It doesn’t matter if you’re kids,” Mindy continued. “What’s so wrong with being a kid, anyway? Kids rule!”

“Exactly!” Apple Bloom agreed.

“We may be small, but we’re tough!” Scootaloo added. “We’re tenacious!”

“Just tell us what to do SpongeBob, we’ll do it!” Sweetie Belle urged.

“You don’t need to be a man to do this,” Mindy tells SpongeBob. “You just gotta believe!”

Mindy swims up into the sky, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, before coming down.

“Ya know… The squirts are right!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“We ain’t quittin, not now!” Applejack added.

“We’re going to Shell City because we believe we can make it!” Rarity declared.

“We are?” Fluttershy asked, then corrected herself. “Uh—I mean—Yes! Yes, we are… I guess…”

“We believe we can do this!” Twilight told the boys. “What do you say?”

“I believe,” SpongeBob said, throwing his fist in the air

“That’s the spirit!” Mindy approved.

“I believe that… Everybody I know is a goner!” He finished.

SpongeBob suddenly bursts into tears, as Patrick starts crying too.

“OUR HOME IS GONE!!!” Patrick cried, sniffling.

“Come on, guys,” Mindy said.

But SpongeBob and Patrick were inconsolable. All the Princess, the ponies, and Spike could do was watch as they collapsed to the ground, crying in hysterics.

“Um… Guys?” Fluttershy asked.

Their crying got so bad, they started spraying tears into each other’s mouths.

“Ew!” Rarity and Sweetie Belle shuddered.

“… This is going to be a long day,” Rainbow shook her head.

“Agreed!” Applejack nodded.


“Meanwhile…” The French Narrator spoke

Dennis crashes through a bunch of skulls, laughing maniacally as he looks forward to getting his hands on his targets. One of the skulls turns into a skull-and-crossbones symbol, his intent to kill greatly strong and he was getting closer and closer…


By this time, SpongeBob and Patrick were cradling each other – and still crying. Mindy, the ponies, and Spike had been watching them cry, unsure of what to do.

“How long have they been at crying?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“’Bout thirty minutes,” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Our heroes, girls,” Scootaloo sighed.

“I know,” Pinkie came in. “Even Shaggy and Scooby weren’t this terrified.”

“Oh boy,” Mindy mumbled to herself. “Hmm… Think, Mindy, think.”

“This is so stupid!” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Why don’t we just go on and get the crown while they go home? They could never survive out here.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack muttered. “Shame on you! Just because these guys are… Young at heart… It don’t mean we just abandon ‘em like that.”

“Even if we did go on ahead, there’s nowhere for them to go,” Twilight Sparkle pointed out. “They can’t go back to Bikini Bottom or they’ll be brainwashed. At the same time, they can’t stay here or who knows what other monsters will get them?”

It was then, while the ponies weighed their options, Mindy suddenly came up with an idea.

“Actually, Rainbow’s right,” Mindy shrugged.

“WHAT?!” The ponies and Spike say in unison.

Even SpongeBob and Patrick stopped crying long enough to turn to Mindy.

“A couple of kids could never survive this journey,” Mindy continued.

SpongeBob and Patrick turns toward each other, and they cry again.

“That’s why I guess I’ll just have to turn you into men!”

Suddenly, smiles spread across their faces, as the boys stopped crying and began jumping up-and-down.

“You can do that?” SpongeBob asked. “How?”

“Yeah… How?” Scootaloo asked, suspiciously.

“With my mermaid magic,” Mindy said, with dazzle.

Mermaid… Magic?” The Mane Six ask in unison.

“Shh!” Mindy shushed.

“Did you hear that, Patrick?” SpongeBob asked excitedly. “She’ll use her mermaid magic to turn us into men!”

“Hooray!” SpongeBob and Patrick cried, sing-song. “We’re gonna be men! We’re gonna be men! We’re gonna be men!

“Although… I might need a little help with this spell,” Mindy pondered, turning to the ponies. “Twilight… Rarity… Would you be willing to share your magic and help me out with this?”

“But Mindy, to perform an age spell is…” Twilight began, then realized. “Oooh! I get it!”

“Why yes!” Rarity replied, catching on. “We’d be delighted to help with the magic.”

“Ooh! Ooh!” Sweetie Belle jumped in. “Can I please help, Rarity? Can I? Can I? Please?!”

“Sweetie Belle, I’m flattered… But it’s a bit of complex spell and I don’t think…”

“Oh go on, Rarity,” Mindy insists. “The little lady has got to get some life experience if she wants to be as good as magic as you. What has she got to lose?”

Rarity turns toward her little sister, who gives her the biggest puppy dog eyes she can pull together. Then Rarity turns back toward Mindy and Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle nods approvingly, while Mindy winks her eye.

“Oh… Well, if you insist. All right, Sweetie Belle. We’d be delighted for you to help.”

Sweetie Belle squeals excitedly as she joins up with Twilight and Rarity, as they stand beside Princess Mindy.

“Good. Now, let’s get started,” Mindy said, turning to the duo. “Close your eyes.”

SpongeBob and Patrick Close their eyes.

“Are we men yet?” SpongeBob asked, impatiently.

“Not yet,” Mindy said.

Mindy points toward the ground leading the ponies to some seaweed strands. The group started getting the idea and picks up the two biggest ones they could find.

“Now, uh… Spin around three times,” Mindy instructed.

SpongeBob and Patrick spin around, as if they were performing ballet.

“I think it’s working,” SpongeBob said excitedly.

“Oh, something’s working all right,” Rainbow muttered.

“Good. Now, keep your eyes shut,” Mindy said.

Mindy motions for Twilight, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle to work their ‘magic’. The three merely close their eyes and glow their horns, merely having their auras light up. While they conjure the ‘illusion’, Mindy takes the two blades of seaweed from the others.

“With my mermaid magic and my one tailfin,” Mindy replied, as Patrick giggles. “We command the two of you to turn into men!”

The ponies then proceed to ignite smoke around SpongeBob and Patrick, as Mindy places the seaweed onto the two goofballs.

“Now… Open your eyes!” Mindy told them.

That’s just what SpongeBob and Patrick did, opening their eyes yet feeling slightly puzzled.

“I don’t feel any…” SpongeBob stopped, upon seeing Patrick’s ‘mustache’. “Oh, my gosh, Patrick, you have a mustache!”

“So do you!” Patrick gasped.


SpongeBob and Patrick play with each other’s “mustaches”. The other ponies did their best to keep a straight face, which was easier said than done for some.

“I really wanna say somethin’,” Applejack admitted.

“Aw, let ‘em go big sis,” Apple Bloom insists. “Think of it like a ‘Good Lie’.”

“… Apple Bloom, that’s an oxymoron.”

“So now that you’re men, can you make it to Shell City? Mindy asked.

But SpongeBob and Patrick were too busy adoring their ‘mustaches’.

“Guys!” Twilight called out.

“Yeah?” SpongeBob and Patrick said, in unison.

“Boys… Now that you’re men, can we make it to Shell City?” Twilight repeated Mindy’s question.

“Heck, yeah!” They both shouted.

“Are men afraid of anything?” Rarity asked.

“Heck, no!” They answered.

“And why?” Mindy asked.

“Because we’re invincible!”

“Yeah… Wait, what?” Rainbow spoke, wide-eyed.

Before they knew it, the two boys, while pumping their fists in the air, raced to the cliff’s edge… And jumped!

“I never said that!” Mindy cried.

But it was too late.


All the ponies and Spike, along with Mindy, swam to the trench and looked down. Already their goofy friends were swallowed by the darkness, but they could hear them cheering their way down.

“Come on, every pony!” Twilight shouted, flying down. “We must save them!”

“Move your tail, Fluttershy!” Rainbow called out, following Twilight.

“Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy whimpered, while flying.

The rest of the group, especially Scootaloo who couldn’t fly, made their way toward the stairs of the trench and swam down as fast as they could. Mindy looked on as everyone in the group disappeared into the depths of the trench… All except for Spike, who nudges on Mindy’s tail.

“Yes?” Mindy asked.

“Um… This might sound silly but…” Spike replied, twirling his fins. “But can I borrow one of those mustaches?”

Rolling her eyes, Mindy hands Spike one of the seaweed ‘mustaches’ and Spike sticks it firmly against his upper lip.

“Thanks!” Spike spoke, then raced off the trench. “COWABUNGA!!!”

Spike immediately plummeted from the edge, rather than taking the stairs. Mindy looks down as Spike’s cheers fade into the darkness. Then she turns toward the readers and raises her eyebrow.

The three narrators look toward each other and just shrug back to Mindy.